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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  January 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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achievement there, say, over the last 10 years , the greatest creative success is two grandchildren, petka and pasha, and if god allows it, if i am as long-lived as my mother, then i can see what will come of them, because i even work my own schedule, my life is in work, but today i subordinate the work to their schedule, i can change it.
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noticed, i didn’t notice summer, autumn, winter, somehow i always didn’t care what time of year, i didn’t really notice when the leaves turned yellow in the fall, i didn’t really notice the rain or the sun is shining, i didn’t notice the insects , i didn’t notice anything else, i was always so terribly busy with something, with some of my hobbies, sports, i tried everything, with them now, when they ask questions, i look at... .the world through their eyes i understand that i have never seen this, never noticed this, that is , to put it simply, i probably now, thanks to my children, grandchildren, i am living a second life, great people, great stories, i am sergei mayorov, we'll see.
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hello, good afternoon, this is its own game. well, friends, this year our program turns 30 years old, in honor of this significant event, we decided to remember the past, we decided to hold a tournament according to the same exact rules according to... goes to
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the central gaming table remains there until he loses, that's all, plays at the central gaming table today the winner of our last game, viktor abduramanov, a library employee from the city of berezniki, is playing against viktor today, dmitry vasiliev, a programmer from ivanova. dmitry alexandrovich, the floor is yours. hello, i’m 40 years old, i’ve lived in ivanovo all my life, i’ve been interested in it since childhood computer science, so when choosing a path i had to choose it. now i'm doing generative music. i have three wonderful children, veronica, nadya platon, hello children, i got here thanks to my friend mikhail delshtein, your player, so he persuaded me. thank you. alexandra karlinskaya, a teacher from moscow, will play at the third gaming table today. alexandra,
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tell us a little about yourself? i am a teacher of additional education, i am also about forty, also have three children, and a husband who is a player of his game, vadim karllinsky, who is now is present in the auditorium, a famous player, and i work with retired children, including leading excursions around moscow, i like to pick mushrooms, thank you, so what? victor, alexander, dmitry, now is the time to pay attention to our main monitor. these are all the themes of our game today, they are as beautiful as ever. the most wonderful topics and questions for you, dear players and for you, dear tv viewers. we are starting the first round. first round. brazil,
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bridge under construction, helena, letters and literature, marine fauna ode to... in 1960 year he built the building of the national congress of brazil? nemeyer, oscar nemeyer, that's right, let's try marine fauna for 300. in some jellyfish, these organs are fully formed, with a pigment shell. vitreous body and lens , organs of vision, eyes, that's right, brazil 200, the statue of christ the redeemer in rio de janeiro is struck by these strikes on average four times a year, well, lightning, probably his, you're right,
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brazil 100, in area and population brazil occupies such a place in south america, but i will be surprised. not the first, first of course, oh yes, 300, auction, 600 for you, zero for alexandra, 300 for dmitry, bid, oh, for everything, 600, in this fairy tale, three of the main characters experienced the placebo effect, well , something like that, for example , about living water, living water, a wizard...
