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tv   DNK  NTV  January 23, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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alexander, what way out of the situation do you see, bring the proper form directly , help the apartment in terms of medical care, i think i’ll take control of this situation, and we’ll take care of cleaning the apartment, agreed, vladimir, do you accept the offer, yes, of course , i’ll accept, you see how happy everyone is, and promise that you will no longer bring the apartment to...
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write an application to replace the sewer pipe and battery, from which boiling water was poured on the neighbors. tomorrow a team led by an engineer will be at this address and will make a replacement. section of a sewer pipe, measures the required battery, we will purchase and install it. the specialists fulfilled their promise the very next day and changed the sewer pipe and battery in vladimir’s apartment. beyond, now it’s up to me, i will equip the apartment, do repairs, i won’t drown my neighbors anymore, i will live normally, look tomorrow in the program beyond, during a fire a fifteen-year-old girl disappeared from her parents’ house, our garage is on fire, we ran out there , it was already burning very strongly, there is no point in extinguishing the fire, let’s do it look, we thought, in general, she was burning there on fire, the body of the missing woman was found only in the morning in an abandoned building with a nail. stomach
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, strangulation, strangulation , a nail was stuck four times , the victim’s second cousin confessed to the murder, perhaps he wanted to take revenge on this family, this is all a provocation, my son is not a murderer, which was the reason for the brutal reprisal, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the married lover wanted to become the official father of her son, but did not have time. in our studio lyudmilashch. hello, lyudmila, hello, why did you decide to connect your life with a married man? because that i fell in love with him, i fell in love and, as they say, i was already persistent, well, fighting for my happiness. didn't it bother you that he was married? honestly, it didn't bother me. because i already
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knew that he was married, what is the name of your beloved man? rif, how did you meet him? well, you know, we met like my mother did when she was still alive, yes, she worked on a farm, they worked together, well, we went to work to help, that’s how we met there, you quickly developed a relationship, no, of course not , he slowly courted, as they say, but i didn’t, and then specifically the relationship began when i got divorced, well, in my first marriage. that is, you were also married when your relationship began, and why did you and your first husband divorce? well, you know, here i am very early, he and i got married very early, we lived and lived, we were young, as it were, but then all the love passed, but we have a child, we have a daughter with our first, well, in our first marriage, we didn’t have a daughter against the fact that you had another man, well, at first she didn’t know, but then she was already an adult girl, of course not. did he have children in his marriage? yes,
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son. your relationship has developed. and how long did it take for you to become pregnant? i got pregnant when my first husband and i. they fled, that’s how it was i fled, i lived with my mother in the village for 5 years we didn’t live together then i, well, we didn’t officially get divorced, no matter how we lived , but we didn’t officially get divorced, we weren’t in a hurry, and then i got pregnant and got divorced then, well, then i went to court myself filed, that is, your pregnancy prompted you to get a divorce , but you had to, and then you had to get a divorce just because you were already pregnant another child. somewhere in the sixth, i don’t remember, exactly in the sixth month, probably, of pregnancy, i already filed a lawsuit, we were divorced, and since according to the law, it was necessary for 300 days to pass after the divorce in order to register the child, and it so happened that the child was registered with her ex-husband, he
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didn’t like it, of course he didn’t like it, because he has his own family, he has a new wife, and i had to get children’s benefits somehow, but i couldn’t get children’s for a year in general for the child, because... the child is registered on him, and i called him, tried somehow with him, yes, but he didn’t want to talk, because of course, he has another family, why should i already, why does he need someone else’s child, he filed a lawsuit, and i later changed the child ’s birth certificate and others are listed as paternity, it’s like a single mother, anyway , this is his middle name, lyudmila, tell me, are you absolutely sure that you got pregnant from your lover, of course, i’m sure, and not from your ex husband, no, of course, we haven’t lived with him for 5 years. how can i be away from him pregnant women, well, maybe we met, we even know, then we don’t even communicate with him anymore, we don’t communicate with him in any way, that is, this is excluded, yes, well, maybe someone somewhere is thinking something, let him think, but i’m definitely i know that no, here is your lover, reef, he didn’t want to become an official father, to register the child officially himself
