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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 23, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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and the courier does not have to carry a terminal with him, with established processes you have time to think about how to grow your business, and even at the end of the reporting period you can be a father and not an entrepreneur, you create your own business, and tinkov business creates simple and convenient tools to solve your problems. tinkov business - and the job is done. beyond. a muscovite is tired of fighting mold in her apartment because of her neighbor, who has been drowning it for 40 years in a row. in the studio natalya morozova. hello, natalia. hello. the neighbor floods you every year? well, it turns out that several times a year. leaks appear, wallpaper falls off,
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material costs, of course, are large and at the same time moral, because it’s like every time this flood is some kind of psychological stress for the whole family. after a flood , mold appears, mold appears, yes, mold grows throughout the apartment, along the upper part, where it flows from. let's see what your apartment looks like after 40 years of floods. every six months for 40 years , natalya morozova arranges around the apartment buckets, basins and grabbing rags, we had a leak in the spring, when everything was leaking here, after four days our wallpaper just fell off, for some period of time everything was flowing in the bathroom, the rust comes from it, and here in the kitchen and the wallpaper is falling off, you're just tired of doing anything, have you given up already? a rare flood happened the day before:
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the corridor, kitchen and living room were flooded with boiling water , the hostess shows the consequences , if you look at the ceiling, then all this trust was pouring from it, when it dries out a little now, it will all begin to collapse, with the chandeliers were pouring and flowing, and everything was also flowing near the balcony, there are buckets standing there, i... i think that the parquet, it’s all going up in our house later, even now you can smell the smell of mold, not mold, this dampness. natalya admits that she is tired of re-pasting wallpaper and whitewashing the ceiling in her moscow two-room apartment. now how long will this repair cost us, yes, and after what period of time can we start this repair, but i’m just worried that if we do the repairs, will it flood us again?
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i have one question: why 40 years, you moses walk in the desert, why is 40 years all that? lasts, was it really impossible to radically resolve this issue in the first years, 40, 40 years, this is the whole life, well, that is , you understand all this periodically, periodically you seem to talk to him, and periodically he says that i will eliminate everything, i’m doing it, i’ll do the repairs, well, that is, you haven’t been able to find authority for it in these 40 years. irin, would you have the patience to go around placing basins like this for 40 years in a row, no, i wouldn’t have the patience, i would do something, i wouldn’t be able to endure 40 years, no, zhek doesn’t do anything, we're talking about mold have you heard, denis, how it affects health , this is a very dangerous phenomenon, because mold is a fungus, first of all, it is the development of pneumonia, this is the development of bronchial asthma, it is... the development of various dermatoses, that is,
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such things certainly do not leave a trace pass through and children cannot be there, people older than the age group cannot be there, it is simply vitally dangerous for any person, the fact is that both my husband and i suffered from pneumonia. timofey, but this is not only a health problem, but also a fire hazard situation, if the apartment is constantly flooded, then the wiring suffers, and there may be a short circuit, some kind of fire as a consequence, and yes, one of the factors... for a period of time we stop using the overhead light so that the ceiling dries, these are not normal conditions operation of the electrical wiring , it will constantly short out, and there may not be any short circuits, because at some point it will constantly short out in different places, the cable is constantly in the mode of not completely drying, oxidizing. also moves during oxidation
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what happens is that there is poor contact in the electrical wiring, and this leads to heating of elements, sockets, switches, and everything else. no matter what natalie does, the danger still remains, as long as there is such a neighbor, an extremely huge danger. natalya, you tried to find authorities for your neighbor, well, you contacted the housing department, you turned to uchaskov, but the thing is that everything was somehow to no avail, you somehow communicated with the neighbor himself, you communicated with him, of course, of course, we communicate constantly, he is everyone to me once he says: “natalya, that’s it, i’ll do the repairs, i’ll do all this, when sometimes it leaks, he says, it’s not my leak.” all these problematic places to get to are a problem with the entire apartment, because it’s simply impossible to get in with the same plumbers, why? because the apartment is all littered with rubbish, what kind of rubbish? some kind
