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tv   Versiya  NTV  January 24, 2024 3:15am-4:51am MSK

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hold your lighter here.
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wait, i lost a necklace, what a necklace, quickly, don’t you know how much it costs?
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shestsero is definitely a trick, cancel it, zhelvis , and good for you, colonel, i want you to cancel the assault, i have been leading the sadovnikov case for 3 years, i think that you are obliged to take me into account, tell me, zhel, you are the one who will stop us, are we holding? you are our investigator, and since
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you are an investigator, then carry your trunk into what does not concern you, you investigate, we catch, that’s all, colonel, you yourself saw this house, or rather the apartment, there is a door there are plenty of armored weapons, there is no effect of surprise, there will definitely be casualties, start, go for a walk.
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bastards, thoughts! this is sadovnikov, oh , alexander fedorovich, this is sadovnikov, but you don’t understand, shelvis, the guys had no choice, he sat down in the kitchen with a bagpipe in his hand and made a pain, bitch, asshole, what do you want from me, huh? tell me directly without these yours, i want an official investigation, oleg ivanovich, i insisted that there should be no assault, now sadovnikov is dead, tell me, friend zhelges, have you ever wondered why you
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no one can stomach it, i mean, that’s the point. “captain stepanov is complaining that for 3 months you forced his department to spy on some whore, kuzmyacheva was a suspect, everything is clear with this, from the crosses they write that with your suspects the bayramovs’ share can be filled in a separate isolation ward, this is another case, another, of course, another, well, a corpse that was opened four times by your grace, what a case, and now you ask that the department of your own security put everyone in cancer, well, they killed your coleus argument, well, did he deserve it or not,
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they would have sorted it out in court, so you came here, talking about the meaning? it’s a waste of time, by golly it’s a waste of time, because there’s no point, no, there wasn’t and there won’t be, i mean, take your piece of paper, oleg ivanovich, i’ll have to go to the general with this matter. you know that, handsome man, you won’t go to my general , you’ll go to my region, since you don’t like what we have here so much, the tsar’s - this is not for you, this is a resort, a useless notice, the murder of a large brick seller
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drywall, go to pella, zheles, clear your head, that's it, you're free.
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film in all kinds, yeah, you'll watch , admire it yourself, where is st. petersburg, who came home yesterday, and the investigator from st. petersburg was supposed to come, oh... why, why, why, why, why, do you want, but what, you can, yes, burtsev doesn’t care anymore, yeah, whatever you want, listen, what’s wrong with this tracker from st. petersburg, why is he here, you know, let’s go into the yard and crawl around him, you’ll find out at the same time. what was he going to investigate there, uh-huh, oh, by the way, you
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have my business card, hey, you’ve been on the job for a week, and you’ve already slapped him, it’s beautiful, and so what don’t you need, i already have your work phone number, the same as mine, you go into the yard,
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are you from st. petersburg? in terms of? well, you mean from the prosecutor's office? and from st. petersburg? the lieutenant is lost, but you can just pasha. and, alexander, fedorovich, where? there, well, alexander, excuse me, how are you? fedorovich, fedorovich, victim pyotr bursov, owner of the fenris company, trade in building materials, 42 years old, was found shot to death this afternoon in this room. the shot was fired straight into the heart. the neighbor saw that the front door open called us. and this? captain kozlov , our senior detective, how 's peter, making noise, what versions do you have,
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we have only one version and it's as simple as moo business, something this burtsev didn't share with someone, he's, yeah, how big business, well, for our city the singing business of the bursov company is the same as gazprom for st. petersburg, so naturally there are motives, a mattress... witnesses, what do they say? but there are no witnesses, this burtsov lived alone, he had some kind of relatives there in kharkov, or something, in khabarovsk, in khabarovsk, and the neighbors didn’t see anything, well, naturally , it turns out that today your actions are of no use, that is, how is it not, listen, alexander fedorovich, what ’s wrong, tell me, did you notice that on the windows of rollstown, the third floor? and the fact that there is no light, neither here nor in the corridor, you noticed,
