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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  January 24, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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and child cruelty. a bill on bullying is being prepared in russia. who and how will now be responsible for school bullying. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan truzhkin, we are working. live, well , let's naturally start with the tragic news that relatively recently came from the belgorod region, as reported by the ministry of defense, an il-76 military transport plane crashed there, now you will see the footage that was filmed eyewitnesses, all this happened in the karachansky district, judging by the filming, because you can see the impact, after hitting the ground the ladner exploded, but here now it can be clearly seen, according to the data... the temple of the canals, the pilot managed to take
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the falling plane away from the village of yablonovo. the il-76 crashed in an open field, the debris scattered hundreds of meters. the russian ministry of defense stated that there were 74 people on board the crashed plane, these were crew members, accompanying persons, and 65 prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces who were being transported to belgrade for exchange, in fact, the accompanying persons, they were all flying with these prisoners. died, the crash site is now cordoned off, investigators and emergency services employees are working at the scene. how all this was presented by the ukrainian press, in particular the publications ukrainskaya pravda, rbc ukraine and others. with reference to their general staff , they immediately began to boast that our l76 plane was shot down by the efforts of the ukrainian armed forces, and this was supposedly a great success, because according to their data, the nashil-76 was transporting missiles for the s-300 air defense systems. by the way, shortly before the plane crashed , a missile attack was announced in belgorod. but when in our ministry.
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defense said that there were ukrainian prisoners of war on board, news about the defeat of the plane, you see, they immediately began to edit in every possible way, erase the headlines, well, in general, as the ukrainian press knows how to do so wonderfully, we will return to the downed il-76 in the course of our broadcast, but for now let’s get to another message from the ministry of defense, they talked about the destruction of four enemy drones over an eagle on wednesday, as a result of which several were damaged high-rise buildings in... and the railway districts of the city, windows were broken in the houses, fortunately, according to the city authorities, there were no casualties, according to the mayor of orel, the full extent of the damage is still being established, at this time the residents of the damaged buildings were offered places in temporary accommodation centers. well, now let's move to the korean peninsula, where the south korean military raised the alarm this morning because siul reported that in the morning the dprk, north korea launched several missiles towards...
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towards the yellow sea. according to south korean agency yonhap, the missiles were launched around 7 a.m. local time. the publication points out interesting details. nothing like this has happened since september last year. the missiles were allegedly launched from the ground and traveled at an altitude uncharacteristic for ballistic missiles. having assessed the flight range, ryunha's sources suggested that these could be hwasal cruise missiles, translated from korean as arrow. they are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. after the rocket.
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neat, i don’t want to go into details intelligence, but we are closely monitoring what is happening in the region. i can only say that our armed forces on the peninsula are ready for dangers of any degree of risk. well , finally, the news that nk newws wrote about sounds extremely symbolic here; it is actually american and specializes in news from north korea. they wrote there that pyongyang demolished this reunification arch, this is a monument that symbolized. possible reconciliation and reunification with south korea. the publication refers to satellite images from january 23. on in them, the monument is missing, although in the photos, which are dated a few days earlier, the monument was still standing. an arch about 30 m high , in the form of figures of two women, as symbols of north and south korea, here you see it, holding in their hands a map of the entire korean peninsula, was installed in pkinyang back in 2001, as a sign of the possibility of peaceful unification of the two countries. about. that such
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a reunification is impossible, the head of the dprk kim chin-in previously said, speaking at a session of the supreme people's assembly. at the same time, he announced plans to demolish the reunion arch, calling it an eyesore, and also ordered the liquidation of all institutions created to promote any negotiations for peaceful reunification. well, regarding what north korea is preparing for, whether it is possible for some kind of military history there, today we are now developing the south korean, in general korean piece of information into a full-fledged discussion. the ministry of foreign affairs of the democratic people's republic of korea announced that vladimir putin will visit north korea in the near future. in the kremlin in in general, well, they confirmed , so to speak, however, they said that this would most likely happen after the elections, that is, as if moscow did not name a specific date, nevertheless, the western press not only noticed this news, but began to actively discuss it ,
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because they are very tense because of the cooperation between moscow and pyongyad lately, well, this is the story, when you remember, we just now vanya showed mr. kirby’s briefing. where is the journalist asking him, that there were signals that kim was preparing for something, in general, the western the press draws the only possible conclusion, yes , kim jong is preparing for war, the russians are helping him, these are the constant communications between putin and kim, it’s all on the same topic, that is, supposedly north korea is going to attack south korea, this is at least . last weekend , bloomberg broke a sensation; it writes that kim jong accepted the quote.
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bloomberg claims that to implement its threats, kender can use an arsenal of nuclear weapons that has been constantly growing since 2006, when the country conducted its first nuclear test, in total, according to the stockholm peace research institute, a year ago the dprk possessed.
