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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  January 29, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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rights are being violated or you yourself have encountered injustice, write to us, leave your contacts, we will try to help you, i’m marat sidikov, thank you for your attention, all the best, see you on ntv. america. texas is up in arms, defending itself in our program. divided states from illegal immigrants, spitting on biden's ultimatum. will it come to civil war? biden's policies have put all of america at risk. peasant revolt. french farmers are laying siege to paris; in germany, protests have left supermarket shelves empty. what what are european farmers trying to achieve? and top
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secret, the united states published a conversation between the first president of russia and bill clinton. why did yeltsin ask to join nato and how did the us leader help him with the elections? our partnership is too strong. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place.
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the merchant writes that this happened in the leningrad, pskov and novgorod regions. according to the publication, since last thursday, residents of the regions have complained that the internet on their mobile phones does not work at night, and that the taxi application also crashes. payment terminals and even video surveillance systems. to this , the regional administrations responded that they were currently debugging some transmission equipment, and this debugging would last until tuesday. the businessman clarifies that the work is being carried out by order of the ministry of digital development for additional configuration. anti-drone systems. according to another source of the publication, turning off 4g is necessary because the enemy uses cell towers to orient their drones. and today it became known that the coordination headquarters at the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, which deals with the exchange of prisoners of war, has closed access to all its resources. why it suddenly happened that gur is trying to hide it is of course unclear, given that this coordination headquarters had already admitted earlier.
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on january 24 , representatives of the ukrainian intelligence allegedly already met with the relatives of those prisoners who were then being prepared for exchange, but this was not included in the video event, and if you listen to the comments of this department, it becomes clear why: the representative of gura with a blue eye says that ukraine is was not involved in the attack, that some kind of comprehensive investigation needs to be carried out, and russia is such a bad country that it is interfering with this investigation.
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someone is not enough, that is, another footage from the investigative committee, this is already footage of nationalists boarding, if this video of friday 's ukrainian prisoners of war on our military transport board, you can see that several vehicles are approaching, these are buses, actually the kil-76 itself , then people who are heading there get off these buses, i’m andrey vladimevich, i don’t know what other video is needed leave it to mr. budanov, an old terrorist, although not that old, to see the light. no video will satisfy, this is generally understandable, so today we are moving on to the situation in the united states, we haven’t talked about this in detail in general, but in recent days everything has been developing so rapidly and that is unexpected for many, that in
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general, we need to somehow talk about this in a little more detail, now we will try to explain to you the essence of this conflict, my colleagues have prepared the plot, to put it briefly. this means that the state of texas, the governor of the state of texas , refused to comply with the orders of the federal authorities, including president biden personally, and i mean the state of texas, tried to close, well, almost tightly close the border with mexico, through which crowds of illegal immigrants have been crossing for the last if you look at months, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people, why does biden behave this way and not otherwise?
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which once was, and this is such a war between democrats and republicans. well, in general, the most important question: is it really is everything serious? let's start with the latest news, and then a little background on the entire conflict. last weekend, two more states, florida and oklahoma, sent their national guard troops to texas to help fight off illegal immigrants. units from ten more states are also rushing to the southern border. and just the governor of texas, who decided not to let him into the country. migrants were supported by 25 republican governors. they accuse president biden of undermining us national security. biden's destructive open border policy has put under attack from all americans as a whole. republican governors have rallied to protect our residents. idaho stands in
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solidarity with texas and its efforts to protect america. weeks earlier, texas authorities installed three lines of barbed wire fences along the border with mexico. the us supreme court then ordered the barrier to be removed. and then the governor of texas invoked an article of the constitution that allows him to introduce martial law in the state and act without regard to the white house. they brought together the national guard, essentially a full-fledged army, equipped with modern armored vehicles, artillery and aviation, which could not naturally please joe biden. washington gave the rebellious texas a day to carry out all orders from the center, but the texans simply did not care about the ultimatum, and biden was advised to quote: “get out of the way.” the biggest mistake the biden administration could make is colliding law enforcement agencies. with our military, the texas national guard on our border while we do the
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job that americans want. conflict in texas was the culmination of the dispute between republicans and democrats over the new budget. biden's opponents refused to approve a $61 billion aid package for kiev until the president puts things in order on the border with mexico. but since the white house did nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, texas took matters into its own hands. stopped responding to orders from washington, now many are seriously talking about the possibility of a new civil war. how close are we to civil war? we're closer than we'd like to think before i was afraid of these conversations, i think it’s important to talk about this. we must be aware of the situation we are in. along the way, all of america is discussing the possibility of texas secession from the country. governor greg has already threatened to use the relevant article and hold a referendum. experts emphasize that with such a development, it will be the federal authorities who will be the losing side. texas is
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the second largest and most populous state. its annual gdp is almost $2.5 trillion, making it one of the ten largest economies on the planet. at the same time, texas the world's third largest oil producer, after russia and saudi arabia. and a third of all american reserves of this fuel are located here. so, foreign policy.