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there is light in the kitchen, where the kitchen is, there, so what, and the door is armored, although there are no special valuables in the apartment. well, it seems bursov wanted to feel safe. that's right, i slept in the closet, closed the windows tightly, turned out the light bulbs, the door i installed an armored one. and where is he now? at the morgue? hmm, funny. want? some kind of ghoul is not following this st. petersburg ghoul, prepare to save him, leave him with you for the night, go
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, you know where, where to put him , you can’t come to me, i have a family, and you live alone, and in the office house, wait, or maybe he called a woman, there are goats, there is a little, well, it’s lost. here you go. tell me, it's lost, do you have photographs from the crime scene? strange, he didn’t resist at all. why did you decide? see how he spread his arms? well, if
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he was shot from across the room, he wouldn't could resist. did they shoot at bursevo at point-blank range? well, only an examination can determine this. why did you book the examination? you took pictures of everything. what do you think? well, the ceiling. so. well, yes, there is no light bulb. but there is a stain. take a larger one. more. more. do you see? the traces of powder gas are straight up. a corpse, in this case, any experienced expert will tell you that they shot at point-blank range, yes, yes, she didn’t say anything, but in your opinion, who decided it? it’s not clear, but i think this is business, we have a kolpino, when
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business deeds cut each other into shreds, this business, perhaps. and i must admit , at first i thought, sorry, that you were a little wrong, well, all sorts of powder gases, so, citizen-investigator, i apologize, but i attacked you in advance, do you mind? don’t you think it’s strange that burstov , despite the fact that he was terribly afraid of someone, himself let the killer into the house, you know, it was stinging,
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in my opinion, you’re confusing it, it’s a simple matter, well, it’s psychology that he’s wandered, the man installed the shutdown without living on ... so, oh, it will ferment, how do you live here, what? yes, you can’t even make breakfast, i don’t know, i’m just after the army,
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somehow i fell in love with bread and butter again, though. so, uh, alexander, my friend, this is me for a week, calm, just calm. there is a version that it will be delicious. attention to detail is key here. this, by the way, applies to crimes. for example, i noticed that bursov had a girlfriend only because i looked around his kitchen. so how did you know? he didn’t go outside, and the food was fresh. there are a lot of seasonings, but the refrigerator is full of semi-finished products. didn’t understand, blocked, a person who cooks himself something with seasonings will never storing frozen pizza in the refrigerator means that when he was alone, he cooked all sorts of crap in the microwave, when a girl came over, she cooked him something more sophisticated, there are two toothbrushes in the bathroom, cool, well, how will we find her, good
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question , she will find it herself, and soon. it could almost be an andaluga salad, but why almost? because you don’t have a fermented tongue, which i don’t have, beef, fresh, 100 grams, great, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, what do the experts say anything? okay, give me the keys, but your bursov’s company called and asked if they could come to his apartment; he was supposed to have some work documents. “what kind of wanderer, go to this company, interrogate them, we’ll wash it up, it’s time, you can, i wish you health, i wish you health, comrade
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colonel, and this is alexander zhelvis, just the same investigator from st. petersburg, good day, zhelvis, i i heard about you, it was you who investigated the murder of volobuev, but i’m not the only one, and the boy from primorsky was caught.” in some way, but come and see me for a while, no, well, you understand, uh-huh, by the way, you have my business card, what’s your business card , listen, don’t bother me, deliver everything you have, i understand what to do, you know, well, okay, excuse me, we have a small , modest provincial town here. they call with any questions, and this is all your reward? yes, but you can look, of course, but all this is so frivolous, but tell me why
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they sent you to our modest town, well , it happened, i understand, i understand, but what, what do you say about this murder, it’s too early to say, we need to look for it, look, look, zhelvis, look! yes, if you need anything, by all means let me know, ok, sorry, yes, nothing, nothing. it’s boring, we’re pressing buttons, get out of here
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, i don’t understand, you’re also dormos, i’m from the police, come in, excuse me, dear, there’s a little horse here who’s been playing around all morning, i mistook you for him, i don’t know what you got there, masters where? anatoly, who is this for, it’s me from the police, zavrodin, pavel, ekaterina matveeva, assistant, did you want to talk about pyotr nikolaevich? which pyotr nikolaevich? bursevi? oh yes, katyusha, who is taking his place now? let's go.
