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tv   UGRO-4  NTV  January 27, 2024 4:50am-6:21am MSK

4:50 am
don’t move, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, take it all and leave, i heard, let’s take it all, the king ’s loot, heaven, give them everything, i can’t do it all anymore, but like everything, so everything, but not in life, well, you’re a freak , get up from the man, get up, raya, you 're fine, more or less, well, get me down.
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come on, i’m going, i’m going, well, where is he, here or here, or maybe here, and well katyusha, where is he, why are you silent, where did you put him, kohl , what are you, what are you, well, good my, what’s wrong with you, i don’t know myself, you’ve become paranoid. "nothing, nothing, it's all over, we'll get out of here, let’s drop everything, forget it, forget it, you don’t want to talk, i’m almost your wife, and you don’t want to talk, for your sake i don’t want to talk , but what if the cops get wind of everything, well, what kind of cops, kolya, dear, what kind, everything’s fine , everything is as usual, this paranoia is all yours , they are not there now, but they will appear, it’s a matter of time, and you, don’t you dare blurt out anything unnecessary, come to me”? i don’t know anything, kolya, i
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don’t know nothing, no need, please, well, no need, let me in, please, yes, captain, you do, i don’t recognize you, man expose her to bullets, well, i was ready, which means ready, the bandits have weapons, she’s with a frying pan. fortune, i don’t even know what to do now, ivan mikhailovich, load these, so what, maybe now you can deal with them yourself, as they say, promptly, boss, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go.
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that means they put pressure on greed, but where did they get the sugar? at the market they took it for 500 and offered it for 250? it's an interesting business, we haven't sold a single bag, that's not what our business is about, why rob trains, what kind of trains? why the fright, container with you took sugar, i won’t take extra time , boss, go to the market, ask the sugar workers, they will tell you that we took 10 bags from them, we’ll ask and check what was in the container, that’s it, i ’m closed.
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“i’m going to the city , sit, i’m going to curse you or something, it doesn’t concern you , sit here yourself, there’s nothing to show off in the city, they tell you my business, i do what i want, when we divide and scatter, then it will be yours, now we are waiting for your shitty buyer , period, while we are waiting for him, the cops are digging closer and closer closer, are you waiting?" "until they notice us here, and listen, until your beaver brings us money, no one will go anywhere, i got it, i got it, well, let's deal with these louts, like their diamond and kuryokhin, yes, fortune i checked, they actually took sugar from the market, they have nothing to do with the container, which means it’s not sugar. but what does
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totherin know, well, we need to find out, so go to him at the same time to the iron breed base. yes, with tetherin, let's be careful, mr. difficult, well, small business, like a movement, but slowly, the speed is not yours, of course, but it’s enough for ice cream, it’s clear, by the way, you don’t regret that you jumped off then, and why regret it, there was no other choice, you had money, i don’t, oh, okay, okay, that’s it, we forgot , by the way, they forgot how yours are, well, shura is growing, 8 months already, yours, yes, it’s better not to ask, my masha is a bitch, think about it, she grabbed my house in bulgaria, and petka is studying in england, and boltos
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is a monster, listen, let's have a drink, and this is whiskey, collectible, oh, what whiskey, i won't, i still have a lot to do, i'll give you the documents here brought it, see how much you need, 300,000 dollars, borrow it, let's have a drink, collectible, die, come on, come on, come on, and my driver will drive your car away, of course. okay, i'll go, sit down, 300, then 300 , yes, afanasyich, hi, that's it, drop by the bank, please take 300,000 greens and bring them
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to my house, yeah, okay, okay, that's it, it'll be for you 300,000 greens, i’ll try to return it in a week, yes, we’ll drink, i won’t drink , sorry, whatever you want, yeah, whatever, as usual, you know, it ’s not even interesting to tell, senior lieutenant pronin, you filmonov, i, and what is it, well, let’s see what it is, tell me, a loader, with a paw, take it out, a speech stacker, well, i, that’s all here. someone drives something, the license and documents are in the office, but there’s no need for a license, i’m not with the traffic police, you tell me, you’re leaving the base on a forklift, it happens, but you yourself, what do you think, he
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it weighs 40 tons, obviously, that means you work on the territory all the time, maybe someone rents it? doesn’t give up, it costs a lot of money, yeah, that means he’s at work all the time, maybe he stands idle sometimes, he doesn’t buy such equipment so that stood, clear, uh-huh, you’re not going on vacation, and that you’re not going anywhere in the near future, okay?
