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tv   Pyos-3  NTV  January 24, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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in such weather, it’s better not to go anywhere at all, there are snow drifts on the roads, stormy winds, bad weather covers kamchatka, and the seaside from this cyclone is only wind, but strong and cold, in vladivostok -13, but baikal has a pleasant, mild winter , the sun is just - 10 almost throughout siberia, also except for the northernmost regions, where in norilsk salihard the snow is about -20, in the urals there is light snow only in the pern region. european territory is in the grip of another atlantic cyclone, which this time will still be able to convey its warmth to. center, first it warms up the north-west, in the baltic it rains up to +6, from pskov to koluga it’s more than 0.2 and wet snow, which will stick to everything, however, on the way to the east the cyclone will fizzle out, and there will remain a minus there. in the south, today there is no precipitation and even sunny in places, but very windy and cool, in sevastopol +2, in sochi the maximum air temperature is +5, in st. petersburg today +2, rain and sleet, in moscow there is a slight thaw, light precipitation and wind must calm down. that's all i have for now, watch the weather
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on ntv. did you like everything? yes, please bring the bill. fine. today at the restaurant we will have a promotion, plus a gift, i will help you carry it to the car.
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what, are you going to wash it, the food is again scrambled eggs, not because i don’t know how to cook anything else, i like it, maybe scrambled eggs.
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and in the ostarich nest , how early it’s scary to imagine what’s needed, yes, igor, max, it ’s me, you can help me like a man to a man, i can, of course, give you the phone number of a practitioner or urologist, i have a phone number, i’m not talking about that, you you can tell my wife that you have me spent the night, uh-huh, of course, what else can i say, you could have
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persuaded me to put in a summer cottage, but what use are you? no, tell me, i ’ll never eat like that, yes, lyosha, we ’ve had a kidnapping, so this is revenge or something, why revenge, maybe? yes, yes, of course, lesh, you’re right. okay, let's go, i 'll kill you later.
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you bitch, maxim, i once asked you as a human being to help me like a man, i’m cool. because of you i created such a scandal, because of myself, igor, because of myself, because cheating is immoral and unhygienic, lying is generally stupid, he he’ll find out everything anyway, it’s okay, i got out of it, said that i was in an ambush, and you’ll always be rustling around with the dog, you bastard, you brute , what are you, what are you doing, well, new trousers, aren’t you tired of this yet? you’re in for an ambush from a dog, for you personally, well, that’s okay, i’m vengeful, i ’ll take revenge, just be careful, otherwise i wouldn’t be upset. "hello, i'll take a second, clearly, irina fonina, 36 years old, husband, businessman, kidnapped, hello, hello, i can continue, thank you, the waiter said
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that she left without paying, looked at window i saw how she was being forcefully pushed into a gray minibus, make, number. i rang the numbers, naturally stolen from yesterday, she was accompanied to the minibus by another waiter, well, more precisely not a waiter, someone disguised as a waiter, because he doesn’t work here, you probably need to contact your husband, most likely they will call him, demand a ransom, they will probably call him if they are going to return her, of course, and you think that they are not going to return her, and what about this fake waiter, he’s the person didn't hide it, no, no, that means, because irina can identify him. yes, that means you could , yeah, don’t tell me, that means i’m not going to return it, oh, what a smart husband you have, by picking up a profit debit card, you will immediately open up all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions, a high percentage on
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the balance, cashback on purchases up to 3%. with a card , it doesn't matter whether you spend or save? either way, incredible benefits are with you. bank ural sib. new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you mask? mask, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. boss, new season. 00 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears adviсe. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabazolret with a gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per
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day. and in obozol, anxiety can and should be treated. lyleberry produces skits. everything is in order, now i am in a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, the salary is the same day, everything is in order, come, for details , call 8 800 30067 vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis, the causes of these health problems can be bad blood vessels,
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together. order from sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. can't quit smoking? tobakette to facilitate smoking cessation. tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. there is an anticyclone in germany, in which there are 36.5 million prizes, enough for residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, believe it or not, 36.5 million. from january 29, the application is delicious, period. the viruses retreat when teloron northstar appears. north star. stay healthy. changes vision can change familiar things. toufon was created to nourish and restore
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the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, three courses per year. tuufon is now in new packaging, designed specifically for course use. unlike the usual remedies for digestive problems, i offer something more: the production of your own enzymes. i am fistal and available on the yandex market. chameleon. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. did you find her? quietly, quietly, quietly, looking at what you have lost? i, i am ira's husband. did irina have any enemies? what kind of enemies are you talking about? you know better. i just can't believe it. ira, who? could have interfered, okay, let's go to your house, and maybe we'll find some clue, home, yes
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, okay, let's go, i just can't understand why they don't call, but in different ways, maybe, " maybe the kidnapping is not for ransom, that is, but because of what, we’ll figure it out, i’ll take you, this, be careful what you’re doing, a photograph, no, you can’t, it’s personal, so i’m taking it, not to rejoice at you, right, at least take a picture, no, i told you, this..."
