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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 29, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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cyber ​​monday at wild beast, up to 90% off. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? what kind of coverage is wide? where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. there are situations when only a big snow burger with chicken can save you. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and signature sauce. try again new product: big chicken mushroom burger, delicious period. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and another 1,200 renovated ones.
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houses of culture throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. beyond. her daughter was brutally murdered by her ex-husband, and her only grandson simply miraculously escaped from the hands of the killer. in the studio of nazil boltnev. nazilya, please accept our most sincere condolences, we are all very we sympathize with your grief, thank you, what your daughter was like, she was cheerful , she achieved everything, she was sympathetic, she was a very kind girl, tell us what happened to her, that night i was sick , lay there, slept, then the call rang, i picked up the phone and ... the man
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says: sit down, i say what happened, your daughter was killed, i say who, how they killed, what, what happened, ex-husband, everything, and i began sending voice messages to my children, well, naturally, in this time everyone was sleeping, i took pills and sat until the morning, until the children came, the children came, the eldest daughter, the middle one, i have it... i say, there are no shelters, the middle one says: and you grandson, you have a grandson, i say, yes, yes, bogdan, i say, grandson, we ’ll probably take him now to prepare a shelter, well, that’s what they told me, then they called and my daughter went straight in a taxi, picked him up, come, mom, what is it, what are you doing, i say, go home, who told you about the shelter, the girl was sitting there at the police station and said , we will now register it for the shelter. he is a minor, he
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is 17 years old, did the investigators tell you what happened in detail? the investigator became ask, bogdan, tell me how it all happened, he said that in the evening his mother went for a walk, and he was sitting in his room, with headphones on the computer. then he says: i hear someone opening my door, i’m surprised, he says , there’s a man standing there, all in masks, he says, in a mask, yes, he saw his eyes, he knew from his eyes that it was anya’s ex-husband , what happened next, he ordered him, lie down on his stomach , put handcuffs on him, tied his legs, put a gag in his mouth, said: keep quiet, if you want them to stay alive, you keep quiet, then mom came, she she came in without suspecting anything, she said for now... she undressed for now, that’s all, but she always
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had this habit, son, how are you, son, what are you doing, and opens the door, and he immediately attacks her directly, she too put handcuffs on her, tied her up too, what kind of injuries did he inflict on her, four stab wounds in the neck, collarbone, well, all these areas, in this one, she bled all over, just broke her nose, like your grandson? managed to escape, mom, she says, i hear, she says, she screams that it’s him, she says, i jumped up, ran out the door, barely, he says , he opened the lock like that, ran, started shouting to the neighbors, knocking, screaming, help, help, well, no one, they lived in this apartment for only a month, they just bought this apartment, they didn’t know anyone there, there was no one at all, listen, well i don’t know, it’s very difficult to imagine this situation, but when on the staircase,
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i’m sorry, this is of course, this is grief, this is terrible , this is a disaster, i simply don’t even have words , blessed memory of your daughter, and this, this is impossible, this man , this is how cruel he is, he tortured her, he tortured her, and how he survived
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your grandson is in this situation, god saved him. nuzilya, well, you said that your daughter’s ex-husband did all this, yes, but how long was she in... how so, mom says, well, maybe, maybe she’ll come to her senses, maybe she won’t, well, because i have the son is growing up, i say, daughter, maybe it’s not necessary, for all these beatings he generally suffered some kind of
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punishment, they told him, for some distance, not to come close to her, not to go near the store, but compensation somehow he paid her 3000, and did you know your son-in-law well? what kind of person is he anyway? you understand, i didn’t know him at all, when they got married, i mean, they didn’t know, this is your daughter’s husband, have they been married for a year? yes, yes , imagine, they signed, they just showed us the marriage certificate, they showed us the rings, they left, it turned out that he protected us from visiting each other, no, no guests, neither did they come to us , we don’t go to them, never at all, not once, do you know what happened in their family? no, bogdan didn’t tell me, well, nothing, grandma, it’s fine, everything, well, nothing, then for some time only walks by, he says, he’s so aggressive, grandma, he’s so angry, he’s so crazy all over, he comes , he says, he started swearing at his mother, she was very bright, beautiful
