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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 21, 2024 4:40am-5:36am MSK

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you know that i was accused of corruption, that i took bribes, tied up my powers , used my official position for personal gain, and what do you think, why are you silent, they cannot blame you for this. have they forgotten what you did for the city? where is your order? where is your order? here it is, now you put it on, go to them, and let them look you in the eyes, let them feel ashamed of what they did, they can blame anyone for this, but not you, because say something that well, you’re silent, you’re not doing anything... and you want me to
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made excuses? no, well, you didn’t do this , lord, tell me that you’re not to blame , i’m not to blame, i know, i know, i know, i know that you ’re not to blame, i heard lyudmila ivito’s conversation, but i understood that it was it’s not true, we have to ask for help, you know, we need a defender, they want to slander you. we need someone who knows you very well, who can support your reputation. who is this? this is pavel pavlovich smirnov, your former boss, he knows you very well, the whole city listens to him, he can do everything about you tell the whole truth. we will not beg for help, especially not from him.
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senior lieutenant khramtsov, document check, registration certificate, please, in fact, there is a stationary post for verification, registration certificate, driver, on the way out, yes.
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uh-huh, senior, senior, senior, and what about the italian weather, remind you of the traffic rules, don’t yell, everything is lit up, money, management, everything in the bag, throw the keys away, come on, come on, hurry up, turn out your pockets, i have nothing, what’s this , what is this, am i a fisherman? i'll shoot, you want to put everything in your bag , that's it, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, oh, 1, 2, 3, 4, one, two, nastya, will you have some oatmeal, no, thank you, just coffee, i'm in a time of trouble, well, alone it cooks for a minute, it’s better to have a sandwich. well
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, it’s harmful, dad, i’m not a raccoon, i’m just as harmful as you sit, i’ll open it. surprise, we weren’t expecting it, honestly, no, dad, your coffee ran out, oh, how delicious it smells, we’re standing in the doorway, take your suitcase, it’s started, little, oh, styopa, great, great, somehow you don’t look so unhappy , you know, i managed to make peace with my wife, yes, i managed to convince her that i only stumbled once, convinced, probably, with the look of a beaten dog with an oath of fidelity and
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love, well, yes, i am a self-repentance, but the publishing house, i am again the general director, man, yes, this is necessary please note, no, no, i don’t drink, it’s that bad. i don’t drink at all, so, come on, what are you talking about me all the time , let’s talk about our work, in general, a decision has been made to close the anna kutuzova project, why, who is this decision made, by me, i mean, her, i mean, well , this is our joint decision, listen, banter, what difference does it make in who it is accepted, in general, the project on kutuzov just all failed, right, or? zaveta stanislavna said that you don’t understand a damn thing, that he is a woman’s soul, you know perfectly well that i understand women even more than writing my own novels, stop interrupting me, banter, i ’ll interrupt myself, and in general about novels, the romantics have also outlived their usefulness, that yes, it is said, we need
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to come up with some new hero, for example, courageous, noble, trailer, by the way, listen, this, this is something new, noble killer, yes. no , i can’t write this, don’t wait, wait , that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, sit down, sit down, please, sit down, sit down, styopa, you’re a writer, you can come up with everything yourself, you’re a genius, about the motivation for why you became a killer, well, psychological trauma in childhood, or wrongful dismissal from the organs, this or that, the death of a beloved wife, no, wait, death is not necessary, she won’t understand, just bitches, who? well, the death of a beloved dog, well, about the bitch, i ’ll think about it, think about it, because in 2 weeks the book should be published, at least in a week, we agreed, you’re retired, there’s nothing to do,
