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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  January 23, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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wait, wait, brother, wait, what are you talking about, brother, the cars stop, maybe it’s flying , maybe there’s ice on the street, most often they drive recklessly on kutuzovsky prospekt or in the moscow city area, driving luxury foreign cars, obviously making money from them through the honest work of a motorist, it is possible that bankers or talented scientists, but only correct and respected people behave this way, it’s not scary to accelerate, it’s scary to stop on summer tires, because there are other road users around.
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i like his videos so much, what are you doing this for? what was the purpose? for entertainment purposes, for filming purposes, i do filming. well , do you think this is entertainment? entertainment for the audience, yes, but most of all, of course, gadzhi likes to drive on the roads of moscow, and the content he produces is more luxurious. recently, for example, his friends crashed an expensive suv; in the video, they all unanimously regret that they will no longer film such a car. elik was laid out, it turns out that he... was driving a taxi at high speed, tried to drive through a red light, but the total was simply broken, now the editor is setting up the frame, how is it that it’s just totaled without the possibility of restoration, it’s just a pity for this geylik, it’s a geylik that i fell in love with geylik, that’s what gadzhiev calls the editing director, in fact he helped the security forces establish who was to blame for the terrible accident, moreover, the interlocutors don’t even discuss , how is the taxi driver doing after such a blow, they are only interested in the fate of the expensive foreign car, but this is not the time to become limp, the drivers say, there are many others...
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none of them were hurt, judging by how the kamya standing next to him disappeared from view, snow poured 40 centimeters, if one of the children had covered his head, everything could have ended more disastrously, so the investigative committee intends to find out how this became possible, it is possible that the roof of the brick building where the collapse occurred had not been cleaned for a very long time, and even after the incident , practically nothing has changed at the scene; now, for example, you can see...
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icicles hanging there. according to preliminary data , no victims. on this fact, the kubezhsky investigative department of the city of samara, a pre-investigation check was organized, investigators went to inspect the scene of the incident, and the circumstances of the incident are being clarified. first of all, investigators will interview utility workers who must monitor the condition of the roofs. it is obvious that they failed in their responsibilities. apparently, the improvised slide on which the children decided to play was formed during the previous one. due to the snow, the dangerous place was not fenced off. the appearance of the teenage musicians became the reason for a brutal beating. friends were attacked right in the shopping center. it’s always the footcourt, as residents of the moskovsky district of izmailovo say, establishing their own order every day, practically looking for new boys to whip. what specific claims were voiced by the victim, why the next alleged victim did not fall into their hands, and what? mistakes all over the body,
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the consequences of a brutal beating of a schoolboy by a group of also young, but already adults . in his hospital bed, surrounded by his family, he made his only wish, that the pain would simply stop. etienne is not the only one the victim, his friend sergei was also beaten. now they are afraid to show their faces; they remember that after the rehearsal they went to have a snack at the shopping center, where they were called out by a noisy company. the strangers found fault with his appearance; they were confused by the jacket and his curly hair. musicians. in these surveillance camera footage, the moment of the attack, the teenagers had already been knocked down and were being brutally beaten right next to the roadway, at that moment i thought that they just wanted to kill me, they beat me
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on the head from both sides, they just purposefully beat me only on the head, my they took a friend by the hands so that he could not protect himself in any way, to defend himself, they beat him on the head, on the back, on the stomach, whatever, they stole a phone, a web, a pendant, a bracelet, and also pulled out his hair so that it would not be common to wear such a hairstyle and they tore the jacket they didn't like. after the massacre, the hooligans calmly returned to the shopping center, where they continued to rest. they were sitting there when the parents of the schoolchildren who had been beaten by a police shell appeared in the footcourt. the reaction of the attackers simply discouraged the adults. turn to me, he says: “well, okay, i kicked that little guy, or haven’t you seen him yet?” and you know, at that moment i realized that these were just animals. they brought me to the department, drew up reports for petty hooliganism and released me, after which threats began to be received against the victims’ relatives. one of them said, remember my name, he said, i’m danya glatkov, and if you want to walk in my area, then you should go to the center, he
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meant that there’s no place for us here, apparently. daniil glodkov, judging by that what he posts on social networks, a fan of gangster romance, not since he had problems with the law, was registered with the pddn, the self-proclaimed king of the area , together with his retinue , sits every evening at a round table in the food court of a shopping center, where he discusses street exploits with his fighting friends, and maybe looks for new victims. in this company, it’s as if some group has its own system of secret signs and a clear principle of sticking to one’s own. when our film crew approached danil, everyone became quiet and, without interfering, waited for him to answer. i just don’t want to communicate with someone who is stranger to me, i don’t i want to leave you in peace, because you don’t give rest to other people, so all your friends came, yes, i understand correctly.
