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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 19, 2024 7:00am-8:01am MSK

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do you know who i am? we know you are garin. shall we talk? we didn't know that the car was yours, if we had known, we wouldn't have taken it. ok-ok. guys, listen, let’s let these scared ones go, because our conversation is so personal, in front of them somehow. i don’t mind, i don’t mind , let them go, let’s go, let’s go quickly, to the exit, to freedom with a clear conscience, oh, what can i say?
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that's it, they gave me a deadline. the volga is new, the fly didn’t sit, i just drove off and half an hour later the cops accepted me, well, it ’s small, we didn’t have enough, there’s no one in prison yet i didn’t do it better, and then i went out, everything became different, and off we go, if i rewind everything back, this volga gave up on me, but the movie doesn’t rewind, but what should we do, that’s up to you to decide, here’s the time to think again i mean... they’ll put us
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in prison, we shot down a man to death, well , they’ll put him in prison, but they’ll come in and kill him, it’s better than going to prison , maybe you’ll shoot yourself, i’ll give you the deal, they’ll give you, well, seven years, with a good lawyer five, 5 years. compared to the rest of your life, this is nothing at all. title, i will support you, sit back, i will help with work, so let's decide, your last chance, last chance, yes, well, okay.
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good afternoon, boris arkadyevich, my name is konstantin, i am the owner of a law office, kondrakhin’s partners, we are dealing with the issue of your rehabilitation, i ask for a car, wait, let me breathe freedom, i miss the fresh air, of course. by the way, boris arkadyevich, i
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would recommend that you leave the city for a while, breathe some air in nature, some kind of sanatorium, it won’t work, i have a lot of unfinished business in the city, so i’ll distribute dolgiri i treat everyone properly, then i can go to the sanatorium.
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i am glad that justice has triumphed and i, like any other law-abiding citizen of this great country, can live calmly and freely, benefit not
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only people, but also my beloved city. are you planning to return service? i haven’t thought about it yet, but you must agree, sincerely and selflessly. the fatherland and its people can do without shoulder straps, of course, but in any case i will seek justice, so that the people who slandered me, thanks whom i ended up in a pre-trial detention center, suffered a severe punishment and responded for my actions with actions that sound like a threat to take revenge, or at least on occasion, remember, well, what are you, i’m not going to remind anyone of anything, i’m a peaceful person, as they say, i’ll take revenge .
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he doesn’t hint, he speaks directly, so we put aside all our affairs and will devote all our strength and resources to the discovery, i don’t care, you don’t even have to go home, well , within 24 hours i could report to the general that we were on their trail, free.
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"hello, oh good afternoon, may this help, yes, if possible, hold the door, otherwise one will be taken away, yeah, yeah, like that, especially since i didn’t thank you for your help, thank you, yes, what should you do in everyday life, especially in a neighborly way, that is, one alone , it turns out like this." hold on, yeah, i can go, yes, thank you very much, are you on a business trip again? no, i’m off to work, excuse the indiscreet questions, but where do you work? at a sports school with children, children,
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this is sacred , happily, all the best. there is a pattern in their actions, but i am sure that the criminals act spontaneously. yeah, and even if they have spotters, they can easily get rid of them, just like the rest of the witnesses, i don’t understand, but where does such inexplicable cruelty come from? okay, let's talk about it later, how about going to some nice place, i'm afraid to imagine that in your opinion it's a nice place, so try it.
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contract price. valerie, what is this? what don't you like? numbers? in fact, for writers of my level, such an offer is simply humiliating. well, you know, your novel was poorly received by critics. who are the judges? valera your critics are losers and envious people. well, readers aren't happy either. so read the reviews. and i read, very good. yes, are you sure? yes. let's watch.
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so documentary prose, what, what , well, this is when the story is based on a real historical character, well, in the states, one american writer received an award for a novel about the assassination of president kennedy, good idea, a documentary character, so who should i write about, about steel , not about lena, not about khrushchev, or about you, how did you get your publishing house? styuba, i'm just gave an example, but you actually think that
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you’re writing, what you’re talking about, what doesn’t suit you, let’s fix it, a miracle drug, anointed it now, healthy in an hour, take it, take it, you’ll be back, last sale, nikita egorovich, my dear man, great, petrovich, great, great, i need to buy something for secrecy.
