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tv   Shef  NTV  January 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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i always don’t care, but with you, come on quickly, take it, you’re serious, onions, you know how the smell is overwhelming, everything in a bunch, unload it, come on! live, live, live, live, i hope there is no need to count, there are people who don’t throw, the hornbeam is just like that, well , okay. the transfer
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has taken place, the cathedral is working with all faces on the ground, throw the weapons with all faces on the ground, cease fire , hands on the back of the head, colonel sarmatov, the head of the criminal investigation department, st. petersburg glavk, we are carrying out the operation that you charty just ruined, again i ask who is the eldest, i repeat, weapons on the ground, hands on the back of the head, face to the ground, this is cut, 100%, now we will quickly put them down and everything will be fine, who is the eldest?
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i am major general rastorguev, we know each other, colonel, and you know perfectly well who i am, order your people to lay down their arms, have something to eat with them, come on, i don’t want to, bonnie , let the heavy ones pull out, we also serve weapons, only under your word of honor, there will be no massacre, don’t shoot, drop your weapon, don’t complicate the situation, i’m first, you’re second, follow me at a pace, grenade, forward, forward, please, help me from you, you won’t be at a loss, think about it, huh?
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these are good grandmothers, okay, let's go through the forest, you think i was born yesterday, and they accepted us, that means there is a rat, it is unlikely that it is among those who were put in, but sharmats! quiet, quiet, quiet, be quiet, everything will be fine, look at me, look at me, look at me, comrade general, comrade general, everything is fine, one banto. more, some less,
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it was not a gangster, it was our employee, this whole operation, all this, only thanks to him, come on... general, why sarmatov then, he tried to help him leave, apparently he hoped that sarmatov would lead him to the customer, he decided to take a risk and lost. damn, konstantin lvoevich, where have you been, the governor has arrived, vitalich, he’s waiting for you, yes, i’m on my way now, we’re waiting, we’re waiting, i’m listening, hello, our
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whole party has been busted, but the cop doesn’t care about anyone. he will say, he doesn’t know anything, things are different, we lost a lot of money and a whole channel, because these buyers won’t come to us anymore, don’t care, soon no one will have a choice, they will come and do it themselves ask, and you know it, but we need money now to complete what we started at the site, but we’ll have to hurry up, there are options. konstantin lvoevich, hello, vitalovich , let me introduce konstantin lvoevich roshkov, head of emitet group, mr. governor, glad to finally meet you, the very person thanks to whom our project will finally take place mutually, i apologize for
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the delay, but what can you do, urgent intercom with moscow, and you could start without me, well, how is it possible, we all know. that first of all this is your project , allow me to begin, begin, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, i ask for your attention, let’s do this, this is how the lapinskaya airport will soon look like, it was also very pleasant with you, yes.
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oh, we had everything very clearly thought out, the operation plan, you personally approved, here it is, ah, but the drug dealers turned out to be more cunning.
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failure without the ability to connect a sim card, it is impossible to track the other party, that is, we don’t know anything about the supplier of the goods, we don’t know yet, but we should know.
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greetings, hello, hungry, let's get straight to the point, i still have a meeting at the banker today. in general, the count needs more money to complete our affairs. bone, you know, i put in everything i had. well, that means we need to come up with something. no, this is not our answer. well, maybe we should turn to the authorities? no, all the information flows through them, like through reshuto. and if we don’t want to have problems with the cops, and we really don’t want that, then it’s not ours. the way out, besides, the authority will soon have no time for this, no time for this at all, in
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i mean, it doesn’t matter, kirill, find an opportunity, the count will not be left in debt, how much? 5% of the entire future turnover, well , if you show up, you’ll automatically be on the board of directors. now this is interesting!
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petrofanov, netrofanov on the way out, i haven’t finished yet, but you know this, look for your lawyer, so i decided to please you. hot chocolate, try it, you look good, like you, alexandrich, like me, but if you want, let’s switch, then you’ll find out, are you really sure that you can please me with this cheap swill, well, no this is such a cheap swill, aleksandrevich , we have everything ready, it wasn’t easy, but we still found the best option, a prison
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doctor, no, the system works differently, the prison doctor doesn’t decide anything, the decision is made by a special board of independent civilian doctors in the city , how can i implement this, and what about you here with the library, from july 1 in russia. housing and communal services are becoming more expensive. according to the ministry of construction, tariffs will not rise above the established limit indexes. changes in utility tariffs will average 4%. we are talking about paying for hot food, cold water, heating, drainage and electricity. and to other news. today in moscow they solemnly said goodbye to police major igor shchukin. let us remind you that a senior police detective died tragically during a police special operation. the story is worthy of an action movie. officially, for everyone, shchukin was dismissed from the police in disgrace, but this was just
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a cover. in fact, all this time the policeman continued to serve. minister of internal affairs novozhilov personally came to honor the memory of the hero. at every funeral the same words. of course, i understand that some phrases need to be said, but by the twentieth time it somehow starts to jar.
