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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 22, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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beyond: he kidnapped her, nailed her legs to the floor , set her on fire, took her to bury her alive, how she managed to escape and survive, in the studio oksana kuzmenko, oksan, you realize that you have literally returned from the other world, well, i can say that two. i definitely have a birthday, you just left the hospital on december 1st, are you experiencing pain now? yes, we really sympathize with the fact that such a tragedy happened to you, who is this monster who did this to you, this is my young man for whom i had feelings, and well, in general, according to plan, we were supposed to start a family. daria, can you imagine what a monstrous situation oksana found herself in? it absolutely shocks me.
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psychologically, how could it be possible to do something like this to a girl, this is simple , just imagine, i’m getting goosebumps all over my body, because this is some kind of horror, just look at her eyes, this is such a tragedy, i’m looking at her i'm really in shock. oksana, how did you meet him? in the store near the cash register, we smiled at each other, exchanged phone numbers, and that’s how we started a connection with him. no, we have a big one the age difference, i’m older than him, 8 years, it embarrassed me very much, he looked after you beautifully, looked after you very beautifully, well, as if in my eyes he was ideal, coffee in the desert in the morning is always, but good morning is always, i just didn’t even have anything to get to the bottom of, i even forgot for a minute and didn’t quite understand who we were talking about, and i can’t compare that ideal young man...
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he had a colleague, he was engaged in painting cars, and i i wanted this phone number of his colleague to be in my phone books, you never know if the girls, yes, a useful contact, because everyone knew that my young man also works with cars, he understands it, but what did he tell me that there shouldn’t be any contacts in my phone that are connected with male names, that is, your life gradually turned into total, then this control will increase and every... whether
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to the right or to the left, will be considered a crime, an escape, which should be punished, in this case you just need to interrupt this relationship, but if you joined them it’s already very difficult to do, because they won’t let the victim go, it needs to be broken from the very beginning , at that moment when it seems that everything is too wonderful, just 100%, this is what daria is saying now, probably this is... .and be afraid of me, somehow women have this inner, how to say, premonition there, and i had it too, something told me from inside, run, run. evgenia, what measures should be taken if a person, your partner, even a loved one, begins to exert total control, the prerequisites for such, one might say , unhealthy, painful attitude of one partner towards another, they may lie in the other partner himself, for example, if a woman
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, in the initial stages of starting a relationship with a man, demonstrates to him her excessive availability, ease of communication, she creates the preconditions for so that this jealousy, which is then present in a man, is not so unprecedented, let's start with this. secondly, as regards oksana specifically, sometimes it is a reason for total control with a man’s side towards a woman may be her very behavior, let’s say the reason was that they met in line at a store, and what happened there after that, didn’t he perceive it? it’s like easy accessibility, well, of course, everything depends on his, to put it mildly , psychological imperfection. i want to ask oksana, did you give him a reason for such thoughts, i didn’t give him a reason, because there were no incidents with him that would make him think like that . when, for example, we corresponded with with him, let’s say, i have my phone on my desk, i ’m doing some work on behalf of my manager and i can’t respond in a timely manner to... his
