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tv   UGRO-4  NTV  January 30, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

4:50 am
how is it, i’ll tell you everything, how is it, that’s it, hello, police, i want to make a statement. van, i forgot this morning i dropped off a letter from the mailbox, uh-huh, snatched it from my aunt, no way, it’s you and your mom.
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on the envelope there is her name, a letter from her, mash, just don’t worry, it’s some kind of mistake, well , there’s no text, don’t you understand, yes, what’s the address, yes i’m leaving, mashul, just don’t worry, well, this is some kind of mistake, i have to go, come on, bye, let's run! “yes, she’s been dead for a year now, what do you have here, let’s report, ivan mikhailovich, according to the preliminary conclusion, death occurred as a result of household gas poisoning, so, the witness was interviewed, the neighbor said that ... "
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she saw some man driving her to the house, did not remember the license plate, black foreign car , she can identify, no, she didn’t see it, ivan mikhailovich, some new postman came into their entrance, she hadn’t seen him before, the postman, yes, what’s the neighbor’s name, olga petrovna, they’ll bring her in now, okay, yeah , well you're here, let's finish, and i'll take the corpse truck i'll call, okay, go ahead. good afternoon, hello, tell me what you saw? i have a grandson, sashenka, he is six months old, and you were standing with him near the entrance? yes, he was in my stroller, there was this postman with a bag, with newspapers, his strap was so long, i said who you are, well, you’re a new person, but there’s no letter for everyone in the second apartment, i wanted to check, okay, okay, and he, he, and he, cap. just like that, he pushed his face down into
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the entrance, then the little girl walked away, as i understood, you can’t see his face, oh, what a thing, my heart skipped a beat, but i think something will happen, luda and i studied at school together, my friend, she’s mine, and when i found out that she was here right away.
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marin, tell me, do you suspect someone, but she didn’t say anything about her man in a black car, and about this one, nothing special, but still, he said that the debt gave him money, he didn’t repay the debt, but what amount, do you know? i don’t know what the last name is, can you tell me his name? i don’t know, i don’t know his last name, i think his name is kolya, take it, thank you.
4:55 am
so, what do we have, what versions, lyudmila pavlovna, 27 years old, trigorsky’s operator jar. well, she quarreled with her lover over money, the lover was not going to repay the debt, so lyuda pavlova enters the entrance, the lover, so as not to attract the attention of the woman at the entrance, leaves, the neighbor confirms that he left, yes, but we think that he is leaving not far away, when the woman with the stroller goes into the house, he returns, enters the entrance , enters pavlova’s apartment, then gives her... sleeping pills so that she falls asleep and doesn’t feel gas, wait, gives sleeping pills like he gives to her, by force or what? well that's what we do we don’t know yet, but is this really a sleeping pill? exactly, sycheva said that the examination showed that pavel had a dose in his blood that could put a horse to sleep, the criminal presented everything as suicide,
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domestic gas poisoning, well, like ivan mikhailovich, what do you think? i think, what a strange newspaper, well... it’s not in the kiosks, in the mailboxes there is the trigorsk herald, ivan mikhailovich, well, now everyone uses the internet, that’s understandable, so guys, here’s the address of the editorial office, yeah, go there and find out who’s there today came from the post office for the newsletter, ivan mikhailovich, isn’t the version with the lover a cadet? well, i’ll take care of my lover myself, so, are you working, are you working? yes, yes, good afternoon, maxim sergeevich, criminal investigation department, colonel mazurov, allow me, hello,
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come in, maxim sergeevich, i wanted to talk to you about lyudmila pavlova, yes! yes, of course, i knew her very well, i studied at the institute with her late father, i must have outlived him by a year, yes, it’s sad, she wasn’t married, no, she wasn’t married, but maybe someone i looked after her, i don’t know, i don’t touch on these matters, maxim sergeevich, well, you were like a second father, don’t be disingenuous, well, he was alone here, nothing serious, he’s now dating our accountant, interesting. one of your employees, no, a local businessman . luda kept dreaming of a beautiful life, and then the prince turned up on an expensive road. well , of course, i went for a ride, i went for a ride and quit. that's right, and i also borrowed money, apparently for the expansion
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of the business. can you tell me the name of this businessman? i don’t know, i don’t know his last name, you’d better ask our accountant. accountant? how to find it? third office. name is larisa sergeevna, okay , thank you very much, yes, sorry for distracting you, yes, larisa sergeevna, good afternoon, hello, if you 'll allow it, of course, you'll excuse me for taking me away from work, but you understand the service, have a seat, thank you. you're probably talking about lyudmila, it's a shame. she was your friend, wasn't she? it was, but yeah, it doesn't matter. larisa sergeevna, i beg you, tell me everything in order. yes, actually,
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there’s nothing to tell here, it’s just that lately we haven’t been getting along very well. and why ? this is personal and i wouldn't like it raise this issue. larisaevna. still, you understand, her man left her and went to me , well, yes, businessman nikolai, i just forgot his last name , vinogradov, nikolai vinogradov, why do you suspect him of something, don’t be so upset, we’ll figure it out, thank you for information, sorry... for taking me away from work, all the best, goodbye, goodbye!