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that night they worked, that ’s the point, that’s the point, they worked, for the load that disappears on other chains, we are not responsible, but you didn’t see anything, wasn’t it mine, or what? listen, well, if we answer all the questions, we won’t have time to eat, guys, if you want to go to the department after work, send us the paper, we’ll come, okay. yes, i would love to work again, are you sick or have a code? oh, sergei
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afanasyevich, you know him, it happened. which they’re beautiful, i guess i’m still on... oh, the barrel is machined, all that remains is to make the inserts for a small caliber, yes, well, i actually bought it second-hand, i wanted to try it at the dacha by bank, what should we do with you, volodya, oh, let ’s formalize it, listen, i don’t even know if it’s worth ruining a guy’s life for some scarecrow, maybe he will help the investigation, he will help, he will help, he will help, turns out, i heard there was a robbery at your base? no, they don’t rob us, the owner, if anything happens, he won’t forgive, the container from the platform was stolen, and so
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it’s on the road, you were working that night, working , but quietly, peacefully, no one was doing anything, that means we ’re interested in this one, filimonov, filimonov, he ’s working on what’s his name, on a speech stacker, yes, yes, yes, he was away , you know, yes, yes, at 2:00 in the morning, he went to the workshop for a couple of hours. his electronics are broken, his paw is enough, it’s not enough, wait at night for a workshop in the city or what city, why do we have a workshop here at the base, so we’ll take it, i think you don’t mind, but i didn’t think so , you’re with us note if you remember anything about missing cargo come don't be shy dima would you like some tea? i have a pie with cabbage, wait, now
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i’ll sort out the papers, i’m completely buried, why are you buried there, look at me, who would help, i’m listening, alekseev, dima, i understand, if the semaphore was not turned on, then it was switched from the control room, that’s how it was, well, think, i have the paper.
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get up, come here, stand, and the money, yes , your money is here, here, let's go, take it easy, okay? briefcase, stand, come on, third floor, please, come on, you cretin,
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but it was you who brought the bandits after me, okay, calm down, i remember, i remember, just now i saw you home, well done, calm down, i say. i remember evrything.
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well, he took him, he drove him a little soft , and they drank nothing at all, it was all crap, age , oh, no matter what, he’s sitting at home, like, like, yes, you have to watch his every step, like, you understand. they’ll start winding a ball, they’ll wind it up to us, look at how gunyov is spending my precious money, okay, i’ll do it. wait, where is ganev’s receipt? it’s on the table, okay, go. oh,
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knock-knock! hello, comrade captain, come in, settle down, would you like some coffee? robin, bobbin! afonkin, what's wrong with you? oh, loen in action, yes, that's what i see, the bird that i'm torturing? what is this, i’m tormenting, it’s not a bird, it’s a dove, a symbol of purity. why, what kind of cleanliness, what is it, spiritual purity here, but don’t you want to read the pre-list for dry cleaning of premises and territories? i’ll look at the pre-list for you now, come on, breathe, lesh, i don’t drink, he doesn’t drink, and in general... but i can’t vouch for myself, i don’t want a place, i don’t want to take it out and i don’t want the container collect, i’m management, i’m the leader, and you
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bring it to me with yours, yes there is, quietly, i ’m enough for you now, that’s it, get up! well, they asked you to find a businessman, what are you doing here, and i specially organized a business in order to infiltrate the business community to reach him, well , there’s no other way, yeah, but that means i’ll only have one barrel, you, quietly, afonkin, volodinka, tell me one thing, have you found this benefactor, no, but i’m working.