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is it really so difficult for a child to cook porridge, but she doesn’t like porridge, you never know what she doesn’t like, you had to insist. maybe i should spoon feed her, for dad, for mom, parents , stop quarreling, i’m not 10 years old anymore, the windows are dirty, there are stains on the floor, the stove hasn’t been cleaned, ira, i haven’t had time yet, i haven’t had time to clean, mom, no attack dad, he already copes with almost everything here alone, i’m at work all the time, but i didn’t have time, just a second, someone told you that i’m coming, unfortunately, no,
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will not refuse, under no circumstances, here is dad and we are teams, thank you, nastya , you think i couldn’t find you, and i wasn’t hiding, you took the money and did not fulfill the order for garin, i will return the money. that’s not how it works, i won’t kill garin, he ’s a good person, but i don’t care what kind of person he is, i’ll give you a day, and then, you have
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a wife, children, think about it, let’s go. how are you, father, yes, smoke, but i don’t smoke, well done, but fifty kopecks won’t help you out, improve your health, fuck off, okay, don’t help me out, come on, well, help me out with fifty kopecks, improve your health, get out of here, oh, give yourself a bomb-bom of health, attention, everyone
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get ready, damn, we just didn’t have enough of these, i’ll go shugan them, put them aside, man , can’t you see that the bench is occupied, don’t rumble, come on, i'm busy, it's a word card or something, do you have pills, please find a free bench. i’ve already found it, boor, and if you need a bench, then send the mower, boor, let’s go, no, i’ll make it clear, oh, how old is your baby, 2 years, 2 months and 3 days, huh? and i see, yes, 2 years, 2 months, 3 days, what a cute duck, it’s like my father, i’ll go away,
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look behind the wheel, no problem, quiet, quiet, father, but you don’t have a cigarette, in fact, i don’t have one, and it won’t cost you fifty dollars to improve your health, what are you, what are you going to score? don’t growl, hear me, fuck off, i’ll kill you, your killer has grown, run, what are you doing, what a dog you are, let him go now, quietly, calmly, calmly, calmly, i’m from the police, arresting a criminal, woman, leave me alone, police, police, they took the second one, let's knit his bracelets, woman, you
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broke my nose, listen, good one. 25 88 can't be everything in this life alexey yuryevich, maybe you know that munro met with yourself, what she wanted, is your business? but i really don’t like all this, i’m losing a lot, and i didn’t start this, you
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have to finish it, for example, why shouldn’t i teach you how it was before, it will become easier for everyone , i’ll go, what did you want to say, what did you call? i forgot, i wanted to ask you for sponsorship . gave, i saw him there, and he was in this , well, in a wheelchair, there are a lot of them, little inches,
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i don’t know, well, i understand, uh-huh, we’ll help , smanroo, don’t delay, ian, hello, january, is it you or what? , i, oh, i always knew this was how you would end up. why, like this in the trash heap, again you misunderstood everything, that i misunderstood, don’t come near me, what a complete drunk you are, ugh, abomination!
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i asked you not to disturb me for a few days, coffee, well, that’s it, decide for yourself, but well, well, okay, order additional examinations, a situational one, of course, all the witnesses for repeated interrogation in a circle, let it go to the opera. they will conduct a three-chamber test, what should i teach you, or what? i've been gone for 3 days, goodbye, eh, that is, you want to say that in peter came for only 3 days, yes , unfortunately, it doesn’t work out anymore, wait a second,
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what do you have against, and how can i be against, i think so too, it’s clear, and where did you stop - i understood the question, well, it’s normal question, what hotel are you staying at, well, of course i have a hotel, that’s great , otherwise i might not be able to stand it for 3 days, well, great, go to the hotel, a general’s room , unlimited minibar, live, be happy, i’m fine here, even with let's talk nastya, ira, this is my apartment and i feel good here, from the apartment no one is chasing you, you will live for the day.
