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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 21, 2024 3:05am-3:51am MSK

3:05 am
there is no one to send to heroic deeds, you got bored again, i found a photograph of girls in your pockets, young, undressed, great, you are again and now it makes no sense, you were disappointed, you were rummaging through my pockets, yes, yes, another one, she has a red one the tape, not really, well, i mean, there is a red tape, but he did n’t strangle her, and what he did with it, it would be better to never see it, if you really want to know what i’m doing, let’s go, where?
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i’ll introduce you to another young girl, we’ll take a couple of pictures for memory, i’ll go, and okay, go to the road, meet the investigator, call the committee again. hello, hello, i think lera shouldn’t look at this, she has been interested in my work for a long time, she will be interested, well, miss marple, what are your thoughts?
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“you see, we have a maniac here, girls are being killed, all for no reason, before he just extinguished, but now, and now again, pen, era, er.” vera, faith, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, i’m an idiot , that's it, i was scared, vera, forgive me, forgive me, lord, my god, where were you, you should have asked her, you should have come 2 hours ago, you killed her, you idiot, fuck you, and all this time you were fucking with the boss’s daughter, why did you get the idea, why did you miss the point, i realized, you,
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hey, what’s all this fuss here, what happened, nothing , prokopenko, everything is fine, boss , then why the hell are you crushing each other here, well, let’s go out around the city, but we can’t senselessly comb the city, we need to draw up a psychological portrait of the killer, on the way out, so that i don’t see you here until the next morning. mom, what happened, mom, vasya, vasya, vasya, me fool, i don’t understand anything in this life , forgive me, forgive me, i, you love gleb, you are fighting for him, we have to help him, mom, i don’t want to talk about it now, vasya, i want to correct my mistake, i i want to help gleb, mom, nothing can be changed, the day after tomorrow.
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court, savina will ask a meaningful question about the bribe , he will tell the truth, we have 2 days, we have to do something, mom, well, this is how you persuade savina, she is a lawyer, she is only interested in winning, i need to talk to one man, try at least one, i don’t eat that kind, i’m thinking about what she was wearing, a pioneer costume, yes, give me a drink, i ’m not asking you, i know you have it there, wait. until the store opens, what store, what store, but they’re already standing there, suffering, what’s there, what, yes, do what you want, oh, come on, pour it, maybe she was a prostitute, not a single habit, she’s an excellent student at the institute from a good family , she was getting married, hmm, maybe i wanted to please her, so do something like this, thank
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you, yeah, again, a red ribbon, the pioneer tie is a red ribbon, and the fact that her there was a neck. he wanted to do something more, something more terrible than usual, it was just that strangulation no longer excited him. listen, by chance you yourself are not a maniac, but unlike you, i read books. listen, wait, so you're saying that your pioneer was just walking down the street. did he see her by chance? yes, the red galsux worked as a trigger point, well, as a sign, as a call to action, let’s say, well, if this is an accident, then how can we explain that she was a friend of the previous victim, while both of them
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are in no way connected with the three victims who were killed a year ago, no, he was specifically tracking her down, well, if so, then how can he explain that she was wearing a uniform? thrown over, but under it i saw a uniform, it was still short, but no, i didn’t see the face, but the hair was long, white, yes, where did you see her? i’m telling you, it came from the clippers the day before yesterday, what clipsters, well, from
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this, from the internet cafe, but you know, damn it! hipsters, oh my, they, yes this cat, look how hot he is, he’s just neutered, shut up already, there ’s another room here. of course, like me then i didn’t guess, i’m an idiot, what are you talking about , don’t you understand, they were filming porn here, why
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are we standing, let’s take the camera, let’s go, come on, come on. what did you say meaningfully about your relationship? yes, yes, and what did he say? he said that i was too young, after all , smoslov is a good guy, mom, what are you even talking about? i mean that he is trying to behave like a decent man, trying not to offend you, mom, i’m not small, of course, okay, papalovich, i understood everything. “we will try, all the best, and you won’t have to worry, well, the pavlych fell, it worked out, she’s okay won’t say something meaningful, stop croaking
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, nothing will happen to your word, little chickens, how do you do this, i ’ve known since 1993, she was the lawyer of all our bandits, a shark wouldn’t try to stand on her...” judged , but everyone makes mistakes, the main thing is to correct everything in time, right? what are you talking about? savina will not raise questions about the bribe in court, you will not lose your job, you will not be sent to prison.