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of construction waste that he carries from the dumpsters, and that he has no free space at all in his apartment, no, and you haven’t tried to talk to him about this? talked, talked more than once and during all emergencies we were talking when i called the plumbers from the zhek to turn off his water, let ’s say that’s where it all ended, i told him: vladimir, i’ll go to court, so i made an act, i took a photograph, sent him this act once again, to which he he told me: “natalya, for god’s sake, just don’t sue, because i’ll indignate you for the damage, find some workers.” 2 days ago , a pipe in his large room collapsed, that’s exactly what the plot was, and i think that this pipe burst due to gravity, what kind of pipe is it, a battery or what is a battery, yes, it’s probably
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i broke through from the gravity of the fact that everything was piled up in this apartment, you know, from the gravity of this garbage, and at that moment you were at home, when then it happened, no, i was at work, my husband was at home. he calls me and says: “natalya, trouble, he’s drowning us at home with evaporation.” listen, this is hot water from the radiators, what a horror, my son came running from work, my daughter-in-law came running from work, they were there with buckets and rags, cleaning and washing it all, saving the furniture, saving everything that they could, because it was pouring, well, it would pour like a flood, literally 20 minutes later all the services arrived , they had already shut down, cut off a piece of his pipe, put him behind... not an open person, he is a closed person, and he doesn’t really communicate with anyone from our house, on the one hand i’m grateful to him that he reacts , picks
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up the phone when i call, because he probably understands somewhere that if i’m calling, then something bad happened, 2 days ago, my husband knocked on his door, yes, he didn’t open it and... and i’m calling him , i say: “vladimir, flood, flood, you told us: “a nightmare, call some services, well, he’ll come, he’ll tell you” he said to call, a pipe has burst in his apartment, boiling water is pouring, he says: well , call, your neighbor believes that it is not his fault for the constant leaks. in the studio vladimir nevzorov. hello, hello , your neighbor." she told me that she has been suffering from floods from you for 40 years, is that true? well, it’s not true that all 40 years, but for how long? i can’t say for sure, well, if only there had been one or two big ones there flood, well, like one or two, well, i don’t count the last ones, well, every year, well, every year you
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us, and then twice a year, then the kitchen, then the bathroom, then a large room, then a small one room, endlessly with you, then the valves begin to leak when you are with me... they presented that i am to blame, you and i resolved this issue, when and how we resolved the issue, we resolved the issue financially, once, when when with me specifically presented, vladimir , i present it to you every time, well, you show it specifically that it’s my fault, you see, vladimir, you won’t deny that from time to time you flood natalya, yes, there are problems, periodically i flood, but because of why does this happen, well, depending on what kind of floods, it often happens not through my fault, but chavina. well, for example, the last one, i believe that when the battery burst, it was the fault of the management company, because the battery life had expired, it should have been replaced long ago, natalya just says that the battery broke not because it was old, because it was loaded with rubbish on top, and the battery simply couldn’t bear the weight, there was no rubbish, there were
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building materials nearby, not on the battery, natalia’s other leaks are happening, why, do you have some kind of problem with the plumbing, with the pipes, the penultimate one leakage... i also think it’s not my fault, because there’s a cracked riser running through my bathroom, it’s all cracked, you can see it, it ’s also old, its expiration date has long expired, that is, you have an old one in your house. equipment, old pipes and so on, yes, old pipes, houses are more than 60 years old, and you don’t look after them, i look after them as best i can, but i can’t do major repairs, and i don’t have the right, that is, you wait until the management company will do all this, i understand correctly, well, i can’t but the management company, because i can’t change, for example, the walk-through riser through which the drain flows through all the floors, alexey, whose responsibility is for this plumbing, all the supply pipes, that is , providing heat supply, water supply, drainage, including the riser, this
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is all common to the house - property and the management company is responsible for this, since vladimir verno noted that he simply does not have the right to cut out a piece of pipe there and install a new one, with the exception of at least a battery, after all, in our in accordance with current legislation, the battery is, so to speak, the property of the person who lives in it. apartment, that is, look, if a person who lives in this apartment notices problems with pipes, yes, for which the management company seems to be responsible, what should he do, where should he go, he should contact the management company independently, in case it does not take any action, you can also appeal their actions to higher authorities, to the council, to the prefecture and so on, that is, well to any authorities that are above the management company, to the housing inspection, well , vladimir, you applied somewhere, yes, but there is no money for additional expenses, because... expenses, if it is the management company that bears the costs for the pipes, for the riser? she believes that she does not bear all the costs for this,
