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tv   Novie russkie sensatsii  NTV  January 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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the mystical leap year had not yet really begun; the planet was already on the brink of world war iii. everything will shake, and grief will befall the people. the meat grinder in the gas sector does not stop, hamas continues to strike at israeli territory, israel strikes at the territory of lebanon and syria. the houthis are terrorizing everything that floats in the red sea. america and britain. from yemen, and that's not all. earlier this week, iran launched a missile attack on occupying us military installations in iraq. the american was in the affected area erbel consulate, airport, us military base and local headquarters of us intelligence agencies. this was a response to the terrorist attack carried out the day before at a cemetery in the iranian province of kirmana, where during mourning.
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that day , thousands of mourners lined up at the grave of the national hero, two explosive devices were planted in bags, and local authorities confirmed the deaths of at least 103 people. coincidence or not, but a criminal missile strike on the motorcade of general suleymaniya himself. in the area of ​​baghdad airport , the americans struck at the beginning of the last leap year, january 3, 2020. four cars in drebezg, the deceased qassem soleimani is later identified by this ring, which always adorned his hand. iran promised to take revenge on the death of the alkuts special forces commander. cruel revenge awaits the criminals whose dirty hands get caught.
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on the same day , unknown assailants fired rockets at the american embassy in baghdad. on january 5, washington introduces new sanctions against tehran. in response, the iranian government announces its nuclear withdrawal. 6th iraqi parliament votes for immediate withdrawal american occupation troops from the country, but trump ignores the legal demand. on january 7, the iranian parliament recognizes the pentagon as a terrorist organization. on the night of january 8, iran launches a missile attack on american military bases in iraq. 2020 is a leap year. from the very beginning, he painted himself into
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a corner, the world then froze in anxious anticipation, and it sounded more and more often on television: the apocalypse was coming. the treacherous murder of sulaymaniyah was foreseen by someone who never agreed to communicate with journalists, and only for us the iranian truth teller once made an exception. iran - mazandaran province. here, among the inaccessible tracts of the mountain range , an amazing old man, salman salehi gudarza, who knows everything in advance, lives and predicts the future. there is a parallel world into which i strive more; with the help of this world i answer questions and help people. then in 2019 his revelations became prophetic.
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the smoldering flame of the conflict then suddenly died down, only to flare up again last fall, and by the beginning of 2024 it will completely turn into a fire. the terrible prophecy of the iranian hermit was fully confirmed by the mysterious afghan mathematician, sidik, afghan. american like a dog. he is a must, i say in
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the world in general, a unique ruler of mathematical formulas, whom the great vanga herself bequeathed to believe, listen to him, now humanity. everything is destroyed. much of what the afghan envoy in vanga foretold has already come true, and the ratings showed that he became the main russian sensation of the past 2023. this is the world war that everyone is talking about, everyone is afraid of. will this be even worse? right now we can confirm or deny calculations and forecasts of sediq afghan for this year of the dragon. find all the fateful dates and fatal numbers coming. today, when america is pushing the whole world into the abyss of a global catastrophe, a prophet has been found in our fatherland.
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meet corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, grigory kvasha. whether you want it or not, you endure it or you don’t tolerate it, you still have to fight. our brilliant scientist discovered. grigory kvasha builds his forecasts based on his own theory of the cyclical nature of what is happening. different paths to understanding the unknown led them to the same
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conclusions. now, before our eyes , a turning point in history begins, which will completely change the fate of humanity. i understand that this is a very risky forecast. calculations show that the world will change dramatically, attention in 2025, but for this the leap year 2024 should be decisive. and this year it will not be easy for us. a day before the family holiday itself, terrorists of the kiev regime fired multiple launch rocket systems and cluster munitions at a children's skating rink next to the main christmas tree in belgorod. the bloody terrorist attack took away the lives of 25 people, including five children. more than 100 were injured. it is reliably known that this vile crime was committed on zelensky’s personal order. glory to ukraine. exactly a week ago, on the eve
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of the old new year, the belgorod region was shelled again. ukraine has sufficient potential to... go through this important path of war, and it is already obvious to everyone that the terrorist attacks will continue until at least the kharkov region returns home to russia. we have the potential to overcome, but to believe in our strength, to believe in ukraine. no there is no doubt that zelensky will commit any crimes in order to retain power, but for this he also needs sponsors not to regularly throw at least something into the bottomless trough. switzerland's position. in search of something more, the leader of the kiev regime drove switzerland to the billionaires’ forum in davosi, where he was allowed to sit next to the queen of sanctions packages , ursula, then touched nato secretary general stoltenberg, and was sympathetically advised
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to keep his pocket wider. blinkin's sour face made it clear that this meeting was davos can safely be rewinded to...