5:00 am
this is fresh, hello, hello! hello, hello, i’m listening to you, i want to advertise, i don’t do advertisements, a young, slender blond is looking for an attractive brunette , i don’t accept advertisements, but i don’t need it, you know , i think i found her, and i was looking for her for a long time, i was looking for a very long time, i found her so unexpectedly, such surprises often happen to you, no, for the first time, sorry, i need to work. “i also need to work, maybe leave your phone number, and i’ll leave with a feeling of accomplishment, yes, yes,
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i did it, yes, i’ll bring it now, yeah, just go, i need to work, i understand, criminal investigation, hello, i have a couple of questions for you, well, it’s a bummer, but we are not used to retreating, she will definitely be mine, i’m asking you about the matter, and you know, this morning a delivery man from the post office actually came to their editorial office with the same description as the one seen by the neighbor of pavlova’s entrance, just as short and thin, yup, in a shirtless manner. so here’s the version, it looks like he’s really a postman, so what? what does it mean and what? why would he
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kill pavel? didn't she pay for the subscription or something? well, i don’t know, i don’t know, i still have to go to the post office. dim, that's why you're such a bore, huh? hello, yes, ivan mikhailovich, yeah, i understand, i’m running, what’s the address there, i’ll be there in 10 minutes, okay, what’s there? that means so. you go to the post office, and i’ll go to mikhailych, we need to get insurance there, he’s going to our hero’s lover , come on, uh-huh,
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alyo, hide, the garbage has come out on you, your mother! volodya, meet him downstairs. it’s clever, and what’s wrong with us, but we know each other, well
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, what’s stopping us from getting to know each other, you bastard, why did i call you, count the crows in the yard , you missed him, you’ll find him, what do you have, then, nikolai vinogonov, there’s a year free back, repeatedly. but we are convicted of fraud, it’s clear, well, that means it’s good, the businessmen played , since the businessmen believed, what else, he worked as a taxi driver in the trigorsk taxi company, quit a month ago, lived in a rented apartment , well, there are no relatives in our city, he himself is a native of rostov, there is another rented apartment in perov , i found out from the local police officers, but he hasn’t appeared there for a year; his former partner , remizova tatyana valeria, lives there. well, he hasn’t appeared for a year, which means he’s unlikely to appear,
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now look for him volodya, well, ivan mikhailovich, well , as much as possible, from whom, from whom, from take you out of my sight, out of my sight, yes, and also about the post office, or rather this post office that serves pavlova’s house, according to the descriptions they don’t have such a postman, there are only two delivery girls, both women, it’s clear where we now have this mysterious postman ? ivan mikhailovich, i found out that the white van that was chasing you belongs to denis alekseevich gavrilov, here is the address, go there. you’ll find out what kind of gavrilov this is, he passed me on the road for half an hour, yeah, he warned vinogradov too, as i knew, and that’s why i called some people, let’s deprive him of his bonus, but well, what about prizes right away, what kind of prize is ivan mikhailovich, what about bonuses for us? wow, he’ll deprive me of my bonus, and what did you think, you’re going to kick ass and get a bonus, that ’s it, stop it, go to work and eat.