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but they don’t rate too highly the likelihood of the start of a large military campaign on the korean peninsula, in your pre-interview i somehow didn’t understand your position, it’s somehow very vague or something, and the international situation is complicated on the korean peninsula as well , now i’ll try
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to explain this position, but there will be some kind of aggravation, because well, even from the plot that ivanov showed, what are the ladies wearing now? news, yeah. it is clear that pyongyang is aggravating, aggravating the situation, because it considers what is happening with... what is happening? both the united states and south korea have set a course for maximum tough containment of phinyang. that is, to the nail, without any negotiations, without any compromises, no concessions, no desire to listen to your arguments. that is, approximately plus or minus the same as how the biden team behaved towards russia until february 22. and here it is.
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that the red lines pass in such and such a place, for example, that on the thirty-eighth, relatively speaking, this means that at some point there may be an artillery strike on the territory of south korea, perhaps some ship is sunk, the kim may think that they will swallow this, that after that they will not escalate, and he may miscalculate, because in fact there is bitterness on that side too, there is bitterness on the siul’s side.
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north korea has successfully tested these long-range missiles. why did the crisis actually arise during the trump period? because the rules of the game have changed. for the first time koreans, here they were able to arrange a system of guaranteed response destruction not with the south koreans, but with the americans, because it’s one thing when in the affected area there are only american bases in east asia with hostages there , so you can prove that north korean missiles can reach america, this for now. no, wait a second, they conducted successful tests, and a multi-stage ballistic missile, at
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the end of the seventeenth, beginning of the eighteenth year, now i don’t remember exactly the date, they all recognized that these tests were successful, there it is didn’t make it, it fell into the quiet oceans, everyone admitted that they were successful, this is what caused the crisis in relations, this is why trump became so agitated, well , remember again, there we constantly talked about a bluff, about a bluff on the part of the north koreans, that they have such weapons. bluff from trump, who said that i am some kind of person, there will be some kind of answer, we have a super-duper missile that will respond, they briefed, everyone is similar there, this was exactly trump’s strategy. now since you they said that the rules have changed , that is, now there is no bluffing, now the following is happening, now north korea is really playing at a slight escalation in the hope that a war will not break out, but maxim is absolutely right that now these games can become very dangerous a situation where the resolve of the south korean government will be underestimated. please understand that all these years leading up to today,
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korea was one of the most conflict zones in the world, but at the same time the most reinforced concrete mechanism was operating there. look, in this situation, which we are now discussing, china is missing, and we must understand that north korea depends on china, there by 90%, even more, and this aggravation would not have occurred without the sanction of senior comrades there, so i would i was not looking at the relationship between korea, north korea and america, but a triangle: north korea,
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the chinese, america, why should senior comrades be given such a sanction, this is a way of responding to taiwan, that is, to taiwan. border conflict, when we talk about war, well, it’s clear that a full-fledged war, like the fifties, it is clear that it will not happen, because there are nuclear weapons, there are those very missiles that can reach america, here is a shootout that will draw north korea to the republic of north korea, the dprk, and the interest of the united states, and resources will be directed there , and this will be some kind
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of bargaining chip for bargaining around taiwan, yes, this is a probability of that... live event, but i estimate it at least at 20, but realistically 50%, just a year ago i would have completely agreed with what you said , and now, that’s not a fact, that china is now such a clear older brother and the main partner in north korea , a lot has changed over the years , we have become a much more important partner, look, the visit of this woman foreign minister, putin received, putin often receives foreign ministers,
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has become one of the key partners of the dprk , in fact, the western press mainly writes about this, he writes, we have maxim anatolyevich, a staff reader of the zakhor, they say, look, these bad russians are collaborating with these even more bad north koreans, and this is for us westerners, they write, have no good prospects, so let’s look at their publications as examples. in early january, the white house announced that russia began using ballistic missiles allegedly received from the dprk against targets in ukraine, and... earlier, south korean intelligence accused bhenyang of supplying more than 1 million artillery shells to moscow. they are worried in britain; the guardian writes that the country provided the un with satellite images, on which they saw some cargo deliveries from the dprk to russia. london insists that these are not just cargo, but weapons, everything that happens needs to be investigated.
