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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 19, 2024 4:25am-5:20am MSK

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it’s not strange, it’s as if she’s covering her tracks, but what if she’s along with them? with whom? with those who killed likhov. dubrovinsky, the one i told you about, is the head of a construction company. you’ve gone completely crazy, you yourself said that she’s eager to find out who killed likhov and wants to go to headquarters . i also want to remind you that you must sit and not glare. i agree, i won’t get involved in this, but i just have to make sure, make sure how things are going with her, sit and not shine a light on it. "well, you can find out without involving attention, in the end, if i’m right, she ’s just digging carefully, she ’ll get to the bottom of you, okay, i’ll find out and see if it’s worth telling you something, i agree, now let’s find me the addresses of all army conscripts and contract soldiers in the city for the last 3 years, and also find prokopenko , we have a spate of robberies."
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yes, lysak, what did you say, how was it closed? yes, i understand, yes, come on, lobankova closed the case, it was proven suicide, i told you , don't hit me with your hoof. calm down, i'll call you anyway, not now, there's someone there, ran to the back of the apartment, break the door, the roof, the top floor, maybe i’ll go upstairs, put it out, break it, don’t point it out
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to me, here. the kitchen is clean, it’s hard to respond, yes, i’m downstairs and you’re here, what is this, i’m here, wait, what’s the third floor, what did you say, are you? he said what
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he said, eh? and what about the girls ? gone!
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are you injured? no. and so as not to appear in front of me, by the way, lysak, today is thursday, where is your intermediary, he said that he will call in the evening, everything will be fine, because i’m not worried, we need
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to go to the urals, to the taiga, we’ll spend the winter, then we’ll understand what to do, what kind of taiga? i'm not i know how to live in the forest, i’m not you , listen, i came up with everything, i found a person who will help us leave, what, hello, who is marina, this is my friend, yeah, friend, in childhood she took him from if, she works in at the bank, wait a minute, well, i learned from her, when the atms have the most cereal, why did you bring her, is she blackmailing us, maybe you? you ask me, or you don’t negotiate with women, what, wait, she ’ll explain everything now, that you didn’t say that he ’s crazy, what are you, a fool, for a grand passport and two plane tickets, anywhere, in 2 days, bank closed and sealed, there is no live security there, we can go there without any problems, in one of the cells
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there is money from a transaction that is frozen due to the investigation, there are 10 million rubles. everything for you, other checks documents, i only need them, alarm system. works only to enter the bank , so i suggest you go in a different way, here you go, thank you, you know, i didn’t even know that you work here, i’ve only been here recently, not even a week has passed, so i’m trying to change everything here, you are doing very... well, it’s become completely different here, and so beautiful, and such an atmosphere, and in general , well, it’s just a french cafe, thank you very much, yes , it smells delicious, there’s ginger, no, cinnamon, in
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general, it’s very good that our bank was closed, otherwise i would have disappeared from you every day , and the bank was closed, yes, you didn’t notice, our boss was arrested. and the bank was printed, and we are all now, as they say, on indefinite leave, but why was the boss arrested? i do n’t know, they say it’s a scam, something like that, you ’re already closing, yes, yes, yes no, we’re already closed, i just stayed here for a while, and we ten, until ten, and now you’re all alone here, yes, but what - i don’t know, somehow it’s not scary, no, but it should be? i don’t know, okay , thank you, all the best, all the best , goodbye, and what, nothing, but they found his mother, okay, i got it, find the bald man, let him call
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me, no, i dismissed him in a prokopenko and semantic way, nothing, let him calls will travel. what do we need, they wrote a report against us, of course you would have written it, it’s my fault for the conflict with prokopenko, stop hanging noodles on my ears, i know that it was prokopenko who started the fight, himself in fact, i hit him first , you didn’t come to apologize, you know that kurbatov won’t give you a lieutenant colonel,
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don’t you dare call her, do you hear, we don’t know what ’s really on lobankova’s mind, don’t set yourself up, bass, you’ll take your mother away cafe? okay, no, i still need to work, take the car that’s in the yard, don’t be a fool in it, that’s it, thank you, bye, lyshak, where ’s my money, another week has passed, where have you gone, that means tomorrow you’ll have it you will find it.
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give cookies with you, yes. thank you, hello, gleb, vasya, give me the key, mom, well, i’ll go, oh, it’s late, now, thank you, please, thank you, why are you such a beech, ah, a real wok.
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deși fotul fost acuma. klepya, vasilisa, is everything okay?
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yes, everything is fine. gleb came to see me by chance, you know, by chance, in my opinion, he was very glad to see you, what are you justifying, you don’t care. without communicating with him, god, understand?
