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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 24, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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beyond. at night, a mother with many children saved her children from a fire, and in the morning her fifteen-year-old daughter was found strangled with a nail in her stomach. in our studio valentina sharipova. valentina, please accept our most sincere condolences. what was your daughter like? she was good, smart, obedient, and helped me with everything. i didn’t go anywhere without permission when the tragedy happened from january 5 to 6, what happened that night? well, as usual, we washed ourselves after the holidays in the bathhouse, went to bed, at two o’clock in the morning this killer who killed his daughter came running and said that he, that our garage was on fire, we jumped out there, it was already burning, very strongly, it was already impossible to extinguish it manually,
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it was pointless to extinguish it, let's look for her, we thought, in general, she is on fire there in this garage, we started in all our sheds, they looked everywhere, she was gone, the older guy went to look for her further along the ruins everywhere, so he went into the old club and found her there with a nail in her stomach, he came running all white, all scared, we ran there, but the doctors had already arrived there, we they didn’t let the tracks get mixed up, don’t trample anything there, like it’s far away... the place where they found your daughter
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is located from your house, well, 300-400 meters, and why did your son go there to look for his sister, well, because there are usually young people there, as if they were burning fires there, but what if the club doesn’t work for us, they are there, and your daughter often went there, no, she even went to our club with permission, so we told her for an hour and a half, for 2 hours, so she came home every minute, for the first time in her life this is how it happened, i don’t understand at all that maybe someone called her, maybe someone called her something some kind of text message. sent, and i also have an assumption that she was sleeping, maybe she heard it, her room is closer there, she can hear well, maybe the dog barked when they were going to set this garage on fire, but she scared it away, and you have no doubt that someone set the garage on fire, but because it wouldn’t have caught fire on its own, it’s brand new, the wiring was completely new, but who do you think could have set your garage on fire, this killer, i think she scared him off , he then went, killed her and came
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he finished his job, but why in that case would he come to you and tell you that you’re on fire? well, i don’t know that he can hide his bullets somewhere, do you think he was confusing his tracks, creating such an alibi for himself? well, probably, judging by the mother’s story, most likely he acted emotionally, and being confident in his impunity, he carried out some kind of plan that had matured in him, perhaps he wanted to take revenge on this family. perhaps he wanted to settle scores and so on, the sequence that in the beginning he killed or set it on fire at the beginning, in fact , in such a combination of circumstances, it could be absolutely anyone, and here, of course, in order for our reasoning to be correct, it is of great importance what happened next, committing murder or committing arson, so victor, you can assume that everything was really the other way around, first a murder was committed, and then as a distraction. maneuvers or concealment, attempts
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at concealment, arson was committed. well, i think this option is possible, i generally think how maybe he even wanted to kill in the garage , burn the pipes, and something went wrong, maybe the victim resisted or something else, in principle, different options are possible, but more information is needed, that is, what kind of damage was there to the body, what hemorrhages, these injuries can be correlated with the circumstances. determine how long ago the damage was and you can, for example, find out the time of the fire. valentina, what injuries were on your daughter’s body? strangulation, strangulation, four times, i think, a nail stuck near the navel, just like that, i’m already here specifically stuck, they said, he was over her, over the dead one, checking to see if she was alive or not, under what article the case was opened now, whether it was opened, in my opinion, 155, i definitely don’t look into murder in the articles. did investigators quickly
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arrest the killer? yes, the next day, i think, at 12:00 noon they already detained him. and he actually confessed to everything. did you know this person well at all? yes, my husband, he turns out to be a nephew, but what can you tell us about him? well , he seems to be a normal, calm boy, sociable, he seems to have been with your daughter know you, have you talked? they weren’t close friends, so they’ll meet and talk, after he was detained, did you manage to talk to him? no, with his family, maybe not, the family didn’t even come, didn’t even ask for forgiveness, didn’t even go to the funeral at all, do you see they are ashamed? did a lot of people come to say goodbye to your daughter? yes, we expected little at all, but teachers and students came from school, and there were a lot of people, probably about 100 people, but how many children do you have in total? seven, all the children are supporting
