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tv   Zolotoe dno  NTV  January 30, 2024 12:00am-1:01am MSK

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we’ll never know, gen, i suggest we shake hands and go our separate ways, you’ll get everything you wanted, even more, which means we’ll fight, we’ll definitely fight, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, but maybe you and i can come to an agreement, but what about yuri sergeevich? we’ll divide everything between us, honestly , you and i, yeah, but to hell with your assholes, no, they’re all assholes, you’re right about that, these are my assholes, brothers, brother, now you live here, why do
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you live here now, i say that such, what and what? what did you want, yes, good, good, good, but what did you decide to come? how can i tell you something i don’t even know, you know, brother, everything in this world is based on symbols, like a country has a flag, a city has a coat of arms, a company, look here. this office is a symbol, you know , when i walk here every day, they scratch something right inside me, for my father, for me too, and because of my father, because of the office, like so, in the place where i should the head of the company sits there, and emptiness, you can’t do that, yes, well, you have to agree, yeah, you can’t do that.
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what kind of people are they, they always feel when there is no power, sit down, no, i won’t sit down, i won’t sit down, i ask you, you feel good, i won’t, he will feel it, antosh, well, well, and now the power is you, i’m like a symbol of the fact that everything is under control. grandfather seems to have a different opinion, but what do you think, who is in charge, me or the children, you, me, just the children. well, what kind of friendship, when
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it comes to such grandmothers, there is no friendship there, whoever saves their assets is their friend, believe me, it will be me, not the grandfather, yeah, so i answer your question, yes, i am the power here, and then who am i, like you, what, my brother, are you? this is my team, you are a partner, this is our company, yeah yes, this means that we will now make all decisions together, of course, if you play on my side, yeah, and don’t talk too much, especially in front of your wife, yes, something else, no? i just came in
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to say hello, well, i’ll go, let’s go, the huge office is still uncomfortable. hello, relatives, hello, well , as i understand it, everyone is ready, yes, we can start, yes, ira. you look good, oh,
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thank you, yuri sergeevich, and you, olya, a nice suit, thank you, alyusha, do you need any? transferred, you are shareholders, we are not, and yes, he shares he didn’t tell us, but is this a rhetorical question, no, it’s quite practical, i ’m a shareholder, i’m at work, so, and your mother, what ’s the trouble here, or are you used to holding hands with them since school, no, grandfather, we you’re used to solving family issues as a family, so solve family issues at home in any composition and how many do you have? climbs, but here issues are resolved, business, business issues, dmitry alekseevich, well, i even read the company’s charter, since when have you been at work, are you retired, i manage your shares by proxy, which i yesterday i canceled it, so dear ladies, all the best, it was nice to see you.
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and we are solving some employment issues today, it wasn’t supposed, zinaida nikolaevna, i’m also glad to see you, all the best, i’m following the company’s charter, but you know it yourself, sit down, it’s a good start, well, we can
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start, it’s good, it was easy old fart. girls, maybe some tea, somehow we need to comprehend everything, what a bitch, lawyers have already started preparing a lawsuit against kudryavets in cyprus, we need to charge the press, declare him a raider, completely destroy his entire reputation, so so that no one ever wants to have anything to do with him, i’m building such a war for him, according to all the nonsense, we need to think not about how... to destroy kudryavtsev, but how to save the company, well, this bastard also needs to be punished, shut up, i will punish, my proposal , bypass the shareholder, get rid of everyone, find out who your father may have offended, apologize, make amends, maybe even offer shares for
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support, ours, no, antosha, tesla shares, children, wait, please, i’m probably -i don’t understand, yesterday you met at the shareholders meeting he snapped, you’re disrupting our meeting today, well , do you want to hang out in moscow? well, hang out in moscow, hang out, i don’t mind, i even understand, but you don’t need to tell me what to do, i’m not telling you what to do, i’m telling you, our company is turning into a sheep stand at the speed of sound, look, you’re a shareholder, you don’t have a formal position you’re not here, so i ask you in a good way, let zina draw a position for me, but i need the top management to coordinate everything with me, dear grandchildren, we need to get together, you’ve been sitting in your france for 10 years, drinking wine next to... . swimming pool, that's what you think, do you know how everything works here or not, hm? you can’t manage anything here, you can’t and you won’t , but you continue in the same spirit, i ’ll block your pass, that’s it, i’m in charge, i, i tell everyone this, i’m in charge, learn this as
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our father, your wife is interested in horoscopes, i heard, yes, please find out, are you with...
