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tv   Shef  NTV  January 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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yes, it’s me, i’ll text you the address, he’s alone there, he’ll leave the city in the morning with new documents, try to make it in time, we’ll make it in time, remember, you’re my debtor. stay here, you are here, i don’t understand, and you follow the order.
11:01 pm
well, hello, st. petersburg, do you want war? andrey chubchenko, i didn’t organize this fight, boss, new season, you will be with us for a long time, i hope forever, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. this video lasts. seconds, it
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11:05 pm
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11:06 pm
now i feel like a complete idiot and i don’t like it. call the group.
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yes, andrey, yes no, yet, i’m approaching. “sorry , i’ll call you back, stand, police, osb, hands,
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calmly, police, what’s under his jacket, phone, what is it, he can hear music, so, let’s get him in the car to the department , then we’ll figure out who went from where, to which department?” “why? what happened now? it’s my fault, comrade general, but the district police officer has not yet been found. do you think he survived after that incident? i have no idea. i know that sledak suspended the case i'm searching until i see this freak on the table in the morgue, i will consider him alive. clear. if he's alive, he'll come for me. i do not rule out this possibility. maybe you should leave for a while? or go to our hospital, but what about under guard, access control , to be honest, and i will be calmer that way, i look sick, but no, you were suspended, they say there will be a decree soon, and that the authorities always go to bed in such cases you can’t
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wait to go to the hospital, as our tv channel already reported, the son of the governor of st. petersburg, nikolai, applied. nikolai is an adult and independent person and makes his own decisions, he does not need my help, but as far as i know, mr. mitrofanovny is a friend, i cannot call mitrofanov my friend, yes, some time ago we had a joint
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business, but this has been going on for a long time days gone by, i thank you. disturb, excuse me, my cargo will arrive in 2 days, you have everything mr. governor asked you he is not ready for his meeting, whose cargo is whose, and i thought we were partners, max borzey.
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you're losing, listen, i think you've got it all explained, if you are not satisfied with something, cancel the delivery, it is important for me that everything is done well, so if you are in customs, come, no questions asked, we know the date and time of arrival of the cargo, i want to clarify your plans, you are going to be delayed. right in the port red-handed, i can’t answer your question, i’m waiting for instructions from management, this
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is not an idle question, my man will be in the port, if you’re preparing a seizure, he should know about it, i don’t think we should share with tikhomirov with your plans, you don’t tell him trust, i want to remind you that it was we who turned to him for help, and not he to us , that’s it, but where is the guarantee that he is not playing a double game and does not leak information to the acrobat, the point is that he will win if he reports our cooperation ? victor, sergey!
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why are we here, to talk without unnecessary ears, then the phones had to be left in the car. i’ll turn off mine, they can still listen to you, you’re throwing yours away too, you don’t think that i hired you just so that you would protect me? don't think you pay, i do, a million dollars, good money. who to blame this time, the queen of england? no, just our
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governor, two, 2 million dollars, one to my european account, the second in cash immediately after the work is done and i need to leave, tomorrow the governor will go fishing with his classmates. there won’t be another case like this, i understand, i’ll do it , you’ll receive the advance in the evening to your account, i specifically invited you to my place to personally discuss the situation with that fight in the store, the committee is ready to initiate criminal proceedings. case on about your abuse of power, but they don’t
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want to initiate a case against the guards, for what? they were on duty and wanted to search me, which they had no right to do, you are a policeman, an officer, you had to control yourself, why am i explaining simple things to you, you understand everything yourself, and now, you don’t just i was called? yesterday i talked for a long time with general sergeev, the head of the st. petersburg state administration, in general. “if you quit, it won’t matter how you quit, i can’t, come on, you’re an adult, reasonable man, i’m sure you can do it find yourself a job, say thank you that you were not fired for negative reasons, that you were given a chance, thank you very much for your frankness,
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comrade major general, tell me, i have time to think"? about what? well, what else are you going to think about? i'm telling you, if you don't leave on your own, a criminal case will be opened. don't spoil your biography. even a suspended sentence will be an indelible stain on you. and yet? 2 days, that's all i can give. permission to go? i won't delay.