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what we are seeing between russia and north korea is an unprecedented level of military cooperation. and i quite deliberately say unprecedented, we have never seen anything like this before. i think the nature of north korea as a threat in the region may change radically in the coming decades. at the same time , bloomberg recalls that north korea has one of the largest reserves of shells compatible with soviet weapons, and the proceeds from their sale could bring billions to pyongyang dollars. true, according to western journalists, the dprk is happy to test out its new products, as the new york times writes. modern north korean missiles could become a new challenge for ukrainian air defense, and the wall street journal adds that the use of korean missiles in the conflict in ukraine has become a kind of advertising campaign for the military-industrial complex. by exporting missiles to russia, north korea is using ukraine
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as a testing ground for its missiles, which can also carry nuclear warheads, deliberately ignoring the territorial integrity of ukraine and the security of the ukrainian population. accusations are being thrown at russia. the press writes that moscow allegedly helped with the launch of the spy satellite, and earlier american experts claimed that russia allegedly helped the dprk create the first intercontinental ballistic missile hwasong 18, the koreans themselves call it an analogue of our poplar, tests took place at the end of last year. andrey frantich, nothing official from our side.
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and north korea, which has become the most militarized state on the planet, 180 military enterprises underground, 10 factories for the production of shells, tens of thousands of artillery systems and millions of shells in warehouses, and most importantly, korea was ahead, north korea was ahead not only of south korea in technology, but also the west, hypersonic weapons that were specially launched over japan, the japanese they recorded 10 times the speed limit and so on, there are a lot of them.
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north korea will attack, and i will launch a preemptive nuclear strike on north korea, this is written in their doctrine. there is a joint american-south korean command, which also assumes a defensive concept; if north korea attacks, the south koreans need to hold out for six months until the americans land for the subsequent offensive. in fact, now these six months may not happen, because for years they will be sailing on rafts from california for the americans , everything is very slow, so they are like this. they really understand that they can’t attack first either, they are there in their doctrine, they made a new doctrine, the so-called
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5015, its united number, which also implies a preventive strike on north korea, if they have already concentrated troops, but nevertheless, each side plans to maintain the status quo and, most importantly, earn money, north koreans are now starting to earn foreign currency and live better. trading with the whole world, trading with the military-industrial complex, they will now begin to monetize it, they are for the first time beginning to solve the issue of their global hunger, they did not have enough food, because they have the whole country involved, who could be a potential buyer of korean weapons, and the countries themselves there are a lot of things, the thing is that the world is very serious now, wait , well, we know from the classics that grenades must be of that system, korean weapons, how compatible they are, with us, as i understand it, there are no problems, weapons with ours, ours with theirs, so well, i don’t know, some south american country will say, we want to buy something from you, the north koreans followed the path of the chinese military-industrial complex and
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began to produce the most common systems in the world, if they are artillery, then the 155 mm caliber, so it could be sold to africa in the middle east everywhere, shells, missiles, they are no longer compatible with anyone - these are exclusively their own developments, so they actually supplied many, much smaller ones.
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echoed for quite a long time, so , and since it is difficult to find a more anti-western country than north korea, but this does not mean that we began to say, the chinese are the big brother there, the chinese there give some kind of sanctions on foreign policy actions, this does not mean , that we are now, as it were , in command of kimchen, we say absolutely, here again you need to understand, just imagine andrei vladimirovich, that you are kimchen, so let’s say that the son of kim, the grandson of kim , the father of the dynasty, we are now.
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to attack us and so on, that is, in this sense, how to say, there are many advantages, on the other hand, look, here the parties want us once again, of course, for every person using the tactics of a madman, there may periodically be some other one who will consider that these are not just
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some scares, but that he is actually this... while you were away, maxim anatolyevich tried to explain to us what this over the past year , russia has become north korea's key partner, at least in the military-industrial complex , pushing aside china, which for many decades was such a patron, an older brother, as far as this is true, well, china has never been a key economic partner of the dprk in the military-industrial complex . because even if you look at the statistics of the pandemic, supplies from china to the dprk were simply completely limited to zero, i’ll tell you more than that, the conflict in korea is unprofitable for the chinese, because with a high degree of probability, the chinese, you know, in doubtful cases, it is better not to start than to start, because if direct hostilities start, the americans can reach the direct borders of northeastern china, and this is a huge front, several thousand km, it will be impossible to simply start any taiwanese operation, because it will have to
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concentrate troops there, listen.
