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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 20, 2024 2:35am-3:21am MSK

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is watching this woman on the orders of her husband, he took up this business because he needs to pay for vasilisa’s education, but i found out by chance, why do you want to warn her, what? but first i wanted to talk to vitya , because of course this is disgusting, unworthy of her, but on the other hand it can be understood, it ’s out of despair, we now have no money at all, if we don’t pay for vasilitsa’s tuition, they can be kicked out of the institute. but on the other hand, this is unfair, disgusting and vile towards this woman, although she apologizes to her husband, but this is no longer for us decide, well, i decided that the only thing i can do is warn her, help me, i just need to find the address, yes, thank you for saying, it would be better if i didn’t know that, well...
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it will be much better if captain smyslov gives the documents to the investigation. where did you get the idea that he has them? well, he has them. there is confirmation from a witness that they were in his hands at the bank. he must return them. return? who should he return them to? to you? but you never had them.
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then it is unknown who killed him, this suicide, and you yourself closed the case, but i can open it, likhov’s mistress saw you with him right before the murder, she can confirm that she left before you, i understand, we all want to be better than we really are , i just i wanted to do my job well. but here no one appreciates this, understand, i couldn’t do otherwise, this is my only chance, i can understand, but smuslov is not like me and not like you, even if he has these documents, he will never give them up, i have something for him.
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what he can’t refuse, artyom pechnikov grigorievich, is this her husband? wait, 1979, moskvich lives on the frunden embankment, and i understand, he has a dacha here on autumn highway 12 and svetlana pechnikova, his wife, that’s her, everything is clear, wait, svetlana pechnikova, friend marina goncharova, who is she marina goncharova , and this is marina, who... yes, i'm going with you, okay , get ready, well, you'll tell me what 's going on, no, that is, now you 're using me blindly, yes, i'm going, you think that i i should be grateful to you, yes i wanted to, listen, your husband was spying on me, you're telling me this now, right? i
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won’t give you money, because i’m afraid that he’s some kind of opera, but you misunderstood me , on the contrary, i wanted to warn you so that you don’t, i’ll sue you and your husband. already and stop blackmailing me and in general , guys, get out, let me explain, i told you that this is a bad idea, open the window, please, i want to talk to you about marina goncherova, this is in your interests, and what does marina have to do with it, she your friend, that’s right, i read your sms correspondence, you discussed kostya, kostya - this is a banker, konstantin telnikov, who is wanted, and other people are looking for him. if everyone finds out that you are involved in this, but i am not involved in anything, and what does the photographs have to do with it, why are you confusing me, i explain, she was going to go somewhere to kostya, from your correspondence, i know for sure that you are in course, where, where is he? listen, marina and
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i worked in a bank, she sometimes told me about her men, i think she came up with it, she was generally very in charge that i... explain everything, marina told me about this kostya, that he is being threatened because of these documents, but what about you? do you know who wants to kill him? where are these documents? dera, please leave, you have to explain to me, i can’t, the woman is leaving, why? it’s dangerous for
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you, okay, why don’t you tell vita? this is impossible, why? because it’s impossible, and i really ask you, don’t tell him about this, you also have secrets from him, but is it dangerous for you, no, everything will be fine, believe me, leave, where are the documents, okay, that’s it , ok, thank you, yes, tell me, yes, up belgrade today, girl, tell me, how long will the reservation last, and 2 hours before departure, great, yes, thank you, i’m already on my way to the airport, yeah, it’s open, you’ve never
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called me gleb in my life, let’s go for a ride, i can’t now, believe me, you need to go. everything is fine, good evening, captain , you will forgive tasya that she did not tell you on the phone that she had arrived, i asked her, mailetsky, maybe you will tell your colleague
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what we agreed on, you will have to give the documents, gleb, otherwise dasya will go to prison for the murder of likhov. "i don't ask anything, i just i thought they took you by the ass , it will always be like this, as long as you have at least one weak point, get out of here, i couldn’t do anything, why did you already do it? you killed a man, that same banker, he’s almost dead, you took away the old man's house, you're a plunderer, like your boss valetsky,
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get out of here !" "they let dasya go, if, of course, you 're interested, you know, you have some kind , i don't know, but don't try which one?" you look like a weakling, that’s why i was so furious
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when lera admired you, i even thought, then from lobankova, what if you don’t give up these documents, i won’t give a damn about everything, i’ll help you, i gave it and i killed a man, they haven’t killed him yet, maybe they won’t find him? “i found it, i exchanged tasya for his life, now i don’t know how to live with this, at first it’s difficult, but then you get used to it, i don’t want to be like you, to do what you want, you have to be alone, but if you love someone, pay. this rule works for everyone, you can’t get away with it.