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, he wanted, you just know, he wanted, in short, to get on his feet first, and then the child, how to register, but how in general did reef react to the news about your pregnancy? oh, very good, of course, he was very happy, he i wanted, even i, when we were still dating 5 years before the child, he wanted to ask, why did he say now, i want a son, a son, not a daughter, and how old is your common child now, six years old, that’s the boy’s seventh year, how his name is victor, after the birth of his son, rif, he divorced his wife, he did not divorce, we had such a conversation, i’m like , i’m so persistent. yes, there was a conversation that it’s not like just getting a divorce, there wasn’t such a conversation, it’s just that let’s get a divorce, so, well, as if to tell my wife, for example, he said something there, there was such a case, we he came to me one day we were sitting in our chapel house, and of course i’m tired of it too,
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because this is for two families and back and forth, i’m tired, yes i started talking when i could say it, either you will say it or i will say it. i’ll go, i’ll tell you, he says go , maybe he doesn’t know, maybe he didn’t believe me, go, but if he didn’t tell me to go, i wouldn’t go, he said go , i went, he himself didn’t dare, but you go, yes , i went, i came, we lived almost on the same street, and she cut her hair at home, she hairdresser, yes, at home in the village, i came , i said, hello, it’s summer outside, she closed the gate, i said, hello , hello, i said, are you cutting, i say , well, you’re free today,
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she says, like, i don’t believe that you’re hitting me you're pushing me , i'm telling you, don't believe me, call him, he's sitting at home right now , i just told the truth, i have nothing to lose , that's what i said, he sent me to you so that i could tell you, she called, no, she's talking about call, let me call, she also says, and what do you have another phone number ? he has it i say of course, since we’re dating, what kind of question is there, of course you have a son then, no, and were you pregnant even then? this was before the pregnancy, but how long had rif’s relationship with two families lasted by that time? 5 years, then i got pregnant , it’s incomprehensible to my mind, women have become like men here, yes, i liked the man, i wanted him, he suits me so well, he looks after me, it’s like nothing , he speaks as it should, that’s it, i’ll take it, it’s all the same
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where he has a child, there is a family, a woman who does not suspect anything, yes, now for some reason this is not the case it’s generally accepted that, you know, how they know how to fool their brains, that’s in general. they just sing such beautiful defiramps, i will come to you, i will come to your feet, you are the most beautiful, i love you, and he gives you money, by the way. lyudmila, did the reef help you financially? he helped a little , he helped as much as he could, although he couldn’t do anything, he brought 2 kilos of potatoes, he could provide food, yes, well, because you know, in the village he worked , well, as a security guard, yes, he guarded, well, small in general, i received money, especially since it’s a family, yes, the wife there is also like that, well good, strict, that’s right, i understand her too, she did the right thing, she took all the wages herself, that’s right, well, of course, that’s the girl’s head , where did he get into debt, he brought it, he even brought my daughter, when he
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grows up, no, a man lives with a woman, no matter how much of a brawler she
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is, no matter what she is, he chose her, again, well , he hasn’t left for 5 years, where will he go if he didn’t leave at the dawn of the relationship, well then everything you write is lost for your mistress, you can forget, if you love, then you end there and move on, that yes, why then, if there is a beloved woman, did he not want to leave his wife, cowards? he called, he called, we talked, we talked, then somehow i was already living in the city
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for about months, probably after five, somewhere around, he came for the first time, as i understand it, he probably didn’t say anything of his own, i left slowly, well, because the child missed me, that’s right , it was love, he loved me, i loved him very much, so i came, you were happy at that moment, well, of course, yes, because i i fell in love for the second time in my life after my husband. for the second time in his life, what happened when he arrived? i came for the second time, i was still little, probably just a year and a half old, i came in the summer, stayed a little for a couple of days, played with me, went to the trampolines, then went back with documents. with all the things, that is, i decided to stay with you, yes, she came first, just