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bring a cop here, what do you mean? katerina, and you? you see that this is extremely inopportune, well , you can’t kick him out, you fool, arkady stolpovsky, deputy director of the fenris company, we’re sorting through the archives. excuse me, how are you? pavel zabrodin. tell me, pavel, have you already found the killer? not yet, but i’m just here to clarify something with you. well, i have all your attention. i'm interested in what exactly the fenris company does. i thought the questions would be more difficult. well, brick, building stone, concrete slabs, plasterboard, wooden beams? uh, by the way, if you are building something or doing renovations, contact us, we will help you.
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pavel, excuse me, you are interested in something else , maybe bursov’s behavior seemed suspicious to you, let’s say, in the last couple of months, he behaved somehow strangely, no, everything is quite fine, as always, uh-huh, bursov hasn’t been out for the last few weeks i sat at home, well , what weeks, well, sometimes it happened, well, petya was sick, and that often, well, that’s enough, yeah. sorry, pavel, sorry, as they say,
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business, you know, there’s so much going on at once. if you need to talk, and if i need you, then let's schedule a meeting in advance. okay, citizen stolpovsky, wait for the message, we’ll talk in a calm atmosphere. oh, by the way, remember something interesting before i call you. welcom, of course, of course. in short, it is clear that nothing is clear. in terms of? yes , they say, no problems, it worked great, in short, the ride was in vain. it doesn’t happen, it will be booked. it means they looked poorly , but they looked normally, in general, here you don’t have to look in a good way, but send inquiries about what kind of transactions this company had, with whom, what and how it handled things, you know, lieutenant, here you are in the police recently you looked like an ordinary cop from tv, it’s better to tell me what about this fenris aroused your suspicion, but nothing special, well, they sorted out some papers there, put them in boxes, but it’s suspicious... i heard their
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deputy director stuck a watermelon to my assistant for letting me in. yeah, you know what, let's go there, quickly, what's wrong, please, let's go, let's go, sorry, dear, everyone has gone home. give us the addresses, about the addresses, first we need to check with stolpovsky, but how can we not, what do we mean we can’t? wait, pash, are you rooting for zenith? the horse is clear, but who else? not for dynamo, as they played yesterday, otherwise i don’t have a tv, 3:0, moscow was completely blown away, what are you, pasha, go ahead for st. petersburg, who scored? shava designed two, well, iryanov, beauty, have you heard that they are selling shawo? how do they sell? that's it, right?
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what should we do? let's do this, you tell us where he went, and we won't tell him anything about it. i never lie. he went to the landfill. well done, zenit champion. go.
3:44 am
well, where to look for it? there. help you, it seems your name is stolbovsky, yes, alexander zhelvis, i’m investigating the murder of your boss bursov, what are you doing here, i was just burning garbage, but normal garbage, ownership documents, agreements on the transfer of property rights, these are outdated documents, i understand, outdated, and
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you decided to destroy. with your own hands during working hours at the city dump the day after the murder of your boss. and you're going to arrest me for this? unfortunately, i cannot arrest you. but i can detain you on suspicion of murdering bursov. yes, all this was sewn with white thread, i could not kill him. yes don't worry. you are like that, let’s take a better look at the facts: look, you are a person whom bursov knew, well, well, he could have let you into the apartment, well, he could, perhaps he accused you of some kind of abuse, probably something threatened, you shot him, me, and then, so that no one would find traces, you tried to destroy all the documents, convincingly, but
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we have a wonderful relationship, but everyone will say this, yes, but why did you burn the papers then? yes, i can’t say, it had to be so. hello everyone, oh great, great, i'm sorry that i'm here at your table , yes, nothing, nothing, you 're okay, it's getting stuffy, you can go to the toilet, freshen up, let's go, i'll take you,
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someone is threatening you, what are you doing? are you nervous? listen, zhelvis, you don’t know what you got yourself into, let me go, go away yourself, believe me, it will be better this way, for me, for you, for everyone. why should i leave? because they will eat you, jelvis, they will eat you, they will eat you like everyone else, like anyone else, uh, hey, here we come,
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call an ambulance, someone. all this is nonsense. do you think so? why can you explain? well, why would a company selling building materials own a casino? i can understand that. that is, money sticks here, and money sticks there. well, gas station, i understand too. fixed income. but why an abandoned mine? this is what i can’t understand. this is complete nonsense. well, judge for yourself. have we switched to you? well, personally, yes. ok, i do not mind. now, regarding your suspicions, a version emerges that bursov’s company is a shell company, he himself is a pawn in someone else’s
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game. there are many questions. oh, by the way, stolpovsky had a heart attack, he would have done a lot could explain. well, then, you can rub shoulders with fenris’s reference. i got her a phone number. well, dad. try, can i, okay, hello, katyusha, hello, and this is pavel, pavel sobrodin from the police remember, yes, i wanted to talk to you, but let’s get down to business, and you... what are you doing now? i understand, i understand. yeah, well, when you get back, then come to my office. yeah, i'll wait. bye bye. left?
