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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  January 25, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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there are no excuses: the terrorist zelensky started talking about an international investigation into the plane crash near belgorod, how will the west now explain this cannibalistic trick of its fosterling? look, right here! the last frontier: they dig trenches in the ssu and try to replicate the russian line of defense. will new tactics at the front save kiev? will this help deter the enemy? and move forward with good intentions, russian schools are concerned with the appearance of young people, should the state control toys, interests and hobbies children? i hope i don't get kicked out for this, watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i'm andrey.
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how they titrate the president of ukraine, why am i talking about this now, because the fact that the modern state of ukraine is such a terrorist organization, a full-fledged one, in general, in my opinion, was clear to everyone a long time ago, for some reason we have special there was no doubt about this, it turned out just a few years ago, and something tells me that, in general, ukraine’s partners also understand this for a long time, they just can’t admit it, well, because listen, if... when
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the malaysian boeing was shot down, why haven’t the americans shown us satellite images yet, they have them, they themselves said, we have them there are, but we won’t show them, why? listen, when in the kharkov region, when there was a special operation, after our retreat in the kupinsky direction, when the bodies of local residents were thrown into a pit there, the militants saw all this footage, they saw it, so what, when they tried to blow it up? crimean the bridge, the assassination attempt of our fellow journalists on russian territory, russian citizens, these are all terrorist methods, in principle this is all, in general it is clear, this is what happened the day before with the l-76 plane, i really hope that this is not what that there will be some kind of insight, you know, it’s just very difficult to lie endlessly, so you have to come up with some kind of excuses, now we’ll start with this, with the information that has accumulated for this.
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news, citing operational services, reported that the ministry of defense officially they called the disaster a terrorist attack. according to our military department, the plane was shot down by two missiles of the ukrainian air defense forces, fire was opened from the village of liptsy, kharkov region, to the village of yablonovo, where the plane itself crashed, this is approximately 90 km, so we drew a diagram, the missile launch was detected by our radars , the fact that the plane was shot down can be judged by the breakdown of the aircraft;
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numerous holes are visible on them, characteristic of being hit by elements of anti-aircraft missiles. it also turned out that the downed plane, flying along the route aerodrome chkalovsky and belgorod, usually based in the orenburg region. regional authorities this morning published a list of six names, these are crew members who died in the crash. commander stanislav bezubkin, served in syria, participated in extinguishing fires in turkey, and was nominated for several state awards. governor of the orenburg region denis pasler called the entire crew heroes because at the last moment the pilots took the plane into the field without allowing it to fall on a neighboring village. on board the fallen il-76 there was also 65 captured ukrainian soldiers. let's try to look at the list by surname, this list by surname was published online by the chief editor artie margarit simonyan. according to her information , this list for... the exchange was agreed upon with
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ukraine, and it was agreed upon by family 3 days ago, that is, 3 days before the flight of the plane, ukraine already knew about this list. the kremlin said that the decision. kiev to shoot down a plane, knowing about the impending exchange, defies any explanation, and it is not clear how to carry out further exchanges with the ukrainian country now? necessary to seek an international investigation into all the crimes that the kiev regime has been committing since 1914, that’s what we need to strive for, this is not the first time the kiev regime has killed its citizens, they started killing them by shooting from the tanks of their citizens in 1414.
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forever does not blame russia for what happened, but says that all the facts need to be established, that an international investigation needs to be conducted, that is, in essence, he admits the guilt of ukraine. vyklokov umerov, called umerov, zaluzhny, shaptala, budanov and molyuk, reported on situation with the plane and the exchange, we need
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to establish all the clear facts as much as possible, given that the plane crash occurred on russian territory, beyond our control, facts. this is the main word now, we will demand an international investigation, but only a day after the crash, that is , at approximately noon on thursday, the sbu announced the start of an investigation into the il-76 crash near belgrade, they opened a criminal case, i will quote you now, under the article about violation of the laws and rules of war. meanwhile, the publication french-info, a french information radio station, reports on its website that the downed il-76. fell due to the actions of ukraine, and specifically because of their actions with the help of patriot air defense systems. the radio cites an unnamed source in french military circles. however, official paris has not yet confirmed anything about this. moreover, france, which currently chairs the un security council, refused to allow russia to hold
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an immediate meeting that would be dedicated to the crash of the il-76. it was supposed to take place late the night before, however on the initiative of france, the court hearing was postponed. we are doing our best to get more clarity and more information on this issue, but at this time i have nothing more to tell you. well, let’s read the permanent
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representative of ukraine to the un sergei kislitsa, he published this message on social networks, you see it, there he essentially warns the russian minister of foreign affairs. about imminent reprisals, hinting at it with the words: “il is waiting for you.” let us honor this terrorist, in the guise of a diplomat, entirely. von lavrov, whose plane il ilyushin, about to take off from kennedy airport, ends his vacation in the free world with more of a whimper than a bang. the security council, no matter how full-fledged it may be, will still consider issues brought to its attention as necessary. silt is waiting for you, it's inevitable. i don’t know, andrei vladimirovich, what degree of blindness you need to have to say that the kiev regime is not a terrorist. so, let us, maxim anatorich, start with you, you are our regular interpreter, in the sense that follow the publication, the tone of the western press, speeches of western politicians.