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to see what was going on, then she arrived with things, i asked him, i said, are you just visiting, as it were, or already exactly, how he would say that’s it, i want to raise my son, i left from the family, i want to raise my son, there already because he’s an adult, he was going to file for divorce from his wife, then yes, when already... all his relatives there, mom and dad were all there, and he’s been waiting for a long time, he’s wanted
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to go there for a long time too he constantly said that let’s move there, we’ll find a house there in the surgenovsky district of slobodarovka, well, we just lived for a little while, we just lived here when he left the family, we just lived for about 10 months, because on may 9 we moved from the city to the village of zabodarovka, and on july 18 that was it, he died, finished. suicide, maybe he was gnawing, something, i don’t know, he’s the only one who can know, who’s from where, who can know why this all happened? and now you want to prove his paternity after his death? yes, of course, because the child is already gone, like 3 years old, and i can’t give him anything, not a last name, not a middle name, nothing. have you tried to do something? of course, i sued, i sued twice, they simply
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told me that i couldn’t do anything because i didn’t have a means of death. another year i started collecting money to hire i hired lawyers, the first trial went through, that no one’s witnesses, well, their own , on their part, came, no one came from his side, they promised, but no one came at all, they said that on his part, it was necessary for someone to confirm, that yes, well, he recognized the child
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, then maybe that’s all and no one came , the first one, then they postponed it, postponed it, then again... no one came, he couldn’t come to rome, but they only promised rome and his daughter, he says, we will come, we will come, we never arrived, with other relatives, well, sort of i don’t communicate and haven’t communicated, why didn’t any of his relatives come, well, because when he died, they blamed me for everything, as if i did everything, they blamed you for his death, and that it was i who did everything to him , so heavy? when there was a funeral, and there were funerals , he was in the house where we lived with him, so they arrived, well, of course, all of them were his relatives, many relatives and his wife, because of course his ex came, well, not his ex, it was his wife who came and just my sister heard when tatyana simply spoke,
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told her sisters and his mother, that he could not do this himself. look how big she is, how healthy she is, she did it all, how can i turn my tongue, i don’t know, you know, how old he was then, in august he would have been 3 years old, and what did the relatives, tell me, lyudmila say about the child , nothing, you know, me too , i’m that kind of person, i won’t ask to be relatives there, i don’t need anything from them, i’m that kind of person, if you don’t communicate with me, i won’t communicate, why would i ask for it, why should i i will impose myself, well here are the rest are relatives ready to admit?
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so, i have a woman, a serious relationship, yes, but he was married, yes, so how did you react to this? it’s bad , not good, i say, what you did, but you told me that the woman gave birth to a child from him, he told me when lyudmila was already pregnant, you’ll have a nephew, another one, reef, i say, it’s somehow so bad, well, it’s your business , he says, he left his wife, did your brother officially introduce lyudmila to your family? yes, when he moved to the village, he introduced lyudmila to my wife, daughter, what’s it like about you? lyudmila made a good impression, i liked her, at first glance, i liked her,
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yes, in your opinion, why didn’t your brother get a divorce right away? serious relationship with lyudmila, i don’t even know why, i was afraid to offend my wife, maybe, yes, tell me what kind of relationship they had, bad, well, they often fought, but what did they fight about? yes, in any way, well, she was jealous, maybe he didn’t have enough money, yes , in my opinion, everything was enough for them, he kept the farm, he, everything was, i don’t know. he missed it, lyudmila, rif didn’t tell you why they there were quarrels with my wife, there were conversations , of course, he constantly came, he was not in the mood, constantly, i asked what happened, he said, again a scandal, well , probably, there were probably scandals about this because of you, well i think , yes , of course, well, you hid your relationship, well
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, how can you hide it? he's on his way to work, he drove it openly, he rides up on a motorcycle to a house on the street, the motorcycle buzzes throughout the village hear that, well, they kind of hear, everyone , and even more so his godfathers lived there, may not know that her man has another woman, if a woman pretends that she doesn’t know, it’s possible that she’s just afraid of losing a man, she pretends for what reason,
