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tv   Versiya  NTV  January 29, 2024 3:25am-4:45am MSK

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life is already a complicated thing; his descendants , even in a close-knit family, feel a little cramped next to such a block as him. well, i’m telling you that everyone still wants more, and sweeter, if i give you more, go ahead. also, i say, a fairy tale, fishermen and
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fish, he once dreamed of reproducing the light of another, fourth child, but then he changed his mind, i, uh, would like to become a father again, and i come to my grandchildren, how they squeak, run, yell, goodbye, no need, vladimir zhirinovsky, shortly before his departure, managed to publicly acknowledge his illegitimate children, he left from life, as he lived, with his head held high, but what will other celebrities do on a hike? situations are up to them to decide. ivan fedotov was with you, see you in a new, exciting series based on real events.
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whatever you look at, put it under control, so he said, work on it. good, grab your parachlo, please, he’s listening.
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and you can come in, why didn’t you open it with your key, and i lost the keys, or rather... threw them away, i mean, zhelves, you, um, or rather, i, in general, zhelves, i think, that our relationship, sorry, our relationship need, listens, i mean, where, i have no idea, why don't you ever tell me that you love me? that she put
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pate here in the refrigerator, yeah, duck, apple plus figs, in my opinion, it turned out to be quite demolishable. and they asked me to marry zhelves, i mean, seryogin , you remember the red-haired one for birthdays, the red-haired one, uh-huh, well, in general, they proposed to me , you know, i’m thinking of accepting it, soup, don’t even think about heating it up, eat it only cold, that’s the only way they eat it, and use fresh arugula too.
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married, redhead. excuse me, where are you going? come on in, here and what about our cars, hello, greetings, you don’t want to look at the corpse, i don’t want to, but
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i looked, his watch is interesting. watch, it's great that he came, well done, who is it with us, famin, lived in this house, here is his front door, apparently, he was returning home, here what is known besides his last name, patronymic name , andrei sergeevich, famin, a famous lawyer, pulled him out out of crap are significant figures in domestic business politics, famin, is this arshinov’s case, megunov’s case? yes, bolshunova he bailed out and acquitted nevichenko. bandos should have prayed for him, not put bullets in his head; he only has one bullet in his head. most likely a control shot. this means that the bullet hit the ground once,
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there was a little blood under the head twice. it follows that they were already shooting at a dead body, and the guy was killed with two shots to the chest at close range. what do the traces of smoke on the clothes say , it means he’s in front, you’re talking about him, he fell on his back, that means he stood with his back to the front door, so maybe he was leaving the house, everything is possible, only i found one cartridge case here, and two the others are over there, you can see with the naked eye that they were shooting from different pistols, which means there were two of them, yes two, two. i even think that they dropped the trunks somewhere nearby, but i already organized a search group, and that ’s good, well, let’s go, let’s look at the apartment, yeah,
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i told the local police officer, i called the police, what else could i have done, you saw what we have there is a way out, drunkards, drug addicts, alcoholics constantly gather there, hello, hello, well, this is a disgrace. yeah, well , good evening, hello, i have a question, do you knew fimin’s family well, well, i can’t say that i knew him well, of course you knew each other as neighbors, you crossed paths on the stairs, so that is, you met, saw each other, yes, you knew his wife, yes, well, that’s the case again, daddy's acquaintance , son, yes, i saw my son, uh-huh, what can you say, well, a decent family, well, that's how the man was, bang and no, apartments, there were drinking parties, partying, tell me that partying, excuse me, i can be useful to you. there is a version that a contract killing took place in your house. i'm a neighbor. what is your name? very nice, major barkov, tell me, violetta, your neighbor, was he
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single? no, why single? andryusha has a family, a son, his lenochka is so pretty, she married him at the age of 20. but he divorced her, lenochka? are you crazy, they've been together since first grade? but it’s somehow uncomfortable here, and i thought that he sent them to america, to new york, and kolya with her, you know, is such a good boy, 8 years old, and he’s already reading the golden calf, can you imagine? they left last october, andryusha himself is here, on the road every day, then in moscow with him hearing, then here he has a trial , i haven’t seen the white light, and for some reason he started this repair, i’m sorry, isakul, let’s go through the protocol and sign it, goodbye, goodbye, here, it means my words are written down correctly, but how did you guess about america, the victim?