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girl, he was apparently jealous, don’t dress in such a way that you won’t be looked at a lot, what is it, people who are capable of such actions, they know how to disguise themselves very well. i am sure that he misled her and behaved differently from who he really is. and it turns out that she was simply deceived, but then, again, yes, as you say that mother did not know her husband, but everyone is surprised, but nothing like that, this was also a systematic separation of anya and bogdan from the family, so that no one was included in this family. nazila, why do you think he dealt with your daughter so cruelly, the man says: i love, like this, to kill brutally, i don’t, i don’t know, but a maniac, maybe what could be in this man’s head , or no one will get it, maybe it was some kind of jealousy that he had, that this is my everything, this is how i want it to be, your ex -son-in-law was detained, yes, the next day, he admitted
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his guilt, partially, i mean partially, i came to talk, yes, but it was like this, he apparently withdrew... and the fact that he formed an alibi for himself in order to hide the traces of the crime , not to be held accountable, the behavior of this person will just indicate that he understood everything, was aware of everything, acted and wanted the occurrence of these consequences, what kind of punishment do you want for the murderer, the daughter
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of the torturer your grandson, the main thing for me is so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else, let it be indicative, because girls will trust that they are loved, after all, that’s how they are. they exist, he’s not the only one like that, so i would like it to be indicative that let them give as much as they should, i don’t ask for too much, but let him get what he deserves, you’re afraid that he... might somehow avoid proper punishment, yes , yes, i’m afraid, and bogdan is also afraid that he will escape punishment, he’s afraid, he says, grandma, what if he comes and kills me again, i say, son, you’re not there, well, no , he, he will take revenge, i know he is afraid , he locks himself with all the doors, with all the keys , just in general, closed off, of course, he is afraid, here he is, he is afraid of everything, with suspicion, always, right here he will stop, and something like that she thinks so, especially when... she looks at her photograph, we went to psychologists, but they told us, you remove the photographs, so that i
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remove all the photographs, i say: yes, so as not to traumatize him or this, i say: grandma, i can’t cry, and don’t you cry, okay, i say, okay, i can’t see me yet, veronica, in such a situation without help specialists and a teenager can’t handle it, when the ostrovogore situation happens, it goes through some steps and the first step is a shock, this cannot happen to me. this is a mistake, the second stage is anger, anger at the situation, anger at god, anger at yourself , guilt, failure to clean up, yes, mom too, that you, most likely, that you were not included in this situation, if you had taken one thing, it would have turned out differently, yes, that is, this is the third stage, which is also already captured as a torque, so if we had done this then, it would have been in a completely different way, the fourth stage is apathy, and after that only acceptance comes, the thing is that these stages ... they sway back and forth for us, unfortunately, and we experience anger through tears,
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so bogdan i would recommend immersing yourself in this situation in order to experience it and cry, because grief helps you move on, and since now the child has a great fear of attack, then always in these cases i recommend going to self-defense courses, going to do intense sports in order to . to feel empowered and the knowledge that i will protect, i can, because i learned, yes nazila, it turns out that your grandson is now an orphan, well, he had a dad, when she gave birth, they immediately separated, they had absolutely no relationship in general, and after they tried to take him to the shelter, your daughters took him from there, the father never showed up, no, we called him. he is completely, i refuse, please do what you want. tell me, nazilya, the grandson
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blames himself for the fact that he managed to escape, but his mother did not, he, you know, he has so much questions, and if i hadn’t run away, maybe it was my fault, he’s always like this, i say, son, don’t blame yourself, please, no, don’t, i say, you have nothing to do with it, but he blames himself , yes, your grandson remembers every minute of that terrible night in the bogdan shulgin studio. hi, hello bogdan, can you tell us about what you experienced? yes, i was in my room, with headphones on, and just playing, it turns out, and my mother wasn’t at home, she then went, it turns out, to meet a friend, but how did you understand that someone was in the apartment? i, well, it turns out, i didn’t hear anything, and i see that there is a wall in front of me. it was, it turns out, and i see , it flashes, and i look back, it turns out
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, here he comes, initially i thought that it was possible, a friend of my mother, he wanted to somehow make fun of me, but then i took off my headphones and by his voice i realized that it was him , and he was wearing a mask, he was wearing a mask, he had cutouts here in his mouth, but from his voice i immediately understood that it was him, why did your father have the keys to your apartment, no, he didn’t was the key. because, well, we took out a mortgage, it turns out this is a new apartment, and he has never even lived in this apartment, what did he say when he came in? he had a pistol in his right hand, he put it in front of me, said: calm down, don’t scream, sit on the bed, lie on your stomach, then he began to fix me, he had handcuffs, a pair of handcuffs, also on his left wrist he had a bat, you fell on...