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in principle, a general rebellion of the republican party against everything that the democrats have been doing in recent years, in ideology, in the migration sphere, in an attempt to usurp the white house for themselves with the help of the same migrants, roughly speaking, a reason, but it just happened, and one important addition, it wasn't just biden's demand, it was the supreme court's demand, the supreme court sided with the president , this is important and the texas ignored it, we talked about it, the supreme court declared these barriers illegal, ordered them to be removed,
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but there is no will yet to organize a full-fledged civil war, no one needs it, neither the republicans need it elites, nor democratic ones, in general , as far as i understand, this is what the feds say there: remove these illegal things, fulfill our legal demands, or we send someone there, they mean they will break everything, but the locals said, then just try to break it, we'll paste it for you.
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now biden cannot afford this, he understands that moral correctness is on the side of the republicans, they will not take any forceful action, then this will all apparently resolve itself, if then...
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biden will most likely blink first or start a war with iran, well, this is a separate question , also a very juicy topic, but here, in fact , the conflict is not exhausted, the point is that we need to look at the problem at two levels, the first is the specifics of the current moment, this is what we are discussing, the second is at a deeper level level of the historical process, that’s what concerns the second, what is more important, this is another step, another round in the deepening of the abyss that has arisen between.
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in fact, this is still an obvious step towards secession, this also creates a very serious legal conflict, in addition to the political one, so the situation is actually very tense, and this is just, this is just a very serious question, i’m just now when i listened to mikhail vladimirovich, i remembered that for, well,
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a long time in general, they said that according to by and large, in america, political parties are no different from each other. that there are republicans, that democrats, there are some, well, somehow this is - now, when i listen to our guests, it turns out that in fact they have these differences more or less, says mikhailovich, but nevertheless, they began to emerge quite a long time ago, now they are, well, so obvious that they can lead to serious consequences, michael, do you agree with this or not, i believe that it will not come to a civil war, i have to threaten you with some kind, yes i'm the most peace-loving person in the world, what are you? well, maybe sytin may be more peace-loving than me, he is ready to destroy only half of the world's population, at the same time you can understand texas, you can understand their indignation , do you agree that there is, let's call it a split, but in the united states, here so, how serious is this, where can it go, what can it do, because biden, he
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is one of the most important points, one of the most... split, but now 3 years later, after biden became president, even democracy sees that biden's policy on the immigration issue is absolutely...
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republicans demand that biden immediately issue some kind of decree to stop the texas catastrophe with refugees constantly arriving, and biden answers them: no, comrades republicans, i have such powers , and since there are no powers, then everything at the border will remain the same. we are making progress on the important issue of border security, and if this bill were law today, i would not be slow to close the border and solve the problem. however, the flow of illegal immigrants has worried even those usually loyal to biden. security forces. a group of former fbi employees sent a letter to congress, where they stated that thousands of men from unfriendly countries enter the country every day, security services simply do not
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have time to check everyone. former president donald trump also spoke about the danger of new terrorist attacks due to the influx of illegal immigrants into the country. he called the southern border of the united states a big bleeding wound because of which the country is dying. our country is going to hell because of incompetent or bad people. terrorists are flocking uncontrollably. from around the world, a record number of terrorists are arriving in america, and there is a 100% chance that a major terrorist attack will occur in the united states. and why is president biden looking at all this with his eyes wide shut? the associated press recalls that the president received great support during the election race precisely thanks to the sympathy of migrant communities, and such potential, but so far illegal voters, only over the last year in the united states almost two hit. and there is a version that the president simply hopes to get more votes, if not from the illegal immigrants themselves, then at least from their relatives who have already received citizenship. democrats, as part of their
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policy, call for legalizing illegal immigrants in the country, giving them citizenship and voting rights. there are 22 million new voters in the united states, with the majority of emigrants voting for democrats. alexey sergeevich, do i understand correctly that these same migrants voting for biden, some of them are yesterday’s same illegal immigrants, it’s just that ran across. several thousand, and there were several hundred at that moment, no one paid attention to the problem, and if he now disperses these illegal immigrants, then those former illegal immigrants will turn their backs on him, so the elections will certainly be lost , it is impossible to disperse, i think in order to answer your question in general, to explain to the audience how illegal immigrants generally live in america, we have a little idea of ​​this story, for example, an illegal immigrant can quite officially get a license in california, that is, he comes to well local ministry of internal affairs and he is given a license.
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susi, if we use the term colleagues or left-wing supporters of trump, excuse me , biden, they say that in general the border is a rather strange story, why some kind of invented line should separate people from each other, they say: there are no illegal people, a person comes to border, why he is worse than a senegalese or a guatemalan or a mexican, worse than a person born inside the usa, they really don’t understand, they live in different americas on an ideological level, and as for the question about civil...
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it means defending rights with arms in hand, this is all really nonsense, by and large, we are talking about the supreme court, who sits on the supreme court, it has a conservative advantage, it has a majority of judges who adhere to a pro-trump position, trump himself appointed the judge of the supreme state, the republicans do not want secession from the united states, they do not want a civil war, they want to push their point of view, this is done before the elections, and they largely succeed. biden will retreat because of the escalation of the conflict he won’t win anything on the border, but if he freezes them now, he says: look, here they are, these are the rebels, they want civil war, and i want civil peace, this will bring him, i won’t do anything, i’ll sit quietly, suddenly it will resolve itself.