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so what’s here? a crime weapon, she framed me, my husband tried to run over his wife with a car, she framed me, she’s alive, still how, he runs around like a knife, that he will sue everyone, of course, so that he doesn’t recognize his face, we won’t see any money, apparently yes, sack, this is such a risky profession for us, i told you, we had to take the money in advance. “you warned opechnikova that i was following her. well, you
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should be happy, she will put her husband in prison and take away the child, and you again mixed up the word in this sense? sorry, do you want to get a divorce?” it’s true, it’s true, i didn’t receive any money from pechnikova’s husband, so we have nothing to pay for old bills for vaska’s hospital, or for her studies at the institute, i really didn’t... i didn’t think it would work out like this , i didn’t want to spoil everything, i just wanted
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you to remain an honest person, i realized how difficult it is to be honest when you love someone , my father paid for the hospital, vasilisa, let’s hope , will pass the exam with five marks and switch to free. when did you manage to propose to her and foolishly into bed, she already says that the wedding will cost at least half a lemon, where will i get them, you’re in trouble, she says what? it must be according to the rules, according to the rules, i
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must throw her mother into a dung pit, because masha is not a virgin, you were hoping for something, girls under 30, i mean , you should be happy, otherwise she has a dad, customs, yeah, customs, but dad doesn’t like that i’m a lieutenant at 27, he wants, for me to be at least some kind of boss, this is very... for health, i just want to eat stress, let 's stop, let's eat something, oh, you'll be white, no, no, no, you won't be anything? no, i don't eat with the kitten. thank you. so so so. wrap a couple. uh, stop, stop, i said.
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in the capital of serbia , a resident of our city, director of ntto bank, was found dead in a hotel. konstantin telnov. according to the preliminary version of the belgrade police, he was shot dead in a hotel room. we remind you that konstantin telnov was wanted by the investigative committee on suspicion of fraud and money laundering. there was a fight there yesterday. the guy
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was cut, will you interrogate the second one or give it to the interrogators for now? i will never switch to free. vasya, i believe in you, you will succeed. for me, i’m empty, heartless.
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a resident of our city, director of ntto bank, konstantin tselnov, was found dead in a belgrade hotel. huseynov imran, native city ​​of baku, illegal migrant, you better look for these freaks, they killed ayaz, your brother is in the hospital, the doctors said he will live, you know the attackers, you’ve never seen some armenian woman, who hit? first on them we didn’t touch anyone at all, there was a knife lying nearby, whose, whose knife, i’ll ask, theirs, we didn’t have knives, are you lying to me, i don’t understand, but you look, be careful with him, he’s crazy , and you shut up, who are they, and edik, these hackers are called one of them, they started writing on the internet, they started insult, edik said that if uvorachi
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sees me, he will kill me, the armenians think this is their city, but we also live there now, oh, torture.
