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tv   Shef  NTV  January 24, 2024 8:00pm-11:35pm MSK

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i’ll see that he’s safe, and taras died in pre-trial detention. are you kidding me or what? or do you really not see what’s going on around you? nothing has changed in the city, nothing at all. what are you talking about now? do you have a weapon? no, i don’t have it with me, why the hell are you needed then? what's happening? for injury, to kill, not to kill anyone? at least make some noise, who is it? now we'll find out! “stand,
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wait, max, fuck off, fuck off, i said, dekomirov, ask for a gun, what are you allowing yourself? maxim alexandrovich, i’m colonel cherkizov, we haven’t met you personally, but i am the head of the center for state protection of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, here is my id, you can look, back , stand where you are, who do you think you are, you think you are immortal, i order." gun, you are safe, we have arrived just maxim alexandrovich, please , stop talking, fuck you all, well, hello, viktor sergeevich. good afternoon, this is all because of
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you, if it weren’t for you, nothing would have happened, now we will have to carry out a report in the name of general novozhilov yes, write, write, the paper will bear everything, general novozhilov could not reach you, apparently my phone ’s battery is dead, you will have to travel with us, return to st. petersburg, maybe you will put handcuffs on me, it will be necessary, they will, and the fact that you are the general me won't stop.
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we get out of the car, mish, while our criminologists are driving, organize the witnesses, get busy, you don’t want to show me anything, in the sense of a search warrant, kharitonov, we are all not children here, we know the procedure, well , clearly, urgently, that means, as you say, by the way, we were on you before, so before, why am i saying this, you and i and vodka. drank in the bathhouse, you
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came to me more than once to relax, maybe you will recuse yourself so that my lawyers don’t get to the bottom of it later, let me decide for myself what to do, as you know, i mean, you know, max, max.
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and often he, and i’m not his babysitter, wants to drink. let him drink, what's the problem? quantity sometimes turns into quality, i want to remind you that he is under your protection, and you allow him to drink, what will happen if he gets behind the wheel one day drunk, goes for another bottle, hits someone road, who will be responsible for this? you don’t need to teach me how to do my job, what are you saying? viktor sergeevich is right, these are your shortcomings, and control yourself, after all, you are talking to the general, is it your fault? so what are we going to do with all this? under no circumstances should you have met our client? are you to blame? you just needed to talk to me, explain the situation, but you began to put pressure on me , tighten the screws, and i really don’t like being put under pressure and generally bother to return
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my car. this was not my idea, colleagues from css, they wanted to keep you in st. petersburg at any cost. i thought so. your car has long been in the wind, parked in front of the control. igor andreevich, now a search will be carried out in your house on the plot. i suggest you voluntarily hand over prohibited items if you have weapons or drugs. i'm crazy, what other drugs are there, i look like a junkie. answer to the point. okay, i don’t have drugs in my house, but my weapon is a premium pm carbine, both are stored in a safe, as expected, the keys to the safe, a bunch that was seized during a personal search, what kind of assembly, okay, let me tell you
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something else, yes, i have a hiding place here. it will be a shame if you start breaking the walls, but i can show you how it opens, please, take off your bracelets, stand, where? back, back, i said , don’t, misha, he will cut everyone with shrapnel without a chance, back, why are you complicating your situation, i advise you to stop immediately, you will advise your wife if you remain alive, i don’t understand what you are doing, what you are hoping for , i won’t go to the zone, i have
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other plans for life, who has the car keys, keys, misha, let him pass. i can't take my responsibility, what the fuck? misha, everything is fine, do as i said. see you in the next life. open the door,
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damn it! not weakly banged that you got up, call the duty room, let him announce the interception , i got it, i got it, it’s not worth it, it’s not worth it, it’s not worth risking your life for him , after all, we only have one, but this one, where is he going? if it goes away, you’ll find him anyway sooner or later, and if it’s too late, you’ll still find him, some people can hide all their lives, yes, but is that life, and what are you going to do? now in this situation? now i don’t know, my task was to prevent you from meeting with tikhomirov. i am not a criminal, i have appropriate access to information that constitutes state secrets. i didn’t come up with these rules, and it’s not for me to change them. well, i think general novazhilov will make a personal
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decision. but i think we'll have to transfer our client to another location. yes, i understand. and with the border zone this is good. the place is quiet, as they say, strangers don’t come here, an ideal option for our work, he woke up. viktor sergeevich, i wouldn’t i wanted to talk, pour some good stuff.
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it’s me, yes, he’s here, he came on his own, i didn’t even have to look for him, understand? okay, they're waiting for you there, who did you call? come in and find out, but i should be worried, i have no idea, uh-huh, thank you, good luck.
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hello, hello, i heard you, the whole city is looking, buddy, i’ve been with the local police for many years. i have so many people here who are obliged to me that they can search until they are blue in the face, uh-huh, they will find it only when i want it. delicious aroma, perfection and harmony of taste, classic collection greenfield loose leaf tea. greenfield tea, finding harmony. in petersburg.
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new chief detective, interesting, very interesting, haven’t seen each other for a long time, and i wouldn’t have seen you for as long, and if it’s not a secret, you’ll be with us for a long time, i hope forever, the new season of the famous series, you ’re not afraid that you’ll be fired, i i’m not afraid of anything anymore, do you want war, we just have to find him, he’s the key to everything that happens in the city, at least put on the armored armor. andrey chubchenko: 2 weeks, how did you come back again? why are you doing it? i didn't arrange this bonyu. boss, new season. with your arrival , viktor sergeevich, everything went wrong. costs of the profession from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season. february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. it’s profitable, it would always be like this, but here it’s like this every day, it’s profitable on the price tag, which means a low price, cheese curds for
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27.99, five helps out when it seems that everyone is annoying on purpose, you need magnirod two in one, economical, convenient, it special magnesium is well absorbed and requires half as many tablets per course to reduce symptoms of stress. magnirod, bringing positivity back to life, let's go!
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tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. hello. great. why are you so happy? yes, i'm up all night again today. i don’t remember how i got to the hall. i don’t think i got out of bed at all. listen, i don't understand how you do this? i've already started to forget how this happens. well, what should i buy? what's there? what is the name of? also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how take it, call, everything is simple there , when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second,
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wife, yes, dear, i understand, i ’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, probably, i’ll buy it too, what should i think , call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented... on market: men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves,
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and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up. try prostatricum gold. meeting point tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have cars in the drawing, houses, studio apartments. and cash prizes. there are more of them than snowflakes in winter. even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm inside, because they’re winning against us. every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. maybe stop drinking, it makes sense, then at night on the street, you were following me, and you shot at me, but what
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would you do in my place, thank god, i’m not in your place. i thought that everything would be different, otherwise, it’s interesting, it’s like, you will fulfill your promise, you will imprison taras and his caudla, and i will go far, far away and start a new life. from scratch, there is no new life, maxim, and never will be , there is only the one we have now, but
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they left me here, they said, live, it’s safe here, you know, i sometimes regret that they didn’t really kill me on my persian, it’s more fun here with you, and the money is money, i have so much of it that i can buy half of this little town, yes. i can do half there, but i can do it all, i have a question, was it you there in st. petersburg? you can't prove anything, and i'm not going to prove anything, i just want to understand,
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but someone had to do it, that kill three people? two policemen and one former crime boss, have you ever thought why you were thrown into retirement, our outdoor surveillance team accepted orders for murder, the leader is responsible for the actions of his subordinates, do you really think so? “yes, you are even more naive than i expected, they just removed you so that you
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would not get in the way, you should make sure that the documents that i gave you were used for their intended purpose, and so, your former colleagues ... "just got rid of taras, they cleared out his code, sawed up his business, placed their people everywhere, and here the question arises: why am i here, what am i doing here, why hide me if nothing has changed? some people just left and others came,
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you’re silent, that’s right, because you have nothing to answer, well, has your strength already been taken away? no, with me, you’ve already played such a trick here that it would be nice to put you in jail, but they’ll just fire you, what do you want, why are you picking on my brains? you know that they are looking for you, i can just take you to the department now and i will a hero, and no one will fucking fire me, 50 million to you personally. for helping me with one matter, not here in st. petersburg, the money is there and the person from whom i need to take it is also
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there, 50 million, it’s not a difficult matter, we’ll handle it in a couple of days, i have no one in st. petersburg to help me, and you can solve it. questions, after all, you served there for more than one year, yes, i can, whatever you say, in principle, i have nothing to lose here, they will grind there for a long time, you are in a hurry somewhere , but i want to go home to st. petersburg, i’m already tired, and i would i wouldn't be in a hurry if i were you, if the general having terminated the rights and tikhomirov fixed this... in st. petersburg there are three cold ones, you and i are in quarantine , you and i will be kicked out to hell and this is with a certain amount of luck, or they can put us in jail, we
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didn’t know anything, don’t be ridiculous, who cares, from we needed to ensure the safety of the witness, we did our job, but what kind of work is there in the bathhouse, a client is killing three people under our noses, well, there must be some options, for example, this is not a general... no, the investigation will sort it out, as they say, good luck to you too, you're used to having the last word
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always... stays behind you, how funny you are, vitya, you are a zero, a walking function, you destroy everything you touch, you couldn’t even save your wife and child, if she had stayed with me, everything would have been different. what? what did you just say? i could make her happy, unlike you. you are lying?
