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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  January 21, 2024 12:10am-12:46am MSK

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started as a secretary, entered the french government, so to speak, through the back door, just an ideal candidate for a french official, young, good-looking, never really worked anywhere, and most importantly, gay, then the young politician became secretary of state under the minister of national education and youth in the government, obviously engaged in sexual education of youth, and as we see, he finished off...
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the history of france is, you know, the thorny path from the great french revolution of the kariz commune to the queer commune in the government macron. international sawmill. take care of your honor from a young age. it was an international sawmill. see you in a week, but for now.
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built a paradise on earth without god, he built a fair state for the working people , religion for him was not even a second, but a tenth order issue, he wrote 55 volumes of essays, but if you select from there everything he wrote about religion, it would barely be enough to fill a thin fleece, he liberated humanity from exploitation and colonial humiliation, this was the main thing in his work, lenin is the most famous russian in world history, which do what you want with it, but this... fact, january 21, 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the death of vladimir ilivich. lenin died at the age
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of 53 on january 21, 1924, 6:50 p.m., in the gorki estate of the podolsk district of the moscow province, now the leninsky district of the moscow region. the country said goodbye to the leader for 5 days, five nights, continuously, during which about a million people, who came from different parts of the country and its most remote parts, passed by the coffin. at 6:50 pm vladimir ilyich died suddenly. funeral in saturday evening. secretary of the central committee, stalin. tens of thousands of people, leaders of the state party, and all members of the politburo attended the leader’s funeral. among the million people who said goodbye were the first poet of the country of the soviets, the national genius sergei. yesenin and the young writer,
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future national genius mikhail sholukhov. the funeral took place on january 27, 24 in moscow on red square. for this purpose , a mausoleum was built, in which lenin’s embalmed body still rests . the initiator of embalming was joseph vasterenovich stalin. according to to the memoirs of trotsky, stalin said: “lenin is a russian man, and he must be buried in russian, in russian,” said stalin. according to the canons of the russian orthodox church , saints were made with relics, stalin said. previously there were the relics of sergius of radonishsky and seraphim of sorov, now they want to replace them with the relics of vladimir lilch, joked trotsky, who was precisely in favor of simply burying lenin. but stalin insisted on his own, on the mausalea. that lenin should rest as a saint. this is stalin’s point of view, he considered lenin a russian saint .
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i say calmly, immensely, i could do russian lessons about lenin for a whole year, but in the meantime we will highlight several of the most important, as it seems to me, points. vladimir ulyanov was the first student in all educational institutions where he had to study. already in his youth he read church slavonic, knew latin, ancient greek, german and french. in emigration he improved. spoken german and french, and also learned english, he read polish, czech, understood swedish, in addition, he mastered italian in everyday life level, which was not too difficult, given his knowledge of french and latin, he read italian fluently, in total there are 10 languages ​​and russian is the eleventh. lenin's works
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contain thousands of references to the works of specialists and thinkers in almost all listed languages, and most often he referred to research treatises on economics and sociology. and philosophy. you must understand at what level he had to speak all these languages. the philosophy of serious work in economics is in the native language of most of us. unable to master the language. doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, georgy malinetsky says: lenin, striving for the future, always relied on a serious scientific foundation, on the advanced science of his time, including political economy and philosophy. he even delved into the problems of physics of the early 20th century. reasonedly argued with mach and ovenarius, defending reality, materiality, the infinity of the knowability of the world around us, that is, he took seriously the ideological, philosophical foundation of human knowledge. the question is, what kind of our worldview today? lenin
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really dealt with worldview. now this tradition has been lost by our government. lenin's works have been translated into all world languages , such works as imperialism, like you... we can argue about the human qualities of lenin and his contemporaries, but from a strictly intellectual point of view, lenin's knowledge base is not comparable, it is simply not comparable with the level of knowledge of any of his contemporaries. simply put, lenin was much more equipped intellectually than, say, kerensky, than, say, lavr kornilov, than... nikolai romanov and so on. there is nothing offensive here, just a huge intellect, a huge head and incredible knowledge. according to current unesco data, lenin's works occupy seventh place in the world among translated literature of all times. lenin is a russian global superbrand.