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thank you for the cookies, sukensya, hello comrade and legendary cinema. boss, if they admitted how afraid i am to disappoint, brutally killed, he is cold, who did this, secret lover, location of the address, appeal, and how to figure out a cunning killer, it turned out to be locked up, as the unsent letters told, why are you so gloomy, nothing, a small team, opens in a cafe, and
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i still need to cook, i left all the clean things on the bed in the bedroom , i ’ll pick you up today, do you hear the novel, a true story, a film from the series as a result of believe. the general director of oaoonto bank, who was previously detained on suspicion of money laundering , was released today. the investigative committee does not give it. comments and it is unknown how the case opened against konstantin telny last week will progress. yes, i'll be there now. i'm going. and they also said what it is? bank director telnov, leaving the courtroom, left in an unknown direction and disappeared, although he was under a written undertaking not to leave. what do you want from me? valetsky, i want to know why the apera gets information from the news. your task is simple, find this guy and the matter will be over. yes, but the explosion is an arrangement to launder money, that’s understandable. this means that the investigative committee is already aware, if it is necessary, they will say, and you
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look for the boy, have you found his mother? no, it’s time to retire yet, valetsky. i'm looking for you everywhere, where my money is high, here. he brought them back. and why? judging by the numbers, they should be in the bank, this is black cash, after all. i know that this is a damn thing,
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that’s why they turned to him. he said he didn't want to deal with it. and we need to get rid of them, i’m sleeping, but there must be some other way, vitya, this is barbarism, then this is a serious crime, the destruction of state signs, but don’t, let’s throw them, listen, let’s bury them for a long time, but for 10 years, yeah, let's put a skeleton, draw
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a map, or not, greedy with greed, but even for... lemons, i won't expose myself like that, throw it, sadist, you have everything, you have savvy, you have drive, that's it you have no respect for money, that’s why you won’t have it, no matter how hard you try, but sometimes you have it, so give me your car, why, i need the wheels for a while... give me the keys, and i’ll have you there’s a six, but you can’t drive a six, the keys, or do you want me to show some pressure? he can burn 5 million he can't eat with six.
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“excuse me, i’ll help you, gleb, gleb, gleb , hold me, yes, hold me, please, yes, me, me, hold, address, me, well, that’s it, that’s it, you have to leave, vaselissa, after that incident. it’s very difficult for her, i can’t betray her, but you understand me, yes, this is no longer possible, she can’t see us together, she’s in pain, and her husband, he’s lying, well, it will be better for everyone, because really, i’ll go ,
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gleb, yes, and i was somehow remembering how i got you involved in everything, because we... are real criminals, i can still introduce you to i can’t, it happened to me , but it was great, yes, we had a good time, maybe you should still get up, i’ll find it myself, what do you think, gleb, i’m afraid of basements, how big they are, i’m in the house i live, yes , i once got lost in the basement as a child, they looked for me later, they found me, they found me, i’m here, oh, yes, maybe inside, here are the shields, oh, gleb, wait, of course, this is it, whoa.
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you're shining in my eyes, forgive me, excuse me, i'm a spoon, no, everything's fine , here, yes, here you go, thank you, i have to go, yes, go, vera, gleb, don't touch her, so shut up, give her here , that i found seleznyov’s mother
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, she lives in fryazina, she got married, changed her last name, but i won’t go there now, they’re knocking me out, okay, i’ll go with the semantic one, where he has no idea, he. .. was supposed to do this with you, well, he was there, then he left , said to get food, it’s already 1:30, hello, vasya, it’s me, tell your mother, i’m staying late for now, and she’s not at home, why not, you should i was there to pick her up, i thought you were going to pick her up, but i sent you an sms this afternoon that i wouldn’t have time, she didn’t even... call, just like she didn’t call, so, maybe she doesn’t want to come home, vasya , what a stranger, she sits and waits for someone to arrive, it’s already 13, she’s there with
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the meaning that who, i saw them, come to her in the cafe every evening and today they hugged . the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, please call later. well, it's off again, right?