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just tell me you're lying now. hello, boss, great, why, now they are hunting for you, there is such a moment , nepalese, you once helped me, now it’s my turn, everything is fine with the goys, i bought a subscription from them for the whole month, now i’ll put you in the back, sleep peacefully until st. petersburg.
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“i’m here now, don’t relax , okay, just come on faster, who, can’t you see , why the hell are you stuck, it wasn’t fate to call, vika, who is your client, someone, let’s go get him right now , clearly, he paid for the night. listen, don’t show me your character here, if it weren’t for me, i would have been sitting there a long time ago, oh, okay, please come in, i won’t be with two, calm down, let’s set the table and have a drink don't forget, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, and i'm now, hello, hello, so, who are you,
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clothes in hand for the exit? who are you? i said? you have one minute, then i will hit you in the face and throw you out the window. well, run, quickly! a grandiose masterpiece for all times, this land is full of superstitions, every day the messiah, the master and margarita are waiting here! new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. bonanza, premieres from monday at 22:15 on...
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the password, but on one condition chameleon, premiere, very interesting, of course, everything is just like in the movies, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. allow me, come in, mish, sit down , what did you want, the search for kharitonov yielded nothing, that’s understandable, he knows this city like the back of his hand, i think he already does. hence, i wanted to report that during a search in his house, drugs were found, most likely those with which he supplied zaretskaya. the investigator sent them for examination, we need to wait for the results, but i think, yes, you
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are right, and one more thing, we found a cache in the basement, there was money there. registered weapons and cartridges, the investigation believes that zaretskaya was killed with cartridges of the same series. well, that's quite logical. this means kharitonov got zaretskaya hooked on drugs. sorry to interrupt, viktor sergeevich. we also found joint photographs of kharitonova zaredskaya. apparently they had an intimate relationship. well, one is not the other excludes. so, zaretsk. secretly from mitrafanov, she met with kharitonov, she
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told me about some materials that she was collecting, most likely, at that time she began a relationship with the first policeman of the city, then drugs, she needed a new dose, and kharitonov, with his help, brought money from the budget, but no, not like that, i thought that i was withdrawing money, but this was a couple in secret, they changed account numbers and appropriated this money for themselves, and where is this money now, well , only kharitonov can answer this question, but i almost i’m sure he’s not the last link in this chain, he’s... a good operator, maybe even a good boss, but even for him this is
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too complicated a combination, a lot of money, there’s someone else, there’s someone who came up with this scheme, this person must have great connections in the banking industry, without them there is no way, in any case, we need kharitonov, all we have to do is find him, he... won’t go anywhere, believe me, i know what i’m saying, mish, i i’m returning to st. petersburg for a long time, when should i expect you back, i must tell you, i found the man for whom i was sent to the winds.
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have you found the killer? who is he? his fate will be decided in st. petersburg, and it will be decided by completely different people. well, as for me, tomorrow i will carry out the report. it will be better for everyone. i didn’t need to come back, it was a mistake, it would be a mistake if you left now, mish, don’t, i’ve already decided everything, viktor sergeevich, you will take my place, you wanted it, well, not in the same way, that’s it, mish, i no longer have a place in this system. you can
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go. i'm going far away, i'll go eat, buy, otherwise
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the hostess clearly didn’t count on us, you ate everything from her, let her go on her own , don’t you trust me, trust me, well, check, well, well, unlike you, i’m not on the wanted list , at least not yet, just she’s sleeping, but if you want, go wake her up, really, let her come down on her own, how do you even know, this is my land, he protected the girls, or what? yes, i had to, but what if i couldn’t stretch my legs from hunger? it's clear. sit, uh-huh, uh, mamdzel, get up, lord, well, go to the store, buy something to eat, decide for yourself that i didn’t hire you as a courier, and in general, who cares for me? he’ll pay, we’ll figure it out, i wonder what it’s like,
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don’t be afraid, i won’t offend you, get up, come out, i’m not dressed, how gentle are we? sign and let everything be as before , unexpectedly, i did everything you asked, i found a killer, you don’t need me anymore, i wonder what moscow will say to this, or maybe
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it’s enough to look up to her, that you’ve settled moscow before moscow, you can think, they don’t have their own problems there... well, you’re right here, ritya, and are you sure that it was tikhomirov who shot the head of our web, romanevsky and general ignatov, the former chief of police city, yes, i’m sure he told me about it himself, he shot koltsov, the ring operator, and he also shot andrei nekrasov. do you understand what this means? for whom, for the head of the defense center, for me personally, for
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all of us, i simply did my job, then decide for yourself. in general, we will have to take you out of development. yeah, okay, okay, i spent 3 months on this operation, and it’s all in vain? force majeure circumstances, as it became known not today, the person for whom the acrobat sent you is under state protection, yes. okay, seriously, and at the same time he killed three people right under their noses, excellent protection, what can i say, well, first of all, they had to ensure the safety of their client, which is what they were actually doing , some kind of nonsense, comrade colonel, who is he, you don’t know i need to know this, i’m not asking his last name,
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a bandit, a murderer, then i don’t understand anything at all, i don’t understand anything at all, what are we losing? what are you talking about now? i'm talking about the operation, comrade colonel, in order to gain confidence in the acrobat, i had to find for this shooter, we know who he is, we know where he is, give me the address, i’ll go, get him out, hand him over to the acrobat, can you even imagine what will happen, what the acrobat will do to him, kill him, you’re probably serious about this, we have a serious operation, comrade. yes, i can’t make such a decision on my own, i’ll call management and let them decide, of course, as usual, yes, as usual, i’ll be leaving soon, where?
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yes, the question is not where, for how long, for how long, for a very long time, of course, you won’t take me with you, no, how can that be, seryozha, where i go, you won’t be able to, next to you i can do it everywhere. it’s you who don’t understand, but i love you, seryozha. i'm not seryozha. and even so, you have intelligence officers for
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all occasions, whatever you have, a trip abroad, a secret operation, i’m sorry, you can’t tell me anything. and you know, i’ll wait for you anyway , i’ll never come back here, the company is family, in unity, our strength, the family should have come to an agreement with me before, but now it’s too late, we have vulnerable points in the company where kudryavtsev can attack us , uncle dima is nothing will he receive? and it’s not even a question of money, not family, damn it, lock up amazing creatures , everyone will lose from this war, well, give up,
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igor gordin, there’s a family, there are more of them, but i ’m smarter, yulia snegir, you know how your family humiliated me , alexey guskov, some santa barbara, a bonanza, today is shit, over my shit, premiere. from monday at 22:15 on ntv. boss, new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. fever, runny nose, headache, and spray for treating a sore throat maxicold lore not only helps relieve sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms. to make a smart choice, you don’t need to scroll through the websites of all stores, look for a product in yandex search and
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the nineties he. wrote the hit position number one has been paying for it since then , of course, it haunts me all my life, star, how kaymetov traded classics for pop, kuganin two, where fate brought him together with masha rasputina, and they feed the brown bear with black caviar, but that’s not me , it was victor who fed why the star of the nineties does not recognize the stamp in his passport, kai immediately asked for a telephone number, i did not give him. i became a single father, any child wants to spend more time there with his mother, nastya’s mother, she didn’t mind nastya living with me, it worked out can kai metov make a fortune from gold hits, but realistically how much money do you have, even 177 million, and how he is coping with the loss of his mother, she was sure that he will live for a long time, kaymetov and his million-dollar secret, saturday at
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21:20 on ntv . “we discussed the situation with colleagues from the investigative committee, a decision was made to take tikhomirov to st. petersburg for investigative actions, yes, but if you don’t interrupt, there will be questions for you too, if general rastorguev’s version is confirmed, you know, it’s best for you to shoot yourself, good joke , just a joke, yes you are framed everyone"? you, me, the minister, everyone . rastorguev has no evidence. comrade general, i would not rush to report to moscow. we can figure out the situation on our own. it’s too late. guilty? the operational event with tikhomirov will be carried out by the federal security service.