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so that her world does not collapse. olga, could a wife really not notice for 5 years that her husband had an affair with a woman? paradoxically, we know how to talk to ourselves, persuade ourselves, give some arguments, give arguments to sacredly believe in what we ourselves have come up with. those qualities that we a person was invested, they were not there nearby, that is, the wife really sincerely may not know, not believe, she doesn’t want to lose her status, again, maybe there is no one to choose from in the village, again with a child, running around something, someone to look for where to meet someone, some kind of need to establish life again, something like that, all these troubles with division, divorce, it’s easier not to notice, it’s easier not to notice, rome, about the fact that not only is there a mistress, but your mistress already has a child, as... your brother's wife found out, they went for a day birth, there either to the sister, or to the matchmaker , and there they said that people
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were walking around pregnant, and how the wife reacted, badly, scandalized, very much, she said directly in front of everything, let’s somehow separate this, then yes, she offered a divorce, yes, but nevertheless he... lived with her, well, you yourself think why the situation came to this, why he couldn’t somehow solve it, after all, he made up his mind, then took went to lyudmila, but he already went, left him alone, probably talked to his family, because he wanted a son to raise him, so he went to her, and how did your brother feel about the fact that he would become a father again, he boasted, he boasted , the reef went to discharge, he went, of course, after the death of his brother, you visit your nephew, maybe how - then call, i was with them for the last time in august,
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they noticed an external resemblance to your brother, yes, and you and your brother are very similar, yes, they are very similar, even at first there was such a moment when we arrived, the first time, he us i brought you to meet the rimov family, you see, it wasn’t 3 years ago yet, he confused it, remember, he approached, confused, then... dad, dad and cream approached, that is, they are so similar, yes, he confused them, he, and then he got used to it, at first, got used to it, then he began to tell them apart. lyudmila, now, who is helping you take care of sena? my daughter , of course, helps, and the person now with whom i cohabitate, live, too, life goes on about another person, at this moment, it seems to me, the most important thing is the attitude towards your son, is it, no, good, treats him well .
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to be capricious, lyudmila admits, but this like any child, vitya can be there rarely, mainly when his mother asks what to cook for him. it’s very bad to eat in general, well, he doesn’t really eat meat, he can eat it, he really likes cutlets, there are cutlets, there will be shish kebab, there will be meat, minced meat , dumplings, minced dumplings, manti.
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season, the furniture in his room was recently updated , but whatever one may say, it would be easier for them with a survivor’s pension, lyudmila complains, just what are you talking about, eggs were 120 rubles, yesterday i went to get them, already 150, prices are rising every day , everything is very expensive, of course, it’s hard, you can’t go anywhere without money now, although they say money isn’t important, as if it might not be important for someone, but money without money is also nowhere, you need it, everything, especially where are the children, at least one child, here small, but very... a lot of waste, rome , what can you say, a good boy, good, he was born black, he was black, and then for some reason his hair was so light, it changed a little, but his character is the same, you yourself too you think he looks like his father, of course, i know, i should think, i know he looks like him, you’re sad that your son is growing up, without my father, of course, i don’t understand why he did this. rome, did your brother ever
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doubt that vitya was his son , there’s not even a question about it, because your brother is like, what if he did, yes, and your family will accept lyudmila’s son if a dna test confirms the relationship, i ’m not asking for it , my family accepted, the whole family, i don’t know, no. the elder brother was accepted, but the sisters were not, that is, it’s still a stranger, yes, well, they think, yes, but what do you think about the fact that lyudmila now wants to give the surname rifa, i’m fine, i’m even for it, but you you don’t want someone else’s child to bear your last name, no, it is important for you that only your blood bears your last name, but if it turns out
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that lyudmila did not give birth to a child... how many of these do you have? there are a lot, and soon they will all be here. see others from january 25th. kinopoisk premiere today, tomorrow, always. parents, how much can one single photograph make the search for a person easier? sometimes, even photographs are not particularly necessary. for example, when it comes to finding a twin. lyudmila was separated from her twin sister at birth. it is impossible to understand and