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the big premiere is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. chief new season. tomorrow at 20:00. on ntv. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. behind opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. people with long-term anxiety often hear advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. affabaolretar with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. and vobasol can be used for anxiety. and it needs to be treated, ismigen, i will quickly treat a cold,
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the new liven x6 pro crossover, modern design, refined handling, functionality, all this is in the liven x6 pro, from 2,479,900 rubles. liven x6 pro, give me start of something new. genferon light spray is green light. green light. my goals and plans are a red light to viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component , prevents the proliferation of influenza and orve viruses and their penetration. spray genperon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. download the magnit app if you want more advantages, discounts, promotions, bonuses for purchases with the magnit card. profitable as you like. the pain can vary. mechanism development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to
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the combined composition, pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. get a supercake. chef new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. it’s
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just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with fantastic taste of salchichon. cosmically delicious. cherkizovo! at sportsmaster the prices are half. herself, brutal, reliable, stylish, like confidence and strength, this is how she wants to see a set of hermes men's accessories from leamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, three crosses at once one, a powerful cross is ideal. combined with a chain of armored weaving, real gold color, durable lock, reliable links, decoration
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provided psychological services, but according to the man, he more than once found his wife’s clients at home, this is my old friend, we sat with them, drank tea, talked, either from our own or from the father, who still has many children, refuses other people’s children ; she specifically said that the children were from someone passing by, then from a friend, and it got to the point where she said, “why from my father?” they told roma that the children were not his, for a long time she endured bullying from him, from his mother, i am opening the dna envelope, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. “i forgot how cramped it is here, i’ll move to nazi one of these days , i used bleach on everything first, but shouldn’t my grandfather have dumped himself, yes, of course he did, he smelled the dough, like a raven waiting for blood, you understand “what will happen next,
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you will squeeze everything out for yourself, i don’t know, maybe they ’ll start talking, then they’ll embrace one of the shareholders and squeeze us to hell.” sorry, hello, traffic jams, how about we have a drink, i still have work to do, i agree, well, i won’t either, like a mother, still in black, yeah, dad, thank you for organizing and her treatment,
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everything is fine at work, yes, the reports have started. problems with paperwork, i understand, i was there myself recently, you have problems after being fired, maybe it has dawned on you, well, dad, i ’m trying to be aware of the level of the problem, yes, i’ll sort it out in a month, there’s a family there, there are more of them, but i’m smarter, there would be more of us too if you hadn’t hidden me, well, don’t start, well, we’ve already discussed it a hundred times. "i want to meet my sister, i want you to i told her about mom and me, dad, in my opinion, this is a completely understandable desire, no, i’ll tell you, just not now, well, before you couldn’t, because the ministry, now, because there’s a corporate conflict, yes, that’s why, or
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because you’re embarrassed of me , igor, what nonsense, well, i’m embarrassed of you, dad, i’ve always talked to you, no, look where we ’re sitting, in a separate office, so god forbid no one sees us, it’s just calmer here, well, yes, of course, i’ll still drink, but these 100 grams, dad, i’m sorry, i didn’t really want to,
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do you have nowhere else to see him? this is my apartment too. yes, that has to do with it. marin, there is a war going on and the front line is right here . and you and i are on different sides, in your opinion. i won’t discuss anything with him without dima. i told him so. there is no talk of business in this house. forbidden. what is he? “ let’s see if there are any changes in the topic of parenthood, otherwise i’m a pensioner now, it’s time for me to babysit my grandchildren, dad, let’s not talk about this, i
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beg you, lord,” this is also impossible to talk about, but what can you talk about? oh, some kind of ministry of morals, why don’t you move out of town? fresh air, view, you sleep like a log, traffic jams, it’s 15 minutes to my office here, and any decent countryside is at least 40 minutes, if it’s overflowing, it’s unrealistic to spend 2 hours on the road, marish. my workload happens in different ways, in different ways, sometimes he hangs out in the office on saturdays, well, the purchasing department, well, almost the entire holding is based on it, right? why is this an abstract conversation, well, anton occupies a high position, he has people,
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responsibility, decisions, something to be shy about, dad, maris, if gennady andreevich there are topics for discussion, then i ’m ready, you said an hour ago that you won’t discuss anything without dima, i won’t discuss some things, but i can do some things, yeah. yes, i have one question, you bake the lamb in a bag, well, it’s soft, just very, only my mother could do it, in bags, my daughter, she ate it, well, i understand.
