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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 19, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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well, you, lyosha, will cover us, orthodox believers celebrate one of the main holidays of baptism with a holiday. all souls! how were traditional bathing services across the country? over the past two days, the tula paratroopers moved forward 3 km. alexey ivliev observed the work of the bmd-2 at the forefront. france became an accomplice to the conflict in ukraine. at the end of last year, lemont published an article reporting that the desire to fight.
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new english seasickness, deficiency not of vitamin c, but of sailors and its consequences are not scurvy, decommissioned ships.
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tourists from china took the plunge. our correspondents will tell you how epiphany bathing went in krasnoyarsk, crimea and voronezh. in krasnoyarsk it is now an invigorating -24° and in the morning it will freeze even more, although hardly any of the parishioners gathered here are afraid of the frost at all; a font is equipped even in the north of the region in the arctic, where the temperature is approaching -40. in the capital of the region there are two permitted places for epiphany bathing, on the right and left banks.
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policeman, quickly plunged into the heating point. from the bank of the yenisei i offer move to the black sea coast, where my crimean colleague now works. rastislav, how is your epiphany night going, is the atmosphere warm? yes, vlada, in crimea, they only know from such frosts from the news. in sevastopol, light summer rain is +10°, and the anti-record temperature is -22, which has been held since 1929. festive swimming takes place in the black sea; today the water has warmed up to plus. 8°, but even siberians
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who moved to sevastopol, by the way, from krasnoyarsk, note that it’s still cool when you swim, the water is +5 outside -45, that’s one thing, when you’re outside it’s +10, the water is literally +9 there, well, it’s a slightly different feeling. night swimming under the supervision of doctors from rescue services is taking place today only in one sevastopol cossack bay; most of the believers will celebrate epiphany during the day; the largest number of bathing events are expected. to the cradle of russian orthodoxy on cape hersenez, but only if the weather permits, because the wind and rain in crimea and sevastopol are only getting stronger, everyone is celebrating from the heart, a blizzard has covered central russia, will it interfere with the residents of voronezh my colleague olga chernova will tell you how to join the folk tradition. despite the unfavorable weather conditions, preparations were made for epiphany baths in the capitals of the black earth region; according to the ministry of emergency situations, more than 120 specially equipped places were prepared in the voronezh region.
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after midnight, hundreds of believers gather at the mitrofan church at the springs to not only draw holy baptismal water, but also , as they say, to organize a feast of soul and body, to wash, douse themselves or plunge into the font. open water from a spring that is revered more than 300 years. according to legend, the spring was sanctified by the prayers of st. mitrofan, the first voronezh bishop and wonderworker; he often prayed at this spring. our church even keeps such a record, a special notebook, where people write down the miracles of healing that they receive from this source. parishioners of the mitrofan church believe that new cases of healing will be recorded, and after this epiphany night, fervent prayer, freezing holy water and a good deed can work miracles. happy holiday russians! olga chernova, rastislav skidan and vlada kopylovskaya, ntv television company. the solemn service took place that night in the main temple of the armed forces. military personnel and their families gathered there for holiday swimming. after the service, everyone
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plunged into the illuminated font. the participants of an important holiday are soldiers in the zone of a special military operation. this night , fonts in the shape of an orthodox cross appeared in the donetsk people's republic. tens of kilometers from the front line, the events took place in compliance with all security measures, the military was able to time to remove the armor, perform the ritual of ablution and read a prayer at the icon of the kazan mother of god. the importance of this event is enormous, because every soldier, every officer, in general, all the armed forces of the russian federation are marching in victory with god in their soul and heart. the southern fighters did not break traditions either. military district. in the rear in the zaporozhye direction, they were also able to take part in the festive service. for the safety of the military , heating tents were set up near the font and thermoses with warm tea were brought. in addition, doctors and combat soldiers were on duty calculations of fvo systems. and now about the combat
