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tv   UGRO-4  NTV  January 25, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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by train, second zone , south direction, yesterday's date, well, yesterday he went to visit, then he went to a friend's house, and then for money, but they didn't want to share with him, but i think there was a quarrel in the gang about the murder of his brother, and to protect himself, he killed korish, and you said, we won’t find out, yes, if they killed a stranger because of gold, then it’s just a nice thing for them to kill each other, what kind of people are these? yes , they found nothing, no signs of a struggle, no shots, well, that’s all, they came here with a corpse in the trunk, abandoned the car, the question is, why did they throw us here, well, maybe they ran out of gas, they didn’t make it to the forest, we should check, it’s very likely, and then for a ride, uh-huh, we won’t find a driver for a ride, go look, a thousand cars pass here a day, well, that means i stayed we have one ticket, but what about the ticket, the address is not written on it, but we know the direction, so... so
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you work, work, work. in short, the money will come soon, we’ll divide it into three, we’ll run to the bottom, and if it doesn’t, then it will be the last day for the bogeyman, but he promised, i’ll definitely buy myself a car, i even know which one.
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wait until you develop your mouth, there’s nothing yet, it’s been said, so it will be, but i want a hut, at least a one-room one, i ’ve never had my own, never, but you’ll take it, you’ll take it, you’ll take a car for yourself, i just feel sorry for the boys, but we’re better off without them a piece falls out, there will be enough for everything in life, we will be happy. i obviously went to the director of the mirrors, this one has a larger figure, will be taller , the one who is holding the guard is most similar, the height is the same, yeah, the height is the same, the shoulders are not the same, our mirror will clearly have wider shoulders, wait, this is the guy who was the first to be removed, the drones, but what can you say, he’s the one , look, shoulders and height, everything fits, yeah, that means the senior mirror, one of those two, then... the racks went up, volodya, well
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- come on, let’s try a new one, a new one, let’s look again, no, nothing works, none of them look alike, one is too thin, the other is taller, yes, it seems so to me too, wait, what are you talking about? do you want to say that there are no mirrors here at all, but that it turns out this way, well, no wonder, now that ’s interesting, huh? that everything is clear here, listen, this elder, like his last name, mirrors, mirrors, did not participate in the raid, but knew about it, well, maybe he didn’t know, well, that’s not the point , the fact is that he decided to take revenge for his brother, yes, he found out where the bandits were holed up , so he came to find out, but his sidekick didn’t bother to figure it out and killed him, so, dim, come on , tell this friend’s friend, what’s his name, mirror, mirror, about his death, and i’ll ask around at the same time.
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you know, yeah, maybe now she’ll remember what she was silent about, so let’s finish, i’m at home, well, one more time, come on, come on, management is dissatisfied with you, you’ve been working for a month already, they’ve been robbing us, but they just took everything away , but the bandits didn’t think that there was a new director, they just carried everything, listen, even though yanikeeva worked here for 5 years, there was no robbery , well, you say that as if it were i who organized the robbery, thank you for not... but you didn’t organize reliable security, why? the guard was in place, he stood near the door with a pistol, as expected, but what could he do against four bandits? so you have you completed the review you were assigned? no, i didn’t have time, i just started, great , super, i don’t understand at all why you sent me here, you had to appoint simon, so whatever you want, fire me, but i will protest, because i’m not guilty of anything. so, if gold is not found,
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you don’t work here, remember this, why? well, why did he go there? i wanted to take revenge for my brother. he took revenge, now i have to take revenge for him. we will find them, we will definitely find them. if you help us. please remember what alexander spoke about in recent days. maybe you met someone? some guy came, uh, about three weeks ago, he was so dark-haired, sasha said that he was being bullied from his prison term, what was his name, sergei. yeah, what
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were they talking about, they locked themselves in the kitchen, they bought something, they talked about something, they sent me to the room to watch tv, how did they break up? “yes, it’s bad, this sergei offered him something, sasha refused, then he became angry as hell, i realized that he was egging him on to do something, dirty, why did alexander tell him about his brother, maybe you didn’t tell him , the same one he knew, he contacted vidka and proposed a deal. someone took the bait, here’s the result, both are gone, marinochka, marinochka, are you already leaving, yes,
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then goodbye, goodbye, by the way, when will you hand over your affairs to me? why else? how? didn't anyone tell you anything? what, did something happen? what a shame, huh? i have to tell you, i'm so upset, but you don't work here anymore? who told you? shorokhov? i say, i was immediately indignant. i say how so, why? it's all my fault for not providing security. he's all his own, we fire him, says everything, but she hasn’t been fired yet, i’m the director and you’re a subordinate, i’m happy about the rustle, he said, they’ll fire you if they don’t find gold, but if they find it, it’s a must, and i’ll carry out
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the inspection to the end, and if i find a violation, i’ll pass everything on to the operatives, to whom, operative, all the best. dmitry, i have a small request for you, although maybe a big one, what kind of personal request? yes, you can save my honor. marin, for your sake i am ready to do anything. who offended you? i mean professional. i need solot's expertise. well, don’t challenge anyone to a duel. necessary, possible examination? well, these rings remained in my safe after the raid. i don't need prints, i need gold composition. why doesn’t your company have a specialist? there is, you know, if the sample does not
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correspond to the real one, then there will be a big scandal and i will be fired. i want to figure everything out myself first. do you have any suspicions? yes, i checked the documentation and found something unclear. and i would give one of these things to my beloved woman, or the one i like, but my husband gives me such things, it’s boring to sit here,
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an amazing thing, i think your wife will be absolutely delighted. what do i like? and how many? such a ring costs, well, it’s so inexpensive, it says on the tag, yeah , wait, what’s that, the price, and i thought, a phone number, no, you know, i guess it’s not necessary, thank you, it’s gold, gold, nothing, now let’s pick up another little thing, no, thank you, you’d better tell me what you told yanikeeva before her heart attack? “yes, i don’t remember, it’s
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been more than a month, i just returned from st. petersburg, you ’ll remember, because i can remember myself, no, i don’t remember anything, my wife works in a hospital as a doctor, on that day she received yanikeev, and your director told her everything, but what could she tell her?” “ i didn’t say anything like that, ivan mikhailovich, to my mother , i swear, i didn’t say anything, ashiot ivanysovich, mother, i’m sorry, i ’ll find out everything anyway, ivan mikhailovich, i really don’t understand you.
