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tv   Choknutie  NTV  January 23, 2024 12:45am-2:31am MSK

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help! anton vasiliev! we are now creating a new administration, the power is now behind us, we will transfer all of you in 2 weeks. sergey burunov, why did i become the father of a bandit? ivan yankovsky, they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes that we are a force in ourselves. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt. the boy's word is only for boys. this is just the beginning. the most anticipated television premiere of the year, coming soon to ntv. we agreed with you that you had to leave the city. i always drink coffee here in the evenings, i thought it would be weird if i don't come. alexander ivanovich, excuse me for a minute, please excuse me, what?
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it’s empty, clean , report to the point, i’m reporting, no weapons were found on him, in general, what he was doing near her car then, i have no idea, but there are no weapons on him, and if he had a grenade, he could have set up a tripwire, we searched the whole car, there’s nothing , so that’s it, take him to the department, i ’ll be there soon, take the zaredskaya car to the specialists, so they’ll take it apart , piece by piece, down to the last screw, yes, comrade colonel, but... i called, what happened? he said they wanted to kill me, how is that true? tell me, do you know this man? and do you know him? yes, it was he who saved me from the hooligans in the cafe. he wanted to go fishing, and as a sign of gratitude, i settled him in my hunting lodge. and what is his name? all clear. he called himself dmitry, i didn’t see his documents. “what trust
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, you’ll have to travel with us, okay, well, i’ll just call my lawyer, your right , i can’t do it without you, yes, i’ve got it, okay , if anything happens, i’m always in touch, good luck, that’s it, hang up, mish, this time the older brothers managed without us, well, thank god, i think so, open the windows, open the window, what am i saying,
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open the window, i can’t breathe, be patient, we ’re almost there, i can’t, slow down, slow down, he said . viktor sergeevich, an interception was announced in the city, the security officers let the detainee go, well , that’s what i thought, you see, yes, yes, perhaps we’ll be able to do something. you are
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in the area, i am behind him, stand, hands, hands up, hands up! hands behind your head, yes i said, floor to the ground, quickly, that's a good girl, well done, something is boring with you, guys, you are not sociable.
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i understand how you are, being alive is the main thing, let me take you home, i can’t, i need to go to the administration and prepare a statement for the press, no one canceled the working day, you can at least spend one day on this damn job, this job brings you
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good money, sasha, i ask you not to forget about this, they came for me. well, what about the meeting with the governor? i explained everything to the governor until the evening.
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good morning, this is zaretskaya, i’m listening to you, olga igorevna, i need to talk to you, i have to tell you, this is not over the phone, let's go to vasilyevskaya embankment in half an hour, okay, i'll be there, thank you, i
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should go with you, no, not necessary, just wait in the car, okay. good morning again, for whom, how? but now do you believe me, or do you still think that i am playing some kind of game of my own, in this city i don’t trust anyone, we are somewhat similar in this way, i was rude to you, please forgive me, you no need to apologize, it seems to me that only you can help me, perhaps, but first i need to understand what is happening, what exactly do you need need my help, i want you to know. “ i have material, i’ve been collecting it for many years, this is incriminating evidence on one person, i don’t understand,
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a gun, give me a gun, what happened, call an ambulance!” where you are, there are always problems and troubles , don’t miss tomorrow, we have different goals and objectives, we have one goal, so that people in any city can sleep peacefully, you also think that i...
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of course we need to go, mr. gerster, this you are right, but why exactly to russia, namely the izvens, usually go the other way around, artsyprovsky, i refused a position as a professor in prague, i traveled to england and france, switzerland and belgium, how he refused, he told me himself, the system, you understand, but i’m telling you, gerser, keep in mind that in russia it will be
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very, very difficult for you, don’t scare me, aaron, adam, especially , don’t scare me, let’s have a drink, adam, why adam, your name is aron, you are right, of course, a little aron, well, you yourself understand what time in what country we live. so i just want to warn you once again, russia is a country of endless and useless formalities. i know this the hard way, i lived there for many years, i still have a small business in russia, from which i receive a dividend, not a word more, this meal should become the meaning of my whole life, i hope, i believe in it.