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message, and he, let’s say, sends angry emoticons, these little red ones , yes, this is if you don’t answer for a long time, yes, if i don’t answer for a long time, then one day i put on my shoes, went to... my mother’s room, we talked on the phone, he says: why are your heels knotted, are you at work at all? i photographed him that i was at work and that i'm wearing shoes. after all this, did you think about breaking up with him, leaving him? yes, and once there was such a moment, and he came home, talked with a young girl , she called him, we had a fight and he apparently invited her on a date, but then when we... made up, he honestly told me that there is such and such a madam, and she and i were walking, as it were, in the center of the city, he, don’t think anything, we had nothing there with her, that’s it, i looked at it all, got dressed and said, i say , i want to go now, i say to mom to be alone, and you are there resolving the issue with her, to which he reacted very negatively,
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impulsively and aggressively, he opened the doors, called the elevator, threw all my bags there , and threw me into the tap. put me in the corridor and said: you are now going to go to your mother like this, i was actually scared, i think if he now uses physical force against me, but i’ll just lie down here, i said, i say: that’s it, let’s go home, i i’m not going anywhere, and he told me two things, no matter what happens, you should never leave, that’s when i already decide inside to leave from him, on the day when i made this decision, i called him, i said that i will remain a mother, he told me all... the day by video call with an interval of 15 - 30 minutes somewhere, the next day i went to work on the metro , i had an assumption that he would most likely crawl me, but my heart doesn’t lie at all, well, i don’t want to, there’s something that doesn’t lead me, there’s some
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kind of premonition, i think , i’ll go see my friend lena, that’s it, i say, let ’s wait for it, i say, when it gets dark later, i say, time, i say, i want to pick up the car, i say, let me, i say, stay with you, i say, until saturday, on saturday i already rented an apartment with a woman, i made an agreement, but everything didn’t go as i planned, that it happened, lenna and i arrived at my house, where my mother lives, somewhere around twelve twelve o'clock, so we drove up, i said, let's not drive up from the side where the gate opens, on the other side, i'll see if anyone... then he’s sitting in the car, maybe someone is messing with me or something else, nothing it wasn’t so threatening, it was quiet. as if it was calm in the yard, i was still looking around there, that’s what i think, this is my personal opinion, i shouldn’t have turned on the headlights, i should have left the yard without headlights, just without headlights, i turned on the headlights, where he flew out from where he jumped out from, i didn’t understand at all, i
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understand that he’s running at such speed, he runs up, opens the door and immediately starts hitting me with his fist in this very place. i bend over like this and they just start pounding me like this, i’m immediately bleeding, well everything is swollen, my nose is crooked , there is blood coming from my nose, i ask him, i say, let ’s talk, why are you beating me, i say, there is no reason for beating me at all, he doesn’t hear me, he doesn’t see me, i i was already lying there, all beaten up, and he started tearing these doors and gates, opened them, stepped on the gas and we drove in the direction of his work, we have a video with a surveillance camera, it’s him in these frames, he’s breaking the gate, well, he broke the door, he broke this door and we went through it, in this recording we see that this
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the person is already charged with a crime, that is , his internal decision to commit a crime has already matured, he has already actually sat in her custody. where we were going, i already understood , i know the road, he opens the gate, we drive there, and he pulls me out of the car like that by the crack, and shoves me, so he also hits me on the head again at this moment in order to push me into the garage, when he had already pushed me into the garage, he closed the doors, turned on
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the center at full blast so that your screams could not be heard, well, apparently yes, he took the bat he poked me a little, but my whole left side was all over my back. just one continuous bruise like this, then he makes me quieter, then he says: take off your shoes, why? he says, i ’m going to pin you in the legs now, first of all i’m going to pin you, right? first of all, i didn’t believe it, i thought it was some kind of psychological pressure, as if to scare me further, he just puts this piece of wood there, took a hammer, hammered a nail into my left leg, where, show me , here, in it wasn’t a nail that he hammered into my right leg, like something like a corkscrew, but it wasn’t a corkscrew, it was some kind of piece of iron, but it was like a screw, some kind of...