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everything is fine at work, i think i won’t open a guinea if i say that first of all you need to make inquiries at this fomin’s law office, the latest cases, scandals, failures, maybe his client ordered it, that’s right, what do you think about killers, worked confidently, although ostvaly on... not yet, well, let's go,
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look at the barges, the oil and the place is dark, you think they parked the car here, i assume, but what else do you suppose? “most likely the car has been stolen, uh-huh, well, some kind of lada, a shaggy car, to make it easier to steal, uh-huh, and the gateway from here is clearly visible, most likely , one was sitting in the car, the second was hiding in the front door, when famin appeared, that one , that in the car i called the one in the front door, but they went to kill, and now look up, the camera, here and although the place we are interested in is
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invisible, if everything is as we are we assume from the scene of the incident to the car, they walked within the camera's coverage area, it will still take you some time to find a suitable recording, if you find something interesting, call. the briefcase, in short, they loaded it, no, what are you talking about, the client had a suitcase, we carefully
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delivered it, we didn’t twist it, we didn’t twirl it, we didn’t touch the combination lock, we forgot to set it, that’s it, yeah, come on, i’m waiting, clearer, are you cheating? , i don’t like this place, but what’s a normal place, we’re clean with work, it seems clean, everything’s okay, chich, yeah, let’s go. you were released from the zone early, why? i didn't remember a damn thing. you need to listen to your elders,
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you don’t need to ask questions. it’s said, put it under control, put it under control, i told you, whips into the bushes, you throw the barrel, forget about it, i told you, give me the keys, you give me the keys, it’s stupid, it’s incomprehensible. i'm off, there's an interesting matter, twos.
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“contact the court archive, they can’t help but have cases that famin handled, we’ll do it, that’s what zhelvis, you’ve got the case of lawyer vamin for grobastal, you entrusted it to me yourself, well, i ordered it, but you see , how everything turned around"? "the case turned out to be quite loud, especially since your friend is fermented and has not recovered yet, i’m thinking, what if we strengthen your investigative team with another investigator, i mean, well, different, i mean different, young, energetic , but what if this
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young energetic man is entrusted with another task, and what if this time ... "exception, what and to whom to give, i will decide, and not because it is more convenient for me, but for the simple reason that i'm your boss, if you take me off this case, i'll take four in a row sick leave, that i will prepare a report to the city, so i would not advise you to write something to someone, firstly, the city secretary pressed me three times.
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what will you do with fomin’s case together with bychkova? verochka, ask bychkov to come to me. is the meaning clear? i understand. oleg ivanovich, i’m with bychkova, when my superiors ask me for something, i meet them halfway. but for you, zhelves, i will make it easier for you, objections will not be accepted, okay? if only because when you report to me, you get the feeling that the devil will break his leg in the case when bychkova. invests: the picture is visible in all clarity, plus , gritsenko personally asked to give bychkova a sensational case, yeah, but they called, oleg ivanovich, they heard the names of the lawyers in the department, not only heard, but also looked at the court archive database regarding the department’s names, that is, how i looked through this, as soon as zhelovs
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instructed me to do this, i asked for cases and found something interesting. oleg ivanovich, please sign the letter to the court. the fact is, oleg ivanovich, that the idea of ​​​​involving bychkovoy in this matter came to not a single mother, why are you fooling me? come on, what, come on? and you say, it's a bad feeling, it's a bad feeling. well, was i wrong? no, i immediately knew that everything would be fine , knowledge is power, come on, why are you sitting, for you, for your nastya, no chich, you’ll still cry bitterly, what to shout, scream, chich, what are you driving, you know the wedding , the thing is, well, that means
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it’s an advance, but wait, they don’t drink to the future, let’s better change the toast. let's better have luck, fireworks, shark, and i already wanted to worry, well , what have we got there, everything is fine, well, a year, then what about the rest love, great, that means we ’ll get to you now, that’s it. now let's draw, come on!