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how are you, sharpener? yes, it will do, it’s on the move at all, it won’t fall apart on the road, it’s still going on for about five years without any problems. you don’t need 5 years, you just need 2 days, if everything works out, you can buy it for yourself a new one, but hurry up, god, you won’t get far with a stolen one. so , simonyan orders products from one factory, and borya brings them, that’s all, is this a fake product or fake gold, well, how can you counterfeit gold, oh, how can you change the composition, mix different impurities in there, the sample is worth it one, in fact... what, but if they carry out an examination, everything will be revealed,
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after all, they can go to prison for this, nadyusha, i’m just doing what i’m doing with those people who can be imprisoned. dmitry, do you really think that there is some kind of unclean thing? it looks like it, but do n't tell anyone about it yet, okay? what does that mean, our director is also involved in this? no, no, what are you saying, no. you say that because you like her, nadya, i noticed how you look at her, nadyusha, she, of course, is an attractive woman, but she’s married, yes, let’s go to the door, and i’ll go behind.
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owners, i heard, go check it out, okay, what do you need? oh, you don’t rent out a room, your place is beautiful, you don’t rent out a room, we don’t rent out anything , get out of here, or maybe, you know, maybe someone from the neighbors rents it out, you understand russian, come on get out of here, my wife and i will be here for a couple of days, man, go where you were going, i told you, maybe you can tell me where, come here.
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hands. that you came to visit, and we were waiting for you. grasch, there’s another one, i covered his mouth, who sent you so and so, but no one, we ’re on our own, but you understand, i know who, i just want you to tell us everything yourself,
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who they are , from whom did you come, well, you answer, they’re asking you, yes, yes, let’s go. a guy in a ford, well, i knew it, why they came, he was pulling for a reason, he wanted everything keep the money for yourself, these gold items were made in violation of standards, here ... the conclusion of the examination, what are you talking about, uh-huh, and there are all sorts of impurities, so this is clearly a fraud, well, i don’t know, apparently this little piece of gold was made at some underground factory, where there is no control over either the composition or the quality, wow, the raiders didn’t even know about it, well, i don’t
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know what, i don’t know that, i only know that you began to treat me better, and i did before, oily , sometimes you can be so unbearable, andrey, ol, i have the investigation has reached a dead end, what mood should i be in, and now i need to have fun with me, why are you starting again? well, this is obvious gold fraud, you need to involve the economic department, you think that the salon has been selling counterfeit products for a long time, that’s right, and i think that the former director and deputy organized all this. olga leonidovna, do you think vishnyakova is involved in this? i think she’s involved, but look, the company’s management instructed her
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to check, but she didn’t find anything, it’s strange, isn’t it, well then we’ll check. certainly, of course, and as soon as possible, otherwise they will destroy all the evidence. it’s clear, goodbye, goodbye, but vishnyakova has nothing to do with it, but she herself wore the rings for examination, well, how can you not understand, and dima, i advise you to keep your personal sympathies to yourself, perhaps she brought the rings on purpose so that to avert suspicion, i don’t believe that marina is connected with’.
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it’s good that i didn’t buy a ring for my wife, if i had bought a fake ring, i would have screwed up, yes, but what did you decide to give as a gift? yes, i don’t know, i’ve been racking my brains for a week now, who the chain is gold, the price has dropped, it was a thousand, now it’s 100, for what it’s 100, although it’s not gold, it looks like the real thing. listen , nu, move away, oh , you'll scare away all my buyers, what are you selling, a gold chain is cheap, listen, you don't want it in the teeth , what is this, what is this for, i'm selling mine, you paid for the meat, you didn't pay, so disappeared in a second, well, now i’ll sell it, i’ll leave, listen, friend, i haven’t had a crumb in my mouth for 3 days, i
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haven’t seen hot food for a week, and i haven’t eaten meat for a month, so you have no teeth, right? eat, go from here, i say, and you take a risk , i can stand up for you, yes, hey, bloodsucker, monster, yes, why take away the coffee, i’m ready, i’ll get you again, in short, i need all the money within an hour, you understand me, if they if it doesn’t, i ’ll find you and send you to feed the worms, that’s it, the conversation is over, start it up, start it up, that ’s right, that’s how it should be with him, that’s how it should be, maybe i’ll go with you, huh? if so, let's figure it out ourselves, huh? he didn’t fulfill the order, but i call him, he doesn’t answer, i actually think he’s killed, i’m so nervous, who else will
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i’m nervous, the rook is coming at me, he said , if i don’t give everything back, he’ll kill me, you’ll find me, okay, okay, then i’ll come right up , we’ll pay everything off, that’s it, no problem, yeah, dear, we... were selling something, what the branded factory supplied us with. i don't even know where the fake gold came from. who received these products? yanikeeva. when she wasn't there, i was. maybe i missed something? well, i can’t determine the composition of gold by eye. it turns out that fake gold is on nikeeva’s conscience.