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they nailed christ like that, only there the nails were wider , he makes a decision, my legs are already , how can i say, from this piece of wood, tear it off, tear it off , that’s it, he quickly pulled out the nail, this right leg, it couldn’t be reached, he pulled once, it doesn’t reach him, he walked around, walked around , then he just takes it and says why don’t i have the strength... and my leg like that, the way he pulled, it was, it was me, i was screaming like that, it was you who didn’t lose consciousness, damn it, i don’t know how and how i survived it all, how did i all of you, well, it was a hell of a pain, i just did, and i just understood, i was bleeding right from right leg, because it’s this screw hole that’s torn in my leg, these two through holes are all i have. he then dragged me to the exit, and it seemed to him that these cans of
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gasoline caught my eye, he poured these gasoline on me, i began to resist again, i said, what are you doing, just like that? it’s like they’re wiping the gasoline off themselves, they take out a lighter, they just do it like that, it’s clear to me, it’s like a snake, this snake , this gasoline is pouring out of me, and i burst into flames, i’m immediately these inquisition, a woman, because... all this time we were conscious, well, i don’t know what to call it, i don’t know what our brain is capable of, i don’t know, well, it’s just impossible to convey, i see. i can’t , you know, i look at her, it’s a miracle that
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she’s alive, it’s true, because i can’t imagine what i was experiencing, she just i’m overwhelmed by this feeling of impossibility, what kind of monster would it be to do something like that, to pull out a leg, well, i just can’t do it, oksan, did he put you out? how did you manage to escape? in short, i was running around with all this grief, oh, this is actually, damn it, i don’t know, god, how you saved me, thank you, in general, i was running around these cars, he shows me that he has a fire extinguisher, they say if you want me to put you out, run to me, i just run up with such eyes, i’m all on fire, i run up to him, like this kitten and please, please put me out, that’s it, he starts me... and i, well, i’m not in any state anymore, i’m just like this, but you had some kind of incredible will to live,
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yes, he put you out , what happened next, he says, come on, go to the passenger seat, this is to the passenger seat, it’s my will or not, i don’t care anymore, i sat down in the snow on the passenger seat, at that time you had all the skin i was covered in burns, my hair was burned, but i didn’t see myself, well, i felt it. berry cemetery, he told you that he would kill you, yes, he had one, lay knife, he, apparently, was looking for a solution to what to do with me next, or cut my throat, then there were such moments that you will now dig your own grave, and here, apparently, i have a little skin, that’s how.. . which was burnt, it was like this, as if hanging a little, it apparently either irritated him
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or something, like this, in short, this skin is hanging from me, everything from here, in short, is lifting up, i no longer felt anything, i i’m already lying here like this, i think i’d rather die under the wheels of an oncoming car than from it, it turns out, as if simply opening door, i just wanted to fly out of the car, he grabs me by this hood, and still he reaches here, the steering wheel turns in this... direction, there’s oncoming traffic, it turns out, he lets me go, it’s all at speed, here i am so, head over heels, in short, into the oncoming traffic, they , apparently, at that moment crashed into... an oncoming car, yes, this moment is that they crash and the fact that i don’t fall under the wheels, apparently, that’s what kuborim - to the fence , this bump stop is standing on the highway, which in general, i remember there, there are three cars, i i say, boys, i say, save me, please, i say, they want to kill me, i say, they doused me with gasoline, they call the ambulance officers, they call
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the gi staff, i’m cold, i’m shaking all over like this, i’m barefoot, they they say who ’s driving there, i say: you should be more careful, he also has a knife there, i say, there’s my young man, how did he seem to plan to kill me, then i hear - someone from the other side says, this one says: we like they went to the car, he says he’s not there, he apparently ran away, he ran away, he ran away, but soon this deep exhalation comes, i’m protected, the fact that i’ll be helped now, the fact that now no one will kill me or cause me pain, i’m all relaxed, in short. the police officers arrived and began this interrogation, and what injuries did the doctors record? fracture of the nose , with displacement, then unconsolidated fractures of the ribs on both sides, and 20% of the body is burned and 13 of them are deep, i have second and third degree burns, the deepest