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which suggests that even democrats, many democrats understand, because these immigrants, they are illegal immigrants, they, they come to their cities, they now feel in new york, in chicago, they feel at their school, what liberal is humanitarian biden's policy, that is, they began to understand how an illegal immigrant differs from a person born in himself, when this was a problem in texas, it did not concern them, now it has gotten so out of control. that this is a problem for the democrats too, wait, come on - this is a cry from the heart, that is, this is some kind of blackmail , this is some kind of pressure on biden to act tougher, and i think that this will be effective pressure on biden, he will be forced and thus the question will be decided, yeah, come on georg, what you wanted to add is important, you talked about 22 million votes, the problem is not 22 -
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the situation from the point of view that right now all this will resolve, the texans, i think, have studied in great detail the failure in the civil war there that they had, when they decided on resources, when their fleet was blocked and they were not given the opportunity trade , that is, in fact, they did not calculate their strength, now biden has already made a move, this does not mean that a war has begun, i will remind you that this even caused some unrest in europe, he held licenses for the export of oil products and
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gas, texas is the largest.
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can perform, they are financed from local budgets, they are subordinate, they are part of the armed forces, but you need to understand that the governor somewhere has a very serious influence on them, that is, almost double subordination. as it happens with texas, if it comes to a full-fledged armed conflict, of course, the federal troops are more powerful, they have the types of weapons that texas does not have, but texas has a trump card in the kave, and for us, by the way, this will be a litmus test , when biden is already moving in a new direction, tactical nuclear weapons, there is a base there, which means that there are 12 strategic missile carriers, b1 lancer aircraft, so if the americans biden starts
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transferring from this base.
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two sides, alexander nikolayvich, but a story like, i don’t know, the conventional george floyd, cannot happen, when there is some kind of incident on the border, god forbid, they shoot a woman and a child there, or vice versa, this national guard shoots to the side. hits some american military man, at that moment it will burst into flames, well, theoretically everything is possible, because the america that we knew and which we, probably, someone loved, is today awakening from a rather long sleep, but i think that a real conflict is only possible if biden wins the election.
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history and so on, here, but the fact is that i say again, before november, before the end of the year, it’s unlikely that anything will happen, uh, will trump have enough determination, because trump, yes trump has his own point of view , one drawback is that he talks more than he does, that’s why i don’t know if he has enough determination, but maybe, so to speak, the elite of the second level, such as governors - yeah, but maybe they can do something or somehow, okay, we’ve gone over the time, let’s take a short break and continue, the bright taste
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of jardin instant coffee gold and jardin deep dark, a pleasure to feel, almost all the crime bosses of the city were killed. even in the nineties they didn’t kill like that. i don’t want to walk around this city, i’m afraid that i will be shot in the back. denis sinyavsky, i propose to find this nit before he crushes us. you do you want war? vladimir litvinov. afanasiev. there is such a profession, a policeman, this is a great responsibility to people, chief, new season, what a wild west you have created there again, put your feet on the ground, i said,
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is capable of operating even from a conventional charger . call to order a mini-automatic folding washing machine with an incredible discount for only 1,999 rubles. leamax with a plus purchase. call or order on our website this is the meeting place at ntv. the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with french peasant revolt. parisian police are now massing heavy equipment in the outskirts of the city to confront farmers who have declared a real food blockade on the french capital. the center of resistance was the area of ​​europe's largest food market, ryongji , chalde gaulle airport near paris. according to the french police, rioting farmers are gathering there on tractors and other equipment.
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the blockade, as planned by the protesters , should completely cut off the capitals from outside supplies in order to let parisians understand that paris without peasants it will not provide itself with food. we see how farmers we have not seen come out, farmers who are not members and those who are in trade unions, you are erasing all the colors, because we have a common fight, there is no more money, the protests of french farmers have been going on since mid-january, but in... in last weekend they reached one of the highest points in the intensity of passions. farmers have put forward more than a hundred claims to the french authorities, including the upcoming increase in fuel prices, higher taxes, and a drop in income. due to grain imports from ukraine. well, to make all these arguments sound more convincing, farmers switched to radical measures. they not
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only block highways, but also fill administrative buildings with manure. here are shots from the prefecture of agen. in the town of narbonne , farmers set fire. and they overturned a truck, you see, with foreign products, and there is also footage of peasants filling up mcdonald's with manure and hay in the suburbs of paris; in some places they resorted to a more original way to reach the authorities. the revolting farmers are already joining taxi drivers, in the footage that we have at our disposal. it is alleged that they were filmed on the a13 highway, which leads in the direction of paris, here you see, indeed, several dozen, but they report that out of hundreds of taxi cars that block the highway in the direction of paris in order to block the french capital with one of the parties, and where is
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president macron in all this difficult time, new, i would even say time, and he is in india on an official visit, and he decided not to comment on the farmers’ protests yet, because what i will quote here, he will not do for... the protests of french farmers became the reason and impetus for similar actions throughout europe, so belgian peasants joined the french, with the help of tractors they also blocked the roads, we are talking about the four main highways belgian, as reported by the vrt tv channel, more than a hundred tractors joined the action, the police
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are on the spot, but have not yet intervened in the situation; in the german city of kassel, the action of farmers led to a complete stop of public transport. in italy, according to the local publication ilgiurnale, farmers blocked for several hours an interchange on the main italian highway a1, which connects almost the entire country, well in this case milan and naples. such is the news of a peasant revolt, somewhere they are preparing for riots, and somewhere they are already well , let’s return to our topic, for some reason i remembered how sergei darenka once said, it would seem, what does lushkov have to do with it, remember he has this - what does ukraine have to do with it, it has very much to do with it, because here we are saying, that there are many reasons, the story with the border is only a reason for the aggravation that is now in the united states. ukraine , let me remind you once again, wants to receive money from the united states, the republicans don’t want to give this money, the democrats are trying to somehow
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push it all together, here’s the money for ukraine, here’s a little more for israel, they allocated just a little bit for restoring order at the border. since the republicans do not take these legislative measures, in general, there is a crisis there, and ukraine is stuck with the issue of obtaining new trenches. show us the plot, please. the other day, the washington post broke a sensation; it writes that the biden administration has come up with a new strategy to help ukraine. allegedly, in the spring, the white house plans to unveil a certain program of ten-year obligations to kiev, including military and financial.