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this tragic episode with the plane, from a propaganda point of view, from an informational, media point of view, what impact will it have on the whole situation, if any. uh-huh, well, look, now there is a situation where the western media, well, almost all that i looked at, french-speaking, english-speaking, they took this tactic.
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of course, we still need to publish ours, and,
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in my opinion, from a political point of view, but we still need to demand, demand, not military, so, the most important question now - this is the identification of a weapon, because, and this is done on the ground, satellites will not help, that is, we need to find the trace of that missile that took off from the territory of ukraine, i don’t know who fired it, if so, because look, it could be ukrainian, it could be, you mean production now, yes, yes, yes, and affiliation, yeah.
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what does this give us next, after which we do what? is it clear that the ambassador of germany, the united states is being called, or what’s next? well, for example, we are convening the council again security and directly blame the country whose missile it was for the attack on russia. unfortunately, we have already repeatedly experienced the use of western weapons, including missiles, against our targets. well, well, today , there was only one such episode, during the attack on belgorod there were
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all vampires, the equipment was used, including when they went in for sabotage, let’s see now why, this is a continuation of my thought about the fact that everyone all this was clearly obvious, here andrei vladimovich fedorov periodically reports on decisions of this kiev headquarters, which are there...
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on wednesday morning, ukrainian drones attacked residential buildings in two districts of the city of oryol. mayor yuri parakhin said there were no casualties. in some apartments , the windows of the blast wave were broken; the authorities suggested that residents move to temporary accommodation centers. 10 years of conflict in donbass, ukrainian terrorists targeted the elderly tekstilshchik neighborhood and the city market mercury. 28 civilians became victims of the terrorist attack, 30 were injured. among the dead two teenagers. monday in donetsk was declared a day of mourning. ukraine's methods were condemned by the un. the organization's secretary general stated that attacks on civilians are unacceptable.
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straight to the market. oops, back.
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well, you can always say that it’s not us, we , but you didn’t catch us there, or even if you caught us, it’s clear that our ears are growing, that is , there’s no way to stop it, the same thing will happen with history and with this plane, unfortunately , in 2-3 days this will all go away, and ukraine, max is absolutely right, they have already begun this morning, so to speak, advancement, firstly,
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the absence of corpses is their first thesis, the second is that russia did not warn about the flight of this plane. and that the usual scheme is a little different, this is an exchange at the borders or there in a designated place and so on, in order to exchange at the border and fly to the side , so they say why didn’t they warn, why didn’t they warn, ours said that it happened more than once and you’re wondering about it we didn’t warn you, how do you know, well, i know , we didn’t warn you and’.
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well, first of all, let me jump to the beginning, because all this is interconnected, you are asking a question, how about that? blindness, how it all happens , they don’t see anything, but it would be strange to expect that officials in the united states or france or great britain would suddenly come to the podium and say yes, the scoundrels
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, they knew, it’s just that maksimevich said that he was advancing in some kind of... that moment is a situation where it is impossible to continue this previous line, only andrei vladimir can insist , in fact, i roughly understand what will happen now, this does not mean that we have lost in information, we can do the opposite all this is to fart yourself in general. by and large, our argument is very strong, but what will happen, what will they most likely try to do? now they are stalling for time with these statements, we really need to demand that the satellites do everything else, that they be in a defensive position, and not in an attacking one, they are not the ones who sow doubts, but we are the ones who sow doubts among those who accordingly believe them, then they will try do it in the following way: if they understand that there is no other way to entwine it , they will attribute it to some it’s a mistake, well, they’ll blame it on the fact that there’s a war, it’s coming to this, do you understand what it’s like?
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what kind of propaganda for its audience is that ukraine was attacked, it has the right to defend itself, accordingly, anything can happen in war, and we can be indignant here in this court as much as we like about the truly terrorist act that they are organizing, show drones, everything else. they will say about drones, but you yourself, the drone probably flew in the wrong direction, you planted them there wrong, they fell, that is, find an argument, they will find it, another question is that such
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severe mistakes of theirs appear when, like donbass, oh, the market, that means, in donetsk, yes, that is, here it is no longer a matter of margin, so the secretary general is already talking about this, that, that is them, their information is quite clear, what we call terrorism, they present it as actually sabotage. what is needed for attention is a reaction not from officials, but from the western audience, they need to oblige this, so vladimir valerievich, yes, well, if we talk about what happened, well, everything is obvious, understandable, any ukrainian dictator should have a downed plane with people not involved in the fighting at the moment.
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the airline flying siberia was then called modern yes from israel to siberia and pay attention yes to novosibirs what sounded yes, that is, well it sounded, think about it, they make a tragedy out of it yes.
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in short, each rocket has its own signature, yes, especially in such a tragedy, in such an event, firstly, i also want to express my condolences to everyone to the relatives of the victims, and our pilots, crew, and even our opponents, but we are not fighting with prisoners, sick, yes, wounded or dead, this is the difference between russia and this ugil of the ukrainian state on frankivskaya lviv, i won’t beat myself in the chest, but i was the author of this expression 7 years ago, when relations began with...