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and then there is a son, grandson, brother, shareholder, director, and can i take a photo with you, alive, beautiful, thank you. pozhikana in russia , two more photo shoots, i know, i know, contractual
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obligations, that’s five lyams to you superfluous or something, but not superfluous, but what is it, with you i get the maximum buzz, well , just like... damn, creative crisis, nothing happens at all, nothing works out, i haven’t written a single bitch note in a month, binge drinking, drugs , train of inspiration, that ’s all, something like that, let’s go to you, i’ll inspire you, i want to be alone, don’t forget.
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something long today, but with good news. kudryavtsev died. natasha wrote that the russian managers association nominated you for an award, industry leader, code manager. why did their sponsor disappear? no, what do they want, nothing, that they honestly began to give out their plastic statues , well, maybe a plastic one, but it would be good to get it, to show the shareholders that you are not only in the company, you are the main one in the industry, yeah, you think, confidently, who the shareholders are behind will they go for the manager of the year or for the pensioner?
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sorry for the appearance, i just got out of
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the gym. irino, you look great, oh well, thank you, i myself. so, how much should i invest to get started? well, i think we ’ll start with small amounts, 20-30 thousand dollars, isn’t that scary? well, i have maintaining a house is more expensive, somehow it’s not serious. what numbers would you like to start with? 100 euros for starters, come on, ira, a great initial entry, the profit will be more than that, i’ll send instructions on how to deposit money on the exchange, how are we doing with the bonus, can i? nice insight
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classified as secret, i’m the grave, in general, dmitry will win, manager of the year, main nomination, class, super, nice for the last name, well , i think it’s deserved, plus we need to somehow give respect to dana, alexey, thank you, arkash , listen, let's... let's go, i'll go now i’ll take a laptop and you’ll show me which buttons to press for which exchange, because i don’t understand this technology at all, but there may be problems, do you want to go to a restaurant, yurgeevich, we now have a lot of michelin, michelin in russia is like biathlon in africa, nonsense, not 40 years since the drinks, only vodka,
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portvel, cheburek. soleshya, we went here before football, then, where are we going , sergeevich, to the presentation of prizes, i heard all of you, to award your grandson, no, without me, then to the hotel, no, and i drank all the burgundy in the bar there, it gave, how- then i need bridge the gap, right? there is also a mobile dating application.
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where are you from, such an expert, and alexey erovich had a good understanding, well, at least something, but what did he answer? writes that you don’t have a photo, only on your profile, i understand, now we’ll do it, well, yuri sergeevich, well, make a face as if you are a serious businessman, why as if?