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tell me, please, i need vasily gennadievich prokhorov, so he is fixing the car, thank you, vasily gennadievich, whatever you want, you were recommended to me as a very good driver, i was assigned for today, yes, there are guys standing there, go see them , tell me please. and you have nikolay grapes works? he’s not there, he quit, why is that? why does he need you? yes, they told me that he got a job here on your recommendation, is that true? yes, the brat worked for a month and was blown away by the wind, which means you know him very well, well, since you recommended him here? yes, i don’t know him, i gave him a ride once, he asked to arrange it, so where did they give him a ride? i don’t remember,
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remember, vasily gennadievich, listen, i already told you, i won’t repeat it 100 times, but yes. of course, of course, your job is traveling, there are a lot of addresses, it’s clear, it’s clear, yes, vasily gennadievich, i have a request for you, as you will see, vinogradov, call me, please, just one second, this is not a task, but i forgot my fountain pen, you don’t have a fountain pen, uh-huh. thank you, well, thank you very much, i won’t keep you, fix it, all the best, be there , what are you going to
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do ? , brave, skillful, eloquent, listen, come on, but once doesn’t count. "listen, invite her to a restaurant, it works on girls flawlessly, well, what a good idea, the way to a woman’s heart also lies through the stomach, where is this garage dolgan, listen, maybe prepare a poem for it, but try, here it is, there is no lock, it’s open, come on, let’s open it, oops. ready, oh, gavrilov, in person, right from the heart, a difficult murder, it seems to me that there is something serious here, yes, well, call ours,
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yeah. oh, cutlet, and, lord, what is it, what is it, what is it, what happened , mash, well, where is my family album, lord, what a family album, a village one, or something, well, yes, rustic, why shout, he’s not here,
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i’ll bring it now, you’re bursting out. well, here it is, thank you, otherwise i would have shoveled everything here right now, lord, what are you looking for? who should you call, and aunt vera is in the village, you know how she’s feeling, he’s not feeling well, his blood pressure is fluctuating, i’ve already called. when this afternoon, well , i asked about the photographs, so what? well, she said that your colleague came and said that you told me to take the photographs, she gave them to me
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, of course, i didn’t ask for any colleague, oh, i have cutlets there, van, on the outskirts in st. petersburg, several people were killed, “who is behind all this, the work of the new crime boss in the count’s cell. we have everything ready for the assault, we’ll get the negotiator, consider that he’s already here, from now on i’ll take charge of the operation. chief , new season. with your arrival, everything went wrong, you’re not the first to tell me about this.”
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work on all your friends, find out whether the car was registered with a taxi company and whether gavrilov knows vasily gennadievich prokhorov, i understand, we’ll do it, that’s what else, andrey, i have some strange mail here came, checking the photo for fingerprints, so it’s you, and what kind of mail is this, ivan mikhailovich, but it doesn’t matter, i ’ll tell you later, do it, but i understand. i’ll do it, i can go, i’m free, okay, let’s go, vasiliyvich
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, i see you’re not you, i’ll give you a lift, otherwise the volga is mine, either the radiator is acting up, or the thermostat is overheating, it’s boiling, i need to cool it down, but i’m out to the other end of the city , where you need to go, but there behind the administration, i ’ll show you, it’s not far, but i can’t get there on foot, i’m already over... well, okay, sit down, thank you , i don’t know what to do with my volga, otherwise one thing, then another, last month, now i have to go with a report, she chirps or grunts, i already wrote a paper at the department, but they’ll send me to retirement sooner. than they’ll give me a new car , i’ll retire soon, but it’s another year, i’ll still run, and what did you think, i’ll overtake two more young people, but
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really, in a short distance, is it necessary to come here, well, yes, yes, straight away, no i understand, we should go to the administration, but what... as soon as they miss it in the evening, we’ll go to the village and visit my aunt at the same time, they didn’t understand me, what other village, she tramped, i won’t go, we didn’t agree there, vasily gennadievich, but don’t be afraid, my soul is asking for nature, and there are such places, oh, my head will spin, well, let’s go, you’re welcome, okay, let’s go, that’s good, that’s it that's right,