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if we turned to istanbul, boris johnson arrived in kiev and said that we have agreed that we will not sign anything with them, and let’s just fight. johnson has long been a political corpse, but his work... lives on, now sunok is hypnotizing the gouleiter of ukraine with spells about unlimited assistance and security guarantees. in america there is less and less optimism on this score; there is a fire in the middle east, and then, as luck would have it, loy tostin left the pentagon and did not return. it disappeared, just like last year, it had to be applied attacks on yemen without him. they say the boss. caught an infection of cunning in kiev, so that all the dogs would not be pinned on him for
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a criminal order. there are elections in the us this fall, and if trump wins, biden will be put on trial for corruption. in this sense, the mummy from the white house may envy his six with black envy, who simply canceled the elections in ukraine. i wish you health, dear ukrainians, ukrainians. it’s hard to believe, but everything that is happening in the world now was predicted by grigory kvasha 35 years ago. knew that the war would begin, but i knew that it would end with our complete unconditional victory, so in general there is nothing to worry about. back in 1989, the whole country was still fascinated by glasnost and perestroika, and the scientist already knew for sure that the soviet union was in its last years. i can if needed.
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there is no mysticism, the kvasha forecasting system is based on precise calculations and divides all historical processes into twelve-year cycles. every 12 years this world begins to shake very violently. a unique prediction system that works for you flawlessly, at the same time. he began his scientific career in 1976 as
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a chemist. in a most amazing way , the deck of fate is stacked in such a way that almost immediately after graduating from the faculty of chemistry i made some kind of grandiose discoveries, i don’t know whether my hands are so golden or my fate is like this, and i synthesized five minerals. why with very high symmetry, he was persuaded to sit down for his doctorate, but after the accidental death of his scientific supervisor, a young promising scientist, said goodbye to crystallography forever, i didn’t i planned to study any kind of history, but i studied it at twelve-year intervals, but theoretical history is not a twelve-year periodicity, absolutely, not a historian, not by profession, not by vocation, in any way. so i met with my classmates, they explained to me that
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a twelve-year periodicity is generally a trifle in history, that you really need to take 36 years. the excitement of the researcher completely captured him. grigory kvasha decided to find the secret key to the algorithms of events and prove that history develops strictly in accordance with some of its own laws. i realized very quickly why i had intuition. from television before everyone
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else, that is, in the niche where i was, i was simply the first, that is, i was the first on the bookshelf, i was the first in newspapers, i was the first on television, when the young scientist became famous, it turned out that he and people’s artist igor kvasha, not even the same surname, a distant relative on his grandfather’s side, knew his cousin, eduard, it was simply amazing, here were two people sitting, absolutely identical, same height, same shape, some kind of hairstyle, skull, well, just after that , grigory kvasha often advised the stars on personal issues, igor kvasha’s friends and colleagues wanted to know what happened, what will happen, how the heart will calm down, he recognized joy, asked me, grisha, says what i can do for you, in general, in my contemporary life i
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advised many people there, he can tell literally everything about any person, and it’s fascinating, well, everything is quite simple here, because in 5 years of studying at the chemistry department of moscow state university , well, it’s like they laid out the cards for us in all of chemistry, it ’s very different, in fact, and somehow the theme of crystallography played out very quickly, crystallography in a nutshell, this is the so-called long-range order, that is, you describe this room, then you repeat this room there 100 -150 there a thousand times, this is long-range order, this scientific approach helped him find his own. long-range order in historical processes and decompose the history of mankind into a harmonious system of formulas, you describe it in one episode, and then it repeats in one form or another, that is, according to essentially theoretical history, well, in my opinion at least, this is the so-called crystallography of history, this is how his theory gradually crystallized, which is based on a foundation of
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twelve-year periods. there are only three periods: economic, political , ideological, for example,
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andrei voznesensky in komsomolskaya pravda asked the question: when will historians finally explain to us why everything is going on in our country after 12 years. a mystical series of fateful and fatal events in the history of the country with unchanged an interval of 12 years attracted the attention of many, but only he could find the key to the secret. the revolution of 1905, the revolution
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of the seventeenth year, the big breakthrough of the twenty- ninth. the beginning of the forty-first war , the death of stalin, with him the death of an entire era, and everyone somehow lived in bewilderment, because all these dates, in general, to be honest, were in buzin’s garden, in kiev, uncle. grigory kvasha was the first to understand that the report from the moscow maidan of 1905 leads researchers to nowhere; they need to dig deeper. it soon became clear that it was not all about 1905. at 1800 81 it was in 1881 that terrorists killed the sovereign emperor alexander ii and alexander ii ascended the throne. alexander ii came to power, who, well, in our historiography was considered a reactionary. this is exactly the process that was launched under
