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tv   Smotr  NTV  January 27, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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most of all, i feel sorry for the fame, for him this is all a terrible disappointment, of course, this is probably a lesson, an experience, but i really want children to never have such an experience, perhaps this is that rare case when there is absolutely nothing to show, but there is what can i say, let's be honest, not every person who finds himself on the street, and even has problems with alcohol, is wanted, but here... fate itself gave olga a second chance, she just had to not miss it, maybe this example will help someone -understand what is important and what is secondary, and how just instantly lose everything. look for each other, no matter what, and wait, no matter what.
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hello, the military program of the ntv channel is on air, smotor, sergei kuznetsov is with you, watch this episode. to train officers in the most important specialty: the creation of an art department at the institute of the russian guard. the artillerymen of the russian guard are armed with powerful mortars, howitzers, and anti-tank missile systems. these units perform the most complex tasks, including in the friendly zone. at the same time, the artillery faculty. v
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there was no department institutes; now it is being created in st. petersburg. how this happens and who is expected in the historical first set, see our story. artillerymen of the russian guard. effective performance of tasks by operational units and special forces units today is impossible without them. this applies to a variety of areas of work of the national guard troops, including the special zone.
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the required specialty is independently mastered by graduates of various faculties and institutes of the russian guard. let us emphasize that everything the artillerymen of the national guard troops, from the rank-and-file to the battery commanders, train very diligently, act skillfully in a coordinated manner, and courageously carry out combat missions in the northern military district zone. and yet it is obvious that in order to train career officers of the national guard, we need our own command artillery department. artillery is not an easy science, and it needs to be studied systematically at a military university. there you can initially lay the foundation for training, basic knowledge, which will subsequently eliminate the possibility of mistakes when performing fire tasks.
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last year, a meeting of the leadership of the russian guard took place, where a decision was made on the need to create an artillery department for our troops. the specifics of the tasks performed, the features of our structure, cause an extreme need and demand for the specialists whom we plan to train.
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the russian guard can already begin to prepare for admission, because there is not much time left before the start of recruitment. from august 1, 2024 , we will be recruiting for the command faculty in the artillery direction. this a need has arisen, connected, of course , with the implementation of assigned tasks within the framework of a special military operation. what do you need? to begin mastering this extremely necessary and very difficult specialty. to enter the command artistic faculty, you must pass the unified state exam in the subject of russian
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language, mathematics, profile level and physics. form a personal file in order and send it to the military institute. informing those interested. applications have already begun; you can find them on the russian guard website. basic information. information on admission to the st. petersburg military order of beetles institute of the russian guard can be found on the website of the military institute, or at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of registration. after creating a personal file, you need to pass the unified state exam well and arrive in st. petersburg with its results. after arriving at the st. petersburg institute , an additional professional selection is carried out with him, he passes physical fitness standards, this includes pull-ups on the horizontal bar, 100 m run, 3 km run standards.
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in physical training are simple and quite doable, of course, those who want to enroll... need to be in good physical shape, do physical exercise, develop strength, agility, speed and endurance, stretch 12 times, run 100 m in 12 and 3, seconds and 3 km will run in 12 minutes 15 seconds, having passed the physical training with excellent marks, the applicant significantly increases his chances of... an officer of the national guard is a comprehensively developed personality, the department carries out tasks for people among people, therefore you need to be a literate person and speak russian well language, but at the same time the applicant must have
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serious knowledge of the exact sciences and be familiar with physics and mathematics. artilleryman, battlefield intellectual. let us note that humanities students should not despair. one of the heroes of our issues was an artillery officer of the russian guard, who received a higher legal education and later mastered the specialty of an artilleryman. so you need to pull yourself together and work diligently on yourself. so, physics, mathematics and physical training. there is still a whole six months ahead. how. this is a very great honor at the moment artillery is one of the main trump cards on the battlefield, was, is, will be. we also sincerely
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wish the future cadets of the command and artillery department success in mastering such a complex and interesting truly heroic course. profession of defender of the homeland, we hope to soon talk about the historical first intake of the artillery department of the st. petersburg military institute. at the fire training department of the st. petersburg military institute of national guard troops, classes are conducted with cadets of the command faculty. it's very is important both for future combined arms commanders and for future artillerymen, the first recruitment of which will take place this year. the topic is the work of forward observers during fire adjustment. future platoon commander in russia. it is necessary to know the general concepts of artillery and the procedure for its use and
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fire adjustment, combat capabilities in order to successfully solve the tasks assigned to their units. all command faculty cadets undergo a certain cycle of training so that they can skillfully control artillery fire units that may be assigned... the future company platoon commander must know the procedure for adjusting fire , the use of artillery units that will be assigned to him or support him during the battle, and also in order for him to train his forward observers of artillery fire, the commander must be able to do everything that
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in this lesson, a cadet from
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the command faculty showed and presented the order of actions of artillery units from the moment they receive a combat mission, including yourself the stages of occupying a firing position, orienting the guns, and until the moment the fire task is completed using classical methods. cadets are briefed on the characteristics of artillery systems, their capabilities and types. understanding the capabilities of artillery will help you use it wisely in any situation.