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hello, you're stalking me, there 's only one answer, yes... i have so many unresolved questions for you? well, come on, ask your questions, just to the point, there are a lot of questions, all to the point, the first question, the most important one, do you have anyone? and i realized, you know, that i am married and have three children. let's continue interrogation, this is not enough for you, there are some doubts, but i, as an operational worker, must first check the information, and then attach it to the case. you know that i am not going to report to you. well , no, let's send it to a restaurant, to a restaurant, to a restaurant. well, let’s go to the restaurant, everyone , my working day is ending, and you, i see, already know where you can watch me, everyone in the editorial office, that’s right, mr. operational
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worker, have a nice day. bye, huh? here is my village, here is my home, dear, well what, let's go, let's have a snack on the way, no , i'll wait here, are you going to sit in the car, don't be a fool, let's go, let's go , um, well, how delicious, thank you, good luck, then
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it's a quarter’ll serve something , but he won’t share the recipe, oh, stop trying to slander me, you don’t listen to him, you eat, eat, hi, yeah, and i also treated my colleague, well, i would have served him if if only he wouldn’t have been in such a hurry, but where was he in a hurry, if he hadn’t come by taxi, oh, but he’d come by that same taxi, oh well, right? thanks, i'll go to the car i’ll check, oh, well, what do you say, vasily, my aunt, you see
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what a misfortune. your taxi remembered who you brought here, i’m interested to know, but i know, in the city just like you sat down with me, yes, but then, he turned all pale when he asked to take you to potapa, you’re silent, and i tell you i’ll say, you were afraid that my aunt would recognize you, but what were you afraid of, you work as a taxi, so you gave a ride and a ride to an unfamiliar passenger? and i’m not afraid, what’s there to be afraid of in it, you’re afraid, vasily, because you weren’t carrying a passenger, but a good friend of yours, and now so you’re hiding it from me, and your friend knows me well, otherwise why would he need my photographs, oh, you see, vasily, you don’t know how to take it, you don’t know how, well, let’s go to the department and we’ll talk, let’s go, let’s go, sir, what,
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here.. .. the rest, wait, and for you, let it be better for you, you better come to me more often, and take masha with you, well, thank you for everything now, bye, don’t get sick, don’t worry, oh, great, nikolaevich, hello , lesh, oh, robin, there is money, what kind of money, come on, lech, have you ever put aside some lard, put it aside?
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keys, tired, trip, well, vasily, we’ll talk, i told you everything i knew, it’s a pity, you’re a good man, vasily, you’re covering up for a murderer, what other murderer, which one, who
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left your bag of newspapers in the back seat? here is ivan mikhailovich, thank you, dim, and also this, yeah, well, his bag, woman, 27 years old, bank employee, gassed in her apartment, gavrilov, driver of a white van, killed with a knife in the heart, do you know about such blows, no, in places not so remote like this. loves to draw handwriting, doesn’t remind anyone, here are the pills for tuberculosis, that’s enough, i have something to show you, i’m showing you, no, i ’m not going to have a heart-to-heart talk with you, well, if you’re not going to, that means you’re not going to, free,
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duty officer, escort the citizen to the exit. so, dima, now with proneny, get into the car behind this taxi driver, do it, god willing, he will bring you to his friend. so what, i’m still waiting for my testimony to be taken, well, for your job, i
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suggest enjoying this wonderful evening, these wonderful drinks, wonderful dishes that we will ever have they’ll bring it, well, let’s try it, you know? i'll go away for a while, and you sit here, okay?
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hello, that's great! that's it, that's it, that's enough, take him there, are you looking for someone? yes, where is pronin? pronin! well, let's go, i 'll show it to you, now let's go, so where is pronin, why do you need pronin, let's go for a ride, ah, ah,
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let go, armored, damn, where are you, pick up the phone. ivan mikhailovich, i’m talking about pavlova, the results of the examination came, tell me, but no traces of violence were found, there are traces of chloroform on her face near the nose and lips, she was first turned off with chloroform, and then they gave me an injection of a strong sleeping pill, in vienna there was a bad mark from the injection on my right forearm, the injection means that yes, yeah, well, thank you, free. by the way, no fingerprints were found on the photographs and envelopes, well, it ’s clear that they weren’t found, it’s clear , you know, it seems to me that this matter still concerns me personally, that’s why i can’t understand, you wanted to tell me about the photograph, oh
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yes, yes, of course, but this guy seems to be hinting to me with photographs, here he says, here is your mother, here is her funeral, you know, not yet. and also, how does the postman know about my aunt and that she has such photographs? well, here we can assume that he knows you, and i think so. but i don’t know him, and this worries me, they are leading me, what a creature.