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in a very serious way, in fact, the fact is that now, due to the fact that there is an election race, an election struggle,
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it will influence the ukrainian problems of the current biden administration, which, as we know, he fully supports ukraine , which means, in fact, in many ways he was even the initiator of the current conflict, so they need to somehow make sure that this conflict itself, the special military operation itself, does not become a problem for them, because that naturally the republicans’ argument will be simple, look how much money you invested there , there is no result, uh-huh, they need to avoid this, so in fact they are now looking for ways not only to even get help to the ukrainians, they will get through something, of course , not they will break through 61 billion, somehow they will come to an agreement with the republicans, but it will be very difficult to reach an agreement, they still have a long time to negotiate, although they promised to present something this week, the senators, and the congress, the lower house, forget it, so here they are now they are looking for a way out, how to freeze this conflict, well, at least for some time, and are working on it in general. four main scenarios, how how, that is, how to make sure that, without negotiating, do not satisfy some of russia’s demands, do not give ukraine
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lose, yes, but how to make russia stop, so, here are four main scenarios, the first scenario is let ’s just take and accept ukraine into nato, then it will be, as if there is an article five, then russia will not get involved with nato , it will stop, but this is not an argument, because in article five, if you read it, it does not say that this is automatic; it occurs here periodically. roughly speaking their sponsors, they were told by china, because the soviet union told china after stalin's death because of the internal struggle soviet leadership, we can no longer support you, china said to the north americans, we need to stop, americans ah...
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a binding agreement, it is based on three memorandums of understanding, it seems, 76, 82, 2006, i may be a little mistaken in the numbers, this , this is, strictly speaking , a memorandum itself, that’s precisely its legal status, it is a document setting out the expectations of the parties, as they say, from relations with each other, but is not legally binding, that is, there is no automatic obligation of the united states here either, yes, but fourth - this means such a so-called compromise, that is, let us
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do this, do not make any compromises under any circumstances, he wanted to kill two birds with one stone, the first - he wants to monopolize
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immigration issues, he does not want a compromise, he is a compromise, he wants to become president. and solve this issue in his own way, second, he wants to bury this help to ukraine, he doesn’t want, he wants me to not believe in all of this, and your trump, but it’s another thing, another thing, that it’s all the same, everything equally, yes, him, his loyal trumpists, they they will listen to him, but there are few of them, mostly republicans, they support, they support assistance to ukraine, yes.
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we have such a tradition, in this part, in vanya’s information block, somehow the last days all the time, well, not all the time, very often we come across news about our not quite our former show business stars, and so you today there are already two pages here. yes, let's start with the misadventures of group b2. do you remember that they told you that the thai authorities detained the entire group, including the soloists, agent lev, his colleague shurubi 2 right at a concert in thailand on january 25 due to incorrectly issued visas, it seems like, but this is not the end of their imprisonment; the musicians complain that after paying the fine , the migration police have already taken care of them. the groups write on social networks that they are still being held in custody at the migration center on the island.
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another foreign agent, and coincidentally also an israeli citizen, maxim galkin, confirmed that he was not allowed to go on tour to indonesia. galkin assures that there were no problems with visas, everything was processed as expected, but the reason for canceling the concert was a certain letter from the russian government asking not to let him to the island of bal. true, the foreign agent did not show the letter to anyone, referring to the fact that the border guards did not give it to him, somehow they turned it around, did not show it, and, well, politely in the end they sent it to maxim aleksandrovich. singer nargiz faced the same difficulties as galkin, who not so long ago admitted to financing the armed forces of ukraine; entry into russia, as you remember, she was banned for 50 years, so the singer has now
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gone on a tour of europe, concerts should were held in germany, the czech republic and latvia, if you look at the posters, but the concerts these were suddenly cancelled, the singer now blames who, correctly, on the hand of the kremlin, supposedly the organizers of the concerts received some kind of special special.