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there have already gathered from this chaos, now rustling, now growling, no, they have not gathered, but i will start with the fact that in my opinion, as a person of yesterday’s tragedy, all of our people died, that is , everyone who died there - these are our people, it’s amazing to me on the one hand that here in russia lists of both prisoners and then crew members were published, but in ukraine this is sensitive, because until now i have not seen, and i have only seen part of the list of the list. these are those who are russians , crew members, and even then they didn’t confirm everyone, that’s what about the ukrainians, there is such a creature, lubenets, his last name, yes, just a creature for me, yes, the person who was supposed to deal with exchanges, there is an ombudsman , the so -called ombudsman, and so he said today that in general we have no evidence that there were actually people on the plane, you know, that is, there is already a prayer service going on, and there is already a prayer service for people there, who are right there with
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the church. on the nineteenth, after the completion of the pre-vos, the foreign minister of the ministry of defense kuleba said first , then on the twentieth ermak said, then they also confirmed that give us weapons and we will do the job, so they gave us weapons and we did the job, that is, this is really a responsibility within the ukrainian, it is the ukrainian authorities, whose specifically, based on the information that was initially published, was later erased erased, this responsibility was entrusted within
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ukraine to... zaluzhny, he was in charge, he is the chief of staff, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, then came the putty and excuse, but how is it, how is it, why is zaluzhny, and why not zelensky, this one this is the thing that zelensky then gave out, let 's create an international commission, i'm for it , please, let's create an international commission, headed by india, with representatives of china, the philippines and so on further than other countries, only without the anglo-saxons, then it will be clear who all this is did why i... i’m indignant at all these things , because you know, in ukraine, and i know the ukrainians well, the ukrainian government, this is hotskranism, there is such a term, the main intelligence department says, it’s not me, it’s not us, these they say, it’s not me, it’s not us, and zelensky says: “it’s not me, it’s not us, but nevertheless everyone is trying to find with arrows, after all, who is to blame, so the guilty one is to blame or the innocent one, but he ca n’t zelensky said that the operator
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who pressed the start button had a british officer with a pistol at his temple and said: press. you pronounce the name zaluzhny so often, you think that in the end they can hang all the dogs on him in political terms and thus satisfy, if evidence is presented that is absolutely obvious to the west, satisfy the appetites of the west that ukraine is not such a terrorist , look, there was a mistake, it means we acted, what’s done, is that why you’re calling the name zaluzhny like that now?
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in principle, everything is possible there, let’s take a short break now and continue. not skip it. central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. conspiracy theorists still believe that hitler escaped retribution at 45. experts say there is a 100% coincidence. they looked for it in the mountains of chile, in the steppes of argentina, and even in the eternal ice of antarctica. but our reporter managed to trace the nazi leader, where no one had looked for him before. in the middle of the 20th century there was a german club here. could it be that the place where this photograph was taken became the secret refuge of the main one? criminal xx century, in this room, where the dentist’s office is now located. and even if it was not hitler, then who would hide his double from the world? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 nightv. mask:
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the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with reports about the eighteenth meeting of the contact group for the defense of ukraine, for brevity it is traditionally called a meeting in the ramstein format. what's so special about her? it is notable for the fact that it is the first this kind of event where the united states was unable to offer any military assistance to ukraine. this meeting took place online and attracted more than fifty people. participating countries, donors to ukraine, germany was the most active. the country's defense minister boris pistorius promised kiev as many as six xi king helicopters, although he did not specify the delivery date. there were calls to finally give kiev long-range weapons, although also without specifics. the main supplier of democracy, the united states, for the first time refused military assistance, they argued this because there is no money for it now until congress agrees on a new aid package. the head of the pentagon stated this directly.
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we will falter if we cannot restrain others. if we lose our nerve, if we are potential aggressors, we will only cause more bloodshed and more chaos, which is why a sovereign and secure ukraine is critical to global security and we must not abandon our support for ukraine. money to help ukraine. the us is indeed looking quite decisively, even in the absence of government funding, the us senate foreign relations committee supported a bill on the transfer of currently frozen russian assets to kiev. as reported by reuters, we are talking about frozen funds of the central bank and other sovereign assets of the russian federation. at the same time, out of approximately 300 billion of our frozen reserves , only 5-6 billion are in the united states. the rest is either in europe. either in japan or in several other countries, the document was supported by 20
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parliamentarians, the only one republican senator randpool voted against, he has long been in favor of negotiations between russia and ukraine to resolve the conflict, now the bill must be approved by the senate, the house of representatives of congress, and then, if approved, president biden will sign it, so if all this happens, it will be the first time in history that the united states has confiscated the assets of a foreign state with which it is not... at war, and the european union, on the eve of the anniversary of the start of the russian svo, intends prepare the 13th package of sanctions, as reported by the financial times, it will be devoted primarily to personalities, that is, even more names will be on this list, which will be subject to some restrictions and restrictions. it is expected that new legal entities and companies from russia will also be included in the list, however, the most difficult aspect will be the coordination of assistance to ukraine in the amount of... euros over 4 years.