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missions that our military successfully completed in the northern military district zone. in the donetsk direction , su-25 attack aircraft eliminated new ukrainian targets. intelligence found it in the forest belt. the su-25 pilots fired unguided missiles at them, after which they performed evasive maneuvers as usual and returned to the airfield. meanwhile, kostroma paratroopers cleared the ukrainian stronghold, which was found by reconnaissance drones in the vicinity of artyomovsk, and knocked out enemy personnel from the trenches using a hail installation. on in the artyomov direction, our attack aircraft are supported by the armor of a group of tula paratroopers during the battle. blue berets work day and night with sniper precision. from the front line, alexey ivliev. look at how luxurious
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the carriage is, securely protected by a special visor and decorated with a white mask net. we are now going to the bmd-2 to... a new position, they are taking us for armor only because the tula paratroopers have installed a turnip complex here, which should reliably protect us from the fpv drones of ukrainian nationalists. without when the crews of the armored airborne groups reach the firing position, now practically no assault on the enemy’s crepurains is possible, while older volunteers, one of whom comes from the lpr, the second from the neighboring kursk region, have to work with sniper precision. when... the assault groups are advancing, we receive an order, we go to the point, we decide which point we will work from, we check the distance accordingly, all this so as not to catch our own, not to get hit , not to get hit, and we work. in a few in the last few days, the tula paratroopers
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have advanced as much as 3 km inland ; they don’t intend to stop there, from the firing position of the tula paratroopers to the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian nationalists, somewhere... we go there with the wind, but the most important thing is to return to the base even faster, we have to work constantly, more often at night, there are several such trips per day for each armored group, everyone in the armor is asked to carefully monitor the sky, look for fpv drones, the commander with the call sign murik is constantly in contact. bmd-2 entered service back in the ussr in the late sixties, now
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the donetsk people's republic. the state duma intends to address the parliament of the fifth republic on the issue of the presence of french mercenaries in ukraine. this was announced by the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. our foreign ministry is also waiting for clarification on this topic. the department has already summoned the french ambassador to russia. on wednesday, our ministry of defense announced that the russian military destroyed a housing site for foreign mercenaries with a high-precision strike. about 60 militants were killed and more than twenty were injured. on the spot the strike even found the chevron of the french foreign legion. this suggests that there may be military personnel on ukrainian territory.
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strange mercenaries, compiled together with russian groups, now we are trying to supplement the lists of such people, at the moment there are 145 of them, there are also so-called french invisible soldiers, from two french sources in military circles, i have information that in 2022 france tried to convince french military personnel with certain military specialties to leave the service for a year and go to ukraine, receiving a large salary.
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hospitalization of the pentagon chief reached the legislative level. lloyd austin is summoned for questioning by congress. the legislator is interested in many things. for example, did he order his subordinates to hide his whereabouts? what operations did he command from the hospital ward and how could this affect the national security of the country? cnn previously reported that osten, while in the hospital, controlled strikes on targets in yemen. the scandal erupted at the beginning of the year, for several days in the white house. didn't know where is the head of the ministry of defense. it later became known that austin underwent surgery due to
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a cancerous tumor, and then was readmitted to the hospital with complications. while he was under anesthesia, his duties were performed by a deputy. but then there was a problem. the second person from the ministry of defense was on vacation in puerto rico at that moment. that is, as american journalists are assured, the pentagon actually did not have a leader. lloyd ostian has already admitted what he did. mistake, not warning the administration and the president about the illness, but despite this, in demands for his dismissal are growing louder in political circles. now the head of the pentagon is working from home, which also displeases a number of politicians. transport communications have been disrupted in several russian regions due to bad weather. in tatarstan , on the m-12 highway from zaburan, visibility is only a couple of meters. traffic is limited throughout the entire section that passes through the republic.