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oh, stop, that’s good, yeah, that’s it, well , send it, are you a driver or what, are you stupid or what, write, this is my car, it’s not sent, fed is not sent, fedya, well, i understand, i blocked it , now. we'll find another, well, your program, you know , this, my blood pressure has risen, let's go to the hotel, let's go, on the outskirts of st. petersburg there was a murder of several people, who is behind all this, the work of a new crime boss nicknamed count,
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we are all ready for the assault. we are waiting for the negotiator , consider that he is already here, from now on i am taking over the leadership of the operation, chief, new season, with your arrival everything went well... it’s a mistake, you are not the first one to tell me about this, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season, 11 february at 20:20 on ntv. pain can be different, but the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pentalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless of the reasons, we will manage it without pain. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact , anxiety can be treated. new. afabazole retard with gradual release of
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solve internet problems before you have them. rostelecom - technologies of opportunity. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and askaffen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches . and migraine. askafen - when you have a headache. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. norman rubber boots for 799. electric toothbrush for pikam for 1,499. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin. let's do without pain. that's it. it tastes better on fire. burger, this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so short, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell and the mechanism of virus reproduction
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that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. well, it’s not raining, why? yes, at least they did, what is interesting to you here? should i depict the decorations for his holiday? what the hell, stay today hail for my sake.
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mm, cool jokes, they give me 200k so that i can take a photo with my jackets, but why are you here? i have a brother here, he’ll do something today, listen, i’m sorry for being so stupid on the left, it’s just the moment, uh-huh, a creative person, i understand, congratulations.
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but i won’t, good afternoon, or rather evening already, i wanted to say what i wanted to say. i wanted
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to say thank you, let's once again welcome anton gradov, manager of the year in the construction and development industry, your applause. woke me up, sorry, it’s easy now, i i like it, yes, to be honest, so do you, you are my muse, muse, no, cool, glad to help,
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listen, in general you could do more. “it seems to me that there is too much bass, but that’s not the point, the label doesn’t give me the rights to the songs, they don’t even give me a name, think about it, i mean, how can they, what kind of freaks?”
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no need to say that, how can i help, your family could buy out my contract. 190 million for you is pennies, but for me it’s a matter of life and death, i don’t understand, i’ll advertise the galaxy as much as i want, it’s no market at all, what do you think? yes, i think, we can talk, you are my muse. anton gradov, known for his jealousy of the successes of his talented older brother, decided to follow the path of kept women and bought himself an award , industry leader, manager of the year, according to our birds, the statuette cost anton inexpensively, only 1000 dollars, let's 50,
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salt, yes, yes . agreed, when will it come out? well, today there are about five telegram channels during the day and in the evening the press will catch up, great, but do you think he bought himself a real bonus? no, damn it, for the brilliant management of the company given, destruction, lately there have been a lot of questions for the procurement department under the leadership of anton alekseevich, i instruct... to conduct a full audit of the company’s procurement, from paper clips and travel allowances to the purchase of materials, that ’s all, down to the nail, the internal audit commission includes the chief accountant, head asb internal auditors, questions, no questions, i ’m free, already in sports, you came to me
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, you worked, it wasn’t difficult to find you, it’s clear, i need advice, i don’t give consultations, a full audit in the procurement department was initiated by dima, firstly, why did he went against my brother secondly, what can he find there, i have nothing to do with it, you look like the only one in the whole company with brains, an outstanding compliment, what kind of combination, i need to know and what consequences i will find.