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hungary actively opposes such a step; it has previously blocked such a proposal. however, as the publication notes, brussels is not just hoping for changing its effect, but they plan to send part of the funds by february 24. in addition, the expected set of support measures will also include annual military assistance amounting to 5 billion euros. this article, which we quote, emphasizes that the eu is able to support ukraine 2 years after the start. operations are limited, well, about changing tactics, probably now, before andrei vladimirovich has time to go to the clinic, let’s look at the plot, it is based precisely on publications of leading western media on the topic of supporting ukraine, and then andrey vladimerovich will give the floor. the associated press has found out that the pentagon wants to shift funding for ukraine to the shoulders of its allies. washington can no longer send ammunition to the armed forces of ukraine itself due to conflicts in congress, and the united states plans to arrange it. a meeting with a contact group of fifty countries on the issue of providing military assistance
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to ukraine, they will discuss the quote: long-term needs, well, if in russian, then how much more can you spare. if we lose our composure, if we falter, if we fail to contain other potential aggressors, we will cause even more bloodshed and chaos. thus, a sovereign and secure ukraine is critical to global security. but for some reason, europeans are no longer impressed by such horror stories. the german zeitong writes that europe is preparing for the defeat of ukraine. and a new meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the eu countries dedicated to ukraine will take place. no good news at all, many countries, quote: are no longer ready to invest in a losing war. berlin is one of the few that is trying to oppose such sentiments and makes accusations against france. after all, it cannot be that germany does more financially so that others can continue
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to do less. we have a common european interest in the sovereignty of ukraine. and we are european. community of values. brussels , meanwhile, promises to create a new fund from which european members will allegedly be paid compensation if they provide military assistance to kiev in the next 4 years, the wall street journal writes about this. but in reality, not everything is so rosy. the european union has already accumulated debts to participating countries due to previous arms supplies to ukraine. the total debt has exceeded 7 billion euros, the spanish el pais calculated. and many simply no longer believe the promises. from brussels. we are left without our own missile defense, without combat aircraft, and finally, we do not have the promised 700 million euros per minute, which the former government also transferred to ukraine. it is doubtful that anything will happen in the future. the polish-lithuanian commonwealth is confident
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that the golden days of ukraine are long behind them; everyone is tired of it and of this war. at the end february 2022 a miracle happened. i decided to take out my dusty arsenals and stand up quote: to defend freedom, but the miracle quickly ended. this transatlantic miracle in the defense of ukraine also did not last long, no more than 16 months. now inter-party disputes in washington are blocking aid to kiev, in brussels, a small hungarian semi-dictator is showing that the beautiful façade of the european union is easily destroyed with the help of a vet.
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true, yes, that is true, yes, as for military assistance, this means that today ukraine is guaranteed military assistance in the amount of 12 billion euros, and deliveries are ongoing, that’s what concerns slovakia, slovakia will not receive anything, you already told us about this about slovakia, slovakia will not receive anything anymore from the usa, or from the eu, or from anyone, and the same thing, by the way, will be with
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hungary now, which means february 1, that is, they were thrown, yes, if i throw them in the yard like that.
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it’s completely untrue, the performance characteristics are different, teach them from the front, f16s work only in the zone, in
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the avax zone, no, and further than the dnieper, fig-2 they will fly, they will be just flying pieces of iron there, it’s not that we shot them down, not works, and vax finishes off to the dnieper, or do you think avax will fly here in ukraine, i mean, the f16 does not work, it works with missiles, air to ground, and i’m talking about this, just indicating the target.
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again, voters ask questions why money is given here and there to ukraine, for example, not to solve our problems, yes, this is true, but they showed a picture many times, now where tusk has arrived, here they are sitting with zelensky, which means tusk is at this meeting said, well, if this is not true, then i don’t know who to believe, that they are no longer will provide weapons in ukraine free of charge.
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about the fact that europe is going to fight there with national armies of 100 or 70,000 people, this is precisely in order to scare voters, to explain to them why it is finally necessary to take all sorts of measures, including illegal ones, so that somehow then it’s still possible to arm ukraine, in this sense, even an objective picture from the front, well, probably a colleague will also confirm, it hasn’t become easier for our guys, there are really tough battles there, so you don’t need to be naive and think that they have everything
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it ended there and... why don’t we show the bodies, because you see, you saw what a flash, look at the condition they are in, here they are in
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plastic bags, like this, you saw them, we have a lot of journalists journalists are accredited, bring journalists whoever wants, but try, refuse, in general it won’t be quite journalistic, come and look, yes, they show one body, but one body - it’s obvious who flew out during the explosion, here his body is not disfigured and because the main one. as i imagine most likely the bodies are lying there charred, you saw what a flash, this needs to be done there again today, and they themselves will go there, so they offer it to the military attaché of your beloved france, go look, do you think they will go there in front of the cameras of their own reporters, you know, officially , maria zakharova has just arrived, let’s say she makes this proposal and they will think about it further.