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well, are you going? don’t eat just dumplings here, you better order something for yourself, do n’t forget the soups, you made me some borscht, a week ahead, well, some soups here, yeah, oh, well, that’s it, the taxi has arrived, yeah, that’s it
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take the train, call, uh-huh, well, let me at least give you somewhere. spend, i myself, rest, come on, love, hello, van, well, mine left, what are our plans, rich taste, family company, in unity, our strength, in the family earlier it was necessary to come to an agreement with me, but now it’s too late. we have vulnerable points in our company where kudryavtsev can attack us. daddy dima will not
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receive anything, and it’s not even a question of money. not the family, damn it, but the constipation of amazing creatures, everyone will lose from this war. igor gordin, there is a family, there are more of them, but i’m smarter, yulia snegir , you know how your family humiliated me, alexey guskov, some kind of santa barbara, a bonanza, today the assholes, these are my assholes, premiere, today at 22: 15 on ntv. season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. from the head pain there is askafen at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. home is personal. and when arranging it, you cannot do without a reliable assistant. shop at hof. home is
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personal. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature. sauce, also try the new big chicken mushroom burger to make a smart choice, you don’t need to scroll through the websites of all stores, look for the product in yandex search and compare offers from different stores on one page, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and how wide the coverage is, where is it, where no one has seen your videos yet. although the megaphone even there is picked up by the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, what are you doing here, making comfort accessible making comfort accessible plate is an unusual service with payment in installments, you don’t need to apply for a new card , look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere, play shares price for six pieces and works with card of any bank, but
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there are no interest rates, go to plitroru. it seems that something has changed, but no, everything is as we love, kfc is now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, almagel fights heartburn, pain in the stomach, carefully coat its walls. almagel knows his stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts on bonanza. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy, yes, i’m all over again today night, how i got to the hall, i don’t remember , i didn’t think about getting out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, what
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to buy, what’s there, as they call it, prostatricun, remember? and remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what do you think works? what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order , they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife , yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, leave it try it for yourself, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call me, be sure to order, remember. “it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on
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natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up , women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold, no one should be disappointed, by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed." i am sure that perestroika will destroy the ussr, we work within the rules, the enemy does not play by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions, be with her until he leads
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you to the archive, you will attack me , i'll kill everyone you know. i'll find you and kill you. gdr. the main premiere of the year. coming soon on ntv. i couldn't turn it off, mish, i have a good attitude towards these guys. look, are you here? i have one candidate for st. petersburg . i’m listening. you’ve been in the ministers for 2 years already, even a little over two. when i moved with you to
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moscow, we had an agreement. i will work for 2-3 years and return to st. petersburg. i remembered, after all. and i have a good memory, sergei sergeevich. besides, now is the right time. the position of deputy ur is currently vacant. it could be a good team. this is only if you find a good gym. do you still have your people there? yes, there is an apartment in st. petersburg, but how about it, i don’t know, but what about my son, we don’t communicate with him, the last time i saw him was a year ago, when lena was in the palliative department, after her death he somehow began to move away, i even don't know, where is he and what’s wrong with him now, i transferred the apartment to my son, out of guilt, or what? him, and in front of both of them, and as for peter , i’ve become attached to him, besides, you yourself
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know everything, well, we’ll decide on housing, which means you’re leaving me after all, i ’ve fulfilled my part of the agreement, sergei sergeevich, it’s time for you to do yours, and you know, given the difficult situation that has now developed in st. petersburg, surely it would be logical if they send an adviser to the minister to the post of head of uur, i firmly decided, so what, how yours, listen, she tells me , she tells me, you know, today, i have a headache today, you know, my head, she was even too lazy to come up with something, so what are you talking about, well, i say, i have
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a nurse in my department, sveta, blonde, she never has a headache at all, you should have seen, you should have seen how it’s twisted, i’ll go and show the pikhtors, mish, will you make two saws? you're bored, your girlfriend couldn't come, maybe i can do something, well, instead of a girlfriend, what, how can i tell you, come in, well, here we are... we've arrived, oh, feel at home, well should we take a shower, or maybe we should take a shower first?