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there’s no news here yet, they ’re kind of elusive, but i’m working, working tirelessly, as soon as you call right away, yeah, let ’s approach, don’t be shy, the last one, after all, we decided to buy a miraculous balm, only a thousand rubles, but how much health will you add? keep it, so you rub it in the morning and evening for half an hour, stop rubbing it, petrovich, you, you know about painting, but how come, i lived all my childhood right opposite the academy of arts, i visited the studio, showed great hopes, and even me this professor himself, the most important one in the academy of khudorov, simply persuaded, said, come to us, come on , what about you, what about me, i don’t belong to myself , shame has been assigned to us from above, in short, rurikovich, find out
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where in the city the most fashionable artists, i understand why you need it, we’ll take the gang, i understand, oh, hello, bore, hi munro, i’m glad to see you, i’m so glad to see you, you have no idea, well, you see, as they say, i’m unlocking it, maybe that’s enough, maybe you’ll work, it’s not for nothing that i invested so much money in myself, but you yourself know where i was, the opportunities were limited. “the lyrics don’t interest me, shulov, we’ll fix everything,
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i’ll fix everything, i’ll fix everything, and you’ll give me back the money, i’ll need time, i ’ll give everything, you know me, you know me, i’ll give you a week, a week, what are you doing, otherwise, well, then you know? oh, join us, on the right who was imprisoned for murder, on the left who was imprisoned for robbery, who are we looking for, someone who may be a member of a gang of lawless people , or knows something about her,
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but we’ll just waste our time, but i myself understand that in this way we have one chance to get out of the gang’s camp, but from tominsk. nagatish? no, you’re afraid that you’ll get wound up? i just don’t want to.
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who, i don’t know, but are you waiting for someone, no, what do you need, to meet you. i don’t drink, with the cops, why are you so impudent, learned, lomov, you still learning to study, be a passenger, okay.
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alive, come on, come on, come on, hey, hey, how are you, hey, soon, call. gone
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, what are you standing for, i’m telling you, call an ambulance, niki , there’s no option, but what did you want, either you him, or he you, well, or me, i didn’t want it at all, he was without a weapon, and i’m generally in he was aiming for his leg, a big premiere at kinopoisk , others, this is something inexplicable, this is a new society, this is a new world, when we are together, they cannot win, how many of these you have, a lot, and soon they will all be here, others, look with january 25, kinopoisk, premiere today, tomorrow, always, the future, we need to create it ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world
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a hermes bracelet as a gift. liamax purchases with a plus. mask new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. a unique country. on the unknown russia tv channel, pour it,
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maybe it’s enough, maybe it’s not enough, pour it, as you say? here you are, nastya, it doesn’t look like a museum, what kind of museum, they will grind down the oil painting, nikit, you can’t become limp, you don’t understand, i understand very well, well, not here. that's it, stop drinking, let's go home, i'll take you, come on, come on, let's go, i won't go, let's go, i should call uncle yegor, let's call.
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come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, forward , i’m going, damn it, i really can’t, no one doubts, nast, and who are you, or something, with me, you’re sorry, don’t dream, come on, come in , quietly, quietly, quietly, wow, uncle yegor, he pulled his back, his back. and petrovich for
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a thousand, but your chatterbox petrovich, he got it from you, rub it in, dad, rub it in, uncle yegor, he should take a shower, karin, here. we are here , give me this dark and long one, yes, yes, okay, now, oh, excuse me, it’s really you, no, it’s not me, can i have an autograph, plus a kiss, okay, you’re the famous one the writer is suvorov, and kutuzov, and it doesn’t matter, i just need to take a selfie, but there is a big difference between them, and i know that kutuzov had
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an eye patch, and suvorov was small. lyugavenky, now it’s clear why i got confused, why? you don’t have a bandage , but exactly, yes, come on, come on, oh, lesha, he’s healthy, so, the birds flew away from here, what i wanted, styopa, i have a brilliant idea, so, you should introduce me to munro, what you?
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i know how your ideas end, forget them like a bad dream. lyosha, people should know their heroes. girls, no need, console this one sufferer. lyosha, this will be a large circulation, very large. nastya, dad, what are you doing here, good morning, snok, let's have breakfast.