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hello, yes, this is gunev 3569, voronezh, arm the system, please, what is the new password, zhitomir, i understand, thank you, goodbye. denis, are you drunk again? i saw you barely arrived, aunt light, it was a co-worker’s anniversary, and you accidentally weren’t going to your people at the dacha, maybe you could give me a lift to the station, i’ll watch for you, let’s go. "hello
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, let's leave, you need to first yourself, then from yourself , pull the key, got this lock, at least change it at your own expense, come on, i know this lock, try it, they smeared something thick over the lock , for example, cleverly, with the locks .you work in some kind of freak, senior lieutenant pronin from ugro, i have a couple of questions for you, please let's go inside, but you can go here too, when the train was robbed, were you working? well, i worked, i repaired car loaders, what do they do with them, five of them in a week, the cylinders are flying,
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yeah, and filimonov arichtager brought them to you? arichtaker to me? no, he’s close, he doesn’t let anyone near him, he does his own repairs. okay, but how is this filmon in general? sullen. uh-huh, one second. hello, yes. i’m listening, yes, at the port base, of course, i interrogated him, in the hospital, when, alive, at least, i understood everything, i was on my way, got into something, your filmon, in hospital with live wounds, don’t forget the lubricant, well, this container couldn’t have sunk through the ground. they didn’t work like fools, they hid it while things got busy, and why are you making noise, and we haven’t seen a penny from you yet, there will be money, i said, when they come, then
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we’ll talk, okay, calm down, i have one temka, very interesting, first you pay for the work done, then the threads are yours, don’t bother the person, let me tell you. in short, you can quickly grab 300 green mowers, interesting, let’s continue, i have them one lick. i'm coming, i'm coming, i'm coming,
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hello, who, the owner, can i see for you? you know, unfortunately he is not here, he left, where? well, he didn’t tell me, but i think he was going to the base when he promised to come back? well , he never speaks in advance, calls, warns, but i can convey something, yes, no, no need, thank you, yes, please, goodbye, goodbye. hello, hello, senior lieutenant alekseev, criminal investigation department, yuri fedotov, dispatcher, who worked on the control panel on the night of the robbery, this is my first day here, apparently, but what is your name, beauty, katya, ekaterina
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golenkova, yuria, can i ask you to smoke a little, or is it prohibited, no, for this we have two here, listen, how interesting you are, how many handles, buttons, light bulbs, uh-huh , uh-huh, difficult, i guess. no, not really, but you didn’t come to ask me about light bulbs, did you? yes, it was i who worked on the night of the robbery, but i already wrote everything to another policeman, i don’t know anything else, well, yes, well, yes, but tell me, who did you work with, nikolai chuzhov, but he quit, you won’t get up, yes, thank you, just like that , he quit right away the next day, it was a coincidence, maybe he had been planning for a long time, well, yes, well, yes, it happens, uh-huh, tell me, and he... and i, and he left, he he left and didn’t leave any address
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or phone number for me, lord, what am i doing, i don’t know anything, really, but don’t worry so much, katerina, i read your explanations, we have no complaints against you, by the way, very well written, we sometimes write such panapis, but with you everything is detailed and sincere, thank you, i... i’m such an alarmist, sorry, let's meet after hours, you text me your phone number and i'll definitely call you, okay? well, it’s time to call yuri, yes, otherwise he... it’s time, can you tell me where the station chief is sitting? chief, right below us? below
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, uh-huh, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, mommy, hello, hello, if, if, i had a policeman from the ugro, but what should i do, he suspected something. okay, okay, i ’ll wait for yura and run, that’s it, come on, bye, tell me, could an attacker sneak into the control room unnoticed, are you laughing, or what? yes we have here cameras are everywhere, and the guards are working properly, it’s a strategic object after all, but this one, nikolai chezhov, worked for you for a long time, chezhov.
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no, a couple of months, no more, after him some documents or identification remained, the identification remained, only he tore off the card, the superstitious man says, i know these superstitions, well, there must be something in the personnel department, well, yes, now , hello, footage. it’s a personal matter, someone else’s nicholas, who, who, leo tolstoy, talk to me, make a copy and bring it here, it’s clear, that’s all.
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"hello, katya, this is alexey, don't hang up, listen to me, urgently return to the station, i will explain everything to you, do you hear, apparently you were involved in some kind of crime, but it’s not too late to fix everything, do you hear, who am i, who is this, i’m kolya, kolya, what are you doing? , what are you saying, this is mine, damn it, we’re on the run, but you understand,
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they’ll figure us out in no time using it? volodya, hello, just come here, come here, valson, hello, and filimonov is here, here then.. ivan mikhailovich asks to transfer him here, great, but i was knocked off my feet, you know, first to one hospital, then to another, then to you, and where is he not carrying out, no, i’m not carrying out, but marsan, he can give a testimony, he cannot give a testimony, he is in critical condition until his condition stabilizes, no testimony, marsan , a few words, i said , no evidence, got it. nadezh
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, let's take a closer look, what is this, guys, excuse me, i'm just quick , okay, hello, girl, hello, senior lieutenant kronin, criminal investigation, very nice, can you tell me what ward filimonov was in, he was admitted today, you know, i'm marked forbidden, of course, talked about this.