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you now, not nearby? support, they too they are worried that the little boys cannot sleep at all at night, with whom she constantly fussed. and how did you tell the other children that, especially the younger ones, that their sister was no more, at first they took it somehow, well, not seriously, then when they saw her in the coffin, then they realized that this was really all, she’s gone, they feel bad , they can’t live without her, they eat, they sit down, they cry, they can’t sleep peacefully, valentina, please accept my condolences. to be honest, i have such a lump in my throat, i can’t even find words, it’s terrible, it’s terrible, blatant the situation when parents, when a mother bury their child, and how to survive it, and
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what is in your heart now, i can’t even imagine, strength, patience, i don’t know, well, it’s very difficult, deepest condolences, i can hardly imagine how you can survive such grief and have the strength to continue living, you have many children, and of course, this is deep respect. tatyana, this is how mothers can now live with this, for the sake of other children, this is the first, second, of course, there is a very serious motivation, that is, the killer must be found and... punished, at this period, it is precisely the desire to achieve such justice in relation to what happened to my daughter, it is impossible to believe what happened, but in fact it is so, and in order to
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once again accept and experience this fact , the culprit needs to be punished, you know, he wants his son to have his sentence commuted for the murder of his second cousin. in the studio of olesya lesnyakov. hello, this is all a provocation, the fact that , as i can say, my son is not a murderer, oles, you know, i don’t even know how to react now to your statement. sitting in front of you valentina, your relative. i understand. valentina is also a mother. of course, i can apologize and say, yes, there, sorry. me there for my son, as it were, but i’m not even sure that he really did it, so he confessed, well, he confessed, yes, when you found out that your son was suspected of murder, from the fifth to the sixth morning i found out , the police have already come to us, someone
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in our village said that they allegedly saw my son with a girl, it turns out that the son seemed scared, ran away, he was not at home, but he ran away exactly when the police... he wasn’t even there yet, he wasn’t at home, he didn’t spend the night at home that night, he didn’t spend the night because he called me and said that i’d be at work, i’ll come home tomorrow at lunchtime, you were sure that he was at work that night, yes, i was sure that he was at work that night, but how did you find out that valentina’s daughter was missing, it turns out that he’s my son he calls me and says: mom, i’m on my way home from work, i see, she says, there’s a fire, we need to call the fire truck, she says, all that, i got ready, went there to this fire, we come, naturally, my son is there, i approached him, i say, how is it, he says, i don’t know anything, i was coming from work, i started knocking on the neighbors so that the neighbors would somehow respond, people there they said, neighbors, they say, it’s close, they say
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, don’t get close to the fire, we were standing on the road, in the garage, as they told us, as far as i know, they said that there was a gas cylinder, it could explode, there was a neighbor running around, they have small children, there were still seniors there at the moment. on the street, and the small children were asleep, it is necessary she says, then she says, get the children out, she says from the house, it turns out her neighbor, here is the injured neighbor, she turns out to be running, taking the children out of the house and dragging them out to you . zero for a fire, she follows the neighbor, though in a jacket, but barefoot , follows the neighbor into their house, at the end, when it turns out, i also wanted to say, when the neighbor took the children, she, the children it’s worse on the street, there were older brothers, the neighbor asks, where is your sister talking, why is she talking, sisters the neighbor discovered, yes, where is your sister speaking, because i entered the house, the children are all sleeping, and your sister, she says, where is your sister speaking? the brothers say what she was, she says, it seems like she’s here
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, well, i don’t know, she says, maybe she’s gone, she’s saying somewhere, oh well, she’s also the one who says : it’s already time, it’s two o’clock, she says, the child is not at home, are not there, everyone is at home, but the child is not there, oh well, we didn’t seem to take it seriously either, maybe she saw a fire there, got scared, ran away somewhere or something else something, as if they didn’t suspect anything so bad, they left, okay, that’s it, well, we stood there for a while, i tell my son, you... i say, come home with me, i say, he says, well now, he says , we’ll wait for the car, maybe we need some help or something else, okay, we ’re getting along with this with a relative, with a slot neli, let’s go home, we come home and call, then in half an hour, maybe, maybe in 40 minutes, like this about 30-40 minutes, i call my son, i ask, i want to know how the fire ended, there’s nothing there exploded, i’m fine, i say, he tells me, yes, he says, mom, the fire truck has arrived, that’s it. lived there is no fire, he says, everything is normal, i tell him this, and