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but the dprk under the new kim, who had rather weak authority in 2013, tried to get away from chinese influence by strengthening ties with russia, that is , what is happening now is the last a moment that you do not consider at all is an internal political game, because not only was it weak, but now it is strengthening, understandably from the point of view of external players, but internal ones, there is kimyu’s sister john , who established relations with trump and so on, that is, there is internal certain parties that speak. stop fighting, let ’s unite, but not on the same politics, kemchen came to power, so perhaps this tension, let’s stop it, because we would be all about family, a whole plot prepared about these internal ones, i don’t want to call them intrigues, but like these are complexly composed and mechanisms, how power is structured in the dprk, a short pause, we will continue, the bright taste of instant coffee
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tightened its laws against terrorism , among other things, lifted restrictions on
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arms exports to turkey. now that the turks have agreed. the last obstacle to sweden's entry into the alliance remains hungary. and it is unknown how long this obstacle will remain so, because just the day before, hungarian prime minister viktor orban announced that he was inviting his swedish colleague ulf kristerson to visit budapest to discuss, among other things, sweden’s entry into the north atlantic alliance. nato itself has begun the preparatory phase of a large-scale exercise called steadfast defender. they will take place from february to may along the entire eastern border of the bloc. according to nato, this is the alliance's largest exercise in 35 years. they will involve about 90,000 military personnel, more than 90 airplanes and helicopters, 50 ships and 1,100 combat vehicles. according to legend, a scenario of a hypothetical alliance conflict will be worked out.
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leader, well, if you delve a little
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into history, then in general you will agree with this, because well, yes, he did not give the impression of such a tough hand, some kind of chubby guy, not very clear, who studied there somewhere in europe, he wasn’t into anything there, he wasn’t very juche-like, but his younger sister, kimi john, on the contrary, as soon as she appeared in front of the lenses, she’s just such a horse with balls. tough in the good sense of the word, this is where the problem arises, that is, this is how they should assert themselves, you see, here is a strong potential leader, he may somehow want to quickly pave his way into power, a weak one who needs to assert himself may also at some point behave a little more actively, that’s very such an interesting moment, let's try to get to know the kim family better, although it is very difficult, the information is really very confidential. according to the japanese press, north korea
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has been preparing an emergency plan for the transfer of power since 2019, the essence of which in the case of death or incapacity of kim jong-un to replace him with his younger sister kim yo jong. she began to actively appear in public in 2018 after attending the olympics in pyeongchang, south korea. last september, my sister accompanied comrade kim during his visit to russia. formally kim yo jong'. heads a department of the central committee of the workers' party, american experts call her the second person in the dprk and the main mouthpiece of the regime, especially since she has a strange tongue and regularly hurls threats against
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another contender, or as he is called the backup option is kimjeung's uncle, most of the time he served as ambassador to eastern european countries, in particular the czech republic and poland, but several years ago he was returned to his homeland. well, georgi valeevich, come on, sister, daughter, uncle, let’s do it in order, so the uncle doesn’t pose a particular threat to his power, because if he did, he would have been killed. even at the time of inheritance, and my uncle never showed any special political ambitions, and here there seem to be no complaints against him, this is once, twice, when the north korean leader respects and loves his sister, this is also normal, because his dad, kim chanyr, his most trusted confidant was his sister, who was also called
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the custodian of the family common fund, at least the western media wrote like this, that all illegal operations, i quote. he can’t listen to his older brother, because his older brother went to the other world at one famous airport and they say that kim chin-in killed him, precisely because he posed a real threat and did not intend to sort of deal with it. connections with chinese intelligence, there was such a family history, in general it was dangerous, once and twice, that’s what concerns the chinese themselves, here is the problem, so many western media and some of our commentators really portray north korea as such a puppet system under china, this is absolutely not so, if you want
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parallels, then the model of behavior of kemchanyn of north korea, both under kimi jr. and under kim papa in relation to china, it’s like i don’t know, a teenager behaves in relation to his own...
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it will change interestingly, because every time, well, every time under the new kim, well, there were some such expectations that now something would happen, some kind of movement, a movement to the side, nikolai nikolaevich, or kima, they were all like that, well, that we say that he was a weak leader, does not mean that he was weak in quality, but simply the first years of power are always the years of leadership approval and so on, well, of course , after 10 years the situation is completely different, but... 10 years ago there were essentially two parties, one party was the chinese party, conditionally, yes, in north korea, pro-chinese,
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yes, which was oriented there, and one of the parties was like that, it was impossible to say so openly, but it was more focused on reunification with south korea, looked towards the united states, it is clear that in the twelfth year, when they elected sidin ping, and vladimir vladimirovich only participated in the election campaign, it was a very suspended situation when novin came to power, naturally, he was torn between these two parties, he... this is english and russian, there is chinese there too, but not to such an extent, that is, he is really senior brother north korea today is becoming the russian federation because it does not want to become dependent on either the united states, or korea, or china, that is , this is the situation in this case, and as for his daughter, this is a direct bet, to balance his sister, to...
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thus deny china's dominant influence on north korea, but it's quite strange, yes, it's just not like not knowing, but does this influence mean that kim should make political decisions based on there from...
