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tv   Shef  NTV  January 26, 2024 12:00am-12:50am MSK

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why do i need your certificate , it can only be rubbed, listen, man, you’re stunned or something, but you don’t understand, a murder happened here, a policeman was killed, if you want, i ’ll register you for 10 days to begin with, and we’ll talk, we’ll write a certificate and that’s it happy.
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misha, tell me, what's wrong with the bones? he is in intensive care, one bullet went through, the other pierced a lung, got stuck in a rib, but there is good news, the car he fell on softened the fall, so there are no fractures, only bruises and abrasions, in general, the condition is stable, serious, doctors always so. they say they need something there, blood or plasma, i really don’t understand anything about it, although i was even a doctor, but no, if it was necessary, the head doctor would have told me, he called me today, who is logtev, i couldn’t answer , when he called back, he didn’t answer, why didn’t you answer his call, why didn’t you call back right away, i signed a report with the deputy supervisor, i set the phone to silent, he freaks out when the phones ring,
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yeah, we can forget about the vadil, i didn’t see anything, i don’t know anything, of course, there ’s a former cop in the address, the last name is khlustov, i didn’t hear, no, never once, it’s a pity, i thought maybe a new idea would appear, and why the former, well, because they imprisoned him at one time, he was sitting on an armed topic, protecting the little things, playing around, and our gestapa accepted him, wait, you say that he sat, yes , so did the elbows, and if they were serving in the same colony, here’s a new idea, well done, you’re trying, get through it quickly, where khlysty was doing his time, come on, i’m waiting, your honor is lost, there ’s no one on staff here yet didn't get hurt,
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watch yourself, otherwise you yourself will get hurt, and you them that you don’t love them that much, who loves them, at least we help people, they’re freaks working for themselves, well, there’s a little one, there’s one, you look good , you recovered quickly, maxim alexandrovich , your fingers still hurt, but it will pass, coffee, tea, too much. or better yet, tell me what’s behind the edge when it’s ready? i'm afraid there's a problem here. ha, how's that? maxim avanovitch, i’ll tell you straight, in the near future you will not receive a foreign passport and will not leave the country. if you try to do this, they will still turn you away at the border. and why?
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colonel karimov from the investigative committee, asked to remind you that you are still a participant in the investigative actions, for now as a witness, and he strongly discourages you from leaving not only the country, but also the city. what are you driving? i know the laws, i am a witness, and the maximum he can do is force me to appear to him, but for this he still needs to find me, i am simply conveying his words. pass it on. to your client that for now he is a witness, but he may become a suspect, in general, if you try to leave the city, he will change your status, well, as i understand it, this is what happens, they locked me here, it turns out that this is so, and what should i do, maxim alexandrovich, but i don’t understand why you are so worried, you had agreements. they promised you
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support, yesterday they promised, today they don’t, so it’s clear, maxim alesanovich, but what if you still go to the press and tell them. everything is as it is, how funny you are, yura , what can i tell you, that i agreed to work with the cops, but they ditched me, but in 5 minutes there will be no wet spot left of me, okay, forget it, i’ll figure it out myself, well, in general it’s like that , we can’t help kostya here, but what if the doctor will call, i'll go now.
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so are you a policewoman or someone sick, and in general i don’t have nerves of iron, well, hello, st. petersburg, the boss is returning to st. petersburg, that you weren’t in moscow, general, to restore order in your beloved city, that this is true, we are all for staff, in personnel the main thing is not quantity, but how...
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from monday at 22:15 on ntv. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature sauce. also try a new product: big chicken mushroom burger. what kind of kick is this? so, it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, naopt can help. naapept helps to improve brain function, restore memory and more quickly, get tickets, what do you want to do, when you get drunk, go to sports, finish the countdown, finish
12:08 am
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the cardio machine is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and level of physical fitness. call to order a compact home cardio exercise machine for only 2,999 rubles. but if you call us right now, you will receive two move easy knee pads as a gift. leamax, purchases with a plus. 6 years ago, while you were lounging on your bunk, a redistribution of drug distribution territory took place in the southern region. very interesting, of course, everything, just like in cinema, whatever you want from me, we introduced our man into the syndicate, yesterday this guy died, guys, what are you talking about, i’m not going there, you want to get revenge for your brother, girlfriend and get 20 million euros, i’ll tell you the password for safe, but... conditions, i want to take anton's place, he is bluffing, he will bring his brother's mission
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to the end, maybe we put him in vain, well , one word chameleon, we had other options, dmitry pchela, i have to take a risk, chameleon , premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. svetlana sergeevna, svetlana sergeevna. “i, i apologize, but what about our salary, the guys ask, will there be a salary , i, i understand, svetlana sergeevna, i already told them this, but they still ask, tell me that there will be money, and if anyone - then you don’t like something, let it roll in all four directions, fine, but i’ll go, we’ve lost something, yes, there’s one smart garbage man here, who’s all around you.
