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tv   Pozdnyakov  NTV  January 26, 2024 12:50am-1:06am MSK

12:50 am
you will look at me like this for a long time, it’s my fault. i should have foreseen
12:51 am
this, now the only thread to this colonel is broken, but god bless the thread , people died, i will never forgive myself for this, don’t hold me back, colonel, but as for everything else, i think there’s no point in maintaining secrecy anymore . i don’t know, we haven’t informed you yet, now we’ll ask, misha, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, misha, calm down, good blow, that’s enough, it was delivered , i’m sorry, i couldn’t restrain myself, colleague, i promise you, i’ll find this colonel in end.
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don’t miss tomorrow, the guys can’t be brought back, but we have to find his killer, it’s a matter of honor, we have a problem, we urgently need you, there is one option, don’t do this. comrade general, you will have to travel with us, that’s all, chief, return, remove the people, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
12:54 am
the state has announced that supporting northern military district veterans and their families is its top priority. how many and what kind of requests have already been received, how quickly, as a rule, are problems resolved? why is it important to interact with people in this type of work ? society, business and faiths, who can become a social coordinator and what kind of workload do they have? let's talk about this with the head of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tseveleva. that literally the forum of northern military district veterans has ended, and what in your opinion is the main result of this event and how , in principle, can the format change in the future? well, the main result was that this is our second forum, which we are collecting, and veterans come from all over our huge vast country, there are twice as many of them these veterans. the interest is very great, the guys meet in person and have the opportunity to interact not only with each other.
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as we were invited to moscow, so in their regional offices, there are 40 people per social coordinator if there is a disability and 80-100 people if there is no disability, we proceeded from this calculation, however, we were faced with the fact that 60% of non-disabled people come to us our
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specialized audience, that is, the foundation generally, by its own decree, works with demobilized veterans who return to peaceful life life after a special military operation, as well. families of fallen soldiers, but now , to a greater extent, active veterans of a special military operation and their families come to us; a lot of issues have to be resolved by helping them so that they receive one or another assistance from the relevant ministry, the fai, the department that it just provides them, we do not take everything on ourselves, we supplement those measures of state support. which a veteran has the right to receive, the peculiarity is that the social coordinator works personally, individually at the request of a specific person, a specific veteran, a specific member, what is in the top, what are called requests, what kind of requests
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are received? well, first of all, at this stage, these are social support measures, these are payments, these are benefits for utility bills, these are receipts. confirming that a person received a military injury, questions of rehabilitation and obtaining prostheses are also the most in demand, now among those veterans who have all this, questions come out on top retraining, employment training, we have agreements with large state corporations. russian railways, rostec and many others that provide jobs and high-paying jobs. how quickly we can resolve these issues, that is, we understand that when a person encounters a bureaucratic machine, it is an energy drain, as they say.
12:59 am
what you say is absolutely correct, but we just have the opportunity through interdepartmental interaction, due to the fact that government representatives. after a post-war special operation, he was diagnosed with a disease that required an urgent bone marrow transplant, and due to such interaction with the ministry of health, with the ministry of the republic of mariel, the issue was resolved in 2 days, and the man
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underwent surgery, everything went well, he underwent rehabilitation, now he is our employee, working as a social coordinator, but there are questions, for example, paperwork, yeah. you have to request supporting documents from unit commanders, and such things, of course, take much longer, because it requires a response, it requires interaction. in particular, for pmc wagner, we entered into a cooperation agreement with the ministry
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of defense, we are now collecting documents, fully understanding what documents need to be collected from a private military company, we bring them to the ministry of defense, to date we have transferred 3,500 such packages of documents, and the ministry of defense is processing them, thousands now the certificates have already been handed over to us, we we distribute in our... syndrome, if a number of guys go and work with medical psychologists who are allocated
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by the ministry of health, who are on a permanent basis in our branches and accept children, others do not trust psychologists, they go to churches, turn to priests, and in our special military operation zone there are now guys of different confessions and different religions serving.
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citizens from different regions of our big country are fighting, there are some peculiarities of communication with branches in the territories, we work as one common team, we and we formed this team ourselves, anew , in general, in a month and a half we created such a federal structure, in all subjects... of the russian federation our branches, our representative offices were opened, we selected each person separately, interviewed,
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that is, it was, of course, carried out colossal work, many social coordinators at that time, faced with this work, said that no, this is hard work, this is a question when you are faced with constant grief, with such emotional stress, people cannot stand it, so we made a decision, as a social coordinator, many very caring people contact us, and as i
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also said, we have more and more veterans themselves becoming our employees, our social coordinators, mothers, widows of fallen soldiers, mothers and wives of those , who are now in the zone of a special military operation, become our employees, work, help, in general, do everything possible for... how well are they now coping with the production of relevant products? and this question growing? yes, the need is growing, namely the need for high-tech prosthetics, sports prostheses, it is growing, before these prostheses were mostly imported, now there are programs.


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