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when these small insects begin to stir up the anthill, what might come out of it? yes, anything, kickbacks, murky partnership schemes , right away, sovelev’s companies have a contract for the supply of pipes, what prices there are, market, not market, no one knows, this was always the subject of a personal agreement between him and alyosha, and
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sovelivo 10 % of shares, that's right really good. strategic consultant, what does it sound like? figured it out myself. i am on sabbatical and we are not accepting job applications. on the last page, a powerful argument. i looked, it's impressive. nominate your options, bonuses. i won't help a man named grad, okay? it’s clear, and that’s what i thought, i’ll offer you something completely different, different. place, i know how you want to take revenge on them all, from where, i feel
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, i understand, i heard how he kicked you out of the office, but the problem is, if this dish gets cold, then it will there will be no one to eat, or nothing to eat, and you are suggesting that i take revenge right away, right tomorrow. supplier of the saverlila company. oops, so you 're saying that our partner is stealing from us? this is really a problem, sasha. i don't think
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everything is so clear there. there, not your father, your father is no longer there. internal audit in the galaxy. consumption , i then brought rodok, basque and kerst to moscow, by the way, it hangs in your father’s house, i gave it to him, i saw it very beautifully, god, what an absurd tragedy, he left so early. although all tragedies are absurd in their own way. i
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i heard there is some roughness? there is a small one. priced at 15 million dollars. your company supplies pipes that are 17% more expensive than the market. why? pyotr nikolaevich? you know, when... under ivan the terrible they were developing siberia, the tsar, in order not to pay the boyars a lot of money, gave them patrimony for feeding, that is, they earned money from the regions that they annexed to russia, but based on the figures, you annexed mongolia to our company no less , it’s funny, you see, dima, your father and i had a certain agreement, which i get... for a company of building area in yekaterinburg and kazan, and the company
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pays me for this with the opportunity to supply pipes there at agreed prices, agreed with who, with your father, yeah, and other shareholders, of course, don’t know about this, building relationships with partners is an art, your my father knew how to do it. he had his own scheme with everyone and everyone was happy with it, you see, it’s great , it doesn’t suit me, with all sorts of reasons and other medieval schemes we end, yes, i explain it clearly, that is , you want to cancel the agreement, i want, so you understand, now you negotiate only with me.
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how did our procurement audit report appear in telegram channels, who is leaking it? well, we’re doing this, what are you doing, it’s someone inside who is leaking, you’re doing it poorly, sash, it’s bad, someone has ideas on this situation, no ideas, no ideas, well, it’s amazingly simple, that is, we have inside , someone is leaking telegram , sat doesn’t know,
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millions, millions, and you’re a bitch, you get bonuses, what an asshole you are, you couldn’t forgive me for the fucking prize, yes, get the fuck out of here, no, no, everyone is sitting, meeting continues, so, well, well, continue, you arranged all this yourself, and you are spreading rot on me, no, no, your position is clear, what are you proposing? that there is an option on how to return 15 lyams to the shareholder without losing from inspections to fight off no no no.
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that is, it turns out that the problem is again , i’ll solve it, you don’t know what you’re yelling at then, come on, antosh, close the gate and sit down, right? let's continue, new season, new costumes , new stars, who are you, mask, mask,
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fell, this guy shouldn't have found out about us, obviously incredible, only in the okka online cinema. spray genferon light - this is a green light, a green light for my goals and plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of uveal influenza viruses and their penetration.
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cope with anxiety. don’t be captured by anxiety , take tenaten during the day. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and a spray to treat a sore throat maxicold lore not only helps relieve sore throat, but also fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. taste has a name. mark, lunch, mom, dad, ready, sasha, polya, max, at the table, guys, lunch! so they invite you to try it, shibekinskie. taste has a name, now it is yours. people with long-term anxiety often hear advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated.
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i won’t refuse, please, how do you keep all this in your head, names, styles, i’ve been collecting for about 20 years, this is my life, the collection in russia is mainly abroad, but... that’s right, given the current situation, it’s better this way. what do you have in mind? i heard about what gradov jr. did, i understand how this could end for you. and how it could end for the galaxy if he is elected chief executive. well, finally, to the point. and i keep thinking, how long will it take to take the tour? i came to help. if you have any problems with the investigators, please contact us. by the way, the excursion is great, if the business collapses, you’ll earn a living, i hope it won’t collapse
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, together, it’s good, but complete with millions, we agreed, the thoughts are like this , dima is very stubborn, he will threaten saveligo, and if it comes to anton. just with a hand and just watch how we lose a shareholder, watch how dima loses a shareholder, it’s cool, 10% in order to 10%.


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