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they counted additional costs, not in replacing the water tank, but in installing a water meter. i will note one small oddity, yes, you live in the same house, but natalia’s boner is all fine, but for some reason you have it lost weight, we changed it because we changed it, and we changed it at our own expense, and vladimir, remember, when we changed all these rubles, we offered you. you offered to participate, you told me how much i could spend, i said that at that time i couldn’t spend more than a thousand. vladimir, are you working? yes, i work, where? moscow metro electric. why can’t you ask a management company for help now? do you have money now? well, it so happened that i recently got a job 3 years ago, and just at that time the coronavirus began, all actions were taken on these appeals. 2 days ago you flooded natalya, yes, but it broke the radiator, the heating radiator, your
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apartment also suffered because of this, yes, it also suffered greatly, there is dampness, there is mold too, there is dampness, there is no mold, at the moment when you had a pipe burst and you flooded natalya, you were at home , i was in the apartment, at that moment you didn’t see, yes, what about you, until i called you, my work is such that it is night, at this time it just happened during the day and... at that time i was just sleeping in another room, that is, only when natalya called you, did you find out that something was happening in your apartment, and i saw that in the large room the battery had burst, there was a park, water was splashing , the water was very hot, but it was impossible to put anything under the radiator, because it was low above the floor and was gushing in all directions, then i ran out onto the stairs and sort of started calling my neighbors for help, who was there, did they call to the technical service or management company to turn off the water and to... take corrective action, call? no, i called, how soon was the water
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turned off? well, in my opinion, about an hour, well, in an hour you can essentially ruin both apartments and ruin them? yes, it turned out that way, unfortunately , it’s ruined, my apartment is known from below, but they also say the store, now there is no heating in your apartment, there is heating because the emergency light cut off the battery, they put a plug, there are two more batteries in the apartment. in the kitchen in a small room, a two-room apartment, but you told vladimir that you flooded two apartments, natalya suggests that another store, do you understand what colossal damage this is? yes, i understand that the damage is colossal, and here we need to figure out who exactly is to blame. the management organization is responsible for the common property, and the heating element, it applies personally to your apartment, only to your apartment, therefore for this element. since the service life of such
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equipment is 50 years, there could be other reasons, there could be a water hammer, the battery could simply overheat, because they are so hot, like at this time, they are changing the management company mode depending on the weather, your battery leaked simply because it burst because all the rubbish lay on this... well, for me it’s not rubbish, for me it’s building material, which is intended for repairs, and what kind of building materials do you have in your apartment? ? various pipes, plumbing , materials, mixtures, construction materials, insulation, doors stand separately for you are now in a state of repair, you are doing repairs, yes, i am in a state of repair, since 2008 i started doing repairs, you know, i am aware, that repairs are a protracted story, but 15 years, during this time you did something, i
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completely made one small room, the ceiling was installed, the wallpaper was hung, the electrics were done. is your renovated room in order or are building materials stored there too? there is order, but things that should be in a large room have simply been moved there. these building materials, where do you get them? i buy it in the store, but some of it remains from my work; my work also involved repairs. from trash cans, dumpsters, never bring anything? well, something happens, i bring it some necessary things that other people throw away, for example, pipes. what’s wrong with this, i brought some good things, materials, but i bring a lot , well, basically what i think is necessary, well, now i don’t go to the trash heap at all, except to throw out the garbage, because i brought it, when i was unemployed, natalya , this is really true, well, now it’s probably not winter, vladimir, but we see him so often,
