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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  January 26, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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heart attack diana kovando has all the details. how are yours? thank you for being alive. the only thing that the relatives of the pilot dmitry belikov managed to tell him before he, confined to a wheelchair, was handed over to the disaster medicine doctors. when you finally realized that you were alive, you understood that this was a real miracle, or you didn’t yet realize that that was it. one gets the feeling that the pilot is still in shock, has a broken lip, frostbite on both legs, is tongue-tied, is ready to answer questions, but is having difficulty finding words. relatives are running behind them, today they canceled everything, mother, father, wife, she puts her hand on his shoulder, there are tears in his eyes, he is alive. and how long did you lie on the plane until you were rescued? we lay there for a day and a half. how did you warm up on the plane for a day and a half? please tell us what you found , so there was a lighter, they set it on fire, they even burned the shoelaces, glad that they didn’t burn, they’ll take a day and a half days of survival on a mountain ridge at a temperature of -15, long hours of hope for salvation and minutes of despair, despite the fact that...
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crashed in the mountains of afghanistan, who needed urgent medical help, his colleague arkady grachev and felchers pavel popov and igor syvorotkin escaped unscathed by damaging the private flight medic’s portable defibrillator, which he used during the flight to russia to try to start the heart of tourist anna evsyukova. together with her husband anatoly, they were flying from thailand, the woman was diagnosed with a powerful infection that was destroying her entire body , which the thai doctors were unable to diagnose right away, they recommended urgently sending her home, the family managed to solve it.
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well, they just found them on the plane. purchased at october and crashed on january 20, the falcon 10 was owned by the company for less than six months, despite the considerable experience and flight hours of both pilots. investigators are now checking whether the company had a license for such sanitary flights, and how the complex long flight was technically prepared. another fact raises many questions and guesses on the verge of conspiracy theories: afghan newspapers reported that money, over a million dollars, was missing from the plane that crashed, who was it intended for, whose is it for everyone? still
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a big secret, the surviving pilots say that they don’t know about anything like that, they explain that the afghan journalists exaggerated , there were only cash savings on board, no, there was no money there, it was personal money, it’s just a little specificity of the afghan people that they came to help, well , we had to thank them somehow, of course we gave some money to some small people there, because imagine, well, okay, i’m even more physically normal, i could walk and me, so the guys just dragged them, they dragged them on themselves with felt . it is clear that now everyone survivors of the plane crash will be given time to heal and come to their senses, then interrogations will be held in the investigator’s office, they will talk about the organization of the flight in which two people died, experts will have to decipher the recordings of the black boxes and thoroughly check all the documentation of the private company that organized the flight . diana kavando, pavel platonov, andrey melnikov and sergey boganov. while the entire civilized world strives for humanism, it rolls back to... the american
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penal system in the usa in the state alabama carried out the death penalty using pure nitrogen. this is the first known case, and the news shocked the public. human torment. lasted 15 minutes, during which time nitrogen completely displaced oxygen from the lungs, their cruel morals in the report by daria mosolova. he knew the exact day and exact time of his death. january 25 at 18:00, kenneth smith is no longer alive, but he will go down in history as the first american sentenced to death using pure nitrogen. kill a person in a never-before-seen way the alabama supreme court ordered. the state forced humanity. the eighth amendment , the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, here is cruel and unusual punishment, it is very scary to imagine what kind of hellish and
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excruciating pain a person experienced who was slowly deprived of access to oxygen and air and who was simply suffocated in this way with the help of gas, you know , like the nazis in... the american state is doing today, they incited people in the cells, the same thing is happening all over the world, they are now vigorously discussing this a cruel method, according to scientists and human rights activists, american justice experiments on people, introduces more and more sophisticated methods of execution, while civilized states refuse to use capital punishment, smith spent the last minutes of his life in such a special cell, the executioners tied him to hands by feet to the couch, a breathing mask was put on his face, and... the prison chief personally activated the nitrogen supply system, the doomed man was forced to inhale nitrogen for about 15 minutes, he struggled, tried to hold his breath, was clinging to life, the agony soon began, a flat line appeared on the screen of the icg machine, if we increase the concentration of nitrogen,