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zhlabera, oh, interesting rhinoceros, uh-huh, uh-huh. what are you doing? i want to look into your laptop. password, please tell me. why? we
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'll look at your email, social network profiles . perhaps the kidnappers left demands there. but they didn’t send them anywhere. so let’s not touch my laptop. okay? are you interfering with my work? yes, give me the laptop, i said. give me a second, give it back. don’t shout so much, to len. “actually, this is my wife, let’s tell you the password, what versions will everyone have, love, fidelity, revenge, vadim doesn’t love his wife, and how do you know, come on, she just looked on the computer? photos of vadim, no,
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okay, well, he doesn’t love his wife, what does this give us, there are two pieces of news, both bad, where to start, come on, with a bad one, yes, a bad one , grigory antipov recently came out of prison, served 5 years for armed robbery, the stolen goods were a witness in his case, well, it’s looming, he may want to kill this... and irina, and where he lives now is unknown, he used to live near the station, yeah, so, how bad is that then? news? suspended from the investigation, for a fight or something, yeah, this is the third news, catastrophic, yes, watch, you know what
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they did with messengers like you in ancient times, i don’t know, i’ll go read in the library. limonidov quickly cleaned up the fifth ass from the washcloth table, the boss’s order, everyone heard it, just like that, bring it, i should also tell you , sit there, i said, bring it, i didn’t understand, don’t you understand who’s here now... the leader, go, go, go, go, go, like this, now i’ll take revenge for everything, you brute, why the hell, why the hell are you doing this, oh, you’re a creature , you’re such a thing, i’ll take revenge on you, and not in a small way, but in a big way, he thinks, in a small
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way, in a big way, i’ll go to the station in the meantime, i’ll talk to this anti-sex, you’re not going anywhere by... you're suspended, that's an order, suspended, for sure, and you're suspended, oh well, then i'll go to the archives, rummage through the papers, and i'll probably go to the laboratory, test tubes, in my opinion, well, i'll go to the subway, why? , i'll punch someone in the face.
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what do you need, no, nothing, nothing, i just came to see, go where you were going, and i was going here, we now get out of here, i won’t go, what am i i shouldn’t have guessed, i’ll have to direct him, if anything happens, i’m not with them, but i’m off,
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why? i don’t know, i don’t work with him. no, it doesn't work, yes. well, it's true. where does he live? behind the station. yes, street. may pink four. understood. and what. you can mark the trains for now. come on, i'll come running. what are you doing? i’m not doing anything, our people were suspended. where are you doing nothing? not far from the station. here, antipov says, the minibus also looked for counterfeiters.
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lena said that antipov had nothing to do with the case. yes. and who has? necessary search? your husband’s mistress , come on, you’re looking for your husband’s mistress, and i’m anti, ugh , what is it, a mystery, one moron infused himself with three types of women’s perfume, it’s gnezdilov , get up, if anything happens, i don’t know you, so i don’t understand , what is this, i don’t understand, well, this is normal, don’t be scared, everything is fine, what are you doing here, but we’re not doing anything, we ’re walking, yeah. so i checked you, what are you sniffing out here, since you can sniff out something here, what’s up with you, and your wife warmed you up like a soldering iron, don’t be smart, i came up with an iron submask, i understand, but what kind? yes, i’m surprised, i’ll say that i chose perfumes for her as gifts, tried it on myself, and wow, great, i see, i also chose you and a wig, yes,
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fuck you, fuck off, that’s why i hid in the car and locked myself in there , so don’t give me orders here, here i am the commander, i climbed into the car myself and sit quietly here for me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, study, work, come on. criminal, give up, you are surrounded by captain gnezdilov, come out slowly with your hands raised, bitch, you are chasing him, fuck you, you bastard, when will you get enough, huh?