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i have veskar in the refrigerator, you will, i won’t refuse, everything is on me, oh, oh, eighteen years old, like you, thanks for the compliment, cat, let me look after you, and you better turn on what? something to set the mood, that’s it, i understand, now let’s do a queen,
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a queen, let’s dance, let’s dance, and more, handsome. accept the job, listen, let me pay you first, and then do what you want, change your
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perversions. they don’t touch, well then you say, well, i’m afraid they do, they were expecting you only tomorrow, i wanted to wash and vacuum the car today, comrade general, excuse me if it’s dusty, i’ll survive, comrade general, but they didn’t give me an address, where should i take you, maybe a hotel, first in the management, then we’ll sort it out, it’s nice us, yes, you’ve been to st. petersburg before, passing through, it’s definitely here, yes, definitely, definitely, you see, the car is there. i couldn't find a better car, what kind of
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bucket? don’t be afraid, the more inconspicuous the better, you’re in special gear, you weren’t taught this, don’t let the appearance scare you, the car was pumped up like it follows, the guts are all new, the engine is reinforced, it’s just right for the job, we’ll get to the place as soon as we get there, the yard is closed, there ’s a barrier, a key fob in the glove compartment, tools, guns in the trunk, clean, shot, after the job get rid of them, what’s the deadline? when is it necessary? the object can change its address at any time, so yesterday. another question.
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this is so that you haven’t yet decided to arrange some kind of cruelty, how did you get here? or what? here is comrade general, come in, so to speak, please love, i mean, welcome, you, comrade general, forgive me,
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it’s me out of excitement, comrade general, good afternoon, viktor sergeevich, pefanov, egor matveevich, head of the department , i wish you good health, i just found out that you are already here, i can’t prepare you, egor matveevich, i ’ll be there until this evening, look around, talk to the guys , if you decide on the address by seven to eight, that will suit me perfectly. mishchenko, what are you standing there doing? eat.
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well, let’s get legendary, viktor sergeevich, we can talk to you frankly, i hope it will be so. i am a man from the governor's team, it is thanks to him that i took his chair. vitaly fedorovich spoke very highly of you, saying that you helped him a lot a couple of times. vitaly fedorovich is exaggerating. i am a fairly experienced
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leader, but because of this scandal in our main directorate, i really let the governor down. i wouldn't want to let him down again, do you understand? therefore, please, without what happened before, i made inquiries about you, now the city is calm, viktor sergeevich, let it be, to clean up the ranks after your predecessor and his leadership, armatov, i give you complete carte blanche, i’m waiting for you tomorrow with a report, i heard you, igor matveevich, and although for me the main thing is not the peace of the governor, still the safety of the citizens. i also hope that we will work together. the lapinsky military airfield, previously owned by the ministry of defense, officially became the property of st. petersburg, although it is located regionally. let us remind you that the airfield
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has not been used for many years. now the object is undergoing large-scale restoration. starting tomorrow there is a new chief detective in st. petersburg. order of the ministry of internal affairs major general police viktor rastarguev was appointed to the position of head of the criminal investigation department. so mish, i have a signing meeting now, so it will take until nine o’clock, but i don’t know, while you’re there, grab something to eat, wash the car, i understand you, good afternoon,
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how long can you pull a cat by the tail? comrade lieutenant colonel, comrade lieutenant colonel, where is zarubin and blagovoy, why am i still not seeing the disclosure rate for the quarter? you’ll come in when asked, comrade lieutenant colonel. comrade general, i'm sorry, i didn't know you were in city, they were expecting you only tomorrow, they’ve been telling me about this all day today, you’re the new head of the lethal department, that’s right, artyom khomutov, excuse me, general, yes, the lady called back , and not at the address, i’m leaving, would you like to get acquainted with the personnel, no, everything is tomorrow, today i’m not officially here. are you in a hurry? that's right, let me go. go. well,
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hello, yura, hello, viktor sergeevich, welcome back. new season. new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv, bonanza, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. oh, where's your lined swallow? i won a new sticker! the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big
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special in a tasty spot, scanned the application code and won a car from blueprints, if you want, you want a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty app, period. pain can be different, but the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. universal remedies against different types of pain. thanks to its combined composition, pentalgen acts against. pain, wherever it is nor was it, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. petelenka - pure products without harmful additives. and who is our fellow? i washed and wrung everything myself, all that was left was to hang it up. and the point is, it will dry it out, everything is fine. liran dryer for 49.990. liran, we make comfort accessible. go!