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yes, she says, some aunt of hers fell ill in st. petersburg. aunt! great, worker, you hang out here all day, i’m not tired of you you keep fussing , you’re wandering, i’m in a week in a week, that’s it, now i’m straining my mind, on monday i’ll mix the bait to the lake , if you want, we’ll wave together and see, you tell me what, you called an ambulance, well, stolpovsky was taken to where they took him, to the regional center , why not to the local hospital, why not, you're a tough guy...
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why did he burn the papers? wanted us not to find out about all these strange riches of his company? but one way or another you can find out about the wealth of fendris, well, the pieces of paper are quite legitimate at first glance, but at second glance? well maybe there some unnecessary surname appears. someone's signature? listen, where are we going? i mean, to your house? so i live on lenin, and this is october 25th street, there’s bursov’s house, there’s his ok, what the hell, well, let’s go.
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well, he froze, good evening, and how is your aunt, it’s better, katya, and what are you doing here, nothing. excuse me, thank you, what is this, this is money, pasha, and quite a large amount, yes, gatya. what kind of money?
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unfortunately, i can’t say, but if you don’t want to talk here, then we’ll go to the department. wait, pasha. what about you, do you really want a girl to spend the night in a cell with homeless people? what do you suggest? take it, take it, take it, this is what you came for. and i suggest inviting katya to dinner, if you don’t mind, katya, how do you feel about chaliapin’s scrambled eggs, anyway , the zabrudin has nothing else in the refrigerator, what do you need from me, a purely heartfelt confession, the first place where i got the keys to bursov's apartment, second - where did you get this money? quietly, quietly, pasha, by the way, it’s not necessary to tell about the keys, so everything is clear, but why are you looking at me like that, katya? bursov didn’t leave the house, but they bought him groceries,
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in the bathroom there are two toothbrushes, two shampoos, one for women, for your hair type, if i’m his reference, then i have to sleep with him, you loved him, right, when did you?
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once, just then, i was filling out paperwork for a casino, and it was broadcast on local radio that the former owners of the casino had gone missing. i say, how is this possible, where have these people gone? he tells me: now they work as miners and laughs like a moron. how did you find out about the money? 2 days ago petya asked me urgently cash out 10 million, i brought it and he hid it in a hiding place in front of me, said that soon this whole nightmare would end and he would leave, when i found out that bursov was dead, i decided that i could take the money for myself, my signature was on the documents, everything was in in any case, it would have opened, i just wanted to return them to the bank, well, could i get them? excellent scrambled eggs
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, chaliapin style, what is missing now, eggs, a clove of garlic, that’s what, katya, now this young man and i will go somewhere, and you will stay here, we will lock you outside, for your own safety, that’s it, where should we go, it’s night outside, an abandoned mine is far from the city, i took a flashlight, then let’s go,
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there’s a castle, yeah. dad, citizen, boss, where did you get such dashing tools, and what difference does it make, oh, yeah, it can do that? you explain where you got it from, but at work they give it out,
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listen, i’m eager. tell me where are we going? in terms of? well, at least tell me, what are we doing here? now we’ll understand, it’s strange, you’re an investigator, chelis, what do you mean? well, i had one friend. gurdaev, max, haven’t you heard? no, he’s also an investigator, so here he is i was sitting in my office, interrogating on the sly, sorting through papers , such a normal investigator, and you, i don’t understand you, you little bastard, tell me why you’re interfering everywhere yourself, and when you’re on your own, i’m calmer, you know, to be honest, not very , i had one corpse with
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a cranial fracture, according to the expert, and then the potolagana there established that he died of hypothermia in the morgue. listen, what does it smell like here, but this pash doesn’t smell, it stinks, i can’t breathe anymore, maybe it’s really better during the day, now, come on, help!