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houses for armenian refugees who came here after the armenian-azerbaijani conflict and earthquake. now all the normal refugees have left, and all that’s left is hypocrisy, here’s an influx of criminal armenians from all over the moscow region, in general, it’s a weird place, and besides, it’s not ours, so let’s not flapping our ears, hello, major valetsky criminal investigation department, you know, completely crazy, why are you here? you leave, i don’t know anything. so, citizen , let's step aside, i said, edik, edik, don't stand behind him, just shut up,
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be quiet, gun, it's not his fault, he'll figure it out, he's a good, clean boy, i raised him myself, he can't cut anyone , this boy is azerbaijani, they probably got together with someone to weld on him, they are calling you in for interrogation, believe me, please, i have no right, you know, the law on the police says it in black and white, don’t trust anyone, how is this so, and tomorrow they will bring money, we will today. we worked, yes, well, i can hardly say enough in general, well done, it means we are resting today, yes, well, yes, we are fully resting, yes, what are you talking about,
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thank you, thank you, i didn’t think that you remember , keep your hands flowing, that’s the most important thing, the river is constantly flowing, we haven’t seen sana , so that our people are at work, so that the system of happiness, bullets
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, happy birthday, happy birthday, hello lerochka , hello, hello, hello, so girls, help, help, clear, clear, don't stand, don't stand, don't stand, drink , let's drink, congratulations. so now levochki now forgive me please now, it’s not me, no, no, but i i know how you feel about birthdays , not me, it’s all a bastard and a bald man, i’ll rip their ears off, don’t, don’t, it’s better not, yeah, yeah, they just want to get drunk in the department with impunity, even you put it on this
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dress, uh-huh, it’s your favorite, what i want to tell you is, there’s no one better than you who can fire you, tell me right away, i love you, just get off me, yes, you love me, and i’m blocking you. i watched the report about that banker, he was killed, just like you said, right? let's not be beard, it seems to you you need to tell victor everything, nothing worked out for you because you are alone, you need an ally, please, i don’t want to talk about it. i was just remembering the other day how we met, remember the auto repair shop , remember, we were completely different then
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, nothing stopped you, sorry that i disappointed you, no, no, why not, you love her, i can’t do anything explain to you, girl,
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would you like to dance? with a guy like this, maybe somehow i’m doing this, i’m really dancing, i’m really dancing, nothing, my own, okay, everything’s fine, no, no, no, no, it’s all my fault, why work, now everything is under control , now i control everything, and everything will be for you,
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listen, we are still one team, let’s work hard, that’s it ours. let's go for the boss, and now let's know what our friendly team is. well, on the third, maybe i won’t
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give you a bite, it’s not a tough snack, come on, you know who, for my little girl, well, romance? something
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was wrong, it was rude, yes, you didn’t like it, really, everything was fine, wait, wait, are you completely, or something, weak, but it’s fine, exactly, normal, give it a five, huh? are you feeling okay? yes, everything is great. we're going to the club. let's go. otherwise i’ll get married, you know? i’m getting married, that’s it, the end of my bachelor life. let's go. boys. that's it, i have a super-mega plan, we'll go to the club like kings. come on, come on, come on. wait here for me. yeah. come, wait, don't leave. hello. well, how are you in general? what? it’s terrible, and you,
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it can’t get any worse, maybe we’ll meet you someday, no, not you! that's it, let's go, let's go, let's go, why get married if we get a divorce, but let's not grieve, we'll to swell, but why get married if you get divorced, and i told you, i told you that we ’ll go like kings, wait
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, wait, what are you up to? touch, hey, okay, do you hear me , we’re only for a couple of hours... he won’t know, you bastard, your mother didn’t teach you that you can’t value a salvage car, words, i’m having a bachelor party, you know, a bachelor party happens once every three years, let's go, it's dangerous, i'm calling my lawyer, now we'll wait for dad, let's go home, something it happened, nothing, it’s the elders who are going to ride everywhere, oh, oh, my girl, what’s wrong with you, well... oh, mom, well, vasenka, well , you shouldn’t have called heels like that, i told you, you don’t know , he’s holding my brothers here, he was detained today, you don’t know what to do, he, he’s not guilty of anything, lawyer, find him, what are you, vasya, nothing, well,
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well, tell me what happened, they said, that idik cut one guy, but he didn’t do anything, this one, who was hit with a knife, will soon be discharged from... the hospital, mom has a heart attack, she’s crying non-stop, i’m on my way brought it, they won’t let you in, you can’t bring food, you’ll be detained in the department, you know, i think that tomorrow everything will be resolved, because they don’t hold you here just like that, it’s very strict with this, guys, guys, we want to congratulate you, here everyone falls , you know what , what’s my offer, let’s... i’ll leave you the phone number, so you call me, thank you, we’ll solve everything, just be sure to call me tomorrow, okay, okay, who are you? i am the wife of major valetsky, lera, my name is lera, and thank you, goodbye, yes,
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goodbye, dad, he won’t like this, vasenka, sometimes you need to help people, it would be nice for you, as a future lawyer, to know this, uh... if you want to interest ilyona nikolaevna, take this case, write a term paper, mom, meaning, i love you, meaning, scarves. hey , run out with me, and you know how to drink , you can barely stand, i’m studying, let’s have a drink, you ’re cute, of course, but you look so bad
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, you’re selling a mobile phone, you guessed it, i’m not who i look, it’s clear to you, well, who are you, am i, am i dangerous? “you’re very dangerous, that’s all, it’s a cover, but in my opinion, you’re just a drunken idiot, i had a girlfriend, i loved her very much, she ate piece of meat, you killed her, you’re dangerous, i was dangerous for her, clearly, that’s why i left her and left, yes, and you, you’re just, you’re a serf, i meet 100 people like you a day! “and that was rude, i’m not interested in you, well go then, let’s go, leave me alone, i’m saying goodbye for freedom , i walked away from her, i didn’t understand everything.