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alexander ii. 36 years of energy storage. here in the seventeenth year there was an explosion. according to him. during the first thirty-six-year phase of power, the people synchronously gain energy and, as a result , unanimously submit to the destructive forces, then comes the time of restoration and creation. we get the next phase 1917-1953. this is the time of the reign of lenin and stalin, when virtually all 36 years of previous history were destroyed on its, so to speak, basis. some completely new state, having risen from the ruins of the fratricidal civil war, russia became stronger again and was soon able to break the back of nazi germany to the entire hitlerite european union. again the phase of 36 years 1953-1989, in 89 - this is exactly the same date when i
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met with my classmates, we discussed, because in the air there is already in 1988, we felt that great changes were coming. on march 5 , 1953, stalin died, followed by five successions as head of state over 36 years. khrushchev, brezhnev, andropov, chernenko and gorbachev. it turns out that the country has already gone through similar stages of development. if we look at the very recent past of russia, we will find exactly the same dates, 16503, 1600 89, this is exactly the first phase, also such an accumulation. from 1689 to 1725, the country was ruled by emperor
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peter the great for exactly 36 years, here’s a comparison of the second phases bolsheviks and peter i, well, it just lay on the surface, it was so obvious, this work, in principle, was done before us, by the same voloshin and many others, who said that, strictly speaking, this is... a bolshevik, a man who breaks everything, regardless of anything, the forest is cut down, wood chips fly. after peter, the era of palace coups began; russia then exchanged six autocrats. these are the dates 1725 to 1761, this is exactly the end of this woman’s thirty-sixth birthday, where anna ioannovna and anna leopoldovna were.
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and not in 2001, the scientist counters against the background of the thousand-year history of russia, plus or minus one year, the permissible error. to be honest, at that time everyone just
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laughed at my forecasts, twirled their fingers at their temples, and said, well, frankly crazy. drawing an analogy between the modern stage of history and the times of the great empress, grigory kvasha noted that the first 12 years of catherine’s phase were difficult for the state. what we got in the seven-year war to give back to the prussians, well , the mood was not good, all this resulted in the so-called pugachev uprising, and so the pugachev uprising, it was just suppressed by the seventy-third year, that is , the first 12 years, from which i draw the following conclusion that the first 12 years of the fourth phase, the so -called yeltsin time, the time will not be very good. during the 9 years of his rule, boris yeltsin will change the country beyond recognition, and for one thing, the idea of ​​what kind
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of power can be in our country. an incredibly complex and controversial historical figure. he will become the face of his era and, perhaps, one of the most controversial politicians of the late 20th century century. an irreconcilable fighter against the party nomenclature will destroy the country, announce a parade of sovereignties, bring freedom and democracy , build a kingdom of oligarchs, start a civil war in the caucasus, agree to the humiliating khasavyurt peace, after all this, not to mention getting up from its knees, the country needed resuscitation, we will persecute terrorists are everywhere, at the airport, at the airport, which means, excuse me, we ’ll catch them in the toilet, we’ll kill them in the sorcerer in the end, that’s it, the issue is completely closed. about the same our history developed almost 250 years ago,
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towards the middle of the reign of catherine the great. and in the spring of 1783, crimea became part of russia. after 2 and a half centuries, in the spring of 2014, crimea will again return to its native harbor. the scientist insists that it was from this moment that the historical period began, where we had the opportunity to become witnesses to the events. but what awaits all of us this year? the most dangerous junction of periods, what dates can become fatal, when you need to be especially vigilant? this is the fourth world war, the big one is on the verge war, what historical cycles and periods warn us about, when we achieve victory over the kiev regime and its patrons, which kremlin agent russia will appoint as the next president of america. in just a couple
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of minutes we will find out everything that awaits us. mikhail efremov, serving time for a fatal accident , became the heir to two moscow apartments. 59 m2, about 30 million. who, besides the actor, lays claim to a multimillion-dollar inheritance. how many children does misha have, count them? a will can be canceled, all that remains is to rely on conscience. what the internet star faces for cruelly treating his two-month-old son. i would love to do it myself. to throw it off, at this age the child can’t even hold his head up, this dude should be in prison, why did natalya sturm film her mother’s last breath, you pick up the phone, the line between the personal and the social has shifted, why a factory participant decided to give birth not at home, in cafe? this is scary, married women don’t give birth in the toilet, and what will lera kudryavtseva answer to the question about the most personal? what's going on with your divorce?