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matra’s grandmother’s house should also be warm, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello, we already have yogurt, i’m stupid, i don’t know hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our country, we have no barriers, you can simply spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts. connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive
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a superbox as a gift, you can yota. for 37 years, doshirak has been preparing the broth base using fermentation technology, which lasts more than 100 days. doshirak is the secret of taste in the broth. when relatives are concerned about intestinal problems, give way to hilokforte. thanks to its metabolites, hilokforte is immediately ready to act and can be used together with antibiotics. ru to retire in a new year is profitable with sberbank, for pensioners a free sber card, a favorable rate on deposits to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in the branch and receive special, favorable conditions. for breakfast in the old garden there are juices, i boil them, cut them into pieces, stuff them with an omelette
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and it’s done, these are all our juices, the old garden is really tasty, anxiety can be treated, novelkazold, gradual liberation active ingredient, just one tablet per day, afabozole anxiety can and should be treated. biclets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary look, it's bighit, bighit, only in a tasty way. any business begins with the question, can we introduce innovations in familiar areas? yes, of course , we can, everything can be done more technologically, but without support there can be a pause in any business, with support we have doubled in size.
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let's expand further. national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. it’s interesting, very interesting, nikrasov is now in krasnodar, deputy head of the regional department, khomutov, instead of him, he ’s the head of a smart one, though without a sense
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of humor, as they say, from the word at all, but what about the former head of ur, and he was only minding his own business . tezhda smooth, the acrobat’s business was taken over by the nomad, and after tikhomirov’s departure, his part of the business, too, by the way, so the nomad is now in the kings, how are you, how are you, how are you, how is your wife, but no way, we got divorced, we’re at the end
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in the end, i didn’t want to return to st. petersburg, and who needs me with such a job without days off? passers-by, how are you? and i have a smart job, just like you, only you said it better than me just now, what have you heard about the count? who, of course , doesn’t care, take care of him, run him through all the reports and reports, it will be done, viktor sergeevich, and if it’s not a secret, are you staying with us for a long time? i hope forever. if everything goes well, if everything goes well, and not the way you usually wanted to say, well, somehow, well , somehow, resin, i don’t even know what’s wrong with it
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maybe a generator, let's get a tow truck for... let's say and get this thing over with, have you already filed a tax return on income? hello matvey semyonovich, just a second. “matvey semenovich, did you see a lada in the yard, and what’s wrong with them, some kind of left-wing dudes, i’ve never seen them here before, they’ve been pretending for several hours that the car is being repaired, well, maybe it’s really repairing, or maybe someone had an affair, arsen
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was ruined in exactly the same way, they played around with drunks for several days, and then, when he came out, they stuffed him into a car to..." stab steel, huh? someone here, the man is feeling bad, help, help, the person is feeling bad. come in, good
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afternoon, lieutenant budanov, whose car, well, mine, what about the documents, please, what is it, commander, our car just won’t start, show us the documents, he has no words, he’s standing! stand simple weapon 641 641, just not now, come on, come on, come on, well, well , let's go, let's go, he blocked the entrance, we have to break through, well, did a bullet hit the engine? the bitch won't start, what the fuck, two wounded, i blocked them, we need an ambulance reinforcements, i understand, we are managing reinforcements
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, wait, accepted, kuba, let's go, what are you standing, kuba, yes, on the road, lieutenant, comrade general, uh, here are the keys to the service apartment, only we didn’t have time to clean it, it’s my fault, the cover came out , you have too many overlays, misch... don’t you think, it’s my fault, comrade general, the heavy one is already on the way, the fsb officers will soon be there, great, zarubin has already left, yur, what happened, emergency, viktor sergeevich, attack on pps, there is a wounded woman, where is it, great, great, how are you, great, who is this, quiet, you, report in form, is it your fault, comrade?
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probably so, traces of scouring, who could they drag where? maybe ours shot one of the villains, then where is the wounded man, he couldn’t have gone far, they inspected the car, not yet, open it, who is it? why are they without clothes, they are ours, then who did you take to the hospital in the ambulance? khomutova to me urgently,
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yes, that is, how, yuri borisovich, well , like this, you can’t work here anymore, write a statement in your own way, and what happened, did i let you down or what? misha, it’s nothing personal, it’s difficult for me to explain everything to you, just believe me! so do you need to work 2 weeks from what day? no, you’re free right now, right today, yeah, about the calculation, don’t worry, you’ll get everything, as usual, fifth in accounting, like that, yes, zhenya, hello.