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the girl appeared at home, i say, she came home, i say, at least that’s it, he tells me like this , mom, can you imagine, she says, they found her in an old abandoned club, he says, with a nail in his stomach, his son told you this, calmly, calmly, nothing, i can’t even say anything, he’s always calm, he’s always like this, and what are you experienced when they heard this, of course i started to panic, i was hysterical, how can i say that? at first i didn’t believe it, well, i’m getting ready to go back , i’m going to see my relative slotoyneli to find out the whole situation, it’s true, no , i come to her, she’s sitting crying , naturally i’m also hysterical, i say, is it really true, she says, yes, it’s true, then i say , i’ll go to the scene of the incident, well, there were already people standing there, also at the end , there were no doctors yet, i said, there were no doctors, people were standing and waiting for the doctor, he says, they called an ambulance, that’s it, he says, i’m not leaving here, i’m standing further, i didn’t go there, where they found the girl. i wasn’t, i was just standing next to the road, like doctors, the doctor arrived
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, she went, looked, she said, well, she says, i can say, here we need to say, call the police, she says, i stood a little, i didn’t i continued to wait for the police, i went to the slot again, stood there for a while , stayed with her for a while, then my youngest daughter called me, she was all in tears, my mother said this and that, i don’t understand anything she’s saying, it turns out my son came home, and changed clothes and left , he said, he said, i killed, i killed my niece, of course, i immediately rush, run home, ask how it is, what is this, she says, i didn’t understand anything, he tells me, he said so and left, changed clothes, he said, but you didn’t find your son at home, i come home, my son is no longer at home, i start calling, i just can’t get through to him , where did he go, where did he go? i don’t know, i don’t know, no, it’s not clear, nothing really didn't say. how was he detained? the police came to us and said that they had seen my son with
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niece, i started calling, he is unavailable, unavailable, then he got a connection, i get through to him , i call him home, he tells me: mom, the police, he says, they’ve arrived, i’m probably talking, but what did i say happened? , i say, you can tell me, he says, well , my niece was killed, now he says they will suspect me, now he says i’ll be put in prison, he says they’ll put me in prison for what i say, i killed, i won’t understand anything again and so, i say, let's come home, well, now the police say they'll arrest me, i say, well he will arrest, he will not arrest , i still say, there is no need to hide, i say, this will be even worse for you, i say, come on, i say, come home, i say, we’ll sort it out, i say, in the end he comes home, goes home with tears and he says, mom, what did i do, i say, like, he says , how he killed her, i start asking him how it happened, he tells me, mom, i don’t understand anything, i myself can’t understand how it happened, i i can’t even say anything now, he says, but then he already started
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it’s like the police are interrogating , you were at the interrogation, i was at the interrogation, what he said during the interrogation, he says a lot, but he also changes his testimony, here is his first testimony, he says, yes, that it was as if he was allegedly walking from work, i met my niece near this abandoned club, it turns out, well , we say, it’s like we went into this old one, it turns out an abandoned club. what next he says happened again he says what he says again, i don’t remember, i don’t know , he says, every time they say the same words to him, and he keeps saying these words all the time confuses and confuses and... confuses. oles , what i can’t understand is that you came here with a statement about provocation, mistakes, and so on and so forth, but your son essentially confessed to the murder twice, or even three, first to his sisters, then to you, and then to the police. well , i must admit, he admitted, yes, and then at the moment he even called me, i just ask him specifically, he says how
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it all happened, how it all happened, he says: mom, i don’t remember, i say, you might have something like this, i say, well, an opinion, i say that i could, maybe even... i’m telling you, someone could have set him up, he says , maybe, but i don’t remember all of this, he says, he says, set him up how, why, because at one fine moment, that night they were resting, so to speak, he was resting, so it turns out , with my in-laws and a neighbor the victim, that is, do you think that someone set him up, yes, i think so, but in the end he told the investigators a specific version, he didn’t say anything, and i because when he called me, i told him, i said, why are you telling the police? i say, then i told you all this, since you , i say, don’t remember anything, why, i say, did you confess to the police then, why did you then tell the police all this, why am i saying, so what did he tell, we still understand that he was confused in his testimony , confused about how they met , what they did, but he told the investigators about the very moment of the murder, how it happened, he told, yes, there were a lot of questions, yes,
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when they got it , says, you are intimate, says, between you, says, there was, he first he says, no, it wasn’t, no, it wasn’t , here once... he was asked the same thing, no, it wasn’t, no, it wasn’t, then as the investigator tells him, the girl had it, he says, sexual intercourse, that means , he says, with you, he says, there probably was, he says, he sits like this, he thinks, yes, he says, what it was, he says, then, he says, after that she went, says home, ran, laughed he says to her, that’s it, he says, now i say, i’ll go, now i’ll tell my parents everything, and he says they’ll put you in prison, then he says, i guess i got scared, i ran, he says, after her, i ran, he says, to the store, that i...
