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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  January 20, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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know that we don’t hate you , we disdain you, just a few years ago no one could have thought that everyone’s favorite artists from the baltics and europe would turn out to be so ungrateful, as it turned out for decades, russia was only a nourishing feeding trough for them, in the most important moment of our state, they behaved very basely, renounced the country, suddenly remembered their homeland , only apparently they forgot that they were of no use where they were born, so now... they ended up with a former movie star, many of whom are already over 70 no one needs them in their countries. somewhere in the depths of their souls, perhaps, they realize that it was russia that gave them a start in life, fame and honor, but it’s difficult to admit this, and after everything they said, it’s already too late. right now leonid konevsky is in the leningrad shervodsky forest. i had to search the entire
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reservoir, the missing child was making circles on the water, i saw that his legs flashed at the surface of the water, a lie, weren’t schoolchildren making up pain, his father collapsed with him, hysteria happened, and secret messages, no one and nothing would force forget me, a dramatic detective story from leonid konevsky, unravel one of the strangest crimes. throughout the history of the ussr. the investigation was carried out in the documentary cycle. you have no right. love by correspondence. watch it now.
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you can’t search the apartment, just inspect it, however, it’s enough to look in the closet; the letter is very personal, so personal that it was later included in the case file.
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crime, murder, i am writing to you so that you know that no matter what happens, no one and nothing will make me forget you, and especially fall out of love. these letters will become the most important evidence that will help unravel one of the strangest crimes in the entire history of the ussr. in all the years of working on our project, we have never met.
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northern outskirts of st. petersburg, historical shuvalovsky park. church of peter and paul, where wedding
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ceremonies usually take place. it's been here since soviet times. for a very secret mission, however, everyone knows what he does, only high purity, flasking, welding, soviet leningrad boys called this park sherwood forest, then the film balad from the valiant knight evango was released, and the boys played enthusiastically. in rubengunda, they know all the deer paths, like the lines of the hand in the past , slaves are now free shooters, here the one who loses everything will be protected, a nice guy walks in the forested country, robin bug, this
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rod has a strange name, napoleon's shirt. once upon a time, the son of the park’s founder , pavel shuvalov, accompanied the deposed emperor into exile on the island of elba and named the pond in honor of the emperor’s traveling frock coat. and indeed the reservoir from above is similar to it form. this is where our story today begins. this is kirill kabunenko. in eighty- six. eighth grader at one of the leningrad schools. that day, he and his friend went for a walk in shuvalovsky park. when we started to go around the lake here, this channel, i accidentally turned
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to the left and saw a woman. a strange figure stood in the middle of the pond and nervously moved his hands. the woman has lost something. look, how suddenly a child’s sandal flashed on the surface, at that second i saw that the feet flashed right at the surface of the water, literally i saw for a second, nothing more, the guys rushed to the other side of the pond, from there closer to the place where something strange and terrible was happening, there she was already lying on the shore and...
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although a plastic machine gun, they played war with them, the eighties , almost every soviet boy had one of these, maybe someone lost it, or maybe everything was different, a rope, used to tie up prisoners in a game, or was it intended? for the victim, there is a tread mark, the trail is narrow, it looks like a motorcycle passed here, the entire body of water had to be searched,
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there was still hope, this was all an absurd mistake, they wouldn’t find anything at the bottom of the pond. hello, my beloved and dear person, a letter from you arrived yesterday, but we were leaving for my grandmother’s house, so the envelope was waiting for me until today. thank you, thank you my sunshine for the poems, they hit the nail on the head. eighty-sixth year, leningrad. a frightened woman appeared at the police station and reported that her son, six-year-old misha pessonov, had disappeared. where did he disappear, when? lyudmila told the sleepless one: the boy was in kindergarten, but for some reason he left. this is where
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it turned out that the mother works in the same kindergarten, as a nanny, where was she herself, why didn’t she keep an eye on her son? she said that she had no suspicions, how it happened and the circumstances she could not clearly explain. rusak, in 1986 , senior detective of the criminal investigation department of the vybsk district police department of the city of leningrad. lyudmila explained that she took time off from work in the morning, got sick, and then came for the child, and he was gone. where was the husband, why didn’t he take his son? it turned out that anatoly returned from the night shift and slept all day. but where did the teachers watch? a modern
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kindergarten still in some ways resembles those same soviet kindergartens that today’s mothers, fathers, and grandparents attended. although there are differences, they are immediately noticeable. let's go. there is no portrait of lenin, although he used to be found in many kindergartens. the toys are completely different, a thing of the past, semolina porridge with lumps and casserole with jelly, children no longer wear obligatory tights, there is more freedom. "hello, i'm looking for a child, protecting children in a soviet kindergarten, from whom, why,
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is someone or something threatening the children ? the teachers were looking after the kids, they had to answer the police’s questions, everyone was interviewed, there they were in snot and in tears, but nevertheless there were a lot of questions, there were... “there are a lot of questions, it turned out that misha , along with all the kids, went for a walk and disappeared, did he really climb over the fence, or did someone lure him out of his grandfather’s kindergarten? a description of the missing child was immediately sent to the police department. meanwhile, a search was underway in shuvalovsky park in the pond, on the second day we managed to find
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body. it was misha bessonov, a trusting and cheerful kid who never had the chance to grow up. the death of the victim resulted from mechanical asphyxia as a result of the closure of the airways with water, that is, from drowning. but what is it? a strong thin rope is tied on the left wrist. this is sergei afanasyev, in 1986, an investigator at the leningrad city prosecutor's office. it was he who went to the scene when the child’s body was discovered. and he doubted the words of the boy witnesses. taking into account the fact that the police cars standing, examining the corpse. some kind of mystery, maybe the boys began to fantasize, and i, to be honest, did not
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attach much importance to this testimony, maybe this was not murder, an accident during the game, investigator afanasyev had the difficult duty of informing misha’s parents that the child had been found, after listening terrible news, lyudmila bezzonova froze. she sat with a stony face, such a feeling of complete loss, the operatives told me why she didn’t react at all, i began to object to them, i said, this is the reaction, the woman sat there, when her husband anatoly appeared in the department , i told my father this tragic thing, the father collapsed, he just collapsed, he became hysterical, we called an ambulance and the ambulance took the father to the hospital, who dealt with the boy, why did they tie a rope to his hand , and most importantly, what
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was the killer’s motive, if you don’t... consider me a close person, then for me no one else exists anyway, my little gray-eyed ash, my little star, my scarlet flower, how i want to snuggle up to you and forget myself, forget about everything except that there is only you, my beloved, the only, unique, affectionate, gentle and unsurpassed, are the teenagers witnesses? could not describe the woman who was standing in the water. i only saw her bust up to her chest in the water, and then already lying there wet on the other bank, she was already lying there when we were already trying to run over there to her again, she had already run away. the detectives had virtually no leads. and then a motorcycle came into play. a motorcycle
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is an expensive toy for wealthy men who are still boys at heart, the wind is in their face, kilometers of roads ahead, all the beauties at the feet of the dashing rider. oh, what a surprise, what's your name? tatiana, very nice. a girl-motorcyclist, today this is not such a rarity, the better half masters two-wheeled transport and even participates in motocross. tanya, how do men react when they see you dressed like that on a motorcycle? they are jealous. this is true. it’s not scary to ride around the city on such a horse. absolutely not. and on this one? and this is worth
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a try. in soviet times , a girl motorcyclist was exceptional a rarity, and it's not just about tradition. you had to take care of the equipment yourself, maintain it, repair it, there were no motorcycle services, everything was done by craftsmen, which was not a woman’s job at all. soviet motorcyclists had a dream.