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the concentration of oxygen decreases accordingly and we simply do not have enough oxygen to breathe, this is called suffocation, discussions about the degradation of the american penal system do not subside, those sentenced to death can wait for this day for years and even decades, and this is also a kind of torture. for comparison, in russia capital punishment was abolished almost 30 years ago; now it is only possible life imprisonment. in the united states itself, back in 2000, the american veterinary medical association refused to euthanize animals with nitrogen, calling this method too painful. but for a person, apparently... i think this is a serious test of the level of civilization in our world today, if the culture of death prevails, then we are talking not only about the death of kenneth smith. the execution in alabama will set a new standard
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of dehumanization for the entire world. this is murderous madness, this is murderous rage. the victims watched the execution through the window, such is the satisfaction, these are the two sons of the murdered woman, exactly. after their mother was convicted, smith agreed to become a hitman for $1.00. the order came 36 years ago from her husband, a victim of a preacher. the prisoner was supposed to die at the end of 2022, but some unknown forces were against it. the nurses were unable to find a single vein due to the nature of the body; in order to administer a lethal injection, they used a needle to stick almost the entire body. as a result , the warrant to execute the death penalty expired, but so did the punishment. softened, apparently trained for more than a year, selected new methods of murder and executed smith on the second attempt. now in american prisons there are more than 2.0 prisoners on death row; when, how and with what to kill them will be decided by the court. this means that in the famous catchphrase it is impossible to execute,
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but to pardon, the united states is absolutely not going to move the comma. daria masalova, alena kryukova, valentin lyubimov, erika avagyan and vladimir talyzin, ntv. and then, self-defense or attempted murder? in ufa they took into custody a woman who did not report domestic violence and ended up accused. we have found out the details of the family conflict, you can draw your own conclusions after the advertisement on ntv. family company, unity is our strength. i should have settled everything with me before, but now it’s too late. we have vulnerable points in our company. where kudryavtsev can attack us, uncle dima won’t get anything, and this is not even a question paper, not a family, damn it, but a zoo of amazing creatures, everyone will lose from this war, well, give up, igor gordin, there is a family, there are more of them, but i’m smarter , julia bullfinch, you know how your family
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humiliated me, alexey guskov, some kind of santa barbara, a bonanza, today they are shitheads, my shitheads. premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. with a credit card, everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want, there will be peace on yours, there will be nights and days, in short, only in mine, everything will be as you want.
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electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them they belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names of them, and this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. prolong the youth of your brain 8.800 100 exactly 1985 8.800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our
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organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese mozgterapy product. it contains everything phospholipids that promote brain recovery. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. and he will serve you faithfully again . prolong the youth of your brain. 8800, which is exactly 198. you don’t have to do this, comrade general, you
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’ll have to travel with us, that’s it, boss, come back, everything back, take the people away, today is 20:00 on ntv, there’s another emergency on the air, we continue release, survival on the island of sakhalin, cut off from the outside world, its inhabitants undergo, just a few days ago, the region found itself in the grip of a powerful cyclone, an unprecedented amount of snow fell, and the height of the snowdrifts. not that human height, in some places much higher , roads are blocked, airports do not work, traffic is stopped, people react differently, what it is like to live under the white blanket of january, pavel kuznetsov will tell based on video recordings of hostages of the snow collapse. over the past 24 hours, sakhalin has turned into a real hell for claustrophobes, hundreds and thousands
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of people are locked within four walls, it’s not only scary to go out because of the low temperatures of the heaviest snowfall, but practically. this is our second floor in novoalleksandrovka, a private house, this is how we cope with the weather conditions that limited us from the central road, only this lifts our spirits, and now there is such an improvised refrigerator behind almost every window, someone stores pies in a snowdrift, prepared in advance, because when they dig up the houses, it’s unclear, someone is having fun by setting up a real mini-bar, oh, this is the weather, this is the weather, look. what does she do, what does she do to people? oh my god! but it’s already clear food is running out, it is necessary to urgently get food. shops are still open in some places, but the path to them is thorny, and no one tries to walk alone. we crawled back from the store. a little bit left.