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accept for mom to give. her child, but she found out about this years later: i think that i was born alone, it turns out that there were two of us born when my mother was dying, she told her secret, the cinematic situation is absolutely, yes, adaje, a continuation of the story of olga, who was looking for her for many years sisters and son. our regular viewers probably remember how ambiguous the outcome turned out to be, girls, i want to meet you, what can i say, i love you, glory, i... haven’t forgotten you, let ’s go, well, i’ll talk later, wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv. chameleon, premiere in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. inflammation and pain in the throat make it difficult to speak. fa, fa, faringosep. faringgosept fights the cause of inflammation , sore throat, and is suitable for adults and children from 3 years of age. foringgosept at the first signs
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ready to ask forgiveness from a loved one. i just want her to hear and understand. and people who must make the most important decision - to forgive or not. i want her to look at me. behind this door sits a person who is waiting for your forgiveness, the decision to open the door for you, and this decision must be made right now, i beg your pardon, the premiere of a new show with nadezhda babkina, february 2 at 16:50 on ntv, this is a program. rome bargusa wants to know if his deceased twin brother has a son from his mistress, with whom he cheated on his wife for almost 10 years. lyudmila shchur from the village of chabataryovka, orenburg region, had a house, a family and a job, when suddenly
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a married fellow villager, rif bargusov, began to court her and offered to date her, well, i was somehow like that, as if i didn’t care, as they say, soon lyudmila’s family life things went wrong, without divorcing her marriage, she and her husband... began to live separately at the same time she decided to reciprocate the reef, well, they began to slowly meet already once, twice we met, so it went, for the next 5 years the reef continued to live in two families and although he... was worried about the constant scandals with his wife, he was in no hurry to file for divorce, even after lyudmila told him that she was expecting a child, he came , i told him, showed him the test, he didn’t understand what it was, i don’t know what it is, what it is, i said, two sticks, you see it’s positive, of course he was happy, everything started, son, son, there will be a son, there will be a son , as if by order, lyudmila gave birth to a son, vitya, the boy’s father automatically became the woman’s husband, alexander, who was still active at that time. later he disputed his paternity,
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then i changed it, yes, the secularity of birth, the changer put a dash through the child. lyudmila assures that rif wanted to register vitya himself, the man still left his wife and planned to formalize the divorce, but did not have time, he died, they exchanged me, of course, in everything, the fact that he lived with his wife, he left for you right away, a lot of all sorts of conversations was, now lyudmila is trying to apply for a survivor’s pension, but relatives. your nephew. in the studio tatyana pershin.
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hello tatiana. hello. how long have you known lyudmila? i have known lyudmila since 1992. what woman? she is good, kind-loving, hardworking , she treats her very well, like a good mother, she loves her children, she loves, she loved her husband, now, with whom she lives with her husband, she also loves him very well. do you remember how... reeve appeared in lyudmila’s life, i knew about it all the time, how they were friends, how he came to them, talked on the phone, lyudmila and i always spoke, lyudmila always talked about it, but your friend was married at that time , well she she was married, but at that time she no longer lived with her husband, she lived in the village with her mother - in chernoyarov, so it was as if with her main husband, with alexander, she no longer lived at that time, but the fact that her lover was married a person, well, this is... like her personal life, if she took a married lover, it means
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there was something on the part of tatyana izrif’s wife, that he went to a woman, that means there was no love, there was no understanding, i think so, and he met a woman with whom she felt good, look at you tatyana, what an impression the reef produced? very good, he was shy, kind-loving, he also seemed to always communicate, he would never say a rude word, so - always, when he went to work, he always came in, always said hello, stayed overnight with us very often, well, if such a good, wonderful person , why didn’t you divorce your wife? well, he didn’t divorce his wife, because in that family there was also a child, evgeniy, they constantly seemed to provoke him, that this was a child, that he was studying, he was studying at that time, and he was unhappy with that family, she constantly pressed how does he care - he was like a slave in