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this model of motorcycle is in vogue, is it really possible that a killer woman, a motorcyclist, immediately appeared, many questions arose, so she took him away from kindergarten on a motorcycle, they interrogated the kindergarten workers, but the teachers assured that a woman on a motorcycle is nonsense, what if wasn't it a girl? maybe slim young human? look, information has come in, a woman on a motorcycle has been spotted. seeing the police officers, she tried to escape. the gai crew began to pursue. gold will have its revenge on premier. i want to know who killed
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your father? it turns out we need the same people. don't do anything stupid. he makes the whole country laugh, the clerk came, she took off her wig, unfastened her eyelashes, washed off her makeup, he looked at her and hanged himself, what jokes does leon izmailov himself laugh at? artyom dzyuba showed the whole country that football does not satisfy him, as the satirist wrote a fateful monologue for...
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february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so short, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. orbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. for all occasions of a creative mood. fix price. low price for everything. take the first step in it, this is yandex workshop, become a student at 30 again believe in yourself - this is a yandex workshop, learn a new profession, take everything from
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education in yandex, this is a yandex workshop, start learning for free, keep dreaming, imagine, you have a lot, a lot of milk, put it better, we ourselves present to you the village green cottage cheese, in of which there is so much fresh milk, cheese, real cottage cheese , fresh village green, it seems that something has changed, but not everything is as we like, kfc now. rostix, and the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much. yes, exactly, everything we like. yes. pain, spasm. take buprofen renival. it
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reduces pain. take dertavirin renival, it helps with abdominal cramps. we trust renival. we choose renival. choose your favorite brands at wildbris. discover your style with oha. beautiful, comfortable, fashionable. new collections at competitive prices. choose with discounts on valperes, you know me, and this is picador ketchup, as bright, sharp-tongued and irreplaceable in the kitchen as i am, picador, an unexpectedly piquant ketchup that if you look at the familiar in a new way, take thin body, bullet screen with a billion colors and anti-glare coating, add powerful sound from yandex's flagship acoustics and voice control without a remote control with alice, who understands what... i want unlimited content with recommendations, all the capabilities of the station. alice, what's the weather like this evening? rain in the evening! alice, continue the film! forget about the remote control with the new yandex tv
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station pro. any business starts with a person. at first i cooked myself, then the team began to expand. but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up demand. and with support, development does not stop. let's expand further. national project. medium entrepreneurship by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. sarmat premiere. tomorrow at 2:20 on ntv. the breakthrough of the blockade ring and the victory in the battle for leningrad are the most important events for our homeland. 900 days and nights. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. city. did not give up, despite the terrible trials, no one forgotten, nothing is forgotten, in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade,
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the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. i was kicked in the lower lip, as the city streets turned into an arena for gladiator fights, it’s good when apologies won’t help the matter, a legal
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assessment was given. compliance migration legislation when obtaining citizenship of the russian federation with a seventeen-year-old suspect. why are parents responsible for their sons? i apologize to the entire russian federation. under current law, law enforcement agencies have the right to decide the citizenship of those who have entered the law. expulsion of the entire family from our country. shame instinct. in andrey kunitsin's author's project, a person has the right. tomorrow. at 16:20 on ntv. chasing a motorcycle is a very dangerous activity, especially for yourself. motorcyclist but this girl was driving very strangely, slowly and uncertainly, as if she had just recently gotten behind the wheel. from the outside
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, the chase looked a little comical and even ridiculous. the police accompany the motorcyclist, but do not pursue her. a citizen on a motorcycle arrives at the sidewalk. why is she trying to hide? afraid of questions about the incident at the pond in shuvalovsky park? or does this girl have nothing to do with the crime at all? the chase ended suddenly. the motorcycle sneezed , stalled, ran out of gas. when the police arrived, the girl was sitting on an iron horse and cried bitterly, helplessly. i can’t help but think about you, i have dreams only about you and i don’t want to wake up, but the most interesting things will definitely be interrupted, but i want them
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not to end. “you forbid me to love you , living in a family, but having no way out, i still continue to love you, and no one will forbid me from doing so. it turned out to be difficult to personally identify the detained girl, no documents. i don’t know who she is, who she is , why she was hiding from the police. an examination was pending to see if this was the motorcycle that left the trail." on the shore labor in which the dead boy was found. meanwhile, investigators and detectives were pursuing other leads. we had versions, of course, of an outsider, some kind of maniac. there were inquiries, of course, about who saw strangers around the kindergarten, suspicious men. episodes that seemed insignificant at first glance surfaced. then a drunk wandered into the territory of the kindergarten and was outraged.