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at home, the situation calmed down, everyone started laughing and took out their phones to film what they thought was an anecdotal situation; you were seen on the camera footage.
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we have different goals, we have the same task, so that people in any city sleep peacefully, you also think that i bring with me nothing but troubles, you are like a surgeon who is called to cut out the opu, if others do not succeed, and if he just take the guy away, oh
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this is what you thought, he chose to stay in the game when you already understand that this is not a game, that there are living people around you, and not pawns who can easily be attributed to battle losses. return today at 20:00 on ntv. cheeseburger or chickenburger for only 45 rubles. at a delicious point. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. sweatshirts for men and women yours up to 799. ozone, enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook. it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one. i i love to cook. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary
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thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet oat flakes clear sunshine 7499 magnet - the price is what you need, votter, burger king tastes better on fire. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system. she consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which
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electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. they all belong to class. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend your youth brain 8800-100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all feel...
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find out more about the japanese product brain therapy mask new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. anton died at night. you want to beat your brothers and get 20 million euros. dmitry pchela. i have to take a chance. chameleon, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air,
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we continue broadcasting. water procedures before schoolchildren in the krasnodar territory are forced to take lessons and this has nothing to do with hygiene, on the contrary, the health risks are significant, they are making their way to knowledge, and not for generations in icy water. local officials have put children in such conditions because they do not resolve the issue of stormwater drains. the water rises and there is no way out. the road to the school has been washed away and remains there. one after another, in fact, it was not their plan to measure the depth of the huge puddle, it was just that the snow-covered field through which they had previously gotten to school without any problems turned into a lake, so they arrived, and do you think it’s normal that children go to school like this and home from school, so i wish that the children of officials and their grandchildren also go, it’s drowning in problems, and this is not the first day that the
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southern village, considered an elite -due to overflowing storm drains, according to residents , almost all street areas were flooded. washes away houses, cars become unusable, driving a car to the house will soon be impossible, the water on the roads is half the size of the wheels. we have a plot with a storm drain on two sides, a ditch on the third side, a neighbor on the fourth side, then there is absolutely no way we can leave the site, we can only put on rubber boots and pick up the child and go out. that same flooded field has become crusty after the cold, and the children, like icebreakers, are making their way through the mess of ice and water. drain waters. from underground sources, from the school the road to the school is flooded, this is the path to the school, children walk along this path to school, this is the depth, but the problem is much deeper, the flood happened back in mid-january after a heavy snowfall, the fact is that on platonova street there is a ditch, into it, like
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the locals told us they drain the water through a large pipe, from there it spills further, flooding. private houses, in some courtyards the water has already risen by 30-40 cm. all this sabotage was carried out by our administration of the south kuban settlement, it determined the point of water discharge from the school just across the road into an ordinary small ditch, which naturally has no drainage, it immediately overflowed with these waters, which are underground, residents demand: close this pipe so that the flow into our neighborhood stops, but the administration says if we close this pipe... the school will flood with these underground waters , local authorities have declared a state of emergency, but they don’t see their fault in the floating microdistrict, they say the whole point is that the territory is being actively developed, the developer has not yet transferred the lands intended for agricultural use to the road network, so they are carrying out the work supposedly they can’t, and in general school number fifteen is to blame for everything , so it will never go down, imagine, it