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perhaps your mother, that she would come soon, not soon, these are just my and my relatives’ guesses on your behalf, and then this phone is not there, it was not found and the mother’s phone. he also, what happened when your mom came back? it turns out he was in the room, abruptly closed the doors and said that mom would come in now, that is, he somehow knew that she would come in, he i immediately realized that we most likely had such small cameras in the entrance, on the same day, he delivered them, on the same day he picked them up, it turns out, and he said that she would come in now with a friend, it turns out she opens
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the door, he said, if you shout, the blame will lie on you, so i was afraid for. .. his mother and was silent, he accordingly was in the room, and i was lying, i was just listening, i didn’t even see - that’s what he was doing, maybe he had a gun pointed at me, that’s also what you heard, heard the door opening and closing a couple of times, later i found out that it turns out that her friend came, and there was something needed to be reported, and that is, he saw her off and then left and returned. yes, yes, how events developed further, it turns out that she went further - she went, changed clothes and decided to check on me, the light in my room was turned off, she opens the door and he flies out, it was all my hearing that was oriented, she then got scared, gasped, it turns out, she pushed him, she saw that i was in handcuffs, i was already in shock, she
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told me, everything will be fine, bogdan, son, these are the last ones there were words, then she returned to the hall, it turns out that he also fixed the handcuffs and they had some kind of conversation, but then i didn’t hear half of the conversation, but i just heard that he told her that you ’ve finished your game, what happened then, i i heard him start to beat her, it turns out that she it turns out after... the blow, ah, immediately sharp , well, immediately falls silent before she arrives , it turns out i tried to uncuff myself, tried to dislocate my thumb, but because he heard that i was rustling the metal with the handcuffs, he came back to me and said , don’t be a hero, after each blow,
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it turns out he went to my room, he went to your room, at that time your mother managed to run out, yes, she immediately got up. started screaming at the whole apartment so that they could hear her through the wall, she was able to open the door, uh, go out into the entrance and knock on everyone doors, at that time he heard him run out to her, at that moment i got up, left the room, i saw that he started running towards the corridor, to see what was happening there, and i saw that he was dragging her back to the apartment, it flashed through my mind if if i hadn’t run away from there , we wouldn’t have been able to get the police out... and you ran , ran to the exit, thank god, on the bottom one - the gate was closed, if i had been on the top one that day, no, i wouldn’t have reached it, i was able to open the door, it turns out, i also quickly knocked, on the third floor on the door and i was afraid that he would now start
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coming down to me too, no one opened it, no, it turns out i went down to the second floor, at that moment i see... i hear him opening the door and going down to the second floor, he hit me in the temple, it turns out i fell , then i just felt how he was starting to beat me, and what he beat me with, don’t remember, with legs and arms, legs and arms, at that moment i thought that it seemed to me that he was going to finish me off, he took me by the butt , this one, it’s locking, then he took this rope and started dragging me back to... apartment, when he started to lift me, this gag broke, the ball remained inside in the mouth, and he began to push this gag, it turns out, into the throat, he began to push it to the end, and so that you suffocate, yes, at the last moment, so that you completely suffocate , hit me in
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the neck area, and there he most likely thought that i had died and... returned to the apartment, closed the door, and after the shock i immediately felt a shock, i immediately stood up sharply, and also began to continue knocking on you. - still no one opened it, no one, i also went down to the first floor, there, too, everyone knocked quickly and with their feet, with their hands, what did you start doing then, i ran out of the entrance and began to think where i should turn, it’s december, yes december, were you in home clothes or was i just in... in socks with tied handcuffs tied to a bare hummock. why does bogdan’s mother’s new friend blame himself for her death? i have many things. anya did not say that she had such problems, and what shocking details from the biography of the alleged killer he would reveal. there were precedents
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more than once, we learned about this when we he was arrested. this is a person with narsistic personality disorder. we'll continue in a few minutes. the bright taste of instant cofferdine gold and jardín deep dark. andrey chubchenko: 2 weeks, how did you come back again? why are you doing it? i didn't organize this
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tankatali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tankatali premium right now for free, find out how by calling 800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes; it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them. and even more important.