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marson, but i really really need it, no. “whether it’s a criminal or a witness, you know , everyone has the right to treatment, but with your questions you can worsen his condition, you know, i can’t allow this, but you’ve been told about this 100 times, well,
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lad, well, i understand, excuse me, goodbye, goodbye, stand, take off your robe, this is my robe, take it off, pronin, i'll wash it , goodbye marsan, goodbye, please, i want you to protect me somehow, well, observation in the end , did they put something, i will give you one piece of advice, but it is very valuable: sleep peacefully if you told us everything sincerely. you don’t know anything, you’re not in danger, and even if you know something, then you’d better run, hide and keep a low profile, of course, but i’m a valuable witness, a witness of what, the transfer of sweets and cognac, there’s a threat here, and not customs
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supervision, okay, well, when they find my cold body, you will then remember, wait, andrey, here's a visit to the district police officer, call him, he will see you, captain, thank you, no, goodbye, goodbye , yes.
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well, why did you bring her here, it ’s better if the cops grabbed her, come on in, you ’re starting to get hysterical again, i’ll calm you down. borya, a cop came to her to look for her, i miraculously pulled her out of there, if something doesn’t suit her, we can get her out. kolya, do you always communicate like this? no, not always, sometimes it gets worse, lord, but why do i need all this, are you thinking about me, what ’s going on here? katya! what’s happening here is that we ’re waiting for money, we’ll get it right away, we’ll leave here right away, we’ll leave, we’ll leave, we’ll leave, i’m already i can’t hear anymore, you understand , you were thinking about my mother, she ’s going crazy there now, katyusha, please, please,
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be patient, just one day, there’s a broom and a rag, you’ll find one, don’t be patient... did you eavesdrop ? ? what, gunyoh? he said that he would have the money tomorrow, if these locomotives don’t give us up earlier, they won’t give us up, i’ve already calmed down one, who is lying on the loader with holes in it, don’t worry about the rest, everything is under control. bor, katya, it’s true, the cops have been waiting for you, you can’t go into the city, oh well, let him live , just make sure it doesn’t hurt anyone, at least he took the phone and threw it out in the forest near the station. well, come on, look for a broom , a broom, come on, come on, and i’ll go to the city, visit someone where i’ve seen it, to
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get married, not to introduce the groom’s mother , that’s the conclusion, for example, if it’s not about me , tell me, have you noticed something strange lately, noticed, noticed, she bought me a raincoat, it’s expensive, i’ll bring it now, well, what ’s strange about this, this nikolai gave money, well, that’s normal, they live together, the budget is common, what else together, my daughter is not brought up to live together before marriage. tell me, if, for example, where does this nikolai live? i don’t know, i just know that nikolai, what gives you money? what's your name? senior lieutenant alekseev. well, i understand everything, so as soon as she shows up, contact me immediately, yeah, it will be better for her too. okay, thanks for the chan. you and i need to keep our ears to the ground, otherwise
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we’ll lie around like philemonov, we won’t, we need to keep everything quiet, but what do you think filmonov started singing? if he had started singing, you and i would be in the kutusk now, mind you, without beer, that you don’t say hello at all? yes, yes, we don’t know at all what is your name? yes, we don’t know you at all, that’s right, maybe some vodka, but we’re already getting ready to go home, sit, don’t disturb the garbage, maybe we came in like filimonova, and no one came in, our job is urgent, we got the job done, got the money and ended up putting in the money. about the end it
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's great about the end, but the main thing is not to freeze it. ready, let's go, let's go.
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oh, there's a place. everything is clean, clean, good, we 're starting, don't let anyone in, got it, let's go.