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when he was taken to the police station, the boys arranged a gathering in the evening on the playground, suddenly petty revenge turned into a big disaster, the parents of the murdered man took over boy, how long have they been together, were there any enemies , maybe there were threats, no complaints about raising the child or any other incidents, there was nothing at all in this family. vladimir ivanilov, in 1986, investigator of the prosecutor's office, vybsk district of leningrad. the husband, anatoly besonov, worked at a steel rolling plant, his wife lyudmila, a nanny in a kindergarten. the couple got married late by soviet standards. at 34, lyudmila became pregnant and
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carried the child to term, not without difficulty. now she was 40 was in a stupor, having lost her only son. but the insightful opera viktor prusak sensed that something else was hiding behind this wall of despair. the opinion is that she knows under what circumstances misha disappeared, she knows who is guilty. what was lyudmila bessonova hiding? police officers were working with a motorcyclist girl who was suspected of involvement in the brutal murder of six-year-old misha. the examination confirmed that it was her motorcycle that left traces near the pond from which the child was taken. but detained repeated: “i am not to blame for anything. one of the employees came up with an unusual idea.
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today shuvalovsky park is going through hard times, many buildings are half-abandoned, some are destroyed . the crypt of adolphe polier, the husband of countess shuvalova, they say varvara petrovna loved her so much wife, who swore an oath to be with him forever, and indeed, after his death, she ordered the construction of this crypt and spent all her time inside. and then they say it worked. her oath worked, and the countess began to appear here in the form disembodied spirit, just a second, on dark nights she wanders here in search of her adolf, but
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he has not been here for a long time, the ashes were transported to the family tomb of bezbadani, of course, this is a legend, but for a romantic nature... very impressive, in our history she helped establish the truth , one employee came up with an idea: to take the strange motorcyclist to shuvalovsky park, suddenly the situation would affect the stubborn woman, a pond appeared ahead, the stranger began to become hysterical, please don’t, i won’t go, she begged not to go there, where the drowned man was found.
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everything changed when anya became pregnant, we will have a child, an important moment has come, what will he say, and what does it have to do with me? anya was numb, and the chosen one decided to finish her off, don’t you try to blackmail me, the girl tried to call and talk, but his love turned out to be strong only in words, she couldn’t bear it, she went to the hospital and asked to stop everything. only then did anna truly understand what such despair was, a feeling of guilt tormented her, did not allow her to eat, sleep, think, obsessive thoughts appeared, suddenly again
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a loved one appeared, forgive me, he begged to forget everything, was ready to become the baby’s father, but the child was no longer there, why didn’t you come earlier? and then he left, this time for good. the next day, anya stole her neighbor's motorcycle. she went to where they often spent time with her beloved, to shuvalovsky park. the idea was truly crazy. don't miss the central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. trump defeats the republic's competitors by a landslide.
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television today at 19:00 on ntv. sormat, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. i wish i could have lunch now for 200 rubles. only at kievrostics. we take cherkizov, cut it, bake it until the chicken is delicious. cherkizovo from meat from our own farms. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. sweatshirts for men and women yours up to 799.
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a large tender chicken breast fillet in a crispy breading with tomatoes, lettuce and special sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger in a delicious way. is this a cybergoose? it's all cyber. sale on yandex market. board game based on your favorite animated series for rub 391. this is complete cyber. to me. they told me you'll dance with this house of culture, well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. lion izmailov, million-dollar secret. today at 21:20 on ntv. today we’ll talk about male power, but first about it. i mean that sooner or later men’s sexual
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passionate and resilient in love. the advantage of this complex is that it allows you to get an unforgettable erotic sensation at the first use. you will again feel forgotten, tender feelings and passionate desires, supported by male power. the emperor's secret natural remedy is a happy opportunity to forget. failures to feel again enjoy long intimacy with your loved one, if you want to know more, call 8 800 100 exactly 30 27 8 800 100 exactly 30-27 find out details about the emperor's secret, free anonymous call, good luck to you, good luck in love, premiere tomorrow at... 20 on ntv. parnassus. the very pinnacle
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of success. the muses live there. more precisely, this is a domestic copy. the hill was built back in the 19th century, and the local nobility had fun watching sunsets from there. they say that somewhere deep in the hill there are secret passages and a whole secret city. but this is a legend, the truth is different. during the war , a camouflaged command post of the leningrad front was set up underground. much later in ninety-one, two boys entered there. when they were looking for them, they razed half of the hill with excavators. unfortunately, it was possible to save him. only one child. during our
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history, the hill was twice as high. our story continued here. the girl was overcome by madness, she decided to ride a motorcycle from the top of the hill, flying into the middle of the pond. settle scores in life. when suddenly i saw a woman with a child. anna couldn't hold back her tears. she could just as easily be walking with her child. the boy laid on the ground toy machine and trustingly pressed against the woman.