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i’ll kill both of them, put the gun down and raise your hands, you decide what to do first, the gun or your hands, drop the gun, but which one is strict? pick it up, just be careful with it, it’s heavy, close your mouth, shut up, why are you giving orders, but stop, stop, stop, we need to think about what we should do next, you 're disturbing me, maybe wait, wait, well, wait, he's from the police, that changes everything, right? she said that there wouldn’t be anyone, there was another cop there, another cop showed up, where he was passed out in the kitchen, i understood that that cop was messing with his wife, and this one came to figure out
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what kind of nonsense, he was going to kill them, you tied him up, yes, took his phones, yes, so while they won’t look for them, what will we do, if they do, amon will come and shoot everyone, and you ’re talking about it so calmly, what are you talking about? i thought, this is entertainment, what i thought , this is war, in war you have to be calm, what kind of war, who is calm, you are calm , you are sick, you are crazy, married to all, sick, he is sick, i'm leaving, it's your fault that i'm here, that’s why you won’t go anywhere, bring them here, they might start making noise, leave lyokha outside, if you go, i’ll find you and kill you, i understand, you ’ve been lying to me for a long time, you’ve always, never complained. that
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i’m at work all the time, all the wives were arguing, but not you, i thought it was just because it was you and you were a miracle, i never used your phone number i checked, only once yesterday, and i didn’t put the wiretap on, they all did, i couldn’t, because it was you! lord, you yourself understand that you have now crossed out our entire life, all of it, hey, be quiet here, are you crazy, what, are you
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shining your face? idiot, you shouldn’t have taken it off in front of them at all, yarik said , take them downstairs, and you go outside, why watch, if someone else comes along, you can’t just start the car, but you can turn on the radio, but what kind of person are you? , you're the first? you'll destroy the entire basement, you'll put too much in, what have you never done with a plate? worked, sapper pyrotechnician, shut his mouth, you are worthless, yaroslav igorevich seleznev.
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no, no, i should have shot you in the head, not now, later, hug my wife tighter, close her, you idiot, and my leg, come on, get up, i need you now, i can’t feel my legs at all, i need to go to the hospital, you moved the wood, shut up, everyone shut up, quiet, the alarm in the bank didn’t go off, you didn’t lie, you calmed down, someone moves, you’re shooting, i got it, number, tell me, number, this is
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the paper money where 105 is the key to the deposit box, come on come with me, stand up like this, go ahead, bag, bag , take your bag, go straight, what do we have to do with it? well, let them call the gas workers , i understand, that’s it, i understand, yes, on kalinin 12, it’s either noise or some kind of explosion, it’s unclear, but some old woman called, so what am i telling her, that we are not gas workers, let the gas workers call, well, what to do, the call has been accepted, we have to go, i understand everything.
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come on, come on, come in, come on! yes, here are 105 and 214, open the cell and shift everything. i ask you, i beg you, my husband, he feels very bad, you see, please, they both feel bad, we
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must take them to the hospital as soon as possible, as soon as possible, this is my husband, he is a police station nearby, it’s not too late to stop, if they arrive, it will be very, very bad, please , klachkov, your documents,
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we didn’t notice anything unusual here, maybe in the last hour, no, well, maybe there was some noise or an explosion, no, i understand, okay, that’s all. what are you doing, put this in your bag, you’re stupid, why do you need these, shut up, give them, work, you, who ordered them for you, listen, i don’t care. on these papers, you know what they are papers, this is ownership of all the land in the area, the whole area is here, you understand, you got it, seleznyov, you got it, don’t call me seleznyov, you’re an idiot , let her figure it out, i won’t be here soon, you don’t understand, their owner was killed, she, she,
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she, she told her, right? well, both of them are not answering, we are basically ready for an assault, not yet, we are waiting for the guys from alpha, there are three people there, all this, for the sake of kostya, kostya, yeah, we should have married her in the first place. everything was fine with us, i just had to get the papers, i didn’t get the papers, now
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they will kill him, and i thought that i would get these documents and we could blackmail them, everything would be fine. “i was mistaken, listen, my husband, a policeman, we can figure everything out to protect you, you and your kostya, the fool, or something, the police cannot protect from them, the police work for them, yes, who can protect you, this one crazy, unconscious, they can protect you, what are you saying, also no, what can i do , listen to me, my husband will help you, i
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promise you, can you hear me, like you know who is blackmailing you and kostya, yes, well that means we can cure them, don’t you understand, are you fooling? protect us, of course we will protect you, i promise you, what’s your name? marina, what about you? lera, very nice. we won't go out, give up so you don't get hurt. one more word, do you understand? what a great fellow you are, come on. stand there, everything outside is surrounded by cops, we are in ambush, and
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you want to let them go, listen, yaroslav, shut up, fasten her, no, this is the wife of this cop, and what are you going to do, what i already told you, this is war, war, it's ours hostages, our prisoners, and we will cut off their heads if they don’t let us out, understand? you're naked, you should have stuck your head in once, gleba, you, you're okay, i'm okay, it's a hand, i'm okay,
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don't shoot! this girl, he just fell, she loved kostya himself so much, i wanted everything to be fine, now she’s just gone, vizya, and gleb, he just saved me, my life, he, he sacrificed his life for me, yes , what?
