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tv   Versiya  NTV  January 26, 2024 3:20am-4:50am MSK

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damn it, motherfucker.
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i am absolutely convinced that a moratorium on the death penalty is the minimum that only a civilized country can afford. what are you talking about, execution is the only factor that can influence the subjective state of the criminal. in any case , i think that we can go so far, we have already talked about this, but i think that the entire civilized world... is following this path, and
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now we will again plunge into those years of terrible obscurantism when it happened. then soon you and i will face the most real chaos. once a criminal escapes justice, he will feel his impunity. and he will be confident that next time he will be able to bypass the law with the same ease. but i think it is necessary to legalize the acquisition and carrying of firearms. well, you turned it down, of course, no one will allow lynching. in the end, there is law and order for this, but you and i have neither the moral nor the legal right to decide who is right and who is wrong?
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with your promotion, your nikolsky’s recognition was read by the whole department like a croman, we’ll work together, thank you. have you made peace with sveta? yes , of course, well, that’s right, now it’s all over, of course, the confession is all that, well, just between us, you didn’t find anything with yulia then, no, that’s fine, by the way , listen, they gave me a little thing, can you help? by old friendship.
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we're on our way, oh!
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how small, look right now. how can everything be , it turns out, this freak is not killing for the first time, but you won’t catch him yourself, we work together and quickly, because he is already looking for another victim, and what happens, but it turns out that communication with the future victim
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is extremely important for him, you know, i was walking and thinking whether you would kill me or not, but i’m just kidding, while i’m a student.
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in general, we went to a disco with the girls, but everything was cool, but just imagine, the cabbage stuck to the green shoes, as soon as it was even possible for her... he immediately says: dear, narrow toes are no longer in fashion, that’s right for her she said to my eyes , can you imagine, i’m just in shock, this is something with something, please tell me, i’m beautiful, well, more or less, well, listen, more or less or more, maybe you want to kiss me? let’s take a short cut here, but listen, there’s no way out, but where are you taking me, you maniac?
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it’s abandoned, but what do i have to do with it, is there no one on duty, but where is shalaev, where did he go, what other corpse? damn, don’t shout like that, i’ll be there in 20 minutes, come on,
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kitten, i won’t be gone for long. you’re sleeping, okay, don’t torment me with your questions, zabroma, dear! i’ll ask here at 5 this morning, firstly, and secondly, ask these guys, they’ve trampled here like a statue, well, you can at least say what kind of girl was killed? name is turovinina svetlana, does that mean anything to you? not yet, but what about her? in a nutshell, strangled, personal belongings, personal belongings, wallet and
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mobile phone, in the wallet, passport, just from the ship to... well, look at it, it’s great! you see, oper personally told me so, himself, you write two statements, well, in one you write
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everything as it was, in the other you write as if nothing happened, but i signed and wrote, both everything was as requested, and now you tell me that a case cannot be opened because that the police provided only the second statement, naturally, while you are in the heat of the moment, they thrust you a pen and paper and dictate what you should write, this is psychology, they always do this so as not to initiate unnecessary cases. wait, but it turns out that now i can’t demand back everything that was stolen from me, you can’t, the police will definitely tell you that nothing was stolen from you, especially since you yourself confirmed this in writing, so here you go, they, wait, zhelovets is listening, great, zhelovets, you treat like maniacs, pasha, you can express yourself a little more clearly, clearly on the spot, i’ll explain, come as soon as possible, where are you coming? comrade prosecutor, i’m completely confused, no one here
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explains anything, maybe you can explain to me how to act in this situation, maybe you can open a case yourself, i’ll be very grateful to you, that’s what, olegtin, first of all, i am not a prosecutor, an investigator, i mainly investigate murder or attempted murder. so i can’t help you in any way, even if i really wanted to, it turns out that i ’ve got the wrong office, frankly speaking, yes, you probably i need to see the deputy prosecutor for police, it’s down the corridor, to the left, the third door, so why didn’t you tell me right away, but i love stories about the police.