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we look, yes, he’s going home with bags to overweight, in my apartment there are only the things i need for... colleagues have been in your apartment and they are not bothering anyone with the renovations, as if mine were to see how your renovations are progressing, building materials, garbage clothes, in the two-room municipal apartment of fifty-nine-year-old vladimir nevzorov in moscow, everything is mixed up, the man assures, it’s all to blame for the delay for 15 years of renovation, some plastic pipe doors were prepared, here are some lamps, blanks, for example , there is a frame prepared to put this terrible door in place. the owner shows his bedroom, which he says he has already put it in order. only this is not visible. there are boxes, skirting boards, and computer equipment everywhere; among the chaos, only men’s work clothes hang neatly on hangers. suit, shirt for work. here's another suit. and he sleeps
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here, on the closet door, which lies in a narrow passage. in the same room. this is where i sleep, relax, and read on my tablet. in the kitchen, among the mortars and pipe boards, you can see two refrigerators, an electric stove, and pots covered with cobwebs. well, i ate the egg, there was some bread left. kettle. vladimir's bathroom is almost empty enjoys it. the plumbing is faulty. but it’s a matter of time,” says owner zavalov. he has already bought new pipes for three toilets. i plan to install it when the problem with the cracked sewer pipes is resolved, because there should be access to them from the living room, he was forced to throw away part of the precious property, the man complains, when the battery burst, the battery burst, like this, water began to flow along the edge it was hot, i couldn’t do anything because the water was flowing like
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a fountain, i cleared the passage with the help of workers and they already took out some... garbage, things intended for repairs, they basically threw it all away, took it away yesterday. yuri , you must admit, this is not a renovation, a natural dump, but the trouble, of course, volodya, well , you just turned into some kind of plushkin, you know, who dragged everything he could, well, it’s toxic, it’s just that those paints are there , it’s poison, it’s simple, everything there is perishable, i don’t agree with you. there is something perishable there, how could there be paint, well, some paints, in a closed jar, soon there are jars, some pans, what's inside, it's all toxic , rats, cockroaches will come to you there, no rats, no cockroaches, thank god, i congratulate you on this, is vladimir ready to finally carry out excavations in his apartment and part with deposits of unnecessary things,
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the apartment has been turned into a huge garbage dump, he doesn’t see it, he really thinks that there are pipes there, something for... however, you are not aware of what is happening, you have no criticism, they said so, they made a fool of you elephant, we learn after the advertisement, it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it’s important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important, to learn to forgive, i came to ask for forgiveness from my daughter, i acted very ugly, i insulted him very much, i wanted to make her jealous. she considered this a betrayal. people come to this studio ready to ask forgiveness from a loved one. i just want her to hear and understand. and the people who have to make the most important decision. forgive or not, i want her to look me in the eyes, there is a person sitting behind this door who
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different. today 20:00 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. for 40 years now, sixty-year-old natalya morozova has been systematically flooded by her upstairs neighbor. the women are sure that the radiators and pipes in his apartment are falling apart under the weight of the rubbish that fills the man’s home from floor to ceiling. every morning he climbs through the trash heaps with these bags and collects all the rubble.
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here is what, what do you need for construction, pipes, for example, why don’t you install them anywhere, i have a question, if you say you don’t have money, but construction you think you have plenty of materials , why don’t you use them, don’t renovate your apartment, where are the building materials, here ’s a bunch of pipes, for example, here are the doors, where are the doors? well, on the floor, what are these doors? this, the bags, this was left in a pile after they cleared the passage to the radiator, it turned out that the boxes got wet from the water and it all spilled out, what are you sleeping on the closet door? i have a bed, it stands upright in a small room, because the renovation in the big one has taken a long time, all the plumbing is in terrible condition, while
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you have some. yes, i realize that i got rid of unnecessary things , i got rid of everything at once, it’s difficult for me to get rid of it alone, well, it requires effort of various forces, you leave the house, you go to work, on the way you can take a couple of bags with garbage with you, throw them in the trash, the next a couple more days, well, in order to throw out a couple of bags, you need to figure it out, this takes time, vladimir, in fact, you are not aware of what is happening,
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you lack criticism, how...