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goodbye, i don't believe that simonyan is nothing well, let’s say, okay, all the best, i knew about the fakes, even if nikeeva was doing it alone, ivan mikhailovich, they! yanikeeva was in charge of sales, and simonyan controlled deliveries, we need to bring him to light, collect evidence, that’s it, well, i’m waiting there. this is the entire amount , well, minus what i already gave you, everything, we’re all in the balance, but wait, don’t rush, don’t rush, i gave you everything, everything, i don’t owe you anything, but i owe you, what are you, what are you, i
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gave you everything, as agreed, you and i did not agree, that in the settlement there will be a guy with a gun, it’s clear which guy, with which gun, what you’re carrying, now we’re even. he will somehow rush that he didn’t kill, he barely carried his legs away, what are you talking about, and i didn’t tell you that you can’t engage in illegal trading at the market, but wait a second, you sent him to the market yourself, you know what, there are people in the market laws, there you are, good laws, but why now is it possible to knock out people’s teeth? yes, yes, he didn’t beat you, he asked you to leave, so, and if he killed you, who would answer ted, but yes, would kill, that’s another matter, and in general it would be better to kill, eh? so and are you waiting for us to be killed, what? so now, look, i’m explaining the rules of the upcoming transaction
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, now there are 60 million euros in this safe, only i know the code to the safe, there’s a smell of big money, the game has begun , there are no winners or losers in this game, anton died in the night, anton has a brother, some petty crook. well, hello, my friend, guys, who are you? everyone has their own interest, and you thought well, after all, this is war, until the chameleon comes into play, i will tell you the password to the safe, but on one condition, i want to take anton’s place, what’s happening, maybe we put him in vain, but i mean, chameleon, we had other options, bee, which of you killed my brother? million, whose side are you on? i'm on my own. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. well, hello,
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st. petersburg. the boss returns to st. petersburg. did you almost have a hard time in moscow? general? to bring order to your beloved city, is this true? are we all on staff? in personnel, the main thing is not quantity, but quality. and in my personal life. i'll call you and come soon, you are a real colonel, andrey chubchenko, i'm glad i returned to st. petersburg, although everything has changed here, but you haven’t changed at all, people rarely change at all, boss, new season, i want the whole city to be on their ears, continuation of my favorite series from monday at 20:00 on ntv, i said, but i didn’t know anything about fake. dim, do you even believe me? i believe you, marin, but you have to understand, in your store they are selling fake gold right under your nose. i understand, but i checked the tags, i couldn't check the composition of the gold. he also says
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that he didn’t know anything, he assures that it’s a matter of rukinik, maybe so, well it’s still up to you to answer, you have at least something, some kind of justification, so i found several invoices, for example, for gold from the batch that was examined, look, yanikeeva’s signatures are everywhere, here is simonyan’s, so , which means he knew too.
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such a job, and you knew what was in this case, all sorts of gold things, i gave it to simonyan, he paid me a little, that’s all, why not much, i asked for more, he didn’t give it, he’s a greedy guy, he’s greedy, what kind of factory is this there was, but some kind without a name, it means that you are interrogating me as an investigator, but because they became interested in your opera simonyan. and what did you tell them? nothing, just what you said, it means that everything is not so pure here, since you ’re so nervous, let’s go to the cinema, we’re already late, so what can you say? there was only one bullet in
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his body, he didn’t suffer for a long time. and i’ll tell you what, yeah, i think they shot from exactly the same brand of weapon as in the cabin, although an examination, of course, will show more precisely, why did you decide that, and their entrance holes are similar, so they found a driver’s license , beekeeper, beekeeper, is this beekeeper really with connected with our raiders, and why not, i didn’t find anything else, nothing else, the killer left absolutely nothing. traces, even his killer? yes, they don’t put a killer in a car, i didn’t sit there for long, dim, well, what do you think, who didn’t find a cigarette butt lying around, well , that means i think it was his sidekick who gave him a bullet, well, i also think so, that it’s an acquaintance, yeah, well , well, yes, ival mikhailovich, well , i interviewed everyone i found, no one, nothing, not a single witness, well, no one even heard shots, well, what shots, over there the railway, noisy ivan mikhailovich, but what should i report to the authorities, not all of it.
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“nyulik, you know what, work, okay, let’s go, the beekeeper told me that in recent days someone called her husband and demanded a large sum, and she knows for what? no, she doesn’t know, her husband didn’t devote “she doesn’t know her about her business or who called, either, but she gave me the phone number that she stole.” killer, hmm, can you use this number to restore his conversations? well, of course you can, the cellular connection records everything, yeah, go ahead, there, that’s it, now we’re circling and that’s it besta, yes, and why is this simonyan skating? oh,
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whoa, let's turn after him! yeah, he’s up to something, that’s when we find out that we’ll definitely come here. this guy’s face is somehow familiar, i’ve already seen him somewhere, perhaps in an identikit, young man, senior police lieutenant, please show me your documents, look here.
