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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 22, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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it happened the way it should have happened , naturally, the whole country was taken from me, for example, the other side, somehow they didn’t take it there, in this uncompromising battle for money and big names of famous fathers , everything is possible, mistakes, intrigues, intrigues manipulations and dizzying plot twists are worse than in hollywood blockbusters. dad, i'm here in sao paulo, you see brazil. have we stopped understanding each other? lera, wake up, everything is fine with us. fifty-first article of the constitution. i have the right not to report to myself. you see, we have a maniac here
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, he keeps killing girls for no reason , before he just strangled them, but now he started disemboweling them, well, he hit this very thing, you know, then blood gushed out from him, you see, you see the blood, we we need to remove all this, deservedly so, i planted a knife on rafaela arutinyan, he offered me a bribe of 600,000 so that i would put the brakes on the case of an attack on a goose, you didn’t think that we would find out, but misha, olya, deer? forgive me, please, kolya, in general strange, everyone was fired except us, i ask you to exempt me from having to submit this report, you have already submitted it, you know that i was accused of corruption, of taking bribes, no, well, you didn’t do that, i not guilty.
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i was recently told from the hospital that i am healthy and don’t have to carry a stick, that’s all. nervous
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neuralgia, you refuse, then sign a waiver of hospitalization, but in general you have problems with the spine, you need an examination, what did you do there, what do you care? ok, i 'll try to get you there quickly released, but no need, a favor? give me handcuffs, tasya, stop, give me handcuffs , come on, what the hell, you know that i didn’t want to set you up, i was forced, you don’t have to forgive me, of course , but you could have called me, or you shouldn’t have told me that you love, everything is not as you think, i couldn’t, you’re a traitor, mom, where are you going? “i
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’m late for the bus, why are you so early? i do n’t know, it’s depressing here, my father doesn’t talk to me, vasilisa doesn’t talk to me either, you’re definitely not angry, no, you want to come with me, like before, remember, i worked at school, and you little one went with me, let’s go, well, what am i going to do there, do you want to work in my cafe, you need money to dig up coins, i..." luda doesn’t will be against it, okay, what are you doing, great, let's go, vova, please bring some cookies, there they are standing behind the counter, vova, m, i love you, mom, what are you doing, what, and you are eating me, mom said cookies behind the counter, so here they are, can’t you see , thank you, uh-huh
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. shublik, it’s okay, i’ll just work with you for a week, don’t say that, i brought belikov from the interrogators, now you will interrogate, okay, yes, start.
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it hurts, that it hurts , i say, no, it’s normal, that’s it, he would be normal, not trash, it wouldn’t hurt, stop it, it’s definitely not his fault, yes, of course, it’s all my fault, okay, we’ll end this now , i’ll let you go, come on, go away, boss of all bosses, so it says here that you ended up there. tea, they promised you that i was going to, i just asked, is it true, i’m a laptop, and i generally make excuses for not making money from other things now, i generally i didn’t mean that, i don’t know, comrade
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boss, maybe you thought i was a prostitute, no, i’m not at all, you don’t even have a criminal record... lately, i looked, well done, now you sign the protocols, you can go, i actually study hairdressing, i even succeed, these guys said that they have an inexpensive laptop for studying, i had no idea that it was on credit, listen, i had nothing with them, i have nothing at all with no one else. pelkova, sign the protocol.