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are the third degree - this is the face and right hand, when i. .. well, they already did it in the hospital the bandage, i looked like this with one eye , i just had meat from here to here, here, when you move your fingers, as they call the tendon, i do it with my hands like this and i see that they are moving, i feel so bad now, i think, i also have no skin, i haven’t seen my face, but my eyelids seem to be wrapped up, that’s it, there’s no here, well, this nikros, legs. everything - well, everything is in bows, everything is rewound, when they dried it out a little, i saw how serious it all was, then the doctors make a decision, well, on the recommendation the manager that i need a skin transplant, here completely on my face, especially what i understood is that here several layers of skin were transplanted onto me, here it is very strong -
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the necrosis was strong, because the skin was taken from where - they took it from the right to the left . they took it from here, well, in general, they replanted it twice , because it grew in parts somewhere, well, it took root, and then in parts it didn’t take root, it moved away and apparently it was replanted again - well, it was grown or how to put it correctly, i don’t know , well, to close this, these are these all the areas that were without skin, and the photograph behind me was taken how long after the incident, this was probably after resuscitation. day three, it ’s on my face, it’s a formation from corpses, when i was all covered in crusts, they put me under anesthesia, these scabs, they cleaned it all off so that i could have a cleaner face, will oksana really forgive me? his tormentors, will give him a second chance, when you start talking about him, you have eyes, there is love in your eyes, this is not in my head
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fits in, it’s just a horror film , i regret that again, as a woman, it didn’t work out for me - create some kind of cell, well , a family, i’ll put that aside, we’ll be back very soon, this position should be offered to general rastorgoev, and someone will tell me someone asked if i wanted to come back, he didn’t want to be a pawn in someone else’s game, now i won’t play by your rules, exclusively by my own, but in order to save a friend, the guy needs to be rewarded, but you stupidly shut him down and deal with your past , about my wife, it’s true, general rastorguev. returns into operation. great, ment, great, lor, andrey chubchenko. general rastorgoev, the new head of the umbt. i'm not the sheriff, boss, come back. chief, what are you doing, huh? i'll shoot. well, shoot, there's no point in talking. today 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season. february 11 at
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keep a proven product on hand. for anyone with allergies. and everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved. everything is being decided with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin made from one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga. well, one of the most modern, caring projects of russia by decision of the president and caring people. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. does a woman intuitively feel if you have what she needs? one glance is enough. real masculine! the energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tanka from ali premium, a natural remedy for men,
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to take off my shoes, i will now nail your feet , poured gasoline on it, set it on fire, sat down, lit a cigarette, watched as i screamed, the faithful did not stop there, oksana said , he took her towards the cemetery , to bury her alive in order to be saved , the period the person screams, runs, then braking occurs, the torpid stage, when the pressure drops due to painful shock, yes, the person loses consciousness, what our heroine says is just real
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some kind of such an indescribable desire to live internal reserves, because even the pain threshold, if she had it very low, well, this torment and bullying of her is simply impossible to describe and experience for an ordinary person. alexey, i look at your gaze and understand that you are simply shocked by what you heard. yes, my hands are all covered with goosebumps, i listen to you, look at your face, and you know what desonation i have, that’s when you start talking about him, you have eyes, there is love in your eyes. i can't wrap my head around this, it's just horror film. oksan, what feelings do you have for him now? but you don't hate him, do you? i hate him, and whenever i look in the mirror i always ask: why? why would you just want to ruin my life? and i want the maximum punishment. so, but nevertheless, on the other hand, somewhere i regret that again, as a woman, it didn’t
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work out for me. create some kind of cell there, a family there or something else, in my opinion, oksan, in your eyes there is confusion, the question is why? i loved you so much, we lived so well, well, look, well, it’s just a pity to the point of exhaustion, it seems to me that oksana is just an overly kind and wise person, of course, naturally, that’s why this man, a monster, is there, he takes advantage of it.