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that because he simply betrayed, betrayed your dream, betrayed your desire, he became different like you, you, you didn’t believe , you didn’t believe that he could improve, and you forced me, not to believe, i didn’t believe, i was silent, i was on your side all my life, because i thought you had a hard job in aletsk. i now see that you, you have become completely different
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, you, i don’t recognize you, i can’t do this anymore, i’m a dad, i need, i need to go to moscow, i need to get ready for moscow from you, what are you talking about, greeks . 320 years ago, the most mysterious city in the country appeared, so tell me, where else will they install dozens of sundials, with that at best they turn out to be in good shape from... one day a week, our conversation about the happiness of living in the northern capital also took place during
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the uncomfortable off-season, as they would say low season, but we found a way to enjoy details that are not obvious to a tourist, we used all five sense organs: vision, touch, taste, hearing, smell, in order to experience the sixth sense, the feeling of love for st. petersburg, in a new way. on a fine afternoon , standing at the arch of the main headquarters, you can set your watch by your own shadow, if you believe the documentary evidence... xvi century, the former small million-dollar street is located exactly along the midday line, you yourself turn into a gnomon, casting a shadow on the city, a frame of a giant solar chronometer. yes, i am responsible first
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of all to, so strangely, i am with a name on nevsky prospekt, who was before you in your family, and of course to the city, because it... is very, very powerful in strength, and does not accept negligence at all false, everything must be perfect, beautiful, proportional, it’s difficult to love him, but he inspires me, and i i admire it. the windows of the first floor, where the moulin rush cinema was located before the revolution, resemble a screen with an endless film, straight as a line, the nevsky was traditionally ironed, strolled in order to show itself the brightest. st. petersburg fashionistas, but designer tatyana parfonova prefers to spy on st. petersburg itself, in many ways it determines the color, texture, geometry of the collection, the most favorite view of the city at night from above, when you return home and see from the porthole window a huge
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glowing giant web appears, all in lights getting closer and closer, incredibly beautiful, such a huge... diamond brooch. those for whom this perspective is about to become familiar, students of the university of civil aviation, are making a cultural flight through the halls of the russian museum. the st. petersburg sky looks down through the glass ceiling, peter ii is on the main staircase with interest. the blue and white museum celestials recognize tourists in uniforms the color of the night sky as their own. on one of the canvases there was even a duplicate of the emblem of the educational institution. when. artists always depict 2/3 of st. petersburg - this is the sky, and the sky, here it is alive, the houses are so motionless, there is real life in the sky. the picturesque shades of the st. petersburg sky refute the myth of
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the eternal gray northern capital. the vision of an artist and the vision of a pilot, st. petersburg feeds equally generously, it is always high here... as a souvenir, future pilots got a photo with a cloud in a gilded baguette and a rare opportunity to admire the spring sky from the largest windows of the mikhailovsky castle. the curtains in this room are never raised. this the window was cut long before we moved here, but i am very grateful that it is here, because we can see the petrogradka dwarfs and the various animals that live on it, there is a penguin, fish, and people walking around. unauthorizedly cut windows, some will call a personal
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view, others a natural atrocity, when the historical layout allows you to look only into a remote courtyard-well, obsessed with the thirst for light... the residents help the firewall to see the light, a wall with a lonely window, like the face of a one-eyed cyclops, an eternal character petersburg mythology, a person , of course, vision is a great reward, especially if he doesn’t just look, but sees what he looks at, i like binoculars, theater binoculars, and if a person has theater binoculars, and he sits in a box, then he takes them out binoculars carefully examine the ballerina. but i think it's very elegant. the right optics can easily turn a spire into the figure of a slender prima. magic glass monocle - the third eye of the st. petersburg dandy. a constant companion of aristocrats, artists, writers silver age. olga kharashilova has a variety of sbakilite-edged ones for reading, a jazz one made of colored plastic, and even
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one that is comfortable to wear today. sometimes they even said, a monocol in the valve in the eye. precisely because... originally there were such darlings, they still exist now, they are produced in my hands by such a modern monocole, there are lovers, among them i am. yuri anenkov adored liberated beauties in monocles; the famous artist himself did not remove the glass from his eye until his death, it is on the canvases in the photo friends. the fashion historian shows a pre-revolutionary portrait of his great- uncle nikolai punin, the future red commissar , anna akhmatova's companion, poses. he has a monocole inserted into his eye, the monocole glares in a fashionable way, and we see almost the same effect in a painting from almost the same time, this is the eighteenth year in the portrait of sherk.
