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tv   Bim-3  NTV  January 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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that i dreamed again about a classmate of the sleeper, well, that this sleeper wanted to kill me, well , calm down, it’s just a dream, it’s not... a dream, he found me on the internet, he wants to come with his wife, yes, he asked me to show the city, well, what , you didn’t get along with him, or something at school, he ran away from you, you say that as if i were some kind of nerd, no, it’s just that, well, let’s say, not everyone and didn’t always understand me, well, this is a common thing for successful people, in school, by the way, for many of them... it worked out, yes, well, yes,
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for napoleon, it didn’t work out, what kind of person became, and this sleeper, you know, he works all his life at a factory, at a press, well, of course, your life is a success, a good position, an interesting job, a beautiful wife, but i can’t argue with that, so if you want to take revenge on the sleeper , just show what... don’t hide your successes, and it will be beautiful and noble news, that’s it, i’m in my soul, everything, it sounds beautiful, i’m with you, this is the owner of the car himself and the chef of the delicacies tavern oleg zaitsev, yeah . frozen to death, well, without
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hiding, i won’t tell you whether he froze or died from injuries, what’s there, come on, the head of the personnel department, a clafoutis restaurant, interesting, but it’s hard to say who was driving, i haven’t found any traces yet, uh-huh, yeah, wow, look , how cool, and the cook is exactly as tall as me, and here was someone sitting, clearly above average height, about two meters, apparently, yes, yeah. and well done, bimulya, well done,
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look, i’ll try to remove the genetic trace from the inner surface, come on, well done, well done, well, no, well, this one will really kill someone. this weakling, oh, familiar creature, this suitable rogue, sure sure.
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is this a pretentious restaurant? well, the hut is not red with corners, it’s red with pies, they used to serve dishes from rare fish and animals, even the menu was designed in the form of a red book, some village, how do you know? i have a friend here who worked in the police, she was in charge of this case, but then everything was blamed on the manager, uh-huh, well, like , not the director, not the cooks, they don’t know anything, one manager did everything, something like that, but the manager. then he disappeared somewhere from house arrest, or maybe they froze him too, maybe, well, we need staff, entrance for staff, let’s go, uh,
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do you want a radish, um, no, well, everything seems to be clean, not very good, there are traces of blood, well , maybe the meat was stored, dripped, maybe, but it usually drips down, not up, there are traces at the top at the level of the head, plus this they tried to wash them away, but they did it hastily, they were in a hurry , uh-huh, yes, what’s there, bam, and what, come on, let me see, ah, well done, ah well done, wait, wait, wait, damn it, ah... well done , come on, katka, give me the bag, handsome, so, well, the last call, he tried to call the police, which means, most likely, he has the phone
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they knocked it out of their hands, and then they locked the cook in the freezer, oh, there’s something here, we didn’t have time to put it away, we can take it. blood, wow, well, it seems to me that we have a crime scene, bim, bim, bim, bimushka , bimushka, dear, open, open, i will , with my own hands, when i blow you out, stroke you , makar from... not open, we'll freeze, i just saw it in the cinema yesterday, we won't freeze, now we'll call georgy ivanovich, zhora won't save us, it's as quiet as a tomb here, yes, in 5
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minutes vasospasm will begin, it'll go down pressure and so, quietly, let’s go without these details, what will essentially happen? basically, we 'll die in about half an hour. bim, bim, bim, this is already serious. bro, come on, open it, help. bim, there was no relationship, even if we die on the same day, right? pim, this is even more serious. open it, come on. hello, are you from the police? we all have a son here. i’m sorry that i didn’t meet you right away, but now i’ll try to make amends, some tea, i suppose you’d like it hot, i ask that your drink likes it, but i’m afraid
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your establishment doesn’t have such a dish in its repertoire. he loves shawarma, well, what is not, that is not, we only have a dish of national cuisine, however , after zaitsev’s death, he may have to switch to shawarma, zaitsev was a good cook, and he cooked brilliantly , he knew how to serve his dishes, he organized such shows with fireworks, actors, oh, such a loss, veal pate, if you add more spices, it will be almost like shawarma, can i? bim, what are you doing, this,
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and these gloves were a... and rabbits lower than you, so you had to move the driver's seat, some kind of nonsense, why should i kill rabbits? was in zaitsev's things the number of the hr department of one very expensive moscow restaurant was found , apparently he was going to leave you, and you were afraid that he would just tell your secrets on the side, what secrets, your restaurant serves dishes from animals listed in the red book, this it's been a long time since the manager was a jerk. guilty, we don’t have any prohibitions now, yes, it’s doubtful, bam, so
