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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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when she came back, she said: by taxi, yes, but why did the taxi driver kiss you at the entrance? because this is a comfort plus tariff. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. day of mourning in the dpr, 27 people died. suffered after a terrorist attack by ukraine. crash in the mountains. the russian ambassador confirmed the death of two orsians when a private jet crashed in afghanistan. in favor of trump. one of the participants in the us presidential race has withdrawn his candidacy. don't raise gasoline prices. the authorities addressed non-khin companies with such an appeal. read more in business news. about the main thing, for this minute in the studio. dorovtsev,
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hello, today is a day of mourning in the dpr, the people's republic is mourning the victims of a monstrous terrorist attack. the day before, the ukrainian armed forces launched massive cannon artillery strikes on the food market in the textile microdistrict. on a day off, the townspeople simply came to buy groceries; there were no military facilities, combat units or equipment there. the main goal of the kyiv regime again became people. 27 people became victims of the barbaric attack, including two teenagers. more than twenty people were injured. the tragedy became one of the largest.
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this is a great tragedy for us, for everyone. at the place where the ukrainian army fired at civilians in donetsk, concerned citizens organized such an impromptu memorial; fresh flowers are brought here, many cannot contain their emotions. within a radius of 30 m , all buildings were destroyed by shrapnel. the monstrous force with which they flew in different directions can be judged by the facades of the buildings. burst granite slabs, holes in the concrete foundations. come on, come on, yeah, straight to the market.
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every weekend the stylist is full of people, farmers from all the towns and villages of the republic come here, there are shopping arcades nearby, which were chosen by pensioners, selling honey, pickles and mushrooms from their plots. the ukrainian military probably knew that this was a crowded place and had one goal, to kill as many civilians as possible. this microdistrict is well known to the nazis and punitive forces, it is a residential area, you see it all around, this is one of the big markets sunday. 10 am, when all the people went
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to buy food, someone came to sell simple things, canned goods, women, pensioners, teenagers, to strike such a blow, well , no comments, nazism, by this hour 26 victims are known who sought medical help, among they are two teenagers, all the wounded were diagnosed with characteristic mine explosion injuries, lacerations of the abdominal limbs, several people are still in intensive care in... all serious cases were carried out by telemedicine consultation with leading federal centers, as well as with us two children are currently being hospitalized; they are in the republican children's clinical hospital; as of yesterday, seven victims were provided with outpatient care; in the last 24 hours alone, the ukrainian armed forces have released about 50
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nato-style shells, the kiev regime in the absence of successes on the battlefield, in places, as in the southern donetsk direction, while retreating, they are shooting civilians from donetsk with cannon artillery, the shelling of a crowded city... became the bloodiest in recent years, on january 22 in the donetsk people's republic has declared a day of mourning for all those killed. omar magomedov, rabadam magomedov, ntv television company. donetsk. the attack on the ssu in donetsk will become one of the central topics of the un security council meeting on ukraine today. russia requested it. the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, will participate; he has already arrived in new york. the attack on the capital of the dpr was strictly condemned by un secretary general antonia guterres. attack on civilians and infrastructure under. he stressed, are prohibited by international humanitarian law, are unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. the office of the un high commissioner for human rights expressed regret over the attack on donetsk, but meanwhile other international humanitarian organizations, like western policy, are silent, the eu council, the european parliament, the osce red cross called on the council of the eu, the european parliament, the red cross of the osce,
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the head of the russian human rights council addressed . leading western publications write about the tragedy, but with extreme restraint, if they usually immediately take a pro-ukrainian position, as... for example, it happened with the episode in buchi or after missile attack on the kramatorsk station, this time no one began to refute the information that the attack was carried out from the ukrainian side, and no one would dispute that it was an attack on a deliberately civilian target, which, according to the geneva convention , is qualified as a war crime. russian troops repelled 18 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces during the day in the kupinsky, krasno-lebanese and donetsk directions of the special operation. the ministry reported this today. in the southern donetsk direction, our troops are carrying out preemptive air and artillery strikes on areas where nationalist forces are concentrated. in the kherson direction , attempts to land troops on the left bank of the dnieper are being prevented. accumulations of manpower and equipment were destroyed in 103 regions, and two ammunition depots were also hit. in the zaporozhye
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direction, a unit of the russian group of troops, with the support of aviation and artillery, inflicted defeat with an accumulation of manpower and equipment. 117, 118 mechanized. and 128 mountain assault brigades in the areas of rabotin and kamyansky pyatikhatki. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 105 servicemen killed and wounded. tank, three a pickup truck, a 155mm cesar self-propelled artillery mount, a 152mm d-20 cannon and a 122mm d-30 gun. air defense forces shot down a su-25 aircraft, six storm shadow cruise missiles, five hymers missiles and 76 drones. spouses anatoly and anna evsyakova, who were on board the plane that crashed in afghanistan, died. this was reported at the russian embassy in kabul. the head of the diplomatic mission, dmitry zhirnov , noted that the afghan authorities, at the request of moscow, quickly launched a search and rescue operation in the mountains. four survivors of the disaster were successfully
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evacuated from the scene of the tragedy. they were taken on a special flight to kabul. read more ilya ushenin. footage taken after a rescue helicopter landed in kabul, injured in the crash. jet's business leaves the cabin of the soviet mi-8 under its own power. it is clear that everyone has injuries, but most importantly, our citizens are now safe and under the supervision of doctors. and these images were published almost immediately after the crash by the afghan radio hariyat. they show four survivors of the disaster in province of badakhshan are in someone's house waiting for help. private business jet falcon 10 crashed near the border with tajikistan. according to eyewitnesses , the plane was refused.