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i i'm sorry that some gardener came there, what gardener? he says that you we ordered soil for plants, where are my bags, these two are 15 kilograms each, take them, take them to the backyard, what kind of disguise is this? so, where is our cargo? they are waiting for him, it will be no problem, our mutual friend asked me to pass on the instructions, read and burn,
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this is how it should be, and if something goes wrong. your task is to meet the cargo, then my problems, our mutual friend asked me to tell you that everything should be as we agreed, otherwise he will refuse you friendship, and this is very bad, everyone who quarreled with our mutual friend is already corpses, viktor sergeevich, here? again and again water, there is evidence that the cargo that tikhomirov’s acrobats should receive must immediately be transported to another place, i received the task of finding out which one, so relax, our agent will not be in danger, and what will happen after the operation is completed, well, you both will be able to return to normal life, and if you
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mean yourself, then your participation in the operation will be reported to the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs, that’s all we can... do for you, thank you, but i don’t need lawyers, viktor sergeevich, have you ever been told that you have a complex character, and more than once, that’s one more thing, the operation is being carried out by our department, why are you telling me this, because you shouldn’t be there, at all, god forbid, something goes wrong, wait, viktor sergeevich, i’ll tell you i beg you, at least this time, don’t pretend to be a hero, trust the professionals, i hope you know what you’re doing. misha, maybe this is all
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for the better? what exactly is it that is forcing me to quit? well, no, the fact that you can start a new life, find yourself a new, normal job, and i won’t worry every evening, will you come home or not? you say a new life, it’s funny, but where will i put the old one, and why should i put it somewhere, i had it and thank you to it. after all, you and i would not have met if you had not served in the police. yes, maybe it's not just about you, right? “i never looked for another job, i knew from childhood that i would be a cop, and you became one, but now i have become unnecessary, they are kicking me out, mish, i will now tell you the most
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banal thing, i need you, and this, it seems to me that it’s more important than your service, or is that not true, it’s someone else”? the main thing is that we together.
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hello, maxim aleksandrovich , please forgive me for being late, i was in a pre-trial detention center, there is no mobile connection there, those who need it always have it, even in a pre-trial detention center, something happened to you, i can help with something, but tell me me, yura, do you have your own trusted notary, for what purpose? real estate transaction, purchase, sale, will, i want to draw up a will, but you are sure everything is in order, but what
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is not visible to me, or what? calm, like a dav. ok, i’ll find you a notary, you don’t even have to appear in person, now we’ll... let’s draw up sample text, what and to whom do you want to bequeath? well, as it happens with you, i bequeath everything that’s mine, and so on. yeah, i, tikhomirov, maxim alexandrovich, bequeath all my movable and immovable property, right? well, yes. wherever it is, whatever it is, who is usually parents to children
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, children to parents, wife to husband, husband to wife, sister to sister, brother, brother, you know that i don’t have anyone, it doesn’t happen, it happens, yura , it happens, well, then you can make a will in favor of some charitable foundation, and in these foundations a complete mess, but then everything will go to the state, and now to the state, oh, yura, yura! i thought you would advise me something sensible, but i don’t even know what i can advise in this situation, okay, free,
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go, leave the piece of paper, goodbye, maxim alexandrovich, goodbye.
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oh, andrey, listen, i need to know something, viktor sergeevich, excuse me, let’s talk later, wait, what happened, don’t you know, an hour ago governor grishin was shot in the region, what? “sorry, i have to go, why didn’t i start wandering around earlier, yes, i had this music, ruzil minikaev, at least there will be a war soon, leon kemstach, i see in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they will catch us all one by one now, anna will overpower, help,
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about the debt? as far as i know, you began to cooperate with the regional bank? i adore this city, before i have time to do anything, everyone already knows about it, not everyone. i’m just supposed to know about this out of duty, but is there something wrong with the bank? dmitrofanov cheated you, i don’t know how big the sums are i managed to invest in his bank, but they can already be written off as battle losses, nothing will come back, this is serious, i told you that he was going to put his man in the governor’s chair, but... he didn’t tell you that grishin should be killed, so? how does this relate to the bank? yes, they have long-standing disagreements, the governor, through his own channels, has long wanted to close down mitrofanov’s bank, he
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succeeded, he will soon announce this officially. so what is this? what's this? is he a governor? i've already told you too much, just don't bring it up bank new amounts, so at least you’ll save something. in st. petersburg, leningrad region , the search continues for the killer, who shot himself.
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find me a gorik, urgently, there is a conversation, what a freak, oh, it wasn’t easy, but i fulfilled your request, information that the bank’s face is being regionally withdrawn. thank you, i saw, and now i will ask you to forget about this request that we even talked about this topic, okay, but one day i
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can ask you for help, of course, i will do everything in my power to help you , thank you, good bye. comrade general, you will have to travel with us, get in the car.
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tell me please, who are you? policeman or crime boss? what the hell are you doing? i do not understand what are you talking about? do not understand? journalist molchanova testified that...
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guests, yes, with permission, come in, hello, viktor sergeevich.
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you did everything right, it’s a pity to leave, yes, but i need to leave, the guys will take you to the border, thank you for that.
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our employee was infiltrated into mitrofanov's entourage; when a proposal was made to liquidate vtaly fedorovich, we decided fake his death, catch mitrofanov red-handed. in fact, it’s a normal operation, you’re not the only one who knows how to work.