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get up, get up, come on, did you run , you weirdo, i only asked for your passport, i ’m not guilty of anything, it’s all lagutin who set me up, he stole the money, but i didn’t get a penny, what kind of lagutin is that, my companion! he took all the credit for himself and i haven’t even seen a penny of this money, you can check my accounts, listen, i won’t run away, honestly, listen, guy, i know, i don’t know, what kind of money am i talking about, tell me, you raped a girl , what kind of girl, are you young, beautiful, she should live, she should live, but what, are you confusing me with someone, i have a wife, a child, why did you bother me with anyone, but honestly, i’m not doing well with my wife now , the business is tortured, so on the evening of the ninth, where i was at home, my wife and child can confirm, well, it’s true he’s still a year old, but still, he’ll have to return the money, yes, i just... i’ll find lagutin and definitely return everything, well done, he ’s free, phew, christmas trees, where is simonyan, oh my,
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volodya, let’s decide who we’re going to catch, this one or that one, otherwise you yourself know after two birds with one stone, what are you going to do, huh? vishnyakova is as clean as glass, she gave me invoices for counterfeit gold, some of them have simonyan’s signature, well, here’s another confirmation that it was simonyan who was connected with the counterfeits, dammit, but you were right, so, we need to bring simonyan clean water, and there’s no need for bandits with... that means there’s no need for it anymore, that’s also true, the simonyans can’t escape us now, look for the gang, how many villages are there in this area? so, that means there are three railway stations , each of them has a village, and there is one village called kratovo, there are a lot of
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empty houses there, so maybe a gang has settled down there, well, of course it’s not a needle in a haystack, but you’ll have to look, and you ask the locals, have they seen any strange men? athletic build, such guys always catch your eye, okay, go ahead, hello, good afternoon, hello , we are from the police, let me ask you a couple of questions, oh, how should it be, there is no police, what not, here, what do you need, tell me, have you recently met such young people in the village of strangers athletic ? oh, yes, we have a lot of men here, most of them are frail and idle , you can’t force them to work, you know, not at all this
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week, this week, i met, just near the store, two strangers, yeah, and then where are they they disappeared, maybe they left, but where did they come from to the store? didn’t you notice? i noticed, from there, just, you know , we have a house there on the outskirts, gypsies used to live there, maybe they are there, yeah, thank you, thank you , please, good, in short, bald, this share is yours, and mine is half according to the law, you said a third, that’s how it used to be. when there were more of us, rook, give it either, but in my opinion, no matter how much you give it, bald one, it won’t be enough for you, and i don’t ask for half, and in my opinion, you already inherited a share of the drone
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, so rejoice in it , okay, okay, i don’t undress someone else’s mouth, don’t twitch, otherwise i’ll pinch you like a dog, i’m a sidekick. i don't touch it, but you’re not reproaching me, you know that, rook, the drone and i wanted to kill all of you, and you, and the shaitan and the vadila, to take the loot beyond the border, but you got ahead of us, and sent my drone’s friend to the next world, and now i want pay off for your comrade, now... everything is settled, now, everyone, take the loot,
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let’s leave at a fast pace. gosha! or maybe it's them? let's go check it out. ready. they left again. well, it’s quiet here, yes, it’s always quiet here,
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there were no scandals, but there were no scandals, so that’s where you left, where i returned, well, it turns out that you’re here for a long time, for a couple of days, and then south, you know, sea, sun, beach, dream, i’ll get lost there in the private sector and no one will find me, clearly, i have a different dream, but now there’s enough for any dream, for a car, for a hut, okay, come on, come on.
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unkilled lysov anatoly, born in the seventy-sixth year of birth, leningrad, which means he was also in a gang like the drones , they got into the rook park, killed them one by one, but the perpetrators always kill, well, that means two remained, the rook himself and the driver, well, i guess they rushed to distant lands, now it will be difficult to find them, it’s okay, we’ll look, i wonder how ivan mikhailovich, we didn’t even have time to see the numbers, in the usual way, something will appear, the main thing is not to miss it, well... let’s show where it is, let’s go through, well, take out the sausages, just a little bit, yes, i don’t need it, why do you feel sorry for sausages, well then at least half a kilo of sausages, where am i going to write them off, i don’t have the money to pay for you, but you will have a chain made of pure 995 gold , to hell with you i’ll bring a couple of sausages, just you know, so that the meat is... 75%, but i don’t need your nonsense, stay here,
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nyur, who is he? it’s definitely him, the princely fool, or something, remember, i was the second one, well, the driver who was sitting in the car, well, he’s definitely him, we need to tell the police where the phone is, so you stay here, don’t go anywhere, if he gets out, you were right behind him, you realized, yeah, now, so that he would kill me, yes, what a fool , that he is some kind of beast, stand here,
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beat the milk! here you go, seryozha, you’ll eat all sorts
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of money, you’ve earned it, mom, well, yes, you never told me where you work now, in a trading company, there’s good money there they pay, a lot of work. probably, yes, yes, it doesn’t matter, mom, don’t worry about me, son, stay with me for a long time, for a couple of days. that’s all, you better tell me how you are, how is your health, yes, i’m fine, the house is just falling apart, it needs men’s hands, the roofs are leaking, the gold plate, i’ll do it, i
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’ll do it today, do you hear me, well, yes, well then i will come and you and i will have a new home. we’re building, now we have enough money for everything, son, mom, mom, don’t cry, please don’t cry, mom, why am i sitting here, let’s have lunch, i’ll bring a sous. this is exactly right here, here we are, when we were drawing a portrait, i even saw it in a dream, are you sure, let me get into this place, let’s get in the car, i guarantee, comrade captain , how many times has he told you, i’m not a captain, and the major, well done, helped catch such a bandit
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, i’ll report to the authorities so that they give you a bonus, i’m glad to try. well, who will defend russia if not me, the hero, so you say, i brought the bandits straight to the salon, who says, i say, i didn’t say anything, so where, nowhere, well, you’re going to tell your grandmother, she’s alive, tell me another joke, and we have a recording from a video camera, which is above the entrance to the salon, you parked your car right under it, your face is wonderful there, apparently, if you want , i’ll show you, yeah, go ahead.
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“we’ll catch him, he ’ll turn you in anyway, he’ll get a tag for organizing murder gangs, and maybe even a life sentence, and you’re no more than three years old, why is that? well , because you didn’t intimidate women and didn’t take gold, the witness will confirm that you were in the car the whole time, they won’t give you much for complicity, and what do you want from me? where is the rook is hiding?"
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ready, move away, that's it, i've had enough of it, well, all the bandits are finished, now there's only a customer left, whom no one knows, we'll look for it.
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well, have we taken everything away? that's it, ivan mikhalovich, the barn too? both the barn and the house , the whole part of the interruption. well, what in the end? in the end, two guns, a large sum of money, nothing more. who did he manage to hand over the gold to? well, to whom, the customer, of course, to whom? tell me, where was he going to go? i don’t know, that's what he said. where did he get this?
