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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 25, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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free forever has become even more profitable. get a supercake every month and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. beyond the border, she was expecting twins, but left the maternity hospital with only one child in her arms, a premature patient. in the studio of ksenia baymurzina. ksenia, hello, how old is your baby now? my daughter is now 3 years and 11 months old, well, soon she will be 4 years old. i was supposed to have twins, two girls, and in the end i went home with one child. what happened? with the second girl
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the child died in nature, he did not have a beating heart, we all sympathize very much with your grief, tell me what went wrong, i had an ultrasound, they checked, everything was fine, perfect, at 30 weeks i came, they reassured me that i i had polyhydramnios in one child , oligohydramnios in the second, they told me that i would either be sent to yekaterinburg, or there would be an emergency cystic leak, apparently they had not noticed before that i had some... that the child began to suffer, but they explained to you, what does this threaten? no one explained it to me, rather in total there was fetophytal syndrome, it was a situation when the placenta of one child nourishes the second child, and indeed, on previous ultrasounds this might not have been there, it might not have been noticed, and the changes were growing so quickly, in the end they came to me in the morning, did a cotg, recorded my heartbeat children , the doctor came, looked at me, left... didn’t
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say anything, after a couple of hours they came up and told me to get ready for a cesarean section, i got dressed, got ready, and they took me away, the operating room, they carried out the operating room, well, i got worried because i didn’t hear their children, nor one thing, at birth you didn’t hear krikovsky, there were no screams, i didn’t see them, it alarmed me very much when you learned the terrible truth that you became the mother of only one girl, am i talking about children? i asked constantly , came up to the post, found out what was wrong with you , said, wait for the doctor, the doctor will come and tell you everything, but the doctor only came the next day and said that my first girl died, who was heavier, the second one is in intensive care under an artificial device, it was very difficult for me, i cried, she tried to somehow calm me down, but then she left, i called my husband to tell him about it, i was wildly hysterical, my husband also
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didn’t believe in his words, that our only child died, it was hard to accept all this, and why they couldn’t save the first girl, they explained to you ? they told me that her heart wasn’t beating, but they tried to resuscitate her, but before the emergency cesarean section both hearts were beating, we had a ctg recording, both hearts were beating. elen, in such situations , is a caesarean section the right way out? a caesarean section was the right option. in that case, if there was acute hypoxia in one or both fetuses, that is, if a situation arises when existence inside the uterus becomes impossible, that is, there were such poor blood flows that if the child had not been removed, he would have died in utero, most likely in this situation one child was already lifeless, they were rescuing, they were already running for the second one, your delivery was ahead of schedule, no matter how hard it was for you to accept.
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i imagine if they told me, this is what they told you, i would probably go crazy just from this, it’s not incredible, i tell you, you know, how i now wish you strength to make this girl happy. ksenia, did they give you the body of your dead daughter? yes , they gave the body to us, but while i was in the hospital , a doctor came up to us, she took documents from us to issue a birth certificate and a death certificate, and i asked her, i said, how... to bury such small children, she
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just answered me that you can take a small box from under shoes to bury such a child, he’s small, that’s it, we called... they opened it for us so we could look, after making sure that we had a child or not, they opened the coffin for us. and there’s just one copy, they just have the same face for the children, but my husband didn’t look at it because he couldn’t, but i looked at it all, for your daughter who died, you prepared a name in advance, you wanted to name two girls karina and
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arina, but since that girl died , they didn’t let us write her name on the certificate, they just gave us a surname, but we ourselves wrote on the cross that her name was karina. technological medical care. ksenia, the second girl, how long did she spend in intensive care? she was in intensive care for 3 months, then she was transferred to pathology. we lay under the apparatus for a long time; we could not breathe on our own. we had some kind of blood infused there,
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we had double pneumonia. at first, pediatricians, doctors, and neurologists told us that our child was simply delayed by several months, since he was born prematurely, we were behind in development. well, only at... a year and a half we were diagnosed with a disability, that we had cerebral palsy. do you blame the doctors for your daughter’s condition? perhaps they could have somehow violated it when they pulled her out, i don’t know, it was even possible we would have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy earlier, we would have started treatment earlier, all this rehabilitation. tatyana, ksenia is right? god forbid, god forbid, anyone ever experiences what you experienced, and you are a very strong person. regarding cerebral palsy, this is a diagnosis that is not made at birth, it is made when the very symptoms that say, yes, this is definitely cerebral palsy, are already visible. now, i think, doctors, obstetricians and gynecologists will support me
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, a system is being built in which pregnancy is complex, pregnancy is unusual, pregnancy with two children is non-standard situation, she takes it especially seriously. the role is the so-called obstetric care beds, where girls from cities can come and wait there for the moment of the birth of a child. the standard for communicating a diagnosis includes not only saying what, but also explaining what to do next, because then there are, besides those same psychologists, there are parental and public organizations, but there are people with this...