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the police are standing there, quiet, quiet, police, clean, that's it, calm, our own, quiet, quiet, come on, that's it, that's it. it’s all over , quiet, oh, thank god it’s you, lord, yes, what is it, this is the first time this has happened to me, this has never happened, that’s it, let’s go out, it’s good that you came, calm down, it’s all over, everything is fine, look at me, look at me, the criminals were wounded, no, these bastards were just smeared with blood, we thought they had boolean expressions on their faces, but as soon as we left the yard, and they grabbed their weapons, everything was already behind us, calm down. take it, viktor sergeevich, there are no guns or radios, of course, but this is what i found, it’s yours, no. it probably
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fell out when they took off their uniforms, they were hitmen, that’s their goal, now all that’s left is to find out who he is, they killed him, they killed him, next to the body they found a poem by mr. pushkin, four notes, four murders, yes, a case with a trick, when instead of evidence there are only lines, over an indifferent crowd, yes. this is a double-stick, where murder is one of the lines, instead of suspects there are ghosts, you saw it, the sole is melted, it’s like you’re walking on fire all the time , the one takes over the case, i know who the next attempts will be on, who the killer is hunting for, let me introduce myself, bastard , alexander karamlovich, it is still unknown who you should be more afraid of, some mythical villain or
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me. don't kill her server, do you like poetry? now no, big premiere in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. what is the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, naapept can help. naapept helps.
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inspection of the pipe, checking the supports. hello. hundreds of languages. honey, you’ve already got ready, you’re thinking , there’s so much you need to pay, you also need to send money to your mom, let’s pay, get a tinkov black card and make payments and transfers without commission always tinkov, spasm, pain,
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spasm, what’s the difference? ru, rather than watch it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order delivery from one rub. but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. new opportunities regularly appear in russia study. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. yes, the tests are very bad, the patient is sentenced to
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a long term, but with such a diagnosis, what do you think, sergei ivanovich. the term of imprisonment should not be of general concern to you. the patient has coronary heart disease, with third degree circulatory failure. in fact, a person with such a disease is on the verge of death. and this diagnosis is a list of diseases, incompatible with detention in places of deprivation of liberty. this is the law, and you and i are obligated to follow it, right? yes, that’s right, well, that means it’s decided. yura, don’t go there yourself, they’ve
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already killed two of ours, i don’t need a third, let the heavy ones work, understand? comrade general, the identities of the criminals have been established, the mobile phones have been detected, both are at the point. went out to seize, who are they, no one, unconvicted, but with experience, the special forces, as they guessed, left the ring too cleverly, ordinary bandits in such a situation would be stupefied, but these they realized, either they were naturally very gifted , or specially trained, more often it’s the latter, uh-huh, you’ll stay here to eat , suspicious types hung around here for half a day, but i asked the guys to check, who knows what, it’s clean, i flushed all the drugs down the toilet, and what kind of drugs , you say i’m not doing this, and even if
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i was, i’m a fool or something, protect the house , okay, closer to the point, i don’t know who it is, i’m seeing it for the first time, it’s your client, the supplier, the killers stopped at the entrance opposite, you probably know who... lives, i can tell by the eyes i see that you know who, say, the bell-ringer , the bell-ringer, the same one, who is it , they heard about the nomad, viktor sergeevich, so the bell-ringer is his man, and they say, right hand, why did he settle next to him, no one has a soul it’s not enough to be next to such a neighbor, they’ll touch me , yes, yes, i understand what the guys have there, the killer managed to escape, the point is empty, what would you care, i’ll call the apers, they’ll wait for the bell ringer and interrogate them properly, you and me anyway on your feet all night, thank you for your help, viktor sergeevich, but you’re welcome, oops, to the catcher and
9:01 pm
the beast is running, wait, general, terminate the deal, i need to call, this... police, hands, so that i can see, well done, reacted in time, khomutov, name the group, khomutov! thank you, it seems you just saved my life, you wanted to talk, not with you, with
9:02 pm
the nomad, wait here. we haven’t seen each other for a long time, and i wish you had... but i didn’t see you, why did you call? an assassination attempt was being prepared on the bell-ringer, and, as far as i understand, the order was to remove him at any cost, otherwise they would not have returned, and what does that have to do with me? they decided to remove him because he started his own game, or vice versa, because it works for you, if the second one, then the blow was on you, you are really disturbing someone, am i wrong? making a list of enemies on paper is not enough.
9:03 pm
“the bell ringer is alive, only because our employees paid for it with their lives, say that you haven’t been in moscow, general, some woodpeckers came to the bell ringer and asked to leak information about me, he refused, then you know who, and i heard that you are on a horse, a friend of the minister and all that, but don’t confuse me with your snoops, i explained everything to you, i explained, further on somehow myself." who is the count? is he also called the count of samara? who is he? i would like to know, i really would like to. okay, come on, let’s go! where now,
9:04 pm
comrade general? home.
9:05 pm
well, hello, st. petersburg! alexander borisovich, congratulations, great, glad to see you, congratulations, you’re free, well done, you did a good job.


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