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gelus. yes, we’ll keep silent, i mean, i ’m talking about business names, i’m just thinking about him, well, sorry for interrupting, but maybe we’ll discuss it together, well, in order to.
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there are no perfect people, but how did you live, it’s not funny, but he refused someone, or maybe among his clients there is someone with a big name, with whom he had a conflict before the trial? in the judicial archive there are only materials from completed trials, and not hypothetical, well, yes, there are big names. for example, the same volovik, his case from last year, here there are only one
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and a half pages of charges, bribery, organization of assassinations, it’s strange that there are no drugs, in general he was facing life imprisonment, and the fact that he got out all charges against him were dropped, he says, that famin is a genius, and what do they say in this genius’s law office, i thought that we would go there together? haven't you talked to your employees yet? hello everyone, is there any trouble? investigator bychkova is helping me in the famin case, but then the underworld is doomed. please tell me, investigator bychkova, do you like movies? i prefer the domestic one, that’s exactly what i have, well, let ’s take the best seats in the stalls, my
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comrades from the bank security and i did some editing here, we left people behind, we cut out landscapes, in general, each piece lasts about a second and a half, let’s go. well, that's all, a good movie by borkov, a short film, so what? or you can take a freeze frame of these two, but it’s unlikely to give us anything, the camera isn’t great, it’s night, but i ’ll try, so on, on, well, that’s where this one is
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with a beard, he turned around, chich, and what are you going to do with your slice, but would you like to get this slice, no, that’s what i figured and decided. first i make myself a foreign ksiva , and then the wall and i tear into the black, and what about the sea, mountains, castles, chich, think about it, castles, chich, listen, let's go together, and wine, chich, we'll lie down on the warm sand, yes i it’s better for me to lie down here for now, take the woman with understanding and lie next to her, chich, that again i have a premonition that you keep laughing, the shark’s voice was so , not joyful. wait, yeah, nothing it’s not visible, but you can replay the episode with these two again. more, more,
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wait, you didn’t notice anything, diplomat, as far as i remember, they didn’t find him under fomen, that’s for sure, well done, and now i have borkov. excuse me, excuse me, just a second, yes, barkov, i’m listening , where, i’m driving, what happened, yes, our freelance employee recorded shots fired in the apartment, details later, no time, okay, well, well, we can let you down, we don’t care about jelovis to the law office, well then we'll get it over with. so shalaev,
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so that there is, take odinnikov, that’s it, petty soshka is an intermediary between clean business and dirty work, if one of the cool ones needs a model or a clean dose, then they pull him, and how is he useful to you, if not for him, we would not know that volovik is a drug trafficker in the northern part. twice, but now i’m free and independent, it’s nice to hear, so what, i’m getting married, congratulations, who is our groom, oligarch,
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minigarh? no, unfortunately, he’s just a big boss, comrade major, don’t you mind if i drop you off somewhere here now, otherwise you won’t be able to turn around any further, you’ll find way, of course, okay, guys, connections. cheech, i didn’t understand something, chich, what is this,
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chich. that's it, don't shoot, whose weirdo are you, who told you to follow us, who's the eldest, the blind one, the eldest, he agreed at work, this, no, the blind man walks around with glasses, for the first time, i believe you, it's a weirdo, you'll show up again, you'll get in trouble a bullet in the forehead, i got it, i got it, chich, chich, maybe knock the guy down, but if you want, come on, come on, come on, come on, shoot, chich, what are you
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doing, what are you doing? i thought i’d do all the work for you, so you’ll tell the blind man that we don’t have no documents in fomina, i understand, repeat, there are no documents in the names, good.