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effect against back and joint pain. diclofinacas gel with lavender aroma. trust of millions. indian pava pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. chief return. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. today we’ll talk about male strength, but first about its absence. i mean that sooner or later men’s sexual function begins to fade. this is always a reason for emotional distress. trauma, those who have gone through this know how difficult it is for men in such a situation, it is necessary that it be sweet so that all men live a full life. the emperor's secret is the optimal product for today with a natural stimulating effect without chemicals. the emperor will reveal to men his secret of how to revive and improve his intimate life. the enhanced formula
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call 8 800 100 exactly 30-27. 8 800 100 exactly, 30, 27. and find out details about the emperor's secret. the call is free and anonymous, good luck to you and good luck in love. results of the week, today at 19:00 on ntv. if your proposal to head the vetrovsky district police is still valid, then i agree, but i have there is one condition: in vetrovo i will need my people, those on whom i can rely. we have a quiet city and we value this silence. three corpses, you name it. me, you are like a surgeon who is called to cut out an eye, if others fail, you understand that i will not have a single chance, not a single one, the acrobat will immediately kill me as soon as
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he sees me, andrey chubchenko, this is your legend, read, remember, then destroy, just like in the movies, just like in life, boss, come back, try to stay in the next couple of days alive, it's funny to joke. it was not a joke, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. bloody maidan, then the burning of russians alive in odessa, mass executions. russian kharkov. capture and bloody cleansing of russian mariupol. bombing of lugansk and genocide of donbass. this is how
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the kiev regime enforced its independence, in fact clearing a bridgehead for its nato masters. we. we don't start wars, we end them. we made concessions for a long time, but in february 2022 it turned out that there was nowhere to retreat further. in 2007, the date for the start of a serious war was clearly stated - 2022. corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, grigory kvasha, long ago found out that the enemy appears at our gates from century to century, regularly and inevitably, with a difference of 24 years, at the end of every thirty. the history , which the scientist divided into segments, looks like this: 1905,
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according to his research, the beginning of the next historical period, the russian-japanese war followed by the first world war, did not allow anyone to fight, the time of peace has come, here you go, 1914, the first world war, that is, in these 12 years, whether you want it or not, peace-loving, not peace-loving, but necessary to fight, it is very important to understand the meaning of 1917 from the point of view of waging war, we had a very good army, we fought very well, but...
