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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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80 years since the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad, how the city celebrated its victory day, and what the residents of the city had to endure.
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campaigns and events dedicated to the memorable date are being held throughout the country today. volunteers visit survivors of the siege, special people with incredibly strong character. in preparation for the complete lifting of the blockade of leningrad , vladimir putin took part in commemorative events. he visited the peskorevskoye memorial cemetery and the nevsky piglet. from the first days of the blockade, red army soldiers held back a small a three-kilometer section of the front south of leningrad, numerically superior to the enemy forces. the blockade killed more than a million people.
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for hard work, they had to go, they did , they had to extinguish such small incendiary bombs in the attics , dozens of them were dropped by planes around the city, and after that they had to clear the rubble of destroyed houses , where among the dead were sometimes your own close friends, death was always nearby in the besieged city, people were dying from bombing, hunger and cold, i saw piles of corpses just in trucks, frozen, so... people.
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the siege of leningrad is a personal story for the head of state as well. nevsky piglet is the place where the fiercest battles for the city took place and where vladimir putin’s father fought and was wounded. next is another iconic place for every leningrader - iskarevskoe cemetery. a wine from the president is placed at the monument and a separate bouquet of scarlet roses is placed on one of the mass graves. vladimir putin's older brother, who died during the war, is buried here. civilians. and in memory of the victims of the siege , the place where hundreds of thousands of dead are buried in honor of the city's defenders, thousands of people will gather today for a large memorial concert of the play. this have not happened before. tens of thousands of people will take part in the requiem concert, because it will take place.
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a historical locomotive, all in order to be transported back in time to feel the significance of the leningrad victory. at different stages of the concert, this road will either be the neva river or the road of life along ladoga. the symphony orchestra will perform the siege symphony of dmitry shestakovich, and choral groups will perform songs of the war years, famous artists will read poems. and such things must not be forgotten. will not be forgotten, this is already a story that has entered the world, one might even say, mythological siege history along with troy, it is necessary to tell about it in a human way, in a human way. every day they talk about the war in the museum of the siege, so schoolchildren learn about the metronome, a musical instrument that allows you to keep the rhythm in music, in the besieged city it was broadcast on the radio, 50 beats per minute, everything is calm, you are
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in danger, but after noticing our interview, schoolchildren stop to listen to the words women who survived the siege have some kind of gene for perseverance and courage, and this gene, i believe, is passed on to the offspring, the metronome today again sounds on the streets of the city in memory of the days of the siege, and the heart beats... about what happened to survive during the blockade for residents of the leningrad region, areas captured by the fascists , new projects of gazprom media will tell, one of them
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is dedicated to the concentration camp in gatchina, where the fascists kept the youngest prisoners, this place was cynically called an orphanage, little boys and girls were subjected to brutal torture there, they were taken away. blood, which was then transfused to the wounded fascists, and children were forced to work day and night. we intend , as soon as possible, together with our rub platform, to shoot a documentary film by june 22 , 2019, the day of remembrance and mourning, which will tell about the terrible events in the leningrad region in the gachchevsky district and about this concentration camp in which children were kept. for the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the twenty-fifth year, we will make a feature wide-format film. with the code name vyritsa genocide of soviet children, where we will tell about these terrible events in the artistic language of cinema. on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the blockade, the ministry of defense launched a new section on its website. leningrad survived and won. the project is based on
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declassified documents. leonid slutsky, leader of the ldpr party and candidate for president of russia, spoke today about how important it is to remember the feat of the heroes who defended leningrad. "we sacredly honor the memory of those who defended the city, we sacredly honor the memory of those who did not give up, all these long days, months, really committed a daily feat in the name of humanity, in the name of..." the future in the name of preserving, perhaps, the most beautiful city on the planet. now the politician is touring the far east, today he visited the yuri gagarin aircraft plant in komsomolsky-on-amur, and proposed expanding
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far eastern mortgages to civil aviation industry workers. and the presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav dvankov, today laid flowers at the monument to the victims of the siege of leningrad in barnaul. russian ambassador to britain andrei kellin also joined the commemorative events dedicated to the anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. he laid flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers and citizens who died. during the second world war. this memorial is located near the kingdom's imperial war museum. the diplomat stressed that london should not look for ways of confrontation with moscow, but should find a common language, as after the great patriotic war. the memory of many british and english people is well preserved - the
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fact that it was the soviet union that made a decisive contribution to our victory over nazi germany, along with the allies at that time. chemical quests, atomic puzzles and tasting of the favorite drinks of russian scientists. today at the international exhibition russia, the day is dedicated to energy. during the opening ceremony, several facilities of the fuel and energy complex were put into operation. about the past, present and future of russian
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energy, ilya lyadvin. i authorize the launch of the modernized power block, konstramskaya, and ozerskaya grests. in order to spread it over a larger number of blocks, we let these blocks for the industry day,
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this is also a characteristic of what we demonstrate, we carry out the instructions of the president, we, despite sanctions and external pressure, continue to work on the development of the energy sector, its modernization, and we are proud of our work, the results of the development of our energy sector have summed up today and industry giants, for example, rosatom general director alexei likhachev , emphasized that russia has the first place in the world. what is the export program to china worth, the expected volume of supplies through the far eastern route, the sila gas pipeline.
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wrap four times in a single thread to understand how much is too little, it is possible to run these pipelines along the equator of the earth. of course, gazprom’s priority for the domestic market in the fuel and energy balance of russia is natural gas, more than half, and the total volume of gasification today is at a level of almost... today, a new system for managing the country’s gasification has been created under the leadership of the president and government of the russian federation, the federation council, and the state duma , united russia party, federal headquarters created, and the heads of the constituent entities of the russian federation head the regional headquarters, and most importantly, our gas distribution organizations, employees of our companies are leading this. a large additional gasification program. gazprom’s large-scale program
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for children also continues. in 2023, according to statistics, new facilities were built every 3 days. maintaining the company group uninterrupted operation of the eternal lights. such a memorial was lit today in the village of bolshaya neklinovka , rostov region. such memorial structures are now collected on the keep the fire portal victory. this is an interactive map, where each object is represented with a photograph by the history of the feat of soviet soldiers. now a resource. memorials, last year alone this figure was supplemented by 14 new eternal flames, and another 20 were switched to constant burning mode. energy companies are implementing social production projects from kaliningrad to vladivostok. according to deputy prime minister alexander novak, this industry is one of the main ones for the russian economy. if we talk about numbers, 30% of the gross domestic product today comes from energy industry.
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the icy arctic. this most disrupts the natural calendar in the northern regions. this is anomalously warm arkhangelsk, really. snow and wind, and in the region the maximum during the day is almost +5, warmer than in the middle zone. warm the front will already touch the north-west, bringing light precipitation, raising the temperature to about zero, well , cooler weather has descended into the center, quiet, almost no precipitation, the total temperature is -2-7, here in lipetsk on sunday -2, on monday -4 in the chernozem region in the volga region , light snow is still possible, with the most noticeable precipitation in the south. unstable weather will remain there, but still not everywhere, but locally. in st. petersburg tomorrow there is a chance of light precipitation near zero, in moscow very little, and the temperature is normal for january -3, -5.
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