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thank you, danyusha, but don’t ever open up to strangers again. why? well, maybe they're some bandits? and who are you? good wizards, let's leave. so go to the law office yourself. shake them as good as you can, okay? oh, and you, what are you doing? came up with this idea, this bully won’t give me a clue, maybe this informant is not connected with our case, but i have to see for myself, yeah, cheech, i don’t like this guy for some reason, rye make it simpler, don’t look around, yes,
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shark, shark, i should have told him just yesterday that they will kill you in the end, ruin you, sorry, thank you, you helped us out a lot, in security for how many years, yes, yes, goodbye, let's clarify some details , comrade major, one of the bulls moved there, well, there is something to say,
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they have no documents, whoever has them, but nothing, comrade major, he will come to his senses, a strange coincidence , documents in names, soon... call him, they're already on their way, comrade major, zhelvis, yeah, well, just turn your head, there's a gray one nearby seven-story building, yeah, yes, they seem to be all yellow here, can you tell me where the gray seven-story building is, through the arch to the right, there you will see your seven-story building, yeah, thank you, but stand, stand, stop, i’ll shoot.
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excuse me, will you mind if i ask you to take this citizen to the police station in your beautiful car. you understand that andrei sergeevich was a genius, he, he could do anything with a word, why did he do this, in whose name the office is registered , the owner, vadim vadimovich rudkovsky, where is this rudkovsky, he has a trial in moscow , he is a practicing lawyer, i called him, he will be in st. petersburg tomorrow morning, the criminals had connections in the criminal world, you mean some of the... well, how did it happen that famin defended volovik? he probably knew that volovik was a crime boss. well, andryusha was very worried every time he had such a client, he took on
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the case only when he was sure that what his clients were accusing him of was a lie. well, he was not interested in other client matters. then he suffered so much, but the bullock gave money and... in his circumstances, money is all, what kind of circumstances? ah, but i don’t know, this is personal, can we talk about it? i’m allowed, really, this is personal, i don’t know, he was your lover, he promised to marry, wanted to get a divorce, so why are you saying this, no, quite the opposite, it’s just his wife, she has an addiction, drugs, she’s now in america she’s undergoing treatment, but she has a weak immune system, you know, this is that kind of money, wait, this time the filovik is accused of drug trafficking, so that’s
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why andryusha refused, as he refused, when he refused the day before yesterday, he came so bright, so beautiful, he brought a bouquet, tulips, just as i love. everything says, nyusha, i ’m free, you know, it’s clear how krutkovsky will appear, let him contact us, okay, these... the two were just walking along the street, and not just along the street, they were walking from akulovich’s house, interesting, it turned out to be more interesting that akulovich, apparently, was waiting for lopatin and a friend to talk to them about the documents names, so they apparently should have ended up in the lawyer’s diplomacy, but what kind of documents? hmm, i have no idea. well, citizen lopatin, come to your senses, what
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will happen to me, my head is strong, then let’s go and talk, but i don’t mind talking, but i don’t know anything, that’s what you think. should you tell me anything or will you ask yourself? why did you run away? you yourself shouted to stand? well, well, i have a certificate of release. what were you doing in this area? i was walking, i like to walk, back and forth, around the city. do you know an imputation lawyer? no,
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do you have information about the circumstances of his death? no, you were right to park your car near the clinic, what car? lada, you placed it directly under the surveillance camera on podkovyrov street. i don’t understand anything about what you’re talking about, write, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, but the point is that you are the lopatin killer, who the killer is, i explain to you, citizen lopatin, that the investigator evaluates the evidence according to his inner conviction, he can evaluate the evidence he has. as unreliable or
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insufficient, and may provide you with the opportunity to visit places of deprivation for up to 20 years, what did you do today at akulovich’s place of residence? and did you have any in akulovich’s apartment there is a feeling that your brigade is simply being cleared out? what makes you think that i was even there? so you weren’t there, citizen savelyev, with whom you grappled, came to his senses and gave evidence about the fact of the conflict, as well as about the existence and loss of documents, names, what can you explain about this? or do you think he doesn't recognize you? write, he can’t
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answer the question, citizen lopatin, your only choice is to cooperate with the investigation, if i let you go, they will kill you, you know, they will kill you, you want it, i have nothing to do with it not guilty. great, now we will draw up a protocol for the interrogation of witness lopatin, investigator bychkov and investigator zhelvis, please be free.