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sorry, but how many are there? approximately six, i mean, well, one had to be assembled in parts, and andrei sergeevich, good morning , i was huddled, i see you did not sleep, andrei sergeevich, remember? you said that you were ready to provide any help, but so what? it seems to me that this is exactly the situation now, i believe that there is a serious criminal structure in your city, murders, burglaries and the bodies that we found are clearly connected, what are you talking about, what kind of criminal structure is there in my city, this is basically impossible , andrey sergeevich, these people were killed in your city, yes, someone killed them, but this
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exception, the crime situation is normal, and the detection rate is generally better in the area, wait, well, let's look at this case differently, first someone killed the owner of the company... tried to burn the documentation of fenris, by the way, it contains information about this mine, of course , now he says he’s not in the mood, but i think it’s a matter of time, excuse me, they found this in his pocket, my vi.
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how is it in the hospital? and i thought, in general, half an hour after stalpovsky was brought to the hospital, he said that he felt better, got up and left, they didn’t see him at home, no one saw him, of course, he was feigning a heart attack , he ran away from the department, well, yes, yes, the guys and i examined the bodies of the dead, well, i’m in my pocket...
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but i’m missing, the experts are already dead examined, yes, but honestly, we have nothing to brag about yet, so, my friend, yes, i need to send the bodies to st. petersburg, how to organize this? well, why, we have our own laboratory in the regional center, hmm, you’ll get by, i ’m going to st. petersburg anyway, yeah, along with the corpses, a fun company, of course, listen, but seriously, why do you need to go to st. petersburg, i’ll take the miners without you, but is there more?
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look, pay attention, i’ll be there soon, yeah, may i?
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what’s interesting, but nothing interesting, comrade colonel, that is, i’m just surprised. it’s just that she, yes, who she is, who, it doesn’t matter , but about the mine, it was zhelves who guessed that we needed to go there, he guessed,
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he guessed, zhelis, pash, because in essence you’re a new person with us, not yet you know the situation , why, i don’t know, i know, it’s a serious situation, six corpses, this, excuse me, is not bullshit, especially with one of them... we talked yesterday, since i’m with you now, okay, it’s a pity i didn’t say why he waved, no, it’s a pity, okay, go, go, open the door, oh, wander. in royal solitaire, is the ace high in the deck or the king? no, in this game the ace is the smallest card, go, seriously,
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seriously, the main thing is not to strain your brains, take care of yourself! that’s right, the day after tomorrow i’ll point to the lakes, press the button, good luck, well, i mean, well, there are versions, there are versions, they’re still unclear, it takes time, better tell me. where did you get such a good car? bought with with my hand, yes, it’s nonsense, it looks like a seizure, i say boxing, why are you riding with me? well , actually, i’m an operative and sort of participate in the investigation, but actually i
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didn’t include you in the operational investigation group. do you have something against me, have you lived? i have it, but i just don’t understand what yet. yes. it's clear. katya, katya, katya, katya, katya!
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hello, where were you, you were going to shoot me, not yet. how did you break the door? i found dumbbells in the kitchen. famously. why did you come back? there's nowhere else to go. i went to my room, but everything was upside down.