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i felt disheartened, a lot of work had been done and it was all in vain, then anna remembered the most important detail, if our man bought a tracksuit, then he was going to either drink in nature or go to the hospital, this is of course an anecdote, but also the truth of life, especially the eighties, when a tracksuit... was the most comfortable and practical clothing, after old worn-out jeans, of course, go to cleanup in a tracksuit, and just go out into the yard
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to play dominoes, a tracksuit. and here soviet girls, unlike the male population, most often bought a tracksuit specifically for sports. in our story, such a suit became a key piece of evidence. witness anna petrova recalled that the young woman who was leading the boy by the hand was dressed in a dark tracksuit. then the detectives had no idea how important it was. this is a sign. meanwhile , other versions were checked. the kindergarten where misha’s mother, lyudmila vesonova, worked. maybe it's worth looking there? if you want, write. know that i have always waited and will wait for yours
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letters, even a small note, and i will keep them all my life, because they are very dear to me, like you... there are no more, there never were and there never will be. the operational staff talked with colleagues lyudmila besonova. reviews about the nanny turned out to be mixed. lately she has been behaving strangely, either being late for work, asking for time off, or even locking herself in the toilet or hanging out with a young teacher, svetlana kurbatova. what are they doing there? the children are left there alone, and they are secluded like this, this is clearly not suitable instructions for behavior of a kindergarten teacher's nanny. we started to look into it and heard something like this, it was about some kind of relationship
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that we couldn’t wrap our heads around in the eighties. according to colleagues, forty-year-old lyudmila besonova and twenty-year-old svetlana kurbatova. i baked with the help of an experienced nanny, who explained to the young teacher all the intricacies of the work, taught how to communicate with the kids, because svetlana herself did not have children. we decided to talk to the girl herself, but found out that she had gone to a theater premiere in moscow.
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if kurbatova is guilty of murdering a boy, then one can only envy her restraint. the operatives immediately went to svetlana’s home and entered. literally an hour later they brought investigator afanasyev several letters. and in these letters it was constantly repeated, one wrote to the other, when will we live together. each message was signed, ld. no, not a first and last name, but a patronymic name, lyudmila danilovna. mother of the murdered misha bessonov. the question is, where do the letters come from? i asked the police officers. they lowered their eyes. i didn't receive an answer, i told them that i have to officially seize these letters during the search, so give me the address, this time
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they came to the apartment with a search warrant with witnesses, please come in, svetlana herself was still not there, they found her mother at home. “the letters, the same ones that the investigation already knew, of course, they said a lot, but did not prove anything yet, it turns out that the mother was aware of the strange correspondence, did she really know about everything, look, this is serious, a dark blue tracksuit , the same, according to witnesses, was worn by the killer’s girl, comrades are understood, please make sure "that the sportswear is saturated with moisture, later criminologists will conduct a complex examination and prove that the water on the clothes is from that
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very pond, napoleon's shirt, everything became completely clear, all that remained was to find the main suspect, the father takes control of everything , from sochi to rostov, to i need the whole combat unit, but not the whole region, with drugs. they've filled me up, a lot of money, connections at all levels, start seizing, damn it, a year and a half of development, 3 months of implementation, you can't reveal yourself, i have to finish this thing, we just didn’t have enough war here, life, well, that’s okay, it won’t last long. you still think that it’s legally possible with them, what are you going to do, i’ll burn the whole damn thing, well,
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here we go, maxim shchogolev, i’ll give you a chance, sarmat, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, mask, new season , 11 february. it’s profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy something you’ve long dreamed of, translate pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive special, profitable...
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police department, people most often end up in such places forcedly, some not according to their will come out, i was robbed, everything was stolen, someone is looking for justice. for all visitors, staying within these walls is a great stress, my fool said such things about me, no matter what happens, i just want to share my problems with someone, so as not to talk to anyone, advice is not superfluous, especially since among visitors it may well turn out to be police officers or their agents, this is how our
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story progressed to the finale, they were invited for interrogation.
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this is the truth, this sudden sincerity i saw in her eyes, a forbidden relationship, they hid them as best they could, but svetlana’s parents, and colleagues, guessed about everything, but preferred not to wash dirty linen in public, why did an innocent child pay for everything with his life, this question was the most important, the answer was dumbfounded. svetlana, not at all embarrassed, said that he was disturbing us. and my mother, lyudmila, spoke about this more than once. now, if it weren’t for misha, we would have been able to devote much more time to each other. svetlana was a purposeful girl, she had about 10 years of sports experience, she recognized only one
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the path to victory is straight. well, at some point svetlana made a decision, she said that she, she made this decision on her own to kill misha. kurbatova often picked up the boy from kindergarten before. it turned out to be easy to take him away. the child himself asked to go for a walk with his mother’s friend. near the pond, she suggested playing war, and the boy happily agreed to be a prisoner. she tied the rope, but realized that she couldn’t do it like that. and she just pushed misha into the lake. when they appeared on the shore teenagers, the killer had already completed her plan. it jumped into the lake and began to drown it. and it drowned. torment of remorse, pain, horror of
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what he had done. if they were, they did not last long. a day later, svetlana left for moscow for the theater premiere. to touch art, which , as we know, will bring out the best in a person, when i met lyudmila again, i calmly confessed to her, told her, lyudmila, misha, it’s me, my mother waved her hand in response. in her defense, svetlana said only one thing, she was not interested in the physical side of the relationship, she just wanted to be loved.
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he basically didn’t even believe until the end that this was the motive for the crime committed. the investigation was unable to prove that bessonova incited svetlana to commit reprisals against her own son. only one, kurbatova, was tried for murder. once in the cell, kurbatova told everyone a lie.
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today she has a job she loves, many friends, and she’s even happy. the ghosts of the past obviously do not bother her. but another heroine of our story, motorcyclist anya petrova, married, no, not the walker’s lover, but a decent person, gave birth to two children, and we are sincerely happy for her. however, this is a completely different story. right now, a new detective from leonid konevsky, how glad i am to see you,
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a favorite film, muda prose, high relationships, normal for spiritual people, and an incredible drama in real life, sometimes it’s not easy to understand the criminal. the quest was stabbed with a pencil, and the groom was sobered up, hey, comrade, who made it rain money, why is there blood on the banknotes, the pokrovsky gate, the modern version in the documentary cycle , the investigations were carried out, the money fell like autumn leaves from the crown of a tree, look right now.
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moscow, eighty-second year. that morning , vera stotskaya was in a hurry to go to work, she grabbed herself at the entrance, forgot her umbrella, when suddenly it really started to rain, but not ordinary rain, but money rain. the woman looked closely, sniffed and was horrified; the money smelled of blood. fear turned out to be stronger than greed. stotskaya rushed to call the police. got you, got it, wait for the task force. the bills had to be collected all over...