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citizen turovinin, do you confirm that this is your daughter? what? unfortunately, we need you, as the next of kin, to tell us whether this is her or not. it's necessary. yes, this is sveta. well, are you satisfied? we settled our formalities, went where to sign the conclusion, yes, of course. sign, wait, there hasn’t been an autopsy yet,
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why do you want to attend? to be honest, not really, okay, it’s a pity that the death penalty canceled, i would have strangled this freak with my own hands. listen, commander , you and i haven’t agreed yet, i’m listening to you, here’s my phone number, when you give birth to something, call me, i need to know, you know, i understand, but i can’t help you, you can, i need to know, that’s all , what you need to know, you will be informed at the end of the investigation, but the lieutenant and i are clarifying something here, you will be called, citizen, we will find this bastard, i promise you. fuck you, how do you know him,
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that’s what, pasha, i’m really hungry, i brought the turovin in for complicity in murder the same bandit as him, but he was released, straight from the hall here, why don’t you eat, i don’t want it, a man should eat, or rather eat deliciously, stop him. this is good parmesan, please listen, zhilos, if you can’t tell me why they serve spaghetti with a spoon, experiment! and one day the answer will come, and have you never encountered maniacs before , today is the first time, the fact is that when it needs to start, this is what kind of murder in your opinion, the most disgusting, but there is nothing worse than everyday life, saturday, vodka, evening, you respect me, you
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asshole, and in the morning you wake up and under the table in your friend lies in pools of blood with a knife in his stomach, no, no, no, no, pash. where did you get the idea that turavinin killed a maniac, because turavinin himself could have crossed someone’s path, and the girl was killed as an edification, this happens, but then everything is like in the textbook, skillful strangulation, no evidence, personal belongings were not touched, that’s all understandable, everything is correct, pure
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art, he killed to kill, well, yes. “it turns out this is not the first time this freak has killed, but you won’t catch him yourself, why else, this is psychology, have you ever been afraid of girls, but what about them? they’re afraid, that’s why you won’t catch him, because you don’t even know what motivates him, that is , we work together, together and quickly, because he’s already looking for another victim.” ok, that’s it, let’s go, girl, can i have the bill, please?
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? igor. whatever you want, let’s eat already, i ’m actually busy, well, with meatballs, as you like, i don’t want, well, whatever you want, igor, you haven’t eaten anything, well, at least give me the second one, i’ll go , where, to walk, how to walk, so to walk, igor, but i really ask you, please, not too late, okay, because when you are late, i get very worried, ok, right?
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another mineral, or what? yes, please, without gas, that's it, that's it, why don't you drink anything else, it's none of your business, what?
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what are you doing here? nothing, maybe something you need, don’t you want pretty girls? no, no, okay, come on, zhigala, don’t be boring, but what did he tell you, who the hell is this, it’s normal there, i’m mowing, you bastard, and i’ll keep your ears open, okay.
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apartment inspections, well, in your own words , tell me what’s here, but why should you tell me, your great friend turavinin says that his daughter was quite decent a girl, the neighbors also claim that she always came home on time, yes, but how did it happen that she ended up in the park late at night, they say this has never happened before, but it happened, so, so, what was her boyfriend’s name , what guy, she didn’t have any boyfriend, but it happened a couple of times after the disco about...
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sorry, can you tell me where the director’s office is? on the second, thank you, please, svetochka, svetochka, it’s a miracle, a miracle, what
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kind of girl was that, tell me, how could this happen to her, it’s hard to understand, more it’s harder to explain, but marina arkadyevna, what a good dad, he helped us so much with the renovation last august, he helped us so much, he also established a special scholarship for excellent students. just a second, marina rakadyevna, let 's try to remember, maybe you saw the world with some suspicious people? did i, or you, or someone else, maybe someone ask me in detail about the world? well, okay, marina arkadyevna, in that case i’ll have to talk to my classmates . what right now? well, the sooner the better better. but i have to be present at this, you know, marina arkadyevna , but you and i are smart, civilized people , you understand perfectly well that in your
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presence children can be shy and not say anything, so, to be honest, i would be shy too, my dear, this is my school, everything that happens in it concerns me, and zhelvis, it’s good that you are here, i’m coming to you... again about the murder of bayramov, something confuses me in this matter, i can’t understand, what, but something, what, i'll come see you later.