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the situation is not the best in the ulyanovsk region, there is a strong snowstorm there, the roads are drifting, and some federal highways are currently not accessible. produce buses and trucks. bryansk was paralyzed due to freezing rain. the sidewalks and roadways became slippery; passengers had to push buses and minibuses manually. the capital is also at the mercy of bad weather; thousands were taken out of the streets of moscow just overnight. cubic meters of snow after a strong snowstorm, in some areas up to 12 cm of precipitation fell in just a few hours; according to forecasts, the front will leave the city today and go towards the volga region. prices for economy class flights in russia increased by 22% over the year, rosstat reported. more business news, marina is with us piminova. marina, what explains these numbers? market participants remind us that prices did not rise during the pandemic, but now they are ahead of inflation. the average price for an economy class flight within
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russia increased by 22% over the past year. rosstat data is provided by rbc. this is the sharpest increase since 2008, when, according to rosstat, the average price for the year, excuse me, rose by 31%. seven airlines explain that the change in ticket prices is a process that catches up with accumulated inflation after the program ended in 2023 subsidizing carriers. according to the yandex travel service. of the top 10 most popular destinations in russia , flights to mineral waters in makhachkala have increased in price the most by 50% over the year. tickets to st. petersburg and wufu have risen in price by a third. executive. than airfare prices. the russian stock market continues to wander close to the level of 3,200 points on the moscow exchange index, seeing no significant reasons for either strong growth or strong fall. the ruble continues to drift, the dollar is 88.90,
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the euro is 96.80. burnt. wildberry warehouse near st. petersburg was not insured, two interlocutors in the insurance market told rbc about this. one of them says that shortly before the fire the company was negotiating with a large insurance company, but it did not come to the point of signing an agreement. the second clarifies that only the goods in the warehouse were insured, but the building itself was not. in ilebury, citing certain contractual relationships, they said that information about property insurance could not be disclosed. wilburys warehouse in shushary, the construction of which became known in the summer twenty-first year, tanned. on the morning of january 13, the ministry of emergency situations reported that the open fire had been extinguished only on the afternoon of january 14. the area of ​​the fire was 70,000 m. at the time of the fire, there were 1,200 people in the warehouse, and one casualty was reported. yesterday , law enforcement agencies conducted an inspection at the moscow office of wildberries, which, as the company itself explained, was related to the fire. insurers estimated the damage from it at 10-11 billion rubles. on monday
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, wilbury announced that it had begun paying compensation to sellers and clarified.
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our country. russian authorities have repeatedly stated that israel's position is contrary to international law. the day before, sergei lavrov spoke about the importance of a ceasefire in the gas sector at a meeting with the syrian foreign minister. the interlocutors noted that new provocations should not be allowed in the region, in particular in syria itself, as well as in lebanon and yemen. however, so far the situation in the red sea
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is only getting worse. the huseites have already attacked the third merchant ship. in 3 days. militants launched ballistic missiles at an american tanker. according to the pentagon the shells fell into the water next to the ship. the crew was not injured. as arab media write, the yemeni armed forces said that this was a response to aggression from the united states and great britain. they added that they will continue to fire at the fleet of these countries after attacks on the territory of the republic. previously, the houthis warned the international community of their intention to attack those ships that are associated with israel. will only worsen the situation in the region. well , what about support for the actions of the jewish state , great britain is no longer able to send additional crews to the shores of yemen due to
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a shortage of military specialists. as local media write, the situation in the fleet is critical. with a razor, a new and simple answer was found: leave it alone, because the english sailor is now in short supply and even when drunk is of value, it turned out this way: britain is for the company of the usa. became involved in a campaign against the qussites in the red sea. rishi sunok promised to continue to take action, that is, to strike again. against the backdrop of these threat strikes,
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it turned out that british aircraft carriers could not be sent to the red sea due to personnel starvation in the british navy, according to the telegraph newspaper. the £3bn queen elizabeth aircraft carrier is unable to sail to the region due to a crew shortage. this aircraft carrier is the largest ship ever. built in britain 2 weeks after the ceremonial launching, it leaked and left its premiere for repairs; now a new leak has appeared, not innovative and not complex technological, a leak of personnel. we see this in the us and australia. australia, trying to increase the size of its armed forces, came to the only conclusion: it needs more pay for the service. this is a common problem: the current generation of youth does not want to sit in isolation at sea because they do not want to leave their friends. and social networks. the tide in personnel is so large that nuclear submarine commanders are looking through social networks. among the expected skills, the ad mentions