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the investigator kind of prompted her, and he simply answered, as in his own words, that you said you took a nail, he says, yes he, he sits, just repeats, yes, he says, i took the nail , he says, he struck, he says, a blow to her, he says , how many, he says, blows, well , maybe, he says, three, he says, maybe four, he says, i don’t know , he says, that’s it, why, he says , did you do it, he answers there and says, i thought that she would wake up, go home, that’s all she will tell her parents, the court had an examination of me, if she says, then why didn’t they write that she was not a girl, but what? the examination showed, by the way , this is strangulation, this is all she didn’t have sexual intercourse with anyone, what new details will the murdered man tell his uncle, there were traces in the snow of how a struggle traces went into the bushes, he believed, that is, death had occurred or no from transfexia, we'll be back in a few minutes, new season.
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ntv. parents, how much a single photograph can make the search for a person easier. sometimes, even in photographs there is no special necessary. for example, when it comes to finding a twin. lyudmila was separated from her twin sister at birth. impossible to understand. and accept that my mother gave away her child, but she found out about this years later: i think that i was born alone, it turns out that two of us were born when my mother was dying, she told her secret, a cinematic situation absolutely, yes, and also a continuation of olga’s story , which her sisters and son had been looking for for many years, our regular viewers probably remember how ambiguous the ending turned out to be, girls, i want to meet you, what... to say, i love you, thank you, i haven’t forgotten you, let ’s go, well, then i’ll talk, wait for me, on friday at 17:55 on ntv, beyond, this is
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beyond, at night 6 january, forty-year-old valentina sharipova’s garage caught fire at the same time her fifteen-year-old daughter disappeared from the house, the girl was found only a few hours later, dead in an abandoned house. olesya lesnikova cannot believe that the girl died at his hands. he says, mom, i actually say, i don’t remember anything, what he says, this is what happened, i say, but why then did he tell the police that you, i say, exactly what you said killed, well, i would say that i don’t remember. i... was afraid of the police. nikolay, you just heard olesya’s version, valentina’s version. how can you comment on which version you
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believe more? i see that?
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then defensive reactions are already activated, and even more so since the mother herself talks about what indirectly gives him an understanding of why you are confessing, and maybe it was not so, that is , she makes him think that there is no need to confess, vladimir, what do you think, very there is a high probability that this is article 105, there were reasons and grounds for initiating a criminal case, but it is absolutely impossible to say categorically that the young man is guilty.
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only one of the versions, it could be anyone, it is necessary to study the personalities and family members, people around, people who studied and worked together, we are now at the initial stage of the investigation, forensic medical examinations, biological and dactelloscopic, if there is a nail left there, then there could certainly be fingerprints, not only on the nail, but on items of clothing, i draw your attention to the fact that we have buttons that are, so to speak, not of a rag nature, plastic, there could be a fragment of fingerprints left on them, the investigation lasts for months, sometimes years, unfortunately, sometimes the person who at the time of initiating a criminal case the case is the obvious accused, it happens that he is not a witness, that is , an admission of guilt is not reinforced concrete evidence, in principle it is not, the presumption of innocence is the main
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what does this say about these actions? the direction of intent, that after the commission i am still inclined to this weight, that this is a crime, he has already taken actions aimed at concealing this crime, what he did, that is, he checked, that is, death occurred or not from sexion and saving himself from a less serious crime, he commits a more serious one, that is, he is, let’s say, not consciously, yes, in a state of panic, not in a state of effect, not in a state of insanity. by the way, let's listen to what the investigators say, this is very important. between the accused and someone he previously knew a conflict arose with a fifteen-year-old girl based on personal hostility, during which a nineteen-year-old local resident committed the murder of the victim, after which he fled the scene of the crime. a criminal case has been initiated against a nineteen-year-old local resident accused of committing a crime provided for in part one of article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation,
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murder. investigations are ongoing.