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why did you do this? i understand that it looks like it's like i'm asking for gratitude, but i'm not. i just came. to tell you this. i didn't ask you to do this. well, of course, you didn’t ask me to do this, i just wanted to fix everything myself. sorry! i'm sorry, fuck, leave me alone, i have work, i'm sorry, and this is not...
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distinguish striptease from porn, it's yours, you're lying, we looked at the hard drive, i can now. i mean, i saw it on the news, but i didn't think it was, what didn't you think? ok,
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tell me what you know, but chuprinova was supposed to go to work yesterday, but she didn’t come, pletnyova didn’t work instead, so they only work on webchat, that’s it, we’re special there we don’t ask them anything, because they often have it there. guys or family, where did you meet them, what? where did you meet them? we found them there on social networks through their avatars, then we wrote them off. what was yesterday? yesterday pletnevo worked with these americans, right? and this is for the whole night, so i gave her the key to the apartment, and in fact, about 9 o’clock there, at 10 i went home, and we have two witnesses who... saw that when pletnyova left , your car was parked nearby and that she ran out in tears, and 10
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minutes later you came out, got into the car and drove off, me and you, these are these, these two drunks, they were paid 10 rubles, not the history of russia, they will rewrite everything, i ’m telling you, this is nonsense some kind of thing, it’s just a lie, it’s that you killed them, it’s you who killed them, that’s enough, i said, that’s enough? what are you doing, what are you doing? if you want to hurt, do it carefully, do you understand that you are hurting him? and why are you lying to him, and why are you lying? in short, we, we filmed how they worked, they didn’t know about it, when, when she talked about it i knew, she said that i would now go to the police, like she would write a report against us, i told her that if you go to the police, then we, like, then we’ll post the whole video there from my account. networks, that’s it, and after that she exploded and ran away and didn’t see her at all, didn’t even touch her with a finger, look at me,
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but didn’t touch me, i didn’t even touch anyone with a finger, didn’t touch anyone at all to you, great, meaning, there are simply no words . well, we've finished the game, i just got a call from the main department, you've all been removed from business, the maniac is being transferred to the committee, other matters sviridov’s group will take care of it, and you hand over your cvd and go for a walk, i mean, for what? what innocent eyes you have, you idiot, on
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suspicion of corruption, everyone in the whole group will be suspended, i warned valetsky, if he had left on his own, they would have left you, well, you arranged it! there's a lot of chaos here, now, now i'll put everything away, i need to throw away these papers, this is just garbage, wow, look, i see, pavel pavlovich, but it seems to me that victor would really like to come to you, but he doesn’t, because that he didn’t call because he was uncomfortable, i’ll talk to him, no need, why, he won’t come, why won’t he come , something happened between you, ask your husband, and
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in general, ask him to know what time it is, you saw, give it all, give it. that’s it, please, let’s do it all, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, no, let’s do it tomorrow, tomorrow, in the center of russia, cyclones have occupied the continental part of the distant...
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forgive me for yesterday, i behaved harshly, i didn’t expect this from myself, i'm sorry, vit, i like my life. and i also want to spend the rest of my life with you here in this house, you have nothing to fear, really, really, i was scared yesterday, that you stopped being interested in what else,
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oh, lord, lord, why? because i said so. it's clear. so he told me that you don’t want to talk about him. and he suggested that i ask you why. what have you done? see? well, i know you very well, but you’re rude. you are a kind, good, wonderful person, but as soon as you say anything, you already had your closest
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friends. it's my business. that is, i’m meddling in your affairs again. again? yes, when you stopped, you always stick your nose into everything and want everything control, god forbid your caveman husband does something wrong, it’s not true, then stop interfering, why the hell did you come to him, well, it’s just me, because he’s alone, you’ll forget the way to him, or i myself, i'll break up with you. gleb, gleb, you can’t do this, you have no right, do you hear, gleb, gleb, stop, listen to me, lord, you don’t think about anyone but yourself, what an idiot you are, gleb, there’s a court hearing here , young people, i am an investigator,
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a captain of meaning, i am a witness, the defense is not called witnesses, i detained the suspect, i want. give your testimony , come on in, you have your passport with you, yes, he persuaded the defendant to commit murder, planned this murder, he offered me a bribe in the amount of 600,000 so that i would put the brakes on the case of the attack on ayaz, you took this money, this has nothing to do with the matter, girl, natalya nikolaevna, this seems to be your assistant, no, no longer, one more note, you will be taken out of the hall here. witness, answer the question. yes, i took this money. tell me how you let things slide, i planted a knife on rafaerunyan, the participants in the trial have questions for the witness, the defense
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does not, daddy, dear, how much will you give him, 5 years of general regime, you gave him 8 years, i gave him back 8 years.