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free. as long as we are free, that’s it, we can start collecting things, if tekhomirov was given to the security officers, they will pull everything out of him, to the last comma, i don’t see the point of tikhomirov testifying against himself, they will pull information out of him, check it and they’ll come to the same conclusions that i’m terminating, they won’t just kick you and me out, they’ll also open a case against us, that’s it, let’s go, now a second. my last name is with snin, i already called and asked for a meeting, okay, i’ll be there.
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and who are you going to call, it’s none of your business , you’re losing your grip, justify it, you’re a cop, use your brain, any phone can be broken, any conversation can be tracked, who is your person, where is the guarantee that he will give you your money, that’s what you’re talking about you want to talk to him, well, yes, you're right. there is no need to call from this apartment, nor from this phone, here you just need a couple regular push-button phones, and they hand out the left sim cards at the metro, you want me to grab them, oh well, just quickly, one leg here, the other there, two devices and sim cards.
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good afternoon, good, you saw, speak, i already told your man on the phone, i have information about who killed the wheeler, speak, stop, that’s not how things are done, who stop
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told. filter-bazaar, i’m an acrobat, i need guarantees, do you want money, i answer, i’ll hand over a person, i’ll personally hand it over from hand to hand, no, i... didn’t come here for money, what do you want? i need, i need him to die, let’s say, why should i trust you, you’re a cop, you can’t be trusted at all, i’ll explain, but rather show you, and you’ll understand everything yourself, you’ll find out what the hell this is, it’s max, right . he died, your guys killed him, 5 years ago, or what? in fact, he is alive, and it was he who shot the ringer. how can this be? his death was
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faked. he was provided with state protection. all this time he lived in another city under a false name. do you know where he is now? yes, but you can’t get it there, the place is too confusing. tell, where? “i’ll send all my people there, i’ll have to drop bombs from the air, this is unnecessary, tomorrow tikhomirov will be brought to st. petersburg, i’ll tell you what kind of car he’ll be in and how many guards there will be, okay, i’ll wait impatiently.”
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i could make her happy, unlike you. yes, i have terminated the deal. viktor sergeevich, this is yura voskov. yes, yuri, i’m listening to you. i can’t talk for a long time, i’m in st. petersburg. kharitonov too. he wants to take his money. today will he contact his man or whatever ? and make an appointment. first good news for a few days. tell me, yur, are you sure that kharitonov trusts you? it’s better that he can get rid of you at any moment. even your own mother will curse you. yur, i ask you, be careful, the man who stands behind kharitonov is cunning and dangerous, don’t get too carried away, if anything happens, shoot first. everything will be fine, viktor sergeevich, don’t worry, that’s it, i can’t say more,
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as soon as there is new information, i ’ll get in touch immediately. okay, yur, i'll wait. for some reason i haven’t seen you guys before, you’re new, something like that, the old ones are gone, where are we going, first to st. petersburg, and then, and then how will you behave. listen, it’s me, i’ve picked up the cargo, i’m leaving, we
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’re waiting for you, evgeniy, we’re really waiting for you, good luck. why are we dragging along like this? it’s slippery, now we’ll go out onto the track, i’ll add speed.
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damn it, get up, let's go, let's go , let's go, you know, okay, okay, great.
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come on, come on, you're definitely a cop. where are we going? i want to know who you are and where are we going? hey, where are you? i came? am i under the bridge too? got it, i'll be there now. will you cover me, if something happens,
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if something happens, what? stay here, don't glare. i don’t see any money, you’re completely out of your mind. from greed, he doesn’t carry that kind of money with him , i’m wanted, i need money and documents, as you promised, but i have documents, but i’ll have to wait with the money, i can’t even transfer it to your card, i ’ll block it right away , listen, colleague , i need my money, i have a little , it’s enough for the first time, the rest will have to wait two months, you’re crazy, i’m telling you, i ’m wanted, i need my money, that’s it... stop!
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let me at least breathe some fresh air, where have you seen fresh air here, alexander borisovich, that’s true too.
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new phone, sim card inserted into the local apartment, you said winds, first to the apartment, change clothes, take a shower, the whole place stinks, this is the first one, changing the route.
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previt. what's digging there? alexander borisovich. you have to check everything,
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alexandrevich, is everything okay? yes, a doctor. no, find me rastorguev, who, general rastorguev, well, is there any news? yura received two bullets, one in the leg, the other pierced his lung, and lost a lot of blood. the doctors say it’s actually a miracle that they got there? they had an operation,
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the condition is serious, i don’t know anything else. why didn’t you tell me anything about what, that vaskov carried out your tasks, mish , let’s sort things out with her now, you know the rules, we’re not playing with toys here, which means that after all, you didn’t fully believe me, i didn’t trust anyone, and it’s not that i haven’t seen you for many years. just to find out the truth, your attitude towards him could change, the one who watched him could see it and draw the appropriate conclusions, so everything should have looked real, you immediately realized that kharitonov would make contact with him, no, and what difference does it make,
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kharitonov or someone else, two policemen are coming to the city, one is a boss, the other is an officer, one is good, the other is bad, through whom they will look for approaches to to the boss , of course, through the second one, it’s like when you’re fishing, you throw a knife and wait until someone bites, and you can wait for a long time, in our case everything happened quite quickly, but in general many people wait their whole lives, yes, i understand, now will. this is misha koplevich, the head of the search from
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vetrova, andrey, misha, tell it like it is, misha, my guys are working on the spot now, but we don’t have any leads.
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i’ll be with you in 20 minutes, come downstairs, andrey, i’m on the phone, if anything happens, call me right away, okay, but what should i do? it’s better for you to go to the winds, but now there’s someone there without me to figure it out, but what happened there? they shot up the car, apparently with security officers, but they pushed our department aside? viktor sergeevich, i didn’t have time to tell you, an attempt was made on metrofanov’s life an hour ago, is he alive? not scratches, well that means in shirt was born. that’s it, i went, if anything happens, we’ll keep in touch, yes, no, okay, but what should i do? the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark is a pleasure to feel. reagan bush kohl planned everything in advance, they are sure that perestroika
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will destroy the ussr, we work within the rules, the enemy does not play by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions, be with him until he leads you to the archive, attack me, i will kill everyone you know. i will find you and kill you. gdr. the main premiere of the year. coming soon to ntv. you might as well not turn it off, mish. i feel good about these guys. mask, new season. february 11 at 20:20. on ntv bank for business, how modern it is, and
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boss, new season. are you staying with us for a long time? hopefully forever. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. what's this? is that all you can tell me? it is not clear who is attacking our people. this is the same in general. “not quite so , comrade general, the identities of the attackers have already been established, one of them is a certain khmurov, the head of the acrobat’s personal guard, i now want to ask you two simple questions, two
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simple questions, and i want to get clear answers to them, where is our human?" whom you for the infiltration operation he pulled it out with a knitting needle, and where the hell is this cargo that he was supposed to deliver to us for investigative actions, where are they, i would venture to guess, i don’t need your assumptions, i’m asking where they are, killed, kidnapped, why not communication is coming out, it’s my fault, comrade general, i have... there are no exact data, but i would venture to suggest that major shulgin, at any cost, decided to bring the operation to an end. what does it mean to complete an operation? i'm afraid that he personally decided to hand tikhomirov into the hands of the acrobat. you
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do you even understand what you are saying now? i understand, comrade general. you see, that's why i. i need your instructions on whether i should give the order to search for and detain major shulgin, given that he will do his best to prevent this, should i give the order to use lethal weapons by our employees and auxiliary forces. yes, this situation requires reflection. i must contact moscow. i can't make a decision alone. you can, comrade general. why did you fix everything, borya, comrade general, comrade general, you can, you can.