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let's go out, come on, come on, come on, come on, hands on we open the back door with our own, i can’t, i have a fracture, you have a fracture, oh, you’re healthy,
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great, come here, come here, you yourself can’t see the fur coat, the coat is a whore’s wool. where did it come from the camel, it’s clear that you
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are not sewing, what witness in your last case, i don’t remember any irina that he stole, i admit, i didn’t kidnap anyone, tell me, aren’t you an idiot, are you vasilyich? you have fur coats, plus an attack by a police officer while on duty, and it’s strange that you haven’t picked up another ten on the way, your bus, where was it last night? i don’t remember, in the garage, probably, probably, this is not an albie, bring it in, put it there, right, and don’t growl at the wounded man, alebi for you? it won’t help, that’s it , you’re free, attacking a police officer in the face while on duty, i’ll put you in jail for life with compensation, you bastard, understand?
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you can say what kind of door this is, that you have locked it, this is the door for the keyboard, and you want to put it in the toilet at home, what does this have to do with it, this is irrefutable evidence for the keyboard , proof that i was at a dangerous meeting, well, look, here it is what do you say in your face, well, yes, this is... for you explains the scratch on the back and the hickey on the neck, and where on the neck, yes, you can see, yes, damn it, listen, and you tell me that the criminal tried to gnaw your throat, hmm, you help the man, and i’ll give you a suit for six months, i’ll give you a bone , well, okay, he already admits everything to me, but really, let him admit that he’s also a jack the ripper, there’s such a big deal here... which area is this in our area? this is not in the area, this is in our region, i say, great, he’s a bitch and he’s confessing to everything, i ’ll gut the crap out of him, but come on, admit it. link, no
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the daughter managed to register her mother larisa on social networks when her relatives found her. i received a message from natalia that i am your sister, your younger one. a woman from the kirov region stated that she is larisa’s sister on her mother’s side. the parents were the same, the brother and sister were the same, the fact that she was in the same place where i was born, but larisa herself is looking for the sister and brother of twins, with whom she ended up as a child. orphanage, my mother sent my brother and sister to the orphanage too, so how many siblings will she have, without a dna test, are you ready to name natalya’s sister, no, that’s why i turned to you, this is my older sister, she looks like my mother, they were taken to an orphanage, the three of me were raised there, svetlana is very similar to my sister, i open the envelope, dna, today at
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17:50, on ntv chameleon premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. produce first impression or celebrating 30 years together, every occasion is important. order from your favorite stores and restaurants. zpermarket - for any occasion. the peculiarity of dysherak in fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is doshirak. and my chan ramen and my recipes. what a broth. the secret of taste is in the broth. don't
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a cybergoose? this is cyber. that's it, sale on yandex market. kitford household appliances with discounts up to 34%. this is complete cyber. chameleon, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. russia mother is a special symbol for the inhabitants of our homeland. this is the vast expanse and richness of nature. symbol of fertility and abundance. mother's generosity and love. she is full of fortitude and faith, pride and greatness. the imperial mint, inspired by the greatness of our homeland, minted a unique mother russia medal. on the medal is a woman personifying russia. around her are symbols of power, wealth and fertility. call to order a free commemorative medal for every russian. you pay
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only the cost. delivery 349 rub. order by calling toll-free 8800 600 68 05 or on the matushkarossiya website. rf. chef new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the issue of the unification of germany is up to us, and not the germans who lost the war, to decide. and they lived so well. why this restructuring? your gorbachev will ruin our country. stop reading these lights already. there is a lot of vacillation in berlin right now. we need someone with unique experience. my legend. your beloved, photographer tas. kgb comrade, photo. non-construction! ingrid glue: needed access to buy an archive in the state, the marcus wolf archive, we know that you know where it is, we must be the first, are we going to make a movie, about spies, about love, you russians
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are such romantics, i just want to know what’s wrong my husband, he’s on a mission, today they tried to blow up my deputy minister, and tomorrow they’ll blow up the wall, sasha ustazi, he’s seriously in trouble. maybe someone leaked it from the embassy, ​​sasha? we have a snitch. the main premiere of the year. in our business there cannot be half friends. a half friend is an enemy. gdr, soon on ntv. i feel good about these guys. hello, who is this, pretty one, whose doggie is this, you are my such a good doggie, hello, dali, hello, how do you know me, it’s been difficult for a long time, but i didn’t
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do anything, and i’m not blaming anyone yet, wait, dari, i’m talking about irina’s kidnapping , but what do i have to do with this , i don’t know yet, okay, i met with vadim, who told you, it doesn’t matter, continue, very good, interesting, we started, in general, i met with vadim, i i thought that he would leave ira and go to me, but, but it didn’t happen, or maybe that’s why you wanted to kidnap her, but why, i don’t know, yes , of course, i wasn’t really going to cry for her, but i didn’t kidnap her, who could, how would i know, in general, if... .. no more questions, goodbye, questions, no questions, bye, bye , pretty, cute, master, really, you’re not very good, i was often told, goodbye, you believe her, i don’t either.