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zhenya zvezdakov claims that you are with sveta was friends. what do you say, kapustina? yeah, not really, i don’t know. can you remember anything suspicious in, say, the last couple of weeks? what's suspicious? well, school, change. klebelan was discussed. she barked my new shoes. how about you, by the way, nothing. stop right now, kapustina, what is it that you allow yourself, quite, i think so too, so okay, who else, krasnikov, i have everything here in alphabetical order, krasnikov, and i can go, go, thank you kapustina. i didn’t tell you, svetka had
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a boy from the eleventh b. who? earring sayapin, we definitely went to the cinema, but i don’t know about sex. so, kapustina, go, thank you very much. krasnikova.
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oh, what is this, what's going on? and what are you doing here, i mean, you’re crazy, i wouldn’t say that, no, i don’t understand what ’s going on here? there are two details here, here is a broken branch, you see, we see, we see, we are not yet blind, well, you see a piece of cellophane, well, congratulations, now you are witnesses, here is the man, who was, just simply, you
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know him, we him we don’t know, he’s strange, he asked you, are you from the cops, or what? i, and you began to be sergei sayapin? so exactly what did you want? they say you knew svetlana turovinina? well, i knew, so what? were you friends? and you think it was me who strangled her, right? i asked you another question, you know, i’m
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not talking to you about my personal life.” i'm getting ready, okay? it’s clear, what’s unclear here? uh, uh, are you being outrageous, huh? let's go, where did we go? we'll fix your brains, are you stunned? come to me tomorrow about the april matter, it’s a complicated matter, i’ll be waiting for you. got it, good afternoon. zhelvis, where do you go? for an hour i, forgive me, mary. did you find anything? well not everything certainly. well, there’s something, let’s go to my office, the stranglers have gone crazy, uh-huh, the stranglers,
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recently they detained a violinist. talented guy, strangled his own grandfather, yes, grandfather, in may, a gynecologist, yeah, golden hands, strangled his own wife, a year ago zhalves, you’ll never guess, is it really an oligarch, worse, zhelvis, worse, director of a restaurant in a fast food chain , are you crazy, stranglers, yes, even if there is a series, it takes a week to somehow systematize everything, this is peter. complain here maniacs like cats or dogs, every second person could turn out to be a scammer, bori, you 're scaring me, hello everyone, here's a handsome guy , i brought you, good evening,
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this one's going straight to the cell, a typical maniac, that's for sure, okay, good luck with the job, and i have a regime, thank you, borya. a classmate from parallel , sayapin, sergei, boyfriend, well, seryozha , a few words about svetlana turovinina, if it’s not difficult, but i won’t say anything, and in general i need a lawyer, it’s clear, you had an affair with her, you her loved, turovina. yes she without brains, you mean? well, in short , i gave flowers there, damn it, i brought her into the theater, she and everyone there, kapustina, some suckers came from moscow, so she and one of them came on the very first
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night, that’s all, that’s all, there’s nothing more to add, nothing, damn, great. in this case, citizen sayapin, i make you the main suspect in the murder of svetlana turavinina. write in detail how exactly why you did it? what do you mean, i didn’t kill? why are you so sure? i, for one, am not sure. and i'm not sure, sayapin. well, look for yourself, sayapin. about svetlana turovini, you respond extremely unpleasantly, despite the fact that you had an affair with her. yes, i didn’t have an affair with her. there was roman soyapin, there was. or maybe you were jealous of her with...