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to the train stations. yes, well done, aunt, but, after all , the era has preserved, a whole life, leika prokhorov, like the name of the taxi driver, prokhorov, green trees, but they are the same. brothers, i think that he’s like
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a bull, he’s puffed up, he’s silent, and he ’s shielding his younger brother from being lazy, but are you sure, ivan mikhailovich, andryusha, everything is becoming clearer, but i’m with with this lazy boy i caught crucian carp in the same pond in my childhood, so you are from the same village, so yes, our houses were nearby, and my older brother vasily later lived in the city, i never saw him, that’s why i didn’t recognize him, the neighbor was talking about the postman what did she say? he’s completely skinny, but lenya, it was a shkket, the shkett remains, yes, ivan mikhailovich, i’m listening, did you find the armor? bronin, yes, here, nearby, we’re working, well done, even if you bleed, the taxi drivers won’t let me miss this, i obey, we’re working. yes, lyonka prokhorov.
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5:30 am
people, help, robbed, help, people, help, what should i do, yes , what is it, help, please, i was robbed, help, please, i don’t know what to do, calm down, say okay, what was stolen from you, you looked good, look what i was looking at, ok, i don’t know, maybe in my pocket, oh, no fucking way.
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rotten, if only i had money, nude, i would take you to america, it looks like a gangster, the thirties , yeah, don’t disgrace yourself with them, what’s going on in this america, with the money, don’t drive you away, afonya, with the money here too not bad. oh, who are you, gangster, you need to call the police.
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well, you lazy bastard, sit down, well, you want to hit me, hit me, let alone hit you, it’s not enough to beat you, like you killed them, something smells like trash from you, talk to me normally, like a human being, your lessons they stayed in the zone, they stayed, you want to go to them, and if not, do as i say, don’t rush to take it. i know this musk breed by heart, my clay is like an open book, mazur’s arms are short , we’ll soon have grandmas, here’s where your grandmas are, they smell like crap, i smell from you too,
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“eh, uncle, why are you a bully?” ?listen here to i haven’t seen you and lyunka here anymore, you’ll go to hell, otherwise i’ll give you up , i understand, i’ll give you up, i understand, i’ll give you up, so volodya
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is fine, he has bruises and a broken rib, he’s in the hospital, just a girl. she ran away from him, we finished the game, the main thing is that the head remains in place, naka, look through it, prokhorov leonid gennadievich, yes, my fellow countryman, five thieves, he was released from the colony a year ago, he sat with vinovovoy, together they left, andrey, well i asked you to check vinogradov, this is what they call you i checked it, yes, but you still missed it, right?
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he blames me for her death, we understand, you think he wants revenge, who knows, it’s too early to draw conclusions, so take the matter, study, work, eat, wow. eat an apple, wow, give it to me, it’s delicious, wow, but she lost it on you, so she left the restaurant, maybe she didn’t like the treat, and in general, stop
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hanging around restaurants during working hours, don’t you think that i at least sometimes have the right? at least for just such a small piece of happiness, come on, volon, vova, have you fallen in love or what ? get away from me, so, put aside the blues, great, hello, look what you brought, i prepared the marsanne myself, and the ladushki are still warm, the soup, as you like, on... “lops, malsanna, for your favorite, it’s definitely better than in the restaurant, yeah, and no one is bothering you, that’s enough. “yes, volodya, they gave you a good beating, why are you staring, yes, give it to the man, you’ve had a bite
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, calm down, go, uh-huh, come on, volodya, quo, hold on, volodya, you can’t deprive me of my essence.” , but i have a serious conversation with you, well, that ’s understandable, in private, this is not the first time you’ve done such tricks, you know, i’m officially reprimanding you. not i love it, so i’ll say it straight, another trick like this, i’ll transfer it to the district police, marisan cooks delicious soup for you, and a special thank you for the district police officer, so let me know what happened with the taxi driver, but there is some information, a year ago there was a civil trial, he and his wife were evicted from their apartment for credit debts; he does not have an address. no matter how, no, no, but somewhere in this world he lives, interview the district police, check the records of the house books,
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we understand everything, yes, what’s wrong with grapes, no information without progress, grapes, grapes, how our volodya was caught, who is he having an affair with pavlova, now with this accountant, you think you should fear for her life, god knows, but you need to look after her, otherwise god forbid he will go, he is following pavlova, so that's it, stop talking, let's go to work, kolya, let me in, of course, come on in. you are alone? well, of course, alone. if, well, finally,
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come in and undress. kolya, kolya, i can’t do this anymore. how so? it will all be over soon. when? it already seems to me that everyone suspects me. it seems to me that i, who suspects you? on everyone is looking at me, as if everyone knows, silly, since i just missed you, no one is looking at you, come on.