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to his excellency, count alexander khristoforovich denkendor from the secret agent of the third gendarmerie directorate tikhon zaitsev, devoted to
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the fatherland and to your excellency. i hereby have to inform you, who did not flinch, and nevertheless, gentlemen, i invited you here to tell you unpleasant news, our partner, secretly collaborating with the third department, but don’t be so grumpy, prince, consider it good that today we have information that tomorrow would fall to us out of the blue, so, please, go away,
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look where you are going, now you’re carrying your own husband, dear broken rock, why are you brother with such an awkward thing, russia, the damned land is sideways, they can’t make roads, they’re muddy,
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they’re pushing, the empire. in god, in the soul, in the mother, well, go ahead, bitch, i would ask you not to insult this country, yes, yes, russia has a great past, strength, i must tell you, wisdom, incredible opportunities, i strongly believe in her bright future, nice to hear, i have no honor, otto franz von gasne. retired lieutenant kiryukhin, radion ivanovich , is very happy, and i’m pleased, please, i’ll go to sleep, or what the hell, my fingers move like a string, slowly, i’m sinking deep into myself as if into mud,
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it seems to me that i’m getting closer to you. a young lieutenant, ringing delight, an upsurge of feelings, souls, wonderful impulses, down, hurray, freedom will receive a joyful entrance, a real poet, it’s not me, pushkin, but pushkin, and then, how they began to hang for this freedom, and how they drove me to prison all the way to siberia, i was scared to death. it’s fortunate that i was only retired, and not exiled, not strung up, i realized what kind of freedom, away with whom, sit and don’t scold, but is anything possible in this state, but it will smear you like a shovel on the wall, my
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dear , rodion ivanovich, i’m happy that we are together, me too, this is very important for me, thank you, for friendship, for our journey, for our cause, friendship, to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom, in russia, dear, have a snack, a cucumber, i was out of breath, however, i looked around, it’s secret, and the state, report to his excellency. now i have to inform you that on the way mr. gerstner was visited by their excellency count potocki. they had a short conversation, it was not possible to penetrate into the essence of this conversation
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, except to watch the farewell of their excellency, where i, touch, vasily, touch, met a shepherdess, the shepherdess, the shepherd's horn began to play, the melody flowed like a stream, and love was born between them,
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on getting a much larger sum, but not giving horses to his adversary, but he’s a foreigner, well, a foreigner, well, how long will we we will lick the asses of all the italian tenors, we bow on the train to all the visiting french hairdressers, my god , my god, tell me where this disgusting, humiliating, by the way, completely un-russian quality comes from in us, all the time.
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why did you get up, there’s no way to barrage further, continue to chop, hey, fyodor, what, don’t you see, what, this is your
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noble fyodor, he lives near the bridge and feeds himself, because you can’t get through without him in your life, it’s definitely life or wallet, no, master, he only needs a ruble, pay, let me, i can get it, then you are a guest, just a ruble, especially for such an occasion. take a look.
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alive, dear, dear, where are you, dear, dear, dear anton franch, this is what i thought, in this business in ours, such a person is simply necessary, what? brilliant, i don’t argue, the past is hidden, veiled,
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blurred by time. features, i repeat with sadness the words that you said, i was disgusted with high society, i have hundreds in this house, it’s not a goat, some kind of bitch to ruin such a song, but she’s not a kind animal, she’s so nervous, well, we’re in this mood 2 years. let's stand still, work on our own you’ve seen how nervous you are, and you’re going wild here , well, it’s okay , yes, we’ll fix this railway of yours, we’ll go straight to the circus, just stand there, oh, power ride jacomo pirandello, jacomo pirandello, like it, beautiful, take it, yater s... became a torment,
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terrible, my head was spinning, your confessions were a joke, and the words were lies, high society was hateful to me, everything in this house is not nice to me, oh, take me away, cornet, oh, take me away! i’m going to smoke, otherwise the grave awaits me, who is this, damn you, get out, get out, mere tribe, back, one more shak, i’m shooting, chill, dear, a bright idea
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cannot be used to assert a weapon by force, look. how to speak to the people, dear people , the only salvation from distances are railways, this is the development of trade and the growth of the welfare of the people, transporting passengers by rail is the most democratic thing, radion ivanovich , put down the pistol, for christ’s sake, he will get more fat, he will kill someone, it’s a sin to the soul, anton frantich , hold frossya, she will tear them all apart, god forbid, hear what you need, who are you, i’m a pirandela, pirandello, and what are they, pirandello, what am i
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did you take these? oh, what happened here, your family , mr. gersnev’s company was frightened by the robber little people of princess otreshkova, who were opposed by the power of conviction of mr. gerstner, the pistol of cornet kiryukhin and some physical influences of fyodor, a peasant, thanks to the lord, who did not lead to murder, but...