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we can’t keep our heads up, it’s bad we hold it, we have a back, she can’t sit on her own, she can’t crawl, she can’t walk, it’s difficult to feed her, because we live poorly, food we almost don’t eat solids, soups, there ’s bread, the same puree, it’s also difficult to wash it, it’s just normal for her, and it’s heavy, the weight is heavy, and transporting it somewhere is also difficult. even go out for a walk, well, let’s go out, well, you won’t be able to walk with her for a long time in your arms, in a stroller, she hardly sits, do the doctors give any prognosis? no, they said that it will be possible to walk only with support, and then if he walks, you can come to see me, we’ll talk, we’ll see,
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we’ll decide, at least i can give you advice on where to go for what first it's your turn to focus your attention, she believes that her... how come your daughter was operated on without your consent? i was admitted to the perinatal center , i stopped feeling the baby move , i had an emergency operation, i was in the thirty-first week of pregnancy, that is , i had no complications, nothing was discovered, everything was fine, only at 30, in the thirty-first week posey discovered that my placenta is undergoing early maturation. elena, why could this only be revealed on the thirty-first week and what could have led to this and in general,
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what kind of diagnosis is this, what is fetoplacental insufficiency, malnutrition of the fetus, oxygen starvation, fetal growth restriction, and therefore a decision was made to perform an emergency caesarean section in order to extract the fetus and move him to more favorable conditions than in this situation prevailed in the uterus, that is , the blood flow there was so bad that the child would not receive nutrition, the intrauterine child would simply die. marin, doctors somehow tried to calm you down, set you up that everything will be fine? no, the doctors didn’t try , there was a boorish attitude in the operating room, the doctor who performed the surgical operation with a deformity, when i was admitted to the well, in the morning there was not a single ballerina , they were bringing only cows, they also didn’t give me spinal anesthesia correctly from the very beginning, the needle was chosen incorrectly needle, that is, they tried to lead me, well, every five times it was... as if the operation had gone through, the child was taken out, they didn’t
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show the child to me, the child didn’t cry, the child was taken away, i was only the next day in in the afternoon i found out about the child’s condition. the doctor came and said that you have very serious problems - the child is seriously ill, so far we cannot tell you any prognosis, we are monitoring, and the child also underwent a blood transfusion. because the hemoglobin was low, as well as the baby was premature , i probably already saw the baby for the first time, day four, i was admitted for 10 minutes, i can’t even imagine what thoughts were in your head about that, i just shook, i i approached the car, they showed me where the child was, but i couldn’t restrain myself, you were then discharged without the child, the intensive care unit was for mothers, as if with covid, it was busy, when the ward became free, they told me that i could go to
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the intensive care unit, the head of the intensive care unit called me to the conversation that if you are going to bed here now, you will not leave, and also keep in mind that you will be alone in this room, that is , you will also only be with the child for 10-15 minutes, that’s all, this is what we were allowed to visit twice child, but you don't worry, you can call, they will tell you everything you are interested in. questions, but i think that it’s better for you to be discharged, of course go home to do the paperwork , this is the first time i’ve been in such a situation, i of course listened to the doctor , i was discharged, i also blamed myself for leaving, the child lay in intensive care for 13 days, then he was transferred to the opdn in pathology for premature babies, they also said that the child has cysts, but they can also resolve, you mean a cyst, right? small tassels in the head, yes, they say yes, it’s in the brain, but as
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they told me, don’t worry, it happens and it resolves in children, one fine day i call and they tell me that your child had an operation, they removed the subgalial pouch, but they didn’t call me not to sign documents, i was simply presented with a fait accompli, explaining that this was a reduction operation. cranial pressure, a shunt is placed, that is , a tube that removes excess fluid from the brain; such an operation is performed if the child has such a concept as hydrocephalus is when more fluid is produced in the head than is absorbed, and because of this, the child’s head begins to grow quite actively and quickly, given the presence of cysts. most likely there was some kind of hemorrhage, which most likely blocked the duct, when