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i’ve already thrown away a lot myself, i hired two cars and threw away a lot, are you ready to part with some part, at least of these things that are obviously not needed, but most of them. part of things that have now turned out to be unnecessary, and i’m ready to part with it, why haven’t you done this before now? well, for example, i went through a medical examination, there were comments on my health, on blood pressure, only on blood pressure, yes, the doctor forbade me to overload, svetlana, do you believe vladimir or is he now being disingenuous and simply ignoring this problem? vladimir, you know, he he is not disingenuous, he really lacks criticism, but one cannot say that completely, but he has a pathological hoarding syndrome. what does it consist of, a person saves some things, actually brings them from the trash, and he saves them too, it’s the process that is important, and not for use, when a person saves things, it means they are expensive for him, it means that he
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must take care of them, stack them evenly, somehow there must be, on the contrary, an excessive order, the essence of this pathology is that there should be no order, he simply collects them, for this is important to him, he finds something like this, he has some... fleeting joys, well , i wouldn’t say that it’s a great joy to carry things for repairs, not for some kind of pleasure, the apartment has been turned into a huge garbage dump, he doesn’t see it, he really thinks that there are pipes there, something for repair, and in general he learned some kind of version that is safe for the public, so he terratorializes the same thing, mind you, pipes, pipes, pipes, pipes, pipes to simply leave him alone, he may become depressed. protracted, he there may be a general violation of the frontal areas of the brain, then he generally does not realize what we are seeing now, he has a completely different picture, here it is necessary to fully examine vladimir, but i am not attacking you, vladimir, we want you to notice, here in
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one thing they didn’t see for me was that the renovation was done in one room, of course it was done, you see this renovation, but others don’t see it, it turns out to be a controversial point, you didn’t see the renovation. you said that you were ready to throw away some of the things, you physically couldn’t to do something, but you don’t have relatives who would help, there are relatives, but they don’t provide such help, and what kind of relatives, well, these are distant relatives, these are difficulties, but there are no close ones , no longer, it turns out, with did someone live in this apartment with you, and did your mother and grandmother live? how long ago were they gone, in the early nineties, and what happened to them, did they just die? in old age, while you lived with your grandmother, with your mother, the house was clean or like this, no, it was clean, clean, who kept the house clean, they, yes, they, vladimir, already, probably, when you were left alone, you were doing welding there in the apartment
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, you were welding, you had a welding machine there, there was one at one time, i bought a household welding machine, i tried it at home, timofey, can you comment on the welding machine? bring it into the apartment , use it, if this device... is for domestic use, then, probably, yes, it is possible, but subject to certain internal safety requirements, firstly, if handled within the framework of the law, then the state fire inspection authorities they don’t have the right to inspect private apartments , country houses and so on, this must be an appeal to the court, during this time everything can burn out, if there is a welding machine, the whole apartment can catch fire, absolutely, so they somehow solved their problems. when they saw that the light was starting to blink , yes, the husband went outside, looked at the windows, it was clear that this was welding, he simply unscrewed the plugs for him, this seemed to be the end of his work, this is how the front door
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was strengthened by the door jamb, but i followed safety precautions, and did you study at all? use a welding machine or just read the instructions? no, they teach this at the institute, but what kind of education do you have, by the way, civil engineering, do you have vladimir? have you ever had a fire in your apartment? no, there have never been fires. six months ago vladimir, we called the fire department, the kettle was on fire, the kettle was not on fire, there was no fire. it was smoldering, we called the fire department while you were driving home, the fire department even had to open your door to get in? yes, absolutely true, but there was not a fire, but smoke, so tell me your version, okay, you weren’t at home, in general i can’t imagine how a kettle could catch fire without the owner of the house, did you forget it was on or something? well, like this? it turned out, i was in a hurry to get to work, i left the kettle on the stove , when the water boiled away, the handle just started smoking, well, that is, it’s your fault, yes, it’s my fault, and what were the consequences of that fire, so the firefighters opened the door, they just had time, they opened it, they
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told him - at that moment the guards arrived, his gas was turned off, vladimir, but you understand that because of your building materials it can very easily if there's a fire, the whole apartment building could catch fire, aren't you afraid of that? no, i’m not afraid, i take care of my building materials, they are basically your upstairs neighbor who is afraid that one day she will burn down in her own apartment because of you. in our studio gelserya shiryaeva, hello, hello, hello, have you been living next door to vladimir for a long time? yes, in 1995 i live in this house, he is on the third floor, i am on the fifth. what kind of inconvenience does your neighbor cause to you personally? when we pass by, the smells are strong, apartments, what kind, technical, chemical, well, garbage, he filled all three floors. the frost was so severe,