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behind this door sits a man who is waiting for your forgiveness. the decision is to open the door behind you, and this decision must be made right now. sorry, the premiere of a new show with nadezhda babkina. on fridays at 16:50 on ntv. it's beyond, it's beyond. in sterlitamaki, a man broke into his ex’s apartment late at night. the woman herself , attacked her and began beating her brutally, i just heard that you had finished your game, she was more worried about me than about herself, she said, let go of your son, she was almost screaming right there, he started beating her, i'm i just heard the sound of him hitting her, i know for sure that the blow was also in the face, sonny.
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torture and beating, the guy miraculously escaped to call for help, but by the time law enforcement arrived, his mother was already dead, said bogdan’s grandmother, sixty-seven-year-old nazilya bolkhneva, four stab wounds, one in the throat, one collarbone, a broken nose, even i don’t know , what’s in this person’s head, but if you’ve already separated, if you’re no longer living, well, what else do you need, it was already possible, i can’t. i can't tell what's in his head, i don't know what, what kind of revenge is this, why exactly kill, bogdan, how did you have the strength to find help, where did you find it, tell me, i remembered that i also have a girl living next to me, it turns out i had to run the whole perimeter to get to her , i ran to the square and straight from the square i just have a straight road, along the main road, where there is one-way traffic
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, i just forward without... you ran to your girlfriend, and she helped you, but there i was already barely as soon as i got up, towards the end my legs began to animate, in their own you never returned to the apartment, not on that day, but in general, yes, let’s look at the very apartment in which the terrible murder took place, bogdan shulgin shows his room, it was here that his former stepfather found him on december 24, 2023. there was a pistol in his right hand, he put it here, said: get up, bogdan, slowly, i’m getting there, got up from here, told me to sit on the bed, there he already, well, lay down on his stomach, and then he kept fixing me here. on this bed the guy lay in handcuffs without moving. at about 2 o'clock, when his mother returned, the worst began. it turns out he
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put her on the sofa. in about the same way with his back, he stood behind her, held her, she was in handcuffs, he tried to hold her from behind with his shoulder blades, i left here, ran in, opened the door to the bottom, at that time i also had a gag in my mouth, i can’t say anything i couldn’t, i could only make sounds, scream, it turns out , i knocked on all the doors as best i could, with my hands tied , my legs, my head, in this place between the second and third floors, my former father... overtook him, he how he came down and hit me sharply with his temple, here i fell, it turns out on my right shoulder, and then he simply beat me here - with his feet, his hands, after which the enraged man returned to the apartment, leaving the guy, with the last of his strength bogdan stood up and rushed for help, i was just shocked that what happened, i just ran in a straight line and wanted to turn behind the house, in
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principle. i did this so that he would lose track of me. i see that bogdan did a very courageous act, he tried to save his mother, he fought through these doors, a man tied up at such a young age. didn't give in panic attack, but took these measures , thought, resisted, the victim syndrome did not overtake him, that he did not wait for his fate inconsolably, he went to resist, moreover, as he ran down the street, that is, he wanted to live, and he wanted to help his mother, this is what dictated, as it seems to me, his desire to save himself and his mother, and what a pity that no one opened the door, did not call the police, not a single one, just silent witnesses, we... live with each one on his own in the house, where i live now, there are people who will open the door, and there are people who will never open the door, they are bad, they are good, but these are your problems, this is how we live now, we have such a demarcation between people, we have this
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brotherhood of family, yard or home, people change, leave, come and so on, we still need something the second night, 12 o'clock at night, and if one woman thinks that someone is thundering there, it is not clear what, because the young man did not scream, he knocked, well, they are knocking something with some kind of iron, i need it, and fear, and indifference and reluctance, bogdan, my mother, when she was married and before her marriage, complained about him, yes, most likely, this is a person with narcissistic personality disorder, and the central link in the consciousness of such a person is occupied by the plot of delusion, delusion of possessiveness. he treats his woman and all others as a thing, she belongs to me, but how can one recognize such a person when meeting him and is it possible? you can , friends, pay attention to three things: this is adequacy, adequacy
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in thinking, adequacy in reasoning, adequacy in behavior, adequacy in reactions, criticality, criticality of what i do and what others do. if i don't give account for my actions, if i don’t heed what they tell me, questions arise. and the third is productivity, the extent to which what i do corresponds to the culture, tasks, goals , and everything that guides me. now, if these three parameters are completely absent, this...