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oh, sorry, dear, next, the kidnappers sent a photo of irina sitting in a chair.
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don’t wait, that ’s all, quiet, quiet, but what, what, huh? and like this here, quietly, quietly, wow, hello, long time no see, untie me, yeah,
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lena, can i come to you, thank you. you feel bad? my wife has problems in a woman’s way, in a woman’s way, problems of aggravation, intuition, i , here i go up to a woman, to anyone, to anyone, she immediately calls, that’s how, as she guesses, coincidence, coincidence , i don’t think so, look, “leana, i want
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to invite you to dinner in the sauna today, come on, you see, that’s how it is, well, how is it, well, what do you want from me, damn it, well, take a straw , say, only masculine, in a man’s voice, say that there’s no woman here, i can’t, you’re a snake, yes, klavochka, yes, dear!” yes, what kind of women, what kind of women could there be here, say hello, this is an investigative experiment, klava, i’m at an urgent dangerous meeting, that means you didn’t kidnap irina , well, then what’s the point of this whole circus, you just decided to make some extra money, you know how much you’ll get for it. “it’s all my fault, he has nothing to do with it, he’s the one
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who’s on me.” attacked in a mask, yes, your new lover, but what about hubby, vadim, i was with vadim only because of the money, and the show mask arranged, this is also available for money, but i found out that irka was stolen, we called vadim, we thought that he would believe me and pay. they became cheaper, the real kidnappers asked for more, but we are not greedy, we don’t need it anymore, do you have any guesses about who could have kidnapped irina, i don’t know, but she also had a lover , how do you know, i introduced them, to begin with. operation heavenly bushes, cockerels, i’m a hen,
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what the hell does it matter, you’ll play the wife of a mistress, a husband-kidnapper, why me, because if anything, i don’t feel sorry for you, what kind of morons questions, as soon as the money is in the hands of the thieves, we immediately begin the content, our main weapon is surprise and the color of surprises, that you are a washcloth, and are you going for potatoes or what? don’t say anything, this is secret information, our weapon is secrecy, secrecy and again, secrecy, so secrecy and rake are all your weapons, but it’s not funny, am i a moron in your opinion, in my opinion, yes, well that's it, our main weapon is weapons, cockerels, yes, i'm kurochkin, but what the fuck does it matter, go get me my gun grab another grenade, dark green, my love, why am i doing this? yes, because i still don’t feel sorry for you, don’t be stupid, i see that the battle
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is not a joke, but yours is starting , and i didn’t forget my cosmetic bag, as of course i took it, everything is with me, okay, that’s it, put the money in my car, but so , so that it’s unnoticed, so that no one notices, especially maksimov, but i’m not looking, well, look at me, okay, i’m looking , igor, well, you know that if you give the money to the kidnappers, irina can be killed, and you, yes, maksimov, with limonidov, right? for a while examinations are generally excommunicated from the department, they are obliged to sit in the department, inexpressibly, as they say , watch, mom, mom, this is a signal to retreat, everyone in the cars, lemons, which means you are responsible to the boss for these two, if they run, i give you permission to shoot at the dog ,
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because of this, well, life hid under a tree , well, the camouflage works, no, you’re just a tree in life, well, that’s all, daughter, thank you, hello, la, hello, what’s the news? have a lover, but you don’t believe in women’s intuition? no, i don’t believe it, but what about my mistress? i could find out from the computer, everything else from leonov leonidov’s conversation. okay, you are biased towards me, but how do you explain the all-seeing wife nested? yes, everything
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can be explained, maybe she put a bug on him, maybe. or maybe not , there are not such phenomena in life, maxim, yes , i’m sure that klavdia olegovna is still that phenomenon, rest assured, in the middle of the night a fire broke out near the house of a mother of many children, our garage is on fire, we jumped out there to put it out it was already manual, it was not possible, saving her six children, the woman was missing daughter, daughter in the bedroom, she wasn’t there, early in the morning she was found strangled with a nail in her stomach, strangulation, strangulation, they said he was over her dead, checking to see if she was alive or not, who was to blame for the arson and brutal murder? comes home in tears and says: mom, what did i do? what did he say