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the constitution of china, the second largest economy in the world , states that leninism is the basis of their statehood, this is not written in ours, but this does not mean that we live in a world where lenin does not exist, we are russian, still, despite 1991 all subsequent vicissitudes, we live in many ways in the world built by lenin, mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on... tv. discomfort and turbidity, poisoning and twisting, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need a umsti filter as soon as possible, a vengeance filter is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price of 115 rubles. for 10 tablets. filter to
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on november 7, 1917, they did it. today , a look at the essence of the meaning of the bolshevik revolution is deliberately reduced to distorted details, secondary ones, which overshadow the main thing for a huge number of people. what is the socialist revolution translated into an understandable social language. i'll repeat a few. which have been said many times before me, but it’s not a sin to repeat again, otherwise many
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will not be remembered in any way: the right to an eight-hour working day, equal rights for men and women , for the first time in the history of mankind, the right to annual paid leave, including the right to paid maternity leave, which is still unthinkable in most countries, the impossibility of dismissing an employee without the consent of the trade union organization , the right to... work, graduates of vocational educational institutions received the right to compulsory employment in the labor field with the provision of free housing in the form of a dormitory or apartment, the right to free general vocational education, free of charge, hitherto unthinkable for most of humanity. thanks to the revolution, huge masses of the peasant and proletarian population received rapid access to culture and science, and quickly gave the country and the world incredible... results. in addition, the right to free medical care. for the first time in the history of world
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empires, all the peoples of our empire received equal rights, which is now, by the way, constantly pointed out to lenin. supervisors should know their place, otherwise they’ve made a fool of themselves here. understand? i recently read a fact that struck me: before the revolution, there were 16 national theaters in the russian empire. 16. after the revolution, it appeared in a matter of years. together with karim tinchurin, salikh saidashev worked fruitfully during these years on a genre especially close to the people, musical drama, from the stage, saidashev’s melody went into life. many of them sound like truly folk songs. others will say: why? and i'll tell you why. in
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128 national theaters, due to the fact that these peoples have their own plays and dramas. as a rule, did not have, in terms of all these russian dramatic classics were used in languages, this is how the huge power in which we still live among 200 other nations was consolidated. sociologist and philosopher sergei georgievich koromurza wrote: lenin proposed to reassemble the russian people after the revolution, and then reassemble the lands of the empire on a new basis - the ussr. this was the way. so effective and innovative that it delights modern ethnologists, because everyone knows how powerful ethnic nationalism is. instead of repeating this suggested liberals who destroyed our country in the ninety-first year, the story about lenin allegedly planting a mine, we must stop
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to understand, he was able to reassemble an empire that not only reunited, coped with a direct... military invasion of a large foreign coalition, but attention, this is our soviet empire survived all the major world empires. lenin's ussr stood while the ottoman empire, the british empire, the french empire, the italian empire and a number of other empires collapsed. no one here wants to think about this. and if in the soviet union was not forcibly dissolved; the soviet union would still stand to this day, just as china stands. i have already had to tell you more than once that all these terrible documents, in quotes, where lenin demands that as many priests as possible be shot, in quotes, are fakes from the nineties, the post-perestroika period. someone finally remembered this, and now these people are running around the net with another quote from lenin, from a letter to gorky, where lenin says that, quote:
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every goddamn corpse is intended to oppress the masses. start - this is a private letter , lenin never allowed himself anything like this in articles and speeches, in polemical fervor, you just can’t say anything, see, for example, poetic statements on the same topic, on the topic of religion and the church in the poems of pushkin, lermontov, yesenin and so on, i’m not talking about ruso and other european enlighteners, they also have a lot of this, you won’t believe it, and lenin is still a child of russian classics, and his activity is the result of understanding the heritage of world culture.