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all because the authorities of the arab emirates, where the rapper lived recently, blocked his entry into the country on their youtube channel, so you see, the foreign agent complains that no one told him the real reason for the ban, but again he talks about that the most notorious outside participation. the musician even recorded a special video message to the authorities of the emirates and swears in this video message that no he did not violate the laws of the arab emirates. there was a lot of slander around this news, such as the fact that i... bypass the laws of the united arab emirates and brag about it, never in my life have i violated the laws of the arab emirates, and especially publicly, i have always treated yours with great respect and awe culture and your laws , because i repeat, i considered dubai my second home and still do, the cultural poster is complete, andrei vladimirovich, yes , the kremlin’s hand reached out, yes it reached out, now we, i said a historical excursion, at the last week, van, yes it was, we are showing you.
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presidents of russia and the united states, 1994, and both then held posts respectively, and we took a piece there that concerned yeltsin’s alleged proposal for russia to join nato, and vanya just then said that we should probably wait and see what’s there was also published, in general, we took this transcript today about different ones. we want to talk about topics, but the main idea is this, which means, well, firstly, was there really such an idea coming from boris nikolaevich and secondly, how the nature of relations between the russian federation and the united states was changing, i remember there was such a book by stroba talbot, bily boris, it was called, and then towards the end, just in russia, president putin, and putin was.
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russia should be the first to join nato, after which other countries of central and eastern europe can join. there must be some kind of cartel of the us, russia and europeans to help ensure the strengthening of international security. the people of russia always believe. that he was destined for greatness, and he
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i am right to believe in my positive future. immediately after the publication of the transcript, the personal consultant of the first russian president , igor mintusov, said that he had not heard of such a conversation, and yeltsin’s former head of protocol, vladimir shevchenko, called the classified transcript nonsense. american journalists consider the conversation quite plausible, because clinton himself 2 years ago, in the fall of 2022, told the press that the united states offered yeltsin, and later... russia, nato membership and argued that at that time in washington they kept the doors of the alliance open. i vladimir putin offered russia the opportunity to join not just a special partnership in nato, but also the prospects for future membership. i looked at yeltsin and asked him: does he really think that i will bomb russia from an airfield in poland? and he answered: no, but many grandmothers living in the west of russia think so, since they saw hitler, their ancestors were napoleon. and
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although, as is known, things did not come to russia’s entry into nato, yeltsin conducted negotiations on cooperation in 1997. 5 years ago , the united states declassified the transcript of the conversation the then president of russia with clinton in helsinki. at that time, yeltsin openly opposed nato expansion to the east, especially in the former soviet republics. but already in may , the russia-nato fundamental act on mutual relations, cooperation and security was signed in paris. he called it forced. one thing is fundamentally important - expansion. should not include former soviet republics, especially ukraine. as for the countries of the former ussr, let's make a verbal gentlemen's agreement that no former soviet the republic will not join nato. this gentleman's agreement will not be
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made public. however, clinton refused to give any guarantees to yeltsin, even verbally, citing the fact that such a commitment would violate the spirit of nato. so igorevich, well, maybe, if you didn’t hear this from yeltsin, well, he just didn’t tell you, in general this idea itself, as far as it existed then, well, naturally, i never touched on this topic in the contacts that i have there were, but what i hear, it seems to me that everything is absolutely the right part the transcript has been published; by the way, it has been published because exactly 30 years have passed. as this conversation took place on january 14, that is, everything is in accordance with the laws, and the main thing is that i once again listened to what boris nikolaevich said, in my opinion, a very wise, reasonable thing, that if, as there is such
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an expression in politics, only in politics, if you cannot stop some process, you need to lead it, so boris nikolaevich did not say, oh, you know, let’s do that too. let us into nato, he said: "okay, if you want to expand nato, let's start first, and we will go there, then it will be clear that this is a serious story, unfortunately, the partners did not agree to this story, they did not agree to that, they guessed “that we want to lead nato and destroy it, so you agreed, in fact, boris nikolaev said that he should, that russia should be the first to expand.”
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security, it’s unlikely that anyone seriously counted on or feared some kind of military threat from the east, but simply the emergence of gigantic new markets sales of weapons and military equipment the size of entire countries, it is from this angle that we must view yeltsin’s refusal to even
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consider joining nato, because for us this would mean either total... switch your military factories to nato standards, well, excuse me, at that moment a proposal: okay, friend boris, but then would you agree elson in your opinion, in terms of the atmosphere, i think he could consider
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such a proposal, because well, the military-industrial complex is his long-time political opponent, the red directors, the electorate of the communists , that's all this, but advisors. right away, well, someone smarter would have come running to him and said: boris nikolaevich, for the country this will be a social catastrophe, millions laid off, and the death of entire single-industry towns of large enterprises, well , minus, well, you can imagine that what happened was not very reflective, but it’s possible now then redraw vyacheslav nikolaevich, you can imagine this situation, suddenly the president of russia says: russians, dear, that means we are... joining nato, we agreed, now there will be peace everywhere, so, but we, that means, liquidate our military industry , we will now have it, what kind of reaction could there be to such a thing, well, by this year the euphoria of the transition to a market economy had already begun to subside, it had already begun to feel like we
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were lost somewhere, that’s why in ninety- six year, dzyuganov won the presidential elections, which were then stolen from him, that is , the understanding has already begun that we are somewhere in the wrong place, and if such a statement had been made, then most likely, so to speak, elsin would have lost the elections in 2 of the year a crushing defeat, in any case , let's look at another part of the world, so to speak, then there was a battle going on around the uril islands and...