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i have a one and a half year old grandson, our heating was turned off , in about half an hour it was already cold in our house, why did we run to look for why, what was what , we had a fire, smoke, i opened the door, yes there was a strong knock, the neighbors were running up and down the floors, looking for where the smoke was coming from, we stopped, on the third floor there was nothing visible at all, there was nothing visible at the entrance, the smoke would have been quite heavy. yes, it was very strong, natalya immediately called the ministry of emergency situations, the fireman, the fireman arrived, they called, yes, the neighbor called, i called him at work to tell him that there was a fire there, when the door was opened, we were terrified, because from the threshold onwards it was not clear what was going on, we were simply in shock, because there were mountains , garbage, it was something something, they said so, they made a mountain out of a molehill, it could have burned. the whole house, well, the house didn’t burn down
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, even the apartment didn’t deteriorate, elena, how do you like this logic, vladimir, it would be better if he were some grumpy, sloppy grandfather, to whom you could say everything to his face, express it sternly, but he’s so streamlined, and you don’t know how to explain it to a person , elena, but do you think it’s generally possible to swear at him, the feeling is that he’s impenetrable, so from the first minute i saw it, i was confused then i understood why 40 years. it lasts because you start talking to him, but he keeps his fingers crossed, through his fingers, and i just now, now i understand how much pity, sympathy and desire he evokes , well, it’s like such naivety, yes, yes, to what extent vladimir's neighbors are ready to to finally live without floods, i’m ready, vladimir, don’t be offended, but this will be a serious decision of mine, to go fight you to the end, well, disgruntled neighbors are flooding me too, i would like to. so that he just moved from there, we will continue very soon, in
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the nineties he wrote the hit position number one , since then he has been paying for it, of course i have been haunted all my life, a star in the forehead position, how kaymetov exchanged classics for pop, pogonina two, where fate brought him together him with masha rasputina, and they are a brown bear there they feed me black caviar, but it’s not me, it’s victor who feeds me. why doesn't the star of the nineties recognize the stamp in his passport? kai immediately asked for his phone number, but i didn’t give it to him. how did you become a single father? any child wants to spend more time there with his mother. nastya’s mom, she didn’t mind nastya living with me. did kai metov manage to make a fortune from gold hits? how much money do you really owe? 177 million. and how does he cope with the loss of his mother? she was sure that she would live for a long time. hymet. and his million dollar secret on saturday
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completely free with the purchase of one package. call 8800 100 exactly 6 8882. calls within russia are free. beyond, it's beyond. 15 years ago, fifty-nine-year-old vladimir nevzorov from moscow began making renovations; now there is nowhere to even walk in his apartment. build materials all around, the man assures. i bought some materials and selected them. well, then somehow it dragged on. in my apartment there are mainly building materials and things to throw away, i just don’t know what to keep, what to throw away. due to many years of indecisiveness of a neighbor. the entire entrance is suffering, and sixty-year-old gilseria ashiryaeva is indignant. he turned on something in the kitchen, connected it, left on his own, smoke started pouring into the entire entrance, then they determined from the smoke that the smoke was coming from his apartment, they opened the door, everything was piled up there, the firefighters barely
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got through there, turned it off, there was everything there , if there is a fire, it seems to me, there will be a very serious fire, there will be cylinders, aerosol, there ... paints: alexander, if such a tragedy happened, god forbid, who is responsible? vladimir would bear direct responsibility, up to and including criminal liability, depending on the consequences that the explosion would bring, you know, such a negligent attitude of vladimir towards gas is beyond me , honestly, just leave, leave the gas, i don’t give a damn about anyone, you live in society, vladimir, well, i don’t give a damn. at all, i am aware of the responsibility, there could be any fault, that’s right, there was so much there when the door was opened, there were so many paint cans, dry wallpaper, old linulims. carpets, i fear for my life, for the lives of my grandchildren, for my neighbors, whom i have known for more than 30 years, and
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even if there is some kind of fire, someone from the first or second floor may still have time to jump out of the window, and i won’t jump out from the fifth floor in my arms with a child, that’s right, and you live alone, they bring me a grandson, but i try to spend more time there, we live outside the city, because i’m always afraid after a fire, i panic... so happy that turned to your program, he seemed to take out two cars, yes, but we seemed to
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and he came here to hear us, so i have a firm intention to throw out, promise, vladimir, every time you say, yes, yes, when some incident happens, as always , you are not to blame, it’s your fault , now vladimir says that he has firm intentions, but you know, vladimir, your neighbor, another neighbor, in these firm intentions. doesn’t believe it at all, he ’s tired of enduring the stench that comes from your apartment. in the studio konstantin belyaev. hello hello. konstantin, where do you live relative to vladimir’s apartment? i i live right next to him, directly door to door with him. how long have you been living? one and a half to two years. did you buy this apartment? no, i'm filming. i didn't know about this problem until the fire happened. before that i. i was sure that it was the stench from the garbage chute that smelled on the floor right next to the front door, that is, every time