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documents that were related to the company. they took it away what if you don’t mind, i’ll wait here for now, let everything calm down, with you and st. petersburg, it’s safer, wait, what does upside down mean, what about the neighbors, didn’t they see anything? neighbors, you’re a fool, pasha, that i ’m a fool, and that the main thing in pella is to see less talk, what can i tell you about these guys, five were shot six months ago, and one yesterday, i
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know that without you, it’s good that you know, i don’t even know how to surprise you, but maybe this one, who was shot yesterday, they beat him strong before death, the steering wheel was interrogated for 100, well, how are things here, i ’ll tell you everything in detail later, wait for me downstairs, please, and hello, hello, yes, no question, who are the cops, and his wrist is dislocated, luxurious, boxer's nose, figure, right now, he 's listening, wait, pasha, katya is safe,
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well, well, but they broke into her apartment and turned everything upside down. but this is just normal, listen, and yesterday you didn’t talk to anyone about the busovo case, well, perhaps with kozlov, and even then only in passing, what? kate, katya is nearby, yes, okay, let's wait, yeah, the bitterness says we need to go, where didn't he say? he said that someone beat stolpovsky so hard that his right hand fell out.
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until the evening, and then we’ll talk, yes, come on,
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so, bursov is being killed. stolpovsky burns documents, and very quickly, but who knew that we detained a crowd. and documents,
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zhelvis, you knocked me down, i ask you not to come in like that again, no question. what about lunch? shelis, where have you been, here she is. will you have fish? i mean literally. zhelis, then or not, i i need to talk to you, what are your plans for the evening, fish zhelvis, it’s phosphorus, you know, it’s good for the brain, right now, okay, i’m going,
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wait, um, now go, with coplemon. it could have been tastier, yes, this is of course not a luxury room , but also not our syzran barracks, the most important thing is that now no one will guess that we are there, pasha, oops, what do they want, calm, woman, now we’ll sort it out, inspector barabanov, your documents. guys, what's the problem? we seemed to be driving correctly.
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it's okay, lieutenant. at your girlfriend's can i ask for documents? for what? she is with me. documents, please. please. get out of the car. please, so guys , what the hell, i’ll call the big one, you ’ll have such a jaga-jaga, from the car, i said, hands on the roof, yes, you understand that you’ve all... lost the border, let me go, because you need me, run, bitch, search the salon, well, ask, sasha, since i came, i wanted to talk to you about a town, a town, about pella, or what? well, yes, sit down, sit down, the team
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is working there, sasha, they have taken over the whole town, that’s the whole conversation. at first we sat unnoticed, then they started taking away property, everything was quiet until you showed up in pelly, there, in my opinion, the police are not very active, i think you’re right. just don’t go there, don’t, a murder was committed there, and six more corpses were discovered during the investigation. sasha, did you study biology at school? in terms of? i mean , have you heard about the ecosystem? predatory animals eat herbivores, herbivores eat grass, everything is balanced, if you disturb something, the balance will disappear, something else will appear, worse than the previous one. we don't need this, and
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i think you too, all the best, sergei ivanovich, one little man has already tried to be interested in singing, he learned a lot of interesting things, by the way, one of our st. petersburg journalist. i wonder, yes, what’s wrong with him, he’s been sitting at home for six months already, and no journalism, six months, thank you, well, how are we holding a cultural board, lieutenant, sit, sit, sit, sit.
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tell me what's going on? maybe you can tell me what's going on? it’s not me, but you were detained with the mistress of the late bursov with a bag full of money. andrey sergeevich, yes you don’t understand everything correctly, this is money from the fenris company, the bursov company. and katerina matveeva cashed money exclusively at bursov’s request. then she wanted to take them back to the bank, but didn’t have time, because we detained her, but we don’t suspect her, because she really really wanted to take them there, but didn’t have time. but we kept the money for ourselves, it turns out to be an interesting story, it means matveeva withdrew the money from the account, and you detained her, or maybe you are her accomplice, comrade colonel, and if not, forget about matveeva, you will no longer be involved in this matter, you will continue to work as if nothing had happened, andrei sergeevich, if you really suspect katerina, then start an investigation.
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okay, go, i mean, free, i say, goodbye, idiot.