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they performed the ultrasound, they saw the whole thing, they saw that the phenomenon of hydrocephalus was growing, they most likely took an emergency operation. yuri, is there any responsibility for the fact that the operation was performed on a child without parental consent? of course, even criminal, if roszdravnadzor gets involved, checks the entire chronology of the hospital stay, the operation, and other doctors are involved. level for analysis and negligence, abuse , inaction are revealed, information is transmitted to the prosecutor's office about the initiation of a criminal case, i was simply presented with a fact, i repeat, that my child had an operation, i was in shock, i could not think normally, like this, i didn’t even think about how it would affect development later. when were you able to see your daughter? i saw my daughter only when she was transferred to the nursery hospital, they brought it to me. what condition was she in? the child had a subgalial pouch, that is, a lump on the head, the child had
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congestion on one side. what is your daughter's diagnosis now? is your daughter now diagnosed with cerebral palsy? do you connect this with the operation? i think that yes, perhaps we would have violations, but not as serious as now. how old is your daughter now? my daughter will be 4 years old in april. we visited you, let's see the story. 3 years ago in the family of twenty-nine-year-old marina kirova appeared daughter veronica. nine-year-old kirill was looking forward to his little sister the most, and he chose her name. the older brother loves to spend time with her, turns on cartoons, talks and plays: i take a toy and do it like this, i speak, she listens, smiles, sometimes shows her tongue at me and fights with me, her girl needs constant care, marina says,
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before feed her daughter, she grinds food in a blender, veronica doesn’t know how to chew herself, the baby sits... only on a high chair, mom fixes her with belts, i can’t sit her down without a table, because that otherwise the child might very well fall, let’s sit like this, let’s be sure , we need to regulate everything, the child has difficulty holding toys in his hands, we have this cat here, she takes it, she can reach it up to her mouth, but she it’s difficult because she’s with...
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but sometimes we even see that she’s running and running, and we can’t catch up with her. i am very pleased that your son supports you, this is a huge support, and it is clear that he is a very kind boy, when there is harmony in the family, when you love, then i think that everything will be fine, whatever little steps, of course, you all support us from your husband, my husband supports us very well. tatyana, what can you say , for your part, you can support, here , of course, time cannot be returned and that...
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because when cerebral edema increases , it can simply be instant death, so don’t blame yourself, be sure to go to a psychologist, talk , you need to remove your guilt, the feeling of guilt for what you did wrong. vladislav, you can invite your daughter and you to your reception, just like ksenia and her daughter.
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her baby was immediately sent to intensive care, and 3 weeks later the girls underwent emergency surgery. we had an operation to remove the subgalial pouch. shunting there. i did not give any consent to this operation. they didn't call me. now my daughter is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, even without surgery we would probably have patients, but not as severe as now. behind the death of your child. they demand 18.5 million rubles. in the studio oksana and konstantin mishkov , hello, hello, hello, oksana, konstantin, please accept our condolences, firstly, and secondly, i see that you are in a great position, you are preparing to become parents again, that’s for sure joy. how are you feeling? yes, overall i feel
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pretty good, the only thing that now... i have a shortening of the cervix, but i am following the doctors’ recommendations, yes, please try not to worry, you are ready tell us about your tragedy? yes, i’m ready , that pregnancy was conscious, yes, that pregnancy was very long-awaited, and my husband and i had already been together for about 7 years at that time, and well, i’m healthy, my husband is healthy, why didn’t it work out for us, my husband has a child. from my first marriage, this long-awaited two lines on the test, yes, that is, it seemed like joy, emotions, everything was fine, the pregnancy was going very well, that is , i didn’t have any complications, everything was fine, konstantin, gender baby you recognized yes, boy, well, nothing foreshadowed trouble, and we went to give birth to a perinatal center, to
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a neighboring city, we went in advance. yes, as planned, that is, well, on the appointed day. upon arrival at the perinatal center, i had an ultrasound, ctg, i passed all the tests, to which the doctor told me that everything was fine, all my tests were normal, i was there from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth, and labor was scheduled by what number? at the end of january, everything was fine, everything was fine, which means that