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today is june 22, 4:00 am, without a declaration of war, german. troops attacked our country, from 1941 to 1953 the time comes to fight, you want to fight, you don’t want to fight, you need to fight, look, 36 years, 36 years, just simple, visual, on the ninth. august 1945, the united states launches the first
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nuclear strike in history on the cities of already defeated and practically defeated japan. then in in heroshima and nagasaki, more than 200 thousand civilians died in an instant, and subsequently even more died. it is still impossible to calculate the exact number of victims. so america showed russia its... the whole atomic cudgel , the world was entering the cold war, london and washington were secretly already planning nuclear bombings of 100 cities of the soviet union. in april 1949, the americans put together a nato bloc against us, but from the monstrous plan code-named unthinkable, they were unexpectedly held back by lightning from moscow. in forty-nine we are detonating an atomic bomb. people say that when we detonated an atomic bomb in america
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, everyone simply fell out of their chairs, their intelligence failed, the time to fight, as it ended in 1953, after all, without atomic weapons they could fight, the americans decided, the korean war lasted from 1950 to 53. in the korean war, our pilots showered the americans on the first day, let's move on, 53 + 24. 1977 in the fall of 1979 in kabul , hafizullah amin, who had close ties with the cia, comes to power, brutally killing his predecessor, there is a threat of american nuclear weapons being placed on our border; to prevent this, our troops are entering afghanistan. the time comes to fight, which lasts until 1900, eighty-nine. question: was the ussr really such
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an aggressive country that was eager to fight? no. in the same year of 1989 , the warsaw pact bloc collapsed, that is , everything connected with the war, everything connected with the external contour ceased to exist for russia. based on these historical facts, grigory kvasha can make a forecast the next war period, which is going on right now. write down, from the thirteenth to the twenty-fifth year, you want it, you don’t want it, you tolerate it, you can’t stand it, those who don’t gallop, those who don’t gallop, those who don’t gallop, you tolerate it, you don’t tolerate it, you’ll still have to fight, but it’s absolutely clear that here these events in kiev in 1913, it was the brightest provocation against us, the brightest, just a very evil provocation, 23 years.
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after euromaidan, crimea was supposed to become
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an american unsinkable aircraft carrier, and chakov - the base of the british navy. they they already dreamed that there would be a nato naval base in sevastopol, and poroshenko was appointed executor of the order. the residents of crimea warmly welcomed the guests from kiev. you and i must find this compromise. opposed the bandera occupation, the nato scenario to seize our peninsula failed. crimea and sevastopol, returning to their native harbor. to our native
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shores, to our permanent home port, to russia. the mainland of the former ukrainian ussr by that time was completely poisoned by russophobia, since 1945 the western the special services secretly fed and cultivated bandera’s evil spirits, and this yielded results. for me, the war with ukraine
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did not begin in '22 or '14, it began for me in '93, and in '92 i published in kharkov and gave lectures.
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by and large, the usa and russia, we can say that nato and russia provoked us very much for a long time, finally provoked us, so the date 2022 was unknown, at the end of the twenty- first year i gave it at a parade of forecasts,
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again i received a wave of such ironic, skeptical and even mocking responses about what a war. where will you russians fight , nothing will happen, you will endure everything, you will give everything up, you are no good, no, we cannot give anything away, the fundamental moment has come, now the main question is how the special military operation will end, will zelensky demolish maidan 3, how and with whose hands will western patrons get rid of the toxic comedian, when will we achieve the defeat of the kiev regime and what other territories will return? into russia, there will be a battle of three giants, on the eve of the battle giants, what awaits russia in the leap year 2024, what dates will become fatal, when the kiev regime will be defeated, who will stop biden when he puts his finger on the red
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button, and which kremlin agent russia will appoint as the new president of america, a surprise for the white house, just in time. a couple of minutes, my father takes control of the entire south, and from sochi to rostov, i have the entire combat unit on me, yes, they filled the whole region with drugs, a lot of money, connections at all levels, start taking over, damn it, a year and a half of development, 3 months implementation, you can’t reveal yourself, i have to finish this matter. we just missed the war here, i’m still alive, but that’s okay, it won’t last long. since you think that it’s legally possible with them , what are you going to do, i’ll burn everything to hell,
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well, here we go, maxim shchogolev, i’ll give you a chance, sarmat, premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv, boss, return, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. five percent gel diclofinac akos in a package with a man high-quality domestic alternative contains diclofinac the gold standard for pain relief in maximum concentration of 5% for a pronounced effect against back and joint pain. diclofinacas gel with lavender aroma. trust of millions. what is the cause of hemorrhoids? could the problem be in the veins? venarus helps increase the tone of the veins. illuminate wineproctalium has local effects. venarus and vinoproctalium together against hemorrhoids. when we got married, my husband set the conditions: only turkey, it is lean, muscle mass, hypoallergenic, good for children. what can you