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excuse me, viktor sergeevich, i offered to inform you, but i was persuaded not to do this. and what do you want us to do with you? so, what do you think is necessary? comrade general, i think we need to wait until the cargo operation is completed. all decisions can be made later. everything is fine? contact me, i'm in touch. everything is in order, uh-huh, these are documents for departure, the car number is on the list with the security, i understand, well, you will soon, yes, yes, almost everything finished,
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when we can announce that i'm okay, it needs to be done quickly. mitrofanov was taken to the hospital, we will wait for the doctors’ decision. i think this is not significant. i'm sorry, i have to answer. yes, max, i'm listening. what? yes, i'm recording. yeah, there's a massacre in the port, where your outdoor surveillance, a connected acrobat opened up with some kind of backpack.
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“all this was planned from the very beginning, they didn’t need all the cargo, just the backpack, i wonder what’s in it, they found the waiter in the cameras, now they’ll detain us, we’ll figure it out on the spot.
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back from him, get the passers-by away, passers-by, come on, come here, alive, everyone back, quickly, passers-by, i said. everything back , take the people away, motherfucker, this is an explosive device, but i don’t see the timer, now our specialists will arrive, they will activate the charge, they may not have time, but what do you order them to do, cut the wires, red, blue, so, there is no timer, most likely the device is activated using the phone, you need to contact cellular operators to turn off all towers in the area, all base stations,
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this is not fast, it will take time, well let's work, so, this is laundry , listen to my attention, "this is not a joke, we are talking about massive contamination with radiation, you understand, radiation, move away from the car, comrade general, it’s not allowed, move away from the car, i said, victor, viktor sergeevich , viktor sergeevich, viktor sergeevich , are you crazy, viktor sergeevich, do you hear me, what is he doing, huh?
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11:47 pm
hello, alexander borisovich, unexpected child. this happens. a new terrorist attack by the kiev regime shot down a plane that was carrying ukrainian prisoners for exchange, neglected their own lives citizens in the west are finally realizing whom they support and help.
11:48 pm
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11:52 pm
won’t be late now, there are many vacancies on avito. not just a job, but a place. what do you want to do when you get some sleep? go to sports, do the countdown, finish the repairs. with velson, you can fall asleep within 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night so that you can enter the new day full of strength and energy. chef, new season, from monday at 20:00. so, navazhilo finally persuaded you to quit. like, you talked to the boss, i i think that rastorgoev will come up with something, in extreme cases you can be transferred to another place, for example, to the region, no, i didn’t say that, but i think he will understand me, that means that’s it, i’m sure, yes, i myself... dana i offered to
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rent premises for a new beauty salon, i have savings, so i’ll take the risk of starting a business. well, when you get rich, wait for abp to visit you. if you need money for a test purchase, please contact us.
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i made it, but i still lost you, we bet... that you would stay here, take care of yourself, and don’t disappear, mish, i almost forgot, here, hand him his favorite pies, and tell him not to keep him from the wedding, we will all come.
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i'm going home, i love you, order of courage, be awarded by a secret presidential decree, congratulations, i serve russia, no, i don't need it, the boys won't understand. as for you, maxim isanovich, the criminal case in which you were a witness has been discontinued, so sleep well, and it seems like i’m already sleeping like a child, we managed to find out where the bomb came from in st. petersburg, for whom the waiter worked, for members of the banned russian extremist organization, acrobat
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they used it in the dark, it’s unlikely that he... understood what he was doing and what the consequences might be. members of the organization were arrested by our employees and confessed. i heard big changes are coming to your department. what do you have in mind? the decree on your dismissal has been revoked. i think you will make the right decision. continue your service.
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where are you going now? i don’t know, i’ll go and take a walk. come on, i’m tired for some reason, get well, call, yeah, now i’ll get you for the border, you’ve only seen me, okay, if anything, my phone, you you know, come on. the head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg and the leningrad region, major general novozhilov, leaves his post. as our
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tv channel learned, today the russian president signed a decree appointing the general as minister of internal affairs. it has not yet been announced who will succeed him in his previous post. dars are you trading, hello, vit! this is my new direct number, write it down so you can stay in touch. well, stop it, you and i have known each other for several years, so let’s go without officialdom. honestly, for me this sentence is also complete
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a surprise, but as you understand, there are offers that you cannot refuse. why am i actually calling? get ready? you will fly with me. objections are not accepted, i understand that you probably want to stay in st. petersburg, in 2-3 years, come back, i ’ll think about it, think about it, it’s a good thing, my father didn’t have this, and... it won’t happen again, sit still, don’t twitch, why did you come, to do what you must, what
12:00 am
you promised, to kill me, right? do you know what your problem is? you talk too much, you want to shoot, shoot, don't procrastinate.


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