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damn, they didn’t wait, they waited, they waited, they waited, where you were, come on, admit it, where you were, so what? yeah, he said that you would come, it’s four, and it’s already 11, so what, i forgot, i forgot, you forgot, nastya, what did i forget, well, say, what did i forget, that’s it, you forgot, you forgot. that you and i were going to go to see angelina jolie, but damn i forgot, well, i’m talking about business, nastya, why didn’t i pick up, nastya, well, things were going on, let's better watch tv, and something about love, about love, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, so, there is
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something to eat in this house, but i urgently need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a message. that's it, bye, here i am, all here, you see, right in the palm of your hand , that's why you stick to me, and you believe in love at first sight, love at first sight, this is it, yes, for good reason believe me, kitty, i immediately feel a real man, ah, you speak well, say something else, let's go to me, to you? i have almost a village, it’s quiet, let's rest, just you and me, you and me, quiet, that 's good, boss, free, boss, sit down,
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where to go, let's go, kiss me, cat. get out quickly, cat , oops, where are we coming from
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? well, what are you doing, let go of the volina, oh, yes, i'm you, boklan, it hurts or not, oh, it's ticklish, well, you can make it even more painful, what do you want, tell me about the documents, the names, what kind of documents, the documents were in the diplomat, which one are you from the murdered lawyer removed, remember, i don’t know, i believe. and where is your friend the shovel
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? vadim vadimovich rutkovsky, owner of a law firm, word and deed, where did famin work? alexander zhelis, i’ve heard a lot, unfortunately, i just arrived, otherwise i would have found you earlier, since you were the one.
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since andrei was supposed to protect volovik, but his death, wait, listen, mr. rudkovsky, well, do you think that volovik is innocent, investigator bychkova is sure that a candidate for deputy and a criminal, and for me, for example, it’s more common for me to think that how many people, so many views on any issue, no need, no need for any views , dear, everything is much simpler, you’re right, the boogeyman is a monster, but any monster can be destroyed, you just need to get a weapon, kladenets, and famin had such a sword, yes, andryusha luxuriously defended the volovik the first time, i’m sure he would have done it... this time, but after he found out that his wife turned out to be a drug addict, he changed a lot, he started collecting papers
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compromising the volovik. as a lawyer, this is not difficult. a year ago he sent his wife to a new york clinic. then he sent his son and his mother there too. may i ask, could you tell me more about the papers? ah... well, yes, the documents contained enough facts to imprison the volovik for the rest of his life, but you didn’t know andrey, a rare perfectionist, it was extremely important for him to have the full amount of information in his hands, here was an unexpected turn. last week, the bullock again turned to andrey for help, i saw andrey hesitate, but i would have been the first to know that he refused him. where do you think? be the documents collected by fomin, andryusha always carried the documents with him in his diplomat, i’m afraid they
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were the reason for his death, but how do you think the information about the documents reached volovik, famin didn’t spread about them to outsiders, where did that come from? know this, but are you personally familiar with the volovik? i didn’t tell volovik about the dossier that andrei famin was collecting on him, despite the fact that i naturally know volovik, we looked at the crime scene, but we’re still looking, that’s all the description has been done, it’s done, look, here’s the whole description on paper. look, sash , they’re filming, well, stop filming, go away, according to the description, i saw that with a beard i realized that
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ours, we need to show zhelvis, there’s television, well, live broadcast, here a person died, and they have ratings, the main thing i tell her that i can’t breathe anymore, come on , i say, let’s stop for breath, i, well... he likes her, but he doesn’t play for spartak, they don’t call him, so he doesn’t play, hello, investigator
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bychkova, remember, we were yesterday we talked to you, i remember, i remember, what do i need now? you will call every day, you will turn on the tv, channel 5 on 5. there will now be a report about a guy similar to the one we saw on the tape, but it wasn’t me, it wasn’t you, it wasn’t you, i don’t care, according to experts, death occurred late last night, in the interests of the investigation the name the murdered person has not been disclosed, it is only known that he had previously been convicted, his death occurred as a result of numerous gunshot wounds, the local community has raised it more than once. the park
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is transformed into instead of criminal showdowns and a concentration of social elements. how do you like it, i like it too, is there anything else you want to say? vera, you provoke me into conflict, yes, but i don’t
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know how to behave, and i... i don’t know, you ’re marrying ryzhev, seryogin, what do you want from me? i just want to know how you feel about everything. how do i feel? i feel bad, that's all. zhales, tell me you love me, zhales listens,
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i mean? in the park? okay, i'll be there in half an hour. seryozha, seryozha, seryozha, where are you going? i do not for a long time. so, nastya, you sit at home, don’t go out anywhere, don’t open the door to anyone. i understand, what does it mean, stay at home, but what about work, and are you going to carry the tray for me? stay at home, i said, nastya, well, nastya, well, not for long, you hear, nastya,
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forgive me, well, forgive me, nastya, i love you, you will do as i said, stay at home, i’ll quickly.