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wait, copy. take it, let's go, comrade captain, that you know her, no, come on, come on, come on,
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what wasn’t enough for you? yes, i want to talk. i have nothing. and who took 20 pieces? i won't give you anything, understand? i knew that the old man was in trouble. okay, uncle, okay, wait, i just want to talk, you, you’re a cool guy, you cut your chips in games in fights without rules. so you probably want big money, you probably want to bet to double it, do you hear? i will go. come on, wait, you dream about this. to bet big money, but you don’t know the difference where, and i know where to get it, well, put it yourself , i don’t know who , ask her old man, listen, uncle, why are you being rude, i ’ve already put away the knife, for respect for you, and you’re probably worried, that we’ll burn the bet, so we won’t give the money at all, you’re crazy, and you
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’re volesko’s son and you can do what is difficult for others, okay, let’s find those people who won’t have to give these money, because well , that’s if they find out , who is involved in this, your dad for... wait, do you know each other? i’m a neighbor from house thirteen, and it’s very nice to meet you, who cares? well miss what do you mean? miss it, is that you? turn people against us, but why? you don’t know us at all, your husband
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is a dishonest man, you have no place in our dacha cooperative, because my husband was fired, i don’t deserve to be your neighbor, he was fired for corruption, it’s still unknown, for what money? you bought this house, what? how dare you live dishonestly and generally behave like i don’t even know who went away and my legs won’t be there, well , great, yeah, hello, he showed up.
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listen, i almost went crazy when i saw that there was no money there, i just needed it for literally three hours, look, listen, i didn’t know you were like that, well, forgive me, please, i needed it for a friend, you can’t tell anyone, okay, listen, put it away, that’s it- they finally came. i’ll hide it myself, okay, just don’t ever do that again, understand? lera, are you okay, nikolai, huh? did the monals, well, did something happen? no, everything is
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fine, like the boss, well, i mean, like victor? you haven’t called him once since then, you wanted to, but like tanya, we’re getting a divorce, but that’s even good. kolya, ah... hello, natasha, sit in car, go, let's go now, you know that she, yes, yes, victor told me , no longer, she quit this job and in general she is very good, i'm happy for you, really, you know, i actually feel better, somehow he became himself, when he quit, they hired him as a security guard, and i’m 53, the chief... can handle it, i hope, well, how could they, how could they
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do this to him, he’s not even going to make excuses, but you you know how proud he is, i 'll go, he's the best, ler, let me give you a ride, you should call him, everything will be fine, good luck thank you, was that valetsky’s wife? she doesn’t know anything about him yet, doesn’t know anything, you have, as usual, just pasta, i thought your new girlfriend was you.
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okay, that’s not why i came, you may not want to know me anymore, but you owe me an explanation as to why i was taken away from moldova, why they later released me, why you didn’t call me, i may have messed up somewhere, but you could at least say okay. i had documents with which i could accuse the mayor of the city of likhov’s murder. they started blackmailing me. the investigator who found you in moldova said that... they will put you in prison, she has a reason for it, i gave her these documents, okay, why didn’t you want to see me after? valetsky told me that if i want to move on, i shouldn’t have any weak points, i should be alone, uh-huh, i moved on , i couldn’t, i’m sitting here, doing nothing, i know
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that we’ve killed the dashing, am i okay? but you became valetsky, i did not become valetsky, you became valetsky, you took his place, you are dating his daughter, although i thought that you would sleep with his wife. and you also beat whores like a real cop, wait, i didn’t mean to, it ’s because you’re right, i ruined everything, i ’m sorry, you know what’s the worst thing is that you
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were the kindest and nicest guy i had was. so, i prepared a suit for you, i won’t go there in a suit, i won’t go there at all. you haven’t left the house for a week, why? everyone in this city thinks that i’m an infected zombie, a monster, although all these people would look at themselves, if they were in my place, they would kill a man for a ruble and not
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blinked, drink, listen, on the night when he died... what it says about you, i don’t even have a car, we’ll sort it out, no, i won’t go on a motorcycle.
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vova, vasya, i won’t have lunch, mom, i found a part-time job, one girl needs to make a portfolio and a camera. it’s funny that the mayor of ubilikhov deprived us of our earnings, but we will protect his
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fucking shopping center, it’s not the mayor who deprived us of our shoulder straps, stop it, stop it, just stop it. and so they don’t come to see me, oh well, what do you care, it depends on the wife, you should n’t have told lerina, tell me, she’s not tanky.