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some other clown when this happened? two weeks before her, well, in short, i followed her, i wanted to find out who she plays checkers with, what he looked like, can you describe him, but nothing at all, if you poke him, he will fall apart, so sayapin, you tell us now you give him a full detailed description, i understand, at the same time we’ll make an identikit, we can make an identikit, but it’s not him, but why are you doing this? we’re sure he’s a goner, he couldn’t kill, he couldn’t, who then? i don't know,
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sorry, you're not busy, busy. but you ’re alone, well, if you’re still alone and don’t let me join you at your table, that means you didn’t like me, don’t get too excited, maybe i ’m waiting for someone, i think if you liked me, you they would have allowed me to sit down, even if they were waiting for someone, they would have allowed me, they would not have allowed me, asedai, just no offense, but when mine reach out, you crawl away unnoticed, okay? and no one will come, well, you usually come with a friend, but today she’s not there, with a guy, well, with that tall one with the pigtail, you quarreled last friday, did you pick on me, or what?
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i was watching, so what’s your name, macho? igor tikunov, institute of technology. second year, no specialization yet, but stop kidding student, ira igor. nothing like our case. what do you have? yes, i have nothing either. listen, jelowitz, let's postpone our meeting with the maniac until tomorrow. no way, i don't see the point. well, half-nighters, can i help you? i wouldn't recommend it. oh my god, zhelvis, what are you looking for? we katya are looking for a case in accuracy, repeating the murder of turavinina. what means? repeating, which means he also strangled
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, not quite like that, pasha, it ’s like a ritual repeated several times, like a rite in which it is important in each new murder to preserve all the details of the very first one, the murder itself in this situation is not the most important thing at all, but you gave it away , zhelvis, what does murder mean, not the most important thing, pasha, zhelvis says that there should be a similarity between deaths, it’s as if a maniac killed only blondes only on thursdays, that’s it. why did two people attack? for one, yes, wandered, your house, how do you know, well, yes, you followed, ira, let’s meet tomorrow, well, i don’t know. as soon as it gets better, i’ll call you myself
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, okay, you know, i was walking and thinking, are you going to kill me or not, why are you so strange, but i’m kidding, bye, student, zhelvis, well, i can’t just like that with my finger poke the sky, i like everything to be clear and... understandable, pipes, prints, material evidence, versions of witnesses, here, there is a corpse, there is a print, and there will be versions, so, wait, i don’t understand about prints now, i haven’t yet once i examined the scene of the incident, i found it a piece of cellophane, in the laboratory they looked and found a trace of a finger, and you were silent, well
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, maybe it’s not his, despite the fact that the print is clear, but there is no data on it , let’s look at the sketch again, i don’t know what’s in they say to the school, what's going on at school, directors? there, the cool girl cried for 2 hours and told him what a cool guy turovin was, what else she asked about kudapin, he dragged him, and you have sayapin’s phone number, of course, well, call him, oh my, it’s cruel 2:00 in the morning, let’s pick him up in the morning, that's it, come on call, call, call, we need to find out something. hello,
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hello, lieutenant zabrodin, ugro, can i hear seryozha soyapin? so how? so, maybe he’s going out with friends somewhere? what are you doing, are you? so we'll figure it out, we'll definitely figure it out, goodbye , well, the boyfriend has disappeared, yeah, let's go, well, yes, of course, why not go at 2:00 in the morning, north, west, south, east, choose to suit every taste, you know best , that is, well, what do you think, that the peer did not give me a business card? well, yes, so the director
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of the car service, new village, new village, new village, so new village, no problem, commander, this is a wish, help me , urgently, in 15 minutes, let them wake up, write the address. why, why did you do this, it’s a miracle i didn’t kill, look at my eyes, my eyes were running away,
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please let me go, come on, talk down! oh, and i see you ’re spending your time usefully here, but we’re just talking here, take it, go ahead, this crazy person has decided. that i killed his daughter, well, yes, you didn’t kill her, and i didn’t kill her, he just knew that you called me in for questioning, that’s what he wanted, so that you confess to the murder of turovina , but in general i was ready to confess to the murder of kennedy, okay, i’m waiting for you tomorrow at the prosecutor’s office, zhelves, thank you very much
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, i mean, for helping me out, but yes, listen, zhelis, i i wanted to ask you, what happened to your lera, and what about lera, well , everything is fine with her, and she is now somewhere in africa or asia, where the tsunami would have been yesterday, in ceylon, celon is cool , yes. how did you guess that turavinin kidnapped her boyfriend? turavinin would definitely look for the killer, and not only because he wanted revenge, that goes without saying, turavin, he’s a toravin, he wouldn’t be alone in inaction with his thoughts and feelings, this is psychology, well, yes,
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psychology, what else? oh, they’re already back , and you’re still sitting over this abomination , well, they themselves said, we need to look for similar murders, well, we need to look for it, you ’re just doing this, why not me, but you found something, here are three girls were strangled over the past year, the first - they were all complete, the second, each of them had something missing costume jewelry turavinina was quite slender, she had nothing missing. another freak hunted blondes and attacked them at night in the area of ​​victory park. no, katya, it won’t do.