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, he says that something is wrong here, bam, no, elinochka, i didn’t meet you, but this idiot probably got on another bus, there’s a sleeper . sleeper, i don’t know where to look for him now, okay, i’ll call, i’ll let you know, come on, come on, sleeper, sleeper, guess who it is, the idiot was sleeping, found out, found out, of course, found out, you recognize you here... listen, the car is like in the photo, i
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thought it was you just for fun, i took a picture with someone else , but why should i brag, but i got brown, turned brown, commander , oh, what a booth you ate, and i see that you too , you’re not destrophic, yes, but what, where is svetka, what are you i didn’t take it, but what are you doing? you are interested in my wife, well, for whom is the wife, for whom is she also a classmate, like you, the bus arrived half an hour ago, i wanted a surprise for you to do, sveta went to the market for vitamins, it was right next to her, as if she were going to the market , alone, and what’s wrong here, are you crazy , we have pickpockets there, you know how many, she gave, but it’s cool, but we just arrived, not everyone has been caught yet, well, let's go, let's go, it's all over, katyusha, well-deserved vacation, maxim shchogolev, help me, i really
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need him, and then the law will deal with me. sarmat, premiere, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. the pain may vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn't matter what has become the cause of the pain, if any. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pental acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. credit discount. to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank,
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documents, i'll tell you. “who will come here if they find out that the cook was killed here and frozen, if you want to know, i actually have an alibi for the whole evening and night, yeah, i heard, bim, well, when you have such an alibi, i congratulate you on that,
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no, beauty , hasn’t changed at all, just as beautiful, oh, you timozz have changed, i don’t know , you’ve matured, okay, it’s just that his uniform is beautiful, man, man, excuse me, what are you , man, excuse me, my wife is giving birth, i’m in a hurry, stand, stand, timukha, timok, what is it, the man apologized, timok, he could have run faster,
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timofey, you are a real superhero , thank you for fishing, in general, friends, of course i like the red one better, there are more eggs there, the taste is better, well, yeah, yeah, well, yes, it doesn’t get stuck on the teeth, black caviar, butter, white sparkling, you know that there is ice cream with a black cut, okay, okay, bam, why are you giving up, well, i've gone too far, okay, i've gone too far with the ice cream, guys. the taste of caviar is best, what is best, well, it emphasizes strong spirits, vodka and crust, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, what the
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faggot, we are destroying counterfeits, comrade colonel, uh-huh, sit down, sit down, sit down, stop eating, uh-huh, report on the case, quickly, the examination found that the cook was first beaten, but only then... they were thrown into the freezer, and they were beaten somewhere- then about 12, death occurred around the hour from hypothermia, yes, it was possible, of course, he could have lasted longer, but some powerful substance was found in his blood, a drug, no, timofey arkaevich, not a drug, rather a medicine, colonel khatya is sorting it out now, yeah, but what about suspects?
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learned, so, guys, one more thing, of course, the taste of caviar is very clearly emphasized by strong alcoholic drinks, such as, good afternoon, good, well, you, as they say, are lucky that it was me who took over the matter, i was able to quickly confirm your alibi, thank you, for
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thank you, as they say, you can’t buy a hat, you can’t spread it on bread, i understand, i’m all at your service, but i don’t need anything from you, okay? uh-huh, this is what they found after defrosting the chamber where the hares died, waiters usually wear such ties, i wonder what the waiter with they didn’t share a cook, in a restaurant , whatever, oh, well, let’s go, let’s figure it out , i’ll just put together a salad, just think about the fact that your... salad could be lying next to the corpse, i’ll get to it cctv cameras, georgy ivanovich, you don’t want
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to go to a restaurant either, but it seems to me that i ate a little too much of the crust, wow, i have other plans for today, oh yeah, i forgot, you don’t go to restaurants, just to the bars, bim, let's go, that's it, wow, let's go, beaver, you don't know a damn thing about fishing, that's what you got? this is a fishing place, and here there are fish, the sea, you just need to be able to catch them, i am a man of action, my task is not to wait for mercy from nature, to take what is yours. what an idiot, he’ll scare away all the fish, oh
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, it’s probably interesting to look at fish in a mask, i’m interested in looking at a fish in a frying pan, oh, you can’t even see one like that under a microscope, there’s a floodplain, wow ! look, look, how big it is, like a whale , it’s just that he has a good gun, with such a gun any fool can catch it, sergeevich, i really can’t stand it anymore, my stomach is churning and i’m fast for a minute.