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during interrogation? he ran, spoke after her, took the lace from his pants, began to talk to her, i’m not even sure that he really did it, he’ll kill someone and he’ll also get away with it later, he’ll walk, breathe, ours cannot be lifted from the grave, not a word can be heard, nothing, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. chef, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avita delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. thousands of holiday discounts in the russian sea magnet 89.99. well, debts on credit cards weigh in, interest is dripping, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide them into 24 months, repay them conveniently, do it shopping or getting rid of credit card debts
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, it’s them, they’ll get ready, well, that’s what should have been proven, no, you better not watch, it ’s terrible, so restless, pain, pain, weak, where is the money, and where is irina, the main thing is, let’s not be stupid. otherwise we will finish her off right away, who are you, you are not her husband, do you
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need a husband or money, what is this, is this an ambush? friends, bandits, the captain of the nests is talking to you, or are you letting go? on the lie, or i'll blow everyone up to the monk, count of three, lie down, what! the fun is in full swing, you missed it,
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you mediocrity! yes, she is not my mistress, if only the criminals were already in my hands, so with these mandalas, unless you do something, some kind of glory, i will call you back, and i said that they will return, get ready, oh- oh,
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i'll get the money myself. igor nikolaevich, as always, wanted, why took so long, we got straight from the other world, everything worked out, i suggest we quickly divide the money and run away, there’s no point in hanging around here. iraq for do you need ira or money? actually, she came up with everything. well, do i propose to throw it? she still has a rich husband. logical. she still won’t be able to pawn us. yes, and i will get more. not just for you. we will divide her share equally. what kind of dog is this? this is my dog. hello. tell me.
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everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, did you
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have a gun the whole time, well, yes, so what? eat a little, come on, come on, rest, well done, are you the most cunning of all, or what? well, look, your friends got it all, and you are the chosen one, why am i, here. oh, these friends will be offended, i want to drink to my saviors, to the people thanks to whom everything is fine now, thank you, thank you, no matter what, this is my job, for you, stop it, thank you, ira, everything is fine, yes, i am.
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i’m just a little tired, i need to go home, right now, uh-huh, well, okay, i’ll take you then, go, i myself, hello, sit, sit, what are you doing, there’s no truth in my legs, oh, i’ll start drowning, old age, no speak, igor, of course, excuse me, but to this restaurant. they don't allow dogs, but that's okay, i forgive you, ok, sit, maksimov, cultured people eat here, i sympathize with you, and at home you will live from one bowl, i understand, and you are already celebrating, such a holiday, your professional one, yes, of course, captain gnezdilov saved my life, well, you what, you go, go, we don’t need anything from you anymore, the nest captain
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is a unique creature, listed in the red book, and i was just walking by, you know, i think, maybe you’ll get some money. who can't be trusted, that's for sure, sweetie, dear, well, there weren't any women there, it was a dangerous probe, a fight, well, what the difference, so what, in a restaurant, you think that there is no danger in a restaurant, and why, i took you some tasty treats, klava,
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my nose is blue not from drunkenness, because, because i was wounded in the nose , he was also wounded in other organs, well, that’s how she guessed, how did she know about the restaurant, and did i take it or? blurted out about other organs, she ’ll check, you’re talking to us, well, who else, i don’t know, the real one, where, you touch yours, i need one like that too, bacchante , leave me, oh, no, no, i’m a pacifist, i this is not the case i’ll do it, leonidov, please, lyosha , no, vigorenya, you know how well i treat you, well, maksimov,
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well, well, honestly, if i were klava, you wouldn’t believe it, no, no, okay , how do you like this number, listen, well, it’s true , my heart bleeds, well, it’s a pity man, you’re all for him, all the same for me, but if only in honor of the holiday, in honor of the holiday, well, let’s go, honey. let's go with you, come on , no, he doesn't piss me off, wait, what if, what if so, oh, right, oh, thank you,
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i'm tired of it, maybe you'll tell me a terrible secret, how did your wife guess everything? you still don’t believe in women’s intuition , no, lyoshenka, i don’t believe it, it’s just you who are outside, they’re in love with you, well, let’s say you guessed fire-fighting, seriously, yes, yeah, his wife put a transmitter on him to control every step, it’s interesting, the girls have a second logical question, where did she get it, well, from me, i always said that women’s cunning and solidarity are noticed. logic and intuition, i always tell you, well done!