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the clock is counting. that's what i wanted to say. it's clear. so, comrade colonel. prepare a report on what happened with details, and your thoughts on this matter, i won’t delay you, viktor sergeevich, glad to see you, something happened, that hacker girl we hired, where is she now? the building is working, this is data on the money that the criminal group withdrew from vetrov’s budget, so let her find out where this money is now, who has access to it, even i understand that this impossible, this is impossible for you and me, but she can succeed, she’s a hacker, yes, but not a wizard, i understand everything, kostya, but this is very important, i will be grateful for any
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information, i understand, i will set the task for her directly now, come on. yes rastorgoev, this is mitrafanov, we can meet, now is an extremely bad time, we have something to talk about, believe me, okay, send me the address, i will be there. sit down, don’t let anyone in, uh-huh, i don’t have much time, don’t show
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your character, i offered to cooperate with you, you refused, what do you want from me now? have you heard about the explosion in my st. petersburg apartment? yes, now i really have reason to fear for my life, don’t i? yes, until today everything was within the framework of the agreements, serious people promised me patronage, and the fact that i left prison so soon is confirmation of this, although, to be honest, i should not have ended up behind bars there at all, i don’t tell you understand. do you seriously think that i don’t keep track of my finances, and for me the loss of several hundred millions, it’s such a trifle, it’s nothing, i
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’ll explain, i shouldn’t have said this, since i gave a subscription and not a disclosure, or whatever it is? called, and not the disclosure of information constituting a state secret? yes, that’s it, over the past few years i worked for your office, all the money from the budget that i withdrew with the help of zaretskaya, i sent it to the police officers, to the ministry of internal affairs, to the central office. here's tea with lemon, i asked for coffee, it makes my brain work better, okay, now i'll go down to the dining room and bring it, oh, not to the dining room,
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there's coffee there, it sucks, go across the road , there's a cafe, tell me what they'll do for me, i got it, maybe something else, donut, donut, two, viktor sergeevich, you understand what i said, well, i understand , were you promised patronage in business for money transfers? well, that’s also true, but we’re talking about something else , this is not a corruption scheme, this is, i don’t know, government assistance, let’s call it that, this is generally funny, the state does not stand on the porch with its hand outstretched, this money was needed for secret operations, or what do you call it there?
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will spend, here we need a businessman like me who will share his income in exchange for certain preferences, well, let’s say, but why did you take money from vetrov’s budget, well , you’re like a child, i’m such a fool to spend my personal money, the budget, it’s nobody’s money there , in general, the wolves are full, and so are the sheep. you are ready to enter the game, ready to forget about everything, ready to fall again, get up again, not ready, pull yourself together
9:27 pm
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monday at 20:00 on ntv. a man who looked into the future. continuation of the sensational interview. 2024 brings us there are many surprises whether biden will finally press the red button. grandfather got a little sick there and his head wasn’t all right. how will patrons write off zelensky as a liability? fate is generally terrible, of course. what awaits pugachev in begad, who for the americans was born in 1948, and for us in 1949. the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth. and when, according to the scientist’s calculations, there will be victory in a special military operation. this is the main forecast, so to speak, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv.
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well, can you help me? help with what? well, tell your colleagues that i do not pose any threat to them, i am ready to cooperate with them further, and i am ready to increase the amount of payments. i don't want to be eliminated. it seems to me that you are exaggerating. perhaps, but my life will be at stake. okay, but i need to know who you had the contract with, first and last name. rank position, well , the first time i met with general gladelin from moscow, and the second time we discussed the details of the transfers with his employee, colonel stasov. the general
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came to your office as an ordinary visitor, or invited you to your place for a conversation? no, not exactly that, the head of the department. special operation of the ministry of internal affairs generalmair gladiln i know personally, he was born in leningrad, me too, we went to the same boxing section, played sports, here you go, hacker, thank you, before it cools down, thank you, in fact, the work here will be for a long time, so i will need the help of my friends , i don’t understand what the problem is. but i need my hardware, but the computer, i have to work from home so that they understand for sure that it’s me, especially now they’re already sleeping, where they live it’s night now, well, okay, okay, actually what i wanted to say, we are talking about different tranches, but i didn’t understand, well, look, before
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money from vetrovo was transferred to the accounts of commercial companies in the same wind, well, yes, then this money began to be transferred to the accounts of third, fifth companies and so on, the last two since the money was spent on other details, what kind of money are we looking for, well... oh well, otherwise i thought that you were checking me, what do you mean i’m checking, well, you doubt my qualifications, because the last money is here, like here? well, here, in our bank, what do you mean in the bank? that's it, here we come in roundabout ways, i tell you for sure, there can be no mistake, oh, what happened, i was detected, what does that mean? well, they recorded it, but they caught it, that is, okay, nonsense , these are the it specialists from our bank, it’s not scary, yes, here are all
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gladilin’s contacts, telephone numbers including his office one, addresses in moscow and st. petersburg, he comes here twice a month definitely, alexander borisovich, you won’t be embarrassed by one. what, you called general gladilin your friend, do you seriously think that he is capable of organizing your murder, i live in real world, it’s usually your closest friends who stick a knife in the back, you think differently, i think that you had a big problem with your friends, perhaps, but with you, where are we going, i don’t understand anything, shut up. but what about coffee, donuts, well, it’s a pity, i’ll buy you a whole carriage later if we get out of here, you’re paranoid, no, i’ve been living for a long time, come on, konstantin igorevich, you
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’ll have to stay, mr. trofemov wants to talk to you, okay, you go , you and i will talk later, the girl will also have to stay, let’s go in. i don't promise anything the issue is extremely delicate and will take time. what should i do? try to stay alive in the next couple of days. it's funny to joke. this was no joke. you're wrong, buddy, trafimov's reception room is on the third floor, shut up,
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this is cool, normal, i was hand-to-hand in the soviet union. let's go, the car, misha koplevich, this is elbow, i urgently need your help, i understand, come on, this is a movie, yes, get in the car. allow me, my report is as you asked, but...
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no, clearly, i’m not delaying, and you won’t read it now, i’ll call you in about an hour and a half.
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rastorgoev. viktor sergeevich, if you recognize my voice, you don’t need to call me by name. yes, i’m listening to you, comrade junior lieutenant. i thought you might find this interesting. the employee i told you about captured your old friend and will soon hand him over to a man who works in the circus. and is there nothing you can do? well, i'm just a junior lieutenant, following orders from my senior ranks. i heard you, thanks for the information.
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misha, get in the car, she needs to talk, well, well, great, how are you doing? i found out that i was in st. petersburg, how did i know, i thought that you were in the wind, they would have rushed straight towards you, but i’m sorry, there was a mistake, what happened, oh, listen, it takes a long time to explain, in general, my girlfriend and i they learned various bad things, i think that they will start hunting for us, who is a one-part office, but serious, they used to go under the cop’s roof, so i think that they have resources, like in the good old days, don’t say, no, it’s so easy to sit down drink vodka, and with pies, listen, don’t joke, now there’s no time for pies, okay, let’s go, there is a place where they won’t look, it’s reliable, let’s go.
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i already get natural heartburn when i hear the name ratarguev. what else did he tell you? with a high probability, tikhomirov is already with the acrobat, or he will soon be brought to him, and this is already the business of our older brothers, let’s not get involved in their showdown, it’s my fault. i don’t understand what kind of showdown, well, you know, they have their own secrets, we can disrupt some kind of development for them, but tikhomirov has been granted state protection, our office is responsible for his life, i said that’s it forget, tikhomirov was handed over to the fsb for investigative actions, and that there is a corresponding document, and if he is killed, who will be responsible, us or them, how difficult it is with all of you, comrade general, i propose to intervene in the situation, we have nothing to lose, you here... go, i'll think, but no,
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now is the time to think, we need to act, hello, nekrasov, you're talking to a general, who am i, allow me to go, comrade major general, free. what are you going to do next? just talk, andrey, just talk.
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so i believed you, the bright taste of jardin gold and jardin deep dark instant coffee, the pleasure to feel, almost all the crime bosses of the city were killed. even in the nineties they wouldn’t kill like that. kirill polukhin. i don’t want to walk, so the city is afraid that i will be shot in the back. denis senyavsky. i propose to find this nit before he does and crush it. do you want war? vladimir litvinov. there are different games,
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you can’t get out of this game. valery afanasyev. he was right about rastorguev, he doesn’t understand where he’s going. well, it’s okay, they weren’t the ones who broke off. andrey chubchenko. there is such a profession, a policeman , this is a great responsibility to people, chief, new season, what kind of wild west have you created there again, the wall, legs, for the earth, i said, the costs of the profession, from monday at 20:00 on ntv, a bonanza , premiere, from monday at 22:15 on ntv. lightberry release.