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and help, and help, how come you are a secret agent of the secret police, you don’t know how to swim, but when did you learn to swim, your honor radionich, we are always watching, and writing, watching, and writing, writing, time, secret agent third gendarme squad, swims like a fish, shoots like robin hood, from a pistol, bam, from 40 steps, whites in the eye, quiet, but i won’t hit an elephant in the ass from five steps, let ’s pour some warm water, goat milk, but it gives strength , well, what about the horses , dear, horses, i apologize, no, and your honor is not in sight, no, frenchie , drink some milk, no, no, thank you, the devil knows that
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you have some kind of document, huh? well, here he is, however, we got a little wet with him, hey, my dear, yes, master, quickly, the four best horses. secret agent the third gendarmerie department from his majesty's own chancellery, well , show him the document, tikhan, show him, show him , don't be shy, why are you hatched, man , haven't seen any decent documents, what count chevala, what document, have you seen, don't ruin varin, secret , not secret, but secret. hulks, then so on, with the greatest dangers and risk to life, i managed to infiltrate the observed group, i wrote, you succeeded, you, me, um, and, of course, yes, well, for
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this, ask for a salary six months in advance, and sign, whatever this is done to you, devoted to the fatherland and to your high, what is it, smoke or fog, but it seems that you are lost. and lord, help, save and lead, lord, well, for such trifles, go straight to the lord himself. hello, good gentlemen, oh,
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why are you so depressed and lost, eco- importance, now i’ll help you, sit down, well, sit down. come on dears, the lord will bring it out. brothers, but they took the highway out. my name is maria, very nice, local, well, how can i see, are you hobbies? yeah, i’ve been waiting for you for a long time, so it’s easy to fix, right, anton, and the moment, right now, here, hold it,
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slap it, manechka, oh, another thing, thank you. tanka, how can you look through the vodka, through it you can always better see what a talented people, mashenka, your health, truly it’s like god sent you to us, well, actually, maybe that’s how it was, yes, there are still women. i hasten to immediately inform your excellency that there are still women in russian villages, and also in my opinion,
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so that your excellency would personally meet and listen to mr. gersner, because in my opinion, no one except your your excellency was not given such a deep understanding. she gave birth to a son from her married lover, but her husband became the official father of the boy. i fell in love with him, i knew that he was married, and it so happened that the child was registered as a former puddle. my lover dreamed of registering himself as an heir, but he suddenly died, that’s it , i want to raise my son, i left my family, but we just lived a little, he died, now his twin brother wants to know for sure if he has a nephew, he told me when already with people... was pregnant, it is important for you that only your blood bears your the last name to whom a woman gave a son 6 years ago, i can’t give anything, neither a last name, nor a middle name, nothing, i took it to court
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, they simply told me that i couldn’t do anything, when he came, he was just hiding before the sight of lyudmila, then i couldn’t doubt my paternity, i’m opening the envelope, tomorrow at 17. on ntv. chief return. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin extragel. it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain. against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, it’s profitable, it would always be like this, but with us it’s like this every day, it’s profitable on the price tag, which means a low price, milk condensed milk station 1299, pyaterochka helps out, genfeon light spray is a green light, green light to my goals and plans, red light to viruses that can interfere with them, genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza and sars viruses . together their penetration sprayenon
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suits you, and then confirm the payment. each i start the morning by taking aquadetrim. with him i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin d. aquadetrim, we will repeat it tomorrow. this winter, repeat to your advantage. aquadetrim drops three for the price of two. on monday we have turkey steaks. pava-pava. turkey cutlets on tuesday. pava-pava. turkey kupaty on wednesday. all this is pava-pava. and ours. mom mom! indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children! pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is important, what happened the cause of pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain . the beginning of the year, time to make new plans.