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today we have made great progress in the investigation, well, there is a good foundation for the future, filimonov, let’s go in order, i’ll start with good luck, ekaterina golenkova and nikolai chizhov, possible accomplices in the crime, both are wanted. gave, and, apparently, he is also an accomplice, and bespalov confirmed
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our fear that the container did not contain diapers. sorry, dima, did you put golenkova’s apartment under surveillance? yes, of course, ivan mikhailovich. thank you. come on andrey alekseevich, continue. we still don't know what was in the container or how they got it. we also need to understand where filimonov went on the reach stacker and how they transported him to the robbery site. let me go, give me i’ll go through and let you in when the time comes. and you ’re probably okay, let the freak go, i’ll scream, listen to me carefully, i understand, i understand, you are here due to a misunderstanding, i have no reason to let you go, alive, so you
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give me this reason, understand? think well, lord, kolya, kolya, kolya, kolya, what are you going to do, go to bed, kolya, dear, i beg you, let’s leave here, dear, let’s leave, there’s no way now, you know, the goods are here, the client is about to arrive, well, at least you don’t get on my nerves, he’s strange, i’m afraid of him, he’s ordinary a criminal, he wasn’t always with someone , he used to be different, okay, we’ll get the money, we ’ll leave, we’ll never see him again, sleep, and if he
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doesn’t give you the money, maybe something like this, my client? i may not give him money, he’s a brother, we grew up together, we did business together, it seems to me that he doesn’t think so, since i’m afraid of him, so, so, so, so , lesh, hello, hello, ivan mikhailovich ! guys, i passed it on to the winner, to marshaan, schemer, ivan mikhailovich, if they had let me in, we would have known everything a long time ago, that everything you could find out when a person is without consciousness, it would be better for you to infiltrate the criminal community like this, but it’s my fault, it’s my fault, thank you, by the way, ivan mikhailovich, for yes, they assigned the fingerless man to me, he decided that he would
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not inform you about every step he took, he calls me in the evening, i went to the store, in the morning i woke up, ate, yawned, scratched myself, that’s it, thank you , but i woke up and shared everything with you before, listen, maybe you ’ll run with him in the morning, yeah , by the way, regarding weight loss, this is not my thing, raisa says that thin men are evil, hear me, and insidious, there is such an opinion, so i beat you evilly and insidiously, so lyosha, you have 36 mugs, wow, that’s pretty bad, i said, they are evil, insidious, and also vindictive, come on, listen, ivan mikhailovich, what? but what if the criminals rolled the river stacker along the oncoming tracks, and wait, on the shunting track, but technically this is possible, andrei, come on, disturbing these railway workers, i was there, ivan
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mikhailovich, and that they are not making contact, they say , call them with a summons, well, call them with a summons, otherwise they won’t run away until tomorrow, okay? come on, gunev 3569, zhitomir, please remove the security, uh-huh, thank you. drunk again, or what ? yes, it doesn’t seem like it, he came by car, but what is it, how much money was in the safe,
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a very significant amount, i already told you. listen, gunev, do you want the criminal to be caught quickly? so help me, help me, well, and you ask questions on the merits, i mean, who knew about the money? i knew about the safe, it’s hidden, me and my wife. okay, they dismantled the masonry, pulled out the safe and threw it out the window. picked up under the window, picked up and taken away. lyosh, you’re finished, i’m done, then, well, look here. so what do you have a child? yes, girl, 8 months, where
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did this box come from? listen, what difference does it make, the diapers are not missing, but the safe is missing, why are they asking stupid questions? so tell me, where did you get this box from? friends gave it, friends gave it, good. hello, andrei alekseevich, i found a box of diapers for the occasion, well, yes, in the apartment of a certain gunev, he says that friends gave it to him, interesting, i understand you, get ready, go with us, listen, what kind of nonsense, but i’m in grief, a large amount of money has disappeared, and you ’re looking for diapers, i’m not going anywhere with you, i sympathize with you.
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come on, we've arrived, the door, let's go! good morning, can i come with you? good, why did your friend give up? and now he believes that thin people are evil. does that mean you are evil? i'm very angry! and you, and i am hot-tempered. yeah, won't you get too angry if i ask what your name is? nastya, but i can hardly restrain myself so as not to lose my temper. i'm a little angry too, why? and you see, i would run and run with you and
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morning until evening, but i have to go to work, that’s why i’m losing my mind. well, then run, dima, to your work. nastya, we can meet you sometime after work, i promise not to annoy you, but let’s see, let’s run for now, besides running, what else do you do, huh? listen, maybe you can call him, huh? well, what
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is it? maybe he went for vasilevskaya? nikolaevich, the meeting has begun. ignatov and pronin, they’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours, but where are mazurov? where, to the authorities he went. sorry guys. so. so where is our prima donna? probably in the investigative department, when she he's late, he always says so. what do you say when you are late? guys, i already apologized. okay, okay, turn on your phone, let's get started. in general, mikhalych asked me to go to the railway workers at the food base. but i can’t, i have this guy with diapers. so, maybe the diapers can wait for now. you are the agenda. sent? yes, this morning. do you want me to interrogate this guy with diapers? no, i’ll interrogate him myself, and then go to the railway workers. ok then. by the way, doctor
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pronin, do you have a robe with you? 25 again. are you going to pester me until i retire? a? they simply ask you whether to take it with you or not? with yourself, with yourself. i always drive in the car, should i wear it? they called from the hospital, filimonov was on the mend. are you interested? of course, what can we do with it now? you can, just be careful, look, otherwise mazarov will tear my head off, okay, dim, you go to grinkova’s mother, yeah, well, let’s work, a lawyer, i demand a lawyer, call a lawyer, what are you talking about, well, you’ll have a lawyer and the prosecutor, i want to know, well, why are you in a hurry, you will soon find out, now everyone will be called in for questioning they will process it properly, i feel bad, i want to go home,
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let me go, you know, i’ll give you some water now. you clean everything, when will they buy you a new one? do you have any other questions, comrade major? i’m recording , there is a personal matter, well, there are topics at hand , there is personal time for this, and as far as i remember, you prefer billiards, ol, well, i told you a thousand times that billiards is this type of meeting, don’t fool me, comrade major, you better go to work and
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give me back my brush, i won’t give it back until... okay, then i’ll leave then. oh, oh, well stop it. on your brush.