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the child began to move differently, and she told me says: you don’t have enough space, he’s getting ready for childbirth , they didn’t give me a non-hysterical examination, i asked for a very long time, i say, induce labor for me, my first daughter and i induced labor, well, it didn’t start for me, and here i said , i won’t start, they were waiting for me to give birth on my own, i say, well, i’m not going into labor, but what the doctor told me, lie down, you’ll give birth on your own, on the 28th in the morning i’m talking about... i don’t feel like i’m having the son is moving, and there is an office on the floor where they do ctg, we went with her to this office, she searched for me for about 10 minutes, searched, searched, heartbeat, i couldn’t find it, the doctor turned on the ultrasound and told me that my child’s heart was no longer beating, at that moment my world probably
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collapsed, i don’t know. i hoped to the last , maybe this sensor was wrong, maybe he was still alive, i called my mother, asked her to come to my people, they took me down to... to the maternity room on the second floor, the doctor came up to me for a long time, convinced me of that it could be an umbilical cord entanglement, a thin nodule, and it is not visible on an ultrasound, i say, i went through a lot of ultrasounds, i didn’t have any entanglements, then when i announced that my mother would come to see me people, she told me, well, yes, okay, she will come, only at that moment, while you are having contractions, my mother will be nearby, when i... harvest , mom will be taken out of the room, at that moment i was already , you know, probably afraid for my life, and i say, yes, yes, okay, i tell my mother myself, don’t go out, the forces won’t kick you out anyway, look, please, so that we know
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what the reason is, whether it’s really bad or not, in the end your mother was present at the birth, yes, yes, my mother was present and completely watched, there was no entanglement, and you know, also, that my friends, for example, yes, someone at dusha, and something else, a child is born, well, blue in color , yes, like that, like hypoxia, my baby was born absolutely pink, my waters were clear, that is, in general, you understand, he was like a living child, the only thing he i didn’t cry, they didn’t carry out any manipulations, that is, not to resuscitate, well, nothing at all, just that what weight was the baby? 3.260 - 52 cm , that is, this, this is such a good doll, and i would never have said that he was dead if i just didn’t know it, that is, it’s just like he’s
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sleeping, you know , even when they took it out, one umbilical cord was completely, well, yes, there was blood, in the other umbilical cord there was not half of the blood, the doctor told me, so... you have a blood clot, well, the child, they transferred us to the post-delivery ward, so i go there, you see, mothers with children are lying around me and the children are crying, and i am alone, i tell them, you take me somewhere, i don’t i can lie here, well, it’s just possible to go crazy, being there, they told me, but we have nowhere else to transfer you, i still lay there overnight in the morning, i say, i can’t do it anymore, i’ll write a refusal , when i started to write a refusal , doctors came running to me, well, in general, there were a lot of people and offered me, well, they calmed me down, but you’re still young, you’ll give birth to a new one, i say, this is like
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a kitten or something, some kind of thing for you , how can you treat this, this is a child, i was waiting for him so much, i carried him under my heart for so long, i i counted every day when i would meet him, that’s how my son is gone, and i... it’s impossible to hold back the tears and there are no words here to support you, three women ended up in some kind of terrible hell, it’s not that negligent attitude, the woman is insulted, the woman is humiliated, she comes for help , says: i am our child, i
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am defenseless now, help me, give me your hand, and they tell her, your weight is not the same, you are wrong, this is fair, just hold on, all three of you are wonderful families, you will cope, you will definitely cope, god willing. yours to the future baby health and support, do you see that you are not alone, we are with you, after everything that happened, did you go to court? yes, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, we were recognized as victims, under the article of negligence, so we filed a civil lawsuit in the amount of 18.5 million, for... did we carry out any examinations? yes, before filing a claim, we conducted our own examination, that is , on our own, where in the conclusion it was said that if they had responded to the complaint
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in a timely manner, i would have been given a permit by any of the well existing paths, then i would have a healthy son, of course i have to. elena, is the version that the doctors told oksana that there was an entanglement, is this version true? you know, my scientific work was connected precisely with the intranatal death of the fetus. and a huge number of oksana’s patients, a huge number, have dealt with precisely such cases, cases where the child died before birth, was full-term, viable, of good weight, with excellent anatomical aspects, indicators there.