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and don’t forget the fermented baked milk, uh-huh, yes, ivan vasilyevich, ivan vasilyevich, my dear, you are upset about something, why did you get the idea, well, actually, i’m observant. yeah, tell me, zenaida pavlovna, yes, ivan vasilyevich, yes, yes, explain to me, here ’s how it’s possible, i agree with you, absolutely agree, categorically, it’s impossible, that’s what i ’m saying, i’ll tell you what, i will never live in my life again, well, well, ivan vasilyevich,
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my dear, don’t promise, but if you meet, then the only thing, unique. “if anything, i agree to everything, thank you, please, thank you, bon appetit , well done, nikita, it was beautiful, thank you, nastya, and some doubted, well, coffee from you, you lost your bet, for sure, the award has found its hero, m , i love it freely." coffee , and a cake is not necessary, but thank you, now we need to throw all our efforts into finding the gang that robbed the bus of tourists, for two cakes i’m ready to double my efforts, triple for three, and this is a challenge, well, i promise to carry out everything necessary promptly as soon as possible -search
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events, in the nineties there was a gang working on the vybsk highway that robbed buses with our foreign tourists, i heard this, i would not have heard it before, they couldn’t be caught for 2 years, but uncle egor was able to do it, well done, dad, i’m proud, maybe you can talk to your father, what if he helps with something, prepare some cakes, nastya, don’t tell me, i beg you, genes are a great thing, yeah, chances, yeah, a good drink, too good, so the first question, come on. how do people even become killers? in different ways, in different ways, but in any case not by them are born, but it turns out that life
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forces them? i don’t know, how can life endure enough to go kill people? put the squeeze on? well then who are they? psychopaths, maniacs, degenerates, these are the most ordinary people, i personally knew several. of them, well, i remember there was a former operative, well, an operative, yeah, then he was a special forces soldier, a special forces soldier, listen, exactly, simple, ordinary people live among us, yes, and who can work as, you know, anyone, like a taxi driver, taxi driver, cook, cook with a writer writer not a writer cannot be a teacher can be a teacher well in the end a singer, even a singer, but by the way, there is one
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real character, interestingly, he still takes orders as a professional, only a few know him by sight, so she drove bart and bart, why is bart useless. why bart? god knows, maybe he sings well, but he’s not responsible for anything, life, no, rain, life, no, rain. what are you thinking about? yes , i think that it’s good when you manage to be together, sing, drink a crown, let’s go for mom, if
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she hadn’t taken the children for the weekend, then for you , for us, come on, for us, for you, for the children , i i love you very much. write another song for me, definitely, whiskey, no, i have a fever, you’re sick, no, i’m just drinking some water, but what’s going on in the world in general, there’s no stability. engineer, the st. petersburg gang is watching your conflict, samanro, so far it’s not in your favor, but who are the judges? stop throwing around quotes,
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have you watched all the tv, you really need to do something, if you don’t solve munro’s question now, you’ll lose face, and that’s it, a defeated lion is no longer a lion, you can’t lose face. i'm telling you this as a friend, yes i have the face is already so-so, they’ll write it off, count the screws, the business will be torn apart, you’ll go barefoot to death, the trunk is clean, but you know what to do? and what, other than a pie, is there no reward for the hero? and who was this
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girl who said that this is how you will end up? are you surprised? am i not at all? well, this is a mistake from my harsh days. can the days really be so harsh? nastya, well , nothing happened with this girl and i will never have anything again. january, i absolutely don’t care who you had there, who you have now, no one, i’m only thinking about you, i noticed, well, stop being jealous, god forbid, bye, wait, nastya, let me see you off, i’m an adult, independent girl, i’ll get there myself, but if he pesters, there’s no one here to pester you, bye, nastya, shavrin, you’re on you look at your watch, yes, well, where is nastya, i won’t believe it. service, what are you thinking about, it’s night outside, and the girl is still not at home, it’s a white night, ira, white, and our girl is a lieutenant of justice,
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i... i don’t understand how you can be so indifferent to your own daughter, of course , you’re another matter, but what, i’m talking about my daughter i care, you see, i have a festive dinner on the table, ordered from a restaurant, and well, okay, i’m not cooking, but you’re a mother, a woman, you could cook something for your daughter yourself , go meet your daughter, maybe you forgot the keys , so...
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i have an electric one, right, but what does this have to do with the stove? well, the stove really has nothing to do with it, congratulations, you’re already taking a woman of easy virtue into the house, into the house where your daughter lives, it ’s disgusting, i would ask, i would ask , that is, you’re the one who just called me a furset, but well, others here no, girls don't sue, i beg you, don’t meddle.