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kolya, kolya, you were invigorated, kolya, you were beaten, it’s okay, little one, kolya, let’s leave, oh, i ask you, let’s leave everything, let’s leave, we’ll get the money, let’s leave. really, of course, really, we’ll leave, since i don’t know, i ’m not waiting for anyone, go, open up, open up, who’s there, the police. open the room yourself,
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larisa sergeevna, yes, hello, magnates, criminal investigation department, let me come in, yes, of course, come in, and i’m calling, calling, no one it doesn’t open, i thought there was no one at home, excuse me, larisa sergeevna, i would like to ask you a few questions. well, monoceros, have the guests arrived? that's it, kolya, the grasshopper, got there. well, does it hurt trash? it’s tolerable, but now you
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’re sitting with me for a long time, why, shut your mouth. there's more grinding to do with it, pack it up, let's go to the machine, and now listen, remember, your woman is from our restaurant, if you want to see her, do as i say, boar said everything, and now listen to me, if with at least something will happen to her, i won't tell you anything everything will happen if you do as i say.
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oh, great, great, how are you, great, robin bobin, yes, did i come to you here? you see, i brought fruit, apples, juice, fruit - that’s good, help yourself, apples, where are you going, i say, urgent matters have appeared, yes, lyokha, i’ll give you a thousand later, okay, okay, no question, the main thing is, that i’m alive , i need help from you, what kind of help, prompt, give me a lift, you’re in a car, well, yes, where before the threat, my car is there, but i don’t know
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, yeah, that’s good, but apples are juice ? ok, we’ll eat in the car, so we’ll have a heart-to-heart talk or what? boss , why did you decide to scare me, you gave pavlova a lift on the day of the murder, they saw you, and what, you’re hot, don’t boil, hot, hot, i would have smeared you all over the wall, that’s not an option, boss, your rank will be lowered, you’ll be at the checkpoint stand there, yapping like a bobcat, why did you kill pavlova? boss , don’t make me laugh, i didn’t kill her, you saw this, and your receipt, so what, mine, you borrowed money from pavlova, well, i took it, i don’t deny it, you see, i even wrote a receipt, but only she she won’t need it anymore, you didn’t want to repay the debt, so you killed her, yes, you come up with something life-like, and i
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’d better go and rest in the cell, i even have to answer for you for the meanness, “that’s what you are, and you’re an interesting character of the grapes , well, you know better, but no, well, for me you’re an ordinary guy , nothing special, the only thing i don’t understand is how women couldn’t figure you out, it was great that you rubbed them the wrong way, the accountant still can’t come to his senses, that’s all like picking up from a bank, if why are you silent, why don’t you ask the woman in the stroller? entrance, she will say, lucy entered the entrance, and i left, so, i noticed everything, you are our tenacious one, so what if they killed lucy in the entrance, how could i get in there unnoticed, kolya, kolya, what a mark you are don’t hold back, i just intimidated you with the women, and you gave us the whole layout, at least write it down from dictation,
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what’s the layout? and full, how do you know that she was killed at that time? well, grapevine, he started telling me, tell me, but i don’t have anything to tell you, but about my accomplice, about the postman, because he’s the one who fell in love i decided, well, why do you need to take someone else’s sin on your soul, yes, fuck you, but oh well, master master. take him to the cell, let him sit, think, stand on the way out, senior comrade lieutenant, i saved you, give me money, but i won’t give you a hat, i would also call our general, that’s not
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okay. i saved him in a trash heap, found that he was like that, and so you look at me here, let the poor informant, oops, stand. “all the citizens know each other, and where are you taking him, but for now he’s in the bullpen, he’ll see, why aren’t you in the hospital, but at her, well, i’m in front of the boss now we need to rehabilitate ourselves, well, let me take him away, deliver him in the best possible way, well, whatever you want, eh'. stop, where are you in such a hurry, boss,
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to your funeral. boss, you decided to exchange me for a chick, right, but for some reason i don’t see her, where is she, let him come out first, he’ll come out now.