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the wind blew all over the yard, the source of the incredible rain was quickly identified, the money fell like autumn leaves, tree sparks, miracles, but moscow detectives knew well the fairy tale about pinocchio, money grows on trees only in the land of fools. the operatives found a non-magical, quite real explanation for what was happening. a lady's bag full of money is caught on a branch, but where is its owner , why is there blood on the bills? the search was short-lived; not far from the money tree , a young woman lay covered in blood, with a sharpened pencil sticking out of her neck. the emergency happened on
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chernyshevsky street, today, as in the old days, it is called pokrovka, in the very center of moscow, the famous pokrovsky gate, historical square, a place forever associated with the events of the film of the same name. our story today is somewhat reminiscent of his plot. the story is chilling, under the guise of a sheep.
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experts came to the conclusion that the deceased girl did not fall from a height. they brought her and laid her on the ground, away from the eyes of passers-by. where exactly was the unfortunate woman killed? why is her bag hanging on the tree? understanding a criminal is sometimes not easy. he has his own logic. victim in the bushes. why hide her things in a tree. strange way cover your tracks. an experiment at the scene confirmed the assumption: it is possible to throw a bag into a tree, except perhaps by accident. no wonder it seemed to the witness that money was falling out of nowhere. the crown is very dense. how did the bag end up on the branches?
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what about windows? there could only be one explanation: she was thrown from above. our response to the afghan envoy vanga. i understand that this is a very risky forecast. russian scientist who calculated the exact date of the great war. calculated the consequences. i want us to settle on the end date of the war, indicated the date of the defeat of the kiev regime, for ukraine i warned them that things were very very very very bad, and now can it be revealed what awaits everyone in this leap year? the year twenty-four, it is similar to the year forty-four, the first new russian sensation of the year, it is not possible to insist on this forecast tomorrow. at 6 pm on ntv. sormat - premiere.
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tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. pintalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentelgin, let's do without pain. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from 1.0 rub. for any sberbank credit card until january 31. and an apartment in moscow. become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. calf - pure products without harmful additives. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. sweatshirts for men and women yours up to 799. there is a cold pathogen around. warovy took the family prisoner.
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get to work quickly, ismigen. ismigen activates immunity with just one tablet a day. i will quickly treat my cold. we are playing at home in january. cars, prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million. hurry up for tickets, thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet. coolcola fanced street 999. discomfort and nausea, poisoning and twisting, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti soon. filtrumsti is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form that helps eliminate symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price of 115 rubles. for 10 tablets. filtrum. to put things in order in your stomach, it’s just space when you feel the real the taste of smoked meat from cherkizovo’s own farms, enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically
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delicious, cherkizovo reduces prices to make comfort affordable, when the processes are established, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you create it here now, tisnes creates tools to solve your problems. tenkov's business and the job is done. experiencing emotions stronger than others is great only when they don’t make your stomach hurt. trimidate, it can help eliminate the causes of abdominal pain, acting specifically on a spasm or motor impairment. feel life, not pain in your stomach. are there situations when only a big burger with tender chicken can save you? big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading, tomatoes,
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lettuce and signature sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger. delicious period. pay less, charlie sticks. 1990 delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the app pyaterochka pyaterochka helps out four components against the main ones symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicolt lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. choose your favorite brands on wildberries, discover your style with oshad. beautiful, comfortable, fashionable. new collections at competitive prices. choose with discounts on valperes. choosing a professional?
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exactly. amylatex gel acts precisely on the lesion pain with care. about the closest ones. the exact solution is free movement.
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it was not in vain that his wife left for someone else, the neighbors gossiped, and suddenly a little sonya appeared in the life of the scientific klutz. i felt so good. in the film pokrovsk gate, the intellectual khobotov, who has again become unmarried, meets the nurse lyudochka in the treatment room, a touching scene. you, did you do it like that? you are a wonderful colony, well, what are you, similar circumstances brought together the heroes of our... story, after a scandal with his ex-wife, kapustin had a heart attack,
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the ambulance attendant was sonya aksyonova, a sincere relationship began, despite the significant age difference, could a harmless bespectacled man really brutally kill his new love, and with what? by the way, where is kapustin himself? the apartment door was locked, the bell rang, no one answered, the detectives were worried that they wouldn’t have to deal with a double murder. viktor ivanovich was found in the most unexpected place, here is annushka, the most famous tram route in moscow, it once passed through.
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in our story, annushka played an equally mysterious role. let's. lyrical footage
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comedies. the tightness of the carriage brings the lovers closer together and becomes the cause of an awkward situation. sit down please. what are you saying, is this unnecessary? how should the elderly give in? in our story, the tram turned out to be empty. at the final station, the carriage drivers found only one man.