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why should i bother, uncle , i have to pay off my debts, you said, you don’t have to pay them back, uncle, are you swollen, where did you see that you don’t have to pay back 200 grand, you said that since
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my father is in the police, then they won’t ask for it back, so you didn’t tell me that your father was already fired a long time ago, and that’s why you’re a deceiver zhagun and a deceiver , no one will mess with you, that you don’t touch me, i generally need to be groomed or treated, i you need it, i’ll beat you up now, what about people? no, he really wasn’t there, he was at the dacha with your mistress, natalie trubnikova, just recently you told me that you
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weren’t there, you convinced me, the late likhov deceived me, and you opened my eyes, but you weren’t tall with us, but what if i tell you that i interrogated lysokaya , he told me another story, that you... “your counterfeiter gave you the basot, so go ahead, open the bag, help the investigation, grabbing a two-room coin won’t give you hemorrhoids, so come up with something better
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next time, i can go?" " can you explain what happened? it's okay, i i have changed, i will no longer allow myself
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to be humiliated, i will no longer run after you, understand? what's here? robbery, a man came in, alone, everything covered with a cap, in his hands. pointed the gun at the bookmaker, he gave everything, it turned out with a plastic toy, well, there was no security, no, there wasn’t, how much did they take, more than 300 thousand, that’s a lot, yeah , last night they say the bets were big, there is one suspect, not a player, but they say he hung around here for a month like, lupats, meanings.
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well wait, wait, wait, forgive me for the fact that i didn’t say anything yesterday when you came in, but there was nothing there, listen, what do you need for you to be with gleb, i mean, maybe he’ll be happy with you, that is, in fact, he’s already happy with you , but he was never with me, that you look at me, well, you love him, no, that you stopped loving him, no, i don’t love him, i’m telling you... everything will be fine with you, get married, kids, nothing happened yesterday, just being friendly, i 'm leaving, okay, i'll go, wait, wait, wait, you're fine, nothing, i'm not ok, my bus is just next to me, i haven’t even started yet.
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“i see, uncle, you got up, why are they in prison , and i said, i won’t sit, they should have given you at least an a, but they didn’t, the country believed in me, i’m going to be sick, you have an alebi for yesterday evening from 18 to 20:00, and whoever doesn’t have an alebi is sankavaletsky, what’s -his-name, vovik or something, he robbed a booth, what’s unclear, uncle, right?” "check it out, let him pay for the fact that his priest killed my uncle, your uncle was a greedy, self-confident freak, only small, that's why there were big freaks, he was killed, and you 're not even small, you're dust, so you have an unenviable fate, especially if you slander, i'm not slandering, it's true, so close the door on the other side . i won't
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leave my client alone. oh, here he is, my lawyer. take off the handcuffs, he hasn't even been in prison for six months. is this even possible, where did he get a lawyer in such a car, just some kind of gopnik, his uncle, yegor likhov was a bandit, rich, maybe he left him something, why then bookmakers rob, but we won’t check what he said about valetsky’s son, no, we won’t, it’s a bluff, he’s just taking revenge, for what? because we took him for robbery, well, more precisely , valetsky’s wife and i took him, this is a long stoliya, although if he hadn’t robbed
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this one then... everything would have been different, okay, yes, uncle, what are you doing, who, who asked you to tell smyslov about the son of valeski, well, i freaked out, you didn’t go, but what will happen, what will happen now, i told you that i will help you, you can’t give it into their hands. trump cards, you know, so they are my uncle they banged you down, you've actually become the boss now , you'll avenge your uncle if you hear me, you're a piece of garbage, you're a piece yourself, i got you out of the pre-trial detention center, i'll push you back out of there, that's it, sit here and don't twitch, i 'll call you, yes okay, here, i’m not going to hang around in this hole, pavel pavlovich, are you here?