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our patient clearly chooses his victims in advance. so what is he doing? stalks, so , then prepares, so, attacks unexpectedly for the terrapin, but he is preparing , no, really, he acts thoughtfully on the spot, takes his time, all the episodes are in deserted places, accordingly, the evidence base is zero, he specially selects a place, selects , kidnapping, you have versions of why you
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soyapin was kidnapped. okay, then tell me, what did you want to know from him? i hope you didn't intend to kill him? and who are these people whom we detained with you, where are you from? in general, they found out that i interrogated soyapin, the headmistress, one short call, that the police took soyapin away, so you know? 5 years ago, in order to imprison you, i simply didn’t have enough evidence, but now allow me,
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turavinin’s lawyer is here, come in, good afternoon, uh, my name is ninshtel, alexander sergeevich ninshtel, if i’m not mistaken, we are with you familiar, yes, yes. last time, mr. jelvis, you already tried to blame turavinin , the most honest of my clients, and you know, i ’m even glad that this happened, i mean, well, if turavinin finds a real maniac, we can help, turovenin is now a maniac himself, he will kill if he were found, they would also kill his daughter, pasha, and if something happened, katya, what would you do, in fact, i wouldn’t want to be in...
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ready for a funeral, where she’s a lama, here , but it seemed like she wasn’t going anywhere, where is turavinina, but here she is, and you looked at her hands, it seems like both on the spot, not funny. do you have a magnifying glass? will the sentry come? so, yes, the nails are broken, and
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under them there are pieces of skin epithelium. what's this? traces of struggle and self-defense? well it turns out. what do you think? well, maybe she really tried to defend herself, we need to take pictures of her hands, subunguals for examination , drag them up, we’ll formalize them, you have a camera and a hand, yes, okay, give me the magnifying glass, and give me the magnifying glass, listen, great thing, listen, what can i tell you about it - that? dimka, this is generally harsh, you know, he first calls me and says: you and i broke up forever, and then a couple of days later he calls back and
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says: please don’t get angry, because i had a sluggish day, think about it, listen, you’re really interested, very much, okay, let’s write it down, let me! well, now you’ll find out why you brought me here, but i’m waiting, we’re waking up. yes, we’re here, citizen investigator, yes, even
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you need to get some sleep sometimes, sensei, otherwise all we know today is that a maniac is hunting for red-haired girls, so tomorrow you’ll have to find out what the other trackers dug up from the previous one murder the intended series, that is, translated into russian. do i need to offend all the investigators, everyone? no, you don't need everyone. here is the earliest of the murders. if it really was the first time, there should be more clues there. lena savina. 16 years.
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bye. listen, friend, where is your killer one? so, you blow to the end of the corridor, the first door on the left. yeah thanks. who are you visiting? i need lieutenant dobkin. senior lieutenant dobkina. it's me. and i'm lost. ugro. i have a question for you. well, what are you doing, lieutenant zabrodin. ask your question. well if
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honestly, i didn’t succeed in doing much back then. establish and in general i got a big hit from this case, you know, a capercaillie, zero leads, and my mother was lena savina, she worked in the district administration then, yeah, why such interest after 2 years, what happened, several more capercaillie appeared, very similar to yours, okay, lieutenant, zabrodin, i’ll try to help you, but for this you and i will have to sit in the archives. with you, even on the moon, dobkino, what is this, a corpse? excuse me, lieutenant, to the moon next time, what kind of corpse is that? this is a girl yo 17, seemingly strangled.