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we can't stop and sit, we can't go out, huh?
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maybe it’s time for me to change my shoes, but i agree, i haven’t worn these ones out yet. bring it, be a friend, and the phone, you know, yes, bring the phone, i don’t understand the joy today, bring the mobile phone.
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i didn’t let the dog sit, i decided who’s here, you cover your head, you’ll catch a cold, that’s it, the crime is covered, well, that ’s it, lesh, you see how good it turned out to be, it was a short case, you can even fucking quit. this is
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a killer’s button, well, who is the criminal, judging by the holes, this is very sad, well , half the city fits this scripture, so what? half the country, but using this button to find the killer, it’s as easy as shelling pears, right there without an examination, it’s clear that it’s put on like the last horse, well done, you got a second one, yes, i’m dying, i caught myself for two buttons, that’s what i have. i have important information, who are you? unknown well-wisher, so what? i want to talk about the robbery, but i will only talk to a professional. you're lucky, it's me, i can tell you. i don’t
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understand, you also decided to make fun of me, i want to help, look in the trash can around the corner, do you hear, i’m just doing all sorts of things? i don’t really trust well-meaning people, and if i don’t find anything, i’ll find you, i’ll find you, i’ll punish you.
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it’s strange, they are categorically forbidden to stop, much less get out of the car. it is strange that the driver was an ordinary collector, and not the driver. what? it's strange that your flea guy didn't find a damn thing. can you relax, i’ve already lied to all the evidence that this time it’s the school hall? i’ve already found my kiki, well, we’ve had a bite, these are not can openers for you , yes, these are a set of words that can be used to open a safe, where did you get this, there, unlike you, i work hard to find evidence i took it with my bare hands and decided to attach it to the button. this is useless, i need soap
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, there is news from the wind, you will have to travel with us, maybe you will put handcuffs on me, i will have to, i will, you understand what this means, i just did my job, then decide for yourself, i’m almost sure
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convenient. why watch elections? the proud grandfather came home. i am from one party and have been sent as observers. watch the elections i will so that the people and... the election commissions do everything according to the law, as in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such eyesight that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides training, i passed a special one, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my grandson knows which icon to press, i’m trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i’m a friend, i won’t be lost. i won’t let society down, it’s free to choose in the country, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, i urgently need to wash one t-shirt, but hand washing is a death sentence for the skin of your hands and manicure, washing machine, huge consumption of water and money on electricity, stop,
9:34 am
mini-automatic washing machine from liamax, folding silicone bucket, washing unit on reliable suction cups, quick washing of small quantities. things saves water, consumes only 10 watts of electricity, turns off automatically after 30 minutes, very convenient to store, fast and clean, convenient, but that’s not all, install the machine in the sink and get an excellent dishwasher or take it with you to trip. the mini-automatic machine is capable of operating even from a conventional charger. call to order a folding mini-automatic washing machine with an incredible discount, for only 1.599 rubles. leamax - purchases with a plus. call or order on our website for health and well-being, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. you don't have that option. introduce a sedentary
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using a special mechanism, adjust the load that is optimal for your physical condition and exercise comfortably. rubberized feet guarantee stability over time. training on any surface. the exercise machine will not slip and will not scratch the floor. cardio is light and compact. he weights only 2.5 kg and easily fits on a shelf in a wardrobe. without labor, without effort and grueling training, exercise when it is convenient for you and where it is convenient, without compromising the family budget. call to order a compact home cardio exercise machine for only 2,999 rubles. but if you... call us right now, you will receive two knee pads, move easily as a gift liamax, purchases with a plus, of course i understand that this will sound stupid, but in my opinion gnezdilov found serious evidence, oh,