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he blames himself. alexander chertin is in direct contact with the studio. hello, alexander. hello hello. why do you blame yourself for what happened? you know, i replayed that evening in my head many times and anya didn’t tell me many things that she had there were such problems, and that her husband, her ex, offended her so much. and... i thought that if i knew and could somehow influence, i would take her to my home to live, in order to somehow protect her, protect her from these dangers, that evening you accompanied
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bogdan’s mother to the apartment, yes , it turns out that i left her already at 17 minutes past midnight, this is already... after i got up to her again, she had a sore throat that day, i bought her medicine so that she could spray the spray so that she felt better when you were twice on the threshold of this apartment, you didn’t notice anything, didn’t feel someone’s presence in the house or anything like that? no, nothing like that happened , that is, i walked her to the door, she went into the corridor to her place, that is, the light was turned off, nothing like that would have happened, but you didn’t go into the apartment itself, yes, yes, i didn’t come in, if you were invited to stay , you would have stayed, of course, i would have come in , do you think that we could have saved bogdan’s mother, i think that i would have done everything that was in my power
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at that moment, you were familiar with her ex husband, he wasn’t, they told me that he had attempted murder, he was in prison, it turns out that he was convicted of attempted murder. that there were precedents more than once, that he beat her until she bled, that is, the store visited her there with threats of attack. she forgave everything, he spent some time behind bars, just a little, literally, but for a while, si ba da, and then at home, house arrest, alexander, maybe you managed to find out something about his past after that how this terrible tragedy happened, i heard a lot that he and his ex-wife too he took her out into the forest, handcuffed her to a tree somewhere, and left her there for a few minutes.
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we found out about this when he was already arrested , alexander, bogdan told us that now you really support him, his grandmother, yes, because for me they are not strangers, i treat them well, they also accepted me very much, like - as if we were in our own family, very warmly, and knowing how - from happiness, that anya and i were very... close, not only physically, but also spiritually, we became very close, understood each other very well and could just spend hours talk to each other without stopping , and that is, i treat bogdan, his grandmother and, in general, all my loved ones and family very well, you will continue to support them, and nazila, you don’t blame alexander for not suspecting something , did not enter the apartment. no, but the neighbors
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, the very ones we talked about, who didn’t open the door , didn’t provide help, you know, when we went with the investigator and then i saw the doors open, i said, what’s that grandma standing there, i said that you don’t open the door when someone comes to you they ask for help, everything, who and what happened, and right next to us is the eleventh apartment, there’s some kind of athlete nearby, apparently, maybe he wasn’t at home, there’s a grandmother. grandma is there, well, of course, what are they, i’m not , not that i’m not offended, i understand them, that they, well, at least dial the phone and say, here ’s something at our neighbor’s, bogdan, when you rang the intercom , your girlfriend has long since gone to bed, diana islamgulova is in the studio with her mother gulsina, hello, hello, dian, it was you who opened the door, no, i’m in it it was time to go to bed, my parents
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opened the door, then my mother came into my room, he said what bogdan had come, i went out, i looked, he was in such a state, in only trousers, in socks and beaten, all in tears, what bogdan said , he said that we were attacked , help, call the police, well, the parents began to ask who attacked, he said that his mother’s former partner, very much, that his colleague would tell about the accused, he always calmly resolved issues within the framework of the most appropriate thing, he was a person why are the murdered sisters sure that the tragedy could have been avoided, the rare moments when we had a chance to talk, she always came up cheerful, she would not have hidden in this tragedy, i am 100% sure, we will be back very soon. timur eremeev announced himself throughout the country as the illegitimate son
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of spartak mishulin. oh, i was so worried about you, i was so sick. but what does the actor and tv presenter know about his father? we kissed when we met. i looked just now, of course, you look very much like your father. why has his mother been on the sidelines all her life? i gave birth and he said: well, and she said, it’s a boy.