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conducting covert and elite operations. recruits are scared away from the fleet not only by boredom, but also by a change in the traditional foundations of attitudes. sea wolves and sea wolves and fur seals and sea urchins are called to replace sea wolves. positions. so completely inclusive. there is another reason for the reduction in the number of sailors. a strict medical board does not allow asthmatics and allergy sufferers. the newspapers are demanding that their service be started, since there are not enough healthy people. guys with tattoos on their arms on their necks above the collar are also considered unfit. the military moral police are not asleep either. hms seaman prince of wales was sacked for taking photographs from his £20,000-a-month workplace. not a bad increase. towards retirement, the british fleet ran aground at the wrong time, now that argentina meley, the new far-right leader nicknamed the madman. miley is already threatening britain
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with negotiations over the future of the molvinsky, or as they are called in england, the falkland islands. at such conflict negotiations , it would be nice for britain to have at hand a capable fleet with washed and sober sailors in the required quantity, but what is not there is not there. remains to the former mistress of the seas. trust in america. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and alexander dzekin. ntv television company. london. and now let's take a short break advertising, and in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about an important sporting event in our country, which is just over a month away, don’t switch. three backflips 180° rotation. and then everything is the same, but with a console in hand. how the russian national bmx freestyle team in kazan is preparing for the games of the future. kirill kiknadzev. remember
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what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once. rotate, twist. and only then confirm the payment. before february 4, order with avita delivery from 1 rub. check that the product suits you, and then confirm. so you need to pay for utilities, communications and internet and send money to your mother, if only you could pay for everything at once without commission, honey, you’re already prepared,
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enjoy. moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically delicious, cherkizova, asterisk, getting sick is not our tradition, meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. a little over a month. remains until the start of the future games fidget tournament in kazan. this is a large-scale sporting event at the intersection of sports, science and technology. preparations for the competition have reached the finish line. 2.0 participants will come to the capital of tatarstan. the jury will determine the best in several dozen disciplines. it is expected that there will be greater competition in those species that attract young people. this, including bmx, is one of the areas of cycling.
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i attended training sessions. if we are going to reinvent the wheel within the framework of a global tournament, the organizers of the games of the future thought, then it must definitely be bmx. the design, developed by motocross enthusiasts for training, has become indispensable when performing bicycle stunts, spectacular, extremely youthful, 50 cm wheels, complete absence of suspension, the presence of one gear allows you to work wonders in the air, phew, try it, not arseny, i'm on the simulator for now. and computers, consoles and a simulator are, as we know, an integral part of the games of the future, it’s not enough to learn how to do dizzying flips in the air, you will have to earn points in the fierce competition online, it’s all in the game, you can try any tricks here, players at the computer, in the gym during exhausting training, in the saddle of bicycles, the russian national bmx freestyle team, one of the most professionally trained in the world, and yet 3 years ago this was
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was not athletic. team , you know, these are guys who do whatever they want, just have fun, over the course of 3 years we have already formed a real team, what we have now, today the russian team is ready to enter at least three equal teams at the games, and even with colleagues from other countries to share, far from newbies are coming to us in february, second place in the olympic games, fourth place in the olympic games, thirteen-time xgames champion, in general, real legends. i'm really looking forward to this. remaining before the start of the games in the future, teams spend their days in the kazan uram airpark or in the plywood sea. hundreds of square meters of trampoline slides made from the same material. the main competitions in the fidgital bmx discipline will also take place here. i think that this is the best skatepark in the world, because such skateparks are not built abroad at all. arseniy 20 recovered from a compression fracture of the spine. he does tricks that
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only a few people in the world can repeat. explanation. what exactly makes it sound like a bird's tongue to the uninitiated? twister is a rotation in a frontflip and i do another 720. the format of the bmx competition within the framework of the games of the future has already been approved and approved by the participants themselves. there is one gamer in the team, one parkrai and one streetray. the street rides that irek mentioned are a different story for bmx; instead of slides , trapeze railings were erected for them in a certain sequence. this bike park. will also become part of the digital olympiad, i hope that it will be just a major event, which will once again prove that we here know how to, firstly, skate, and secondly, we move a lot of time, we can still play. games of the future, in which classic bmx tricks will be intertwined with their digital counterparts, will certainly expand the million-strong audience of fans of extreme cycling, which, with a reasonable approach, is accessible to both teenagers in the yard and professional athletes. kirillna, natalya levchenkova,
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stanislav skrypnik, tv broadcaster. 10% of the cost. replacements must work in the new place for 5 years. within a year , 50 doctors became participants in the project. mikhail chernov found out what else attracts young specialists. we are still in the process of actively moving. they are even things we didn’t have time to translate. the large family of doctors, the mulayanovs, received new fat quite recently. new district mesigutovo, severny microdistrict. the doctors' house was built in less than a year. in 7 years, housing will be available. buy for 10% of the cost, while the wife is settling in, the husband is undergoing surgery, a diamond surgeon, traumatologist, orthopedist; i met my wife in practice, having learned that there is a modern inter-district hospital in misigutovo, and they also provide housing, they decided to move.