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yes, nikita, you lost your temper, dad, you know, i know, this is your job, but i understand mentally, here, yes, he was a bandit, he was the driver, others were shooting, he drove members of the gang of killers, he drove them to work , so let’s not relax, come to your senses and continue to work, still free and yet, they decided to be vadils, which means they will look for a new person, and you’re right, don’t worry,
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what are we going to do when we’re angry? what they did before the car is illuminated, no problem , we’ll take it, we need to look for a reliable person instead of a scrap , yes, there was a scrap racer, he’s the only one... in the city, i called one of the guys, you need a verified one, so you’ll check, relax, your friends, let’s go get acquainted, great! evil, zhiga, zhiga, evil, here i am, here it is my car, i know you have problems, the driver moved the horse, the roar said, you can do something, yes i can do anything, you name my share, it’s too early for a share bazaars, you’re generally
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a transit passenger in this matter, do you hear that you’re angry, that you’re so angry, or maybe you don’t like something, i’m from anyone goytsov i’ll leave in 10 seconds, check the case , i don’t like you, but in reality it will be too late , i’ll give you seconds, time has passed, i mean time has passed, 10, what are you guys, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 , 4, 3, 2, 1, garin, did he refuse? refused, listen, well, if i knew where munroe was, i would definitely agree with her, well, find her, where is styopa, which of us writes detective stories, just don’t start, she’s staying in the coolest
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hotel in the city center, near isaki, how do you know, well, the lux has the most luxurious views from the window, what are you talking about, but who will tell me there, what room was she staying in, go tomorrow, sure, interesting, cheese? come up with an idea, the criminals will 100% need a new driver, so, you can try to introduce your little man into the gang through agents, but where will we get such a person, dad, who, who, who, no, no, no,
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only through my corpse, why, taras, do you need adrenaline, go to the first aid station, give yourself an injection, what are you doing, vasya? i still sat, sat, i know everything about this riffraff, i know how to drive, why isn’t that an option for you, but they need a driver, a professional, and not a pensioner with rudiculitis, you looked at yourself in the mirror, come on, pleasant, unexpectedly. “just hurry up, i have a meeting, i won’t stay long, munroe has returned to the city, i heard, let’s say she flew in, is putting her own order here, she doesn’t see the edges, she’s getting in the way of life, she’s completely
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gone crazy, she’s erased a rare thing, but listen to whatever you want from me , let’s seat her, and well, you know, there’s a lot behind her , there won’t be any problems with the lineup, but what do you think, and i apologize for being late, oh, shils, it’s so good that you’re here, hello, yeah, andryusha , chair, you can personally thank lenechka. well, for helping to get you out, lenechka, thank you, lenechka, everything so that you give me back my, well, or rather our
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money, you will give half to me, half to lenechka, lenechka, that means. did you come in? and tara drove, serious people recommended. hello, meet me, angry
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, tara, where i was hanging out, at the berenburgs, let's get down to business, vaha is offering me a car for business, like you, 3.5 liter, naturally aspirated, no problem , i answer, i like it, no, no, no, no so? i prefer a manual one and also, if we agree, then i choose the car for the job, just don’t offer yours, at least mine isn’t that noticeable, listen, don’t be ridiculous, yes, let’s go for a ride.
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you have to actually take the gang, then they won’t have the opportunity to get away, but of course. there are already 22 of them for illegal acquisition and possession of weapons, you can safely take it, for them it will be like a gift, i don’t know, part three, from 5 to normal, in total, they have blood on their hands, no, we need ironclad evidence, it’s easy for you talk, and if it’s not mine, your father risked his life, he can refuse, well, you know, he doesn’t he will refuse, i know, but i’m sure uncle yegor will cope. moreover, there are beacons, and we will be nearby, i hope, well, it works, well
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, it seems like, oh, come on, drift, in front of the cops, weak, or something, not weak. and now i'm ready, let's go, gas, gas, gas, come on, off the container, well done! the train has arrived at the final station, please
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vacate the carriages, how much time do you need to find a car for your business, a day, a long time, well, if you hurry, at least two hours, okay, we’ll meet at the motorcycle track, wait, there’s a valyn for me, why, all sorts of things it might happen, we'll see. why do you need to sit in a desk with everyone, here is a normal box, okay, take a box, good afternoon, hello, what is your name? magnano
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, i knew it, yeah, maybe you can treat me to something, sir, champagne, yes, and i’ll have some coffee to start with, okay, you’ve been working for a long time, for a long time, yeah, you want big and pure love, whoever doesn’t want it, listen, eh here... munro must be somewhere, but i understand, thank you, i’ll quickly come back, don’t go. good afternoon, hello, did you want something, but i would like to talk with munro, marina nikolaevna is not assigned to you, but i
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writer kutuzov, look on the internet, kutozov. very famous popular , what do you need, let me, i would like to write about you, a crime novel about the nineties, not interesting, well listen, the focus is on you and the engineer, yeah, this is your big drama, and you are faced with a choice, women's happiness or business, such a big tragedy of big... money, i don’t advise you to give up like that right away, and i don’t advise you to advise, andryusha, see me off, i myself, listen, well, with or without you, you understand that the book will come out, so make the right choice.
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i don’t like him, i like him, i checked , it’s hot, you know, i have a sense of what’s wrong, i have valyn in my hands, like my own, that it’s okay, i... i didn’t trust him, we won’t cancel it, i'll take a closer look.