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is against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally. participate in the development of the country and native region, presenting their ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024. radilanovic, take it, well, carefully, little by little. and so, yeah, we’ll live here, we’ll have a room for each of us,
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i’ll appoint a headquarters, in our apartments, no layoffs until the project is approved, a real kutuzov, a marshal, a real , no, dear, this is forest, of course, but not for me, but in general we like foreigners, i hope, and if i need to leave for official reasons, consider yourself mobilized, and therefore in a barracks position. “be smart yourself somehow, that’s why you’re a secret agent, well , you’ll still tell me, we won’t quarrel , my friends, we’re starting grandiose enterprises and we need to live in peace in harmony”? in love for one's neighbor, really, tisha, darling, yes, where, where?
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and also, now we’ll play another game, i’m waiting, good morning, your majesty, congratulations on your victory, good morning, alexander khristoforovich, thank you, i’m very busy. there’s a lot of things to do, try to summarize everything as briefly as possible . the german engineer gersner proposes to connect a number of cities of the russian empire with steam-powered railways, but he is crazy. but why to me? refer him
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to the doctor's office. i dare say your majesty, but berser presented quite convincing reasons for the usefulness of the form. nicolas, uh-huh, your hot, i’m already on my way, gentlemen, let me introduce you to a master of international class, a virtuoso of his craft , ivan ivanovich, in russia i was naturalized as
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ivan ivanovich ivanov, ivan ivanovich, i would not like anyone’s last name to be pronounced here, we are imcon for you, no, no, of course, of course, countess cut off. yes, prince razanov, razdorsky, pototsky, count otreshkov, your annual income from the carriage industry per year is more than 100 million rubles, so the railways of gersnor are like for you , yes, one more news, your sovereign has authorized the creation of a commission to discuss gersner's project, like...
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or maybe gerstner, gerstner, yes, hertsner, maybe, although this is, of course, not the figure for whom one should invite me, or maybe, gentlemen, in general? terror, terror, what it is , we don’t know it, this is a new progressive form of persuasion, after which the client himself abandons his plans, we are generally professionals, we really count on this form, great, but we will go in two ways, as you think, right , on the one hand, on the one
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hand, we will take the most active part in the work of all the commissions that discuss gersner's plans, on the other hand , our... since childhood, i have been taught to always be on time everywhere, i will not tolerate! god!
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well, what would have happened if we had left 10 minutes earlier, and that the construction of railways in russia would be completely impossible, hopelessly, extremely unprofitable from all points of view, but if someone comes up with the idea that that... that two rusty iron strips can revive our endless russian expanses, he is deeply mistaken, the railways will interfere fasting cows, a note from count boblinsky and engineer melnikov in defense of the gers project, the air sent by a steam locomotive will kill flying birds, conservation. handwriting, matcha, don't be legible to you, pheasants, so i say, pheasants and foxes will become more
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impossible, ladies on the edges of the road, houses, and i say, yes, houses on the edges of the road will burn, horses will lose all meaning, listen to what's there and how it should be. i wish i could go there with anton frantsich, well, they invented a telescope for the eyes, but is it really impossible for the ears? i can’t think of anything, but how much easier it was for our agent to work, he might make a mistake without me, he doesn’t know how to talk to our people, no one will let you in there, oh , if only he would introduce himself in some fancy way, he’d lie to an old man, they’d let him in like he’s cute, yes well, you think our people aren’t there, but in our third department they know you as a bleached radion ivanovich, that’s where it comes from, but from my reports, well... but they know about me there, not really, no, so what ? they laugh at you, and about me tihan, about you, manechka,
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several times they even sent a request to the academy of sciences, because you are for them, this is a phenomenon for me, lord, my heart, it’s not okay, everything there is a method of transportation. causes brain disease in travelers, the same disease will be received by the people looking at this movement from the outside, and in general the journey will be terribly dangerous, since in the event of a steam locomotive rupture , everyone along with it will be destroyed by the traveler. und sie dreht sich doch, fertig, she is spinning!
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i’m leaving home, i don’t want to go anymore, where,
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lord, it’s a shame, anton frantich and unworthy intelligent person, today your life, like our entire project, no longer belongs to the russian empire. and you’re generally silent , you don’t know how to swim, there’s no point in jumping into the water, everyone jumped in, and i jumped, you’re a talented engineer, anton frantich, don’t lay it on your head, it’s bad to live in russia, engineer, oh, anton frantich, who’s in russia now? live well, as you said, pirandella, and what did i say , how can you say so right away, pirandella, you can’t say what to do, 10 people, well... and secondly, he’s on good terms with himself
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, and firstly, he’s in our opinion the department passes, alexander khristoforovich, he will say a word , the whole of russia can hear it, but he, well... well, he loves it, but i think that it’s not a sin to throw yourself out on this matter, but where did you get this prize, for what? for you, i am glad to greet you, the most venerable foddey venediktovich, you are for us not only the torch of russian literature, but you are also the mouthpiece of progressive social thought, you flatter me, but forgive me, with whom do i have the honor?