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it can be done in different ways, some jewelers rob, others catch them, but i didn't know, i didn't know, that he robbed, well, in general, everything is clear, you don’t know, he said that he earned money, they didn’t know how to earn anything, forgive me, i understand your condition, i won’t torture you anymore. is this your phone? no, is this your son's phone? yes, damn it, i found a customer, oh well, how smart are you? well, how did you do it? i found the number of the beekeeper’s mobile phone in the gamer’s mobile, here’s the customer, i think he
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got money from it and slammed it so as not to receive any more orders, a strange attitude, usually they carry customers in their arms, yes, it turns out somehow illogical, this is the performer cleans so that he doesn’t incriminate the customer , but for you it’s the other way around, yeah, but timokhin’s connection with the beekeeper is obvious, no one argues with that, we need to conduct a search at this... house, maybe we’ll find something useful, although it’s unlikely that gold yes, yes, they don’t keep such goods at home , they keep dishes at home, maybe they can buy me some dishes, but what kind of service, ivan mikhailovich, but you need to rest, i’ll rest with you, we don’t know the customer, we don’t know what to buy for my wife, but ok, that's it, let's go to the department. if you don’t sell it, buy a chain, better let me
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wear it, buy what you forgot, give it, give, give, buy a gold chain, above standard, buy it, you won’t regret it, the best gift for your loved one, gold chain, above standard, man, buy a chain, gold chain, buy it, you won’t regret it, are you broke, are you a newbie? homeless here, firstly, i’m not homeless , and secondly, i want to yell, thirdly, it’s not forbidden to stand here, get out of here, i said, don’t touch him, take your paws off, can’t you see, that he’s about to throw away his skates from hunger, he hasn’t eaten anything for 3 days, but to me it’s like , get out of here, i’ll call the cops now, i, between by the way, he himself was a secret police officer, i’ll call somewhere in the monkey bars for a long time , he was killed. you didn’t see it, but this homeless guy scratched the whole hood, i immediately told them
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to let it hurt from here, look, there’s a scratch and another one, i’ll get you, the bastard, so you know where they live, and in that yard in the barn, so that’s it, now i’ll find it, i’ll bring down the homeless man, judging by bortnik’s negotiations, he communicated not only with timokhin, but also with you know who else, well, with whom, with the deputy director of the salon. simonyan, and almost every day, that’s something else business, otherwise we are guessing from the tea leaves here, so what do you think simonyan is the customer, well , it’s not clear yet, maybe the beekeeper just wanted to buy a ring for his wife, we don’t know what you didn’t talk about, but he could have been scouting information about gold supplies , found out that he had learned about the new batch and informed timokhin about it, and, perhaps, gave advice to the flight attendant on organizing the raid, eh, if only we could have a couple of clues now, right? yes, yes, come in, oh, olenka, you ’re just in time, we need evidence, nothing else,
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well, something else, i’ll tell you later, in in general. so all three bullets are identical in the body of bortnik, in the body of the security guard and in the body of the elder zerkalov, all three were fired from timokhin’s pistol, which he used to shoot back while in the attic, which means that he killed both brothers, what a beast, tell me, so here we go next we’ll do it, we’ll catch simonyan, we need to put him under surveillance, track all his contacts, i’m sure we’ll get to the customer through him. marinochka, look, so what, these are ordinary invoices, yes, but using these ordinary invoices they came to make some very unusual factory, i wonder what it is for the factory, that’s right, because it’s not our brand, it’s another factory, that’s all. by the way, the product makes no worse, and wholesale prices
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are much cheaper. and the management knows about this, but of course, what surprises you? and the fact that i submitted these products for examination, the gold does not match the standard. how, what kind of examination? such, which means that much of what was stolen was counterfeit. no, this, this simply cannot happen, the factory has very strict control, and then i didn’t know anything about it, i accepted the goods. here her signature is everywhere here, not everywhere, i found several invoices from yours, it ’s true, i signed for her when she was away, but i just trusted her, so i didn’t check, well, you know that in our time, you can’t trust anyone, well, i ’ll hand these documents over to the operatives, let
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them sort it out, marina, maybe it’s not worth it. pizza, what to expect if you are not involved? well, it’s up to you, of course, but if you want such a loud scandal, i don’t need a scandal, but the truth. and incheto, the whole beekeeper's apartment rummaged, nothing. what did the wife say? either she doesn’t know, or doesn’t want to talk, but it seems to me that the beekeeper didn’t show her the gold, if i understand anything about female psychology. “that means it didn’t get pierced, it’s just an innocent lamb, or maybe it’s really innocent, you know, i think the bandits gave the gold to the beekeeper, and he immediately handed it over to some underground jeweler and didn’t bring it home, simonyan brought him into contact with the jeweler, himself without suspecting, you know, and maybe even suspecting, i have the impression that this deputy is doing everything himself invented, bandits and sold the gold, but
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look, if a person with...” women care, and you in particular, i am simply delighted with your beauty, and if i were even a little bit, judging by the number of compliments, you want to offer me some kind of disgusting , why disgusting, why immediately disgusting , a normal business proposal, don’t forget that our company is a private shop, and you and i are not partners, marinacha, i want to confess everything to you, it’s high time... yes, officially a factory
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makes christmas decorations, one small workshop, gold decorations, mm, now it’s clear where it comes from we have such rings, you can even hang them on a christmas tree, well , rings are like rings, there’s nothing special, normal gold, yes, only its composition is a mystery, even for experts, what they mix in there, that’s all they need, they mix it in, well, sometimes it’s really gold they pour a little less, don’t you think that all this is called fraud, what... this is a deadline, well , what does a deadline have to do with it, why immediately a deadline, everything was quietly calm, the company received its profits, we received ours, well, until you started this check, but it wasn’t me who started it, but the management, they began to suspect that there was something wrong here it’s clean, so you tell them that everything here is absolutely clean, that’s all, and you’ll get a very large