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not really austro-hungarian, right, rudolf, in fact, was the son of emperor joseph of france, died in 1889 under rather strange circumstances. alexander, bridge 200 is being built. the length of the main span of the akashi kaike bridge in japan according to the project was 1990 m. but because of this event, willy-nilly. grew a meter already during construction, there may be an earthquake, quite right, because of the earthquake one of the pylons moved and it was decided to lengthen the span, let's give the marine fauna for 500. the lahtak seal also has this
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other name, although cabbage, even sea cabbage, is definitely for him not to your taste, maybe it's fish and shellfish. oh, oh, a sea hare, that's right, marine fauna for 200, the chick of this primitive multicellular can be found at the kitchen sink, sponge, that's right, let's try the marine fauna for 400, this disney cartoon heroine is accompanied by a yellow one blue-striped fish flounder, similar to a fish... an angel, although flounder translated from english is a flounder, this is ariel the little mermaid, right, oh, yes, 400. the st. petersburg island of the decembrists owes this old name, apparently, to the english doctor khaliday who owned
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a plot of land here. the island of the decembrists used to be called. starve. distorted surname holiday. oh, yes, 500. in the credits of the films made by this french avant-garde artist in the 1970s, instead of the names of the creators, the group “dzigaverts” was listed. absolutely right. they were liwaks, denied personal authorship, and dziga vertov was revered as one of the fathers of cinema. oh yes 200, this group of large dog breeds includes the georgian nagaze and the perenean mountain shepherd, phew, wolfhounds, wolfhound, that’s right, let’s finish with the marine fauna for 100, you get the pig in the bag, 1300
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for you, 900 for victor, 500 from dmitry, who will you give it to, dmitry, dmitry, thank you. topic people and plants 100 or 500 500. attention to the screen. have you heard about this perennial herbaceous plant of the sedge family? edex fifth in history lessons, not biology at all. what kind of plant is this? let there be an arrowhead. alexander, your version? popyrus, papyrus, that's right. papyrus fat, to be precise. so, well, let's try, a bridge is being built for 300. the builders of the seventeen-kilometer vasco de gama bridge had to take into account exactly this factor in the calculations, otherwise one end of the bridge would have ended up.
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this is exactly how he may have driven across it. no, he kissed the builder. a bridge is being built for 500. during the construction of a bridge across the valley of the qiduhe river in china, to solve this technical task, for the first time in the world , not helicopters, but rockets were used. usually they were used to transfer load-bearing cables. helicopters, in this case rockets, a bridge is being built with 100. 19 builders of the golden
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gate bridge in san francisco, to whom exactly this happened, united in an informal club called halfway to hell, they all fell from the bridge, but survived thanks to safety grids and... elena is over 300. she made her film debut at the age of twelve, playing schoolgirl tanya nichaeva, in the film by alexander meta, they're ringing, open the door. maybe it's elena proklova. right. elena is over 400. during his life , this painter painted several versions of the painting the judgment of paris. in the fourth version , the artist painted aphrodite with his second wife.
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in a letter from there, nikolai gumelev said that he plays chess every day and writes one poem, well, from prison, from prison shortly before the execution, victor, letters and literature 200. if only god gives me peace of mind, i will write such a borodino battle, what not yet
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it was, he promised in one of his letters to his wife. olev nikolaevich tolstoy, it’s true, letters and literature are over 100. the monk with a letter from brother lorenzo was stuck in quarantine, which ruined these young lovers. romeo and juliet. right. on a cold january day in 1866, she wrote a letter to her aunt for the tenth time, explaining in detail why neither she, nor melanie, nor ashley could return to atlas, scarlett, scarlett ohara, yes, gone with the wind, letters and literature 500, cat bag.
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no, to work on the spectrum we also used a magnetic cassette, number 4. dmitry, let's oda for 100. previously, these chemical raw materials were extracted from the hall, as well as in some lakes. the first industrial production method was developed at the end of the 18th century by the french chemist
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leblanc. soda, that's right. and brazil for 500. abutelku. 1,800 you have the same amount for alexandra, 100 for dmitry. no, well, i don’t mind the first round, let’s all-in. let's play. the first brazilian winner of this championship was emerson fittipalde in 1972. well, formula 1 is a thumbs up, right. later, pique and aerton sena joined in. this was the last question of the first round. i i'll sum it up. dmitry has 100, alexandra has 1,800, victor has 3,600. the second round is ahead. the bright taste of instant coffee jardin
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gold and jardin deep dark. pleasure to feel. my father takes control of the entire south , and from sochi to rostov, i have the entire combat unit, yes, they filled the whole region with drugs, a lot of money, connections at all levels, start taking over, damn it, a year and a half of development, 3 months of implementation, you i can’t open up, i have to finish this matter, but we didn’t have enough war here.