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"tomorrow you will be able to read the article in the newspaper, i am eternally grateful to you, my dear foddey, not benya, but venya, exactly this is what i meant, report , fodey venediktovich came to you, who came, mr.
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ivanov u. good girl, until i get out of here, don’t let anyone in, mr. bulgarin, semyon, you understand me, otherwise i’ll treat you like a rabbit, go , i obey, fodey venediktovich, i have business with you , so to speak, a tiny little business, what a bastard! what, what is this? i, i, i will challenge him to a duel, no, it is i who will challenge him to a duel, the beacon of russian literature , mother by the leg, forgive me, mashenka, how can this be, and radion ivanovich, what, how, how, he took the money so that for write, he was against it, i didn’t even expect this from fodi venediktovich, he’s on short terms with the name alexander khristoforovich, he wrote like that, yes, yes,
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both of them had their legs ripped out of, excuse me, little man, out of their ass. fedor. i didn't hear that. you didn't say that. alexander christopher in benkendor 2 weeks ago promised me an audience with the tsar himself. where is this audience? shayse? forgive me, yours. why should i go to the schmidhins when i need to see schmidt himself? i have to meet.
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"madam, what are you doing there? i'm waiting for you, your majesty, me, who are you, my child, my name is maria, elle ne sait m pas faire la réverrence.
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how do you know languages? “if i were confident in the future, and if i had money, i would have proposed to her yesterday, i will throw him off the throne with my own hands, but i won’t even look at him as a king, i will her
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i fell in love with our little car before everyone else, i won’t give it any harm, dear god, save and preserve our maria from his majesty, something in our department is unknown, how he treats girls for some time interstate affairs on security, a real tu came to me? remember exactly what he told her, in what words, exactly, he , he said, he said, come to me, we’ll listen to some music, we’ll play chess, and why is she standing there so beautiful , let's play chess, go ahead, i'm in love, with the shine of your eyes, with the smell of your hair, do you want to be the first lady-in-waiting of the court, your majesty, promise me to receive mr. herzner as quickly as possible, this is important for all of russia, yes, yes, of course." tomorrow i will accept this, i will do everything divine for you, okay, okay, calm down, dear, but tomorrow mr. gerstner should be in the palace,
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okay, tomorrow, tomorrow, now chess, a thousand games, i agree, but tomorrow , your majesty, tomorrow, fresh lady, lord, help me now , maria, maria, on the attack, the queen’s horse, the court’s boredom is not enough for him, fathers, yes, what’s wrong with you, where are you going, check, we’ll play some music. let’s listen, the reception is so worn out, oh, where are they going, please, please, radion, you ’re far away, damn it,
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i’m really scared. excuse me, have you seen my wife? i think she
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he's about to appear, general. where were you, catherine, in heaven, i, today i will receive everyone, gentlemen. imperial majesty, ladies and gentlemen, from st. petersburg to moscow by rail in one day you can transfer 500 infantry, 500 cavalry with a baggage train, artillery and horses. however, to
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tell the truth, i don't like war. it spoils the soldiers, undermines discipline in the army and very dirty the mudira. your majesty, russian horses seek your favor. don't let me take it. pasture from nutritious lands, yes , your majesty, please forgive me, generously, your imperial majesty, nori, this idea is as absurd as if russia suddenly... decided to buy wheat in overseas countries, your majesty, why didn’t mr. gersner build the same roads in his austria, is it possible there there are any sins behind him, why he escaped to us in russia with his strange and alien inventions, but it’s easy to check, your majesty, these arguments are mine...