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i was going to steal, oh okay, i was wrong, i confess, well, who are you, i’m terrible , flying on the wings of the night, fear me, i'm not afraid of you, you're not afraid, no?
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okay, it'll pass now, okay, good, well, let's go? fate, but stop, where are you going you're driving, stop, where are you driving, something that he would at least have, that well, someone can confirm that at the time of the fight he was in another...
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in front of his husband, he will do everything that depends on him , it’s clear, and as much as necessary , sorry, mom, they’re not offering money , sorry, well, this is always how it’s done, well , your husband, he’s, well, we understand how hard it is to serve in the police, my husband doesn’t take bribes, sorry, my husband has principles, he can help you, but only by legal means, “please forgive us, mom,
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let's go home, forgive me, please, i just wanted to say, it's true, our boys often fight with azerbaijanis, play with knives, as if they were small children, but edik could not do this, if you knew him like i do, you they would have believed me, and it’s not because he’s my brother, it’s just that…”
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it’s good that these were still our nicks, and if the traffic cops found you, you’d look great on the news, by the way, how’s that show going? they call it urban crime, he would look simply gorgeous there, in zyuzya drunk, detective. the rvd lost control of the foreign car's road and crashed into a pole. an elite prostitute from odintsovo was replaced in the next seat. elena ostapenko, nicknamed korlusha. but the girl was not injured, but being in a state of shock, she began to beat, beat the policeman with a handbag and insult him with obscene words. you creature, cop face , die, die. what's wrong with the car? “you should ask smyslovoy,
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meaning, what to do with the car, we will, by the way, you know that the owners justified yeah, how they were acquitted , there was a hearing this morning, he was released in the courtroom, how much does it cost to fix a car, well, i think it’s ours, just name the amount, well, 1,500, 600, yeah, yeah, i’ll find it, i’ll pay, i’ll pay for everything, you have 2 days, uncle seryozh, you, you, please don’t tell your mother, but i really need 600,000, oh, yes,
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i know, i know that i’m like a son to you, yes, here, seryozh, i, i never i didn’t abuse it, well, really, well, well, yes, once, once, when i asked you for a job, that’s it, i understand, but i have a terrible situation, uncle seryozha, just terrible, please, well, i understand, yes, sorry, yes, bye, uncle sergi, bye. why are you doing this to him, i understand, he’s an unpleasant guy, i somehow even got used to him, zhorik will fix the car for free. he should , you'll see, by the way, we have a call, the cash register of the duchess restaurant was removed last night, we'll send a drink when he returns, yes, and valetsky viktor vladimirovich, i'm shubik, what, uh, yes, i, junior lieutenant,
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shubik evgeniy, yes, he grew famous. not in the army, what do you need, shubik, evgeniy evgenievich, that means the moscow police school, an excellent student even, to you were assigned to us, so why the hell do we have a complete set, well, i... i was just at igor gennadievich’s, he said that to you, so, okay, i’ll go to kurbatov and find out, here’s nikolai alexandrovich for you, i 'm getting reports, okay, you know what, shubik, you find captain smyslov here, he's so gloomy, he
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'll bring you up to date, why are you standing there, go, shubik, yes. submit the documents to the hr department, great, i’m now a broiler specialist here, yes, girl, tell me, what are your conditions, yes, yes, great, 600 thousand. on bail apartment, that's it, thank you, goodbye, dear comrade commander, you are busy with the business that you need, later he was detained,
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no, well, maybe
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stern, why? i mean, he's very hard to talk to, but you're not like that, are you? i don’t understand, i mean, you are a good person, yes, and we can agree, 3000, are you offering me money? well 350,600!


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