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he doesn’t say who is there, the queen, the king, who is there, they called, tomorrow we are waiting for the results , the conversation happened, why is he, why just as soon as austin has prostate cancer , just shut up, vasily dmitrievich, how can you talk, the guy has such a problem, he was a healthy guy, he said hello to zelensky and still got sick, so why did he say hello about this already, by the way, someone
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and this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, now allow me a short announcement, which means, dear friends, residents of chelyabinsk, i invite you to the next... in next saturday, february 3, at the chtz theater, on february 10, i will come to izhevsk at the house of folk art, on the 18th, the concert hall of the information center of the kalinin nuclear power plant, on the twenty-fourth, orenburg, gazovik palace of culture, and on march 1, the large hall of the cinema house in moscow. next , ivan sergeevich, this is also a tradition, i’m talking about the concerts that will take place, and i’m talking about the smoker’s concerts, yes, yes, it’s true, what’s important is that it’s not here, yes, that’s far from why. from thailand we begin on the footage published by the shot tv channel, let's even look at them, the moment of the detention of musicians from the group b2 on the island of phuket, it is reported that the artists spent last night in
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a prison cell, the reason for such a detention, as stated by the tourist police of thailand , became a concert that the bedva staged in one from important clubs on the resort island, while the musicians did not have permission to perform, and this is a violation of the law, a total of seven... members of the group were in custody , among them foreign agent lyova b2, their trial is scheduled for tomorrow, violators face , first, a large fine, with our money - this is more than 120,000 rubles, as well as deportation of the country with blacklisting, it will no longer be possible to enter. but the foreign agent who left and was an extremist, artur smolyaninov, announced his desire to speak before vssushnikami, but as if secretly, so that no one really knew. he told pranksters vavan and lexus about this, thinking. that he communicates with the head of the office of the president of the terrorist of ukraine ermak, which means that the artist agreed to perform in front of the ukrainian military and stated that he was ready for anything, and also seriously latched on to
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the offer to obtain ukrainian citizenship for the whole family. he spoke a lot with molyaninov about his relocant colleagues, said that he did not trust them, the artist did not forget about his former colleagues who remained in russia, he got the worst of it vladimir mashkov, and benderchuk, he managed to leak to...
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no, i don’t know what definition fits this, because i heard something similar back in the early 2000s at various other meetings from boris abramovich, boris abramovich, well from leonid borisovich , last name nevzlin, they were also planning to return there and find some people, in general , nothing has changed in this sense, although the only thing surprising to me is that khodorkovsky and everyone else in general, they still haven’t understood that they are treated simply like this wallet, they're running low. they completely unceremoniously take money out of them, and for some reason they agree with this, well, god bless him, we’re not talking about that now, which means we had a topic yesterday, if you remember, we somehow have the same topic every day it comes out of the other,
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yesterday there was a conversation about how to stop such disgusting phenomena as school bullying, some kind of bullying, and you know, today in general we are continuing this topic a little, because again now we will talk about children and... about the methods that we, as adults, should use in communicating with these children, if you remember, vitaly valentinovich milonov sat here yesterday, who said that only ideologies.
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but there is an opinion among our social activists and legislators that this is not enough, that our youth are still growing not yet in the direction in which they need to, and there are still points that need to be paid attention to, which pays attention to first of all appearance, we ’ll start right now with this, because there’s such a wave coming again worrying about how our children look. in january, a scandal occurred in one of the schools in kalinin. city ​​students of the local gymnasium were given a document that regulated their appearance, a total of 17 points. extravagant haircuts, colored hair piercings were banned, it was forbidden to wear bright makeup and wear manicures, girls had to braid their hair, symbols of informal associations, massive brooches, sports and denim items were prohibited. all clothing should be of three soft colors. for violation of the dress code, get out of school, alone mom complained that her... daughter was read
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by the teacher for the los angeles inscription on her sweatshirt, allegedly suggesting that she should go to america. by the way, an official from omsk recently publicly expressed similar complaints to the young man. from new york, perhaps? they're all like that, change your t-shirt, don't embarrass yourself. is it new york, or is it a bungee there, or someone else, i don’t know, but judging by the fact that you don’t know anything about new york, wear some kind of good t-shirt, agreed? in nizhny novgorod , the administration of school 800 also developed a special dress code for students. they were banned clothes in bright and neon colors. children should not wear transparent, shapeless, torn, tight-fitting clothes, high-heeled shoes or sneakers. the school uniform should be comfortable, simple cut, muted and soft colors, without patterns. moderate jewelry is allowed as accessories. by the way, such a dress code is common in many schools. very
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annoying for teenagers, also these constant visits to the director because of the school uniform, they took me about my hair, about my makeup, then in a short time i studied at american school, but it was, in principle , an ordinary school without a uniform, then i began to express myself as best i could, i began to dye my hair different colors, every week i came with a new hair color, in one of the schools in chelyabinsk they went further and threatened my parents with fines , if their children appear inappropriately, the administration at the local education committee...
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they put psychological and moral pressure on children who no longer have the desire to study at this school. a similar story happened with a schoolgirl from krasnoyarsk. mother complained that the girl was hounded by teachers because of her blue hair, saying that after she dyed her strands, complaints began to pour in, either her skirt was too short or her academic performance was poor. the mother claims that the child is being picked on. in fact, you need to protect your child, because the law of education allows schools to be provided. it is illegal, generally illegal, to establish these rules. mikhail nikolaevich, give your parental rebuff to all this tails, hairs. you know, i would fire all these directors, why? because so late, back in 2013 on march 28, the earth flew into the sky. issued
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a letter of recommendation, requirements for the appearance of students’ clothing, so is it a recommendation or a requirement, just clarify right away, since then all local regulatory legal acts have included these requirements in the charters, they have been adopted, this has been for more than 10 years, that is, how- then some directors just realized that they still need to take care of the sneakers, excuse me, can i be here... there, of course, everything is in ballet flats, although socks are more comfortable, no , no, not all, you know, there are a lot of young ladies, uh, the wife, the wife can’t hear, a lot of young ladies in such, it’s clear that expensive evening dresses in sneakers, i mean artists, artists , but what do artists have to do with it, and given
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that we don’t have enough of ours now, why can’t children go to school in sneakers, sneakers cost a million, some, and some 300, bright, so let’s do it?