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you will once again raise your voice at my vanya , you will deal with me, irochka, oh, how scary, no, but now you will find out how scary, it’s you now, who is my general here? i ask you, hello, dear , hello, good evening here, thank god, nastya, it’s you, it’s happening, but your dad introduced me to his bride for a family dinner, he invited me, that’s how, sorry, i didn’t have time to tell you, uh-huh, well, let's stand, let's sit down at the family table, but really, since everyone is ours, i ask you to
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table, yes, come on in , it’s fine, i’m fine, but you, if you constantly eat dry food, i’ll earn everything for myself, that’s all, but nothing, you’ll shift pieces of paper from place to place in the archive. thank you, the moment of fatherly concern is over, and now dad, please tell me in more detail about the gang that robbed buses on the vybsk highway, it was a long time ago, they bombed tourists, oh, how they bombed them, and dates, ours, i remember, the main thing they were kolya the bull,
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so what? now this kolya is a bull, and a pensioner, probably like me, but in more detail you can find out how he lives, how he breathes, you know , we weren’t friends with him, no, well, it’s clear, but we can talk, but i don’t think he ’ll talk to me now, oh, come on, dad, you too it’s been a long time since i’ve been mend, you eat, eat, it’s dinner in prison, pasta. since the whole family is assembled, it’s time to tell you, so don’t scare me, nastya, i’ll probably get married too, oh, what, what, sorry, i didn’t have time to tell you, who’s the lucky one, january, a very good, worthy young man man, thank you , your opinion is very important to us, please stay on the line, you have time, i see,
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it’s not in vain... let’s drink, let’s have fun, well, for love, a wonderful toast. the name of our hero should be something like from another world, for example, ariel, a poet, interesting, unexpected, yes, yeah, uh, since childhood he had some kind of trauma, psychological, serious, some kind of loss, someone he lost, conscience, or something, a loved one, um, mother , no, father, but, better yet, come on...
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cool, uh-huh, clever, desperate, so, let 's now think about what happened to his father, he could have been abducted by aliens , no need for any fiction, the truth, only the truth , well then lightning killed him, and who will he blame, who will he hate, nature, so come on, let his father be killed by a car, the driver was not imprisoned, and the boy lives with him in the same house, he sees him every day, like the murderer of his father... lives and rejoices, tough, but what did you think? i’m still an author, i have to justify my hero, and he ’s so small, he sees drivers from the window every time aiming at him with
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a toy winchester, i’ll give it a week, why not eat, do n’t sleep, well, for those who have it easy now, you can’t cope on your own for megra, two weeks, a week and ticket to the black sea. at my expense, okay, okay, darling, i brought you sausages here, yeah, and chicken, as you like, grapes and cheese, and that’s all, well, the doctor said you can’t. it’s not possible on an ongoing basis, but 50 g as a treatment is not only good, but also not enough, 50 g, no more, yes, son, remember what variety dad likes, and how much do i owe you, what should i charge you for,
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well, how about fitting , for whiskey, what do you mean, do you want me to take money from you, well done, what kind of son did you raise, would anyone like this? we have to go, you have a meeting, yes, dad, we have to go, so, but i thought we’d have lunch together, listen, let’s come for the weekend , we’ll have some barbecue, it’s a deal, no one pulled your tongue, well, let’s go, i’ll see you off, that’s it, dad, see you saturday, goodbye, happily, let’s go , be careful on the road, greetings, igor ferich. hello, nikolai. long time no see? well, in your case
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it’s 12. and in yours? in mine there are four. this means that life has taught me something. well, let's go, since you came. please. nastya, great, she should like it, yeah, i’ll pay with the card, but we can’t pay with the card, sorry, the terminal is frozen, yeah, well then transfer, only in cash, sorry, but i don’t have cash, so you will take the flowers, we will, hold it, i don’t have a wallet either. “excuse me, and you, well , let’s spoil us, but i’m not a fan, and you need to take care of your heart, maybe then 100 g, the doctors recommend, the doctor told me so,