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no one knew how long he rode drunk on the tram. meanwhile, doctors determined the time of death of sophie aksenova. 8:00 pm. the suspect kapustin was removed from the tram at midnight. the man could well have killed the bride. on pizza with grief. get into the carriage, the version seemed logical, but at the time of the murder kapustin had an alibi, he was seen at a tram stop, a man was sitting, waiting for a tram, the witness tried to talk to him, but he was drunk and only mumbled in response. testimony was given by pyotr gavrilov, the new husband of kapustino’s ex-wife. can such a witness be trusted? as in the famous film, junior researcher kapustin was dismissed, but not
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completely released. 51, 52, 53, oh, cook! after the divorce, the former spouses moved to different floors of the same building, as fate decreed: they did not stop communicating. elena took care of victor, brought him pies and even had some. the keys to his apartment, just in case, high, high relationships, normal for spiritual people, the detectives checked, the windows of the gavrilovs’ apartment were right above the tree where the bag with money got tangled up, what if elena. loved her ex's new lover to death, literally, does she have an alibi for where
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she was at the time of the murder? it soon became clear that elena gavriilova, kapustina’s ex, was not alone that evening. oh, vladimir medvedovich, dear, how glad i am to see you see how life is. alexandrovich, for god's sake, excuse me, did i put a little salt on you? of course there will be. true, they say that giving salt is a bad omen for litter, but for you and me. quarreling , it’s impossible, i’ve known each other for so many years, oh, thank you very much , soviet people never refused to help each other out as neighbors, with bread, flour, matches, salt, soda, well, all sorts of small things, the store is far away, neighbor, here he is the door, well, vladimirovich, well, really, well, it wasn’t
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worth it, i’m so immodest again. requests could be different, from a meat grinder to an umbrella, from a hammer to a stool, ah, it’s not in vain that they say that giving salt is a shame, that vladimirovich, for god’s sake, forgive me! if there is no one, then a little, and the dervishes got naughty, i understand you perfectly, i ask you, get treatment, upbringing did not allow sober calculation to refuse, because if necessary, the neighbor will also come to
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the rescue, this is how it happened in our history, that evening, gavrilova paid a visit to the apartment opposite. the request was delicate and serious: to borrow money before payday. elena crossed the threshold at 8 pm. the women drank tea, discussed the news. gavrilova went home at 9, when the “time” program started on tv. this means that the suspect had an alibi at the time of the murder.
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took it or he was scared away, or maybe he was scared of himself. it seemed that the investigation had reached a dead end, when suddenly an unexpected witness appeared in the case. it's raining outside, and we're having a concert. in the film pokrovsk gate, one of the inhabitants of the communal apartment was a performer of couplets and filletons. arkady
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varlamovich, you are a minister of mus. i serve mos estrada. in our history, the artist lived on on the top floor, zakhar trubetskoy dialed 0.2, hello, police, and said that on the night of the murder he saw something extremely important, the man demanded the operatives to come to him and muttered about some kind of violin, which was what the duty officer did not understand. we left for the ill-fated address, the door was not locked, the artist was lying on the floor, a belt from his own robe was tied around his neck, there was no doubt, sophia’s killer
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got rid of the witness, what trubetskoy wanted to tell, and what does the violin have to do with it. what harmony, wonderful, wonderful. miracle, sounds music from the apartment is a sign that the life of the inhabitants of this apartment is successful. firstly, the family has money for music school - 18 rubles a month, which is a lot. well, no big deal, starting over. secondly, the tool. even a maintained piano cost several hundred rubles, and even more expensive if it matched the color of the furniture. plus transportation, payment for movers. not intelligent people, please continue, we were sincerely proud of the children who knew what salfeggio was, they have a broad
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outlook, developed fine motor skills, musical taste, unfortunately, not everyone is given a sense of beauty, although it must be admitted that the repetition of the same notes can irritate the most patient in our history, and...
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he makes the whole country laugh, they came, she took off her wig, eyelashes she unfastened it, washed off her makeup, he looked at her and hung himself. what jokes does lion izmailov himself laugh at? artyom dzyuba showed the whole country that football does not satisfy him, how the satirist wrote a fateful monologue for gennady khazanov, i was not famous at all, i could write three monologues a day, which i confessed to angelina, you once told me that if...
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the boss returns from monday at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. cherkizova presents a fresh solution. we cut it, bake it directly in the package until it reaches a delicious juicy crust from meat from our own farms. cherkizova. vitofer helps maintain normal iron levels. vitofer. all come true. iron, what is this, a cyber goose, this is cyber everything, a sale on the yandex market, vertical vacuum cleanervio for 8,810 rub. this is complete cyber. the peculiarity of desherak is in
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the fermentation technology, so my choice is dosherak, and my chan ramen and my own recipes, what kind of broth. the secret of taste is in the broth. when it seems that everyone is making you nervous on purpose, you need a two-in-one magnirod, economical and convenient. its special magnesium is well absorbed and... you get the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon.
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cosmically delicious. cherkizovo. i don't have to feel irritable and sudden change of mood. during the day i take tenaten. tenaten does not cause drowsiness. tenaten helps cope with anxiety. don’t be captured by anxiety, take tenaten during the day. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. a woman intuitively feels whether you have what she needs, just one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium is a natural
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you will want it and even more, when the goal is desired and so close, nothing should stop you. atali premium tanks are a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tank atali premium right now for free, find out how by calling 800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. the lock on trubetskoy's door was fixed. apparently the owner of the apartment let the criminal in myself. most likely, the murder occurred spontaneously. that is, the criminal used what was at hand. in this case.
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train seizure. sofya aksenova was killed in an equally strange way. in her case , the criminal had a sharpened pencil at hand. experts carefully studied it and came to an important conclusion. oh, what a picture. well done , lyoshka, cool, good, a simple pencil can be erased, although the mark will still remain, so what happened, it broke, lyoshka, yes, ah-ay-ay, no problem, we’ll sharpen it now, let’s go, look, insert it, twist it and shavings come out, it’s all very simple, i get it, yeah, the most convenient sharpener for little ones, they were produced in the form of tvs and fish.