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take into account the opinions of people there from but in serious matters he certainly must which in reality he depends on, and in this case he depends on the people's republic of china, this is quite obvious, well, if you have a nuclear missile, you cease to be a boy in the children's nursery playground or in the sandbox,
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these are fat cats from yesterday, they will throw me fat pause, everyone has finished this topic, everyone has ruined it for me with their cats, short break, we will continue. a big premiere at kinopoisk, others, it’s something inexplicable, this is a new society, this is a new world, when we are together, they cannot win, how many of these you have, there are a lot, and soon they will all be here, watch others from january 25, kinopoisk, premiere today tomorrow always, well,
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a commission is being sent to the site of the tragedy, according to governor vyacheslav glatkov, it must establish the causes of the disaster, but the territory where the wreckage of the plane is now located has already been cordoned off. according to reports, the plane crashed around 11 am, not far from the village . the ukrainian ministry of defense knew that prisoners were being sent to this area about the plane's route. the leadership of ukraine was well aware of the impending exchange, they were informed
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about how the prisoners would be delivered, but the il-76 plane was shot down by three missiles, either a patriot or an arist monetary complex made in germany. experts will figure it out later. when they study the crash site directly. earlier, as soon as it became known about the tragedy, ukrainian publications, including the largest both rbc ukraine and ukrainskaya pravda reported that our sludge was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces, and that this sludge was allegedly transported by missiles for the s-300 complexes. now, you see, all the references to the fact that the ukrainian armed forces are involved in the fact that the plane was shot down, because it was shot down from the territory of ukraine, by the missiles that were fired, all of these.
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respected or disrespected opponents in this case, the fact is that i’m wrong, you ’ll be a creature of me right there and so on, how can you even talk about this, yesterday it was all very clearly visible right in the studio. that is, as grandfather freud taught us, we all come from childhood, all our problems, they are also from childhood, this inability to listen to an opponent, immediately move on to insults, there, i don’t know, to curses, maybe that’s all really rooted in some kind of childhood problems, what child cruelty is, i think i don’t need to explain to you, if you went to school, you’ve definitely encountered something similar, and maybe even someone in kindergarten , that stupid word is bullying.
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and this is still preliminary, that is, for now far from a final decision , there is no clear solution, and apparently not in sight, please show us the plot, as one of the authors of the bill, artyom metelev, explained to the press , the document proposes to finally define the very concept of bullying and enshrine it in legislation. earlier, the russian presidential commissioner for children's rights called for a clear definition and definition of bullying; it is unclear how to solve the problem if it is not clearly defined, says co-author of the bill yana lantratova.
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bullying is one of the most common causes of teenage suicide. and we, of course, need a state program for the prevention of destructive phenomena, but for this we need the adoption of a framework law, a concept of what bullying is, what subjects of bullying there are, so that there are grounds. the new bill provides not only a definition of bullying, but punishment for it. students who engage in bullying other schoolchildren are asked to be expelled. parents of such children, as well as educational institutions, can be fined; however, this point is controversial: very often it is possible to meet the opinion that the school is obliged, and we , in general, as parents, have nothing to do with it, i think this, even from a human point of view , is absolutely wrong - the position, of course, is that parents should remind their children about the basic safety rules, about the rules for being in school, if with fights and physical violence, that is, with administrative and sometimes even criminal offenses, everything is clear, but psychological pressure is bullying...
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adults try not to notice until the situation gets out of control. in last year in ufa, a harassed thirteen-year-old schoolgirl decided to take revenge on her offenders, attacked them and crippled them. how bullying traditionally looks like, yes, there is such an instigator, or maybe a power-hungry child who can feel his own significance and value only by pushing away from someone else, only against the background of devaluation, for example, while the law is in place. there is no bullying, the problem is dealt with using other methods. in 2017, after vladimir putin’s proposal, russia approved the development concept psychological service in education. now school psychologists must assess the psychological state of students and correct their aggressive behavior. the problem is an acute shortage of personnel. according to the russian academy of education , there are from one hundred and fifty to 800 children per specialist. however, most victims of bullying. victims of bullying usually do not
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tell either teachers or parents about it, so it is an important task for schools and families to recognize bullying; the school should be a more active participant in this connection. bullying is not a new scourge; the famous film by rolan bykov, released in 1980, is in particular dedicated to this topic. for many, many admitted that the film was a real shock to viewers, but it reflected the existing problem; the film itself was awarded a state prize ussr, here it is, lord, i look at you and don’t recognize you, but what are you wearing, you can’t wear a headdress at school , vitaly valtinovich, what’s the problem with the adoption of the law, huh?
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their parents are not responsible, it is clear that most often these are children from families where is the mother, the father, the drunks there, in general, they bring up the corresponding false values.
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modernity, which unites all these events, is the complete ideological degradation of our education, because the late soviet union, these drunken pioneer leaders who no longer believe in communist ideals, these loser girls , vitaly valentinovich shifts here, well, probably the first responsibility, this is important to record.