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for him it was not even a second question, but tenth order. he wrote 55 volumes of essays, but if you select everything he wrote about religion from there, you can barely fill a thin brochure. he liberated humanity from exploitation and colonial humiliation; this was central to his work. and this, i repeat, will remain forever. lenin is the most famous russian in world history. do what you want with it, but this is a fact. stalin after all.
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from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the fourth annual forum - strong ideas for new times. large-scale support, don’t miss your chance in the new year, perhaps your idea will be the best and will receive resources for implementation. applications are accepted until january 31. admit how many times you have read or heard this phrase: socialism lived only 70 years and collapsed like a house of cards, it turned out that it was all a utopia, that it was all a chimera, no one came out to defend your soviet union. heard a thousand times similar words or 100 thousand times, the people who write all this sincerely think that these are their own thoughts, that this is their own strong argument, well, why not? an absurd
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utopia that lived only 70 years in comparison, for example, with the three-hundred-year reign of the romanov dynasty. all this looks even more original against the background of many other dynasties in world history. for example, the guguryo dynasty ruled the goguryeo people for 705 years, from thirty-seven bc to 668 ad. the dynasty created the largest of the three early feudal korean states, modern. the name of korea comes precisely from the state of kuguryu. well, kuguryu, have the chinese overtaken them? the zi dynasty ruled most of china during the bronze age for 790 years. during the reign of the zi dynasty, three main chinese philosophical movements arose: confucianism, da'athism, and ligism. well, this is a scope, but the odasi dynasty went even further. for 978 years, from 1700 to 722 bc, they
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ruled the kingdom of assyria, the odasi created a real empire for hundreds of years, their the main enemy was babylonia, which they eventually defeated. at the height of its power , the odasi dynasty controlled syria and judea, right up to the borders with egypt. but there are also those who have crossed the thousand-year mark. the bagration dynasty of georgian kings ruled the country for 132 years, 780 to 1812 ad. but something. the pandya dynasty founded a state in southern india in the century bc and ruled until 1618, ruling for 2018 years. yes, dynasties do not always mean the rule of the same ideology, but in general the ones we have given facts indicate the stability of political systems. the longest-ruling dynasty in the world is the japanese imperial house, yamato. the dynasty came to power in 781 bc
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and continues, albeit in other ways. under the influence of the magic of numbers, it seems to them that 300 years of rule, for example, romanovo, there are more than 70 of them, simply because in arithmetic this is so, the trouble... in fact, the joy is that world history is not arithmetic, there are different laws . the uprising of spartacus began in the seventy-fourth year bc and lasted only 3 years. spartak is not at all founded no dynasty and did not create any stable statehood. however, these 3 years in world culture outweigh thousands of other events spanning centuries, because spartacus overcame slavery, because he broke an empire that
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seemed invincible at its knees. because, having created an army from the slaves of the poor, he created unimaginable things, until now the world has not lost its dignity and does not repeat the shameful mantra that all revolutions are evil, that it is necessary to develop evolutionarily, this world is still watching spartak with admiration. stepan timofeevich razin began an uprising in the spring of 1670 and in a few months created a gigantic state larger than most european countries. but in october of the same year. he was defeated by the tsarist troops. the cossack-razin republic existed at its maximum extent, strictly speaking, for 4 months. but here’s the paradox: razin was cursed at the state level, razin was excommunicated from the church, razin was quartered on red square. he was anathematized for almost 300 years, but songs, tales and legends about him the russian people have written one thing, more, more than about almost all the romanovs combined,
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perhaps if excluded from the list. the first french republic existed from 1792 to 1804 (12 years), but for modern world history these 12 years weigh as much as other dynasties half a thousand years long do not. well, now about house of cards, utopia and chimera. the history of russian socialism has not gone away; it continues to have a decisive influence on all of humanity, on the main part of humanity. cuba, laos, vietnam. india calls itself a socialist state, the legacy of lenin and the russian bolsheviks is studied there and taught in this country by many left parties of various kinds. algeria, nicaragua, north korea, sri lanka, tanzania, these are all socialist countries, one way or another. socialists run brazil, socialists run venezuela,