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being directly at the command observation post or at the observation post when planning the execution of a combat mission, they knew the combat capabilities of artillery units that act in their interests as regular artillery and attached artillery could already safely plan the combat use of their artillery units. good afternoon, where is our name day? oh, familiar faces, he’s still a swindler, by the way, the brother of our defendant, here i look, he looks alike, he doesn’t look alike, or else the twins have lost me? who ordered me? two brothers. anton died at night. which of you killed my brother? why do we need to kill anton? yes, because there is a rat among you. two destinies. why didn't you love your brother so much? i envied him. he's always been so lucky. i i'll tell you the password to the safe. but on one condition. i want to take anton's place. and one
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goal. i have dirt on each of you. it sparkles. your babu. this is your yakaryok , if you decide to merge, i’ll pull you out, dmitry pchela, let’s already decide on someone ’s country, and yakonina transport me, chameleon, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, boss, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. we have different noses and we tolerate it differently.
7:37 am
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your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. it is extremely important that the future combined arms commander must take into account that the artillerymen must leave the position as quickly as possible after completing the fire mission, because the enemy will try to determine the coordinates of the guns from the shots and strike as quickly as possible return fire, which is why...
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the effectiveness and timeliness of the use of an artillery unit depends on their maneuverability. but the lesson doesn't end there. after leaving the position , the mortarmen must take another position or go to the waiting area, and there, most importantly, shelter for the mortars and crew personnel. the cadets take direct part in this lesson, because this task is important for any unit; protecting their subordinates from enemy surveillance means is also important for operational commanders units and groups of special forces, as...
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and is ready to perform all duties, starting, well, relatively speaking, from preparing a mine or projectile for firing, ending with performing a fire mission at a command and observation post or at a control point, while directing subordinate artillery unit, be it an artillery platoon or an artillery battery. this is necessary not only so that if crew numbers drop out, the commander can replace them. having passed. in addition to the fact that he is a
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trained specialist, he is also a teacher, a teacher for his subordinate soldiers and sergeants, warrant officers , the artillery commander of the national guard troops must teach the unit that he is confident in. subordinate to joint actions, first of all, with units of the national guard. their tasks differ from the tasks of army units, and sometimes very much. features of the combat work of artillery units exist, this is a fact. in relation to the military units of the russian guard, those combat missions that they perform. our military units and formations, even in the context of a special military operation, they differ from the tasks performed by artillery units of military units or formations of armed forces.
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“the federal service of the troops of the national guard of the russian federation, in many ways the successor to the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. the main tasks of the russian guard are carried out on the territory of the russian federation, the suppression of terrorist and sabotage activities is carried out so that damage to the civilian population is excluded. this is connected primarily .
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to the defeat of their units or the civilian population to destruction. there used to be this slogan: every, every, every shot is on target, here we, as artillerymen, the russian guard have this unspoken rule: every shell, every mine is on target, roughly speaking, we have no room for error, that’s why classes are held constantly, in classrooms, on training grounds. in the field, we observed this in the air defense zone, the artillerymen worked out each task to the smallest detail, and upon receiving comments , additional training was conducted to eliminate them. if take 100% of all our work of artillery units, it consists of 95%, this is the preparation of all fire control activities and we devote only 5% to
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execution, specifically to combat...
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to all schoolchildren who are now approaching their main stage in life - this is admission to a higher educational institution, you need to overcome those technical subjects of study, this is physics, this is mathematics, obtain successful results in them in the unified state exam, so that these results meet the requirements requirements for those entering a military institute, well, artillery is the oldest branch of the military and the choice, the profession of an artillery officer, is a worthy choice of a citizen of the country. we are wondering why our interlocutor chose the profession of artilleryman? if you go into military history , there used to be such a saying, it still exists now, that a dandy is in the navy, a commander in the infantry, and a smart girl, and a smart girl in the artillery, now there are artillery units, well , there is such an unspoken term as ortelia, why arteliya, because...
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leaving the position will be destroyed by enemy fire, but the overall result depends on the success and correctness of everyone’s actions, and this always instills a sense of teamwork, a sense of military camaraderie, mutual assistance, assistance, this is what artillery units are famous for, well , all officers do not when they come to artillery
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units with sides... are surprised, firstly, that the artillery units are so isolated, closed with their own internal rules, but everyone is surprised that the artillery units always friendly and - everyone stands according to the principle one for all all for one, one for all all for one, the most important principle of all defenders of the fatherland. we have talked more than once about how it is implemented in various divisions of the national guard. the gun crew and the artillery unit, all units as a whole, must act in harmony and in a well-coordinated manner. particular attention during preparation.
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responsibility to people, boss, new season, what kind of wild west have you created there again? leg money, for the land, i said, the costs of the profession, from monday at 20:00 on
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i like that you can control tipleco with your phone. tipleco has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof.
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to meet the predator, the shockal goes to meet him halfway. appeases the gods, in fact, we don’t just dance, everything we do is like some kind of ritual, they try local sweets, their eyes just run wide from the number of sweets on this table, they dine on a giant fruit, it really looks like a piece of pork, spices, hot peppers, i can’t believe it at all, and he’s cooking curry in banana leaves, well, what a twist, we’ve prepared so much, everything fits in the leaves, let’s go eat, it’s not in vain that we ’ve been cooking for so long, today at 8:20 on ntv.
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the review program says goodbye to you for a week. see you on the ntv channel.
8:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, in the dmitry zaboysky studio. today in russia they celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad, an event that has gone down in history as a symbol of heroism and courage. soviet people, the city survived, surviving the most terrible 872 days of hunger, cold, bombing and inhumane trials. today, campaigns and events dedicated to the memorable date are taking place throughout the country; volunteers are visiting survivors of the siege, people of special temperament with an incredibly strong character. war for many i found all the horrors with all the children, they went through the same as the adults, collected melt water, stood at the machines, shared.


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