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but tell me, half of your ties are normal, and half have elastic bands, we all have only classic bow ties here, i bought them myself in moscow, egorov, where did you get this disgrace from, i don’t know,
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he was more to me than a husband , he and i were one, and at home, at work, you are also in the kitchen, i’m a singer, excuse me, there’s always live music playing here in the evenings, i sing, he usually experiments with new dishes in the evening, then we go home together, yesterday, why didn’t we go together, he said he would stay late, he needed a new menu prepare. i felt that i needed to stay with him, but what time did you leave? my performance ended at 11, i took a taxi and left straight away, but didn’t you notice anything unusual? my bunny was very nervous, but i thought, what is this new menu, a lot of work, and why did you think that your husband
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was killed? it was the waiter yegor, this idiot fell head over heels in love with me, sent flowers supposedly from fans, sweets, even wrote letters, but i said that i didn’t need anyone except my hare, and he said that if the cook problem, it means there won’t be any more chefs, look, they posted it on social networks a few days ago. help, they’re killing, they’re killing , i’m killing, yes, it was he who provoked me, and then he climbed into the freezer himself, yes, but i didn’t kill him , of course, but why did i run then, the fire scared me, i screamed, i fought, i immediately i realized that
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all the dogs would be unleashed on me, everything, quietly, quietly, quietly, not about you, not about you, let’s say i got scared, yeah, but did i also replace the bow tie with fear? no, tack the butterfly, i lost it 2 days ago, i was afraid that the gunner will give a fine, so i decided not to tell anyone, i bought the same one at the market, it’s easy to call, maybe you also have albie, well, at the time of the murder, you do, where were you from midnight to one in the morning? i was sleeping, yes, i was just tired yesterday and decided to drink beer, so i don’t remember how i got home, probably on autopilot, beer, and you’re sociable, well, you’ll just need it in the cell , that’s right, don’t worry, there too people live, okay, okay, okay, quietly, caught,
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another one, oh, look, another one, caught, caught, oh, look, what a big one, listen, barracouta, svetka, come on, net , it won’t go into the frying pan, just right for the ear, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the united states strikes the yemeni kussites. qussite ally iran responds by attacking american allies in iraqi kurdistan. but what's really going on? another hot spot has appeared in the world, or this is how a new world war began. the seller of fear who invented the mysterious disease x. we found the man who convinced the western
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that you need to go take a cast of your suspect’s teeth, in general it is clear that the hare was defending himself, i thought it was a scratch, but when the tissues unfrozen, they became visible. marks of teeth, well, i think that egorov is ready for serious conversation, come with me. passable person, disembark, i have no time to sit with you in sixes, are you shell-shocked or something, where do you see the sixes, where in front of you, what the hell, leave them standing. “they said
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that you provoked the prisoners yourself, you’re tired of living, that’s it, what’s life like for one, it doesn’t go well with women, it’s about two months, it’s starting , we’re tired of you, we’ve gone to someone else, well, maybe you ’re actively courting, and fire, the wife of the murdered man complained about it, complained, but if i fell in love, i’m ready to give my whole soul, i’m like that, how she had been searching all her life, and the fact that she was married didn’t bother you, and her husband was no barrier to... real feelings, but i wasn’t going to kill him, yes, i wasn’t going to, but
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i did. yes, you are right, i, i, i don’t know how it happened, i don’t remember anything, i fell asleep as if i had fallen into a hole, it turns out that i ruined everyone’s life, i killed my own belt, and made a widow rot, i myself will rot in prison . why live at all? bim, bim, well, did you believe him or something, did you regret it, but why not regret it, these are not his teeth, it’s good that they weren’t knocked out, here’s the expert report, the prints are not coincide, but baber really became a real man, it was i who made him like this... i knocked the crap out of my head in time, who
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knocked it out of his head? citizens, there is a paid passage here, 10,000 rubles each. from everyone, have you , crucian carp, confused the shores, you know who we are, the beaver himself is our classmate, yes, by the way, he is the main policeman here, don’t give a damn about your beavers, we are not local, the mobile is at the grandmother’s, quickly, and you, mymra, ah, who, ah, who, what, what, what are you doing there? who the hell are you talking about, we wanted to be nice to you, but we’ll have to be tough, but well, there, quickly, there, where, what does it show , lord, from the life of the simplest, but that’s not what you came for? you said that
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a powerful substance was found in zaitsev’s blood that slows down metabolism, and yes, a person freezes faster, so i thought, maybe someone gave it to the cook on purpose to kill him faster, an interesting version, look, i found this. zaitseva, there is a strong energy drink here, well then it turns out that he drank the medicine himself, yes, egorov did not give him cuffs, he decided to take pain relief, but why so many why such a strong effect, it seems to me that zaitsev did not have such severe injuries after the fight with egorov. well, everyone has a different pain threshold, for some a scratch is mortal pain,