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leftist parties, black children of lenin. into the constitution, no, you don’t even know one, but i know, and you now know countries with a total population of billions of people, where is lenin’s surname, written into the constitution and curriculum, a house of cards, say , yes, god has everything as a house of cards, an empire of 300 years, a house of cards, an empire of 3.00 years, a house of cards, a republic of 3 months, all this is human swarming for him , but you are not god. where did you come from here with such condescension, when the russian liberation revolution happened in donbass, do you remember where it began, it began under the monument to lenin, it was the monument to lenin that was saved from bandera, yes , left and right, communists and
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cossacks, and nevertheless, having taken power, alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko, the kingdom of heaven, did not begin to build a market there, but, on the contrary, nationalized the entire industry, the ideology of his country, donetsk. people's republic, called, you know what, the ussr, which stood for freedom, justice, conscience, equality, and this is not a right-wing ideology, it is a left-wing ideology, or rather, a left-wing ideology not in the current european sense, in the soviet, chinese, latin american, when the left means loyalty to tradition and loyalty to the people, in in contrast to the right-wing liberal ideology, which unfortunately symbolizes the betrayal of tradition and one’s own nation for the sake of the world. the year 1917 did not end in 1991, it continues and continues throughout the entire planet on all continents, and it remains to be seen that in the end the planet will collapse like a house of cards, led by
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the americans, crazy in their impunity, and other liberal, as they call it, world toad , or lenin's ideas transmitted from people to people around the world. well open your eyes people. dear one, look around dispassionately and honestly: korea, with its seven centuries old kuguryo dynasty , was not ashamed to learn from the soviet, so to speak, chimera. with its eight-hundred-year history of the tzu dynasty, it is not humiliating for china to include lenin’s name in its constitution. india, on whose territory the pandya dynasty ruled for 2,000 years, does not hesitate to focus on socialism and does not hesitate to study. soviet leaders in universities, primarily lenin. and only in the homeland of this incredible russian idea are people making faces. no, we don’t need a house of cards, what’s there to discuss? they were silent would, you know. overall, i want to say that i,
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personally, consider the reign of the romanov dynasty to be a great, amazing time. i simply consider lenin’s subsequent 20th century no less amazing. i like everything about russian history. to me. everything in her seems huge, majestic, god-given, unlike some here. and as a lyrical conclusion, i will give you a letter that i received recently. good afternoon, zakhar, he writes to me, you are the person i was waiting for, i’ll explain why. i was born in 1995, so beautiful and free, in quotes. i born in glubinka in the trans-urals. many, i think, do not suspect the existence of such a region, because we have neither oil nor gas. what can you do? there is uranus, but it ’s not ours, huh. so, to the topic of socialism, i was already born in the russian federation, i don’t know what the soviet system is, i wasn’t even a pioneer, but never, you know, never did the thought of throwing mud at the soviet past arise in my head, because it the life of my grandmothers, home front workers, my
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grandfathers, front-line soldiers, in the end, my parents, i heard a lot from them about this very soviet, and as is now generally accepted, bloody past, but what struck me most of all was when i learned about one fact: in 1970... to our village of kamenskoye, what kind more than two thousand kilometers from the capital, black artist bob tsimba came to perform. can you imagine that these days an artist would come to such a remote outback as ours? i have a hard time imagining this. and villager vasily chup also came, and there was also a huge library, which it worked from dawn to dusk, from dark to dark, there was a two-story clinic with wards for 20 beds, there was a dentist. now someone will say what a... unheard of dentist, it’s so unheard of that these days you can’t even get to the district clinic to see a dentist, because there are no specialists, they dispersed to the north, there was also a red banner school with an honored director of the rsfsr headed by the museum named after.


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