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who do you want, i’m an investigator from the prosecutor’s office, alexander zhelis, i need fyodor uspensky, follow me, why don’t you call for questioning, why do you do it yourself, i won’t do it for you, i can come in, can’t you? ask what you need and leave. i am investigating a murder in the regional city of pela, a certain bursov, the owner of the fenris company, was killed. you
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have you written a lot about this city? did you know bursov? no, i didn't know. there is a lot in your articles. details, you listed the property of the pelov brigade, told who was killed for what, who was your informant, this is a journalistic secret, you better not interfere, i have already heard this, but i am not going to close the case, it is interesting, the pelovskys have different methods of persuasion , you want to try, i don’t want to. and i understand what you are afraid of, here are your articles, maybe they were ordered, well, many teams love the word, and pay extra to the press, nothing to do, and this, as you say, the brigade and
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the authorities there are one and the same, do you mean that the police are involved? even too involved, here’s another thing, fenris’s income went to the main owner, all the best. you won’t undress, you knocked me down again, sorry again.
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i’ll open it, don’t go anywhere, it’s great, well, i thought about my offer, thought it over, yeah, great offer, i can’t accept it, well, i thought you were a smart ass. and you turn out to be a fool, wow, you have a pretty girl? so zhelvis, in a nutshell, what
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’s going on, alive on the balcony, really two words, are you going to shoot back? let's have a damn hand down!
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where and you don’t want to tell anything, huh? i mean literally, alive, listening, wait, pasha, what do you mean they tried to kill? so, so, so this is normal, that’s what, pasha, take katya in your arms, get on the train and go straight here to my prosecutor’s office, what does it mean to arrest? stop, pasha, where are you, calm down, pasha, where are you,
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where are you, well done, just sit there, i ’ll be there soon. say hi to mom, yeah, rush home, yeah, i'll call you, yeah, what's this anyway? were you for the people? this is for work, tell me that i love you, witty, zabrodin, witty , come here, ha, so in general there’s nowhere else, yeah, you’ll have some tea, pasha, let’s strain
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our sharp mind and think about what to do next, about what, about life and death, pasha, about what else, look, after krupnov let you go, an attempt was made on you, why, hold on, why? pasha, they wanted to kill you, why? because the same as you, because we are both investigating this case. no, pasha, because we are leading it correctly. what? i look like an idiot. well, more or less
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, they told me directly, fenris’s income went to the main owner, all the best, let me go, go away yourself, believe me, it will be better for me, for you, for everyone, don’t bother me, give me everything you have, got it? do you know what to do? in front of me , he told stolpovsky to destroy those documents, who is large, he is the main owner, katya is his, why, yes, everything is correct, katya is the only person who can re-register the property of the fenris company to other shell companies. without we don’t have anything major from katya’s testimony, who would be interested in this fenris, what was he doing there, pasha? well, remember where the fenris company transferred money for its operations according to official documents?
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you see, i try not to create problems for anyone, and even more so... for myself, you see, i understand, excuse me, these documents must be filled out in my office, and certainly in yours, because they concern you exactly, that’s what the arrest warrant? no, so far only a decree on the seizure of documents. well, in general, the authorities, you can be arrested, he took the handcuffs, yeah, right, this is arbitrariness, i will complain, remind me of your patronymic, please, ivanovich ivanovich. listen, but i
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can’t, they’ll kill me, you know, i understand, eduard ivanovich, could you really put him in jail? no, of course, i couldn’t even bring him to trial for obstructing the investigation, but since i got scared, it means there was something to it, it ’s psychology. but i don’t understand why? i don’t understand, who withdrew all the money from the accounts? what's your last name? i don’t, you know, something seems to be troubling me, sado, i’m trembling,
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i saw this signature somewhere. good afternoon, what do you need, listen, friend , open for us the cell in which ekaterina matveeva is, i don’t understand, please, it’s nothing personal, open it, your matveeva has already been taken somewhere, when at night, who took him away,
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he ... a copy of the documents that we took from stolpovsky, i was also surprised why they were large, so the money is lying in waste in a local bank, whose accounts are these, a large one, who cashes the money, i have no idea who viktor viktorovich sayko is? don’t you know? well you guys got it right got hit, sergeant, let's go for a walk in the corridor, how does your arm feel? after the beating of stolpovsky, oh, fool, you are lost, fool , where did you take katya, smart guy, fuck you,
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so, goats, i... have an offer, i don’t recommend refusing, or we are now going to where you took katya, or we’re going to the prosecutor’s office to initiate a case of assassination attempt on me, what do you say, let’s go, wait, guys, guys, wait, why are you leaving me here? you already sit behind glass all day long, excuse me, wait, wait, guys, great, fireworks, these are the ones, the driver is security, okay, drive on.