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on ntv. chief return. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints. it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. find your favorite brands at wildberries. collect any photos from cubes with the mazobrick endless photo constructor. order mazobrick with discounts at wildberries. this year teinkov mobile shares with everyone moments of joy paying for mobile communications. order a mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1200
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minutes at half the price. leave it. in the past , elmucin is a mucolytic of the latest generation, combining all the important properties. elmucin is an innovation for cough in the 21st century. try hot stuff hotsters. these are juicy mini sausages in a thin, flavorful, golden brown, hot stuff. coming soon with a new design. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for sars viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it interferes. fusion of the virus with the cell and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. arbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. results of the week. today at 19:00 on ntv. hello. great. why are you so
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happy? yes, i'm up all night again today. i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i didn’t think about getting out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what’s there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember , also remember, it’s better to try once than 100 once you hear what you think works, what do you mean, i don’t think so, i know, dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what, how to take it? call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying. “that’s it, i’m done, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too
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, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, go ahead, meet the new one golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try. statrik gold. chief, we're back. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. minecraft. i recognized you immediately.
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a russian spy has come to visit us. to the anniversary of leonid ermolnik. it’s not a sin to throw yourself out on this matter. where did you get that? time. for what? for you. and we pulled the iron hands of the roads to each other, in 7 minutes the joint stock company of the tsarsko-selo railway will cease to exist, there will be a conflict, i’m waiting for the people, i love the iron togony because of the railway, crazy, how do you look through the votka, and through it is always better visible, tomorrow at 0:45 on ntv. gold will take revenge. to the prime minister: i want to know who killed your father, it turns out we need the same people, don’t do anything stupid, guy, you have your whole life ahead of you, lovely,
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look only at the prime minister, 35 days for one ruble on smart tv, that’s our own game, we play it out in the studio, we play with alexandra. professor of anatomy douglas derry described in detail the appearance of this young man and noted that, among other things, he
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had pierced ears. nothing but the lies of dmitry i comes to mind. what comes to van dimitri totankhaman's mind? this is the correct answer. douglas derry taught anatomy at the egyptian university at the request of the archaeologist howard. carter examined the mummy. alexander, choose. gifts for 400. according to legend , the madagascar tortoise tui malila was presented to the leader of the island of tonga in 1773 by this british captain. the turtle lived until 1966 . oh, james cook, that's right. victor, around music 600. on june 27, 2023, valery gergiev conducted the opera legend of the invisible city
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of kitezh, and during an hour-long intermission he did just that. the case may be unique. perhaps he fell asleep during intermission? yes, what's unique about this? let's say he conducted something else, at that time, right, absolutely right, he conducted another work on another stage, it was belle bartak's ballet, a wonderful mandarin, transport for 600, this station in the moskovsky district, nagatinsky zaton, opened in last year after reconstruction and became operational again, south river station, bravo! transport for 400 from the french town, you can get to this country by...
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intercity tram, well, we have andorra there, for example, somewhere nearby, no, not to andorra, uh , monte carlo, no, alexandra, i’ll refrain, to germany, to be precise, to saar brücken, transport for 800. the first such cargo flight took place in india on february 18. 1911 along a route only 13 km long, what if they transported cargo in a balloon, no postal from allahabad to nain delivered about 6.5 thousand letters, around music for 400.
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in joseph hayden, the sixth of them is called morning, the seventh - noon , eighth evening. symphony, it's absolutely true that we only what they were listening to, it was noon. and around the music for 800. in 1997, the group "smyslovye" in 1879, it again became the national anthem of france marciliezava.
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the spaniards called the highest nobility of this people orechons, that is, ears, for the golden discs in their ears, otsteki, no, may, no, incas, probably one of the three, around the music for a thousand. before starting her solo career, she performed in the group destiny child, translated as “child of destiny.” it’s true that he knew and said everything. ears over 600. this bone of the middle ear really resembles the device in honor of which named. stirrup. for 400 ears, the latin
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name of this predator is otacolobus , literally translated means an ugly ear , the zaologians would never offend you, it looks like a manul, a manul, absolutely right, and the ears are 200, to the question frekin god, in which ear is it buzzing in me, the correct answer there was just such a buzz... buzzing in both ears, bravo, gifts for 600, in a song from this soviet film comedy, america gave a steamship to russia. volga, volga, exactly, gifts for 800. sultan ibrahim joya, who ruled cameroon since the end of the 19th century, sent a rich gift to this european monarch.