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to comply with the terms of our agreement, point one: no government subsidies, point two : your joint stock company will control count venkendor, finally point five: nationality, no french, quite rightly, your majesty, good gentlemen, don’t dial, well, assad the muzhikid. men, well, well, men, well, be quiet , well, come on, men, let's not all shout together, men, let's stand in one line, to get the papers to the left , do the work directly, that's right, men, we're doing a great job, okay , and you, gentlemen specialists, you go straight to anton franzi, it’s good to sneak in, in 7 minutes the joint stock
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company of the tsarsko-selo railway will cease to exist, hurray , gentlemen, hurray, our anuchi and theirs are not stinking, the next one, live, just that, how many diggers, souls, one and a half herds can give, radion ivanovich, excellent, tomorrow you will put 150 people to work, and you will sign for 200. please sign, the next one, for everything , it’s clear, where did you get the paper, it costs a lot of money, sline,
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where you are there are always problems and troubles, we have different goals, we have the same task. so that people in any city sleep peacefully, you also think that i carry some with me troubles, you are like a surgeon who is called to cut out the butts if others can’t do it, and if he just removes the guy, you thought about it, he chose to stay in the game. then you will understand that this is not a game, that there are living people around you, and not pawns who can easily be attributed to battle losses. chef is back, tomorrow 20:00! on ntv. mask,
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at an affordable price. arinostra is active from 25 seconds. everyone has their own renost. good afternoon. and where is our birthday boy? oh, familiar faces, he’s still a swindler, by the way, he’s the brother of our defendant, i see he doesn’t look like him, otherwise the twins, they lost me, who ordered me, two brothers, anton died at night, which of you killed my brother, why should we kill anton, because there is a rat among you, two destinies, why didn’t you love your brother so much, i told him i was jealous, he was always so lucky, i’ll say , the password to the safe, but on one condition, i want to take anton’s place, and one goal, i have incriminating evidence on each of us, he’s bluffing , we have your woman, this is your yakaryok, if you decide to merge, i will pull you out, dmitry pchela, let’s
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already decide on someone’s side, and i horse meat, transport it to me, chameleon, premiere on sunday at 20:20, gentlemen, please forgive me for being late, business, why did you decide to swim in clothes, where you are a soldier, fate did not throw it, where the soldier will be.
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thank you humbly, pirandello, pirandello , show, mr. officer, where to put the people , in a jiffy, let’s do radion ivanovich, come after me, you cat of a bitch presented me with 200 fathoms for the payment, but here it’s not enough to get 160, okay, let’s measure it, eh , radion ivanovich, what do you think, are you deceiving you? sozhen is two inches less than it should be, you swindler, i’m the one giving them, you think i don’t know that your sasha is three inches longer. you said, how dare you, my dear, don’t argue, and don’t get so worked up, you’re both
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right, it’s just that radion ivanovich’s soot is a little longer, and yours is shorter, these are the real ones, you don’t have to measure it, in vienna you’ll learn everything about herzner down to the smallest detail, under the guise of a wealthy cattle dealer, you will infiltrate austrian scientific circles. to maintain contacts you will lead a riotous lifestyle, cards, roulette, wine, women, your sit down, i can’t in any way, with great pleasure, means, don’t worry, brother, for the success of the operation, what at all? go, the legend is changing,
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you will go to austria under the guise of a bankrupt landowner, you will live on alms, spend the night on the streets, you will appear in vienna at this address, remember, remember, password, it’s already winter, there is no snow, review and summer was without a yes. rain without rain, without rain, you see, this is unfortunate, you can’t live like this, but this is possible, it’s terrible, i’m a moral child , i’m just trying to gain this money for myself, give to this, give to that, just have time to unfasten which shisha, dear, which from our own, we don’t have them, we crack bagels instead of schnitzels, only frozen milk and are alive, the tsar himself... personally promised me, god will not forgive you, think about it , dear, come on, god is high, the tsar is far away, and we
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live on earth, among the sinners, eh, anton frantsch, you can’t help it, you can’t go, russia, but i don’t want to hear this, i’m now i’m going home, but you want to build a railway, you want to complete your life’s work, so here i am i want your railway to be in my russia , so i’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. leave me alone, that you are like these, i beg you, leave me, forgive me, anton franovich, forgive me, dear, who am i? it’s quiet here, they’re taking away shovels and picks, but he’s not there, where the hell is he? de hares, hares, hare,
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good, good. adam tsypprovsky, i, ibyprovsky, it’s already winter. there is no snow, but a cold beer will suit everyone.
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but this is not the answer, but what should i answer you? it stings that it was summer, that it was, and summer was, that it was, it was summer, it was summer, without rain.