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well, where? hello, hello, chief commissioner, i decided to get rid of my wife’s answers. she was a good woman. okay, i know what she saw in me, she worried about everything, poor thing, okay, okay, lucky, what about you, we need to give way to something new, i’ll sell the house, let them build their own water park. on
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our bones, and you, it’s not your fault, you are them, this is life. yeah, hello, gleb smozlov , your dad's former colleague, gleb, well, take it, let's go, here, by the way, here, by the way, are your dad's old things, we had some attics
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lying around, so let's go. how's your work? i had no intention of taking away your husband's positions. i know, i'm sure that people are visiting you for a reason. i wanted to call, but victor needs support, so come and visit, and you’ll see vasilisa too. how are they anyway? both? all fine. now with us and in general, i listen, you and your family mean a lot to me, i will try to do everything to protect you, no matter what happens, you know this,
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i used to think only about myself and made a big mistake, but i want , so you know, everything will be fine, don’t worry so much, maybe it sounds na... but i’m sure that the truth will prevail sooner or later, so everything will be fine, you should put on a helmet, well, no, i do like a crowbar, oh well, you're in good shape, you're generally in good shape, it's because you tall and almost no belly, look at me , you can’t look at me without tears, don’t have any complexes, that now we’ll just be bending back and forth all day long at the construction site, i ’m telling you, the security guard doesn’t work... listen, let’s go, eat, what do, after all, call an ambulance quickly, what a bad sign, what a bad
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sign, maybe don’t rush, he died. look, your dad in his youth, look how much you look like him, i don’t look like him, hmm, maybe you’re right, he was handsome, he’s an idiot, yes, no, i can’t do it now, okay, ok, to the table? mom, i'll be gone for a while, for how long? damn, for 5 minutes, of course, and vasilisa has disappeared somewhere, tast, you will eat, oh, i’ll be happy to, but what kind
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of junk is this? this is an old friend of my husband who gave it, you see, from the old days, they worked together, my husband. there is, obviously not from the old days, yes, i don’t understand, but look at it, insert it into the computer, let ’s do it if you want, just don’t kill it, guys, no problem, i understand. cover your face, oh, uncle, what did you bring? i told you, they were stolen, who are you cheating, uncle, who are you cheating, well, there’s no money, i’ll beat you up now, uncle, who are you kidding, uncle, you really found a sucker, what are you doing, sustiki!
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oh one day, it’s good that they didn’t ask us. but the working guys said that this was not the first time, that they had violations everywhere , the materials were rotten, there was some kind of crack in the wall, two died last month, and i told you, make a helmet, but what does the helmet have to do with it? , they are just greedy bastards, thank you for the ride, thank you for trying to shield me during interrogation. the investigator assured me that you
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ratted me out. okay, okay, you see. no, they have no evidence against us. like me i realized that prokatenko really didn’t leak anything about dashing and gazelle with drugs. it feels like there was no one to know about this from anyone. what are you talking about? about. who wasn’t there, but who knew everything, enough about this, enough, enough, lera, open up, lera, what happened, i’m tired as a dog, you won’t come here. what's
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happened? how could you? lera, how could you be like this? wait, i don't understand. you are a monster. lera, stop. just let me in now and let's talk. listen to this first, and then decide whether you should talk to me or not. go away, ler, don't, you'll forgive me, for what? well, because i’m a fool, i arranged everything, you’re not a fool
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, i’m just still small, i’m small, i ’m small, forgive me, you’re not small, you ’re huge, i love you, maybe - he answers, okay, it doesn’t matter, he just knows , you know, now it seems to me that everything will be fine, get up and spend the night with me. i’ll sleep in
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the car, i need to be alone, okay, everything will work out, how did she know? when you realized that mojoretsky was connected with likhov, i immediately began to suspect it, you weren’t present when they they were transporting drugs, no, i heard lysak and valetsky talking about this at night in the corridor of the department, likhov deceived them. he said that there were mobile phones in the gazelle, but in fact