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kih, i don’t understand something, what’s incomprehensible here , here’s a car, we’ll go in it, i don’t know it, but i know, you talk a lot, you drove, your job is to keep quiet, it’s clear that you’re silent, you he said it himself, keep quiet, well done, it’s a setup. comrade colonel, i lost them, they are a car changed, old japanese silver, konstantin 537, roman mikhail 174, great,
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that's it, let's go guys. what's the matter? something’s hurting my back, oh-oh-oh, listen, there’s mas in my car, maybe we’ll come back , be patient, we won’t come back, if my son turns me off, then i’ll shoot you , so, so, so, that’s it, be quiet , quietly, calm down , we’re not changing the car, it’s clear, it doesn’t matter, i need my mother and the train to explain, yeah, and a masseuse with a size four, i told you, quietly, do you know where to buy? i know, here stay when your legs are tired, swollen and sore, we take a proven remedy, escuzan drops, escuzan fights the five symptoms of varicose veins, has high bioavailability, and its effectiveness is comparable to compression hosiery,
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why is it all a train of 1.00, and there are two puzzles, what so expensive, after all, all ailments are cured, even wounds on the conscience are healed, you can try it on, but then, dear, you are welcome, we ask, we will do everything in the best possible way, so... you need to take off your jacket, great, the bank is on the coastal 15 , yeah, it even makes you look a little slimmer, and by the way, you don’t want to buy socks, no, well, i’ll take the belt, here’s masya, the right decision, another jar, and my son, oh, great, and what about my son, too, with a sciatica i'm worried, don't you understand? i’m pleased,
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nikita egorovich, here’s the thing, egor came to see me, i mean egor fedorovich, he was with him a man, well, let's just say, a bad, bad person, so, so he asked to hand over the bank to the shore, either 15, or at 15, yeah , i got it, in short, we drive up to the entrance, we enter with a roar, you wait in car, don’t turn off the engine and the trunk will open, i think we can handle it in 2-3 minutes, that’s it, let’s not get into the car here, they have lunch until 30, as soon as it opens, we’ll start right away. this door, if
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necessary, is blocked to prevent access to the internal premises of the bank. yep, just what you need. and this door can be somehow from the hall open? is it a bomb? well then, i ’ll ask you to move all employees to the office premises and lock the door. colleagues, don’t worry, please, comrades from the police ask everyone to go to the internal service area. and also, friends, i will ask everyone to turn off their mobile phones for a while.
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they open it, let's go, onto the floor, everyone lie down, burgundy floor, this is a robbery. lie down, training, don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot,
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stand down. zamboy, don't shoot, cease fire, dad, dad, dad, dad. well, what are you talking about, the car is right-handed,
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it's me! recognized me, recognized me, quietly, quietly , quietly, head where, don’t lower your head, and you didn’t accidentally forget that you had to do something for me, but i remember everything, i’m giving you one more chance, otherwise i have this one , what’s his name, the general staff doesn’t close, in the sense of gestalt, that’s it, legs, legs are working, i remember my debts, you don’t have to worry, you won’t believe it, lately i’ve... become twice as worried , okay, you’ll take another photo, well, depending on who’s in the photo, quiet, quiet, the grips, the grips have been removed, distance, distance, singer american, mr. president, do you remember this one, merlinro, wow, she’s the one
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, i heard you , that we have a step
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dance. well, why is a ballerina, just a dancer, yeah, but a terrible dream, glashkin, an amazing artist, interferes with the dancer, i told you , forget how fantastic, cosmic talent, you think so, of course, pay attention to how he desperately shouts to the viewer in the expressive language of abstraction, how he manages to breathe into the picture, the unbridled element, the dynamics of the crushing, nikita. "i'm sorry, but you just saw it all here, of course, but don’t you see, no, why, close your eyes, listen to yourself, and you
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will feel how your soul breaks out beyond the boundaries of the universe, you feel, yes, with your eyes closed it is much better, nastya, i understand, you are simply overwhelmed by its energy, especially. in this place, yes, yes, even too much, uh-huh, who are you talking about, recommended this exhibition to you, one very authoritative art critic, a subtle connoisseur of painting, well, you tell him my words of deep gratitude, of course i will, uh-huh, well , let's go, in a king-size, like will you say?
8:00 am
orthodox believers celebrate one of the main holidays of baptism with the feast of all souls! how traditional bathing services took place throughout the country, an exemplary font in the field, a prayer to the kazan icon of the mother of god - a traditional immersion in the jordan. and epiphany night on the front line. report by pavel rybalchenko. france became an accomplice to the conflict in ukraine. at the end of last year , lemont published an article reporting that 800 francs expressed a desire to fight.


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