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tv   Smotr  NTV  January 20, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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based on the specifics of the tasks of the artillery of law enforcement forces, during the lesson various options for battery actions were practiced, they differed in the execution of abandoning the firing position, the first option is loading mortars into the equipment, we perform it when we have sufficient time, the vehicles arrive in the area.
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mortars are unloaded from the back, then the fighters , with quick coordinated actions , carefully cover the vehicle under the trees. the mortar is brought into firing position literally in tens of seconds. the platoon is aiming and is ready to open fire. after to complete a fire mission, the mortars are put on wheels, loaded into the back, and the vehicles go to the waiting area. this option is used when the enemy does not offer resistance. otherwise , the withdrawal is carried out according to the second option, and it is worked out with even greater persistence.
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and moving us to fire, is carried out with the aim of reducing the time of leaving the firing position in conditions when the enemy can strike either at a new firing position for firing, or in the holding area. in this version after firing, the crew does not waste time loading the mortar into the truck. the arudia is placed on wheels and hooked onto the towbar of the car. the crew quickly loads into the cabin and the vehicle takes off to immediately leave for a new position. leaving a position quickly after completing a fire mission is vital for gunners. this way you can avoid being hit by enemy return fire. save the lives of the fighters, and therefore ensure execution. vitally important
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, that’s why all the guys are in my ranks, there are other ways to reduce time leaving positions. during a combat mission, the location of the mortar battery position can be determined by the enemy. the enemy will try to return fire as quickly as possible. to reduce the time spent in the zone. the defeat by probable return fire was practically zero, the artillerymen of the russian guard installed a mortar in the back of the vehicle. to begin with, the artillerymen of the special forces detachment tried to install their eighty-two-millimeter mortar into an ordinary ural flatbed truck. this immediately greatly increased mobility artillery unit of a special forces detachment. our main task is
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the artistic support of special forces search groups during the conduct of specially targeted events there, a set of operational and preventive measures, one of...
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unmistakably, the high level of interaction and training of spotters and artillerymen allows them to work directly. on ours , all operations must be carried out precisely by the special forces detachment, the order of calling fire
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is determined precisely by the work of the spotter with the artillery commander units, that is, there not through the vpu, not through the commander of the tactical group, but directly. through direct interaction with the commander of either a platoon or battery commander and on call at the request of an artillery spotter to open fire. the operation of a mortar battery greatly simplifies the use of modern reconnaissance equipment by spotters, speeds up the execution of tasks, and the correction itself using a uav is much more accurate. that is, not visually there by observation through use there binoculars and so on, specifically for uavs, where collective fire in the cardinal directions is much more accurate. such equipment is not only the devices themselves, but also the corresponding software; you need to
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be able to work with it perfectly. yes, we are tied according to special programs, we exclude the bead, because the very installation of the bead by... 10 is an aircraft, we already had the coordinates of the target, and beforehand we were already in the process of making a march, moving to the firing position and occupying the firing position. both the range and directional angle of the target were determined, that is, this also reduces time literally by two to three times.
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for well-trained fire specialists , further actions take a matter of seconds. i just needed this. stand at your firing position, adjust these couple of tens of meters there, calculate the installation of the sight, which is calculated there for 5 seconds , orient the mortar towards the target. leaving the position occurs almost instantly, upon the driver’s command. before use as a base for a roaming mortar.
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the car body has limited space , so the number of mortar crews was halved. for the purpose of mobile action of the crew in this vehicle body, we have reduced the crew by three people; our mortar commander performs the duties of both the mortar commander, so the loading gunner performs his duties and the projectile carrier, who is also a carrier for the pumping mortar, the reduced crew is an effective and faster execution of tasks, of course subject to... personal training and complete dedication of the personnel . calculation numbers can perform
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each other's task, since they are all interchangeable. father takes control of the entire south from sochi to rostov, with a combat unit in place. yes, they flooded the entire region with drugs, a lot of money, connections at all levels. start capturing, damn it, a year and a half of development, 3 months of implementation, you can’t reveal yourself, i have to finish this thing, we just didn’t have enough war here, i’m still alive, but nothing, it won’t last long, i still think what’s wrong with them according to the law, you can, what are you going to do, i’ll fucking burn everything. well, here we go?
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seats are specially installed to accommodate artillerymen, the placement of ammunition is thought out, placement for our ammunition load can fit from two ammunition compartments or more, that is, we can also add one more row here, here we have specially established places for placing personnel, here we also have an ammunition compartment, a place for packs , for the same thing, for dry food, for drinking water . thus, the swinging mortar is not only an effective and low-vulnerability, but also an autonomous mobile firing point. the artillerymen of the national guard troops thought of everything. if necessary , the mortar can be quickly transferred from the body to the ground for normal use. we have
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a ladder was specially installed for this purpose.