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from our own farms. cherkizova! it’s as if cats are scratching on the throat, the pain in the throat does not give rest, pain when swallowing, soreness, there is a treatment. lorathricin acts on the cause of the infection, is able to alleviate even severe pain and helps treat a sore throat. lorathricin works for sore throats and treats infections. superstitions force us to be wary of the onset of each leap year. and this one, moreover, is not just a leap year, but also the water of the dragon. how it will turn out. 2024 by a fierce monster or a fabulous creature capable of ridding the whole world of threats to totalitarian american
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democracy of various calibers, these questions will be answered today... grigory kvasha, i’ll reveal a little bit that the forecast for the twenty-fourth year is of interest to everyone, yes, it will be a little paradoxical. the author of the theory and historical cycles and periods, at the turn of the century, calculated what 2021 would be like, saw the beginning of a military special operation in 2022, that is , 2021 some decisive events, china suddenly begins to contradict america. our tension is growing, in the twenty-second a breakthrough, we are starting a special military operation, china is raising their voices there, and so on and so forth. the scientist’s forecast for the coming twenty-fourth year is hidden in the events of past years, like a negative from which photographs will later be printed. now let’s develop the film, it’s called, that is , we filmed something, now we get a picture, and the twenty-fourth should go in the anti-trend,
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that is, all the events of these 3 years, they seem to be reversed. anti-trend sounds fashionable, modern, but not very okay, let's speak specifically in russian. the united states of america was confused, they guaranteed everyone that they had created an amazing design in the middle east that works, they just answer for it with five pluses, but the design turned out to be rotten, nothing works, blood flows like a river. grigory kvasha insists that biden has every chance of becoming a super-biden, that is , the best president of the united states who can still manage to finish off europe and bring america to civil war. in essence, europe is resource-free and not very resource-rich the united states of america, if they lose it,
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well, like a table standing on four legs, right? here was one leg of china, the second leg of the state of islam, that is, this table will no longer stand, that is, in fact, this seemingly local conflict, it sawed off the last leg, and there in the states everything is very, very bad, very bad. american propaganda teaches us that every 4 years russia drops everything and chooses its most experienced secret agent to be the president of america. and in november there are elections in the united states. it's just unpredictable because in principle, in an amicable way, neither trump should win, nor biden, who? that is, there is no third option, while we don’t see anything on the horizon, someone is already there probing kennedy, someone else, and this could be the biggest reversal in general, because in principle, the united states of america even ruins me i don’t need any, i
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need them to lose some kind of global courage. in other words, scientists advise americans to be engaged in america, and not to put their boots on someone else's table. she grew up with the idea that if you were enough impudent, impudent, then you can bend everyone, so to speak. that's why all nations are such gophers, but i came, i roared, everyone, so to speak, listened. using his theoretical history, grigory kvasha calculated the arrangement of the main figures. on the chessboard of the future, and there were three queens at once: the usa, china and russia. the empire, one of its main goals, its intermediate, technological goals, is the concealment of its power. in this system, the us is not a real empire, in fact a fake. and the totalitarian double is the opposite an inflated soap bubble, that is, the real
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force is very small.
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it will be a completely different europe, completely different, if this really happens, it will be painful to look at zelensky, the most important thing from ukraine, you know, they will begin,
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well, withdrawal, that is, they lived in euphoria that they are powerful, that they are great, that they are somehow special, that they dug up the black sea, that they will defeat everyone and march across red square, this... this is the use of a heavy state drug. wait a minute, who will then tease the leader of the kiev regime, or will it be written off as a liability this year? god be with him, no one in general will cry too much. what will scholz laugh about until he tears up, who will macron soon call in fear, and will biden start a world war? this is their death. ukraine dash the death of america. this is the fourth world war. if she came to me for consultation, i would explain some things to her. i understand that this is a very risky forecast. modern russia
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will become the main power not in europe, but in the world. go! and grandma matri should have it in her house too if it’s warm like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello, i’m stupid, just let me know. hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in
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our own country, we have no barriers, how did the year begin, with fierce disputes? all over the world, with attempts to come to an agreement , so far fruitless everywhere, with promises to spend even more on weapons, which are called concern for security and deterrence by all the big players, that is, it seems that the change of dates has not changed anything, there is a request for normality, but there is no normality itself , from this point of view it is interesting in what formulations in davos what is happening is discussed and how the future is formulated, precisely because big trends in world politics are determined in davos, globalists who make big decisions gather there, because you need to hear: as salevan declares, we are living the first years of a new era, fiercer than the cold war, we are in fierce competition for the type of world we want to build. and macron assures: we must not allow russia
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to win; if we do, then there is a risk that the rules of the world order in the form which they are defined.


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