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admitted to setting fire to the garage, yes, when he came home, when we already had the police in the house was and we asked, but you also say you did the arson, at first he says no, when he was already interrogated by the police, now he’s already sitting there, he says, yes, he says, i set the arson, they ask him why you did it, he he says, i don’t know, he says, at least your son repents of what he did, he repents, he understands that he is facing many years in prison, he understands, i understand all this too, and i sort of do it too, well... i sympathize with that family, like valentina that it all happened like this, but i hope that the investigation will sort it out and that it they admit, as it were, that he is insane , as if all this, just like that, they will send him for
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treatment to the hospital, you, oles, don’t understand anything, it’s clear, how come i don’t understand, even children, you don’t know what this is this, she understands, she’s sitting. the children are still growing up, someone else is going to die and then he ’ll get away with everything, not ours, but someone else’s, the investigation is underway, what the investigation will say, suddenly they’ll say that it’s not him, that ’s something... then maybe something else will happen, but you believe in the version that it was not he who committed the murder, no, i don’t believe it, he was one of the first who discovered the body of... in our studio nikolay grishchenko, hello, nikolay, hello, valentina’s daughter, you knew well, yes, she was my niece, remember what she was like, a normal child, calm, how did you find out
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about that that the girl was missing, my wife’s sister called us that they had a fire, i went there when i came out of the yard, lit it up, i saw footprints along the road, it was snowing that night, well, i also noticed traces. but i didn’t seem to pay attention, i came there to the fire, everything was already burning there, then at the fire when it turned out that my daughter was gone, then they went to look for her, well, anything can happen, and you also went to look, i didn’t go, i went home, about 20 minutes later, again my wife’s sister calls and says that she was found murdered , i immediately took a flashlight and left the yard, again, again, these were the tracks. towards the old abandoned building, not reaching the intersection, i noticed that there were traces in the snow like a struggle, the traces went into the bushes, towards the cut as if from the crossroads, at the cut there was still a trace
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that accompanied these same traces. when you arrived at the place, there were no police or ambulances there yet, no, there were no police or ambulances yet, you were there alone, at that time there was only one other resident of the village. she told me that she was lying there dead, when i shined a flashlight through the window i noticed that she was lying on her back, one left leg was extended, and the left arm was also lying along the body, the right leg was bent and the right arm was lying on the shoulder, you showed us the place where they found the body of the murdered man, let's see, an abandoned cultural center with empty openings instead of windows and gaping holes in... here nikolai grishchenko discovered the body of his fifteen-year-old daughter valentina sharifova. the body itself was in this room , lying with its head here, legs there, one leg
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lying straight and the left arm along the body, the right leg was tucked in, the left, right arm was thrown back on the arm, several holes. there are four puncture wounds in the stomach from the chest to the navel and a nail was pushed in next to the navel. the man believes that an already dead girl was dragged into the building, it is possible that it was murder what happened here was strangulation, because at the moment when the body was found, there were two stripes here, like dragging, as he dragged her into the room. on that fateful night , the unfortunate woman tried to escape from her killer, nikolai is sure. she runs out onto the road, he runs after her, one boot is lying on the road, the other is lying around. a little to the side, he threw it out, on the way, then he overtakes her
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here after a stop, there on the porch he begins to choke her. nikolay, you said that the girl lost her boots, it turns out she’s under the snowdrifts and ran away from her killer in a deep voice. yes, at that moment she was already like them in the bushes, so he was chasing her, there was a poplar, a large tree, she stood up to him and kept getting up. apparently she wanted to hide from him, but she could run to residential buildings, her aunt lives nearby, right near this intersection, well, literally 30 meters, that is, she ran there and ran there and he intercepted her here, here i am i also wanted to add something in the room where the corpse was, there was also a canister of gasoline, for what purpose, i don’t know what punishment alesya’s son faces, now they would give it to me here and above it here...