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there should be a collective, people should look at who the pioneer organizations should be, should engages in this persecution and exposes him, turns him over to the police, organizes courts of honor, well , it turns out that during the pioneer organization there was no persecution, and here i am of course at a loss, it is possible to make a coming out, i am now scared. so they suggested a synonym to me, recognition means about - i know, that’s why i asked for help, fir-trees and sticks , why are you recognizing, it’s just that vitaly valentinovich said that there should be pioneer organizations, so this is 76, seventy-seven, third grade, if in
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first i went 75, which means i’m in third grade i was already a pioneer, and we were the only one, well, just like the group i was accepted into as pioneers, everyone studied. and those who are accepted as pioneers, they were taken there to the lenin museum or the kalinin museum, that they were returning back there for some third lesson, so the next group of students from our class left to join the pioneers, they are returning, one boy , and we were on friendly terms, well, thank god, then until the very end of school, he arrived bald, that is, his parents shaved his head before joining the pioneer, well, apparently they decided, that somehow it’s not good to accept it without a haircut.
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then there can be a great, huge number of reasons for bullying, that someone asserts themselves at the expense of someone else, it can be otherness, for example, plump, bald, whatever. the rest, this could be a story related to the fact that the school is located in an area where not everything is good with
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crime and youth, and there will be the word “boys are natural” in the school, and these concepts of boys will work there, and if you are not a boy, accordingly, you will be persecuted for this story, if we have such a school in russia, i think there is also, that is, that’s all, but there may be a case when this could actually be a consequence of a normal comradely court, when the child really did something bad, or does not want to apologize, in my time it was called a boycott , yes?
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this has always been the case, but society is becoming more complex, bullying is acquiring a new face, in this case, my respected counterpart correctly notes one side, where there are children from disadvantaged families, this is becoming a thing of the past, because now the typical face of a bully is a boy whose mother or dad wealthy people who are at home telling him that listen, we will solve everything. we’ll buy everything, which shows him total disrespect for the slaves around him, there are servants,
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drivers, drivers, there are all sorts of waiters, sellers, and that is, now the picture is more complicated, i repeat, social stratification, national-religious layers, now in any school, in any in a large city there are already micro national groups there, excuse me, i emphasize, the school in this situation, the school does not have the tools to influence this, your suggestions. firstly, undoubtedly it should be easy to transfer from school the expulsion of someone who is systematically involved in the organization, because until we remove the battle court, we will not recognize him , second and second, of course, fines for parents, when three or four fines are clear to parents, wait to translate, that is, this bastard , sorry.
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please, well, it’s very difficult to cope with you on a constant basis, it’s true, that is, you are now saying that the teacher who observes all this has nothing to do with him, there are no tools, he has nothing to do with it, but tools, no, no tools at all , well, let's be realistic, our dear participants in the conversation, well , let's be realistic, well, a teacher with his small salary and low social status, what are you talking about
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, not everyone can do that, unfortunately, parents with children don’t say these things, so many children really get offended in schools , let’s rewind a little, firstly, we have different reasons for bullying, i agree with my colleague here, which means we have... children who ended up in schools, although they have all the places -yet in specialized schools, we have inclusion , now, you see, and the lion's share of children who exhibit inappropriate behavior actually need special psychological support, that these are social, sociological studies, where there is research, unfortunately, we have practically closed all the schools that we were engaged in this kind of correctional work with children who have certain psychophysiological deviations, they now go to a regular school, to a regular class, the teachers really don’t know how to do it.
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went forward and talked about the problem when one child terrorized the entire class, then call a commission at the school so that the director has parents afraid to send their children to school because he beat, he scared the children with knives and so on, they were forced to take legal help from me in order for you i just told them the algorithm of what kind of statement should be written in the name of the school director, how many parents should sign it, how they should submit it to the director , who ultimately bears the parents of this bandit younger? the school was forced to at least gather everyone together, talk and explain to the parents and talk to the parents of this child about what to talk and convince them that this child would simply be transferred to another class, here another problem begins, wait, that is there are no fines for these parents for these parents at this moment, but the child had to be registered at school as
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a person who exhibits some kind of fines for the parents...