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something like this, why, great, investigator.
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with a similar murder two years ago, so saven was killed in your area, not far from here, near the same river, interesting, is n’t it? were there any suspects?
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there were, a security guard at the school where lena studied, he was even put in a pre-trial detention center. but he turned out to have alebi. why were there no other versions? why? one time for me. i couldn’t even walk, just think, there’s a coffee machine here, i took it for you too, you’ll look like tikonovo, what’s going on here, well there is something in common, similar, but... but it couldn’t be igor, he was at home that evening, and this was confirmed by the neighbors, and in general he was so killed when he found out about lena’s death, it’s not him, dobkina, here one homeless person was detained, it seems
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in your new case, give him here, it’s because you have coffee, well, yes, you will, thank you, lena. this is for you, listen, i have to thank you for speaking russian, if it weren’t for you, i would definitely have failed, but no way, why did you send me, but for some reason you really wanted me to come, i came, why, so eat chocolate, no, i i wanted to talk, well, speak up, lena, in general, how do they say it, can i be with you, like this, be your boyfriend, what?
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freak, leave me alone, what are you, a moron, or something, you thought you fell out of love, now you’re going to fuck with me, or what? thus, to calculate the density of methane , this equation is not the most convenient; in real production conditions , another equation is used, which takes into account the technological process. equipment errors, i saw it myself, personally, like you,
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who did you see, after all, i saw the loader from gastran, what a mover's genius in astronomy, i 'm telling you, he's a genius. he was at the river yesterday, verka abandoned him, he ’s about to strangle someone, so i’ll go check it out, zabrotin, you ’re with me, let’s go, go, of course, but it’s not him, but why are you so sure, because this is psychology, senior lieutenant dobkina, explain in more detail, or will you think for yourself? so, the store address? write!
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eh, that’s it, mr. investigator, we’ve arrived at the address! volodya, you’re kind of like an employee of the prosecutor’s office, since the car is official, that means almost a prosecutor, so then i have to there will be an order for you, no, i’m home, my wife is waiting for me at home, but in vain she’s waiting for volodya, today her faithful husband got ready to see his mistress, he didn’t understand, what’s incomprehensible here, colologists, you knock the text message, smile, he took off his wedding ring, well, if you you pose the question like that, it means
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you’ve almost convinced us what your business is, so who’s there? your neighbor, hello, hello, what kind of nonsense is this , citizen, what, what are you doing? and what am i doing, don’t just look at me... look at me like that, why did you throw it at my car, what i threw, this, this, this, and why did you decide that i threw it at your car, but because i saw it fly out of your window, this is a mistake.
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this is some kind of misunderstanding, firstly, i don’t drink beer, and my igor doesn’t drink beer either, he ’s not even at home, so you need to give this igor your asshole, i’m telling you, he ’s not at home, here, there he is coming, here he is coming, igor, this man says that you are igor, he is very polite, i see, you know, look at yourself. they made me look like a complete idiot, but that’s not the worst thing, volodya, let’s go to prosecutor's office, wait, well... that's it, volodya
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, let's quietly go after this boy, now let's go for a ride, i like to ride, well, pasha, here is the store, and victor clarified, at the work post.
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well, come with us, i don’t understand, both of you, stop, he’s gone, you’re like, okay, well, go after him to cut me off. hands up, i'll shoot.
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the resident is listening, it’s great, the investigator, and we’re here with the wife, we’ve caught a maniac, listen , this homeless guy of yours just wants to attract attention, he can pretend to be a murderer, it ’s psychology, bro, maybe... okay, take him him to me, and don’t forget the package, dobkina says that this is her detainee, and you didn’t take the case into development, well, let him come too, we’ll agree.
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well, follow him, or maybe to his home, to the prosecutor's office. oh good.