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the weight grinder is bulky, but it sharpens a pencil better than ever. this device was used by professionals in design bureaus. the sharpener has one very important feature: when you need it, it is never at home. then kitchen knives or
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razor blades come to the rescue. this happened in our history. experts examined the crime weapon. the stylus broke from the impact, but was clearly visible. the wood was removed with a razor blade at an acute angle. sharpen a pencil. someone who uses it every day. but this is either an artist who makes sketches, or a designer who makes drawings. well, this is the direction we went to search. the operatives went door- to-door. and here's a surprise. the evidence was found on vera stotskaya. this is your pencil, the one that was spilled on. money rain, so maybe the witness lied, threw the bag into a tree herself, and then called the police to divert suspicion from herself. faith
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ivanovna cried and deeply read everything she said - the truth, and the pencils of her nephew nikita, a polytechnic student. they decided to detain the guy, but it was not easy to do. when will you be back? i don’t know, my angel, oh, the nights are usually fraught with surprises, aren’t they? i warn you, one day your little bone will surprise you. the hero of the film pokrovsky gate kostik was somewhat similar to nikita stotsky. also a student, veselchak and balagur. according to the aunt, the nephew rarely sat still. that day he rushed off somewhere. on a motorcycle, where to look for it, pokrovsky gate square, one of the paradoxes
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of moscow, there is neither a gate nor a square and you can’t find it from the signs on the buildings, not a single house is listed at this address, please forgive me, but can you tell me how to get through pokrovsky... so you already here? it happens, there is a name, but there is no area. explanation in history: in ancient times, this place was the gate to the white city, surrounded by a wall. the walls of that white-stone moscow were demolished at the end of the 18th century. in their place, boulevards were laid out, today it is... a bar ring, in the place of the former the gates remained square. one of them is the pokrovsky gate, a patch at the intersection of pokrovka street and chistoprudny boulevard.
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our story continued near these gates. a motorcycle drove into the yard from the direction of the pokrovsky gate. noticing people in uniform, the guy stopped.
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there is a groom, nikita assured him that he had nothing to do with the tragedy, the guy ran away from the police for another reason, because of a motorcycle, it had no license plates, no documents with an incomprehensible history, the guy got it at an incredible price, most likely stolen, so i decided to run away, but it was the most important evidence, pencil? the murder weapon, it was from the same pack that was kept in the stotskys’ apartment, nikita himself sharpened it. the young
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man fell into despair, how to prove his innocence, then it dawned on him. wakes you up, congratulations, you are now the happy owner of a personal phone. in the eighties , not everyone had home telephones; you had to stand in line for numbers for years, it was buzzing, happiness, if you knew how long i waited for this, i apologize. doesn’t wait, a call from a street payphone cost 2
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kopecks, owners of home telephones paid 2.50 per month, that is, 125 calls from a payphone, but comfort is more expensive than money, and excuse me, can i make one more call, briefly, please, svetochka, good evening, i’ll come see you after work, i’m sorry, i literally one more, i understand, i understand, i’m leaving , then harsh everyday life began for the lucky ones, neighbors, relatives, acquaintances, everyone came calling incessantly, this happened in our history, please leave the number, just a second, i’ll take a pencil, dictate, dear, in your favorite soviet movie... the phone didn't stop ringing, fans called kostya, in our story
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it was the other way around, student nikita called the girls himself, there was no home phone, so he had to ask the neighbors, nikita remembered the last time he made an appointment from the apartment of the learned bachelor kapustino, he took a pencil with him to write down information , he came to the apartment. pustina with a notepad and pencil, i forgot my pencil in the telephone. the investigation returned to kapustin. did you miss something? but how to explain other inconsistencies? kapustin could not throw the bag out of the window. his the windows face the other side of the house. in addition, at the time of the murder he was drunk on a tram. “i almost don’t remember the events of that
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evening, but i want to say definitely , i don’t drink alcohol at all. kapustin assured that he was walking from the tram stop to the house, when suddenly he was hit on the head, apparently unknown people poured alcohol into his mouth, and then put him on a tram kapustin woke up already in the hospital, but the detectives did not believe in this version, it is impossible to give drink to an unconscious person, he will choke, but why would criminals spend money on sacrifice an entire bottle of vodka, and then board the carriage for the sake of a wallet with a chervonets?
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one of the courtyards in the pokrovka area, the center of moscow, and quite deserted, kapustin said, he was attacked right here, in the darkest place, 20 lux, really dark, this device is called a lux meter, it shows the level of illumination, when dusk falls the readings drop to twenty lux. the lights come on, a powerful lamp, please, in the winter the lights turn on earlier, in the summer later, but the most important thing is that the schedule is known for the year in advance, this is exactly what the suspect did not take into account, the detectives caught him in a lie, kapustin assured that the attack took place in the dark at about 8:00 pm. but this was absolutely impossible, the utility
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services assured that at exactly 19:28 the lights were turned on throughout the city, the place of the attack was well lit, why did kapustin lie, is he guilty himself or is he shielding someone? realizing that he had screwed up, the suspect closed himself off and showed emotions only once, when his ex- wife found out. why doesn’t her ex-husband want to see her, what is he afraid of? we decided to talk to the woman and her new husband, but they were not at home, the neighbor said she saw him leave. gavrilov, and, surprisingly, with
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a carpet, but there was no carpet in the apartment, detectives are here. we remembered an important detail. stills from the film pokrovsky gate. margarita pavlovna bursts into the room of her abandoned husband without knocking. hello. what are you, margot? how is your god? feel a little sore. sorry, i haven't cleaned it up yet. nothing, nothing. you are alone? but elena gavrilova had the keys to her ex-husband’s apartment and could enter his place at any time. what if carpet path from kapustin's apartment? a single man lived here. is it any wonder that there is a decent layer of dust in the apartment? now this is interesting. a clean rectangle stands out on the floor. the standard size of the
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carpet, which means it really was here. there is no dust here, the smell of laundry soap , the variety of household chemicals, the soviet industry was not happy with how laundry soap smelled, everyone knew perfectly well, stains, if the smell did not dissipate, the soap was used quite recently, what was being washed here, the answer suggested itself. the detectives summed it up. student nikita accidentally left a pencil in the apartment of kapustin's neighbor. it was the killer who pierced the girl’s neck with it. blood
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apparently spilled onto the carpet. they quickly washed her hand and took her out of the apartment at the first opportunity. the killer gavrilov comes out, at that moment a signal was received, the suspect gavrilov is trying to burn the carpet near the garages. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the united states strikes at yemen's houthis. houthi ally iran responds by attacking us allies in iraqi kurdistan. but what is really happening... in fact , another hot spot has appeared in the world, or this is how a new world war began. the seller of fear, who came up with the mysterious disease x. we found the man who convinced western scientific politicians of the imminent arrival of an incurable disease in the world that will kill 20 times more people than the covid-19 virus. but who is