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’s been going down since 1919, what are you talking about, well, it’s been going down here for 4 years already... the school was dry, will i explain why? because there was massive rainfall in kravi, there are no other options, this road was flooded not because the school started dumping water there when classes ended. be that as it may, the people responsible for the municipal services are in no hurry to pump out the water; meanwhile , a heron has settled next to the houses, the only one who likes such a wet place, the fish have already appeared on the road, and are now drawing saplings. this is our free plane tree river and it’s just laughter and sin. the prosecutor's office has already taken control of the situation, but so far the village looks like this: some families the children and they were left without means of transportation, their cars were frozen in ice, someone was walking to the store in almost knee-deep water, and an ambulance was responding to
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a call while wading through a flooded street. daria masalova, alena kryukova, alina ilyukhina and anton lukyanov, ntv. the owner of the house and his tenants cannot find a common language due to a radically opposite attitude towards the laws of society. the tenants violated the terms of their stay in someone else's house and did not actually pay for it, the owner assures. moreover, the neighbors do not like the lifestyle of a large family and scandals between them became commonplace, as ivan gubin was convinced. there is a no entry sign on the door of his own house. they left anatoly nikitenko. leads, to leave the square meters igor
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another conversation comes to nothing and he and his wife and children are not going to, they say that they would be glad to move out, but so far they have nowhere to go when the issue will be resolved, they don’t know. i give my word to television, at any time , despite the winter, i find housing, i leave, i call you, you come, so that you can see how i leave this house, that’s all. she told him this, i’ll find him tomorrow, i’ll go tomorrow, in a week, in a week, in a month, in a month, she ’s finally, anatoly heard such a promise for the first time when he asked the family to make the first payment for rent, he never saw the money, although initially the tenants showed up the man is quite responsible, and also acquaintances from the administration put in a word for the family, draw up, agreed verbally that for six months, so the official documents decided not they live for free, since they connected for utilities, more than six months passed, they had to pay money, i came to... for money, they say we made renovations, well, peculiar, like the walls were white and whitewashed, they put their own wallpaper there, well, this wallpaper, and now this is the main trump card tenants, they believe that
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they have invested enough money in the improvement of the house to live here for free for at least another year, they do not specify what composition, according to the neighbors, when the whole family gathers, the whole street hears, well, it’s absolutely impossible to live at night, our bedroom looks out on the street, constant gatherings.
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the tenants were tried in different instances, but the advice is the same everywhere, go to court, which is what anatoly actually did, but while the process continues, the tenants do not have to worry about renting housing. ivan gumen, daniela baklanova. and anna samburova, ntv television company. that's not all, see below. the jokes are over. a suspect is being sought for the murder of a kvn member in sochi, what preceded the tragedy and whether the attacker had a motive, we will tell you after the advertisement. a muscovite suffered a flood from her neighbor for 40 years. from above, but her patience snapped when he poured boiling water over it. the pipe burst from the weight of everything being piled up in this apartment, you know, from the weight
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of this garbage, but her neighbor is afraid not of water, but of fire. i fear for my life, for the life of my grandson, if the fire did not jump out from the fifth floor in my arms with a child, the other residents of the house are suffocating from the hellish smell of garbage, you hold your nose and go in, but why a tormentor. what men are silent about is that life is out of control, and pain, fears of ceasing
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emergency on ntv live, we continue broadcasting. artur rosolov was put on the wanted list, who is suspected of murdering thirty- one-year-old kvn member amiran gevorkan. tragic events occurred during the festival of comedians. the young people started a fight at 5:00 am near the hotel. tamara simonova will tell you the details. the scene that took place near the hotel where the humor festival took place will now be analyzed in detail not by the jury, but by the police. this is where it happened. a fight with a tragic outcome. former member of the team of sochi state university, southern capital. amiran gevarkyan died due to injuries incompatible with life. according to eyewitnesses, a conflict began between him and the vacationers in the hotel cafe. we sat at the same table and talked, and then the men suddenly began to swear. eyewitnesses say that amiran gevarkyan was the first to insult his opponent. the employees of the establishment asked the men to leave the premises; already on the street, littering
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escalated into a fight. the rooms were welcome. registered in another team, but is not a permanent participant, after the incident he disappeared, perhaps he will show up after finding a lawyer, because he still needs to prove the connection between the death of the comedian and the blow. there are different precedents in judicial practice. a criminal case has been opened for causing grievous harm to the health of a man, resulting in his death through negligence. investigators are waiting for medical experts to determine what kind of