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it is known that the flight was a sanitary flight, it flew from thailand with refueling in india, and the spouses anatoly and anna ivsyukova from volgodonsk were on board. it is reported that the couple was vacationing at the resort, but at some point the woman became ill and was diagnosed with a serious infection of unknown origin. she spent several days in the local hospital, then a decision was made to transport him home. under insurance , a plane with doctors on board was sent to pick up the spouses. these were resuscitator pavel popov and nurse igor syvorodkin. it was syvorodkin after. after the plane crash, he was able to walk along the mountain slopes to the nearest village and ask for help with gestures, then returned to the crash site with a group of local residents, but after that the rescued people were reported to russian diplomats. the russian embassy in afghanistan is in cooperation with the local country, contact was identified immediately after receiving a corresponding request from the federal air transport agency,
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i am grateful to the afghan side for the assistance provided in the search work. how the bodies of the dead will be transported, according to preliminary information, since the evsyukovs are still unknown, but the afghan authorities promise. full assistance, the son of an elderly couple flew to russia on a different plane, on a falcon, he did not have enough space, he assures that he still has a minimum of information, but judging by the reports, we need to prepare for the worst. i will find out the official information from there. did something happen to mom? yes, it happened, it hurt, so i had to cause pain. in addition to the federal air transport agency, the investigative committee became involved in finding out the causes of the plane crash. it is clear that in addition to interrogating the surviving pilots, department employees will have to study data from the black boxes of the plane, which, by the way, was more than 40 years old. a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. russian investigators have organized a complex of investigative the committee, including in cooperation with the ministry of action, is aimed at establishing all
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the circumstances of the incident. now the rescued crew members are still in kabul , and in the near future a russian plane will fly for them in order to deliver them to their homeland. ilya usheninin, alena kryukova, radu gurdish and sergey baganov, ntv television company. russian authorities have asked oil companies to curb prices at gas stations. next on the air is business news, denis talolaev is with us. denis, there is a reason to worry, maybe be? apparently, these are precautionary measures for now, because the authorities obviously remember the rise in price of gasoline on the stock exchange last year. officials called on oil companies not to increase the cost of gasoline at gas stations, the kommersant newspaper writes about the results of a meeting held by deputy prime minister alexander novak. according to her, the event was related to what happened at the nizhny novgorod lukoil oil refinery, one of the largest in the country. and there the foreign equipment broke down and as a result we had to. install one of the two catalytic cracking units , because of this, the production of gasoline fell, as
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the merchant notes, it was this accident that became the main reason for the imitation of fuel on the exchange, prices rose all last week, since the beginning of the year gasoline has been imitated on the st. petersburg exchange by about 15 percent. newspaper adds that the authorities are not yet preparing more significant steps than talking with oil workers, but they are taking, but last year’s experience forces them to be vigilant, due to the fact that they did not grow... russia updated historical highs from spring to autumn '23, and then the government introduced a ban on fuel exports, returned full payments for the damper, which ultimately stabilized prices. a bill on confiscation of property for so -called fakes about the russian army has been submitted to the state duma. among the authors of the document, almost 400 are indicated
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for receiving a bribe, illegally crossing the border, organizing illegal migration, desertion, and carrying out the activities of an organization recognized as undesirable in russia. in the duma security committee, as reported by its head vasily piskarev, they expect that the bill will be considered as a priority. according to the head of the duma committee on legislation, pavel krosheninnikov, this could happen the day after tomorrow. the russian stock market is trying to grow, but by 15%, it is now falling in price. in kiev, the company announced the day before that it was selling assets in russia to local management and would continue to develop international
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business, for example in kazakhstan and the united arab emirates. the ruble is getting a little more expensive, the dollar costs 87.99, the euro 95.94. the state duma committee on ecology said that tomorrow it will discuss changes in the rules for transporting animals are connected with what happened to twix the cat. he was traveling from yekaterinburg to the city of tikhven , leningrad region, and was accompanied by him. ticket, he was traveling in a carriage where animals can be transported, but on the way he got out of the carrier, and the conductor, deciding that he was homeless, threw the cat out onto the street at a stop in kirov. the video shows someone throwing the animal out of the carriage. twix searched for 300 volunteers, but a couple of days later they found him dead. on the same day, russian railways announced that they will change the rules for transporting animals, conductors will be prohibited from, as they say, disembarking animals from the train to nowhere, they will be transferred. employees at stops, and then call representatives of animal protection organizations. well, as for