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this is exactly the story, and after all, what yeltsin proposed, yeltsin proposed, it was said that there were three centers of power there: america, russia. and europe, that is, he was going to go there on an equal footing with the americans
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, but who will accept him, when we talk about the west deceiving nato and so on, for some reason we all rely on nato, as if boris nikolaevich, gorbachev, that's how they were concerned about the security of the country and the fate of the people. for them this is the most important thing, in relations with the west, the first place they always put forward was not the expansion of nato or something else, excuse me, there was a question about something else, there was a question that the russian elite was becoming part of an equal part of the western elite , that’s what we were talking about, under all these pan-european houses and so on, that’s where for the first time they really deceived and cheated, because once...
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or the deputy secretary of the security council, that’s such a position somewhere, and he gave an interview in the newspaper in 1993-94, and he said that the new russia, pouring into the west, building a pan-european home, will enter the russian elite will enter on equal rights with the western elite, will occupy there, just think about it, what it was, will occupy there the place hitherto occupied by the jewish.
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in my opinion, there was a slight substitution of concepts here, when even in the opening speech it was said that two guys, one yeltsin and the other putin, in fact, the policy of two presidents, i quote. in october last year in valdai, president putin said: i have already spoke about this publicly, there was a moment when your humble servant, our humble servant , suggested that maybe we should join nato, but no, nato does not need such a country, that is, what am i leading to, russia’s interests were
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united, that when yeltsin, that in the early days, the interests were in that... look from the position of today, when we need an enemy and so on, there really was a chance, the west missed it, so that we could enter there on an equal footing with america, and the fact that yeltsin said, i think if a miracle suddenly happened now and someone suggested to putin, that on equal terms the americans will perceive us as the same partner, just like europe, europe, russia and the states, europe is an equal partner for them, and europe is an equal partner for them? another thing is that they missed this chance, and i remember when in those days i spoke with one nato official, i asked him a question, well, do you want us to line up in a common line? i remember this conversation between albania and macedonia, then it was not yet called northern, he and he mockingly, as they can, i don’t remember who
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he was, well, conventionally some kind of anglo-saxon, he looked like, maybe he was even british, it’s such a mockery.
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that under stalin, that under balenkov, that under
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putin, that under yeltsin, they were doomed precisely for this reason, because there never was such a period in fact as... happened, do you seriously think that clinton will consider some a partner with whom it is necessary to negotiate on equal terms, no, no, everything that happened next, from the point of view of the americans, was completely logical, it was an expansion of the occupation of territory abandoned by the losing enemy, this is absolutely normal logic of the west, that we are here, our elite, sorry, not us, our elite suddenly said that we, in general, want to be equal partners, but who,
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history of relations, let's say, last year in the united states they published a transcript of the first telephone conversation between yeltsin and clinton, it was in january ninety-three, and if you read the transcript, there is love at first sight, hope for cooperation and the path to democracy hand in hand, however, at the same moment in the white house relations with russia were not at all rosy, clinton’s newly appointed secretary of state received a warning from his predecessor about a possible conflict between moscow and kiev,
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which could include... the united states. this is a world in which there will be both a historic opportunity to establish a new international order and a sobering set of problems to contend with. among others, an armed conflict between russia and any of the states on its periphery. and with ukraine, this is not the most likely, but certainly the most dangerous scenario. but at first everything looked friendly, in october of ninety- three. immediately after the shooting of the white house, clinton even congratulated yeltsin on how well he was handling the situation; the fire on the supreme council building was called support for democracy. the united states remains steadfast in its support of boris yeltsin, the democratically elected president of russia. we feel sincere regret for the dead and wounded in moscow. nevertheless, it is clear to us that the conflict was started opposition, and that yeltsin had no
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choice but to try to restore order. uh, if dzyuganov is with a company of others, and not somewhere in the same room, in secret in each other’s ears, a month later yeltsin urgently demanded $2.5 billion from washington. in a private conversation with clinton, he said: if russia does not receive a tranche from the international monetary fund, the country will have nothing to pay pension salaries, and this is a serious blow before the presidential election.