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is covering for him, it’s funny, but you do the same thing, i’m covering up for your boss, valetsky provoked you to take a bribe, that’s not true, well, this guy just said it too , that’s not true, valetsky pushed you, you crashed a car from a special parking lot, and he he tells you to look for money for repairs. and you know what's funny, he fixed it completely free of charge sponsored by a car service technician, and he put all the money
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in his pocket, how do you know that, give it to me, now is the best time for this, now you know who actually planted the knife, no, give me valetsky for real, give it to me for real the dashing case, regarding the drugs they were carrying to moscow, is it because you were stabbed? they can put you in jail, and i’ll help you get out of it, i don’t even understand what you’re talking about, why are you covering for them, they’re all against you, everyone, they think that it was you who wrote novaletsky’s denunciation, and now they’ll be in you are sure of this, why, well, you’ll see, it’s time for me to go, well, go. hello, how's your health, hello, don't twitch , it's harmful that you're looking, but about madyak, about
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the murdered girls, you know that we were removed from this case, we're not involved in it, well, that's true, while you're on sick leave, if attempts, who gave it to you? it was prokopenko from arakfeev who got the sign from the past. prokopenko. hello. hello. i heard about your speech at the trial. you will now be fired. most likely they will go to jail. i am hearing everything. that is, you and the maniac are no longer with us will you help? then you see, i can’t tell masha that we were suspended, her father is already looking down on me, and i have a wedding soon, you know, but i thought, well, a wedding with new shoulder straps, i mean, what
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if we’ll find him, maybe they’ll arrest us, although of course it’s unlikely that you will, okay, sorry, okay, there’s nothing to do anyway, let me show you something, let’s go out, oh, there’s noise now. there’s also something interesting here, this is a computer from an internet cafe, you didn’t pass the test, well, it’s just lost, we’ll get it soon
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we'll find it and give it to you.
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listen, maybe it doesn’t matter, but in this city there was already a maniac who gave birth to children, in 1981, i read this on wikipedia, he doesn’t look like our maniac, he raped and killed women with a knife in a forest park, but what you said that a simple operative cannot catch a maniac, so he was caught by a simple operative, an authorized operative, smirnov, and, by the way, from our department, smirnov, smirnov, oh, pavel pavlovich.
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gleb, what are you doing here? i, i was at the trial, don’t, don’t say anything. i didn’t do this because of you, yes i know, hello, hello, the second year gave me a look like you, the same exact thing, why did i come, i wanted to consult on one of the matters, with me, go, run, take a walk, what... i advise you,
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never consult with old people, their brains dry up and grow it’s in the prostate , excuse me, you’re not afraid about the maniac, yes, no one cared, no one, just how he tore the last of his kitties, then they started fussing, baby, what’s wrong with you, that’s it? what about you? everything's okay, everything's okay, sorry, no, wait, you're pale, like the dead, that's how you killed the girl, come on, go from here, then we’ll talk, let him tell you, no, he’ll go, and you rest, no , please, you, you’re so young, you’re also wearing a red scarf, get your attention, i’m fine, everything’s fine, let him, let him tell you , to me, i wanted to listen,
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well... “let’s listen to you already, because you know that i don’t believe in anything, only one thing, you are brave, if you are protected, it happens in different ways, you know this story in one moscow also had something similar, one major, the general’s son, posted a confession on the internet about what atrocities he and others in their section, frantils showed off in front of the girl, and ended up flying out of the section. and sat down, and he’s working, it’s great, dad got me off, it’s not a major meaning, he’ll snitch, i don’t know who he’s going to snitch on, but he’s an informer, and i know, if i changed my words, we’d be jailed for less, but he’ll get screwed, i’m going to check everything , no , i can see it in your eyes, no, you’re trying to justify it, you bought it, well, it’s obvious, well, vetya, well, these are, well, candy wrappers, glitter for girls, well, look stupid, vitya
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petya, he’s a rotten person, save everyone! what do you think? dude, i'm not here at all i understand, i don’t understand computers, here you have some kind of virtual stripper, he’ll figure it out temporarily. do you understand maniacs? did you climb the lane? well, well, well, it was actually an accident, yes, we suffered for 3 years, there were already seven murders, he stabbed us in the heart like