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you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive it. discover your style with oha, beautiful, comfortable, fashionable! new collections at competitive prices, choose with discounts at valtberes, what did you come to our office? 3 rubles, and if you don’t bring it, it will be like this every day, but i’m tired of being a jerk, i want to go with the boys, you brought him, you get up with him , screw you, the boy is now with us,
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he told me, young people, i of course understand what you have to do an evening of memories, but i think someone promised to buy me something to eat, and i also need coffee and a laptop, why do you need the laptop is for work, i managed to copy something, i want to do a little work, i told you that everything is serious here, well, let's go. yes, max, you surprised me, i didn’t think that you would return from the other world, you know,
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it seemed to me that nothing would surprise me anymore in this life, but i didn’t return, i’m a ghost, i don’t exist, ghosts don’t spit blood , ok. you ’ll tell me now why you put the cops in the ring along with them, then you’ll die peacefully without pain, and if you remain silent, then like in the nineties, i’ll put a soldering iron in one place, remember we had entertainment, i remember, i remember, i remember everything, from the nineties you ran under me like a six, you kept asking for the team, to take you, it’s a pity that i didn’t kill you then, yes, you sold out to the cops,
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you bitched, you ratted out the boys, taras, so, so you it’s so mean, the cops also brought us into power, why are you silent, isn’t it, or what, but what are we apart from each other? yes, we are different, but you shouldn’t have just said that, hey, bring a soldering iron, oilcloth, lay the tiles, otherwise it will ruin it, thanks for the cognac, it’s good, it looks expensive, but... we don’t hold bad things, for me it’s all just compote, you know well done, you’re responsible for the market, and you know,
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i wanted to let you go in any case, but you won’t find guys like you, you’ll work for me, but why all of a sudden? i forgot that i was lost, i did the work, received the money and continued to travel, you are increasing your price, let’s think about where to use your talents? yes, but in any case, i need to lay low, they will look for you, but i don’t leave my boys in trouble, especially since i need to find out who grokked my brothers, yes, there’s a man who came to you, what else man, obana, who are you, general rastorguev, what are you looking at,
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show me your id? i’ll have to use two soldering irons today, i wouldn’t get too excited if i were you, for the murder of an employee, up to life imprisonment, what’s that, there’s no blood on me, i’m a law-abiding citizen, i have all the guns with permission, any lawyer will get rid of it, but he , he also has a gun with a permit, well, i’ll ask, do you want money, kill the cop, i’ll give you a day right away, no, a hundred square meters doesn’t work,
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200, even 250. in slow motion, you understand what you’re doing now, i understand, you’re good i thought, i thought, damn it’s jammed. well, that’s it, yes, that’s it, understand, the police, citizens are police, i want to make a statement, they broke into my place, make a statement, and if you don’t get away, then as many as two, like you, go ahead, okay, move faster, call him an ambulance , so as not to bleed, yeah, stand, where is
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tikhomirov, there? on the way out, about my wife, is this true? i want to hear it, say yes.
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well, that's it, now you're seated, let's go out! although i would shoot you. most of all i feel sorry for mitrofanov in this story. it seems like he’s not a fool, he’s seen a lot, but you fooled him like a complete sucker. watch your language, because i'm not your boy. i think it was like this, general gladelin from moscow told him
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about your secret operations, uncontrollable amounts of money. and he believed, well, of course. usually the police come to him for bribes and then ask for help. you stupidly appropriated the money that he withdrew from the budget. i think it was not only mitrofanov who paid you, but many authoritative people. the count was in the billions. but is this your speculation? but an unfortunate misunderstanding happened. mitrofanov was abandoned by the former head of police vetrov and everything went wrong so. the situation got out of control. an investigation began and mitrofanov became dangerous to you. well, how else? he could have given an answer , as they usually say, because no one wanted to kill him, at least i don’t know anything about it, but think for yourself, everything would have settled down, they would have settled it with the committee. and mitrofanov would calmly continue to pay, suckers always pay, but you are all good, wolves, sheep, rats, whatever you want, justice, vitya,
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vitya, vitya, you are incorrigible, well, to whom and what are you trying to prove, you want to tell about your vaunted honesty and integrity, do you want an investigation? what the hell, then the whole city will know that all this time you have been feeding from my hands, you live in an apartment bought with stolen money, you drive a car bought with them, and by the way, it is still registered with the bank, you i haven’t paid the last installment, that’s all you can tell me, because i’ve already told you too much, come on, let’s be friends. as before,
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we need to decide something, how they react to the latest events, to the report of general rastorguev about the details of the theft. but i wouldn’t want eyes, let moscow decide, i understand, but we will deal with our personnel, each in his own department, yes
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, please deal with your personnel, but we have already sorted it out, really, believe me. yes, i’m listening, also a colonel, this is shulgin, we should talk, you have the wrong number, there are no such people here, and never have been.
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you turned out to be right, your friend grandfather. not a very good person, you will be able to come to an agreement with him, listen to this recording, you will understand a lot, i am sure you will make the right decision, everything would calm down, you would work it out with committee, and mitrofanov would calmly continue to pay, suckers always pay. good afternoon, i want to book a one-way train ticket, of course, where are you going, where? good question,
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what can you offer me? man, stop joking, when you understand where you need to go, then call. well, yes, i think there’s nothing to worry about, well , you never know what anyone said, let them try to prove it first, never mind, goodbye. new season. new costumes, new stars, who are
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you, mask? mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can. connect for a maximum of 399.
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number of extra pounds, design provides training not only for the legs, but also for the arms, on a table or on the floor. the cardio machine is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and level of physical fitness. call to order a compact home cardio exercise machine for only 2,999 rubles. but if you call us right now, you'll get two knee pads. move easily as a gift. leamax, purchases with a plus. employees of the main directorate of internal security of the ministry of internal affairs of russia directly in your personal account. according to our data, gladilin is charged with abuse of power and fraud on a particularly large scale size.
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hello, let's go! where we go? first to the cemetery.
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miss your family viktor sergeevich. yes, we will always miss them. one day we will meet our loved ones. yes, one day. yes, andrey. viktor sergeevich, regarding your request, i almost forgot. as you remember, general ryazhsky was transferred to st. petersburg from
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tambov. i clarified. his mother died in 2014 and is buried there. repeat. i say his mother is buried there, in tambov. i hate you, hi dad, what channel should you turn on, what music do you want to hear, what will you have for dinner? mom prepared a delicious salad, how was your day, what did you do at work? yes, reshetnikov , comrade colonel, this is nekrasov, speak up, andrei , i’m sorry for bothering you, but you asked to keep you informed of the matter, we have a problem, yura
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zvezdakov has not been in contact for 2 hours, don’t panic ahead of time, andrei, i’m sure there's nothing wrong with him, i don't like it, he should have made a follow-up call. go ahead, call me as soon as any information appears, at any time, understand? i understand, with your permission the end connections, come on!
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we agreed, we only meet if there is a fire, no one should see us together, is it really unclear, so now there is a fire, i hope my boyfriend is alive, he’s okay, he’s alive, bye, what the hell is this. bye, colonel, what do they pay you for, so that you solve our problems, so that we don’t have problems, and you? i called immediately as soon as they reported to me, they reported, but this operative has been friends with us for 3 days already, i realized, colonel,
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do you even know what your employees do, or is everyone on their own? i i’ll solve this, figure it out, and it won’t happen again. i answer, of course, it won’t happen again, why, what are you doing, what are you saying, what’s wrong with you? everyone ’s tower was blown away, this is an operative, a senior operative for particularly important matters, this is a report to the minister right away, but you ’re not a member of the arik, they told you, the guy is alive , thank god, so where is he, where? it’s not far from here, what are you doing? he shouldn’t have seen me, it’s too late to rush around, he’s already seen it, come here to kill him, are you
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crazy, i won’t, i’ll have to, colonel, i’ll have to, it’s your fault, and if the kid stays alive, then we’ll khan to everyone, and you too, “listen, i, i’ll come to an agreement with him , i’ll give him money, i’ll solve it all, he won’t tell anyone anything about how to get money, you’re the first to distribute, but how to work, in the bushes, in short, colonel, you’ll overwhelm him, and between everything will be fine with us, cut short. uh-huh, come on, come on
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, be brave, hands on! like a living thing, uh-huh, department of your own security, comrade colonel, thank god that you are here, there is my employee, zvezdakov, he needs help, they will help him, the question is, who will help you now? hands, let's go!