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bogdan shulgin, his seventeen-year-old son, was saved. according to the guy, his ex- father handcuffed him when he tried to protect his mother, the brutal man began to beat him too. i left here, ran away, opened the door downstairs, at that time i also had a gag in my mouth, i couldn’t say anything, just make sounds, scream, in about 5-10 minutes i ran to my girlfriend, i said that. .. then i was afraid that my mother would be killed, i said, call me at 1:12, gulsina, tell me what you remember about that evening? my husband and i were already in bed too. but they didn’t sleep, they lay there, watching tv, around one o’clock the intercom rang, the husband got up, went, and
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answered the intercom, then he heard that the husband opens the front door, i got up accordingly, ran to the door, i said who came there, why are you opening the door , i looked into the entrance and saw bogdan coming in, he literally walked in and collapsed, i said who attacked, what happened , he said that... my mother’s ex-roommate, that he lay in handcuffs with a gag in his mouth for 2 hours, and you tried to remove these handcuffs somehow, well, yes, at that moment i woke up my daughter, went to her and took it from her there was a paperclip in the room, the husband asked for a paperclip, while the husband was trying to remove the handcuffs, i was just calling at that moment the police, they couldn’t remove the handcuffs, no , i called again from the rescue, i say what we should do, what to do, i say, because his hands are all gone, i see that they are numb , red, they asked... us to come to them ourselves, it turns out that my husband took a taxi to the rescue service, it turns out they already took off his handcuffs, they took them off, by the way, they opened,
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sawed, broke, broke gulsin , your house is far from bogdan’s house, if directly in principle not far, about three or four minutes, but it turns out he was trying to cover his tracks, he he came running to us on another road, so it took a little longer, bogdan’s path was recorded by video cameras... maybe not live, but i knew him from bogdan’s stories, and what did he say about him? well, he said that he was a good man
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, that he helped them, you couldn’t think that this man could commit a crime, and such a terrible one, no, he couldn’t, a colleague of the accused murderer always considered him a balanced, decent person, in the studio artur ikhsanov, hello, hello, artur, how did you find out that your colleague is accused of murder? i found out this from the internet , from the news, i was shocked, i’ve known him for about, well , about 2 years, he’s always been decent, calm, balanced, well, in terms of business , yes, he’s literally worked, but he himself has such i had a business, well , i was involved in cars, but at least once... i don’t remember a colleague who was aggressive, he always calmly resolved issues, everything was within the bounds of decency
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, what do you think should be the punishment for what he did? i believe that everyone can improve, repent there, he should get what he deserves, because he doesn’t it’s just that everything was thought out, it’s not just that he raised his hand to the woman with whom he lived for a single day. 1 month it’s not so easy to even raise a hand against a boy who did nothing wrong to him, he didn’t let his grandmother get close to him at all, that is, a man with a thousand faces, the sisters who died want the most severe punishment for the culprit, they are sure that their sister should have put your ex -husband in jail after the first beating, and not agree to a settlement, in aunt bogdan’s studio, natalya... hello, hello, natalya, yulia,
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please accept our deepest condolences , thank you, how did you find out that your sister is no more, i was getting ready for work in the morning, woke up, picked up the phone, and there was a voice message from my mother, she just screamed into the phone with tears. what things were there, quickly got ready and ran to mom, which one of you will become the guardian, bogdan? i already went to the guardianship authorities,
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i went with bogdan, i went myself, but where will bogdan live? with me, we have a three-room apartment, my husband and i, i have two children, in your apartment, not in your sister’s apartment, but in you were in your sister’s apartment, after everything that happened, yes, of course, the next day , it turns out, we came there, there was a huge puddle of blood in the hall and it was already caked, and you know, as if in the form of flowers, huge, just like that, the smell of blood for the whole apartment. an eerie sight, like something out of some horror movie. natalya, did your sister ever complain to you about her husband? no, in those rare moments when we had a chance to communicate, she always came up cheerful, how were everything fine, she hid, like bogdan, okay, but how did you react to the fact that she i went with him to the peace settlement, you know, there
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was such a long process, it was so... exhausting for her, it was endless interrogations, it was constant meetings with his lawyers, with some, she was simply exhausted, if if she had imprisoned him then, this tragedy would not have happened, i am 100% sure. where does bogdan live now, who will take care of him? now for now with my grandmother, with me. a month ago, nazilya boltneva temporarily moved to her grandson, to the same apartment in the center of sterletamak where her son-in-law would have brutally murdered her daughter, without the cheerful and cheerful anna , the house was empty, her mother admits, but bogdan wanted to live here until her aunt gets custody. for now, i live here with my grandson, we support each other, because on our own one would probably go crazy. every morning, grandma prepares bogdan his favorite pancakes. her daughter also loved
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to eat deliciously, the woman recalls. she really loved to eat when... she sat down, even if you don’t want to eat, she’ll eat like that, and oh my god, how delicious it all is, how i love it all, that’s her just like that, that’s all always playfully, the owner of the apartment anna lived here for only a month, but managed to finish the renovation, her daughter had impeccable taste, says nazilya, she carefully selected the curtains to match the color of the chairs in the kitchen and thought through every detail, she tried everything to make everything beautiful , chairs , no, not the same ones, mom, you didn’t like them, mom, these chairs, daughter, these chairs are just the thing, i’m telling you, then she has a rug like this, right there, and a curtain under them, yes mom , you’ll go like this, it’s fine, so far the grief-stricken mother has been crying for a while now, she ca n’t believe that her youngest is no more, my little girl, my, my beloved, i
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look, i look, everything, i think, yes you smile, we are here... now the grieving mother is together with his older daughters, his grandson visits anna at the cemetery, near the fresh grave the relatives give vent to their emotions: my daughter, my daughter , you shouldn’t be lying here today, thank you for being...