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increase in salary. are you offering me a share? call it what you want. i need to think. till tomorrow. think about it. hello, hello, so you’re saying, he tried to bribe you, apparently, he decided that he would continue to do all this under my clear guidance, but i can’t agree to it, it’s a pity that you didn’t record his confession on a tape recorder, you know , dim, i'm not trained in this spy stuff of yours, that's why we don't have there is no evidence against him, so... how are you going to expose him? well, we'll come up with something, of course. in short, while you are thinking, i am refusing him. so let's see what he will do. just try, you know how to refuse. it's a matter of life
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and death, what about you? you know, marin, between life and death there is always a place for love. borenka, how much money do you owe me, 100 or 200 thousand, 2000, but i’ll pay it back, i’ll pay it all back, don’t worry, it’s clear, of course you’ll pay it back, no matter where you go, although you can pay it back quickly without any hassle. it's like, just do one of mine please, i'll give you more money. interesting, very strange request. if i weren't weird,
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i wouldn't ask. well, so, i agree, should i repay the debt? what should you do? there ’s just nothing you need to do. you just need to be in the right place at the right time. you know her, well, yes, she’s the director’s wife , yes, so you can’t confuse her, but why do you need her, i just don’t need her, and the sooner she’s gone, the better, i understand, i understand, but why did she bother you? sticks his beautiful nose where it’s not needed, i’ll think, think, think, but not for long, actually for gold
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we don’t have much, invoices , composition examinations, economic invoices have been studied, everything is compiled according to the form, you can’t dig into it, also according to... of course, simonyan, yanikeeva and vishnyakova are all in the business, there are just a few of us here who wants to convince that vishnyakova is not involved, who, i can’t say this, my friend, well, okay, then it just turns out that the manufacturer is responsible for counterfeiting products, and the management supposedly knew nothing and accepted the goods without checking, but i think that director izam. knew everything and they received their kickback, i have no doubt about this, that’s how it is, in general, i think that the robbery was organized specially, especially before the check, in order to seize all
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the gold counterfeits, well, it’s possible, but by whom, look for evidence, then we’ll find out, good afternoon, good afternoon. why are you such a flushed mole, why are you jealous? why would i suddenly? yes, i’ve never had anything with her and it can’t happen, well, i needed to find out some information about the director. and what about our dimochka’s affair with her? you know that i don’t like gossip and don’t want it there’s nothing to discuss, but you can’t ask about anything directly. well, for some reason i’m always like a small child, you get slightly offended, you get offended, you get offended, yes, yes, i’m a child, and
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that everyone should be as hard as a stone, can i be at least the only child in this barracks with my own mood , emotions, feelings, is this bad, of course it’s not bad, of course it’s good. well, what are we doing tonight? in the evening i have mikhalych. it's clear. oh, just stay with your mikhalych. i like it, it’s okay, i think i’ll have to it’s a pity to take it apart and throw it away later, because it’s okay, you’ll buy another one for yourself, i hope you know how to ride, i know how, practice anyway, with a helmet no one will recognize you anyway, you’ll drive up close to her with two olives in the chest at once.
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you’ll hide everything here, but how will i know when it comes out? so, you’re sitting around the corner, waiting for my call, as soon as she gets ready , go out, i’ll call you, start the engine sharply towards her, i understand, everything is simple, yeah , it’s simple for you, but for me it’s not very, why not very , that you can’t get it from a meter? screw how you treat me badly, you constantly deceive me, it means you don’t want us to meet again, i don’t know, i need to think, and you can think now, why such a rush, i’m just leaving the city, there’s one thing , i’ll do it, i’ll leave, maybe completely.
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but if you say, i can stay , what’s the matter, i can’t say, don’t ask , here you go again, you’re hiding everything and you want me to believe you, nah, if you say, i can stay, stay, and what are you are you wearing this chain anyway? you won't sell it to anyone, i don't i understand, does no one really need gold jewelry, i need it, no one else, you can sell it to me, or better yet, give it to me, well , i got caught by a bastard, stand, stand, come here, what are you, you bastard, scratched all the soot for me, yes, that’s not i, and this is not us, listen, don’t turn a monkey on me , okay, i saw everything with my own eyes, well, gadge, drive 500 green ones, but because of which green ones am i born?
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so quiet, calm, now we’ll sort it out , we’ll go to the police station, inspect the car, calculate the damage, collect from them in court, and if they...
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okay, poor thing, we’ll still charge you something there’s nothing, maybe we’ll go to the department , we’ll make do, well, that’s right, well , you need to be more careful, now i can kill you for a scratch, now they’ll shoot you in the forehead with a trauma weapon, you won’t get out of the hospital, well, damn, damn, noob i ruined the bobbin all day, why did i give it away, it’s a pity for the chain. it would be better to kill, we have a suspicion that simonyan himself organized the robbery, why? to hide your motivations, blame you on behalf of the management, apparently they really want to take your place, well, he achieved his goal, he ’s firing me, well, wait, it’s not evening yet, gold we will find it, but if he transported it to another region, resold it there, profited from it, he will not miss his, maybe so, but is it really impossible to expose him in any way, you know, marin, we need evidence, well, where?
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take it, you have to provoke him, he will begin to cover his tracks and will definitely make a mistake somewhere, okay, i agree, what should i do, love me, so in order not to get fired, i should go to bed with the first one i come across, i’m not the first one to come across, and in general, calm down, i was joking, with love, girl, they don’t joke, you know, marin, when day after day you see these gangster faces, blood, and other delights, then involuntarily you start joking, well, so that the roof doesn’t go away, no, i’m not against love, but not for something, but the command of the soul, which means there is hope, in general, so, you...