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a whole lot of dough, but now the salons are under the control of max, with the loss bags of dough i ’ll somehow come to terms with, but the chain of salons is covered with a copper basin, what can i do about this life, yes, but life, you know, it’s generally a simple thing , this morning you woke up and are living, and in the evening you were run over by a tram and cut off your legs, you can live without legs, you can’t walk, but you can live, but if you have a head, you can’t live without a head, light, you know , yes, i’ll snap my fingers and my boys and you will do something like this at night... which you didn’t even know about, yes or no? yes , i understand you, yes, you understand, well then you
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have to decide how you will compensate me for my financial losses, you know, i don’t have this money, no, maybe you’re counting on your little mentee, that he will protect you, right? no, i don’t count on him , you don’t count on him, well then you know, i won’t do anything with you, i’ll just kill your cop, and you’re left without debt, don’t touch him, he has nothing to do with it. it has nothing to do with it, but he humiliated me in front of everyone, don’t touch him, please, now i can deal with him on the basis that you like him, he’s good, yes, that’s it, i’m tired of you, light, i’m bored with you, that’s what you told max all rights to their salons, but this applies only to the trademark, all premises in which they are located, are registered with you, we meet at the notary, sign the papers, you transfer all the buildings to me and... remain debt-free? i, i have nothing else, if i sell them, i won’t sell them, but i’ll give them away, light,
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you feel the difference, i’ll give them away , i won’t have anything left, and it’s up to you to decide, either your cop, or the salons, decide light, walked, think, think.
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“comrade major general, you probably don’t know, but konstantin loktev had a habit of recording telephone conversations, listen, yes, loktev, this is a whip, i found out, who, and hello, how did you find me, it doesn’t matter , we need to meet, there is information about the assassination attempt on your general, once again, i ’m talking about general rastorguev, there is a way to the person who shot at him, i understand, where are you now, konstantinovsky avenue 94, i'm on my way.
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what we have? yesterday evening , two freaks were killed in a shopping center parking lot. yes, i personally went to the scene of the incident. and now look, both cold ones, according to our data, were closely focused on the weapons topic. yes, but no weapons were found on them, that is the weapon was found, but not for sale. that's right, it seems to me that they had a deal scheduled there, but the client screwed both of them and
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left with the goods. so what are you getting at, let's be more specific. and besides, both freaks worked for... are you sure? yes. this information was confirmed today. yes, i am sure. that is , khlustov found out that two guys from his team were killed. he started to panic and thought that the shooter might come after him, right? so, i called the elbow, or what? i think yes, that's what happened. it turns out that this shooter quit and whip and elbow. so-so version. i don't see a motive. what difference does it make, what is the motive? we need to find the last client, maybe he will answer all the questions. or not. will answer: listen, guys, there is another person, the last name is sepyanin, i don’t know what exactly he was doing in the bachelor’s group, but he’s definitely aware of all the movement, he could see the client , well, as an option, yes, so why are we sitting, we’re on there is, yes, yes, let's go, so where are we
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gathered in such a crowd, work, that means, listen to me carefully, repeat twice i won’t, the css is working, and god forbid i find out that one of you got involved in this investigation, everything is clear, viktor sergeevich, so that’s it, i’ll explain it for those who are especially dull, everyone minds their own business, well, no, that ’s all, guys, leave us, how can it be, viktor sergeevich, kostya, he’s in the hospital now. it is unclear whether he will survive or not? will survive , you can’t know that, you’re not the lord god, yes, i ’m not the lord god, but i know, we ca n’t do nothing, i can’t do nothing, we ’ve been through so much together, now he alone, this is wrong, this is not possible, firstly, he is not alone there, his girlfriend is with him, and secondly, once we almost lost you too, remember, i just don’t remember anything, that’s exactly why believe me, kostya
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is decisive now, it doesn’t matter what happens here, these are all beautiful words, we can’t do anything. if our colleagues from the css have questions, we will give answers to them, if they need help, we will provide it, that’s it, they are not our colleagues, if you really think so, write rapports, get the hell out of here , i also want with bone everything was fine, believe me. do i want to take revenge for him? yes, i really want to, but the result is important here. i am sure that the guys from khrulev’s department will do their job correctly.