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leshnik, it’s strange to me that gnezdilov, passport i didn’t find the robber at the crime scene , in general, it’s better... the detective is in the garden, he finished the investigation, so they got up in shame and ran home, the crime was covered, now five minutes, let us leave, oh my gosh, and don’t do that do me, i found out that the master keys from the crime scene belong to misha the safecracker, remember this one, i’m the only one now surprised by your efficiency, leshenko, this is not misha the safecracker. by the way, i checked this collection vehicle, they usually transport
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proceeds from stores, well, every little thing, to this time they were bringing currency, so it was on a tip, one of their own from the bank, this is maximo, because you envy me, no, i understand, you yourself can’t find a damn thing, not even your own gun, that’s where your own gun, now, be a friend, give me the gun, he’s also jealous, i’m igor, i found my gun in 10 seconds, how long will it take you to find yours , time has passed, my maximov gun is always polished and with me, so, bitch, give me the gun. well, i brought you a present, helen,
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a gift, and for what occasion, on the occasion attacks on the collector, by the way, if you find prints of the nester there, don’t be surprised, he was the one who found it, mm, and i thought that the gift was really for me , and you didn’t like the one i gave yesterday, i really liked it, it’s just you i didn’t bring it home, i thought maybe it was for you, you didn’t lose it, i never lose anything to lyosha, and i’m very grateful to you for your attention to me, it’s nice. where am i doing with him?
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you eat, why am i looking here? in terms of? yes, i can easily find it, simple. i have no time to study all sorts of nonsense, a real detective doesn’t work with a pistol, a big gun, how good it is to paw with dirty paws, there may be wet, new evidence, go away, talking to yourself is stupid, generally moronic, that’s why you think the driver ended up in the passenger seat? simply stupid, the driver asked to steer, they agreed, exchanged
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, uh-huh, and why did they stop, the door was opened , it’s forbidden, even simpler than that, they got lost, stopped, asked for directions, everything is clear to a moron, this is called a dundulation, yes, exactly, that’s the word fits this version, the most difficult question is, the shot was from the bottom up, why? yes, and i’ll guess, it was a dwarf, a dwarf, who shot, everything worked out, in front, use it, in front, or velipud, one of the three, bitch, where did you put him, huh?
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and you decided to tidy up, but without doing so, you checked the closet, otherwise i was already thinking, you don’t need to think, you’re still thinking wrong, yes, how to think correctly, correctly. that this is an investigative experiment, i noticed that the wound was inflicted on the driver from the bottom up position, so i’m lying there, checking the version that the criminal shot from a lying position, max, yes, but i can borrow your dog for a short time, why, well, i need to find something. okay, don’t say anything about leonidova, okay, what not
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to say, don’t say anything at all, okay, i won’t even say hello. well, dear, help me out, i need to find a box, a square one, it smells like leonidov, you’ll find it, come on, you moron, you scared me. what did maksimov send? spy on me? what are you sniffing out there, widow? oh, hear? come on, you find something for me too, i ’ll give you some bullbrod, then how much? three sandwiches? wow, and
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huckster, okay, we agreed, only you are there don’t blurt this out to max, yes, that means you ’ll need to find my trunk, which maxima hid, well , the trunk, how else can i explain it to you, well, it’s black, like this, in short, here’s a round hole, here’s the letter g, where ? maksimov also has something that i didn’t understand , explain again, it’s necessary, that’s it, come on, look for the cracks, i thought that he was the smartest, and i corrupted his best friend, i want
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to manage this project, i want to become your partner, and what will happen, there will be war, war, idiot, right? you can't fight him, you commerce, and he has been in politics for 20 years , dear friends, i did not come here as an enemy, i am a shareholder, i want to work with you for the benefit of the company, my father made you a millionaire, and you killed him, the business empire that is... i'll rub it in. no, yes, we lost three shareholders in a month, three, how did it happen, a huge inheritance for which we will have to fight, he will wash away your shares and sell you for pennies, my half, relatives, and relatives who need to negotiate, dear grandchildren, to us you need to get ready, you want to lead the family, good health
9:46 am
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why are you fooling me, so cool that will go and take a dangerous criminal without a weapon, yes, yes, take him naked, what is this, or what? courage, or something, that means i just. this is for a masquerade, then i drank yesterday, and it was not decalon, but something shorter, stronger, die. it seems they wanted to kill me, hello, this is your unfamiliar well-wisher, who is this?