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working in the countryside is quieter on the one hand, there is no city bustle, it’s easier, there are no traffic jams after work. the bashkortostan republican program for attracting doctors to the village was among the best in the country for specialists moving to the country. allocate housing or lifting 3 million rubles. a million each over 3 years, in return for the obligation to work for a five-year period in the village. for the young doctor rashitov, the decisive thing was that his grandmother lives in the regional center of buraev, who needs care and now enjoys all the delights of rural life. in the evening go somewhere to a cafe, restaurant with your family or take a walk somewhere in a shopping center, there is no such thing here, unfortunately, that’s why young people most likely do not strive to come here , to be honest, i spend my leisure time only reading books, for... fiction and philosophy - my wife and i sit together in the evenings and read, as a young specialist, therapist liliya sharfuddinova does not pass, 12 years of work experience, but the local administration allocated housing, a house with a fine finish, we have everything
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like a toilet at home, and water, gas, as it were, we don’t have to heat the stove, we don’t have to carry water, another 5 years of work and housing can be bought for 2000 rubles, and for now pay rent 3.00 per month, the conditions in general are satisfactory, one unpleasant thing... they built it, apparently in a hurry, they forgot to make windows onto the village street, the location is a little wrong, here the windows look into the garden. the main problem of rural medicine is the shortage of specialized specialists, local heads of administration are trying to get out as best they can, in the duvan region, apartment buildings for doctors are being built with money from four budgets at once, federal, republican, district and employer money, closing the gap with the local budget, of course, we are scratching our heads and counting there are apartments in this house allocate for them, that is... provide for them, and we will continue to push into this program. a rural wilderness is a very relative concept; if you look at a clinic under construction, questions arise, but this is definitely a village. three buildings, a department for the rehabilitation of disabled children and a antenatal clinic.
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the scale is not at all rustic. the children's clinic was built in a year and a half, the building is ready, equipment is being delivered, which means that in the near future new doctors will be needed here, especially in narrow specialties. to the local leadership again. try replacing them with ovisol. only in cleanse the liver with folk remedies, milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovesol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. good morning, about the weather for
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tomorrow. most of our country, from the ural ridge to the shores of the far east, is occupied by an anticyclone of colossal size. and this cannot but affect the weather on european territory. there are gray cyclones crowding here that can't. break further to the east, tomorrow they will be able to advance to the minimum distance. the snow will now pass beyond the volga. in the south the weather will not get any easier. in the rostov region in the krasnodar territory there are rains, heavy in places and thunderstorms. mostly cloudy with clearings in the center. in the north-west there is light snow in places, it will pass, for example in the pskov region, it will be -6 in the daytime. in the novgorod region there is no precipitation and down to -80. but on the shores of the baltic there is a thaw again. in kalinin it's plus one and wet snow. in st. petersburg too. -12 in the afternoon, but warming is just around the corner, next week will start with a thaw, in moscow tomorrow without precipitation and during the day -5 -7. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain.


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