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so let's not have much time without formalities , what's your name, victor, victor bayrak, tell me, victor bayrak, where did you find this package, listen, just a second, maybe he didn't find it, no, why didn't he find it, found it, found it, there's this pepper , roamed, roamed, well, in short,
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this is him, are you ready to confirm this fact in court? in what court? no, i won't go to court fuck me, don’t give a fuck, otherwise now you’re going to explain where you got this naughty thing, what do you think, is it real or not, they told me it’s green tea, it’s not tea, you were deceived, so that’s it, victor, in a nutshell , come as a witness, we will drop the drug possession charge. it’s up to you to decide, your proposal is very interesting, laboratory,
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you should call amon, call, well, the guys are professionals, and we are amateurs. call, who 's there, open up, police, hello, hello, who do you want, igor tikunov is at home, no, i don't understand, i'm zhelvis, that's... what he has it’s in my head, i mean, but he killed her, then why all these photos? besides the fact that he killed her, pasha, he loved her, look, a reference book on forensic medicine, i wonder why a student at a technological
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institute needs it, but tell me, zhelvis, what do you mean these killed, loved? well, it happens that it’s difficult for you to explain your feelings, and then, when you decide to talk about your love, the girl rejects you. happens, and why choke her about it? did your boy do that in this case? i can not believe this, although, of course, he later regretted it very much, uh-huh, he regretted it, and it means he also strangled the others out of love, also psychology, no, pasha, this is not psychology, this is psychiatry, every time he found girls somewhat similar to savina, he got to know them, took them to a secluded place, and there he played out a scene with them explaining his feelings. how do you know, he didn’t even immediately strangle them, he let them resist, because every time he returned to the episode with savina, she apparently hit him first. only then did he decide to strangle her, that is, he hoped that every
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his next victim, instead of slapping him, will say, i love you, perhaps the lyrics will suffice, understood, i ask you to come closer here, now we will reach, remove and discover, please remember the location of these objects on this table , looked, yeah, i looked at everything, so what? is this all igor? well, these are just theories for now, but i am internally convinced that this is how it all happened. it turns out that it was in vain that tanyukha and i shielded him? in terms of? well, the year before last, there she came. that is, did you lie? we thought the police were targeting the boy, making him a scapegoat. like that , that is, he was not at home, his mother asked us,
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his mother, you know, said that igor was suspected, someone needed to confirm that he was at home, otherwise the police would torture him, well, we consulted and confirmed, well, yes, it couldn’t have been any other way, okay, we’ll sort it out with you later, what are you looking at? “come on, look for other witnesses, there are, you have to tell me where igor, igor, he came today, didn’t tell me anything, some things put it in his bag, i wanted to give him some fish, but he just slammed the door, where did he go, and do you want to arrest him, listen, lidi august? you see, your son is suspected of committing six murders, you
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must tell us where him? no, he couldn’t kill anyone, as you don’t understand, it’s not him, i beg you, well, well, just admire it. i’m a freak, i’m a freak, i’m a freak, i agree with every letter, an amazing document, pasha, but there is one more thing, how many of them are there, wait, this is a daughter’s daughter. uh-huh, wait,
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and this is the victim we found this morning, ira, yes, it turns out he was tracking them in advance. that’s for sure, he worked in several directions at once, there are about twenty of them there, yes, well, yes, they just don’t let you breathe with this surveillance of yours, wait, zhelvis, those eagles that were pursuing us have already been detained, that’s 100%. so, this is a different car, let’s figure it out with him, with whom, with turavinin, these are his people.
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let's wander around. pash, why aren’t you lying down, we found him,
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a maniac, uh-huh, we found him, but didn’t catch him. and where he? he's hiding somewhere in the country, listen, do you remember that you said that you have some friend who works in the local housing office with the security department? if you are looking for someone's dacha, she can help, that's exactly what i need, can you call her? pash, it's 4 am, call! igor, do you have any cigarettes? i do not smoke. how do you know me? i’ve known you since i was 3 years old, but you rarely come, and you don’t go out for walks. wait,
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you're inka? yes, but you were very small. grown up, and you have tea, eat, treat, treat, good, the roads, of course, are not great, but empty, dobkina knows, of course, right away rushed to the local police station, taking people with him. what about turavinin? i organized an opera group for him at his home. at the institute, i am from morning until evening. to hell with the institute. oh great. what do you do in life? i keep an eye on the girls.