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a decorated throne, as a return gift he received the uniform of the imperial lifeguard, oh, there’s nothing to lose, maybe it’s napoleon banapard, it’s still william ii. at that time, germany colonized cameroon. gifts for 200. in 1832, vladimir dal, when they first met, gave him a publication of his fairy tales. in response, a manuscript of one of his fairy tales. alexander sergeevich pushkin? exactly. money for 600 is everywhere . part of the gold reserves of the russian empire fell into the hands of the government of this admiral. the fate of the gold remains unknown to this day. maybe kolchak? further. we haven’t touched
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it yet, the directors are in 600. language, maybe iran, no, this is saudi arabia, the film wadjda, although it didn’t make it to the shortlist, the directors are over 400, japanese journalists gave this great director the nickname emperor, akira kurasawa, that’s right, the transport is over 200. hot bag: -100 for you, 7600 for victor, minus 200 for alexandra, we will help alexandra, alexandra, the theme is poets, 200 or a thousand, a thousand, attention to the screen,
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the stavropol drama theater bears the name of this poet, there is a monument to him in the park in front of the theater , lermontov is similar, lermontov, absolutely right, alexandra, money is everywhere for 400. the first paper money in russia, issued in 1769, was freely exchanged only for coins made of this metal. let there be copper. absolutely right. that is, as economists say, they were provided only with copper. everywhere there is money for 800. for this ode, catherine ii granted it to gabriel dershavin. 500 chervonets , liberty, what are you saying, oh, felicia, felitsa, that’s absolutely right, which sovereign glorifies the empress, 200 money everywhere, in
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mexico these women lost the role of money only with the wide distribution of the drink prepared from them, cocoa, that’s right, the bolshoi drama theater in st. petersburg bears the name of this director, who led the theater for 33 years, austanograph, that’s right, hence the money in the thousands, on the banknote in the stock watch issued by the bank of this country, you can see baubab, buffalo edition of the national assembly in lusaka, i think this is zambia, after all, zambia yes. the capital of zambia is lusaka, the currency unit is kwacha. directors for a thousand. the so-called trilogy of alienation, filmed in the 1960s, brought world recognition to this italian.
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adventures, night of eclipse. this is michelangelo antonioni. thousand gifts. this artist's painting of the white crucifix, created in 1938, was donated by the american architect alfred al-schuler to the chicago institute of art. the artist painted the picture under the impression of the persecution of jews by the nazis. oh, well, i’ll lose a thousand, if anything, i walked. chagall, absolutely right. this was the last question of the second round. i'll sum it up. dmitry's account is 300, alexandra's is 800. 9,000 victor has the third round ahead. if your proposal is headed the vetrovsky district police are still in force, then i agree, but i have one condition: in
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the wind i will need my people, those on whom i can rely. we have a quiet city and we value this silence. three corpses, you call silence? are you a surgeon? tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the format premieres today at 20:20 on ntv. we have different noses, and
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household appliance product. built-in combustion oven for only 17,000 rubles. in mvidio and eldorado. discomfort and nausea, poisoning and twisting, everything is seething and diarrhea. the revenge filter needs it soon. the msti filter is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form that helps eliminate symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price of 115 rubles. for 10 tablets. filter in the stomach put things in order. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. proactive tracksuit for 1.699. gel shampoo-sienerge for 199. the choice of a professional. exactly. amyllatex gay acts precisely at the source of pain with care for those closest to you. the exact solution is free movement. grandma's sweater made of yarn, mother's hands after separation, the warm sun of the summer beach, the support of her best friend. squeaking through the distance, the long nights that were, an old
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photo with all my friends, this is the warmth that we saved, rolton 25 we fly warmth, energy ocean water aqualor with a new rotary nozzle duo, shower mode for moisturizing protection against viruses, rotate the nozzle to change the type of spray, jet mode helps treat a bad runny nose, aqualon breathe the energy of the ocean, apartment in moscow count five, only five purchases from the same. when relatives are concerned about intestinal problems, give way to hilokforte; thanks to its metabolites, hilokforte is immediately ready to act and can be used together with antibiotics. order medicine with discounts at zdravsit. .ru. sarmat premiere
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today at 20:20 on ntv. breaking the blockade ring and victory in the battle for leningrad is the most important event for our homeland. 900 days and nights. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. the city did not give up, despite the terrible trials. forgotten, nothing is forgotten. in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you. you pay only 299 rubles. for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call to order an anniversary medal using the toll-free number "800".