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well, is it hard after the hospital? no one promised it would be easy. i want to remind pixergics that the doctor warned that it is better to wait with physical activity. no problem, we'll figure it out. now the news said it was yesterday. the gestapo and reshetnikov arrested the chief of uur. occasion? yes, it seems like he provided some services to the brothers from novosib? it's clear. does anything surprise you? no, you? kostya has not been surprised by anything for a long time. i'm just wondering who will be put in his place. i personally bet on andryukha nikrasov. it's a good opera, and it's long overdue. a good opera, a good boss is a big difference. something is burning there. and how did they find you? not them, but him? i ’ve known this man for three years now, and you
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helped him on one topic, well, let’s say, you made him jump off, but he remained grateful, sometimes he helps in small things. do you remember, by the way, in august there was a story, they took a demolitionist with his older brothers, i remember. well, it’s him who leaked the topic. yeah. listen, have you got it? yes, no, i didn’t bother. well, okay, call him, shoot the arrow, you need details. all the details, i already know everything, guest arrived. from moscow i placed an order for optics with stratilium, the deadline was one day, for an urgent one he would pay a triple rate, well, the little man called me, since he himself has been in trouble for a long time, but wants to live in peace, he can draw up a portrait, or he will have to go to our specialists. an unexpected decision was made today
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by the st. petersburg city court, which examined complaints from lawyers about the choice of a preventive measure for the former head of the economic security department and... who was arrested for 2 months in the case of an attempt on the life of a police officer, by the decision of the appeal instance, ryazhsky was released from the pre-trial detention center; when making decisions , the state of health of ryazhsky, who suffers from a number of serious chronic diseases, was taken into account, as well as the fact that he was actively cooperating with the investigation, jokes aside, something needs to be solved with housing. kostya, if i’m embarrassed by something about you, tell me straight, i can move out right away, what’s wrong with you, viktor sergech, it ’s not about you, live as long as you want, it’s just not clear how to pay for the rent, they kicked me out of the bank, i have enough for a couple of months, but then, i don’t even know, well
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i’m not going to lift a barrier, i’m not going to take a leadership position without... your patronage is also unlikely to hire me, yes, now my capabilities are limited, i understand, i’ll go sell vacuum cleaners, you think vacuum cleaners are relevant, but what about vacuum cleaners, some other nonsense, the main thing is that the brain works, and there will always be something to sell, that yes, i just envy you, i envy how you do... everything is easy and simple, well, it’s not that simple and it’s not that easy, living like that easier, how to accept life as it is, and not feed in vain illusions. listen, i
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haven’t noticed such a philosophy in you before, the library in the zone was good, and you had more than enough time to read me... okay, today it’s my turn to wash the dishes, i understood the situation, act as you see fit, i’m sure it won’t you’ll let me down, thank you for your trust, comrade general, why don’t you ask me about the colonel, what’s there to ask, everything is clear, by the way, i have a committee meeting in an hour.
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it’s funny, you’d think he likes to sit in offices. good morning, viktor sergeevich, it was good, but now it’s not i’m sure, come on, aren’t you glad to see me, i don’t even know what to tell you so as not to offend you, i beg you, no offense, we’re doing the same thing, aren’t we? it's the same thing, only our methods are different. “of course, i don’t have to report to you , don’t start, our operation didn’t go according to the planned scenario, i couldn’t intervene, i didn’t have the right, but really, will you give me 5 minutes, unless, of course, you’re in too much of a hurry. the operation to infiltrate our
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agent into acrobat's circle has been a disaster. after the well-known events, we cannot trust the major more." shulgin. where is he now? i have no idea. yes, yes. the management decided to dismiss shulgin from service. you understand, no one needs an extra scandal. and let him say thank you that a case was not brought against him. although, if you are interested in my opinion, then this should be done. i’m listening to you, my last name is shulgin, i need
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to see colonel veliminov, you are assigned, no, just contact him and report that shulgin has come, on what business, personal, passport, please, please. doesn’t answer, well, call again, i advise you to come next time , arrange a meeting with comrade colonel in advance, call again. i can't help you, give
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me the paper, i'll leave a note, i'm not authorized to pass on any notes, if you want, i 'll call the officer on duty and you'll tell him the purpose of your visit? i don’t need the officer on duty, i need colonel veleminov, i should call the officer on duty. all the best, big premiere at kinopoisk, others, this is something inexplicable, this is new society, this is a new world, when we are together, they cannot win, there are so many of you, there are a lot of them, and soon they will all be here, watch others from january 25, kinopoisk, premiere today , tomorrow, always.
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and internet and send money to mom, if only you could pay it all at once without commission, honey, you’ve already got ready, you’re thinking, there’s so much you need to pay, also send money to mom, don’t worry, let’s pay for tinkov , get a tinkov black card and make payments and transfers without commission, always tinkov, i explain the rules of the upcoming transaction, now in this safe 60 million euros, only i know the code to the safe, big money smells, the game has begun, there are no winners and losers in this game, anton died at night, anton has a brother, some kind of petty swindler, well, hello, circle, guys, you who? everyone has their own interest, and you thought well, because this is a war, until the chameleon comes into play, i will tell you the password,
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off you go. but on one condition, i want to take anton’s place, where si, what’s going on, maybe we put him in vain, well, one word chameleon, we had other options, dmitry bee, which of you killed my brother, chameleon, whose side are you on, i am for myself, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for some reason i feel sorry for this guy. “it’s a pity, viktor sergeevich , this is not a word that you and i have to use in our work. it’s all my fault. i spent a long time looking for a suitable candidate to introduce, and i was mistaken, i didn’t take into account shulgin’s character, i didn’t listen to our psychologist, he was categorically against the introduction of shulgin into development. however, this is not the main problem now, you and i have another. common, yes,
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and what, tikhomirov, maxim, tikhomirov, please, come on in, spot colonel, general ratarguev recommended that i contact you, in short, about my transfer to your department, now is not the most convenient time to talk about this, you know me. i can be of assistance to you. you're wrong, i don't know you. i don't understand. you have a vacancy. yes, but it's not for everyone. general rastarkuev promised that you would take me, and i have already written a report. he made a mistake. only i decide who will serve in my department and who will not. i explained clearly. so exactly. all. for the sake of.
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i can call tikhomirov my friend, yes, but you went to the ocrabata’s house and saved him , although you could not have done this, i am a policeman, i tried to prevent a crime, nothing more, probably something... well, you will help us ? anything else? no, no, thanks. so, alexandrevich,
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what should i tell my clients? they really think that i will invest my money in such a hopeless business. the price is reasonable. are you seriously? "you and i play in different categories, i, of course, am not a poor person, but to a certain extent, that’s it, so don’t put on a smart face and don’t talk about things that you don’t understand, well, i put it wrong, these are my clients, they think that the price is adequate, but why me, the city is full of authoritative people who can they pay the required amount, or that everyone refused?" i wonder why? it’s not about money, it’s about reputational risks. the previous owners tainted this business. i think you know the reasons. yes, of course, the whole country
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knows. well, i understand, i will pass on your answer to my clients. thank you for the coffee. wait , tell your clients that i will buy their business, but on my terms , the transaction amount will be reduced by 30%, this time, the first payment is 50% immediately, and then 25% every year, the first second, that’s it, i won’t do it anymore i'm bargaining, here now. or forget my phone number. he agrees to sign the documents. i think we can finish everything tomorrow. it’s better to carry out the deal in berlin, we have everything covered there. in general, i’m going to the office now, and
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from there i’ll go straight to you. young man, what are you doing? and what is wrong? this is an expensive phone. you're lucky there's nothing wrong with him it happened. what if it happened? so, don't be rude to me.
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and don’t look back, otherwise i’ll rip your guts out , that’s it, stop it, i’ll scream until the ambulance arrives, you’ll be all over, well scream, guys, get out of here, but what do you need, uncle, i’m on my own for now if you get lost, run away from here quickly, you're in a car, that's good, thank you. no problem, well, let’s just stand there, please?