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why is she so sad ? they are also grazing, kolya, kolya , well, i beg you , at least give me a call. well, please, i can’t, and the phone is tapped, and i don’t care that it’s tapped, i’m already tired of the nonsense, i’m going home, shut your mouth, what are you doing, well, shut your mouth, you trash slut, listen to me carefully, i’m doing this i brewed it, made it and survived, and no one will stop me from finishing it, if anyone decides
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to cut it at the finish line, i’ll finish it without a worry. “no one is going anywhere, let’s go to work , we’re sitting here right now, they ’re probably rummaging through my house, why should i move in with you now, or something, i don’t know what...” oh, not service , in friendship, won’t you bring the cell, please, uh-huh, thank you,
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go ahead.
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i don’t understand, why buy it and then immediately throw it away, everyone is poor, because everyone is crying, there is no money, no money, and then they throw away the beer, are you too greedy? no, nude, this not beer, those bastards, but good, at least you got the can, look, afunkin, how you have to look, wow, this is under...
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not at all, what a monkey, why does a monkey need a phone, hey, thief, murderer, stop the thief, okay , settle down there, act according to the situation, allow ivan mikhailovich, yes, olya, come in, what do you have, i checked this gunev through various services, an interesting person gets it.
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i understood for 5 minutes, i understood, i understood, well done,
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senior lieutenant pronin from the ugro, how are you feeling, i wish it were better, i think we saw each other at your base? i'd better then they told you everything, if you knew where you laid the straws, well, let's get down to business, you know who attacked you, i know, of course, i know, boris chizhov, i was driving the chish, we were covered together, though he was the first to lean back, but that’s not connected to your past, it is connected to the present. about a week ago chesh came to me with the idea of ​​taking a forklift , renting it for one night, sort of like lifting a piano out the window,
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the door doesn’t fit very well, i refused him, and he immediately put a wad of money on the table, bang, but i fell for it. in short, it was like that, i drove him to a quiet place behind the ramp, and there another driver sat down, this one, yes, he, uh, antipinka, he was less lucky than you. as a human being , i understand him perfectly well, ivan mikhailovich, but if he now puts work above personal relationships, then i just know where this will lead, you’re in vain, ol, andrey is not that kind of person, and your
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smears are not good for anyone benefit, he then spent the whole day in a daze, we are all not like that, ivan mikhailovich, excuse me, yes, sacheva, i’m listening, right? okay, i'm writing it down, uh-huh, uh-huh. “i know where ekaterina galenkova is. oh, what if there was a corpse lying nearby? don't worry, i've looked all over there. well, how then did the expensive thing end up in the forest? yes, clearly, some blonde was going to sow. no one has gone there for 100 years, this is our place. so what, we’ll hand over everything anyway and we’ll get the money, let’s go where we stand! hello, where is
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golenkova? what calf? that i immediately, there is no one in the other rooms, let them go, so, so, so, wait a minute, where are you? they took the phone, it’s her, not her, but we are together, yes, together, in the forest along the road, show me where, let's show, oh, but dima is not there, i'll come by later, comrade captain, i need you, come in, also a captain, interesting, interesting, i'm interested, where is bespalov, which one?