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there were drugs there. valetsky consciously decided to use drugs in the case, yes, he did everything to conceal his participation. gleb, you understand that your testimony suggests that it was valeski who killed likhov. not so simple. remember, you yourself said that valetsky knew that likhov hired the assassin s7 to eliminate you. to him paid to keep him silent. he is not on your side, he is your enemy. i know. you. bolecki killed famously. go. volodya, what happened? everything is fine, he didn’t
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break anything, i checked. come on, tell me what happened. mom, forgive me, i didn't mean to. i didn’t think that this would happen, i’m sorry, well , how did it happen, we’re ready to take the alcohol test, comrade captain, there’s a holstered pistol in the cabin, there’s a weapon in the car. come on, hands behind your head, quickly, raise your hands so that i can see them, what are you, hands, i said, raise your hands, show me, show your hands, hands, show me, he fell asleep, i know who lupatov is
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, i can’t even call vitya now, if you want, i’ll dial him to gleb, and i can’t call gleb either, i conveyed the meaning to... i put the meter back on him, so it’s definitely money he has no one behind him, the lupatvas are despised in the area, so he’s just pranking such naive fools as your son hopes they’ll be scared of. what to do? take lupatov’s money and return it to the bookmaker’s office, so your son will be clean as god, where did you get him from? give it, take it,
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lupatov is a coward, we’ll just scare him, ler, take it, you have no other choice, no one but you will do this. take out the gun just in case, but it’s not loaded, loaded, loaded, but it
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’s on the safety, there’s no... keeper, just be careful with the trigger, no one will know, what are you doing? i thought you were divorcing the child, but lupats , what do you want, return the money that you stole from the bookmaker's office, it was your son who stole it, not me, the money was from you, you forced him to rob the booth, and then stole his bag, yes i don’t even understand what you mean, we know that give me back the money, we’ll leave, fuck you, but you’re crazy, you’re crazy, now what you gave,
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take it, come here, but take the gun away, don’t take it away, but don’t turn around, sit! i said, quietly, dasya, well, he shot himself , i didn’t want to, but if i hit him, there’s no time, let’s go while i have, what to do, oh my god. hello, hello, you have some kind of suspicious bag lying around here, maybe call the police, who knows what’s in there? look.
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you definitely won’t come in, but no, i already have a bus during the day, thank you very much, if it weren’t for you, i i wouldn’t know what to do, you knew everything, you ’re tougher than you think, no, this is all too much for me, but of course, you have my injury in your pocket, yes, yes, it’s better not to wear it for you, in general no need to pick it up. weapons, i definitely won’t use them anymore, yes, i need to get rid of them, that’s it, bye, bye, bye, take care of yourself, yeah, bye. what are you, how are you, mom, i’m the worst son in the world, no,
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honey, no, i want to do something to make you think about me differently, you need to rest, it’s already over, yes. father is right, i'm not a man, vova, the bravest kind, you get tired of this very quickly, you are the best son in the world and i love you very, very, very much, now you will rest, everything will be fine, sorry about the car. come on, i knew that you needed to let off some steam,
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for what i bought, an advance, i have natasha at my sister’s, keep the keys, come to me, sleep, i ’ll go with you to the construction site, no need, rest. well, what do we have here, captain? his name is igor lupatov. i wonder if lupatov is the nephew of the late likhov? yes, but how did you find it? there was an anonymous call, shot with a small-caliber pistol, about 3 hours back, the gun was nearby, yeah. yeah, did you submit your weapon for examination? yes, the fingers will arrive today, you can call the experts after lunch. okay, anything else? nothing,
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there are no witnesses, there is indeed a camera, but we haven’t checked it yet. i'll check it myself. you and valetsky imprisoned him? so what? nothing, i just remembered. by the way, the management praises you. stu investigators changed the preventive measure, what is the reason, eh?


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