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a butcher, the investigator came from moscow, but as soon as he arrived, he left, they hanged all our dogs, in the police department i have. but you have a version that the killer met the last two victims via the internet, well, on this site, it falls apart because it doesn’t fit with murders a year ago, maybe not everything fits in it, but it needs to be checked, so study,
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wife, opera, there’s no point sitting here to argue, that’s what an investigator would do, we need to check every clue, go put it in tea, go, go, go, i i beg you, tell me, something happened to you, the girls were telling you off, but what did you think you got rid of? you regret, yes, you regret , what are you going to do, i don’t know, catch a maniac, and then whatever happens, that’s what you are like with us, and someone wrote his nose on maletsky, i don’t know, barinov told you that, do you have any idea who is knocking? no, walecki, he thinks it's me, isn't it you? yes, i
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understand, this is wi-fi, what do you mean? i know where he is. where? drive up to the internet cafe, i'll be there in 10 minutes. i will also. let's. this is urgent. sorry. where is gleb? yes, he hugged me, he even left his entire dock here, and i’ll tell him, yes, yeah, it saved me! in short, imagine, let’s say, your neighbor has access to wi-fi, you can easily join his network, and imagine , let’s say that you are a little bit of a hacker, through
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this common network you can get into all the computers that are on this network, especially if they are poorly protected, you have access to all cameras, to all video files, you can easily see what sites were visited from these computers, he went to... and he was nearby, yes, he could watch how girls enter, leave the club, yes, it must be very close, well, as far as the wai hits, come on, your mother, hands behind your head, facing the wall, we are from the police, why are you lying to me, the meaning of the words, have you been suspended? face the wall, weapons on the floor, weapons on the floor and tell your lieutenant, put them down, but you shouldn’t have handed in your time cards, or what?
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what do you mean? nothing, just like yours, have you looked at other apartments? do i have to report to you? sorry, it makes sense, don’t make your situation worse. well, what are we going to do next? i don't know, hey, where are you going?
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vitya, vasya! good afternoon, alla sergeevna smyslova, yes, i am from the department of personal security, i would like to talk about your son, come in.
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oh, mommy! help yourself, thank you,
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my son has never violated anything, his department is conducting an investigation into a corruption case, most likely he is not involved in this, but we we have to find out everything... for his own good , this is just a conversation, i won’t even write anything down, well, i don’t know anything, he almost never comes here, he lives in a hostel at his place of work, last week he took a day off and spent you have him, but he was practically not at home, he had some work matters, what, i don’t know.
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“deputy head of the department of the main department of internal security, show me your documents again, i already showed them to you, you don’t work in the internal security department, who are you? and you never you close the door, right? stop looking at me like that, listen, what happens
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today won't mean anything, don't be afraid, i'm not afraid, i won't chase you, i won't confess my love, nothing like that, i just want to stay here today, here all. you will hate me, i already hate you, it’s not scary. no, it's not you, no, it's not you.
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did someone call me? why are you getting dressed? i
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don't want you to leave. pick up the phone, damn it, yes, colonel see, dear, pick up the phone, pick up minakov, one of the bigwigs in the special committee investigations, deputy head of the committee, understandable. i can’t believe that sensei is an informer, now you ’re convinced, yes, come to our place in half an hour, find a hole, i’ll finish everything today, i’m in the department behind the barrel, they can
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listen to you, i took the kazakh sim card from my hands, if you’re leaving, i i’m not merging, we’ll wait a little, we can wait, take a shovel , dad, go eat, mom is calling, come on, i’m coming , i’m coming, viktor vladimirovich, wait, won’t you let me in, no, i would never, they told you who conveyed, but i don’t know, old man what kind of old man, well, yes, i wouldn’t take him, but he showed me the crust, our old man, a retired colonel, it’s important. like that, well, i said that you were suspended, and he said: if anything, here you go, what was his name after all, something ivan ivanovich, in my opinion, half a balych smirnov, oh, exactly, exactly, yes, what the hell does he need it?


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