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so maybe he’s an indian of these guys vladimir vktorovich is trying, don’t don’t don’t let maria first let her puff directly i can’t you know, i’m in complete shock because the whole scoop when i was at school was that you can’t do this, you can’t do this, you can’t do this, and my dear, why are braids a propaganda and your short haircut is not propaganda, why don’t you have a braid to say that i don’t know if does she count?
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which further in this dead end leads him precisely to the blue whale, van, this is inevitable,
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that is, this is the only one, i believe that this is the problem of our state, i say again, you started with a dialogue, that if our state explains to these youth that this is the image of our future that interests them, they will spit on these tattoos on these red hair and will study, realizing that they have an interesting future ahead; not everyone will be taken into the future with red hair. well, because this is a dubious future with red hair , i’ll just remind you once again that properly raised schoolchildren, who wore the right uniform, fucked up the country like that for a second, the very correct one, in which everything was correct, there was ideology, and the pioneers , and komsomol members all the rest. what happened to a country where schoolchildren were raised properly ? based on the example of scientists, everyone else, communism did not happen
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, that’s right, then... actually, no, well, wait, let ’s sort of agree with you there, but to allow a child to come to school dressed and looking, well, the devil knows how, a certain draskoda at school, he is everywhere, you come like this to some organization, you have to conform, and who has he become? he’s 15 years old, he’s still going to be, and
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that is, it’s like everything is in the process in the process, well , if in order to express something yourself, you need to acquire something first, he acquires it in including life experience, he looked like he had green hair, he didn’t like it, you understand, this is his life experience, his 7 years of life experience, 12 years of life, they had time. and one more important point about the blue whale of everything else, here are the directors, officials who start yelling at the students, you're a schmuck, what did you come in, that you're from new york, who are you, everything like that, this is bullying, pure water , you devalue the child by the way he dresses and say that he is worthless, but here there was one such thing, one small step towards a compromise, because he said that, in principle, he is not at all against a kind of decode, but there should be... yes, antonich, you are a practicing teacher, tell me, do you have girls in your class,
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listen to him, he has an ideal school, he has an ideal school in general no problem, blue hair , sometimes with red hair, in my last class, very strong, there is a member of the moscow national team, a girl with red hair, with all the colors of the rainbow, it just seems to me that you need to understand the psychology of children, yes, i completely agree with you that you need to be able to express yourself not only in your clothes, in your tattoos or piercings or something like that, but unfortunately children or fortunately. and teenagers , they express themselves not only in their own affairs, but also in their appearance, and i would really like to see the respected comrades of deputies who take the initiative for this control in their youth there some years in the same soviet union, but did they evaporate jeans at one time, did they want to be somehow different from this, this doesn’t even correlate at all, red hair, blue hair with intelligence, with a blue whale, this does not correlate in any way, we see school shooters who come, well, how to say this in russian,
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children go to school with tattoos on their faces, well , they don’t go with tattoos on their faces, but there sometimes they draw some things for themselves, the best in moscow schools, and this in no way correlates with how morally developed they are, how useful they are for the country, something like that, it seems to me that there is no need to get involved with this, especially , if we look at some older... women, excuse me, teachers, i saw that they have lilac hair like this, let's also ban people with lilac hair from coming to school or anything else, now 30 years will pass, half of your female colleagues will have tattoos, the last one is a big deal, let's separate , to separate the wheat from the chaff, i myself am not against school uniforms, i see good schools in moscow, some with school uniforms, and
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some without school uniforms, where children with blue hair go, they are both good, some are bad something, but if we introduce school. fair complaints, quite, i actually also support the previous speakers, i am not against introducing school uniforms, but then it is necessary to provide support measures for really large families, because i also asked this question more than once, now only regional authorities
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allocate some support measures, well, plus the president signed them, right? well, this is more difficult, this is more difficult, yes, i ’m also just a former teacher and i understand that, well, children should look appropriate, it’s one thing to be in a uniform appropriate for someone, oh, well, appropriate in principle, what does appropriate mean, i don’t understand the answer to who determines this, who looks appropriate or good, if a child
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comes to school naked, it’s bad, but where is the limit, who sets this, so i ’m asking you, the criminal code -
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hints at sexual relations, and the list goes on. toys produced by agents will also be banned. in total, the department identified 13 signs of compliance with spiritual and moral education. so far , the notorious plush monster hagi-vagi is considered the most harmful toy. in december, at the request of the quality of its steel. prohibit by law hagi-wagi toys, a woman sent us a story about how her child i couldn’t sleep for several nights after a... i encountered, so to speak, in kindergarten with this toy, this is an object or product that is psychologically directed as a weapon against our children. true, the izvestia newspaper reports that experts have already checked how scary hagi-vagi is for children, it turned out that few people are afraid of it, and they use it in the game for hugging. the next one in line for testing is the barbie doll, there is a proposal from some psychologists to replace it with vasilisa the wise, our
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heroine. difference from american blonde they are distinguished by intelligence, self-respect , kindness and ingenuity, but the association of enterprises in the children's goods industry reminds that they tried to carry out similar checks in the late nineties, the problem here is that if you spend at least 15 minutes on the examination of one toy, then you will need to analyze all the products on the market about 75 years old, others suggest evaluating not the toy, but what the child does with it? it is important that this examination actually takes place. qualitatively and so that there are no excesses, and we have already met with the so -called censorship in the soviet years, and of course, i want this executive body to do its job with dignity. it’s not just toys that worry psychologists and parents. the other day, a father from moscow contacted the police with a request to check the youtube series “skibedi” toilet.