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knock, learn, today is tuesday, i know, money for this week, and for the last, by the way, too, tomorrow, you are already yesterday said. i say again, tomorrow means tomorrow, brother, if you have nothing to pay, get out, i have a long line for this room, as you say, brother, where are you going, i said it myself, get out, i’m getting out, so give what you owe and ride, documents. no
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, you lost it, then you have to go through, just like that, you bring the money, you get a passport, you have 2 days, then interest, but if you decide to get lost, i ’ll put some bad credit on your passport, you’ll be running around for the rest of your life, understand? thank you, i mean, what? help, i would of course
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i managed it myself, but thanks anyway, and of course you ended up there by accident, you were just passing by, where you and you will drop off, there further, i’ll show you, so now i’m going in the other direction. it's okay, it's not far. listen, do i look like a taxi driver? i'm not part of the good deeds crowd either. tell me directly what you need from me, and then turn right. gold will have its revenge on the prime minister. i want to know who killed your father? it turns out we need the same people, don’t be stupid. guy, your whole life is ahead of you, lovely, look only at
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the premiere, 35 days for one ruble on smart tv, new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chef - new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition , pintalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. deferment of the first
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on almost any surface, call and order xpro three in one from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 990 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro 3 in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax - purchases with a plus. call or order on our website a man who looked into the future. continuation of the sensational interview. the twenty- fourth year brings us many surprises, will biden finally press the red button? grandfather got a little sick there , not everything is in order, like when the patrons write off zelensky as a liability? the fate is generally terrible, of course, what awaits tugachev in begad, who for the americans was born in 1948, and for us in 1940
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ninth? the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth, when? come in, they are waiting for you, please, yuri viktorovich, after you, come on in already, they told you, they are waiting for us, take off your coat and go into the living room, nothing will happen to him. with a coat, otherwise it’s expensive, i bought it in london, there, there, hello, come in, sit down, thank you, karimov,
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investigator for especially important cases, the first investigative department of the main one, i know who you are, we’ve met each other, but not enough. i have to introduce myself, would you rather explain that is happening, otherwise the police gentlemen didn’t bother to explain anything before we get started, i’ll ask you to sign this , that this is a non-disclosure agreement, what the hell is a state secret, i’m not going to sign anything, you see, suspect? insists that it is you who defends him, what suspect, who are you talking about, your old client, so give your first and last name, why are we even talking here? what's going on in your office? yuri viktorovich, before you see your client, you must
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sign this document, otherwise there is no other way. you see how wonderful it is, but you were nervous. your client is in the next room, i don’t limit you in time, go there? yes, of course, please, yeah.
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maxim aleksandrovich, i see that you found out how you are feeling, you can give volkardin a drop, better than vodka, two for 100. are you sleeping there or what? well, mr. tikhomirov, are you ready to testify? in what
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capacity do you wish to question my client? well, as a witness, for now as a witness. in this case, my client decided to use the fifty-first article constitution. that's all i wanted to say. clear. i just wasted my time with you. too, in this case , do you leave me any other choice? so, mr. tikhomerov, now you will be detained in accordance with article ninety-one. as far as i understand, during interrogation as a suspect, which will take place immediately after the arrest, mr. tikhomirov will also not testify against himself, correct? maxim aleksanovich, could you leave us with a fellow investigator? alone, it’s literally for 5 minutes, but actually i’m in charge here, who should leave, who should stay, i’m just saving
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your time, yeah, as far as i understand, you are going to accuse my client of three murders, how are you going to prove this, well, the fact that tikhomirov used his mistress’s car for his trips to st. petersburg is not difficult to prove worth it, but he doesn’t deny it, and the girl , of course, will confirm that she gave him the car keys herself, as far as i understand, you didn’t find maxim aleksandrovich’s fingerprints on the weapon used to commit the murders, and from where he could take a weapon, he bought it at a vegetable market, well, he has connections in the criminal world of st. petersburg, so this is not a problem for him, you have nothing but... and speculation, where are the testimonies of witnesses, where are the recordings from the external surveillance cameras of the system a safe
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city, but not everything right away, mr. lawyer, you will have all the evidence, i won’t argue with you, i just want to remind you that my client is under state protection, and you will be obliged to provide this protection to him, even in pre-trial detention center, and if suddenly, i emphasize... if he is suddenly found guilty and receives a prison term, he will have to be defended even in prison. in fact, he gets a life sentence. and it doesn't matter. it will be necessary to protect even in the polar council. this is the law. what? why are you grinning? you can be free, sir. and my client? yes, him too. it was filled up literally before my
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arrival, why did you decide? well, we called him, agreed to meet, i drove for a maximum of 30 minutes, change your mobile number. do you think they listened to me, or what? well, either you, or your man, or he he screwed up with something, they took him to a place, i don’t know, there were a lot of reasons, did you see anyone here? no, andryukha, if he was dead, as i understand it, this grenade was for me.
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turned out to be right. well, all’s well that ends well, maxim alexandrovich, you did the right thing by turning to me for help. i am sure that now the investigative committee will no longer bother you. but i don’t understand, where is everything? sorry, who do you mean? i mean security. so, can you call them? do you have their phone numbers? and finally, here they are. colonel cherkizov, head of the state protection center for st. petersburg and the leningrad region. pavlov, lawyer, mr. tikhomirov? i know. maxim alexandrovich, all formalities need to be settled, so read and sign. what is this? mr. tikhomirov, it says here that from today you have been denied state protection. this
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moscow killer is clearly targeting revsky, listen, but if he lost his optics through my man and couldn’t get hold of them, then we can’t worry about it for a while, but if he had the backup option is that then the nuts are now where, in one of the apartments of the state defense center, we are going there right now, and if he changes his address or takes him out of the city altogether, it’s not an option, he has... another interrogation in the committee, like everything else it’s difficult, our task is not just to save ryazhsky’s life, but to take the killers on the spot, it’s clear, we believe that at this point in time there is no threat to mr. tikhomirov’s life, all those people against whom he testified have either died or are in prison, and the resources of our office are not unlimited, so from this day on
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you are on your own, here... a passport, it is written out in your real name and surname, i have everything , no, that means everything, wait, but if you are mistaken, if something really happens to him, what then, then we will be forced to admit our mistake, i’m afraid they’ll even give me a severe reprimand, but i’m sure everything will be fine, all the best, tomorrow i’ll write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office right in the morning, they don’t yet know who they contacted, they just don’t it’s necessary, yuri, it’s not necessary, don’t you understand that this is all useless, fighting with the state is stupid? yes, but okay, that's it, let's roll, come on.
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right here? no, they will take us, where? and now you care. wait for me here for 5 minutes, then we’ll go to the department and get ready for tomorrow. fine. i understand that my proposal comes as a complete surprise to you, but believe me, maxim aleksandrovich, the matter cannot tolerate any delay. we do not have the opportunity to bring
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our own person to the acrobat, and you... are a candidate for input into development, for my part i can guarantee you that at the end of the operation you... will receive a new one a set of documents in any name and surname, you will be able to leave the country. do you want canada, do you want to go to cyprus? perhaps you are interested in brazil? yes, we are aware of your money accounts in these countries. i didn't even doubt it. i understand that you have no confidence in our service, therefore, if you agree, all contacts you will have exclusively with... general ratarguev. well, what do you say, maxim aleksannovich? tell me, what did the acrobat do, why do you
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need him so much? i'll tell you later, if you agree. do you happen to have any coffee here? otherwise i’m tired, i can’t stand on my feet at all , yes, of course, in 5 minutes everything will be ready, you understand that i won’t have a single chance, not a single one, the acrobat will immediately knock me down as soon as... first , he needs to get out of the pre-trial detention center where he is currently being held, he is charged with kidnapping, that is, you
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, attempted murder, but anyway, in any case, he will not leave me alive, well, then you will have at least some chance, if you refuse, you will shy away from every shadow. but not for long, tomorrow you will be detained and charged , i’ll tell you honestly, you’re even up to you won’t reach the zone, but maybe then right away, poof, that’s also a way out? as far as i know you, you have never looked for easy ways. lord, how are you all boring me? did you choose this life yourself? i chose the life of a thief, and
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not the chaos that is happening now. yes, one more question. why didn’t you knock me down in the acrobat’s house, i saw him? i really wanted it, it wouldn’t change anything in my life, and most importantly, i realized, it wouldn’t make me any easier if i told the colonel about my decision, stop! say i agree, this is the final decision, tell the colonel that i agree, the company is family, in unity,
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our strength, everything i had to come to an agreement with me before, but now it’s too late, we have vulnerable points in the company where... premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. mask: new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv.
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that voroshalsky shooter, damn you, i didn’t say it on purpose, it was necessary to block off the area, you’d get such results. he gave his side a boost. hello, i'm listening, speak, i'm listening, the package has been delivered, hello.
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why is he still without handcuffs? are you completely stunned ? why now? what? well, sorry, only three people knew about it. three persons? i didn’t understand something, but what was it hard for me to say? andryukh, don’t shout, it was necessary, you didn’t have time to say, fuck you?