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it’s necessary, i’m driving, your life is boring, tarasov, oh, boring, normal, what about?" “there will be a market, but i’ll just say right away, in my old cases, all the statutes of limitations have passed, i know, you know, on the vybsk highway and... they started attacking tourist buses again, well i hope there are no complaints against me, no, but due to the fact that it was not my son’s handwriting that told me, it’s one to one, what do you think, but i don’t think anything, i’ve already served my time, my way there is barred, i live now in peace, as an ordinary pensioner, so to speak, the most unprotected layer of the population , i don’t bother anyone, i don’t bother anyone, i’m happy for everyone, i’m happy for
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you, of course i can give advice , but i won’t help, i’ve fallen, it’s your right, remember how you put me in crosses taught her reason, read morals, and i told her everything, i said that life, it will put everything in its place, on you it’s all written down, you live alone, your pension is only enough for food, he arrived in a wreck, you know, but i’m happy with my life, and what are you happy with, your son is also a cop, he’ll be imprisoned, no one needs an honest cop, and of the rewards, well, i’m sorry it will work, and most importantly, it will end up just like you, in complete ass. but i’m glad that at least everything
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is fine with you, everything is fine with me, everything is just fine, my son finished his studies, got married, you know, again, business, unlucky, beautiful, caring, with respect to me, although you are in your time wanted me interfere, to live with dignity, so that you and i will not have any bazaar. understandable , that’s okay, you can get acquainted without flowers, if i were introducing you as a colleague, then yes, but you will play the role of the groom, fine, thank you for warning me, please, i have a question, but if i don’t want to play anything, nikit, please, my mother is a general ’s character, it’s difficult with her, well, i don’t want to play a role, you refuse to go, no, nastya, i just don’t want to play a role, i am the groom, i dreamed of january and let’s go without your tricks, ok, if i’m the groom, then i promise to be white
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fluffy, where are you, january, and nikita is stronger for you, of course, uncle vanya, nastya and i love a strong one like that, you know, don’t sleep right until the morning, flowers suit you so well ? you guessed right with the flowers, i can’t stand roses, oh , i’m sorry, i’ll just be a minute, yes, touch colonel, which means this is tarasov’s son, he’s the one, and he’s a policeman, yes, and a very good policeman, yes, an apple tree from apple trees, not far away, oh, uncle vasya, well, i can’t. now, yes, there is a reason, i may have
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some kind of personal life or not, uncle vasya, i i beg your pardon, it’s time for me to go, wait, you’re already leaving, what about tea, cake, another time, what happened, they identified the name of the gunner of the gang that attacked the bus, run , darling. no, no, and again no, the police are not suitable for us, as i remembered, your father was never at home, even when i especially needed him, yeah, one would think that you were often at home, of course, to interrogate those arrested in prisons - this is much more interesting. vanya, go out and give your daughter some space. say, and this is my kitchen, and this is my
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daughter, of course, and this is my fiance, mother, and not yours, uh-huh, well, maybe you’re right , my life didn’t work out, maybe you’ll be lucky , mom, why didn’t it work out, you’re a major general of justice, you raised me and my dad perfectly, gave me an education, i really appreciate you i’m very grateful... i love you, but the fact that you got divorced, well, it happens, yes, yes, by the way, maybe you’ll think, why don’t you start everything with... well, what do you think, maybe we’ll get together? oh , dad, he lost his speech from just one thought, yes, from happiness.