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lived, cried, and, if i started life all over again, this is the kind of person you will tell me, i will tell you, ester, this is my merit, quietly, you tell them, tell them all, if not for me, not if they had this road, uh, just not here , just not a... but not here, he arrived quietly, what are you dare, well, that’s it, well, i’m glad too, that’s it, well, wait, well, it’s yours anton frantich, my dearest, thank you, this is for you so that you don’t pull out the veins, well, how do you squeeze the barbell,
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gratitude, i was so frontal when i arrived i brought this thing, you’ll see now. oh, i don’t need your gifts, where the hell have you been, report back , it’s not good to put it in, masha, great, thank you, of course, you’d better give it to benkendor, he needs it more, yes, there, yes, there are such things, apparently invisible , bath, mother , come on, come on, take this, try on this beauty, yes, well, it seems to everyone, yes, ugh, i forgot frossu, well little one, where are you, my dear, i ’m here for you also a gift, gentlemen, look how this hat goes, little girl, the most important thing, i forgot that, little girl, i’m sorry, what are you doing, what are you doing, the lantern is not here, quieter, where is this from? oh, there’s 1.5 million russian rubles worth of austrian currency.
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in general, i moved our shares there very successfully, through one of our comrades, they got them to austria? i haven’t been anywhere , i don’t have every right to say anything, i can’t work like that, gentlemen, not a single action of mine built according to all the logical laws of the west can be crowned with success, i’m putting an explosive device in the carriage for 10 hours, mr. hertsner with the group. manages to be 15 minutes late, after which they begin to convince me that this is a national the quality of the russian character, they sent me a secret, newest weapon, it turns out that with a crooked muzzle, this is also a national
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quality, the only thing i managed to achieve was an article, and that, thank god, in reality, it turned out to be not very and russians, no, gentlemen, maybe?
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i’m giving it away for free now, radion ivanovich , you come up and take it, you come up and take it, you come up and take it,
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go away eagle, and somehow it’s quiet, quiet, quiet , quiet, rage, rage, rage! this is archaic, a sword, let's get started, okay, like
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this, don't get excited, boy, they're afraid of us, our bitches know you can miss it. the other doesn’t want to refresh himself with an onion, another conversation, but then, win,
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the completion of the construction of the natcipita was delayed by two days, work productivity fell by 97.5% to restore the health of the workers, the company was forced to find four hundred rubles for the smelling machine. this is the last thing i can do. there is no measure. russian hops , let me tell you, dear radion
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ivanovich, anton frantsch manechek, i have everything. and if god grants it and you have to go shopping to a distant country in england for steam locomotives. well, how can we leave the matter to you , and we are already beginning to realize that russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come. to the international
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exhibition forum russia, rodik, mashenka, look who is meeting us, mr. steven himself!
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now, dear friends, i would like to complete with you, according to my, so to speak, home exposition, in foreign trade relations this is how it is established if a foreign company enters into a trade deal with another, what do we have to do with it? this elegant mover is very expensive because it is the most economical in all my production, so we extended to each other, so to speak, the iron hands of the road, is the pipe height sufficient, and what is the method of installing the boiler, mm, come here, come here , it ’s not too low from the wheelset, so, then there are outlets for steam, we would like there to be outlets for steam below the boiler, otherwise it won’t be possible near the locomotive anton, red, well , let’s take it, this is... very good transportation , better
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of course i accept all my expectations, wait, anton frantsivich, and you, radion ivanovich, take your time, the spool bushing with a dangerous inner shell has a large gap in the crank mechanism. and in general this is an outdated model , mr. stephenson’s company already has a much more advanced machine, believe me, i didn’t tell anyone anything, i still can’t understand how this information leak happened, but this should in no way affect our deal , and if they are deceived again, you convinced me, be careful, i will sell you a new model, checks the possibilities, but it will be 40% more expensive, it is 40% more expensive, how did we not agree? we didn’t
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agree, the world is getting more expensive, he offers, prices are rising, a new model, money up front, a new model, excuse me, we need to consult, what are you talking about, well, we calculated everything very precisely, but a pretty penny, right on the money, even by 40% more expensive, the most important thing is the idea, the idea, the idea, what is happening to you, russia has spoiled you, we don’t have that kind of money, you are germans, you must be able to count money, this is an extra 1000, where can i get it? we consulted we consulted, we don’t have that kind of money, is this your problem? that's right, these are our problems, and we will solve them ourselves. oh, then no problems. radion ivanovich, my dear, where will you get this money? i have no idea. fingers walk slowly along the strings, i
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’m plunging deep into myself, as if in a vault , it seems to me that i’m getting closer to you, a mysterious russian soul, a mysterious russian. i am a soul, today you have song-like tenderness, and tomorrow you are reckless.