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sorry, i didn’t want to disappoint you, but no, hell, you didn’t disappoint me, and as always, zaitsev bought the medicine on the sixteenth, that’s right, right then, when egorov beat him, he went to the pharmacy, judging by the time on the receipt, 7:00. he bought it in the morning, yegorits sparring took place in the evening. thank you, katya, let's go. here is egorov, dressed in denim, baseball cap, enters through the back door, 10 minutes later he returns, during this time he beat zaitsev and put him in the freezer, there is no video from another point, mm, this is the only working camera, strange, egorov does not
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look like himself, he’s kind of chubby, yes, he doesn’t seem to be chubby, but how can you tell? from afar and from the back, and he’s hiding his face with a baseball cap, as if he didn’t intentionally want to shine, or maybe you’re chubby , sergeyech, but the optics on the cameras are so wide-angle, they make you look a little plump, alyosha, there’s a reflection here, right here, yeah, you can enlarge it, oh, it’s some kind of dregs, but there’s no way to improve the image, do you have some kind of program? this is not a program, this is a whole neural network, oh, don’t worry, comrade major, this won’t be a result soon, this is a whole neuro network, ready, the logs floated to the waterfall, the hares wanted egorov to
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be imprisoned, so he changed into egorov’s clothes and exposed them . in front of the cameras so that everyone would think that egorov returned at night and tried to kill him. well, okay, where was egorov himself? i slept soundly. by the way, the pills that i bought hares combined with alcohol, a powerful sleeping pill. what pills, i’m already confused, strong, painkillers. before the fight with egorov, zaitsev took strong painkillers so as not to feel pain. and this is when they fought in the restaurant, right? and he took a loading dose of the same tablets later, yes, according to the results of the examination, he gave out six tablets and began knocking his forehead into the freezer, are you serious? yes, here’s another interesting thing, i checked his browser history, a week before his death, i searched on the internet, how long can a person survive
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at sub-zero temperatures, and he also played hares in an amateur theater, he was a creative person, as they say... not prone to hoaxes, yes, noticeably, and you consider all this as evidence, yes, and the program you used , it is certified, it is experimental, but nothing, but maybe i believed you, but the prosecutor’s office will tell me no, the victim beat herself, then froze herself, so it turns out, so, so, but he didn’t want to die, he thought that they will find him, and egorov will be imprisoned, well, something went wrong so, and i’ll tell you what went wrong , your fantasy is running wild, i need ironclad evidence for me to believe it, ironclad evidence, you will have ironclad evidence, zhora, let’s go to the restaurant, mime, what did you come up with to show off as a beaver, how did i know that they were such
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lawless people, but it’s good, at least they stripped them and didn’t kill them, there he is... here’s his locker, yeah, bang. but he didn’t have any personal account or anything more secret, no, only this one, maybe you can still tell me what you’re looking for, i
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’ll help, but we’re looking for a jacket like this and capless, unfamiliar, bought the hares just like that... stop you and again, damn running around, you're alive! yes, take it away, my only jacket will be torn, first of all, it’s not a jacket, but a vechdog, i saw what kind of vechdog, you think, if you’re from
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the police, then you can take everything away, by the way, the cook gave it all to me himself, they got it legs in margarine, when at night, at night, the cook experiments with his delicacies, what doesn’t work, throws it away, and you eat up, delicious food, you never dreamed of this, in general, i see that the cook throws away the bag at night, i thought it was food too, yeah, and there was a jacket there, and he saw you? no, well, since you threw it away, consider it a gift. listen, you black delicacy hunter, maybe you saw something else suspicious, huh? maybe i saw it, but i need money, and i need a hangover, this is an unexpected turn, now i’ll give you a hangover, do you want it? here he is, he really doesn’t like blackmailers, he tears up a hot water bottle like an ace, i remembered that the singer is his wife. uraga instructed him, with this? no, the cook knew about this one, i'm talking about someone else, with
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a beard, in a car, cool, i saw how they we got fucked in the car at night, did she leave with that bearded man last night? no, last night she just left in a taxi. listen, you, noble commander, are you not confusing anything? at night, maybe late in the evening? maybe in the evening, i don’t know, i don’t have a watch, but... this was after the cook threw away his jacket, the vodova said that she left at 11 o’clock, she was in the restaurant when it was locked in the freezer, so she lied, for sure , okay, thank you, well, i’ll go then, thank you for your cooperation, what time, let’s go, let’s go, bem, will anyone ask me? do i want to go back? andrey chubchenko, now i will no longer play by your rules, exclusively by my own. chief, we're back. from monday at
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20:00 on ntv. sarmat premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. touphone is designed for nutrition, restoration and preservation. for youthful eyes, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months, three courses per year, tuufon is now in new packaging, designed specifically for course use. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong.