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2024 brings us many surprises, will it press finally, biden on the red button, grandfather got a little sick there, not everything is in order in the head, like when patrons write off zelensky as a liability, fate is generally terrible, of course, what awaits tugachev in begad, who for the americans was born in forty-eight, and for us in forty ninth, the people knew that she was not the kindest. women on earth, when , according to the scientist’s calculations, there will be victory in a special military operation, this is the main forecast, so to speak, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. bonanza, premieres from monday at 22:15 on ntv. if hemorrhoids, three active components of hepotrombing
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cases of bullying have increased in the united states. according to statistics, about 40% of american students experience bullying. and according to the us department of health, in 2021 alone, suicide became the second leading cause of death for american teenagers. so last summer in agayo , fifteen-year-old teenager bryce butcher committed suicide because of constant bullying from peers. it's not fair, this is my child. i didn't know he was being bullied like that. i receive messages from. students saying: we have never seen a child bullied so badly. at the end of last year, after a series of high-profile suicides, french authorities started talking about combating bullying in
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schools. it turned out that all the victims became targets of systematic persecution. the country's government responded by promising to tighten existing laws. however, 2 years ago the french equated bullying to criminal offense. maximum penalty, imprisonment for 10 years and a fine (150,000 euros), if the actions even led to "so, in order to reduce the number of cases of bullying in schools throughout the country, we need to thoroughly investigate each case of bullying. the situation in germany is no better, with each every year, the number of victims of school violence there is growing. now almost 20% of students are bullied. according to teachers, young people have become more aggressive, and in schools there is an acute shortage of psychologists. on average, per one specialist in germany accounts for more than 6,000 students.
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at the same time , there is no bulgi law in germany, although there is a general law on discrimination. now we have very big problems with children, we need to involve them again in normal school life. we check bags at the entrance, sometimes we even find knives, it seems to me that they are everywhere? irina vladimirovna, for example, there is france, where there seem to be strict restrictions, a fine of 150,000, a maximum sentence of 10 years, and this did not help anyone, whereas for us...
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it is unlikely that he will love the child more deeply, it is unlikely can somehow influence him. the problem lies largely in the fact that growing aggression in the world, in society, is the litmus test that affects our children. and, as for the ministry of education of the russian federation, all methodological recommendations have been developed here, they are available, instructions separately for parents, separately for children, separately for teachers, all this can be found on my website, as the ombudsman for children’s rights.
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children can tell for themselves, let’s say that not only those children who are bullied suffer, but also children who participate in bullying , for example, witnesses, they also worry, they are also subject to this pressure, so to tell, in the form of a passive participant, in fact, if the child knows that a classmate is being bullied, he will tell about it if he to know who and what to say was not convinced, just if it exists.
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on a conditional alien on what is happening on this problem, then it turns out that we have never seriously dealt with the topic of aggression, because the history is there, it’s not only the seventies, we read about bursa, about the tsarsko-selo lyceum, the name-calling of kyukhl there and so on, this has always existed, this has never happened to us, it’s absolutely true, because we never seriously solved this problem, we did not pay attention to the reason. on aggression, they write to you, i’m at my school, for example, i wasn’t bullied there, but the way they bullied me means the audience, the program is a meeting place, but it’s just that no school can compare, that’s it.
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the war began, and he almost cried with those eyes, but he was three years old there, he said: “why, here, here, but what is there, it was a normal film , and it’s some kind of russian blockbuster, it doesn’t matter , he went to kindergarten, everything’s fine, now
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he’s grown up normally, the average one might be in the ass there, well, you grew up as a normal child , like everyone else, but he was , but he was a little buddha, you know, such a christ, whatever you want , we are talking about, yes, absolutely right, we are talking about the disease of our society."
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in principle, correct, but correct, but there is no algorithm, there is no algorithm, but how do we have such algorithm, if we don’t really understand where to go in a conversation, we we are aggravating the situation, yes, we are complicating it , i said several times today that this is a problem that has existed for years, now i will introduce an additional factor that was not there before, but now it also exists, what is it, we will help you we'll explain in a few minutes.
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where everything becomes clear, we continue , it means that this is what has always been, children bully children in schools, well, always, not always, but a very long time ago, so that children bully teachers, that’s how i am i don’t remember, in my time there was no such thing at school, but now it’s a continuous series, last week vladimir putin ordered by july to develop a mechanism for protecting teachers from bullying on social networks, the human rights council explains: it is necessary to establish punishment for disseminating information that undermines the status and reputation of a teacher, similar to the law on discrediting the army, in particular we are talking about videos and even comments that discredit the dignity of a teacher. today, anyone can easily throw dirt on any teacher on social networks, in the media, post a video, and comment, post correspondence and discredit the actions of any teacher, this makes them feel insecure. at the same time, back in december , teachers’ rights were spelled out in the updated federal
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law on education, in particular the right of teachers to respect protection from any violence. from now on, in the event of bullying , a teacher can complain to the school management about the student who offended him, and he must be punished, but exactly how is still unclear. some experts believe that the new law is not able to completely protect against waste. before i went on vacation, i found out what was happening. i was ordered by a student, he posted an ad in one of the telegram groups that he was looking for someone to help get rid of two teachers, to change my colleague, the boy is basically not bad, that is, i didn’t do anything bad to him, the only thing that apparently angered him was that he got a bad grade, there are plenty of examples of bullying of teachers in russian schools, according to statistics, about 70% of teachers face bullying, in chuvash i quit because of bullying a geography teacher, one of her... is chasing the teacher in a car, calling
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her a whore, the video caused a scandal, and after that, the students posted a video online, in which the school principal started harassing both of them for a girl, today in our program. so you say ideology here , how can you use ideology , well, apparently he’s driving a car about this, let ’s do an experiment, take ordinary people, not you and me, and offer two schools where you send your children, one school with discipline with a clear organization with an officer -a teacher in each class and another school. send your child, and naturally, of course, schools should categorically eliminate six-day training, firstly, the question is not correct, because at the stage of searching for a school i’m not at all i know what a school is like, what
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kind of school they are, i have to send my child to school six times, i’m happy that it turned out that one of my boyfriends, he studies at a cadet school. let's do this, of course, i also want to say, we cannot change schools, sitting here like adults, there must be self-regulation of the school children's forum, so you stubbornly do not want to answer the question about ideology, you yourself said about it, what does it mean, what ideology, what is good, what is bad,
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this is not an ideology, it was the communists who tried they tried to push in their false ideology together with lenin’s troupe, it should be normal.