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6 8882 calls within russia are free abroad, this is beyond the border, in general, i don’t believe it, the murdered uncle , fifty-year-old nikolai grishchenko, was one of the first to discover the body following the tracks of snow niece, the man was horrified by what he saw: one leg was straight, an arm along the body, one arm was thrown out to the right side, and it was
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the right leg that was bent and lying on the back, the clothes were raised up on the stomach , the temple was empty. four pieces and next to it there was a nail stuck in the navel area. nikolai , when you saw the body of valentina’s daughter, the girl was lying in a pool of blood, well, since her stomach had been pierced several times, no, there was no blood there at all, even if you scratched your finger, there would be blood, but this was not at all, but this is more likely in total, it means that at the beginning they strangled, and then they struck, maybe he strangled and the victims were already convulsing like this... the posthumous fire was moving, and he thought , maybe she was still alive, then she struck these penetrating wounds from the stomach to the chest. olesya, did your son explain to you why he pierced his sister’s body with a nail? well, as he told the investigator, what he said, i thought that she would wake up, go home, and this would tell everything what happened between them. alexander, what
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does the position in which the girl was lying indicate? i assume that this is the club where the so-called...
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it is practice that there are certain circumstances that will be taken into account when assigning punishment, in addition, let's start with the fact that we do not know how correct the qualification is, that is, it is the initial part one 105, if we establish that there were grounds for concealing, that is, another crime, that is , we automatically say that this is the second part of article 105, the severity of the punishment increases several times, up to 20 years and life imprisonment is provided, nikolai, are you at the funeral? grandfathers were there, there was a funeral and it was organized, because i couldn’t do anything at all, everyone helped the relatives. oles, why didn’t you come
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to the funeral? how can i go, the fact that my son committed such a murder, and i will go to the funeral like this, i just couldn’t. as a rule, relatives, those suspected of a crime, do not attend the funeral, because by their appearance, those who are now experiencing such grief, which yes, it would seem necessary. share, but you can have your own appearance will only make it worse, no one will join hands at a given moment in time , of course such a protest arises, why did you come here, it’s your fault, it’s your son, i ’m speaking theoretically now, but let’s put it this way, because in reality there’s nothing yet it has not been proven, although there are already assumptions, but in fact i think that olesya did the right thing in not coming, but it was wrong. i decided that i didn’t start today, after all, with words of condolences, having come to such a program, because it would
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only be a plus for mother and her son. what do you think, tatyana, will olesya ever be able to accept this situation, or will she deny everything until the last moment? even if guilt is proven, the mother is not believed until the last moment, that is, there comes a contradiction here, so to speak, of consciousness, that is. understanding that this has happened and the subconscious mind has this maternal instinct, these maternal feelings, that this cannot happen. valentin, what kind of punishment, if we talk about justice, do you want for him, the most cruel, now they would give it to me here, i would mock him here just as he mocked her there, i would strangle him a little, let’s also check with nails whether she’s alive or not, your fellow villager
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, we have discos, a disco club operates in our village, all the young people in our village always meet there, if nothing connected them, then
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what was the reason for the murder, i don’t even know, just in such shock, we didn’t expect this from him at all, that he could do this, and what he was like, maybe you noticed aggression behind him, well , lately he probably showed some kind of aggression, there was a case that he broke... the jaw of one person from our village, guy. oles, did this really happen? yes it was. well, in that situation with the broken jaw, do you see his fault? well, yes, i kind of see it. what kind of conflict was there? remember? well, the reason for the conflict is that since he was also at work again, he was on night shift, it turns out that my cousin also came to him, i don’t know what happened between them, he also calls me and says: “he says, don’t let me, he says, but no
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, this, well, why doesn’t he call himself, call you again soon, tatyana, and you can somehow is to explain such indecision , constantly calling my mother, probably a loving , protective mother, who, so to speak, will immediately tell me what to do in this situation, and i would pay attention to the fact that the situation is repeated from what point of view, something is happening, calls mom, next time something happens, call mom, that is... here, of course, again, maybe from childhood, i guess, if anything, mom defended, if anything, mom, excuse the expression , steered out those situations that turned out to be problematic for my son. nelya, from who did you hear about the tragedy? from his eldest nephew, from the murdered girl, brother, what he said, he came, he knocked on my door at night and said, we found my sister in