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so, who are you? put down your weapons, that's it ok, sorry, i don’t know who it is, he wasn’t here, how did you get here, but it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that i’m here and it wasn’t difficult, idiots, whatever you want, but i, i’m the same ronin, i also need a job, everyone is free, i am no one for anyone, yeah. “free, in general , to find out who ordered the murder, most likely it won’t be possible, but
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the lack of results is also a result, in the end the killer was eliminated, isn’t that enough, the press will have to officially declare that...” general ryazhsky died during the assassination attempt then it's time for you to go to the cemetery. not call him general, much honor. sorry, yura vaskov called me. what's the deal with him? is it okay, smart guy? brilliant pretended to be an aryan genius, but i won’t take him to the department. i understand perfectly well about the legend that you composed for him to work in vetrovo, but what about the prostitutes whom he protected in st. petersburg? this doesn’t look like a legend, but the timing doesn’t add up. you couldn’t have known then that you would be restored to service, you would ride like winds. all people make mistakes.
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vaskov is no exception. yes, he took money, but what surprises you? this is how everyone lives, i didn’t expect to hear this from you, take him to the department, this is my personal request, he won’t let you down , you’ll eat yourself, but as for this money, he won’t do that anymore, i promise, that’s how much you get, you and i are talented this killer would have been successful, talented, if they had hired him. alive, but it’s okay, today i ’ll twist my tail with my ragged tail, listen, whose idea was it, to pass off your operative as oryazhsky’s double, general rastorguev, rastorguev, and, by the way, like him, he recovered after
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being wounded, it seems okay, thanks, he’s , in my opinion, i submitted a letter of resignation, if my memory serves me correctly, i have not signed it yet, in the end the termination may continue. he will not agree, rastorguev will not agree, well, i hope you will find the right words to convince him to stay, now is not the time to throw away such specialists. yes, absolutely yes.
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stand, stand, wait, wait, i’ll shoot, come on, come on, great, lech, you’re running slowly, oh, go away, it hurts. what, let me give you a ride? no, it’s right there, you know, i know, well, what happened when you came what? yes, in the department i had to sign papers, turn on the safe, hand over the little things , i’ll hand over the light bulb, yes, use it for your health, i’m not greedy, that’s all, peter, well, yes, general rastorgoev assigned me to the headquarters?
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but i’d rather stay here, eccentric man, such a proposal happens once in a lifetime, and lech, yes i understand, well, where am i with my snout in a kalash line, where is st. petersburg, where am i, and i’m used to it here, i have friends here , family, yes , we need to help here, if i leave, then the villains will be caught, well, yes, that’s also true, okay? you know my number, call me if anything happens, i’ll be glad happily, yur, come on, you’ll go straight to st. petersburg
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, but no, i have a favor here, one, i need to return it, yur, this, be careful, in short , i didn’t understand, but don’t get carried away with the legend, come back to the people, otherwise let’s pack it up , happily. get up, let's go, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, i don't understand, motherfucker, el, hi, remember me? look, carefully, slippery
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, yes, well, just like that, now i’m here, i don’t owe anyone anything , vitya, so you know, i’m not going back on my words, i promised you that when you settle things in vetrovo, we’ll give you position in st. petersburg. you know that we have a vacant position of head of the search department, if you agree, fulfill the rapport, i’m not sure i want this. i understand, because we have said a lot of things to each other lately, i personally apologize to you, but this is not your first year in the authorities and you must understand that... yes, you really are not younger, that
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’s true, on the other hand, everyone the year we have lived is a definite experience; it would be stupid to waste it. tell me what you are going to do, you were thinking about leaving, where, if it `s not a secret? are you sure there is? such a place where they are waiting for you, you hit the patient , sergey, i’m sorry, but you understand that i’m right, that you are needed here, that they are waiting for you here, but you’re right about one thing, i can hardly imagine myself in retirement in slippers fireplace, especially since you don’t have either one or the other right now, if you agree to the position, we will allocate you an apartment from our fund, i promise you this, but it’s not about the apartment, but i know, well, it’s about that too, well what kind of general is this
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who, forgive me, has to take a breath for rented housing. yes, you understand, i don’t sit idly by for a day, today i will file another complaint from the fledgling, who refuses to satisfy all my requests. in addition, we need to create a certain information background, well, in the media, we need to connect it. television, all sorts of bloggers, a famous businessman who plays a huge role in the life of the city is illegally detained in a pre-trial detention center, well , the journalist will cover such a topic, god forbid, but the only thing that is needed is your consent, because additional ones will be required infusion, you know, freedom of speech is now worth it, i mean, stop messing with my
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ears, buy the press, i can do it myself, i don’t need you for this, forgive me, but i’m your hell... it will somehow be more convenient for me, here it’s just that it’s a lawyer, not a press secretary, how long should i sit here or wait until you buy up all the bloggers, but you understand , you’re not accused of crossing the road at a red light, you’re charged with attempted murder kidnapping of a person, that's it, it's just like you threw away sour cream, with this minutes you will do what i tell you, understand? yes, of course, certainly, so, a lot of words, one, yes, would be enough, which means that if he is wrong, you will correct me, the testimony of the cops is the testimony of the cops, they are people interested, and so, well, in general, yes, that means that the freak whose kidnapping they want to pin on me must also be
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up to something, so, well, the situation is like this. while his testimony is not in the case, so i will insist on holding a confrontation between you, there will be no , there will be no face-to-face bets, why now you will go to the city, you will find one person there who will arrange everything, his name is, stop, stop, don’t say anything else out loud. you tell him, he’ll do it right, and he doesn’t owe me anything anymore, i understand, i understand everything.
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and i brought money. well done, come on, but first your passport, i want to see your passport, this is not for me, this is for vasilvich’s station, he has your passport, well, call him, let him bring it, what are you, a complete fool, are you a fool, what are we doing to you? last time they explained it poorly, throw the money around the byrik, where is it?
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who, me, where is he sitting? at home , probably in the base, where else could he be, listen, money , come on, why are you crazy, there’s a new chief detective in st. petersburg, interesting, very interesting, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, and i would n’t see you for as long, what if it’s no secret, you’ll be with us for a long time, i hope forever, a new season of the famous series, and you’re not afraid that you’ll be fired, i’m not afraid of anything anymore, do you want war, we just have to find him, he’s the key to everything that ’s happening in the city, put on your armor, at least
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2 weeks since you returned again, why are you you’re doing this, i didn’t arrange this mess, boss, new season, welcome to you, viktor sergeevich. everything went wrong, the costs of the profession, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. chief, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading and signature sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger. wildberries issues discounts. feel it! the magic of the hearth together with miakakara, home textiles, clothes, towels and much more at competitive prices, with discounts on wildberries, come to us
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always, pass on the pies for the elbow bone, listen, andrey, maybe you’ll come by in the evening, i ’m still at his place at night, let’s sit and talk, day it was difficult, yes, to be honest, it’s not easy without guidance, i understand. so you decided, will you come back? i don’t know, andrey, the position offered to me has its advantages, but it also has its downsides, any downside can be turned into a plus. and you ordered, your fighters have gone completely crazy, what’s the matter , they came down hard on my man, we need to sort it out, okay, let’s talk in another place, who are you embarrassed here, everyone here is our own, don’t overdo it, so come on in 5 minutes in yours office, okay, just don’t be late, my boom is clogged in half an hour, yes...
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who was that just now? zhenya filippov, head of the department for combating organized crime. and how successfully does he fight it? he doesn't fight it, he leads it. what, osb? along? are not you afraid is this how i should talk about it? viktor sergeevich, i have my own topic, i catch murderers, i don’t care about their business, they know that they are on my territory. it’s better not to come in, tell me, andrey, this forty crime fighter of yours is doing business with an acrobat, of course, i ’ll tell you something else, there is such an office, a foundry charitable foundation, it helps veterans of the ministry of internal affairs, and so, filippov is a nightmare of orc crime, and that in in turn makes a donation to this fund, and yes, this fund of filippov himself is his personal
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wallet. he organized it 2 years ago, when he transferred from the district to glavka. you are up to something, viktor sergeevich. no, that's okay. thoughts, andrey, bye. just thoughts. thank you for the pies, i’ll be sure to pass them along. boris semyonovich, this is rastorgoev. i'll be with you in about an hour, we need to talk. aren't you waiting for me? yes, yes, yes, mom ran to the beauty salon.


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