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now it has been brought to the end, they will be guilty,
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are called to responsibility, and this should really be made public, and the fact that the transfer beyond the bounds is exactly what is made public is very correct, oksana, where are you registered now ? we have no choice, i’m registered in the same place where i was, and you’re not scared either, i’m very scared, you also know that we have only one doctor in the whole city who takes care of pregnant women, one, horror,
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help for which i am capable, now you have a new life, and you should meet it not with tears, but with a smile, thank you, we wish you everything to be fine, strength to you, health calm down, why did the woman bury the child twice, i opened my mouth, i just didn’t recognize my child, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes, live without making mistakes, it’s important to learn to ask
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for forgiveness for them, and even more important to learn to forgive. i came to ask for forgiveness from my daughter, i acted very ugly, i offended him very much, i wanted to make her jealous, she considered it a betrayal. people come to this studio who are ready to ask for forgiveness from a loved one, i want her to just hear and understand, and people who need to accept the most important decision, sorry. or not, i want her to look me in the eyes, there is a person sitting behind this door who is waiting for your forgiveness, the decision to open the door behind you, and the decision, this must be made right now, please forgive me, the premiere of a new show with nadezhda babkina, 2 february at 16:50 on ntv. bonanza, premiere. from monday at 22:15 on ntv.
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made himself a millionaire, and you, the creature, killed him. will you take out a second corporate war in a row? everything comes from this war. well then give up. bonanza. premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. wrinkles. once they appear, it seems that life will never be the same. you are full of energy, but it’s annoying. so-called crow's feet became noticeable around the eyes, and deep nasolabial folds ran from the nose to the corners of the mouth. when i saw these wrinkles, i was so upset. i think, well, that’s it, old age is knocking on the door. self-esteem, of course, immediately dropped. how is it that i’m a pioneer in my heart, but in my face i’m a pensioner? well, no, you are 40, 45, 50, any wrinkles can be easily dealt with by yuna, a new two-step system for filling wrinkles. two fillers, instant restoration
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skin energy and youth. call now. only today, in honor of the premiere, you can buy yuna for not 8,900 rubles. and completely free. when purchasing one package, call 800 100 exactly 6 8882 free call within russia abroad, this is beyond the border, twenty-five-year-old ksenia boymurzina was expecting twins, but was discharged from the maternity hospital with only one child, our child died in nature, one remained alive, a year and a half later, we were diagnosed with cerebral palsy, i think that our daughter could have been saved if the doctors had noticed... that children were suffering, the three-year-old daughter of twenty-nine-year-old marina kirova also suffers from cerebral palsy. the girl was born premature. immediately after birth , cysts were discovered in her head. three weeks later she underwent emergency surgery. the mother is sure that it is because of this that her child remains
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disabled. i did not give any consent to this operation. the daughter's condition worsened after the operation. before the operation, my daughter was not diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but the son of twenty-nine-year-old oksana mishkova died in her morning, the woman and her husband demand that they be paid compensation in the amount of 18.5 million rubles for the death of their child. despite the fact that i had complaints, they simply did not pay attention to me; if i had received medical assistance in time, i could have given birth to a healthy child. she is sure that she was given the body of someone else’s dead child in lyubov igisheva’s studio. hello, hello, love. how is this even possible? in the eighteenth year, pregnancy began, the fourth pregnancy occurred, they were expecting a girl, zhenya,
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my pregnancy didn’t seem to be going very well at all, for some reason i had low blood pressure, then i was diagnosed with the third stage of patient maturation and entanglement, i say, girls, i’m swelling, my blood pressure is low, i say, the baby is not moving well, well, it’s like a quiet child just says , well, everything is quiet, quiet... it turns out that on july 11, 1919, i arrived for the planned appearance at the hospital, the period was already 32 34 weeks, i said: you are going to do a ct scan for me, how if the term is already long and the child is not moving well, what are you are you making it up? well, let 's do a ct scan, okay, the horse is doing a ct scan of me, heartbeats, i hear, well, i understand too, the heartbeat is weak, the midwife looks, her eyes are getting bigger, i say what happened, she's so weak... benya , let's quickly get on the drip, i went on the drip , i'm dripping, the doctor comes, got up, looks, i don't want to upset you, but it seems like the death