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social commentary of the investigative committee. according to investigators, on the night of october 25, 2023, in a garage in the city of yekaterinburg, a heavily drunk local resident decided to deal with his forty-one-year-old lover because he was jealous of her. he inflicted bodily harm on her with particular cruelty, after which he imprisoned the victim, the car that was in the garage took her, as previously established, to the forest in order to complete his actions aimed at killing the woman. to escape, the victim caused an accident. realizing that the police would be called to the scene by another participant in the accident, the accused hastily left the scene , disappearing in an unknown direction. the accused was detained some time later during a series of operational activities. i’m sitting now, i have such a shiver inside, that is, i can’t imagine how it was possible to survive all this, and is it really possible in our time is now, this can happen,
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god bless you, many years to come. life , but purely as a man, i want to take and slam this creature, this is not a person, in our country there is a life sentence, i really hope that this measure will be applied to him due to the severity of the fact that he made oksana, who is taking care of you now? mom, because i can’t take care of myself 100%, mom cooks, mom washes the dishes, mom puts food on the table for me, well , there’s laundry and change the clothes there. your mother could not think that a handsome man with blue with his eyes he turns out to be a real sadist, in the studio natalya cherepanova, hello, hello, natalya, what happened to you when you found out that your daughter was kidnapped, a state of shock, who told you about her trouble , a friend comes to me, she says, natalya
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andreevna to strengthen it. aksana says she’s in the hospital in intensive care, here i actually felt worse, you went straight to the hospital, but no, because the doctor said we don’t need a second corpse, if your mother sees you, that my blood pressure is 90/60, i just saw after resuscitation, pump out the fluid. when is your first time with we saw our daughter after everything that happened, when she was discharged from the hospital on december 1. we have footage from the hospital where your daughter was hospitalized. forty-one-year-old oksana took these photographs immediately after resuscitation. the unfortunate man’s burned face, arms and legs are tightly tied with bandages and soaked in iodine and blood; there are horrific abrasions on his back. a woman shows her mercilessly pierced feet. here oksana leaves the ward for the first time
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... the courage to go on the federal channel with this, because this case will really show many women that when it seems to you, it doesn’t seem to you, if something is shaking inside you, it doesn’t seem to you, run while time allows, thank you for your courage, and of course there are extensive injuries, serious burns, thank god, you survived, natalie, and tell me honestly, your daughter now... cries often, i’ll tell you honestly that my daughter has a strong spirit, and for me to see her cry, firstly, it means that it hurt me 25 times more than she did, well because of her appearance, she probably worries, like any
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woman, that’s 25 times a million, yes of course, i can’t even look in the mirror, well, i can’t even imagine myself at work, sit down, sit down, look, freddy has come. you are a beautiful soul who will definitely be loved by a worthy man who will definitely appear in your life, i am sure of it, and you have passed this peak point, when you make a decision, i will live on, then you did not give up, your whole life, it will now change, unfold like this exclusively in this channel, in this direction. oksan, there must have been many bright, interesting, good, happy moments, right? well it was, yes. i had bright and happy moments with my official husband, let’s see, well, now only in my memory is the charming oksana in an elegant off-shoulder dress at a friend’s birthday party, energetically dancing in the company of friends. and here is
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a woman on vacation, baikal, sochi, abkhazia, oksana admits that she always preferred active recreation, caught trout, sailed on a boat. did rafting. this photo was taken on the day when oksana turned 38. she poses for the camera in surrounded by bright bouquets. anna, can you imagine how difficult it is for oksana now, not just physically, physically, understandably, mentally. it is impossible for each of us, for everyone, to imagine how difficult it was for her. i agree that oksana is really such a pure, kind person, and even after all this tragedy , you can feel confidence from her. calmness, and she commands great respect and her courage, i just bow to her courage, let's go back to that day, or rather the day before this tragedy. natalya, remember this day? of course, what was going on? i’m sitting,
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watching tv, my light turns off, i go out into the corridor, the light is on, i go to the meter, go into the apartment, close the door, i hear a noise. to the large room, went into the large room, we have a hanger like this, he climbs out of there, this one got into the apartment when you were going out onto the stairs, that is , he specially cut off the light, lured you out, i say, so did you why does he smile in this way, and i tell him, i ’ll bravely challenge you, so i have him like this, my arms hurt so bad, he twisted my arms and basically took me to prison like that. in prison there’s a small room like this, i tell him, you have money, and we have a store in my house, you used tricks and exchanged him for the store, and brought him to the store, what happened there, well, first of all, he started to steal beer, to steal from the store, and when