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and the month, i ask you, dmitry, to begin, the months and children, the monster, the ways of the road, like that, the number for 300, the first month of this calendar is called muharram, the muslim lunar calendar, that’s right, alexandra, the month for 600, auction. 300 for dmitry, 1.100 for you, 9.00 for
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victor. denomination denomination 600. i'll give it away. let's play with alexandra. according to dutch tradition, those born in this month will be short-legged. well, let's say in february. why? well, the month is the shortest, their legs will probably be the shortest. bravo. alexandra, play. that's number 600. dutchman dennis oudendijk found a new use for decommissioned rescue capsules from oil platforms. each capsule. that's how the number 900 in november 2002, striker andreas herzog entered the game against norway with this round number on his t-shirt in honor of
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the anniversary match for the austrian national team, well, let him still 100, absolutely true. in total, he played for the austrian national team 103 times, a monster of 900. this musical performed on broadway 5,461 times. is the beauty really a monster? what's in the monsters for 600? the monster in this 1816 novel is often mistaken for its name .
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"the tower is named in honor of the prussian field marshal friedrich karl zuldon, so let us not be left behind by monsters, monster 1200, who can open the doors of his face, the circle of his teeth is horror, the book of job speaks about this monster, let leviothan, surely, the monster for 1500". 3800 for alexandra, 300 for dmitry , 11700 for you, to whom dmitry, dmitry, help topic, 300 or one and a half, one and a half, attention to the screen, what process is called to stop the polar bear penguin on one of the graffiti in
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moscow, global warming, that's right, a monster over 300. monsters were also allegedly seen in loch moror and loch tay, located next to this lake. loch ness. that's right. road routes over 600. the wild atlantic way stretched along the ocean for 2,500 km from county donnegal to county coorg , along the western edge of this island. looks like ireland. right. that’s the number for 300, a photo of a typical sign in front of the front entrance, taken in this city, the random numbering of apartments is a legacy of compactions of the revolutionary era, well, if it’s good, then
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st. petersburg, that’s absolutely right, large apartments were often divided into several small ones, roads 900, the russian artist visited india twice, visited the mountainous regions, in 1875 he created a landscape, a glacier on the road from kashmir to ladakh, suddenly roerich, no, reirich visited india more often, more often, well, if not reirich, then maybe verishchagin, vereshchagin, bravo, alexander, month 900, july. the hottest month in the history of the earth. the road paths are over 300. most of the winter tibbet-konvoito road in northern canada runs
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on just such a surface. traffic usually opens at the end of january. well, over frozen water, most likely. pold, absolutely right. during the car chase they filmed on an unnamed road near pinewood studios, now the road is called goldfinger avenue, yes, but if goldfinger then... james bond. absolutely right. 1964 film goldfinger. accordingly, sean conore was playing bondo back then.
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fathers and sons for 600. here is a briefcase, a coat and a hat. dad's day off. dad didn’t leave today, which means he will be with me. this poet began the poem with a good day. oh, samuel morshak. the children's library has not disgraced itself again. and fathers and sons for 300. in this disney cartoon, in the house of one of the brothers there is a picture hanging on the wall with a picture of a bunch of sausages and the signature of dad. that's number 1200. it was he who left bruce almighty in the film bruce nolon phone number. 776-23-23. call in case of problems.
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no, to the army, to the royal army , well, that is, even under the old regime, so, oh well, like this , a number for one and a half thousand, in a circus act, a ball of courage inside a small ball is rushing at high speed, well...