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zhelis, i need to talk to you, good morning, lopatin, about what? i need your help. what do you mean you will still need it, so what kind of help do you need? i need to hide somewhere with my girlfriend for a while. this is how, instead of showing up and thereby easing your lot, you demand from me so that i can hide you. and you have no proof, but if everything is
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as you say, then you have nothing to fear. i’ve been waiting for you here for half an hour, it’s a pity, they want to kill me , i don’t know who, i don’t know, i don’t know, i honestly don’t know, we didn’t open it, get ready, get your
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girlfriend and don’t turn off the phone, thank you, boss. wait, wait, don’t open it, be quiet, who, nastya, can i borrow a tomato from you? of course,
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damn it! let's leave quickly, stop, let's go through the back door, well, where is your man, now everything will be, everything will be, seryozha, i don’t care what you are you’re studying, i love you very much, but if you don’t explain to me what’s going on, i’ll leave right now, nastya, i’ll explain everything to you, then, not now, no, right now and here, nastya, you know, i’ve gotten myself into one thing, then, then , “hello shovel, hello, you know her, sit down, sit down,
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who is behind us, you don’t know, i can guess, why does he need you, can you do something faster, huh? somehow, maybe, where are we now? those who were not pioneers will not understand.
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hello everyone, welcome guests, dear ones, make yourself comfortable, hello, you are still here to live for at least a week, seryozha, i would have to explain myself at work, but do you think you took a vacation? this is the manager, and what about nasteno, i like it here, it’s fresh, the ceilings are high, so lopatin, let’s go into the corridor, let’s talk,
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introduce yourself, this is dima, he will guard you. vodenikov, hello, hello, don’t you want to ask what will happen next, right now i’m only interested in nastya’s safety, her and your safety. came out of prison, looked around, but there was no work, came to st. petersburg, here i have a kurish in the zone, lived, antokh checherin, chich, well, he assigned me to this business , they say the work is not difficult, you need to punish one handsome man, to punish means to kill, why kill, beat, in short, they gave all sorts of freaks a thrashing and received green thumbs for it, then i met nastya and how did it happen that you started killing, but i didn’t kill anyone, i didn’t kill anyone afamin, this actually
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happened for the first time, it was chich who fooled him. why are you looking like that, i’m not lying, i’m not lying! how do you explain that bullets from different pistols were found in famin’s body? or checheren with both hands shot? listen, well, yes, yes, i shot, but i shot at a corpse, at a corpse. “i, a little before me, hit him with two bullets, and i put him under control, he told me, write a confession, i don’t want to go to prison, i, nastya, have an application to cooperate with the investigation.