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the conductor of that train, law enforcement agencies refused to initiate a criminal case under the article of arbitrariness, however, more than 300,000 people have already signed a petition for the dismissal of the conductor. ilya, i have everything. thank you, denis tovalayev, for your economic review. vladimir putin today in the kremlin, he held a working meeting with the head of the federation of independent trade unions of russia , mikhail shmakov. last year it was 30 years since he headed this organization, over these years of work, well, you can say joint work, after all, you are for... for the government , you are often an inconvenient partner, but still, but, but still in general approach the solution of social issues from a state position, of course, first of all, based on the interests of workers, interests that you must protect by
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law, by the meaning of your very existence trade unions, but... but in general, the state approach is, of course, very important, i hope that this will continue to be the case in the activities of trade unions. vladimir vladimirovich, the interests of the state, the interests of the working people as a whole coincide, so there is somewhere we argue about the details, i agree, i agree, exactly, good. the flow of tourists in russia during the new year holidays increased by 19% compared to last year. this was discussed today at a government meeting chaired by mikhail mishustin. said deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. according to him, the average occupancy of hotels during the new year holidays was more than 80%. and the tourism industry was ready for peak loads; i would especially like to note the well-coordinated work of the ministry of transport and development of the ministry of transport in synchronizing forecasts of tourist flows and transport schedules. during the new year holidays , the transport industry served 5.7 million
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passengers. this is the result of systematic training and colleagues. there is something to be grateful for, our citizens see that safety, comfort and the level of service in the russian tourism industry are growing, and despite the high demand for travel around the country, in general, which is very important, it was possible to avoid a significant increase in the cost of services, enjoy a vacation in different chernyshenko said that traditionally the most popular destinations among tourists were moscow , st. petersburg and the krasnodar territory, but it also increased interest in the caucasus, altai, far east and northwestern regions.
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including proper nutrition, rest, this is all that will help us systematically approach the development of such an important industry for us. one of donald trump's main opponents republican party member ron disantes voluntarily dropped out of the presidential race. he thanked the americans who supported his candidacy, but admitted that he could not provide real competition to the ex-president. in the iowa primary, he was supported by half as many voters in new hampshire.
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ntv viewers in the capital, then we are waiting for the release of the program today in moscow, but we will continue broadcasting for other regions of the central part of the country. the state duma will consider bills to terminate the fishing agreement with great britain. it was concluded by the soviet union of modern russia; this agreement did not bring any benefit. but the kingdom could fish for free in the barents sea. the russian economy will not lose anything from the denunciation. this is how the gap will affect british finances, elizabeth gerson found out. the horror is not english cuisine, only english toast, said the writer heinrich gainey. and today, most traditional english dishes cause shock among tourists. there are at least a few of these dishes. this is wildness. what it is? that's for sure
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edible. along with delicacies such as a pig in a blanket and a toad in a hole, fish chips are another highlight of the british cultural program, as some tourists claim, a nail in the stomach. fish was actually brought to klyar by portuguese jews as a shabbat dish. in the 19th century , the first fish and chip shops began to open in britain; the british self-critically called them not restaurants, but shops. fish and potatoes were wrapped in... newspaper, cheap and cheerful, 100 years ago there were 35,000 such edals in britain, by the twenties of our century due to competition from foreign fast food, their number has decreased by three. it seems that further there will be a decline in geometric progression, who is to blame from their point of view, this is clear to an english baby, putin threatens our fish and
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chips, putin hits where it hurts in our fish and chips stores, turning food into weapons, british fish with potatoes, under threat from putin's russia, which is tearing up the old agreement. however, in the comments section for an article in the daily mail, the most popular one is that it failed miserably. they are miserably separated for a reason. for what russia generally allowed british trawlers into its territory, considering how much money britain sends in weapons to ukraine. it's strange that the russians didn't do this earlier. the russian government, after london's decision to terminate the most favored nation regime in bilateral trade, approved the denunciation of the 1956 agreement with great britain on the right to fish in the waters of the barents sea. same.