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he, why is he doing this? this will be your central television. today at 19:00 on... tv. sormat - premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. four components vs basics symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicolt lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. we're playing in january. houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. get your tickets soon. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. enjoy your loved ones
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dishes with the taste of classic provencal, from the brand i love to cook. it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one. mmm! i love to cook, pay less, sharly butter sticks 1990. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app. pyaterochka helps out. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless. the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from 1. rub. with any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win
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with the best credit card in the country. the viruses retreat when telaron northstar appears . give it a try. mega-meat dumplings-bigbulli from a hot thing, a lot of juicy pork and beef, mega-meat! big bullie is mega meaty from a hot thing! this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little! but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is arbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. arbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections, the holidays continue with the russian lotto, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just what a holiday! yes, buy tickets in company stores on the website 100-lotto. genferon light spray is green light. green light is mine
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goals and plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza and arvi viruses and their penetration. spray genferon light - the power of green color with mint aroma. the operatives arrived just in time. gavrilov conjured over the extinguished fire. in the center of it lay a carpet. the main piece of evidence in the case. don't move, police. what did the spouses try to do? to cover their tracks, they first tried to wash off the blood, bleach, chlorine
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lime, bleach solution only ate away the stains, ruined the path, it didn’t work, then they decided to burn it, they covered it with waste paper, the newspapers were burning, the carpet was just smoking, they wanted to add fuel to the fire, they found an old primus stove, but there was no kerosene on it for a long time , then they decided to drain the fuel from the tank; a jar of pickles was at hand, like many gavrilovs, they kept their supplies for the winter in the garage, but they were never able to get rid of the evidence. elena gavrilova was arrested on the same day, her husband was interrogated. allowed me to dot all the points i. elena she was convinced that her ex-husband victor, without her, is like without arms, weak-willed, helpless,
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defenseless, he needs to be protected. she was able to instill this idea even in her new life partner. this is my cross, and i must bear it. elena visited kapustina’s apartment in his absence, looked in the refrigerator, he wasn’t hungry, and called him at work. did you forget your hat? what can i say? sonechka, her ex-husband’s new hobby, caused elena great irritation. but how can some snotty girl care about her appearance the way she does? quiet intelligent kapustin he endured everything more and more silently, but rage boiled in his chest. that evening, returning from work, victor suddenly realized that someone was in his apartment. there, again she is a tormentor, in the twilight of the corridor, an uninvited guest was rummaging through the shelves
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of the refrigerator. kapustin came to the performance , grabbed from the bedside table, the first thing that turned up was a pencil, only at that moment he realized that this was his favorite thing, he was wearing glasses, very... blood got into his purse, wet the money, realizing what he had done, kapustin fell into a panic , only
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one person in the world could help, victor rushed to his ex-wife. elena took everything into her own hands. at the family council they decided to get rid of the corpse, but how? the physically strong gavrilov grabbed the girl by the waist, pulled her close and literally dragged her out into the street. on the clock. in the commotion, the victim's purse was forgotten in the apartment. what to do? it’s dangerous to go outside; they might see that something was thrown out of gavrilov’s window. as luck would have it, she got caught on a tree branch. the main problem remained - an alibi for the killer. a non-drinking cabbage drinker was given vodka until
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he lost consciousness, then dragged to...
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7 years. viktor kapustin got used to it, all decisions are made for him by others, helpless, hysterical, dependent, left alone with his thoughts, he could not stand the feeling of guilt, he lost his mind. he will spend the rest of his life in a closed hospital. the killer gavrilov, brainless, cruel, cynical, he was not put up against the wall. a strange decision by a soviet film. of that time, 12 years in prison, nikita, the guy came to his senses, graduated from a technical university, became an engineer, they say he works in the defense industry, however, this is a completely different story, under classified as secret, it was
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an “investigation” program, well, right now , central television is starting its work live: and we will devote the next hour to the events that are being discussed and the people they are talking about. and the very first events of the new year gave many a reason to talk about the premonition of the third world war, again. yes, while we were on vacation, there were more hot spots and armed conflicts in the world, and we , our reporters, will try not only to talk about the main events of the first weeks of the alarming twenty-four year, but let's try to explain them. good evening, my name is vadim takminev, i am yulia bekhteleva. today is saturday, january 20, in most cities where we are now watched, the exact time is 18:57. and we begin. trump is overwhelmingly defeating his republican rivals and is approaching revenge over biden. who will stop him? it is possible that he will be charged with a crime that trump himself is not even aware of. only on central television is the revelation of a man who is ready to prove that the ex-president is responsible for the deaths of several thousand
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human. reporting like a stick of dynamite in your pocket. during the mentezhai. he will tell you what this longest and most terrible day of his life was like in an exclusive interview, especially for viewers of central television. the seller of fear, who came up with the mysterious disease x. we have found the one who convinced western scientific politicians of the imminent arrival of an incurable disease in the world that will kill 20 times more people than the covid-19 virus, but who? why is he doing this, the current generation of show business stars will be the last in the history of music, already now you will not be able to distinguish live music from the melodies of rhythms that are composed by artificial intelligence, and the superstar show has ended, but you will see the mazgu on show, and those who will compete for the title of superstar in the new season, today in our studio. let's go,
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grandma matri's house should also be warm, like ours, we're doing a thorough inspection of the pipe, checking the supports, hello!
7:00 pm
in my memory, this is the first such year when so many new wars and conflicts broke out in the world in just a couple of weeks of the new year. a special group of clairvoyant experts will probably unearth some kind of prophecy about vanga or nostradamus’ cotrain on this score, but we will try to look at what is happening from the point of view of common sense, although sometimes it seems that in big world politics there is less and less of it left and less. on the morning of january 12th. the us and british naval forces staged a powerful fireworks display in the red sea. missiles from aircraft attacked military targets of the yemeni houthis. we can say that the houthis will arrive in this way.


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