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the family, he worked, he came home from work , he didn’t come into the house, he spent the whole day in the barn, he cleaned, he drove the cart, he even stopped by when he was driving the cart. to drink tea for us, sometimes he even ate with us , that is, there was no home there, and he didn’t want to go home, with lyudmila rive was happy, and lyudmila was happy, and rif was very happy, when he came, he just melted. even when he found out that lyudmila was pregnant, he jumped with happiness, rejoiced, as if in general, well, i can’t say that he the birth of a child bonded them very well , he reacted negatively to this, well , do you think he could doubt his paternity, no, he could not doubt his paternity, because when lyudmila gave birth, she gave birth in orenburg, i came to the maternity hospital, took it. it turns out that we have our son together,
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and i said, the little burgusian is the spitting image of his dad, let’s look at the photo of the reef with his supposed son. do you have any doubts, olesya, about paternity? well, you know, it often happens that it seems that the father there is a father, but it turns out that the father is not the father, that is, it often happens that until the child grows up, you won’t understand for sure, he changes many times during his life. so i can’t say 100% directly. kirill, what do you say? visually it’s similar, but i ’ve always been more accustomed to trusting it - with a dna test, here it seems that the grandfather is a grandson, so he became a father for 50 years, he was 50 years old, alexander, what can you say about the photograph, does the boy look like the alleged father? it seems to me very similar, really very similar, so eyes, nose, mouth, it seems
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to me that it’s just one face, it doesn’t seem to me that they are similar at all, well, maybe there’s something ghostly, well... no, it’s not similar, he’s the spitting image of dad, he’s even sits down the way the reef always came, sits down with his legs, the way they fold, then begins to whine in the same way with his mouth and teeth, so i show everything i have, so that i always show it too, i always try to achieve that i am the head of the family - this and now he too, he’s like that with us , he’s 6 years old and he seems to be trying to stand his ground, so you said that... happy to become a father, in your opinion, why didn’t he put an end to his relationship with his wife and marry your friend, he wanted to get married, he had everything, as they say, well, it was tatyana who didn’t give him a divorce, firstly , so he
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, as if we always understood him, lyudmila didn’t insist that you get a divorce, you have a child, if your wife, tatyana, didn’t want it... but she as if from the very beginning she put a spoke in the wheels, she did not appear at the trials when they were, but as if luda was with her i agreed that let’s just give us a death certificate, we also understand that we can go to him, let’s take this certificate to court, but again she’s who, she’s nobody and they won’t give her a certificate,
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now she’ll try to put a spoke in the wheels, there’s nothing you can do, it will be positive, i’ll go and do it, there’s nothing left for me, kiril, tell me, in this situation , the words of rif’s wife have some weight? no, absolutely nothing, if because there is still property there, for this, you know, although i tried to come to an agreement with her, i told me non-existence doesn’t need anything from you, you just, as it were, as the secretary at the courts told me later, she says, just if she agreed, she would just say yes, and you could already, well... do for the child after the loss of a breadwinner, that’s why she this? she ’s losing half of her house, this son will come to her, i talked to her, i don’t need property, i just don’t need this, but my son will grow up, he’ll be 25, 30, he’ll come to this house and say, hello brother , i already
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said later that i would no, it doesn’t matter, he’s already laying claim to this house if she now it will be proven by dna, that’s it, now i’ll be there, of course, i’m not welcome at home. dna to recognize paternity and recognize the child’s right to a survivor’s pension, which means the spouse will not participate in this in any way, lyudmila, you were prescribed a dna procedure, no, of course not, that is , none of the three courts, no, i just only once, when the first trial was held, i was with a woman, she was like, come on, such a grown
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woman, i just asked her once, when the trial was already over, i asked i can just do dna somehow, she told me, i need to do humation. that's it, i fell silent and left, kirill, a dna test with an uncle , a supposed uncle for now, will help in establishing paternity, respectively, assigning a surname and patronymic, yes, of course, it will help, exhumation is not necessary for this, i’m not offering me anything, but why doesn’t the court requests a dna examination, the party needs this, each party proves the circumstances referred to, the plaintiff asks for dna, the court can satisfy it, and if no one asks, then there is lyudmila in the form actually. initiative can attach the dna test result? yes, of course, will rome’s relationship with lyudmila’s son be confirmed? we will know the result of the genetic examination very soon. well hello! st. petersburg, do you want war? andrey chubchenko, i didn’t organize this massacre. boss, new