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the child knows that he is the most important , he is the most important at home, everyone dances around him , he comes to school, where all his wishes must be satisfied, we have a state, the state is obliged to provide education to every child by law up to the ninth grade, to everyone without exception , it is almost impossible to expel a child from school, and already tenth-eleventh grade is already there depending on academic performance, some are not very correct, it’s not their fault children, children.
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the brain and the end of our coccyx, they develop from one nerve lobe , so blows to the fifth point greatly stimulate the brain, we have now come to the point that to get rid of bullying in schools, you just need to hit the child in the ass, let's talk about what it was quite rightly said here that we constantly hit the leaves and do not look at the root, and the root is very simple: children do not live in an airless space, they, from childhood, one way or another absorb information from different sources, sorry it's not just that. family, this is also the internet, these are cartoons, this is a whole collection of everything, these are toys that they play with, which have not been used lately , there were no questionable cartoons before, there were no questionable cartoons, any cartoon before it hits the screen of the first channel there, so to speak , or to the second channel, but there were two buttons, it all the time went through a certain censorship in terms of which episodes of yarolash, where
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teachers were poisoned, i’ll just call the film that your colleagues literally recently gave it a different name. a colleague says that there are wonderful guidelines, but no one even reads them at the school level, this is actually a matter of managing the industry, because,
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excuse me, how to load schools with reports is your responsibility, but how to manage and solve something problems downstairs? no, you yourself somehow decide the schools there, this is a problem of managing the industry, both from the federal level to the regional level, and from the regional level to the school, and now the most important thing, every case of bullying or humiliation of a teacher, an educational officer needs to be received there
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average salary in the region, well, yes , in the region, in order to combine the two rates, you are asking what we demand from teachers, moreover, our teachers are times, moreover, our teachers are of different ages, including we need to help, train them it is necessary, rulers, we must still not forget his punishment. with a nail in the stomach, strangulation, strangulation, they said he was over her dead, checking to see if she was alive or not, who was to blame for
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the arson and brutal murder? comes home with tears and says: mom, what am i doing? did what he said during the interrogation, ran , said after her, took a drawstring from his pants, began to choke her, i’m not even sure that he really did it, he’ll kill someone else and he’ll also get away with it later , he will walk, breathe. but ours cannot be raised from the grave, not a word can be heard, nothing, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. earthly sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. discounts up to 60% on clothing and sports shoes. final sale gloria jens, discounts up to... we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re all in a commercial bank, we take out loans, but
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to journalists today, during this time, tell us something like this , and it has been said on air several times that a director or a teacher can create such an environment, if he is freed from paperwork, he will create an environment in which there will be no bullying, it ’s hard for me believe in this, because if a child comes home and a parent says to him in the evening: listen, my dear petenko, well done, you are doing everything right, no director or teacher can cope with this bullying. don’t rush to call names, insult each other and somehow understand differently. citizen rabinovich, it means you are suing citizen ivanov for personal insult, yes, he
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insulted me very much. what did he do? and when he saw me, he started muttering under his breath. that is, you didn’t hear exactly what citizen ivanov said? no, i haven't heard. and if you haven’t heard, why do you think you have grounds to go to court? what good could he say about me? it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. terrorist attack against one's own. shot down in ssu our plane with captured ukrainian military personnel, they were supposed to be exchanged. silence for thousands of kilometers a new station has taken over duty in the kaliningrad region. russia is calling for an immediate ceasefire in the middle east, as the un is reacting to this, and i want and wonder why.


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