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an abandoned building in the club. “she’s lying there and not breathing, she has a nail sticking out, at first i thought the girl was scared of the fire , she ran, stepped on a nail somewhere and just lost consciousness, that is, you thought it was an accident, the injury would not lead to the girl’s death, yes, i hoped that she was still alive, when did you realize that everything was much more serious?” when i sent my son there mine, when i couldn’t, i have a small child, i sent my son there , told him not to turn off the phone and keep in touch with me, called my neighbor so that she would also run there to make sure, i learned from the words of my son, he said , mom, she
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really says she’s dead. then this neighbor came and said: she had been hit with a nail in her stomach. how did you know that the alleged killer is olesia’s son, that he is suspected of this murder? well, at first we didn’t know anything, and then i called, our sakhi turns out, i say, they found it, i say, ours the girl is dead, she says. she also cried , she and her husband came to me, soon her daughter called and said: mom, go home urgently, my brother came and got dressed, changed his clothes, said that he killed our girl, remember how olesya reacted to this, olesya began to worry,
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of course, right away, well, also, as it were... i didn’t immediately believe it, maybe it was, then she went home, and it really is that he changed clothes and ran away from home, but you, unlike olesia, who doesn’t believe, that her son committed such a brutal murder are inclined to believe that he is guilty, he admitted it, yes, he is guilty, what punishment does he deserve for such a brutal murder, probably the most severe punishment, because he will walk, breathe, she will know that she is alive, and ours cannot be raised from the grave , not a word can be heard, nothing, you and olesya’s family maintain relations or have stopped, well, now we can say we don’t communicate, but you support valentina, of course,
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i support, after what happened, i go to her every day, will be able? we will continue soon, my daughter did not have time to register her mother larisa in on social networks, as her relatives found her, a message came from natalia that i am your sister, the younger one, a woman from the kirov region said that it was larisa’s fault. one sister on the mother's side, parents were the same, brother and sister were the same, the fact that she was in the same place where i was born, only larisa herself is looking for the sister and brother of twins, with whom she ended up in the same orphanage as a child, my mother sent me to the orphanage house, brother and sister, too, so how many siblings will she have, without a dna test, are you ready to call natalya a sister, no, that’s why i’m coming to you
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and asked, this is my elder... sister looks like my mother, they were taken to an orphanage, the three of them were raised there, svetlana looks very much like her sister, i open the envelope, dna, today... at 17:50 on ntv. chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. once in the body, influenza and arvi viruses begin to multiply. time is working against us. orbido can prevent their reproduction. the choice of a professional, for sure, and what is this, this is
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her nineteen-year-old second cousin has been charged with murder. when i found out, i felt very bad. i was even more shocked when i found out that i had killed a relative. i’m still feeling bad, i’m on sedatives. after the death of my daughter, time. sleeping on her bed. the inconsolable mother comes into the deceased’s room, where in the evenings the girl liked to relax and listen to music, with a heavy heart. quite recently, renovations were done here, wallpaper with flowers was hung, and a blue sky appeared on the ceiling. as she told her the blue sky, so we pulled the blue sky, i’m terrified to be here. her daughter always took pity on her and supported her, helping with cleaning, laundry and housekeeping, says valentina. with tears in her eyes she looks
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at the offended table, at which not long ago they discussed plans for the day together. usually in the morning we drank tea and talked. you don't know how to continue living without. las, it’s very painful to look at these shots. what to tell your mother, how to support her? i was also a little out of breath. difficult, difficult, very difficult. to advise something, you just need to live for the sake of the children who are now with you, unfortunately, you won’t be able to just live anymore, there is still that same memory, and here i want to emphasize once again that it is when the criminal is punished that then the time will come some kind of satisfaction, and then insofar as, why? because there is no such punishment for mother, can cover up a crime
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, no matter how much they give him, it will still not be enough, and one way or another there is a phrase that time heals, time heals, and of course, time must be given time, and you must understand your responsibility to other children , because by dissolving in grief , which is of course inevitable, we can cause damage to those children who, thank god, are next to you, so it is very important to still try to recover over time, as far as possible, and not fall into lifelong despondency for a prosperous life other children. can you show your support to valentina? undoubtedly. is valentina ready to accept this help? yes. irin, can you, for your part, somehow help the family, valentina? this situation, of course, is taken under the strictest control. in this
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situation, valentina herself probably understands that she will now be under close attention as to how her children will grow up. valentina, will you seek a fair punishment for the criminal? nina, can you help valentin with this? yes, sure. oles, do you want to say something to valentina now? so. i want offer your condolences, both for yourself and for your son. let it go.


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