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them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with help, i help with liver problems, i essentials forte n has been tested and is ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. the dna program is on air. lyudmila shchur wants to receive a survivor's pension for her son, whom she gave birth to from her married lover 6 years ago. lyudmila, does your son miss his dad now? you know, well , already because 3 years have passed, he remembers him, of course, but somehow you already know, he’s forgotten, he’s already growing after all. there is a photograph, he sees, he knows, but he knows who his father is, knows his name. yes, he knows everything. so, what's the difference between you? children 17 years old, here’s your daughter, she really was an adult, that’s how she reacted to the fact that you would have a child not from her father,
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he always told me here before, i’ll just be alone all my life, she says, from my family, when already she became pregnant, of course, she was very happy, she still feels very sad all the time, indeed lyudmila’s daughter was happy about the appearance of her younger brother, victoria is our guest. “hello, hello, do you remember the moment when a reef appeared in your mother’s life, yes, i remember that moment very much, how old were you, 11-12, somewhere around the same as your mother presented it to you, there wasn’t a particular moment for her to say there, it just turns out to her that i came for the summer holidays, i saw it, i asked, who is it? mom says: this is uncle rome, oh, uncle rif, i’m confused”:
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then over time, yes, i asked more specifically, like what mom said that they were dating, well, at that time your mom was still married to your dad, yes she was officially married, but she and her dad no longer lived, it didn’t traumatize you in any way, it traumatized you like i was a child, after all, my mother and dad was separating, it was hurtful, unpleasant, from the very beginning i didn’t believe it, that he was getting a divorce, well, because it wasn’t like that, they had a fight. mom left, i thought , well, make peace, after all, how would they have been , they fought, separated, made peace, it’s like i’ve had this all my life, so i got used to it and i thought that everything would be fine, but what about you? did you find out that your mother is pregnant? i haven’t talked to my mother for a bit, for almost a year, we had a fight, my aunt calls me, this is my mother’s sister, and says
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that my mother is pregnant, i, even though we had a fight, but i’m right there...
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well, it’s like they give it to dad, he says: no, i won’t take it, and he took it, but his hands were shaking so much, he’s standing right there, and he says to mom: hold it, well, there he is right there i was so happy about this, we drove all the way, he was straight faster, faster, he drove the road , he looked, that is, a happy father, yes, no doubts, no times, he had no doubts, he never had any doubts, he hired a car himself villages, i paid for a taxi to pick up lyudmila svyati from this, because i lived in the city, i also came on discharge, i... how i wish i could do everything myself, even when we were driving, he was like, well, we need to buy flowers there for someone , we need to give something to mom , we were walking, well, we were driving when he says we need to stop by , he needs help, vika , everyone wanted an exciting bright moment so that it would be good, but have you
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ever worried about the fact that he lives with two families? i was very worried when it happened that i found out that they were dating, i asked my mother about it, asked, she said that yes, he has a wife, he has a son, i don’t adhere to this, i don’t like it when married that meets with someone at the same time, i really don’t like it, my mother and i are a little different, we talked about it, talked a lot, my mother said that he was from that country, even though he lives with her, but as he said, there is no longer love, what exactly is it because of the eldest son, that he is with her , because of all this, you personally didn’t try to talk to rif, i tried, we had a situation where we tatiana went to the village, and we drove up the road and talked about how we needed something
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decide, you need to act somehow. we arrived in the village, and i came in the evening, he was just going to work, he came, we went out into the street and talked, first we talked about it with my mother, about the fact that we went to the city, we wanted to pick her up with with me to the city so that she and the small child could live, i went out and talked about it with unclerif and said that if, after all, there are no definite specific goals, if you run back and forth like this, then we will take her to the city, he listened to me, he said, i tell you... i understood, but i definitely didn’t hear some phrase from his side, so we took it and took it, but first they took vitya, 2 days later his mother arrived, a month later he arrived, he still couldn’t, yes, they talked every day, i heard my mother talking, after 5 months, no, once, no, the first time he came in a month, yes, after 5 months he arrived, he arrived in a month, he said that we