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people joked about who was where. not only houses, but even trains were covered with snow. railway traffic. on the island almost completely stopped while they waited out the storm, the tracks were irrevocably covered, dozens of passengers and conductors were locked in the carriages, it was impossible to travel, or to go anywhere in bad weather. ivan vysotsky one of those who was planning to come to yuzhno-sakhalinsk for one day ended up stuck for two days, his address is not a house or a street, but the eighth car - the sixth compartment. how do you like it here, how have you settled in? nothing, as on the train, as usual, as on the train? they feed me, well, nothing, they fed me, buckwheat, sausages, salad. it was lucky for him that the railway workers organized the supply of food, but for some there was no place to wait for food. the snowy part of the city is traversed by labyrinths like these, all the way to the car, but why, if there is nowhere to go anyway, the roads are also filled up? in short, i i’ll probably go somewhere right now,
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holy shit, oh, and it’s actually better there on the second floor, apparently. doing something even senseless, just to avoid sitting in a snowdrift , it’s hard for doctors now, there won’t be any fewer calls, but how to get to patients, rescuers and volunteers come to help, and this path is like a quest for survival, but from this hellish iron , moved to this girl’s pepelats, closer to the steering wheel, like this, yes, tourists inexperienced by the spectacle of two-meter snowdrifts and endless snowfalls are in shock,
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a resident of ufa could have received the status of a victim of domestic violence, but she decided not to spoil her lover’s biography and remained silent. as a result, he is now the victim in a criminal case, and she is the accused, who was chosen as a preventive measure and was placed in a pre-trial detention center. and all because, according to friends of this couple, valentina’s betrothed turned out to be more cold-blooded and calculating, and also
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demonstrated a quick reaction after a serious quarrel. in the details of the conflict that will have long-term players. dinar usmanov plunged into the consequences. these are the last ones minutes of a fragile and petite girl in freedom. sabanaeva is escorted by two police officers into the courtroom. the charge is more than serious, causing grievous harm to the health of a cohabitant. after the arrest, the girl will be sent to a pre-trial detention center, but the victim did not come to the arrest at all. what can you say about the incident? i bought the apartment where they lived together.
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she forgave her once, until he grabbed a knife during another quarrel, as the arrested person says, according to her version, the events developed like this: he took out a knife from the kitchen and began to threaten them when the girl refused to stay at home, he said i’ll kill, walked towards her, she snatched the knife and struck once in the side, but this was solely for the purpose of self-defense, in the post, already in a conversation , she said that starting somewhere... .. since august, he systematically rushed ruslan to the hospital, valentina should have immediately told everything to the police, but she remained silent, and ruslan himself told the doctors that
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he had cut himself, and at the same time began to hint to valya that if she did not give him a large sum, then he will write a statement when she said that there won’t be any money, he started threatening to kill me, i’ll just as easily, no one will have time to help you, you’ll just die like a dog, of course. as a result, ruslan was the first to write a statement, saying that the girl attacked him with a knife and caused grievous harm to his health, and valentina was arrested, despite her belated explanations, the neighbors were in shock, she was still small, skinny, so white, thin, like a child, i at first i thought some girl was coming, she turned around, i looked, no, it’s a girl, they arrested her, they put her in jail, why is she working... who has to pay a mortgage, placed in a pre-trial detention center, essentially depriving her of housing, and a tall young guy, who allegedly received serious harm to his health, leads a free and
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active lifestyle, why are the police considering only his version, we asked these questions to law enforcement officers, but so far all we know is that they are looking into : valentina sabanaeva’s lawyer intends to seek a change in the preventive measure in court, to defend the orphanage pupil, except for him and her only sibling. the foreign tour of foreign agent leva b2 in thailand ended on a minor note, the group were fined for concerts they gave without obtaining a work visa. the musicians either forgot or deliberately did not register it, entered on a tourist card so as not to share income with the tax office, and the artists were taken from the dressing room to the police station. now, apparently, they will have to fork out money, like another foreign agent, maxim galkin, who was fined by the authorities of the united arab emirates for political statements on stage. all his
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performances in dubai and abu dhabi were eventually cancelled, and then ticket sales for the russophobe’s performance in thailand were closed. the star family in general has had a hard time lately; in a hurry, the pugachevs and galkin had to change their homeland again. this time the promised land, despite the oaths of abandonment. what sacrifices do artists who have lost popularity make in order to attract the attention of western audiences? why cyprus will most likely also become only a transit point for
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the prima donna’s family, and where allagachev plans to spend his old age. this is discussed in the new issue of the emergency investigation program. pugacheva farewell song. on saturday at 16:20 on ntv. that's not all. see below. an ambulance, a doctor in the krasnodar territory decided the fate of a little patient in seconds and saved her from imminent death by rushing into a ford towards the girl. watch the rescue story in a couple of minutes. 6 years ago, while you were lounging on your bunk, drug distribution territories were redistributed in the southern region. everything is very interesting, of course. just like in the movies, whatever you want from me, we infiltrated our man into the syndicate, yesterday this guy died, no, no, no, no, guys, what are you talking about, i’m not going there, you want to piss off
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your brother, where? to collect a bouquet, the florist does not need to know about the invoices from the supplier, and the courier does not need to carry a terminal with him, with established processes you have time to think about how to grow the business, and even at the end of the reporting period you can be a father, not an entrepreneur, you create your own business, tenkov’s business is created by simple and convenient
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tools. dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i'm not at avito's job now, just find my place , i'm delayed, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, up new job, 10 minutes, many vacancies new every day, avida a job will be found not
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just a job, but... the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it, new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy from 20 million, hunting, test your instinct, 100 lotto, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints, thanks to special collagen in the form of
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a triple helix, no, everything is like us love. kfc, now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same. whole chicken you love. yes, exactly, everything we like. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone.