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can i talk to you for a moment, but who are you, walking around here? mayer ignatov, criminal investigation department, who are you? i’m fidotov, switchman, i just need you, tell me, this platform didn’t leave here a few days ago, at night. our platforms don’t move by themselves, but the shunter went out with this platform. what do you mean, who was driving? zhenya and sasha, peace. what do dead people mean? you now the dead are being introduced into the composition? so they are dead since yesterday. here it is on the first page. yes, they were drunk. now it is clear. i 'll pick up the newspaper. take it, take it.
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stand! katya, will you pour some more? where are you going? what, you can’t feel bad anymore? or will you kill me for this? live for now, will you pour it? you can pour it yourself, i didn’t hire you. have you made us hostages , brother, well, something like that, then put us on a chain, seal our mouths, you wait, so it will be, you have become some kind of fierce, but i don’t... how
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about you, stop being so nagging, let's do the job let's run away, then we'll be friends, brothers, on the phone, come on, come on, come on, well, lord, god!
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your dry spirit has run away, the keys to the car quickly, well, don’t bring it to sin, kolya, kolya, baris, don’t touch her. she won’t do anything, hello, mom, it’s me, where
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are you, what’s wrong with you, mom, listen to me carefully, i’m waiting for you in 20 minutes at the exit from trigorsk, at the bus stop, yeah. okay, katya, i understand. that's it, come on, bye. it's her, give it to me. hello, katya, this is alekseev. hello, katya. katya, damn it, passed out. what she said? at the bus stop leaving trigorsk in 20 minutes. follow me, run. what's happened? alekseev already showed up there and golenkova showed up. go.
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mom, mom, mom, katya, katya! mom, tatya, mommy,
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well, that’s where you should go.
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i didn’t catch why it smells so delicious, we don’t have anything that tastes bad, sit down, it’s great, oh, lesh, hi, oh, why are you so upset, your eyes are about to run out, don’t be upset, you burst into tears, that’s it formed, and are you because of the onion ? here's robin bobin, what kind of guy are you? the onion cannot be cut, the knife must be moistened in water. just like that, little by little, small, oh, heaven, what kind of onion do you have ? regular onions, from the garden, and myself. that's it, take it, ugh, so what? did anyone call you? merkulov called three times, clearly he’s worried, well, i hope you didn’t
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pick up? what, god, save me from such conversations. yes, they also called from your department , i identified it by the number, well, let me see , lesh, take it here, so damn, oh, so this is dimka alekseev’s phone, but wait, vasilevskaya is there, and it’s right that didn't fit. when we need it, then we will appear. well what, rai, aren’t you tired of this slacker, what are you, he did all the work at the apiary today, he wanted to take him to the market, but i didn’t let him. oh, that’s right, that’s right, well done, sit down for a moment and you’ll be safer. the guy in the shirt was born, come on, they fixed up the villain, like in
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a bad tv series, honestly, if it weren’t for the wheel, if it were for dcs, we have another murder, i have bad news too, what did you agree on today, or what? okay, let's report! two drivers of an electric shunting locomotive were killed, fuck it, two more witnesses died, the criminal is cleaning up everyone and acts much more quickly than us, by the way, i inspected the car in which they crashed, the accident was clearly staged, but filimonov, filimonov identified antipink, it was he who drove the river taker on the night of the robbery, now we have a second suspect, boris zhov , brother nikolaevich. dispatcher with the control room, they were involved together in a case of robbery of a savings bank, but then only boris was imprisoned
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, nikolai’s participation was not proven, so filimonov and chizhov, they were sitting together, then they continued communicating in freedom, and this same boris chizhov, he i rented a loader for a few hours , well, accordingly, for money, supposedly in order to load the royal into the window of the cottage, but when i realized that we were nearby, i put filimonov on a knife, fortunately, filimonov is a strong man , i think he survived too killed chizhov, boris chizhov. have you organized search activities? yes , in all directions, but it seems to me that the key is already in our hands, it’s gunev, he knows where the heavy one is, but he doesn’t say, and in the evening we need to let him out, let him out, i’ll let him out now, where are you, ivan mikhailovich, ivan mikhailovich, ivan mikhailovich. look what it is
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, look, look, look, you just now killed this girl, are you crazy or something, i never left here, look, if you had said that these damn diapers, she would be alive , now she is dead, and the killer will continue to kill to escape, i don’t know, i just took the baby’s diapers. that's it, talk, talk, tell me, where, i'll kill you, i, i'll tell you everything, just don't hit me, please, come on, denis, tell me,
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don't be stupid, drop the ax, what's wrong with katya? throw the ax! i say, your katya has left, that’s it, it’s over, she hung us by a thread, you fool, she didn’t know anything, i didn’t say anything , did you kill her because there’s no turning back, or are we doing this thing? or the end of life, get up, fool, let's go load. call gunev, yes, i’m listening, okay, yes, no, we won’t
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make it in an hour, let’s do it in an hour and a half. “yes , i know, okay, see you, he’s expecting us in an hour and a half, is it really enough not to dissipate nudes, let’s go load, i definitely can’t, i sent them a share, they performed great.” everything is clean, without dust and witnesses, the safe was lowered from the window, there’s silence in the car, well, of course, how could it be otherwise , now we need to think about how we’ll put him out, what do you think, and he has something to answer us with, he has retail outlets, a dacha, a car,
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some kind of thing, he’ll collect it, it’s logical, what, ok, opa, how does he feel that we are talking about him, yes, go ahead, we are frying barbecue at the dacha, if you want, come, what are you saying, this is definitely your product, i have a meeting with them in an hour, listen, i have a condition there will be only one thing, you are writing off my debt, i still don’t have it, the apartment has been raided, come on, come on, i think you know who did it, yes, okay, waiting, address, address, great, write down the address.