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the man discovered this folk art on his phone. son, it turned out that teenagers are excitedly watching videos with a talking head sticking out of the toilet singing a viral song. the author of the web series is andrey gerasimov, a student at the russian peoples' friendship university. this is not the first year that there has been a war against anime. in in mid-january, roskomnadzor blocked more than ten resources with these cartoons. in total, more than 6,000 anime materials are blocked in russia. the judges counted. that such products are harmful to the health of minors, the main complaints are violent scenes and even inclination to suicide, but this does not make teenagers’ craving for japanese anime any less, psychologists note that there they are attracted by eternal themes: growing up, friendship, love, betrayal, search for oneself . so, that's it guys, the sebastine cosplay is ready, and i don't know how my friends will react classmates and teachers in general with the school, i hope they won’t kick me out for this.
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nelya, let's take it in order, these are toys, this is a really dangerous thing for children, we need to look at all sorts of purposes under an expert microscope, on the one hand, yes, on the other hand, thanks to aggressive toys, a child can live his inner fears and feelings here now and not suppress these emotions so that when he grows up decades later, he begins to live these unlived, suppressed feelings at the expense of his partner or workers, if he picks out doll eyes in childhood are good,
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a few years ago there were periodic conversations about how military toys should be banned, because this is militarism, blah blah blah, over the last 2 years i haven’t even seen a toy, i listened to you and i was thinking that i haven’t heard one proposal to ban military toys, please, somehow things turned out for us, and now it
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looks like a military toy to us. can look into the pain that he won’t look into in an open format, his parents won’t sit down, don’t interrupt please, his parents won’t sit down and won’t do this with him discuss, because it is unsafe, and it is very important for a child to express himself not in prohibitions, but still in free will, so you and i started when there was school, now it’s still toys, that is, it’s like free after school. we spoke at a round table in the state duma, we sent all the relevant appeals through the committee on family protection, it is very pleasant that the results of this work were included in these planned guidelines and now we will have
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a mandatory psychological and pedagogical examination of toys, because this is the first time this question was raised in 2013 at the first round table on the protection of seven traditional spiritual and moral values, and it was there that we drew attention. that children imitate, and in our country all children's worlds, stores, are simply filled with these absolutely associative destructive toys, yes, which create all sorts of deviations in children, then you know, well, actually, i don’t know where you found such a psychologist and there is course for all teachers and so on and there.
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that a toy should teach good things is why it doesn't really work the idea of it’s clear to everyone, i don’t know why it’s not clear on the other side, it means i came to this department on purpose, it was there 15-10 years ago, there was a modest aunt sitting there in a small department, i poked her, i said, look here monsters high , the doll is lying in a coffin, what is it, she herself recoiled from it, so to speak, said, well, this is a good toy, a good toy, no, let's roughly talk about the frequency, she says, look, that's when we sue, yes or when we do not, we do negatively.
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such almost episodic moments, too causing controversy, so we will now concentrate on them, a man who looked into the future, continuation of a sensational interview.
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the year 2024 brings us many surprises, whether biden will finally press the red button, grandfather is a little sick, not everything is in order with his head. like when patrons write off zelensky as a liability? fate is generally terrible, of course, what awaits pogachev in bigaz, who for the americans was born in 1948, and for us in 1949? the people knew that she was not the kindest woman on earth when according to the scientist’s calculations, there will be victory in a special military operation. this is the main forecast, so to speak, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. chef new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. what men are silent about is that life is out of control. and pain,
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cardio simulator for only 2,999 rubles. but if you call us right now, you'll get two knee brace move easily as a gift liamax, purchases with a plus. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear and let's start this part with breaking news. let's start , it just became known that daria trepova, who by decision of rosfinitoring was added to the list of terrorists and extremists, was sentenced to 27 years in a maximum security colony in the case of a terrorist attack in st. petersburg, in which military correspondent vladlen tatarsky died. 27 strict regime sentences are the largest sentences in the history of modern russia for a female defendant. this decision was made second western district military court. let me remind you that trepova brought vladlinat to the lecture. during the explosion, tatarsky died on
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the spot, another 52 participants in the event were injured, and the twenty-six-year-old defendant was found guilty. terrorist attack, illegal trafficking in explosives and forgery of documents, she was also given a fine of 600,000 rubles. during the trial, trepova never admitted guilt in the terrorist attack. another defendant named dmitry kasintsev, who hid trepova in his apartment after she had already committed a terrorist attack, was given 1 year and 9 months in a general regime colony, this man was taken into custody in the courtroom. today it started. it is known that the moscow city court sentenced former dpr defense minister igor strelkov to 4 years in a general regime colony. he was found guilty under the article on calls for extremist activities because of the texts that he published on his telegram channel. strelkov was also banned from administering internet resources
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for 3 years. well, one more piece of news: 11 years in a maximum security colony in the case of corruption. nikolai baskov. spiegel was detained in march twenty-first year while trying to give a bribe for protection to the former governor of the pendensky region, ivan belozertsev. this former official himself received 12 years of strict regime. so according to the criminal justice news , what kind of fruitful block did you get?