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veronique, and you can help bogdan, of course, the whole family, if you necessary, my doors are open for you, thank you very much, yulia, what kind of punishment do you want for your sister’s killer, the maximum, to the fullest extent of the law, so that not a single article is missed, but your mother said that now he has partially admitted his guilt, yes, what testimony does he give, he killed her, but he didn’t touch bogdan at all? and whether they have the right to demand material compensation from the criminal, your rights as victims, of course, cannot
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be restored with some money, we will find out. immediately after the advertisement a year ago, the parents buried their deceased in the hospital. six-month-old son, and i’m sure that i buried my child, naturally, i completely examined the body, but my husband’s family is sure that the doctors gave them the body of someone else’s child, my husband’s family is sure that we buried someone else’s child when they gave me the body, he didn’t look like my son, he was taller and had a larger build, the relatives insisted on the boy’s exhumation, i was against the exhumation, my mother-in-law and husband insisted on this for...
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and so close, nothing should stop you. tancatali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get a tank. right now for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456, all conversations are confidential, boss, new season, today at 20:00 0 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. on december 24, 2023 , thirty-six-year-old anna boltneva was brutally murdered in the city of sterletamaki in the republic of bashkartastan. according to investigators, it was her ex who dealt with the woman husband. according to investigators, the accused entered the victim’s apartment; at that time , the woman’s minor son was at home, whom the man handcuffed and held in the apartment. threatening with a pistol, when the ex-
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wife returned home, a quarrel occurred between her and the accused, during which the woman’s son managed to escape and contacted the police through friends. at this time , the accused fatally stabbed the victim in the neck and chest area. the attacker has now been detained, and punishment has been imposed on him during the investigation. suppression in the form of detention. the sister of the murdered woman, forty-five-year-old natalya kozhevnikova, still cannot recover from grief. she insists.
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unlawful entry into a residential premises. bogdan said that there was surveillance with video cameras in the entrance, this is also considered a violation of privacy. then we heard nothing about what happened to bogdan. then we see that the issue was robbery, phones were stolen, that is, at least four articles need to be checked. if all this is proven, what is the maximum sentence? maximum term is life imprisonment. if attracted. attention of the public, journalists, if this is a situation, yes, then the situation should proceed from the fact that his previous behavior must be considered, that it stopped upon reconciliation of the parties, that there were violent motives, that there were selfish motives, that there were sadistic motives of special cruelty, that’s all the court must take into account, consider and make this decision, you will help this family achieve the maximum punishment, of course i will help you prepare complaints so that the person... bears
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deserved punishment for what you did and your rights, as victims, of course, cannot be restored with some money, but you also have the right, so i wanted to ask about this, financial compensation is possible for bogdan, for his family, already now all the relatives of the deceased have the right to file a civil claim in a criminal trial, each of you can safely claim 3 million, let him sit for now, pay everything, then he can have apartments and a business. you heard, some kind of automobile accident, you urgently need to apply, mother and son and sisters can apply for compensation, this is immediate, alin, bogdan’s studies, the culpable death of his mother, is obliged to pay the mortgage, what to do with this? regarding the mortgage, relatives have the right to contact the bank to ask for debt restructuring while the issue of inheritance is being considered.


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