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i want to warn you that the cops are coming to arrest you, they know that you took the collectors, and i didn’t take any collectors, if you don’t have time to escape, it’s better to shoot right away, they have an order not to take you alive, so i even... already no, let's not delay, yes, yes. unknown to anyone, hands on your head, you're under arrest on suspicion of robbery. ichnosator, don’t, don’t do that
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ever again, listen, don’t be stupid, you’re on my gun. i didn’t think i had an allergy, i ate something again, where are you going?
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i won’t just give in, howl! anywhere, yes , they called you a safecracker, you, the safe was torn, say, man, trolleybus, come here, oh, yes, yes, let's take a ride, route, oh, go in the opposite direction, come on, i'll hide it now, quietly, quietly ,
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the circus is ready. yes, i ate it, beat it off, thank you, but no, it was my bitch who threw away my trash, and why did i get a major, and i see how skinny you are, i've become too lazy, i decided to smear myself with your glory, i can only get into your glory, you in general. capable only of transporting evidence and criminals that i found, i took, so there’s no question, let me let him go, you’ll catch him again , no, no, no, no, i’m a professional like me, it’s too simple, look, the conclusion will be broken.
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i didn’t rob any collectors , much less kill them, i was framed, uh-huh, just don’t lie to me here, i can sense your tatters with my inner sense of smell, i found your master keys at the crime scene, but my master keys were stolen a few days ago, where did you hide the weapons and money, misha? i never had a weapon in my life, it’s your most absurd big mistake misha that you contacted me, if some maksimov had been stuck in the matter, you might have gotten out of it, but in the morning where you were, alebi is there, i don’t understand, what are you are you going along with him or something, i was with one easily accessible girl,
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yulka mochalka. great, she can confirm the phone number, i have it, i ’ll check it, maksimov, i’m warning you, if you protect me from a criminal, i i really understand you, i understand, the man says that he has an alebi, his alebi is false, and we didn’t find any money in her apartment, don’t worry, i’ll quickly find the loot, and the pistol with which he killed their murderer is yours at first. come in, come on, wait, wait, are you robbing an armory or something? dear dog, but i can’t cope without you, please find the box, it smells like leonida, why should i let you smell it, huh?
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i’ll give it to you too, well, here’s a photograph, it smells like me, but it smells like leonidov, listen, we’re now with let's go sniff leonidov, just quietly sniff it well so that he doesn't guess, let's go, it's your gun. where did you get this, the dog brought it, strange, this weapon is from fr. please, found it, it’s a pity maxim is not here, otherwise i would have shown him my trunk, this is not your trunk, but whose trunk is it, hello, lenka, i don’t recognize my makar, here
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you are, please, it’s written in black on black , beret, stand, what beret, beret makarovna igoreni, this is a trunk from the warehouse of the eternal doctors, who have gone crazy, there are three corpses on it. i said, three corpses, write in the report that i found this, well, not corpses, but a trunk, don’t be stupid, because i’m the best detective in the prime of my life, i didn’t find anything like that today, gnezdilov, this is your well-wisher again, i’m listening, i’m listening, it looks like maksimov ruined everything again, not everything is so . tragically took the lead for a while, maksimov wants to take away your glory, you also noticed this, we need to somehow interfere with him, we need to send maksimov on the wrong trail, right, right, i
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was just about to do this. who is blocking un efforts to stop the bloodshed in the gaza strip and what will calm them down? near east? sergei lavrov about moscow's steps to achieve peace. the swedes are breaking, the turks are bending. the parliament of the islamic republic approved the entry of the scandinavians into nato. stockholm has one step left. it hurts more than you want, which prevents the european union from confiscating russian assets. trump is beyond competition, but his rival promises to go all the way, the republican primaries are summing up the results in newhampsher, and visibility on the roads is zero, schoolchildren have been switched to distance learning, what the weather is doing on sakhalin, it’s about...


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