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baby shark dress for... get 25 gb and 1200 minutes at half the price. tinkov. there is another emergency on ntv live. we are continuing production. the bus driver who hit pedestrians on the sidewalk in st. petersburg fell asleep at the wheel. law enforcement officers came to this conclusion after reviewing
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surveillance camera footage. installed in the cabin. we have this footage at our disposal. on set the man is seen periodically yawning and trying to fight off sleep. it didn’t help, he dozed off for a few seconds and immediately lost control. as soon as the passenger car skidded to the side, the driver came to his senses and tried to correct the situation by vigorously twisting the steering wheel, but he could no longer prevent the accident. along the way, the regular bus knocked down a traffic light and broke through the fence of the roadway, after which it flew into people who were walking along the sidewalk. let me remind you that five people were under the wheels, including a sixteen-year-old schoolboy, some of them are still in serious condition, the victims were among the bus passengers. the prosecutor's office will check compliance with road safety legislation in the actions of the carrier. based on the results of the inspection, if there are grounds , the issue of taking prosecutorial response measures will be decided. i would like to add that
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before going on the flight the driver underwent a medical examination and his condition did not cause any alarm. investigators opened a criminal case into the accident. our humble hero. the following plot does not understand such close attention to his person, an ambulance attendant in the krasnodar region was making his way to a small patient in a ford; due to weather conditions, the car got stuck, the minutes were counting. the determination, humanity, and courage of the physician ultimately saved a life, and this deserves attention. daria will tell you the details. one of the eyewitnesses filmed how paramedic denis sorokin carefully, step by step on the skol ice , made his way to the house of a little patient. the car is stuck. in a huge frozen puddle, further only on foot, you could fall at any moment, but he understood that he was suffocating there a six-year-old baby, she urgently needed help, the girl developed an allergic reaction against the background of an acute respiratory infection, the consequences could even be anaphylactic shock. the child
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began to have severe shortness of breath, like allergic shortness of breath, we were very scared because the child could not breathe at all, for the first time, for the first time, yes, we were so scared, however, the parents were worried that it would take a long time to get to the ambulance, the day before it hit the region bad weather. there was a lot of snow, during the day it melted, by the evening the puddles that had formed turned into a real skating rink, in some places even the road washed out, it was in one of these places that the car was not skidding, for about a kilometer the paramedic made his way to the desired address through the flooded streets, what was there, as he immediately scrolled through his head, what kind of help needed to be provided, what could be there, the car is stuck, it may have been stuck there for 2 minutes, maybe for 2 hours, it’s like that’s why, well, just let’s go. fortunately , the girl managed to get help in time, they gave her an injection, relief came, and from that very moment denis sorokin would be the most welcome guest in the svetlyuchny house. to besides, after the water was pumped out this morning and the road was covered with gravel, getting here will be much easier. olesya
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says that the girl had never had any allergic reactions during colds before, so the parents were very scared when their daughter began to choke. it was impossible to determine on your own without a medical examination what caused this terrible symptom. in the case of stenosis, for example, complications can be very serious. in such situations, every second counts, he helped, well done, he’s generally a very nice guy, he told us , looked, listened, well, now everything is fine with the child, while the paramedic provided assistance to little lera, other residents helped the ambulance driver get out of the trap, because the child could have required urgent hospitalization, with common efforts this was done quite quickly , already in the morning denis, as they say, woke up famous, on social networks all the residents discussed his act, some even came up with a name for him - a symptom of a good person. friends started calling, managers praised them, they say this employee always shows special care towards small patients, everywhere in such serious emergencies there is a good
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boy, a good felser, a professional, and the girl’s family, now she feels much better, intends to go even further, they are preparing an appeal to the ministry of emergency situations with a request to introduce felcher sorokin for an award, it seems to me that the doctor is a great guy, this is... so that he can be nominated for an award. pavel kuznetsov and alexander tutarinov, ntv television company. that's all for us, thank you for being with us, goodbye. today in our program. america. secret materials. the united states published a transcript of conversations between yeltsen and clinton. what sensation does the thirty-year-old document hide?


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