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unknown, really... yeltsin on won the election, and the western press began to trumpet the americans who saved the russian president. moreover, other western experts have written more than once: the elections were rigged, and yeltsin owed his victory exclusively to american political strategists and personal relations with bill clinton. alexey viktorich, if you look at this, from the twenty-fourth year already, there is a feeling that this is simply purchased loyalty. give me please. since ninety- seven, when i was just working in the white house, i remember very well how people came to us then the second secretary of the us embassy , ​​a fairly well-known person, came, he then worked for a long time at the kissinger foundation, tom graham, and told the following that
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as... mm, america gives russia money, as this, uh, russia's place in the line of priorities america is rapidly moving downwards, that is, russia is leaving , he told me this then in 1997 , russia is moving into fifth place in the line of priorities, then sixth, seventh place, china becomes first place, first place becomes, second place becomes relationship with europe. in third place are events in latin america and so on, that is, they consider, they began as this, as this was the measure of this attraction-unprecedented generosity, they began, in the late wedge , to look at russia as a backyard, well, there’s some kind of all the issues have been resolved, but still there are advisers in the government, yes, they manage privatization, they manage it, so
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to speak, like this. believed in the sincerity of the intentions of these wonderful people who brought money for growth, which means in a fledgling democracy, or you still, we saw people trying to buy someone or give money. just so that the former nuclear superpower did not lie completely in ruins, but somehow wanted nuclear missiles to be protected, everything else is a disaster, you have feelings, your emotions from those relations with the americans in... in ninety-seven, what are they? well, then it looked like they wanted to establish a regime for governing russia that would not take too much effort, time and
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money from themselves, that is, somewhere around the second half in the nineties, the logic of reducing costs began to prevail among them, well, this was evident from the way various sovietologists were fired by entire institutes, well, because why now, yes, how did that very trickle of blessed help cut out, and at first there was like a lot of it, and then with each at once it became more and more difficult to negotiate new loans, that is, they already they already seemed to them that they controlled everything here, and now the question was how to control it all, straining less, because america has many other more important urgent matters as of... ninety -seven, that is, they simply relaxed , at some point they missed us, again i ’m trying not to watch the bell, because if everything had continued as conventionally there in ninety-four, in ninety-six, they continued to keep their finger on the pulse in priorities, we were higher, then i don’t
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know where we would be now, but by that time they had chubais, who was already an external manager in russia, why did they need to strain , of course, because chubais did this work for them, he destroyed both the military-industrial complex and our entire manufacturing industry, that until there at the end of ninety, ninety-one, the stores were empty, listen, i was like an ordinary man in the street, i saw how this is done, when suddenly bush's legs appeared in the store , huge absolutely layers of selected beef appeared, lamb, who had come from nowhere
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, that is, that same flow began, at that moment they understood, i mean the west, they understood that their friends, who weren't prepared to take power is pouring out in an elementary way and that for a couple of months this is the state when the shelves are empty and yeltsin. the pinkami company was kicked out of the kremlin , so they invested very heavily , especially in terms of food, they saved it at that moment, but these guys failed to take advantage of the respite that the west gave, despite all the investments, the economy continued to crumble, at that moment they realized that the mission was accomplished, chubai was actually sitting at the head of state, and it was really possible to write off russia as a third world country, since this is the second time you ’ve mentioned anatoly borisovich today, i read it somewhere. telegram channel with a link to this young lady who worked for venediktov on echo, i don’t remember, she ’s in america, larina, no, some karina orlova, or something, some kind of benediktov is a foreign agent, yes, thank you, that he reminded me, it means that she writes that anatoly borisovich ubais, they gave,
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it was very funny for me to read this, is on a business trip in the united states, and has already been living in a hotel there for several days somewhere in washington, right opposite the white house, who was in washington, probably knows, i ’m there.
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how did the relationship between russia and the united states change, after these two characters left the political scene. vladimir putin, who replaced yeltsin as president of russia, shortly after his election , called the then-u.s. leader bill clinton, showed him the kremlin and clinton, the only us president to speak from the state duma rostrum. during his speech , clinton called on russian-americans to refuse. and history teaches us that the harmony that exists between such different people cannot be maintained only by force. a year later, putin went to the united states to visit the now new american president george w. bush, the younger one with him.