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year, well, don’t you regret choosing this profession? well, there hasn’t been a single moment like this yet, we have already told how mortarmen who serve on conscription are trained, the level of training of conscript soldiers is high, during training the soldiers act skillfully in a coordinated manner, experienced soldiers who have signed a contract and dedicated themselves to the profession serve in this unit artilleryman since the unit is a contract unit, the interchangeability of each crew number is encouraged, so our mortar commander can already carry out fire missions, closed fire positions, which are performed by a regular officer. we have already talked more than once about how important the interchangeability of fighters is in a combat situation.
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another requirement for warring units is the ability to replace superiors. had to use it in reality, in reality, it was necessary to use the mortar more than once, as it showed itself, showed its best side, all assigned tasks were completed in a timely manner, having successfully tested an eighty-two-millimeter mortar as a pumping one,
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the artillerymen decided to try a more powerful weapon in this role, the mass of an 82 mm caliber mortar in combat position is 48 kg, the mass of a 120 mm mortar is 210 kg, and of course the most important thing is... the recoil energy is many times greater, will the vehicle withstand firing from such a powerful complex? 120 didn’t exist yet, we decided to try to work for them in order to understand how 12 from the body generally works for us, the artillerymen of the national guard troops evaluate this experience positively, maneuverability has increased. lesson speed leaving the position and, in general, the speed of completing the combat mission, but at the very beginning of the north military district had to work from the ground, the deployment of troops and
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the first clashes, the feeling, well, let’s say, cannot be expressed in words, but as a control commander, self-control was not lost, and decisions were made in a timely manner, because that there was a great responsibility for... among the tasks of artillerymen, fire support for units of the russian guard and the ministry of defense, work at the request of colleagues, repelling an enemy offensive, fighting sabotage and reconnaissance groups, holding targeted events and much more. there was no excitement, there was a feeling that the training was not in vain, everything was remembered. and classes, especially practical ones, that is , make decisions in a timely manner, work through them, because there was responsibility for those units that
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needed our support. today , an artilleryman with the call sign okatazh tries to engage with his subordinates as much as possible, passing on to them the experience gained during participation in hostilities. i believe that uh. more useful in practical classes, i believe that they need to be conducted more and more often. the servicemen of the russian guard showed themselves to be real designers and engineers, demonstrating ingenuity and excellent knowledge of the military equipment and weapons entrusted to them. so that we could fire from the back, we came up with an idea. this is under a two-legged one, which allows us to level the slab itself; with the two-legged one , it allows us to work at all elevation angles,
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which we usually work from the ground; accordingly, our slab is reinforced; we have a kamaz tire filled inside sand, and this allows the slab to be cushioned. a wheel that acts as a support. in an original way, it is securely attached directly to the car frame. our wheel is secured to the body itself by making fastening holes with pins. we have pins in four directions, two on the front and two on the back. on charges we directly work on the first, second and third charge. yeah. basically, to fulfill our specific. there are enough tasks for this, we used wooden beams to reduce the pressure body with cab. the function of the wooden beams
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is to absorb the pressure generated when the mortar is fired. the number of crews, the placement of fighters, the execution of all operations, and the order of actions were carefully thought out. the so-called combat compartment is here. our crew is moving from the waiting area to the firing position directly; the crew is already there during preparation; after preparation, our crew is reloaded, preparing mines - preparing the mortar itself for firing and immediately upon arrival at the firing position. position, the crew carries out the command for battle and directly fires. it is important that before the fire mission arrives, the pumping mortar vehicle is reliably covered and protected from detection of enemy attacks.
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our vehicle itself is located in a shelter, and when called, the vehicle directly goes to the firing position, performs the task as quickly as possible and also leaves the place where the task is performed in the shelter, special measures have been taken to protect the mortar crew, there are small embrasures for review and surveillance.
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artillerymen highly appreciate their equipment; the vehicles showed high maneuverability, good speed, and ease of movement. the russian guard not only has full-time artillerymen; special forces soldiers are also being trained. another category that we...
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and in the summer and fall of the coming year we hope to talk about its first set. the review program says goodbye to you for a week. see you on the ntv channel.
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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. motorized infantry of the western group troops repelled four ukrainian counterattacks in the kupinsky direction. this was reported by the russian ministry of defense. our military acted together with the air artillery. and the crew of the msta s self-propelled gun in the same area was hit by a concentration of ukrainian armed forces tanks. and near artyomovsk, the nationalists lost another strong point; first , airborne artillery crews opened fire on it, and then assault groups descended. the militants were eliminated using small arms and hand grenades.


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