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our time is not bad at all, i will tell shorokhov that i managed to carry out a check even before the robbery, and did not find any violations, i am simply amazed how such a beautiful woman still understands everything correctly, but what kind of morals are these times? , of course, by the way, i can sell you all the documents, we’ll agree on the amount. which documentation? well, documents that prove that you organized the robbery? me, why do i need this? what do you mean why? you found out that the company was preparing an audit, and decided to remove all the left-handed gold out of sight. after the robbery, the company would have brought in new goods, then no one would
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have known about your machinations, right? what, marina, do you understand that this is nonsense? well , yes, i sold a left-handed product, but you can’t have any evidence for a murder with robbery. ok then. then i will hand over all the documents to the operatives and let them they are looking into whether this is evidence or not, no, i’m just wondering what kind of documents these are? i'm afraid that if you find out what it is, you will be able to destroy them, otherwise i can get a small amount from you, let's say, a million, that's not much, because your freedom is worth much more, you know what, marina zhang, i repeat to you once again, i am about to be robbed. no relation, i’m just, i’m just very interested in what kind of documents these are, believe me, these documents prove everything, okay, let’s do it this way, i
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i will pay you, you will give me the documents, but if these documents turn out to be fake, you will return all the money to me, we agreed, i agree. by the way, when will you be able to get the full amount? tomorrow, maybe today? no, marinochka, it won’t work out today, okay. if he hangs around the city for an hour again, i'll ask him to pay for my gas. it seems to me that he was in a hurry somewhere, now he’s standing, maybe he wants to meet with someone, the question is who, he’ll meet, we’ll find out, so we’ll wait.
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well, haven't you relaxed yet? no, i ’ve been training, but then, go ahead, what? forward, what, what, i’m acting today, she will leave the salon at 6, 7 o’clock, when they said, i’ll call you, it’s impossible. there’s no way to do without this, borenka, i really don’t want nazun, i think you do too, if everything goes as it should, i’ll become a director, you’ll be my deputy, and if it doesn’t end right away, right away, not right away, i don’t care, as soon as i find out that it’s gone,
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you’ll get your 100,000 and i’ll also write off the debt, that’s it. go, well, gold is not a popular commodity, they don’t buy it every day, well, there’s no point in keeping a salon if it doesn’t make a profit, i understand. business is business, that’s why we invited vishnyakova, young, energetic, and instructed her to conduct a comprehensive audit, please tell me, did you decide to conduct an audit? before janikeeva died or after? well, a few days before.
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so, it turns out that yanikeeva found out about the upcoming checks, and died quickly, right? listen, we didn’t imagine, we didn’t think that this would lead to such consequences. didn’t you think that yanikeev and simonyan are engaged in fraud, so you have no profit? what else fraud? yes, they sell jewelry from an underground factory. less gold than it should be, the price is lower, they buy them, these are your branded ones, sorry, no, how did you know, the bandits told you, not directly, of course, but if it weren’t for them, so here you go, already, marina, yes , it’s already time, i’m tired, and i’ll still work, okay, you’ll leave,
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don’t forget to close the salon, our agreement remains in force, yes, of course, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, she’s leaving.
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citizens, who witnessed the incident? i am a witness, i saw everything, bronin, interrogate her, yeah, did anyone else see anything, man, did you see anything, didn't you see anything. modern technologies, new horizons,
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russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. all. what russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. an attempt was made on the life of the director of the jewelry salon, marina vishnyakova. an unknown person shot her with a pistol muffler. the wounded woman was taken to
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the hospital, but unfortunately, she died on the operating table without regaining consciousness. tell me, this attempt is somehow connected with the recent robbery of a jewelry store. but i can’t say anything yet. we will carry out the necessary operational and investigative measures and then we will find out everything. have you found gold stolen by robbers? are looking for. but i am sure that we will definitely find it. we are on the right track. thank you. for the interview, everything went just brilliantly, she is no more, tomorrow i will give everything, i will call,
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yeah, we need to warn him, tell him , by the way, here’s your phone number, yeah, call him, no, if i call, he’s already heard the news, suddenly i call, what’s going to happen to him, not every person can handle that, right, let me call myself, please dial the number, oh,
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van, yourself, let’s be more tactful, no words there, huh, hello? well, hello, you are the husband of marina vishnyakova, i am colonel mazurov , yes, who was just shown, he called me already, said that he would pay tomorrow, yeah, don’t you think he suspected anything, no, why, i drove up, three shots at the target, drove away, everything, as you said, he saw everything through the window with his own eyes, but it’s good that with his own, and we added to him on tv. so should i date him or not? be sure to meet, let him give you the money, and we will record the fact of the transfer of money, but how? what about a long-focus camera? for 100 m? telephoto? ok, great, i'm ready. i was worried, what? suddenly
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the cartridges would not be blank. well, what are you saying? want me completely here fell ill? well, i'm sorry, i was just very worried. dim, in general, you better go. why? am i boring you with my presence? it’s just that my husband will come here now and cause such a scandal, in general it would be better to warn him. yeah, what if he didn’t agree, and that’s the end of the operation and siman walk free. dim, go, we’ll meet later and talk about simonyan. well, okay, bye. get well. bye. thank you. young woman. yeah, what's your name? olya, just like that, olya, as soon as you fall in love, on you, bye, i understand, you know, don’t scold her, still everything worked out, right, and she feels fine, now, really, normal
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, oh, “hey, i promised, you can forget about the debt now, yeah, happy, well, yes, what are you, well, yes, well, yes, i thought you will jump for joy, why jump, like what, what, i ’m free now, you’re free now, freedom is illusory, isn’t it, yeah, now you’re free, tomorrow you’re on a bunk?” there’s something i didn’t understand what you said just now, but you understood everything, ivanesych, you took your time off, sold it, you struggling creature, well , get out of here, tailless puppy,