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we were standing at the checkout, the main thing was in the hall, she said, you came here again, young man, she kind of stopped him with that, you grew up, you ran away, yes, why didn’t you call the the police weren't told what happened? he already illegally behaved absolutely inappropriately, especially this is penetration, this is the seizure of the phone, open, open theft, he had far-reaching thoughts, nevertheless, i believe that there is also an underlying motive related to the apartment, with the car, connected with money , connected with yours, maybe jewelry, also... i also remembered now, before getting into the car, he took my salary card like this, took the keys, and he talks about earrings like this take it off, he says, so as not to be identified , and i also took off the earrings and gave them to him, it’s just some kind of horror, and you knew something about
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this man’s past, well, at the beginning i didn’t know anything, and then he already started, that he had an article there, such and such, and it had already begun to reveal itself a little. law enforcement officials found out that your former partner has already served his sentence more than once. employees of the road patrol service of the state traffic safety inspectorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the city. a local resident who works as a welder in an auto repair shop, previously repeatedly convicted of theft, battery, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, unlawful taking of a car, open theft of property , driving while intoxicated. the attacker, motivated by personal unpleasant relationships, cruelly tortured her, using nails and a highly flammable liquid. collected by the police...
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initially this young man made a pleasant impression on you too, not even a damn thing, nothing even came out, nothing why oksana’s close friend was there right away categorically against her new boyfriend? our acquaintance turned out to be far from good, see immediately after the advertisement. he wrote a hit in the nineties and has been paying for it ever since. of course i'm being followed. how
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did kaymetov exchange classics for pop? where did fate bring him together with masha rasputina? and they feed the brown bear with black caviar? but it wasn’t me, it was victor who fed. why doesn't the star of the nineties recognize the stamp in his passport? kai immediately asked for his phone number, but i didn’t give it to him. how did you become a single father? any child i want to spend more time there with my mother. she was nastya's mother. and how he experiences the loss of his mother, she was sure that he would live for a long time, kaymetov and his million-dollar secret, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. return chief, today at 20:00 on ntv. a cold takes you out of your usual routine. rhythm, mom, we are already on our way, koltakt,
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the boyfriend of forty-one-year-old oksana kuzmenko from yekaterinburg, first sang codes to her about eternal love, and then began to raise his hand, when the woman decided to end the relationship, he kidnapped her, nailed her legs to the floor, set her on fire, i cried, roared, i asked him not to mock me, this is already very cruel on his part, oksana miraculously managed to escape, 9 days in intensive care, now there is no living space on her body, her face, arms and legs are covered with terrible scars , oksan, you know, your friend is terrified...
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october 3, what happened on that day? they had a fight, he, in a fit of jealousy, i think , threw a pan at her when she left the apartment, and this pan broke the mirror in the elevator, you say, oksana didn’t talk about this, this is not the case when he’s wearing slippers he took you out, there was a saucepan there, you were silent about it, there was a saucepan there, so she told me all this, i was horrified, in the evening somewhere around 9 after work oksana came to us, and why did she decide to go back behind the car, since the situation was unfolding , well, it wasn’t very good around it, but i’ll explain to you, firstly, we couldn’t get through to my mother, and he saw these calls, by the way, he saw, yes, yes, yes, he saw that you were calling him, and oksana asked us to take her
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home, check with her mother if everything was okay, pick up the car because it snowed, she had summer tires, she had a car, i was standing in my car. i watched the yard area, there was no one in the yard, oksana said, drive up there, this is the next house, i waited until she warmed up the car, drove to the store, waited for a while, maybe 10 minutes -15, i returned to the yard, saw that the car was gone, uh, i saw the gate open and traces, but you didn’t notice that they were broken, broken, yes, you thought that they were just open. her boyfriend says: oksana is with me, and oksana says: “lena, i’m with him.” oksana,
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why did he even decide to call elena? he shows that he has mom’s phone in his pocket, for some reason i say that mom took the phone here, he’s like, well, like, for control. keep you i looked on my mother's phone from two numbers that we called, this is calling, this is calling, the second is when it started calling, lena is there, hello, you confirmed that everything is fine with you, why did you say that , i’ve been broken for so long, i was beaten, this is what lena, i with oleg, it’s as if i won’t talk in front of him, you know, if something happens to me, that i was the last one with him, elena, and what about your roommate? oksana didn't call? he called at 10:00 am the next day and said: “oksana is in the hospital, she had an accident, at that moment he called.”