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department of internal security, why are you here? let's go out and talk. what's the matter? don't worry, we were sent to make sure nothing happens. wait, will you be here all night? well, we planned
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, it seems to me that it’s better for you to go home, rest, sleep, come back in the morning, leave your phone number, we will definitely call you back, if anything happens, don’t worry, your husband is in good hands, and he is not my husband, at least not yet, but he will be, he will definitely be. new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. boss, new season. from monday at 20:00 on
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fedoseeva and shukshina's apartment was taken away, there are a lot of antiques there, they are starting to be intimidated , what is happening in the world today is absurd, which other russian artist is at risk of being left without foreign mansions, you have arrived, who are you here, no one, well, they will take it away, that means they’ll take it away, i’ll move everyone to the right place, from the prison bunks to the tv screen, with you what a total sentence in general, 11 years, it’s crazy how marina klischeva became after serving time for robbery and robbery.
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oh, hello, hello , how is it, kostya, the doctor says that if he hasn’t died yet, then everything is fine, well... if he does, then he knows what he’s saying, if you wait, i’ll take you home, thank you , but i need to go to the store, and it’s already late, and what can you do, not all the stores are closed yet, but i need everything, i moved to kostya’s with absolutely no things, he promised to help me then pick up my things from the old apartment, pick them up things from the old apartment, i i’ll help you, so get in my car and wait,
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i’ll be there soon! i’m listening, comrade general, no, there’s no news yet, sorry, i haven’t heard, but of course, yes, i’ve already given the command, tomorrow.
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they’re going to another ward , but it won’t be until tomorrow morning, yes, yes, i won’t argue, it’s a good idea , i’ll call you back later, the criminal investigation department can’t sleep at night, but hello, it’s me, listen carefully to what you have to do, here , uh-huh, police, criminal investigation department, paleev, open the door, he won’t let you in, paleev, open the door immediately, police, what’s the matter, why
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they didn’t open it right away, i was sleeping. i didn’t hear where to stand, the girl will take her things, i hope we won’t have problems with this, viktor sergeevich, i found it on the street, he apparently threw it out of the window, i can’t imagine how it was just an ampoule. crashed, uh, you hear, it’s not mine , you decided to set me up, you fool, you want to kill yourself with drugs, i’m done, let’s go , what to do with it, you need it, i don’t, i don’t either, give it to him, it’s his choice and his life,
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mish, are you normal, you worry about kostya, it’s infuriating that... i can’t do anything, that there’s nothing i can do i can help, i understand, your tea is completely cold, do you want me to make a new one, but it’s not about the tea, leave it, mish, i need to talk to you, this is important, the point is that i’m sorry, it’s from the hospital calling, koplevich, yes ? what? i didn't understand. what's happened?
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kostya died. heart failure. sepyagin, i won’t persuade you, there are already four corpses in this case, i’m not even talking about the attempt on the life of the police general, i will only talk in the presence of a lawyer. you yourself are a former cop, what do you think he will tell you, right, in your situation it’s better start collaborating, you can be a witness in the case, or you can be an accomplice,
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well, make up your mind here now, that’s enough, i’m tired, call the investigator, let him suffer with him, i’m tired of, wait, faces, i haven’t seen him, we only communicated by phone , they only know his nickname, he calls himself a colonel, or even a marshal, he was the one who shot the general, dissolve him, perhaps i didn’t stand over him with a candle, i only know one thing, a rifle with a finger was dragged to st. petersburg for him, that’s the truth, well, how to find it, but i don’t know, think, if you don’t know, you i don’t need it, i’m talking for...