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you enter the apartment, you hold your nose, you go in, when there was smoke a year ago, the detectives arrived, opened the apartment, and there everything was absolutely littered, it’s unclear what, a complete dump, there was even there’s no way to approach it, that is, you open the door and garbage immediately falls out on you, but are you renting an apartment? why didn't you move out right away? i met with vladiev, i said: this is the problem, the problem needs to be solved, and he says: yes, i’ll do it right now, that is, i’ll do it right next week, he promised again, but he says that everything will be clean , and then he started hiding from me altogether, he didn’t open the door, he started hiding, turning around, leaving, i contacted the management company, it’s so interesting, that’s it how... does the manager contribute? they can’t do anything about it, they called the local police officer, but he also didn’t influence
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the situation in any way, so alexey, where should i go to get the matter moving? since the video said that the apartment is municipal, here - unfortunately , with vladimir, he probably does not realize all his responsibility with you, they can simply terminate the social contract, and you may be left without an apartment, and why, by the way, is it municipal, she got it from your mother... but from your grandmother, vladimir, yes, you didn’t the inheritance has been formalized, the inheritance has been formalized, the privatization document has been submitted, why didn’t you start privatizing the apartment earlier, my apartment, my property, as they say , when i want, then i’ll privatize it, as long as it’s state property, because the apartment is municipal, and you don’t they did absolutely nothing to make this property yours, now i don’t know if you have any chance of getting this apartment as your personal property, due to this condition.
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the woman says that vladimir himself is a harmless person, but his excessive passion for hoarding backfires on the residents of the house. we barely managed to get rid of the cockroaches running from his landfill, but now there was a fear of being burned alive. he needs to check everything and everything, because you never know, he never did any repairs, now i go and check all the sockets and turn them off. fear is present, yes, in general, we are afraid, we are afraid of catching fire. fire. which the man had six months ago, scared all the neighbors, says lyudmila goborova. she lives two floors above vladimir, but
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suffers no less than the rest. at first i thought what is this. it’s on the street, when i looked out , i saw fire ambulances there , idlers, i ran into the corridor, my neighbors are there , everyone is rushing around, they tell me, don’t go, don’t go there, there’s only smoke, they’re on fire, vova, as if meat, rotten meat, or paper, this kind of thing caught fire, such a tenant has no place in a house near the center of the capital, assures yulia belonozhkina. the last time the flood overtook her apartment on the first floor, we have quite expensive renovations, and i see that we have suspended ceilings, well, this ceiling almost all the way to the floor, it just stuck, and accordingly , a small one formed there, or rather a large one, even a huge one, well, in the form of a ball, it was scary that it would break, it would all just end up in the apartment,
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many neighbors were unhappy. my neighbors are also flooding me, right now there was footage of when they flooded me , the bell closed from above, but does it really not bother you at all that almost the entire house is against you, i understand, but i expressed my firm intention to vacate the apartment completely for repairs make repairs, and please tell me, these are the intentions and promises that you expressed over the years, they were less firm, why? they were not fulfilled, they were also firm, but for various reasons, why shouldn’t the neighbors now just turn to where they should evict you, i had already begun to take serious steps towards this, those same two cars were taken out, i was ready to take everything out, well, suspended it, he told me this a year ago, and six months ago, and he stood there lying to my face, saying that i’ll do everything now, and these cars are me
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i found cars for him, called them, ordered cars to take them to him... if he doesn’t go to any lengths to put things in order, yes, i’m ready, vladimir, don’t be offended, but this will be my serious decision, to go, to fight with you to the end , you understand how he lives, i feel sorry for him, as a person, i can’t find him, even if they ask me to sign for eviction, i won’t sign it, but if like this now we can somehow help him together, i don’t mind, even i
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, even when there’s a fire, let’s come somehow, at least... we’ll wash the windows, even if you’re the light you'll see, somehow clean it up, at least there's a path, we even think that he needs to be helped, i think yes, help, please, who will stand up for vladimir, a lonely man, maybe sick, it seems to me that we need to help him, i don’t want you to have any illusions, nothing will happen, this is beyond the bounds, look in a couple of minutes, she gave birth to a son from a married lover, but her husband became the official father of the boy, i fell in love with him, i knew that he married, it so happened that the child was registered with her ex- husband. the lover dreamed of registering an heir myself, but suddenly died , that’s it, i want to raise my son, i left my family, but we just lived a little, he died, now his
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twin brother wants to know for sure if he has a nephew, he told me when lyudmila was already pregnant, it is important for you that only your blood bears your last name, to whom a woman gave a son 6 years ago, i can’t give anything, neither a last name, nor a middle name, nothing, i took it to court, they just said that i couldn’t do anything, when he came , he was already hiding before the sight of lyudmila, he couldn’t doubt my paternity, i open the envelope. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. universal remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order sovito with delivery from one ruble.