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for the price of rockets. due to some, as it now seems, excessive nobility of the soviet union in relation to its former allies, considerably impoverished and deprived of all colonies after the war, the british fished cod in the barents sea for almost 70 years, completely free of charge. last year the british pulled out 566,000 tons from our waters, and for them this is not a golden fish, but a dormish one. now, when a response has been received from russia to their sanctions , they make round fish eyes and shout that this is unfair, the british, as always , want to eat the fish and not rip off their sides, similar agreements should be reconsidered with other
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neighboring states, well, first of all, too with the ostravetans there in the far east with japan, there is the same agreement in 1858, which gives us absolutely no preferences... nothing, but allows the japanese to fish around these kuril islands, they are very active in doing this. the process of fish death in britain began from the top, after brexit the first calls came because of the fishery quarrel with france, then the shops were closed during the pandemic, then the heat for gas increased. in the spring of twenty-two, the british realized that potatoes, sunflower oil and flour for their batters are made in russia and from...
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migrant food, the variety of which will only increase in britain in the coming years. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, anastasia kanarovskaya, yana fedarishcheva. ntv television company, london. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. the central election commission today delivered 315 signatures in support of the incumbent. president in the upcoming elections. the mystery of the yaroslavl burial: can a person who died many centuries ago tell about his life to death.
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in the report by alexey kavashen. this is moscow, this is moscow. at avito work it’s easy to find your place, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes to the new job, lots of vacancies and... every day there are new, avito jobs, you will find not just a job, but your place. what are men silent about, that life is out of control, and pain? fears of ceasing
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the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon. cosmically tasty. cherkizova. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? how wide is the coverage? where is this? to a place where no one has seen your videos before. although, the megaphone can pick up even there. number one in terms of speed of coverage, win when you give joy to your loved ones, order at the megamarket, scooter at the izbermarket and win 10 million rubles. temperature, take effervescent paracetamol-reneval, effervescent tablet osutylsalicylic acid renival, we trust renival, we choose renival over look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it
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around once! twist only after confirming payment, order savita delivery from 1 rub before february 4, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. on monday we have turkey steaks. pava-pava, turkey cutlets on tuesday. pava-pava, turkey kupaty on wednesday. all this is pava-pava. and our mother-mother. turkey. it’s just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with fantastic taste of salchichon. cherkizovo
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weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness, increased anxiety, all these may be signs of vsd. eltacif is an assistant in the fight against vsd. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. this program. today we continue our release. centcom today received signatures in support of vladimir putin’s self-propulsion in the presidential elections. representatives of the election headquarters reportedly brought 95 boxes (315,000 signatures). this is the maximum amount required by law. in total, 10 times more was collected for the current president in all 89 russian regions. vladimir
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putin's co-chairs came to submit documents and signatures to the central election commission for registration. this record number of signatures in support of our candidate, the current president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, speaks of the colossal support for our candidate, and i would like first just thank all the volunteers who took part in collecting signatures, volunteers and the central headquarters, moscow volunteers,
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will make a decision on registering all candidates no later than february 10. family values ​​and traditions were discussed today in moscow at the relatives and loved ones forum, which takes place as part of the international exhibition russia. participants discuss what 2024 will be like, which vladimir putin declared as the year of the family. members of more than 250 families from all over the country and professional dynasties from various industries came to the capital to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, talents.
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we assume that this status will be officially secured by a single certificate, according to a single model, at each level of government, at the government level, at the regional level, at the employer level , corresponding benefits will be assigned, these benefits relate to the payment of benefits, pensions, labor legislation, health care,
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archaeological excavations made it possible to find out the details of the assault on yaroslavl by baty troops in 1238, as a result of which the city was ruined. forensic experts joined in establishing the truth... in front of the unprotected heads, these are horsemen burial on the skulls, traces of blows from above , they chopped down civilians, it was interesting to understand, among these buried, is there anyone from batu’s army, one of the buried ,
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of course, we were baffled by the absolutely atypical clothing; in general, finding boots in a spontaneous burial is an exceptional rarity, at that time... they were of great value, they were taken off by the deceased in the first place, but these they disdained boots, they were so badly chewed by mice, and the shape of this boot, not found anywhere before in yaroslavl, allowed us to assume that these were probably the shoes of a horseman, and therefore the shoes of the attacker, these boots allowed us to make another discovery, but for this the knowledge of forensic experts and entomologists was required; it was not only the photographer who asked.