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wow, i'm following the guys. they're funny when they don't know that they're being watched, it's true, of course, you 're funny too, i'm sorry, can you tell me where house 60 is, next we need to, this is house 5. and the street ends, we'll find it, thank you, but no why, why are you so, so serious, no, it’s okay, you know, when i
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was 11, i fell in love with you. i couldn’t sleep at night, i kept thinking and thinking, now something is wrong, everything is fine. excuse me, can you tell me where house 60 is? no, yes, it’s on that side, at the end of the street,
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lena, lena, what lena, lena, i love you. it’s okay to at least be afraid with some lena welcome, i’m here, why, i’m alive. oh, how are you, pasha, it’s fine , it’s fine with us too, in any case , a doctor should see the inu, and the sooner the better, you know, yes, of course, well, my little one, i have to go, why did he do that, you know?
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i’m sick now, just very sick, thank you. i’d like to shoot you now, bitch, that’s all, but if you get angry, put the gun away, do you hear, your friend dobkina is still in the out-of-access zone, it’s such a wilderness. my connection constantly goes out, well , go to the gate, look, maybe she got lost too, you won’t put me in jail anyway,
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you have no evidence, of course, except for the corpses of girls, but you won’t prove anything, so what difference does it make to you, will you prove it, will you not prove it? i’m listening, pasha, he’s the one who happened, yes to you i can’t get through directly, i’m talking about the group that went to the address you said, well, well, this turovin, they didn’t find him on the spot, where he is unknown, yeah, i’ll call you back, go ahead. what the hell is this? went.
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hello, commander. what, are you looking for him? it's none of your business. it's probably none of your business, commander. svetka was supposed to be 17 years old in 2 weeks. i promised a tour to venezuela, margarita island, you know? where are you going? so that’s heaven there, and now she’s naked, strangled on the table. lies, and you tell me that this is none of my business, i understand your feelings, but no shit you don’t understand, you cop creature, but i would have strangled him myself, yes, well, so where is he, commander, we know the address ourselves, but we can’t find the house, come on, give us some rubber, but i won’t tell you anything , i’ll put you down first, on your knees, what are you doing, shut up, bitch, we found him, you didn’t help me, commander, come here, look, we ’re going after him soon, great, prosecutor
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, turovin, this can’t be done , he should be judged, turovin, it can’t be like that, as you think, yours or ours, damn it, ours, let ’s look at the gun, hands on the hood, here’s turovin, they went to kill igor, and wasn’t it him, he wanted to get out of the car, his hands so that i could see them, where he was.
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we arrested turovians, in such cases , do you know what they say? better late than never, oh my god.
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you know, pasha, i changed my mind, what? i’m not going anywhere, someone has to do something about this, that’s right, zhen. there are few decent people in our profession, well, yes, only you and elvis, by the way, where is he?
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“i didn’t tell him where the house was, they found it themselves, that you, pasha, i had no doubt, of course they found it themselves, they had to, it’s us screwed up, unforgivably screwed up, this is called improper performance by an official of official duties assigned to him, due to arrogance, so you and i are in shit up to our ears, and this is our unversion, this is the real truth! "listen, is lera back? concepts i don’t have it. so maybe let’s do this , let’s come to me. my refrigerator is at your complete disposal. and i will have the siberian-style dumplings lying there at my complete disposal. well, let’s cook them somehow in chinese. you just want them anyway you won't eat, right? now i won’t eat anything at all, as they say i’m fed up. zhelvis listens.
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“listen, you scarecrow, if you don’t translate it in a minute, i’ll tear your head off, understand? it hasn’t been used for two years now, and i don’t care what you didn’t use, bring it, come on, and then move away, uh,


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