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and it’s not clear what kind of gangway this is, gunev, probably. you are looking for gunev, i would like to see you, but we are waiting for you, let’s go, they want to talk to you, hold on, don’t, i won’t go.
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hold it, i say, you’ll go, hold it, we need to finish this matter, and this is a fraera, i’ll get them, let’s go, where’s gunev? listen, here, of course you did everything cleanly, but... now you have to answer, who are you? actually, i am the owner of the goods, did you rob me? ogunyov gave you up to me, this is zetherina, i should have had this kill the nit immediately. okay, we're leaving. uh, uh,
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and so right away, we're leaving. than to throw your weapon, you are surrounded, we open fire without warning, do not move. chizhov, stand there and i’ll shoot. come out, cup, i didn’t kill, i’m screaming, i didn’t kill anyone, but of course i didn’t, it’s all over , throw down the gun, fuck you, chizhom, chizhom,
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chezhom! aliens, hands, come on, give, come on, come on.
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let's go see what kind of diapers these are, gold ones, in his car, come on, andrey, open it, come on, open it. because of cigarettes, so much blood, some kind of animals, there are a lot of these cigarettes half a million dollars, maybe marijuana, but
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no, simple cigarettes, smuggling on an especially large scale, article 188, part one. ol, ol, ol, wait, ol, olya, mazurov asked to take you to the meeting, mazurov, really, mazurov. what's wrong with the cheek? i hurt myself while playing billiards.
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so what are we waiting for? forgive me, the old man, but i also found an old man. thank you, and you know, your prints are very beautiful, but you don’t need to leave them on my photo lens anymore, okay. okay, listen, maybe this meeting, but my friend, well, you what, well, mazurov, guys, we
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solved such a case, well, there’s no way, i have a better idea. well done, ivan mikhailovich, you helped out, now, there he is, well, after all, it turned out to be a difficult matter, yes, hello, excuse me, excuse me, ivan mikhailovich, allow me to introduce. hello, oh, very nice, wait, so you are so successful with the frying pan, what to do when there is lawlessness around? yes, we think so too. gentlemen, please come to the table for a moment, i beg you, i’ll come now. here's a witness. at the dacha, resting. so. we all
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we know that the criminals wanted to steal the container, this is how they did it. a reachstacker loader drives onto a platform at a food depot. golinkova in the control room gives a red signal light, the train has stopped. then the shunting electric locomotive brings the loader directly to the container, and then everything is elementary.
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senior lieutenant alekseev, alekseev, go , no, no, no, go, yes, well, i won’t go, ivan mikhailovich, allow me, yes, this is my diocese, of course, of course, olga leonidovna, of course, so, these cigarettes counterfeit production, sell them on the territory the european union is impossible, but there are such craftsmen, they make fake excise tax stamps and sell them here to us at half the price, so if in lithuania such cigarettes cost 30 cents, then here we won’t find fault. wholesale for a dollar, well, that's math, bravo, bravo, just brilliant, well now, gentlemen, i ask everyone to come to the table, the line department is giving me a treat in honor of the end of the case, please, please, please, you're so smart, heaven, heaven, well now it’s clear who solved this intricate, complex case, the vasilevskaya linear department, well, let's go and congratulate our friends!


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