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quote: same-sex couples, men and women kissing, a pregnant man, a man-bride with a mustache, bearded women. instead , zhuravlev demands to make patriotic emoticons, what they should look like, he doesn’t clarified. children see all this, they constantly send these emoticons to each other. this is just real propaganda. it is necessary to take steps to remove these block emojis.
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children's champagne, we don't think that there might be, for example, children's vodka, or children's whiskey, but we don't let children play with syringes and don't write drugs on them, because we know this is advertising, and the child will start thinking about drugs, what
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can you say about children's vodka? listen, but hype still has to have some boundaries, but this man is generally beyond the bounds. we saw him in more than one program, but i’m interested in cosmetics, as if for children, so my granddaughter puts on this children’s cosmetics, gets tattoos, and this, excuse me, is not a story about same-sex love, on the contrary, about opposite-sex love, that’s what nonsense, in a desire to increase the citation index, they reach the point of complete absurdity, i don’t know who votes for these people, well, maybe it’s just not the right time, a little girl, your granddaughter, probably shouldn’t... she should at that age, how old granddaughter? who said? 6 years old, thinking about how she will charm the representatives of the opposite, who said, so she came, i was just telling and said, i made shadows, came, and there the teacher with shadows told me, this is ugly, but she herself those, when my daughter was smaller than your
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granddaughter, she once stuck a screw in her nose, with the cap down, like this, and she came and said: look how beautiful i am, i almost killed her. because of this, well, these are completely unrelated things, i just thought, no is it worth it, is it worth it, maybe, to ban screws, and definitely dowels, too, right? ilina yuryevna, come on, i absolutely agree with all these initiatives, with all of them, and we vote for them by the way, which means the only thing i can remember is that at one time we spoke very seriously against beauty contests, i don’t want to say this word one more time, but you can all probably guess, this is such a strange love for children, yes, but it’s natural that they provoke it, they popularize it, in fact, that is, this children’s cosmetics are a baby step.
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okay, but the picture with the pregnant guy that deputy zhuralev found, men don’t give birth, why do we need such a picture, it’s more terrible, it can’t be banned, does this mean that it will disappear, that you can draw more pictures ad infinitum, no, we’re just if we don’t get into whatsapp, we won’t be able to do this, well, to be honest, i didn’t even know that such pictures, even more terrible things, my wife writes in the messenger slava, and they offer her already...
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i knew my child, what was happening in the only city ​​perinatal center? we filed a civil lawsuit in the amount of 18.5 million against
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is, give a healthy alternative, and about emoticons, can i ask a second question. because these emoticons are similar to our kolobok, then we need to ban the kolobok fairy tale and introduce prohibitions with justification. that’s it, pavel anatolyevich, well, first of all, i would ban everything that was in your stories, i agree with this, and i vote for these deputies, and let them be in the duma for another 5 years without elections, i will happy. well, what i think would be right is to forbid children not to listen to their parents, to forbid children not to listen and to insult their parents. that's it, well, anton yuvich. well, it’s kind of strange to me that it seems to me that somehow some people don’t understand well teenage psychology, if you forbid something, it becomes more popular in the ussr, they forbade it to develop into something, but he only became popular, thanks to that, he did not become popular, just find me someone, so he wouldn’t became, it seems to me, if it had not been banned , it works the same here, i would not ban anything, i would create analogues of this so that children could use something, i might not have
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banned it, but i really wouldn’t recommend it to children under 16 years old . for a number of reasons, including because labor lessons always had a lot of jokes, but at some time some jokers came up with such a story, i always really liked it, but there was no reason to remember it, so it means... a labor lesson for fifth grade students, and the teacher says: girls , today we have a rather difficult topic, turning the edge inside out, suddenly a girl with round glasses,
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short haircut, what a nerd she is, sees her, she puts out her hand, “sidorova, do you have a question again?” she says: maria ivanovna, well, turn the edge inside out, how does this happen? the moral law is above our heads, and the starry sky is inside us? it was a meeting place. which cannot be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, goodbye. they are stalling for time, why did france block the un safbiz meeting on the russian il-76 shot down by ukraine? selkhozprotest. european farmers block roads. fills government buildings with sewage, how do the authorities react to this? bankruptcy marathon, blogger elena blinovskaya will not be able to pay for the damage to the state. details in business news.


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