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lieutenant of the temples, checking documents, request of passengers to remain in place, leadership, i need to go to the toilet, be patient, quickly, well, well, leni sanovich, on the way out, i can’t stand it, i say, sit down, oh, slow, move on! no, you just got up, go get them, police, throw your weapons on the floor, thanks guys, i could handle it myself, i looked here, yeah, oh how,
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take them away, hand, head down, forward, in general the story turned out the way i did spoke on the phone, the main villain, a killer named indian, noble, principled, with trauma from childhood, valera, what’s the matter, worry, there’s just some failure in communications, and i don’t know something, valera, styopa, basically everything is the same, with the exception of some nuances, valera, stop mumbling about why the author doesn’t know anything, it seemed to me that i
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explained everything to you quite clearly, yes, of course, i just wouldn’t want to talk about it on the phone, i wanted a decent meeting, so that’s it. “i don’t need a book about a killer, i need a book about a killer woman, in the sense of a female killer, well, yes , what surprises you, elizaveta stanislavna and i came to the general opinion that this is a great idea, wait, what should i do with this, well of course you will need something change, but you are a professional, and change the ending, it’s like i said, i said, yes. he fell, fired, shot, valera shot , everything is very simple, everything is very simple, yes , you have come off, this is another book, i’m a literary black man, stop hysteria, the solution is completely, irrevocably, correctly,
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elizabeth stanislavna, and so, or so, or so, or so, or so, or not at all. you know what, i had a working name of a killer, a poet, how sublime, yes, let’s be a poetess, okay, i like it, a poetess, that’s right, comrade lieutenant general, in 3 hours i’ll be in moscow. yes, yes, right now, i’m getting into a taxi and going to the airport, oh, i’m listening, yes, yes, i’ll report personally, well, yes, it’s good for you to fly, it’s a pity, of course, that it’s so short, i could have rested longer, yes, it’s a pity, i didn’t
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have time to say goodbye to nastya, and we didn’t really talk to you, well, what should i do, service, nastya, i’m sorry. oh, how touching, ivan vasilyevich, you shed another tear, zinadi pavlovna, and were you
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watching me, no, so far i was just watching, but from the time you proposed marriage to me, i intend to follow seriously behind you, it was there, no, my dear ivan vasilyevich, the word won’t fly out like a sparrow, you won’t catch it, tell me, which okrozhka do you like more, kefir-based or... that’s why i had to take it all there myself.
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put away the gun, go away, it’s none of your business, put away the gun, i’ll decide everything myself. how, i will personally take her to the airport, put her on a plane, she will fly to america, she will never return here again. you're wrong, she doesn't forgive people like that. perhaps, but that will be my problem, not yours. this is fine? i'll bring some water.
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be careful, don’t take off your shoes, you can open your eyes, but you can’t, stop, open, nastya! marry me, nikit, we are not undergoing surgery, what are you doing, i want to live
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a long happy life with you, i want you to become my wife, there was a door.
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“thank you yegor fedor for coming , but you’re welcome, what did you want, but you don’t know, but i know, there’s one thing i don’t understand, how a man doing business began to bomb a bus, but i myself don’t understand, well, i said, that everything is going wrong with business, in general, look for a good lawyer, well then how will the court decide, what if i hand over the killer?
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i’ve been on the topic for a long time, my hands are covered in blood, it will be taken into account, well, you yourself know that i’m not involved in business right now, but i promise that i’ll definitely talk to my son, and i think that there are options, what kind of cover? nickname bart, are your tickets ready for the next flight? registration has been completed, however, i will have to wait a little in the vip room, as soon as i land in the states, announce, i will pay a million dollars to the one who shoots the purd, shoots him, alive, i don’t need him, the present has no history, they will pass any check, but the visa ?
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i’ll do it, well, i’ll have to pay extra for urgency , well, it’s clear that there’s a problem, you really want to know, hmm, wait , yes, how much, oh well, i heard, i’ll call you back, maybe tea, coffee, no time, and... you, wait, wait, a second, i wanted to show you something, uh-huh, just one, just a question, why were you announced, they’re giving a lot of greenbacks for your head,
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you can only win such a jackpot once in your life, i think we’re friends. fool, there are no friends in this business, great, oh, great that with her, yes, i haven’t tried going to the service center, but what kind of service is there, in service, what about the new generation,
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you don’t know a damn thing about cars, there’s little there... cars to be replaced, yes, there are few of us left, romantic lovers, let’s get behind the wheel, go, go, ah, in the back. well, you chamon, i’ve been here for 2 days from morning to evening, one might say, i don’t take it out, well, thank you, i ’m a neighbor, thank you, i’m owed, oh well.


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