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injury was fatal for the professional. comedian and popular wedding host. 10 years ago he played for the sochi team, which became the champion of the regional league, but gevarkyan no longer performed at this festival, he came as an honored guest. that it is he could have become the instigator of the conflict, none of his friends want to believe it, they say the man tried to reduce any conflict to a joke. he is a normal, adequate person, he could have raised his voice when he got married, he is unlikely to fight, for as long as i have been with him, 4 years, we have never noticed anything like that about him. while some players are receiving awards, the festival is just coming to an end, others are saying goodbye to amiran gevarkyan, hoping that investigators will still be able to apprehend the person responsible for the death of their friend and bring him to justice throughout the severity of the law. tamara simonova, alena kryukova and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. survival lessons are given to children in a remote village of dagestan, despite
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its location, there are about 200 of them. since 2014, schoolchildren have been taught in construction trailers, the wear and tear of which is already 100% in 10 years; you don’t need to be an expert for this, all this time parents of schoolchildren... are promised to build a new building, conditions that can discourage even the strongest thirst for knowledge, dianka vendo assessed. usually in such trailers made of thin workers live on construction sites, but for schoolchildren, the village of sovetskoye is a temple of knowledge, the only one for a thousand people , including several hundred children. instead of a dining room, there are two home electric stoves, dining tables, also known as student desks, which are still heated due to leaks in the roof. it falls from the ceiling. star, water drips, stoves are turned on in the offices when it’s cold in winter, there’s no drinking water when there’s frost. the temporary school was equipped as an extension to the main building due to a lack of premises, the conditions there
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it’s even worse, parents say, in winter , children gnaw on the granite of science in down jackets and hats , have lunch at home, there is no water at school , there are holes the size of sap in the roof, walls and ceilings are crumbling before our eyes instead of glass, polyethylene, in such conditions, teaching is not light, darkness. the villagers are not angry, next our teachers are sitting in the same plastic containers, construction wagons, there are no conditions, neither for them nor for the children, this is exactly the case when there is nothing more permanent than temporary, construction sheds attached to main building, students have been attending for 10 years in three shifts , the main building of the school was recognized as unsafe long ago, they even announced the construction of a new one for 10 million, but something went wrong: the money was allocated, but there is still no educational institution, the school director is hiding from the cameras, but in the village administration, apparently, forgot about the problem, ignoring the appeals of the residents. according to official information, the construction project for a new school was disrupted by the contractor, the money for
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services not provided returned to the budget and remained there. why are they looking into it now? investigators in a criminal case regarding abuse of official powers in the district administration. it turned out that the case with this school is far from isolated. according to investigators. in a number of schools in the boboirtovsky district , schoolchildren are forced to study in buildings that pose a danger for students and teachers to stay in them. at the same time, officials of the district administration have not yet taken measures to organize work on the design and construction of new schools, which resulted in a significant violation of the rights of legitimate interests of students. chances that after the intervention of all the necessary departments , a new school will be built, but it still exists. according to some reports, design and estimate documentation for the new building is ready with all drawings and plans. costs, but it is still under state examination, then the most difficult thing is to wait for funding. parents of sovetsky students hope that this will happen at least in the next school year, or better yet, this year. diana covando, alexey bulatov, radu gurdish and sergey boganov, ntv. more
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news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for attention. today in our program, everything here , literally everything, it’s just terrible, they don’t want to be nice, lavrov reminded the west of the readiness for negotiations on ukraine, with which the head of the ministry of foreign affairs will return from his trip, i advise you to listen to this carefully, bye, bye there is still time. i signed a decree on the territories of russia historically inhabited by ukrainians, cruel treatment, how the death of kata
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twix excited animal rights activists, changed the rules of russian railways? there were no signs of trouble. watch it now. hello, this is meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear. i, andrey norkin , my colleague, ivan trushkin, we are working live and the beginning of the program is not quite as traditional as we have, we want to share the news that was disseminated today by the polish military leadership, and specifically the command of the air force, and from this unit , organizations, how to say, divisions, probably.


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