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but st. petersburg is a special city where, having turned into monuments, writers do not stop watching their readers. gogol never painted portraits, he used mirrors, talked about his colleagues, famous petersburger vladimir nabokov. the inhabitants of this city are reflected. go everywhere, unsteady on the surface of river canals, clear in the huge windows of modern buildings, and the most mysterious in the depths of ancient mirrors; in
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northern venice there are enough venetian mirrors, and not only. it is customary to determine the quality of a mirror by the number of flames that are reflected in it. let's see how many of these languages ​​there are; there should be six of them. and here is the flame, the first, second, third appears, i already count five, here. is the sixth. edward's passion borisenko also has a sixth sense for reflections with history. the antique dealer keeps mirrors from different eras and styles, and master georgy kiselev knows the secrets of the modern private life of interior relics. a crack is visible in this corner, that is , it needs to be glued with wood , the pattern should be finished along it, the old paint should be washed off, and after layering , leave as much as possible the same color as it was. having left the protective hands of a restorer for a century and a half, it will still live no less. in st. petersburg, which itself is like a giant mirror surface, with its strict
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geometry, reflections on the water and the gilded frame of luxurious suburban palaces. but officially the largest, with an area of ​​18 m2, is an antique mirror kept in a mansion on the promenade des anglais. the owners of the house ordered it in 1910 at the imperial factory and floated it along the neva, this is a mirror. it came here in a completely unique way, they lifted it to the second floor from the neva side and dismantled part of the facade wall under the window, imagine, because not a single doorway could accommodate such a scale. the mirror miraculously survived the blockade when it was they freed the sandbags, only a corner was damaged. this city requires such sensitivity and such great respect, the city is deadly and beautiful. everything that happened in it, but overall it seems to be a happy city.
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tatyana parfyonova has no doubt that st. petersburg is being watched over from above; she is always surrounded by wings, pigeons outside the window, and a flock of domestic birds in the living room. during the fitting, the fashion designer stops against the background of a wooden plumage decorated with poetry, and for a moment she herself becomes a st. petersburg angel. winged keepers in the city of st. peter live not only in museums and... for the famous st. petersburg photographer alexander petrosyan, any roof is like a runway; being higher is so important for a hunter
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of light, light in every sense of the word. well, well, something like this, angel from the tower, a trophy won from the capricious sky, definitely not without the participation of the sixth sense, pressing the button in time is not everything in this pursuit of beauty. st. petersburg roofs have long been a worse brand than parisian roofs, a hole. for me this is a bit of a discovery less than if i went to some south america, where i have never been there either. this is how we see the yard, this is how alexander
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petrosyan, a few years ago, the photographer became an aspirant. to lose sight, ophthalmologists are not sure of the outcome of the operation, so it’s more difficult to talk about the last shot with this master, but it will definitely include your beloved st. petersburg. limited vision is a hindrance, but it gives greater scope for the imagination, you see a complete reality, which consists of some images that, uh you have experienced throughout the entire experience of many years of communication with this city, i , for example, right now with... i am standing here with you, and it doesn’t cost me anything to imagine, as if the place where we are standing suddenly rose in the air, like balloon basket , we floated over the city, for an industrial climber, the assault on urban everest, the lahtocenter tower is a common thing,
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the carbine and other vital fasteners weigh 15 kg. controlled flight is not an obstacle, it’s a paradox, but the city from a height of 370 m looks closer and more familiar, you can sit down like this, you can take lunch there with you, sit like that, think about lofty things, i had such a turning point in the sense that when i saw the city, i was amazed that i could see it completely from edge to edge, and at the same time i started flipping through map, well, on the phone and... and i see that i just see the whole city to the brim, my consciousness just expanded, and i realized that, well, it seems like our country russia is such a huge one and the city is big st. petersburg, and here i am with from this point i see it completely in general, this city knows how to make dreams come true, 20 years ago oleg gabyshev, future soloist of the theater ballet by boris eifman, for the first time i saw cathedrals, bridges, avenues from an airplane flying from
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novosibirs to st. petersburg, you really really feel that the city is alive. somehow overgrown, it is breathing, small movement everywhere , just some kind of pulsation, to be even here, i say, for me it was such a kind of dream, i am ready to admire it here, meditate, contemplate it, and i feel that you know , some kind of feeling when the city shares this beauty, you also want to share this beauty. vivid fantasies come true on nevsky
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avenue, but are born far from the noisy. st. petersburg once began for her with new buildings, now it happens that a fashion designer comes here in the evenings to admire such a landscape, to look into the future. we have ahead of us the closest possible contact with our beloved city; we will also start with st. petersburg in new areas.


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