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still need to go, solve everything with the household and what he was holding. farm, he left then , now he’s already living, but he arrived at five somewhere a month later, 5 months later, he arrived and they began to live. are you glad that the reef returned to my mother ? i am very happy. i was glad about that, because i saw how uncle rif treated vita after all, how he was right above him, just like that, that is, i’m glad that after all he decided to do this, mom, especially moreover, mom was very happy about this, and you personally, victoria, you never saw mom in the company of other men when he was making money with dad, i never saw her, after dad, then uncle rif appeared, no, you know that rif’s relatives they doubt that your mother gave birth to a son... yes, when he lived with his wife, there were no relatives there at all in that village, that is, relatives are completely on the other side, yes, in novosergeevskaya they live in the area, when it turns out, they
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left the city, and mom and uncle reef, they started living, there were relatives there, the first half of the relatives accepted, no one doubted them from the very beginning, that is, they accepted everything, everyone else. relatives? i probably didn’t want your brother to have there were relatives, but still , i would like them to have no more doubts. you will be very surprised if you hear a negative dna test result today. i really hope that he is not negative, because i believe that vitya is uncle reef’s son. rome, how would your brother react if
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he found out that the woman he loved gave birth to a child not from him? i think it would be bad. well, he was waiting for this child, imagine, so he waited, waited, waited, and suddenly something would happen wrong. lyudmila, it can’t be that tssdnk will be negative, no, it cannot be. ready to check it out? of course i'm confident . i invite our dna specialist, daria popova, to the studio. whether lyudmila manages to prove that she gave birth to a son from her lover, or that the count is the father, the boy will never know. we will know the result of the dna test immediately after. watch at 19:00 nato begins exercise - staunch defender. some members
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city sleep peacefully. do you also think that i bring nothing but troubles with me? you're like a surgeon who is called to cut out a tumor, if others can't do it, if he just removes the guy, have you thought about that? he chose to stay in the game. then you will understand that this is not a game, that there are living people around you, and not pawns who can easily be attributed to battle losses. sh return. today. 20:00 on ntv. today in our studio lyudmila shchur wants to prove that she gave birth 6 years ago a son from a married lover who has been dead for 3 years. daria, you have the floor. today thirty-nine-year-old lyudmila came to us for a genetic examination. 6 years ago she gave birth to a son, victor, from her wife.
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i had no doubt, even if they now yes, won’t you mind if your nephew bears your last and patronymic name? maybe your family will soften up after all? i don’t know, well, older brother, yes, he agrees, here you are, what will
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you do next, lyudmila, of course, first of all now i will give the child a surname, how to do this, surname, everything, in general, i think that you don’t just need to come there and change something, you need... your older brother, oh, you know, of course, who is not lyudmila, would like your son to communicate with him, but only there no one wants it, do you think the older brother won’t accept it, no, no, because it was already clearly said right away that even from titania’s side, well from mom’s side, no, you don’t need to listen to anyone, you need to think only with your own head, first of all , probably, and if he still wants... then we are only happy, if you need a genetic examination, call or write to our editor, tomorrow on ntv, new dna test,
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let's go, grandma matri is in the house too. it must be warm, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello!
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vladimir putin launched the year of the family in russia; the president took part in the all-russian family forum, relatives and loved ones at vdnkh. read more about the ceremony and the speech of the head of state edmund zhelbunov. they listen, but don’t hear why sergei lavrov has to explain to the americans over and over again the truisms that the head of the russian foreign ministry told. shelling ukrainian army city market, more details omar magomedov. nato has launched a stalwart defender, as moscow and europe react to
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the alliance's largest exercise in 35 years.


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