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alive, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing, how? ok, guy, i'm sorry, well, thank you for your help, let's go, okay, let's turn around faster, faster, faster, come on! “there’s no one, he’s not a fool to go home, maybe he left the city altogether, we’ll give him an orientation, nothing, he’ll catch him, but what ’s next, what’s next, we need to do a search, maybe we’ll find something, well, we’ll hide it, what else
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can i do, let me take my responsibility." oops, he ran, yes, you can run away from us , but you can’t run away from yourself, he wanted a lot of gold, he got some lead, where he hid this gold. that’s the question, so what, let’s look, andrey, yes, call the criminologists, yes, ivan
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mikhailovich, yeah, if you hadn’t stopped me, i would have done it, then i took the money and left, what are you talking about, it’s scary, then you wouldn’t be able to live with this sin, but without you i need still can't live. true, it means that everything is serious with us, and you doubted, well , never doubt me, but tell me, after our meeting you immediately went to the police, not right away, you suffered through the night, but in the morning... they must
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want it, this is how it turns out , i saved marina’s life, whether to shoot or not, and then they explained that it turned out this way, and so did i. a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. chief
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6:20 am
well, what... the procession of the atlantic cyclone continues on the european territory of russia ; it has precipitation in one hand, warming in the other, and cold air stretches in a trail. in the northwest from now it will end. today in the center a little later, and as always, the south will suffer the most from the coming cold snap, first on the don in crimea, and then the wind will increase everywhere, the rain will turn into snow and ice, well, in st. petersburg and moscow today it’s the same, during the day near zero and sleet , but everything about the weather if the weather changes bother your joints, take rheumoflex , it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels (move without pain in
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any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evollar - movement without pain. olya, mm, what about our prints? the prints are of the same type, apparently they belong to the murdered man himself. so, that means we exclude the possibility of murder, yes, it looks like he was himself, but it’s clear, everything is wrong with him, we drove him into a dead end, there is only one way out of the dead end, a bullet to the temple, there is always a way out of every hopeless situation, and not necessarily with the help of a pistol, well, this one - this is exactly how the man decided everything, and ordered a woman, killed himself, ol, and
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why do you feel sorry for him? here it is, the little piece of gold, they found it, where they shoved it onto the mezzanine , forced it with boxes, thought we wouldn’t find it, but dimon and i, if we decided to find something, we’ll find it, well done, that’s how we have to work, ivan mikhailovich, but we’re off to the department, let’s , well let's go, well, i wish you, marinochka , not to come to us anymore, especially with gunshot wounds, i will try, i will now look around, then don’t mess with gold, it’s a dangerous tolisk business, but i’ll have to work, they left me as director and even the salary you were promoted, hello, hello, marina, i was instructed to meet you and take you to work, yes, to work, well, good- bye, good-bye.
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please, well, stop resting, it’s time to work, and i would have rested, otherwise that’s all work and work, don’t forget me, dima, come on, i won’t forget you, i’ll keep an eye on your... salon so that no hooligans get into it. be healthy, don't be bored.
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i ask you to accept a letter of gratitude from the police. and a small gift , and what a small gift, well, they give one to everyone, congratulations, congratulations, thank you, quietly, thank you, sincerely touched, senior comrade lieutenant, in principle, is ready to help his native police, why is it dear to you, sat or something, withered, in principle, if necessary, please contact me, well... you need to identify it, ask if they can give you money? no, well, you can use money too, but only the watch, it will remain in your memory for many years, and once the money flies away, there’s no memory, the watch will remain, it will also fly away, so i’ll remember the money, don’t listen, but
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i have it with greetings, a watch is a very necessary thing , for example, so as not to be late for work, but you have never gone to work in your life, not with a watch from heaven, nothing, everything is still ahead, your friend will get a job, you will live you... girl, i won't interfere, what are you doing? i just i walk, breathe the air, i have plenty of time. maybe we can go for a walk together? i ask you to. yes. you're
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leading me right on with some kind of vegetable gardens. yes , it’s nearby, nearby. where is it nearby? a? come on, honey, we're here with you. look, it’s all people here, stop it, at least i’m in the cafe, or what? that means, come on, stop it, stop it, you ’re still resisting like an infection, you’ll know how to pester girls, i’m not resisting, i’m arresting you. just like that, take him, it’s fine, i just tore my tights, it’s okay, we’ll buy you new ones, fuck you, hey, darling, well, let's get up, ivan mikhailovich,
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what happened? but don’t pay attention, somehow, maybe the pressure jumped, what kind of pressure, the authorities got angry, we seem to have fulfilled the plan, caught the rapist, found the gold, what else do we need? yes, volodya, well, what does the authorities have to do with it, and ivan mikhailovich , you tell me, and we will help, oh, guys, you won’t help anything, khan, but you know, tomorrow... masha and i have a silver wedding, well, i i still haven’t chosen a gift, i don’t know what to do, my head is swollen, that’s the problem, that’s the problem, me too problem, we also thought that something had happened
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, well, mikhailovich, well, they also scared us, they helped , at first they tried to give advice, but how to help, you are to the side, yes, but now i know how... you feel the same way about me, no too, comrades , ivan mikhailovich, why are you so upset, but we solved your problem a long time ago, we even bought a gift, wow, that’s it, it’s a secret for now, thank god, guys, thank you, oh, come on, yeah. so, well, well, come on, our dears, marsanna, yes, let me on behalf of our entire friendly cop team congratulate you on this amazing anniversary, no, honestly.
6:29 am
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we investigate dark schemes in the first program, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, police in kirov are studying a video from a local hospital that was filmed. the camera on the phone was turned on by the parents of the ninth-graders, who spent several hours in the hospital corridor waiting for the fluorography results, but the doctor natalya savinykh urgently asked to wait. many even became worried, was it really possible that someone they found serious illnesses, which is why they spent so long thinking about a plan of action, but then even schoolchildren began to guess that what was happening behind the doors of the x-ray room was not like a medical consultation. the boys say, who is the door? here they were standing at the door when she gave it out.


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