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studio of oles skiba. hello. hello olesya. how long have you been friends with oksana? almost since childhood, i
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have considered oksana my sister. so she introduced you to her new man? yes yes. they came to my dacha in the summer. well, to unfortunately, our acquaintance turned out to be far from good. why? i just went to bed early. and, waking up in the morning, i saw oksana. beaten by her husband, there was a conflict between two men, between my husband olesya and my boyfriend, they began to quarrel with each other first verbally, then with physical assault, this incident did not alert you, olesya alerted you, i think, yes, after that case, i tried to dissuade oksana from being friends with him, and when you found out about the tragedy that happened to her, he told me in the morning wrote: a message that help oksana, and she is now in the hospital, she urgently needs to take the pills, she said that in
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the apartment where they lived together, he will no longer be there, we have a screenshot of the correspondence, let's see, alesya, pick up the phone urgently, please, urgently, or call me back, please, this is really urgent, olesya, pick up the phone, i really beg you, it only concerns oksana, help her, oksana is lying. at the hospital, take the pills, because i won’t be there anymore, they’re closing for the season today, i’m going now home, change clothes, please help me in this hospital, oksana doesn’t have a phone connection, it turns out she pawned it, as she told me, in a pawnshop, he tried as best he could to create an alibi for himself, this, so that, if anything happens, here i care, that’s all, here are the pills, and here i am leaving. i’m more than convinced that he really wanted to find out
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what the real consequences of what he did were, what happened to her, is she alive, is she not alive, maybe she died there during this accident, maybe she’s still in a coma in the hospital there now, he he tried to understand what awaited him, maybe he assumed that the consequences of falling out of the car were much more serious than the injuries he caused; they would, as it were, hide him with these mocking actions.
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she only does it twice, the fresh wounds sting unbearably from the water, she brushes her teeth, overcoming excruciating pain, starting to brush her teeth, this is very problematic, because there is little tension in these places, the corners are very painful, that is, it’s very difficult to clean like this, especially on the other side, now healthy and beautiful, she only has old pictures in a photo album, oksana sighs, just girl... fetka, of course, well, either freddie will take you now, or here, firstly, i’m a woman, and for a woman, appearance
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is beauty, it’s first and foremost, shots that tear the soul, tear the heart, tear the brain, unfortunately, these are the kind of happiness seekers, scumbags, and cannibals who come across women who are naive, kind, attentive with great empathy, unfairly, oksan, at what stage is the criminal case now, do you know, have you been recognized by the victims? most importantly, is there a resolution? i don’t know anything at all, well, listen, if, if you’re not recognized by the victim, this is just a disgrace, therefore, but the trial took place as the suppression proceeded, we have footage. under escort in handcuffs, oksana's tormentors lead him into the courtroom to choose a measure of restraint for him during the investigation. the man is accused of attempted murder with extreme cruelty. once behind
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bars, he hides his face from the cameras. ivan, what punishment can oksana’s tormentor receive? now he is charged with attempted murder with particular cruelty, part two 105 - this is from 12 to 20 years in prison, if you add theft and penetration, well, according to the totality, depends a lot, of course, and on how you behave, i think
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i don’t know. so you keep calling him, my young man, well, i think time will pass , time will pass when you stop calling him that, he’s not your young man, but a man who committed a cruel crime, in general, your divided life into before and after, at the moment there is no assessment given from my point of view in general with the issue related to her abduction, if accordingly we have established, now here it was established that his motive was selfish, then it is necessary to qualify the corresponding paragraph of part two.