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even you, i’m the master of my word, promised that i’ll let you go, so it will be, now you don’t owe me anything, that’s what, run away from the city while i’m kind, and misha, a cop- that? lives as long as he has not done anything unnecessary,
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in general, the situation is stalemate, comrade major general, we have no way out on this colonel, your detainee continues to insist that he has never seen him in person? he said that he is ready to confirm with a polygraph if we are talking about a policeman who deals in contract killings, this does not bother me you’ll be surprised, i could have crossed someone’s road so that they decided to get rid of me, i absolutely don’t understand this. it could be a personal motive. i don't like guessing with coffee beans. here is a list of places where the killer met with the intermediary and took the weapons. so, we can immediately exclude the car parking and storage room in the department store; we won’t find anything there. but i would check this address with special care. basement? i don’t understand what we can find there? at least the killer's fingerprints. well, what if he was wearing gloves? and if not? and if you forgot, no
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i thought, in the end, we have a chance that he left his fingers there, they could have been preserved, which was important, take the detainee with you, let him show exactly where he made the bookmark, uh-huh, yes , call the investigator, i'm sure he will allow you to conduct the inspection yourself, and then check the testimony yourself, thank you, comrade major general, you’re welcome, you see, bosses are needed not only to reprimand their subordinates, i’ll remember, allow me to go, in an hour in the same place, do not be late. you want to say everything was played back, i again
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in business, i wouldn’t count on it, the office doesn’t like to admit its mistakes, so why did i come here, say goodbye, i already have a grave, you know, so be kind, don’t bring me carnations, i don’t like it, i’m used to it to be responsible for those with whom i work, for the agents too, now i will need time to do everything. to sort things out, and you need to leave, i’m aware of your problems with the committee, so here you go, hold on! ivanov maxim aleksandrovich, what
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was not found by a simpler surname? you care, the main thing is that your passport will pass any check. and where should i run? i think you can decide for yourself. yes, also, if i suddenly need you urgently, who should i contact to find you? do you know him with a lawyer? well then, good luck to you. “make you some dumplings, it doesn’t matter, you look , you’re fine, i’ll bring you some, let’s all go. i’m already tired of running
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. exclusive interview with anna tsiveleva. we ’re almost 7 months old. how is the work going to support veterans of the northern military district and members of their families? these are payments, these are benefits for utility bills. who can become a social coordinator and what is the workload on them falls out? we specially selected these people, trained them and regularly train them. why is it important to interact with society, with business, with faiths? offer, for example, programs such as sisterhood. how many requests have already been received and how quickly are problems usually resolved? each question is very individual. answers today on ntv. mask - new season. february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can treat. new. afabazoles. with the gradual release of the active substance
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is such a good fellow among us, she washed and wrung everything herself, all that remains is to dilute it, the point is, she will dry it, that’s all. liran drying machine for 4990. liran makes comfort accessible. playite is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you no need to apply for a new card, look for a list of stores. play is available everywhere. pay the price in six parts and works with any bank card. and there are no interest rates. go to plaite. what do you want to do when you get some sleep? go to sports. attach a report, finish the repair, with welson you can fall asleep in 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night to enter the new day full of strength and energy. the first rule of hunting: it starts any second. the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. game again
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hunt, draw every 15 minutes. the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. rather than watch the lotto 100 times, it’s better to spin it once, order sovita with delivery starting from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, honey, you’ve already got ready, you’re thinking, there’s so much you need to pay, and also send money to your mom, come on pay, get a tinko black card and make payments and transfers without commission always tinkov, bad blood vessels, angionorm helps improve the microcirculation.
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we are creating a new administration, it’s up to us now strength, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks. sergey burunov, why i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankovsky, they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes that we are strong on our own, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the boy’s word is only for boys, this is just the beginning, the most anticipated television premiere year, soon! on ntv, hello, greetings, hello , i opened the basement, so did comrade colonel, he did everything with the witnesses, well done, well, let's go? to the left,
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in that corner there was a weapon, in which one, in this one, exactly, yes, right here behind the bedside tables, yeah, shine a light for a second, hello, hello, hello , i don’t hear you, so, take off all the fingerprints as much as possible, i’ll be right there, hello, hang me up, i’ll be right out, hello, hello, yes, can you hear me, so what? what, i don’t know, yet, i’m still at work, what? ok, yes, i understand, guys, it’s still a little dark here, we need more light. light, light, oh, there’s a sweetie, now we’ll find something, where exactly
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the weapon was, right here behind the bedside tables, in this corner, we agreed. that’s it, there’s no need to accompany me further, i’m on my own, i don’t really like saying goodbye, i remember bye, good luck, bye, bye. misha, will you come with me, well, i mean, you
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can buy yourself a ticket and come, there’s nothing holding you here, you’ll come, no, why? although, if not, then what difference does it make, right? yes, you're probably right, no. ok, bye.
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how long are you going to look at me like that? it's my fault.


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