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with the history of this you can get acquainted with the legendary treat in the museum opened at one of the tula confectionery factories. gingerbread is true , the museum of russia for 15 in the village of shlyika, 120 km from strama, where this playwright lived and worked, now a museum-reserve dedicated to him has been opened, here he, sitting on the river bank with a fishing rod , hatched ideas for plays, oh, i was there, this is ostrovsky, right, the museum of russia 900. the museum of this cutlery was opened in vladimir in 2015, in the collection of tens of thousands of copies from 150 countries of the world .
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part of which is this decorative steam locomotive, installed near the railway station in tula. there are benches there , it looks like that’s absolutely right, a bench, a paw. months 1200. the duration of such a month is different each time. on average 29 and a half days, but hours may vary six in any direction. lunar yes, lunar or synodic month, right? well, let’s sum it up: dmitry has 4,800,
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alexandra has 8,300, victor has exactly 15 ahead of the final round. hype on blood. in belgorod , gang members were detained who were beating passers-by; the video was distributed on social networks, dreaming of making money. on trash content, he stood to my right, the kick was in the lower lip, how the city streets turned into an arena for gladiator fights, it’s good when apologies won’t help the matter, legal action was given assessment of compliance with the requirements of migration legislation when obtaining citizenship of the russian federation with a seventeen-year-old suspect. why are parents responsible for their sons? i apologize to the entire russian federation, in accordance with current legislation. law enforcement agencies have the right to deprive the citizenship of those who have violated the law, expelling the entire
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family from our country. shame instinct in andrey's author's project. a man has the right, today at 16:20 on ntv. sarmat premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. let's do without pain. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. sweatshirts for men and women yours up to 799. five actions of oralcept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years. this year tinkov mobile shares with everyone moments of joy and payment for mobile communications. order a mobile sim card and get 25 gb and
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1200 minutes twice. pay less sharly butter sticks 1990 delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app pyaterochka helps out kogacel already from the first day of use begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, so cogocel is the highest antiviral measure. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? what kind of coverage is wide? and where to? where no one has seen your videos yet, although a megaphone can pick up even there, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed of coverage, change images to suit any occasion, mood, winter sale of clothes, beauty products on ozone, the choice of a professional, for sure, amylatek acts
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3:55 pm
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nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you. subject to payment. postage packaging rub 299. call the number provided or order on the website holy wonderworker.rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. call now. the call is free. sarmat premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv. we are in the studio, we are playing the final round, here are its themes: theater, islands, fleet, estates, jokes, jokes, songs and weddings. dmitry, remove any topic. islands. alexandra, theater. victor, navy. dmitriy. estates. alexandra songs. victor.
3:57 pm
let's remove the aspirations, the topic has been chosen, jokes, jokes, dear players, please place your bets, friends, i remind you that we are holding a tournament called a return to origins. holmes's wife. one of the stout's arguments was that only a wife could ask her husband to play the works of this stout on the violin. composer. time!
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time is up, which composer are we talking about? dmitry, mendelssohn, answered. mendelssohn, this is the correct answer. he hinted, of course. already a wedding march, but we know that watson asked holmes to play him mendelssohn's songs, songs, he has such a work, bet 500, thank you, alexandra's answer, verdi, alas,
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wrong answer, bet 7.600, victor covered his face with his hands, answer, bang, wrong. 1601 viktor abduramanov, a library employee from the city of berezniki, wins the second game in a row. well, friends, dmitry, you are very you played well, alexander, you played simply great, riskily charming. victor, please accept congratulations, in our next game, you are again playing at the central gaming table, dear friends, to you. thank you for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
4:00 pm
the kirovsky district was subjected to massive shelling by the ukrainian army from the scene of the events omar magomedov. russian regions are at the mercy of bad weather. edman sholbunov talks about the consequences of the snow cyclone faced by residents of the european part of the country. a private plane with russians on board crashed in the mountains of afghanistan. hello, you are watching news on ntv. in the studio egor kalyvanov. at least 25 people were killed and at least twenty were injured as a result of the shelling of donetsk. the main blow fell on the crowded market on sunday. all victims are reported to be civilians. from the scene of the incident omar magomedov. let's
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probably go home. come on, come on.


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