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i will help you with this. does oksana have a chance to see a bright and cheerful woman in the reflection again? the uprising is only at the initial stage. burn scars can take up to 2.5 years to form. we'll find out after a short pause. she grew up in an orphanage
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because her own mother abandoned her in the forest. i didn’t write a waiver for her, there was no waiver from my mother, and i wasn’t recognized as an orphan, and then i changed my name from alesia to lelit, so as not to have nothing in common with your birth mother. she abandoned me in the forest when i was 3 years old, and i spent 3 days there. from her personal file, she learned about her two brothers, whom she had never seen and had been dreaming of meeting them for many years. i hope the brothers had an easier fate than mine. but will lelit be able to find the beret? she left the boy in a very deplorable state, the child didn’t move, didn’t cry , she wanted to throw him under a train somewhere, i ’m not hiding anything, i’m very guilty, your right to hate me, i didn’t know him for 29 years, i still have so much, you don’t know, you don’t hear, i ’m opening the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. chameleon, premiering sunday at
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20%, yes, but there were burns on the body, the right side was especially damaged. now oksana is trying to forget what happened and restore her health. in moscow she went for examination. first the patient. the therapist takes her, then they take an x-ray of the ribs of her feet, we put her legs together, we put her on her feet straight, after which a traumatologist studies the images and checks how the woman’s ribs are fused. it doesn’t hurt, here it does, when i even turn over, when it crunches, no, it just hurts, the crunch is gone, the final stage of the examination is a consultation with a plastic surgeon, the doctor carefully lifts the bandage on oksana’s head and assesses the degree of the burn, most of the hair is preserved, but it will grow back , the question is, how deep is the burn, in this area, where it has not yet healed, whether the follicles are dead or not, he examines
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the patient’s burnt mouth. due to the fact that the tension is high, scars are formed, which prevents our patient from opening her mouth. svetlana, how is the recovery going? recovery is only at the initial stage, that is , a minimum amount of time has passed since the injury, we now have fresh scars, but now oksana is not in danger of life? no, there is no danger to life, there is a danger to health, because she has an eating disorder, first of all, what is this, this is a disorder organ functions are considered. now you can help oksana, physical procedures, this is a massage, probably massage is the most important thing, because these fresh scars, before they have yet ossified, roughly speaking, need to be stretched, massaged and stimulated this elasticity, i because yesterday, when i examined the cavity from the mouth, the skin simply does not allow me to completely push a spoon in there, and not to run my tongue along the vestibule, that is, in front of the teeth, and of course this makes it very difficult.
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the patient’s quality of life is strong, and the state of her appearance is in the future it will be possible to improve, naturally, we have primary rehabilitation, this is physiotherapy, these are silicone pads, massage, phonaforce , ultrasound, then what we do, and we supervise the maturation of scars, burn scars can form up to 2 years, the mechanism the injury is such a big overheating, and if we are talking about ordinary scars there, let’s say they did an operation, they did it. in our incision, the scar can turn white for six months or a year in burn situations, and even after 2 years, i saw that the scars had not yet formed. oksana is now under your control, will you help her? well, naturally, this is my profile, this is my specialization. oksana, will you accept this help? yes, the word very, of course. ekaterina, will you be able to help advise oksana remotely? certainly. rehabilitation will not be quick, but everything we do, we will do for you. oksan, what advice would you
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give to all the girls and women who are watching our program now? we sometimes draw locks for ourselves that the man didn’t promise us at all, we need to be more careful and not put them on these rose-colored glasses, don’t create illusions, look the truth in the eyes, hear what they tell you, what they want from you, well, be attentive and observant. i really hope that our viewers will hear your wise words, we really sincerely wish you health from the entire studio, recover as soon as possible. remember that you can contact our program with any problem, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. watch tomorrow at.


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