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how come you have no money, and here you have just three locomotives, even three, even 3 and a half, marvelous. well, bravo , rodik , bravo, how did you manage to do this? i can’t play with them, i sit down, i play, he tells me, 19, i say, show me, show me, and we are with me, suddenly he tells me, in our club it’s customary for a gentleman to take his word, then i started to feel lucky, lucky, how can i not buy 21, exactly 21, not 19, not 20, not 22, luck, yes, but it’s scary,
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my darling, mashenka, don’t worry , it’s not scary, everything is fine, don’t worry about me, everything is fine, it’s not fair, because it’s a sin, yours, for the sake of our common cause, god will forgive it. i will be the first to pray for him, he didn’t do it for himself, he played in the name of a bright idea, rodik, you are a hero, you are a patriot, the young woman understands, lord, lord, my god, holy mother of god, tell me why sins, i fell in love with such a fool, but why? look, wet, are they real,
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real? i fell in love with our little man, all over the world i fell in love, khan, you pull more quietly there, you need to be lower with her, but where, where is the lower, you know how i imagine that they are about to arrive now, in my soul. the cats are already singing manechka, she is all good, according to the accumulated experience of overthrows, the overthrown person
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is most easily overthrown when, during the absence of the overthrown, i feel clearly to you, well, the german with the main forces is located where in england. this moment is most advantageous for defeating the takeover of his joint-stock company. so, go ahead, gladiators. and this is fedor, but everything is quiet, now we don’t have enough won't it seem too small? tishka, take frosya where he's going, frosya, either help, or don't get under
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your feet, take care of yourself, dear, i 'll show them this, go ahead guys, look how... tishka, tish, you found the pistol, oh, i wish i could pour it just once, for fear, again, again, again, the house, i’ve already moved, come on.
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i'll hit you like that i'll hit you like that for now i'll break your kidney, guys follow me ahead, well done, where, where, don't rush, back, now, now, wait, i'll help you, i'll help you, hold on, hold on, what's the code, you're afraid , you're afraid, from behind, without sand. not enough, quiet, quiet, boom
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, now, now, now, now, that’s when it’s necessary, he never booms, but she doesn’t have a damn thing, i’m wounded,
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we’ve been here since the morning, thank you, well, we brought you, but of course, i am happy to see you, that is, happy to see you, sir, i am a foreigner, you love foreigners, how unexpected and pleasant in every sense of the word. for me a meeting, there will be a conflict, international, rose, i love the railways, for the railways, you deigned to explode, gentlemen, you are probably impatient to share the fate of the senate rioters square, that... you have the only chance,
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you are obliged, gentlemen, to contribute to the construction fund, well, we are ready, just not in the same way as you, prince, secretly bought up shares of the tsarsko-selo road, now you are waiting for dividends , and not the way you did it, darling, what have you got? you will all make a gratuitous contribution and cover all losses of the herzner company, otherwise, what else? a person who felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but
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a windmill, we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at today, the workshops for assembling steam engines were deigned to be visited by your majesty , accompanied by your excellency, who was impressed by the tears of enthusiastic russian feelings and the workers. and what you are doing, brasa, your majesty, is excellent, i see,
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they are made of iron, they are like that, they are very good. interesting, wheel of history, it's high time switch to iron wheels, your majesty, it is better to contact mr. gersner, mr. gersner, please give an explanation, at your service, your imperial majesty, i ask you, there is a formula for a circle of 2 pi, yes. where the number pi can be approximately calculated as 3.14 oh das ist sehr interessant ein it works , of course it’s a pleasure but you shouldn’t
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stretch it out too much mari, where have you gone , why don’t you come in, sit, listen to music, play a game of chess, that’s all once your majesty, let's finish the road, herzner, wann werden sie meinesen, we are opening the thirtieth, as promised.


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