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bones of his skull, this was agreed upon when a person’s appearance was recreated in a plastic reconstruction laboratory. skull restoration is a painstaking process. in some cases yes, indeed, the fragments do not fit perfectly and we have to choose what is more important in our case to the face. whether the skull has been assembled accurately will only be clear at the final stage, when the expert pushes the lower jaw into place. now we will try how much this is. everything fits very well, and we even see that the lower jaw is slightly shifted to the right, but this is not the only disease that was identified in humans eight
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centuries later, here are the bones of the foot, which means that it is all deformed, some kind of polyarthritis, that is, with such diseases, the invader was from him... maybe it was the commander who was not capable of fighting, but the one who led the raid could only give the answer himself. fragments of skulls from yaroslavl were transferred here to the institute of general sciences. as part of a large investigative program, but now i am entrusted with the mission of handing over another tooth of individual number two. using dna markers, you can determine which ethnic or population group a person belongs to; he does not have an asian genetic component, so if we compare with the ancients yaroslavl residents, they really are in this genetic area. thus , another version was born: strange boots could be made to order, but who could afford such luxury. as a semblance of orthopedic shoes in the 12th century. we
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analyzed the bone, and this individual, and it turned out to have an excessive amount of copper, so to speak. that is, a person works with metal, a person works with metal. but the most interesting thing is that exactly next to this burial there was an estate in which there were clearly signs of jewelry production . so, the image of the dew invader. in his place was a jeweler from ancient yaroslavl. at our request, the expert will reconstruct the face from the skull. unknown bones are overgrown with flesh. a still hairless anthropological mask is created in all available details. at the same stage, the face acquires real colors based on the results of dna analysis. this is a fair-haired man, well , essentially blond, he had blue eyes, and his skin color was, well, not light, not dark. and here in front of you is the most accurate one.
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the most important thing, the most important thing, why is ancient and we can only reconstruct it, but the russian language is clear to us, these are the roots of words, they have not gone anywhere, so any...
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thousands of stories that people can tell through the darkness of centuries: alexey kvashenkin, yana fedarishcheva, daniil koratun, artemy chinkov, ilya khristinin and vladimir sharykin, tv broadcaster. and now about the weather, forecasters warn of impending warming in the regions of central russia. when it starts, evgenia neroskaya will tell you about her connections with our studio. what's the forecast? yes, temperature will begin to grow on wednesday, we are waiting for a thaw. all the details a little later. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural
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remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol ivalar. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with oats. only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. and visol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. so now the atlantic has the initiative. first , warm air will cover the northwest. precipitation in the form of snow is forecast in novgorodskaya, leningrad regions in karelia, in psko. the snow mixed with rain will warm up to +4. then the atmospheric front will reach the tver and smolensk regions, but here the temperature does not yet exceed zero. and gradually during the day the snowfall zone will move east. at the same time, in yaroslavl there is still a slight frost - -3, in vladimir -5. and the middle volga remains in sunny winter weather. this whole cloud system will come here a day later. at yoga, there are still heavy snowfalls in the mountains, the situation is dangerous. on the black sea coast sunny. and about the weather in the capitals. a little bit later. if your joints bother you when the weather changes,
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take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evala. movement without pain in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be a thaw of +2 and sleet , in moscow it is still -2, light snow and gusty winds, on wednesday it will be plus. thank you, that was the forecast. that's all for now, go to , see you, the beginning of the year, time to make new plans, a tenki loan will help you not put them off until later, apply for a loan in the tenki app with
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the bounds, he kidnapped her, nailed her legs to the floor, set it on fire, took it to bury it alive, how she managed to escape and survive, in the studio of oksana kuzmenko. oksan, do you realize that you have literally returned from the other world? well, i can say that i definitely have two birthdays. you left the hospital not at all... december 1, are you experiencing pain now? yes, we really sympathize with the fact that such a tragedy happened to you, who is this monster who did this to you, this is my young man, for whom i had feelings, and well, in general, according to the plan, we had to create.


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