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katya, good day, zhelys , “i’m glad too, i want to detain you, andrei sergeevich, on suspicion of committing a number of murders, theft of property, extortion, kidnapping, but there’s a long list, and i don’t care, zhilvis, about you.” your list, the list is not proof, but chatter. you are right, andrey sergeevich, but i intend to prove that you took away all the property from its rightful owners. registered it under the front company fenris, that those who did not agree give yours voluntarily, you eliminated, like , for example, alexander shchelygin, whose body , among others, we found in the mine that you
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eliminated, the owners of the company fenris tolpovsky and bursov, although in the case of bursum, i absolutely don’t understand why you need this it was necessary, that’s it, that’s enough, you want to prove it, prove it, but without documents, who will believe you, you’re wrong, stop, you’re wrong? andrey sergeevich, there are documents, very interesting documents, for example, in cashing out funds from the fenris company, and a certain saiko, victor viktorovich told us that he transferred the money to you personally. what you have spun here is complete, but what difference does it make now? take them away. wait a minute, andrey sergeevich, you didn’t listen to the most interesting part. don’t move, hands behind your head, go, one by one, to the car quickly
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, you didn’t follow my advice, sasha, you didn’t , in vain, i asked you, right where you are, close the brakes,
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where is he, why are you making noise, where this other one, the one on duty, so, the guys probably let him out, but what is it, and vitek, so i replaced him today, now it’s my week, give me a note. look, saiko viktor viktorovich, sergeant , duty officer, well, i know almost everything, i don’t understand just one thing, why the school didn’t suit you, well, now why remain silent, but there’s no point, you’re a smart person, but i’m telling you.
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plant, well, yes, bursov told his journalist friend uspensky about this, did borsov know him? knew, he later published it to us,
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“oh, you again, we need to talk, i have nothing to talk to you about, where, i won’t talk to you, it’s a pity, but i love listening to the confession of the murderer, what is it, what’s wrong with him?” , pasha, the journalist killed the information." anything happens, but maybe you can tell me why, bursov wanted to get rid of the big man, he leaked information to me, he believes that...
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the regional prosecutor's office or the fsb will become interested in pylov's group, they will start digging under the big man and his gang, he himself will remain nothing to do with it, and the property of the fenris company would go to him, not on paper, but in reality, idiot, greed, and besides, he was a pathological coward, as soon as they pressed him, he... stood up with all the fucking. bursov called, said that he was not guilty, asked help him get new documents and leave the country. he offered me money. i was already expecting death everywhere. why did you kill him? i came to take the money. after all, i have an adult daughter. and he... at first he was calm,
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offered me a drink, then he started saying that he was alone, that the whole world was against him, and i, too, spoke like crazy, then he pulled out a pistol and began waving it in front of me. , and you? it happened by accident, i took the bottle and pistol with me and threw it into the bay. tomorrow i'm waiting for you at the prosecutor's office.
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zhelis, i asked, well... you have a phone, yeah, are you listening?
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tron went first, what's the signal in uflo? great, come on faster, come on, listen, it’s normal, what you’re saying, signal, it’s good
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to talk, let’s get out. so, the stakes are in place, the diamond is in place , well, girls, marina arkadyevna, we checked everything, everything seems to be in place, everything or something like, everything, everything is in place, marina arkadyevna, nothing is missing, oh, but the door broke. well, did the cops scare them away? well, thank god they scared me off. girls, please check every name, every one. here gold. no, no, nothing is missing, nothing, nothing. well, everything is working as it should. vityush,
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when the master is finished, please check the lock, otherwise i don’t understand anything about this. why are you, dear, tired this morning? something i don’t remember is that you somehow tensed up at night, and i don’t remember something either, but something makes it so hard, maybe it’s age?


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