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zhelis, yeah, yeah you don’t mind that vodennikov and i recorded your touching conversation with the killer, yes, please, i don’t have secrets from you, tell me. it’s better if you tell me about the body in shuvalovsky. lopatin says it’s checherin. that’s right. speaks. how i love the moments when a case unravels? no, it seems to me that the end is still far away. we have the main thing. corpses and killer. what, are you going to hang buchkova, checherina, and hang akulovich on lopatin? well, judge for yourself. lopatin is on the recording from
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a camera installed near the scene of fomin’s murder, this one, so lopatin was with chich when he caught your eye, next to the house where akulovich was killed, these are two, so lopatin could have killed chich in the end in shuvalovsky, that’s three, and even if nastya declares that the night of chich’s murder was the most the best night that they spent with lopatin, our face is interested, quite an elegant version, until... a new corpse appears, what kind of corpse should appear, zhelvis, the one who is closest to fomin’s document, so i offer you, bychkovo , don’t dig under the killer’s mask, look for the documents of the one who is interested in them, but the volovik and his people need the documents, listen, what if we throw in the information that lopatin is here and we’ll catch him with live bait? volovik is not an idiot, he will not
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set himself up. yes, the oxwort is highly weighted. and if we arrest lopatin, we will close brightly and big deal. that's what bychkova. if i'm not mistaken, we're actually here to establish the truth. and i forbid falsifying facts, and that there is no more amateur activity, pass this on to vodenikov.
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zhelis, look, you like it, i mean,
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you don’t need me, zhilvis, you never needed me, you only need your soldiers, right? in terms of? i went to the doctor, the doctor said that i was pregnant. from whom? what about the redhead? nice to hear. try to make it a girl, otherwise you will have to somehow divide the soldiers. consider it an agreement, he's already dead, you know, tick, looks and says,
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give me a shovel, and you, will you shoot? yes, but what will happen now? don't know. “seryozha, i’m scared, forgive me, nastya , forgive me, well, i don’t want to get married, well, you yourself
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didn’t propose, well, you refused, consider me changing my mind? then i changed my mind, but what will i tell the child, i have no idea i mean, dad doesn’t love mom, it’s a politically incorrect argument, great, but what about renovations, but i mean, renovations, i mean, renovations, we ’ll need... a nursery, so either get married or renovate, which room are you in? you assume make repairs? - naturally in yours, and if you don’t want it, let it be mine? hmm, hmm, exactly,
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repairs. jelvis, what are you talking about, you don’t have to start right now, now, wait.
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so, attention, witnesses, now i will get it out of the hiding place. plastic bundle , when you finish processing it, you go and get lopatin , but now what do we need him for, lopatin is obliged to be a witness, and if he turns himself in, we’ll free everyone , the case must be completed and transferred to the court, and let the court sort it all out, attention understood, i i tear the package. hello, alexander fedorovich, sorry my curiosity, is there any progress in the investigation? i am an investigator and
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i have no right to reveal to an outsider the details of my actions. should n’t you, one of the most famous lawyers in the country, know this? i won’t even try to argue, you have no right to tell, i have no right. “i’m afraid you don’t understand , you yourself are not disgusted, famin trusted you, famin went
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against professional ethics, in fact, he paid for it, and i, his mentor, have to finish his business, you are a professional, i dare to hope, moreover, i’m sure that i see a professional in front of me, in the sense that a professional, in my opinion, should act in order to solve the problem, find the killer, and if he found it, then not hide it. neither him nor lika, keep in mind that you can receive bonuses for professionalism, i note, excellent bonuses. and i don’t need such offers, in which case you think that
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there will be troubles, i guarantee you. do you believe him, sasha? i believe the facts. the examination showed that the shot was fired into famin’s head after his death. in any case, sasha, to jail bullock, there are no clues. you know he's a bandit, i know he's a bandit. famin, i knew i needed to find the documents, sasha, you know?
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doormat, doormat, i'll eat you.
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nastya, don’t worry so much, everything will be fine, it’s unlikely, i know what seryozha was doing, what you know, don’t make a fool out of me, i know everything, but i still love him. sorry for interrupting, it looks like we have guests, oleg ivanovich, is it true that you are hiding a murder suspect?
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"any leak is now unsafe, which i'm sorry, oleg ivanovich, you now understand that you said, write a report to recuse yourself, i mean, to recuse yourself. well, hello, bychkova, i mean, i’m scared, be quiet.
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we only need a shovel, give it to us and we’ll leave, come in and try to take it, where are the documents, the shovel, the names of the documents, how boring you are, man, i already said, i gave everything to akulovich. the last thing akulovich said when i shot him in the head was that you , your friend, brought him a briefcase full of cut-up pieces of paper, documents, a shovel, and we didn’t even open this diplomat, but...


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