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negotiate with me before, but now it’s too late, we have the company has vulnerable points where kudryavtsev can attack us, somewhere dima won’t get anything, and it’s not even a question of money, not family, damn it, but the constipation of amazing creatures a... beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, their neighbor is sleeping on closet door because he has nowhere to put the bed. residents of a moscow nine-story building are begging to bring some sense to nine-year-old vladimir
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nevzorov, who has filled his two-room apartment with unnecessary things. when you enter the apartment, while you turn the key, you feel this smell of garbage. vladimir himself makes excuses, he has been doing renovations for 15 years, the whole apartment. whom i also delayed repairs in my apartment, he is sure that in order to solve all the problems, the residents of the high-rise building need to make friends with an unscrupulous neighbor, in our studio denis kudelin, hello, hello, you live in the same house as vladimir, yes, i do in the same house, vladimir is on the third floor, i’m on the fifth, how long have you been living in this house, yes for a year and a half, you don’t suffer from the smell, smoke, of course, especially in the summer. floors and further
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an unpleasant smell rises, and what do you do next? are you willing to tolerate this smell? i don’t agree to tolerate this smell, but i think that the person is lonely, maybe sick, it seems to me that we need to help him, and you are really, vladimir, lonely, well, there is no family now, i once lived with a woman, including this apartment , after my parents died, basically now i want to renovate the apartment and live normally with my family, well, you understand that in order... for all this to happen, everything you dream about, you need to change first it ’s your turn, yes, of course, but how do you need to change, how do you think? disassemble the apartment, make repairs, finish, or rather repair. vladimir, you give the impression of a person, well , at least, for whom not everything is lost, you work, you understand that somewhere you cannot do what you promise, you generally understand the situation, but you are ready to turn it around , yes? not only ready, actually
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turned it around, i started doing this seriously, so konstantin helped me call really machines for garbage collection, but even now you understand, you say, konstantin helped, and konstantin says, i helped him forced, these are different terms, it’s surprising that in this state he allows the garbage to be taken out, because usually they protect their treasure, their property, by the way, i am surprised by the patience of the neighbors, it doesn’t surprise you, because? it seems to me that at some point they will think: okay, maybe we need to sell these apartments , leave, let him live in peace. by the way, ibrahim, can these apartments even be sold in connection with this situation? it seems to me that if, let’s say, a potential buyer comes in the summer, he’ll probably he will run away from there, and it will be quite difficult to sell the neighbors’ apartments, their liquidity is falling. alexander, what way out of the situation do you see, this is what they should bring. look at the apartment directly
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to help from the point of view of medical care, i think i ’ll take control of this situation, and we ’ll take care of cleaning the apartment, we agreed, vladimir, do you accept the offer, yes , of course, i will accept it, you see how happy everyone is, and promise that you will no longer bring the apartment into this condition, you can, i can firmly promise that after the apartment will be... put in order, that there will be no more problems with the neighbors because of this, colleagues, you are in vain to believe, this is the situation, i just don’t want you to have any illusions, nothing will happen. alexey, if vladimir does not keep his promises, will you help the neighbors resolve this situation according to the law? yes, i will definitely help. while vladimir is determined, the workers begin cleaning. the owner puts them together.


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