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installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without any regulations, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, vitafer helps maintain normal iron levels, vitafer everything will come true of course, the peculiarity of deshirak is in fermentation technology, so my choice is dosherak, and my vat and my own recipes are rak. the secret of taste is in the broth: so, you need to pay for utilities, communications and internet and send money to your mother, if
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only you could pay for everything at once without commission, honey, you ’ve already... got ready, thought about it, there’s so much you need to pay for, and also send money to your mother, no worry, let's pay for teinkov, get a teinkov black card and make payments and transfers without commission always timkov, winter sale of clothes and beauty products on ozone, naked diamond dress for 649, philips steamer for 5,999, what is the cause of hemorrhoids? the problem may be a vein, vinarus helps to increase the tone of the veins, vinoproctalium suppositories have local effects, vinarus and vinoproctalium together against hemorrhoids, svetochka, i sympathize with you so much, this is so unpleasant, thank you, of course, but i hope
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my things will be found, yes, lady, they will be found , i'll return everything. so i announced a plan to intercept, the best forces were deployed, well, of course, they will find him, he can do anything, yes, oh, it’s already hot, well, where is the sleeper, now it’s already cooled down, well, i just can’t get rid of him to stop smoking, well, it’s harmful, and this is because he has no willpower, yes, he has a lot of physical strength, but no willpower, this happens, mm, listen, how delicious, why is there so little here? look, he’s definitely gone crazy, but we don’t know what he was thinking, why did you sleep, why did you go out on time to smoke, and there are journalists on the street filming a story about how in this tavern the cook was killed and then frozen, and svetka, you understand
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why he brought us here to save money, and this? now it's a crime scene, baby, what nonsense, guys, it's not like that, yeah here to understand, but here, here you need to beat, what are you doing, let me in, let me in, why are you interrogating me at such a moment, it’s already hard for me, you lied that you were driving right after the performance at 11:00 pm? in fact, you left at midnight after zaitsev began his performance, which , by the way, was intended for you, you were supposed to drive home together by car, he was waiting for you, hare, it’s time to go home, where are you, i’m here,
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help, open the door, it’s egorov, the bastard, he wanted to kill me. and then you realized that if if you close the freezer door now, you will immediately solve two problems. what problems are you talking about? well, a jealous husband, an entertainer and a stupid, unbridled, young lover-waiter. you won’t envy, and you got rid of both your husband and your lover, yes, forward, forward, forward, forward, further, in search of a new, promising lover, now your ilina will come, bring ice, it will be easier for you, he almost killed me , timofey, don’t write an application for a sleeper, but how do you live with him, he’s some kind of beast, he almost immediately gets into
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a fight, you’re not like that, i know, it was necessary for you to get married, what can you do now? school...
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work, and you know, georgy ivanovich, i, for example, am very happy with my work, you and i are quite happy, yes. and yes, by the way, thanks to our professionalism, we were able to restore what happened next, sun, give me your hand, help me, my feet are frozen, why do i need you like that, frozen, stupid, yes, stupid, yes, it doesn’t hurt me, i’m on pills, the bite mark is as individual as the auricle and fingerprints, how many will they give me, well, that’s how the court decides, at
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six, from six to 15 , but it’s still murder after all, well done! “well, what did you steal from the restaurant? i bought it with my own money, ilinochka, well, it’s my fault, i probably should have said right away that svetka was my school love, yes, i should have, well, well, well , there was nothing for us, she chose the sleeper, now i decided to prove that she was wrong, although, by the way..." "i inspired you to commit these hoaxes, then world, wait, sveta told me why your mother slept with you, you snitched on him, i, i just
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informed the teachers, okay, call it what you want, but now you have the opportunity to prove that you are a normal man, tell me why plant the sleeper if you yourself provoked it, now you will be surprised, i’m from the sleeper. let him in, gave him gifts, now he will tell you everything himself, so where are you calling, his phone was stolen, someone stole it, someone i gave my classmate a new phone for my own money, well, yes, well , hello, beavers, thanks for the gifts, the phone is good, but the network is not always picked up, thank you, everything was very cool, now wait for a visit with the whole class, bye-bye , i’m telling you this as the headman, are you happy? well, i’m convinced that they are happy, but too much, she ’s really going to drag the whole class, yes, it seems that we overdid it,
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but friendship requires sacrifices, for loved ones, for friends.


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