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for decades, russia and nato have been adversaries between our countries, and they also agreed to create a new russia-nato council. during but now this rivalry of ours is a thing of the past, and this is good, both for the russian people, and for the people of my country, and for the people of europe, and for the whole world as a whole. in 2005, bush came to moscow again to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. war, however, by that time, mutual claims had already accumulated in relations between russia and the united states: putin criticized bush for military actions in iraq, as well as color revolutions in georgia and ukraine, and bush accused the kremlin of violating human rights and putting pressure on the press. wherein both leaders tried to maintain friendly ties, but even a joint fishing trip in the atlantic ocean, where bush
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invited putin in 2006, did not resolve the differences. by that time, washington had announced plans to deploy the elements. moscow accused washington of openly supporting saakashvili during the conflict in south ossetia, and bush criticized our country for allegedly violating georgia's sovereignty. the reset announced in 2009 under obama and medvedev did not help either. a few years later , a new rift over the conflict in syria, where the u.s. sought the resignation of president assad and
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financed the opposition. the americans finally drove the wedge in 2013, when they openly supported euromaidan. like recently. from excess, from naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so -called partners. andrey nich , do you think, in this process of insight, is it possible to identify some kind of turning point or not, or is it somehow just sequential,
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there is no follow-up, well, you just know, when we talk about elusions, i think that it all came from a sincere misunderstanding of how we perceives the west, you know? this is the feeling then, that there was some period when the west was really ready for partnership, if you look at it , you know, such an indicative moment when the september 11 terrorist attacks happened, and bush spoke then, as far as he spoke in the historical, that the world changed after these terrorist attacks, and i was always cut off, you know, for some reason the world did not change after residential buildings were blown up in moscow, and it changed only after the terrorist attacks of september 11, you might think, that this seems unprincipled, this is... a fundamental point, this is a fundamental point of attitude towards people, you know, even when we are now talking about the fact that gaidar fed the country, you know, he fed the country with what the americans themselves would not eat, let’s get this out of the way, and today we wouldn’t let this product come here, so , you know, what interested the americans in the nineties, even if you look at the historical paradigm, and what they wrote, they
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were only concerned about the communist revenge of the year ninety-six, after that like this the moment passed, they completely decided that russia had entered the regime. dying empire , you just need to watch at what moment to pick up something so that the nuclear arsenal does not go away, this stagnation will occur, well , gradually, because well, such an ottoman empire 2:0, which will gradually die quietly and go over, will disintegrate into other parts, in general, this is a natural process, and i really didn’t like what began to happen at the beginning of the 21st century, when this dying empire suddenly began to announce its mistakes, all the color revolutions in the post-soviet space was arranged precisely in order to put russia in... its place, precisely because the west never perceived us as a partner, we had to be punished, because, again, what the westerners themselves say, the world has changed, a new order, in their view, russia will never be an equal partner in this world order, because this is an american-centric world for which they fought, in which they won, everything that we do and what we
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are trying to change is a violation of the conditions that they once won still, was there some point after which we realized that that was it. naivety must be discarded, you shouldn’t trust as you trusted, i just remember the story with the gobala radar station, if you remember that one, when it was staged in europe and said that it was against iran, against north korea, and we would do it. putin met with bush, they suggested, in my opinion, a revolutionary story, let ’s use our gobalin story together, we were told this, from that moment on , at least i was still young and maybe beautiful, it seemed to me that what -that changed, yeah, but i’m older, after all, i remember the moment when everything really changed, it was not included in your chronology, it was the spring of ninety-nine, the bombing of yugoslavia, and this was under yeltsen, but it was under yeltsen.
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after the first crack appears , it does not immediately disintegrate, well, the thing in which it arose is some kind of vessel, relatively speaking, but the crack, now it is already, now water is already oozing from it, then there was the possibility of a rollback, but it the west did not take advantage, because after the september 11 terrorist attacks, this call from putin, he was the first to call bush, unprecedented measures, steps of goodwill on the part of russia, when the americans used our base in ulyanovsk.
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at any moment, when the americans are ready to recognize us as their equals, even now, relations will be restored very quickly, to the level to which they can be restored, this is cold politeness, mutual respect, there is no love and there never will be, we will never have it love, mutual respect, but the americans were not ready for this, so let us have this just in the form final question to our guests and the ex-husband
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secretly entered the ex-wife’s apartment and attacked her, what injuries did he inflict on her, four stab wounds in the neck, she bled all over, why did he try to finish off the stepson in the entrance, but the teenager managed to survive, pretending to be dead, hit me in the neck area and... and most likely thought that i was dead, none of the neighbors opened the door or called the police, how did you have the strength to find help, where did you find it, my girlfriend lives next to me, i ’m going out, i see he’s wearing only trousers and socks beaten all over, he said that his mother’s ex-roommate attacked him, he lay in handcuffs with a gag in his mouth for 2 hours, will the criminal really be able to avoid punishment, if she had imprisoned him then, this tragedy would not have happened, he is afraid, he says,
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after 2040, i think, why forty? well, because before that time the generation of not only the elite must change, but the generation of part, actually the elite, must change, i understand you, igor sergeevich, depending on what you mean by partnership, once back in the 19th century, detaqueville wrote that the future belongs to two peoples: american and russian, so i am sure that the 21st century is the century when the fate of the world will be determined.
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will it be necessary on a global scale that they will simply decide that it is easier to reach an agreement, or the political landscapes within the united states must completely change, of course they can, but not in a state where both countries consider themselves empires, i’m done, so i’m on to the first topic by the first hour i'll be back because it's right on it’s a bad day, literally today this story came to me, it means that biden, macron and scholz met somehow, and he’s talking about how everyone is doing. biden says: i have an insurrection in texas. half the country supports them, and at any moment a civil war will begin. macron says: but my farmers are rioting, all the roads have been blocked, government buildings have been thrown with manure , now they’re taking paris into... scholz says: and my economy in general is a complete mess, because it’s not just farmers who are suffering, everyone and truck drivers. , railway workers, what what are we going to do? biden says: how about
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helping ukraine? it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, all the best to you, goodbye. registration is open: russia has started accepting applications to participate in electronic voting in the presidential elections. we had a difficult day in the middle east last night and we will respond. is the us ready to launch an operation against iran after the attack on an american military base in jordan? the russian plant of the chinese brand hovel will recall 32.00 cars due to possible problems with electrical wiring. the new wintering complex vostok has been launched, in what conditions will polar explorers live and work, as well as why the most expensive ice in the world is mined there and why russia needs antarctic stations, exclusive.


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