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of the fetus has occurred, i say, in the sense of the death of the fetus, there was a heartbeat, so they are putting it on us, that the child died, it turns out that the next day i gave birth to a child, when i gave birth and she was lying there, for some reason i thought that the child would be born, right? they will do some resuscitation, nothing was done, it turns out that our child, as i was told, died during childbirth, that is, the day of death and the day of birth, when they gave me the protocol, the number is the same, the twelfth, you do you think that at the moment when you arrived, yours, she was moving, she was moving until the last moment, but the doctors have a different version, yes, that there was no heartbeat, if they did an ultrasound examination in the perinatal center and not they saw a heartbeat, most likely she didn’t have one... the patient had chronic placental insufficiency, there was gestosis, real, there was swelling starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy, the risks are high,
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age, fourth pregnancy, tell me, and the previous three pregnancies, they were also proceeded with some complications, or were they perfect in all three pregnancies, but no, somehow it just so happened that i don’t walk very well, and you were seen by the same doctor who took care of all these previous pregnancies , elena, how are you? do you think there were any? the chances of saving the baby at the primary outpatient stage are yes, when , unfortunately, when a poor heartbeat has already been diagnosed, the dead fetus was sent to the perinatal center, unfortunately, no. love, you saw your girl, yes, i saw my girl, i remembered her very well, small, black, but with square lips, but she looked like her husband, i held her by the fingers, held her nose, i... i just looked at it very well to remember what she was like, on wednesday the seventeenth we buried her, we
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they met her from the ritual car, when i got into the car, i opened the coffin, i simply didn’t recognize my child, a child cannot change so much beyond recognition, the child had no nose, he had a square nose, his eyes were blurry. i can’t even say how they blurred, she didn’t look like my wife, but because the child has changed, and we don’t have the most basic things, please give me an explanation where the child’s nose went, this is not my child, my husband will support me, he also comes to the cemetery, he says, i don’t believe it, says that it’s ours, and i come to the cemetery to the child whom i gave birth to, and not whom i buried, we have already reached the point that i had a death this year, we went through the second funeral, yes, i already i just. i don’t know, i arrived , but i didn’t see, but they took these bones from us , they did it, it’s possible that she’s probably
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igisheva’s daughter lyubov anatolyevna, how is this possible, perhaps period, probably okay, we went, what was the dna result , yes, there was no percentage there, no, there was no percentage there were two dnas in this test tube, if your guesses are correct, what will you do, i don’t know, we will look. but you intend to seek truth, justice to the last and do countless examinations until you receive your answer, i will do it, love, i will personally help you, firstly, secondly, i want to immediately give you an explanation so that even our the audience knew this, there are regulatory documents regarding expert activities, examination, it cannot be, perhaps, maybe your daughter, i will show you the documents, with me. you and i are this we will discuss the case and this is already the basis for initiating a criminal case, including against the expert, this is the basis
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for ultimately either the court or the investigative committee to do everything... hello, hello, anastasia, we are very sorry, please accept our condolences. was this your first child? yes, this was my first child, it took a long time, my husband and i prepared for it, the pregnancy was easy, that is, there were no pathologies, there were no abnormalities, we were examined
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regularly, yes, of course, screenings, everything passed on time. did they tell you the gender of the baby? yes, son, we named him artyom. did you go to the family home in advance or already with contractions? on december 1, 2022, i noticed that my water began to leak. i called an ambulance, and they sent me to the renotal center. the doctor on duty examined me and said: “the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth.” they didn’t take a leak test from me, that is, they said that the plug was coming off. and if it's a weekend. if i don’t give birth, i’ll be discharged home. then on monday, they performed an ultrasound on me, a ctg was also done in the evening brought up, they said that i had oligohydramnios, so there was a double entanglement around the baby’s neck. but i was in the renodal center for 2 weeks and was allowed to go home on the weekend. on monday i returned to the perinatal
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center again. it was prescribed by my attending physician. department of pathology, she carried out an examination with interno, she handed over my card to the interne, she said that anastasia has no pathology, there are no complications, look at it, she left, that is, the intern examined me, the girl said, the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth, and on the twelfth , i had an expected date of birth, so they sent me to the ward, i went up to the post and asked whether an ultrasound or ctg would be performed. to which they answered me, no , all this will be carried out tomorrow, that is , december 13, and then on december 12, after lights out , they still called me for an examination, and they hooked up the otg sensor, reassured me, said, well, they assured me that everything was fine, the child had a heartbeat it was beating, everything was within normal limits, so they sent me to bed, then on december 13, an intern ran in and said:
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quickly get ready, go, but i came to examination room, and there was the head , that is, my attending physician, she started doing a ctg on me, she just shrugged her shoulders, but reassured me, said: everything is fine, don’t worry, go for a walk along the corridor, went to the ward, quickly pack your things in your bag, that is, to prepare, after an hour and a half to two hours the ultrasound doctor came, gave me an ultrasound, turned to... ordered to invite a psychologist, and they told me that my child had died, i didn’t believe it, they took me to the birth room, pierced the bladder at 15:56 i gave birth to a baby, the baby was dead, yes, another moment when they pierced my
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bladder, induced labor, i felt that the child... but they told me, you have no water and the child is beating against the walls of the abdomen, and they squeezed out the child for me, the doctors told you the cause of the child’s death, doctors said that false stress and distress, but this does not lead to intrauterine death of the fetus, distress, most likely, again we are talking about the same hypoxia that occurred in almost all cases today, should have been carried out...
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i’m so i understand that the chairman of the investigation the committee took this matter under its control, and new details after a short pause. after the collapse of the ussr, she came from georgia to visit her brother in saratov, but it remained that way, they closed the border, it became another state, georgia, but she lost her soviet passport, when she decided to replace it with a russian one, she could not confirm her identity. i went to the migration service, they asked me for a birth certificate, but i don’t have one, i’m almost 30 years old. lives without citizenship and documents, i am now 69 years old, i have neither a medical card nor birth certificate, doesn’t receive a pension, can’t go to the clinic, will
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she be able to prove at 69 that she has one, you don’t have any document to somehow confirm your identity, only if you have a brother, maybe a dna test will help , of course, the probability of blood relationship between you is dna. today at 17:50 on ntv. chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. inflammation and pain in the throat make it difficult to speak. fights the cause of inflammation and sore throat. suitable for adults and children from 3 years old. forringosept at first signals of a sore throat, our answer. based on the history of richard tea. your majesty.
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respond to my complaints when i walked peoples, i knew that i would have a stillborn child, i think that it was not our child that was given away, we did the dehumation, twenty-two-year-old anastasia lukinykh was pregnant with her first child, her baby also died before birth, i blame the doctors of the perinatal center for this, and so how the distress was not detected in time, they did not connect me to oxygen and did not urgently operate, anastasia... assures that she is ready to go to the end to punish those responsible for the death of her son. anastasia, you probably couldn’t imagine the horror with her that will you return home without your son? yes , of course, at that time, since september, i had been living with my mother-in-law, a stroller, a crib, we had all this in our room, as it were, and my first request was, please, i say, remove all this so that.. well, it was hard for me
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to be at home, we have a story: december 13 , 2022 was the most terrible day in her life, says twenty-two-year-old anastasia lukinykh from kurgan. she learned that her son died before he was born. returning home without a child in my arms was hellish torment. - the woman recalls. after all, everything here was ready for the appearance of the first child. here , in this place, we had a stroller, here. there was a crib next to mine , so as not to disturb my soul, the crib and stroller were hidden, baby bottles and diapers were given to the social fund, i still can’t get rid of the diaper table and tiny clothes, this is from discharge, well, i was getting things ready for discharge , in addition to children's clothes , one single photo reminds her of her son: i bought an album so that i could capture all the important moments. first
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and the only photograph of our son. now anastasia goes to the cemetery to visit her baby. she never knew the joy of motherhood - the woman cries. our son is here now. anastasia, do you intend to achieve justice and punishment for the guilty? yes, of course, i have my own stories. i opened my eyes, i started receiving a huge number of responses from other affected women, all these girls who wrote to you, are they in the same perinatal center where you gave birth? yes, love, ksenia, marina, oksana, ah, you gave birth in the same perinatal center, that is, these are all cases of one maternity hospital, yes, there are more than 23 of us at the moment.


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