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i just beat you up, don’t talk to me about where she is, i don’t know, i don’t have vinogovov and those guys, well, i don’t know, okay, then how did you end up in the car with them, i just bombed, they asked for a ride, i wonder, are you around the city now? which, when you agree, let us also agree, you have heard about kidnapping, but there is such a crime, and for this crime, up to 15 years in prison, you have not been convicted before, no, and
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god forbid, and so that you don’t become a participant in the kidnapping of demina inna anatolyevna, you will tell us everything in detail, where she is being held and what kind of relationship you have with vinovy, here... sit and think, duty officer, take the detainee out, stand at the exit, ivan mikhailovich, planted, has something to do with the kidnapping of inna . otherwise they will kill me,
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things are sour with us, just don’t take a pose here, you started the mess yourself, we have to disentangle you, so the connection between the driver and the taxi driver was checked, checked, nothing? connections, the other two are wanted, according to volodya, we drew up sketches, robots , i need them alive, i need them, right here in the chair, vasily, they checked at the passport office, checked, also nothing, the district police at his former place of residence have no information, which means , tell fortune, let him be on duty at the taxi depot, let the taxi driver be fed by work, and vasily has worked in the taxi depot all his life, and everything will appear, what about the grape one? no traces, with his foreign car, we don’t know the license plate number of the car, by the way, black foreign car, tinted windows, sedan, well, the city
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is full of such cars, i understand that there are plenty of them, so work, ivan mikhailovich, but what about yes work. a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases. surprise! discover your
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russia on the unknown russia tv channel. on on the outskirts of st. petersburg , several people were killed. who is behind all this is the work of the new crime boss count. we have everything ready for the assault, we are waiting for the negotiator, consider that he is already here, from now on i will take charge of the operation. boss, new season. with your arrival, everything went wrong. you are not the first person to tell me about this. today at 20:00 on ntv.
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hello, larisa sergeevna, hello, how come you live on the fifth floor without an elevator, and by the time i got there i was completely out of breath, if you’ll allow me, yes, of course, come in, thank you, thank you, what do you owe me? what kind of responsibilities are there, these are your duties at the bank, probably service duties, you ’ve been working there for a long time, 10 years, and wow, that’s a serious period of time, and that all the accounting is on you, on me, but i’m used to it, yes, you know, but since i don’t even consider him a small thing, i take change on faith. if you want to know about vinogov, he didn’t show up at my place anymore, and why is that, ask him if he comes to my doorstep. i didn’t
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know who i was contacting, you realized it just in time, larisa, just in time, but if you say the grapes didn’t show up, that means they didn’t show up, oh, yes, taking this opportunity, and where is she married, you know, i don’t really like newspapers, but i’m somehow suspicious of them , but here’s such an interesting note, well why with suspicion, well, if it’s not a paragraph, then it’s an invention? well, listen for yourself, 50 million rubles will be transferred to the account of the trigorsk bank for the improvement of the city, admire for yourself, why, why is it a fiction, it’s true, 50 million, but since you say it, it means it’s true, let me, i’ll give it back to my wife, i have it each number in a binder. well, larisa sergeevna,
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thank you for the tea, sorry for the trouble, goodbye, all the best. hello, we need to meet, it’s urgent.
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this boss, he came and showed me the newspaper, there’s an article about money, calm down, he doesn’t know anything that you told him, nothing, since, i’m afraid, nothing will work out for us , you’ll twitch, it won’t work, little girl. let's leave, without everything, let's take it and leave, let's take the money and leave, okay.
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you're good to drink on the bus, soon there won't be food and the wild boar, i'll go, i'll deliver it in the best possible way, don't be afraid, don't drink your brains away, but i took two
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ticket to pavlov at 5 o'clock from trigorsk, if you go, make sure that there are no, no, no, i say, i will deliver them in the best possible way. nikolayevich, take the keys , listen, like yourself, yes, okay, listen, hello, volodya, it’s me, inna, inna, where are you at 5 o’clock, bus from prigorsk to pavlovo, okay, i understand, what’s ready ? let's go, you want to live, quietly, let's touch, yes, kolyan,
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everything is fine, she called, everything is going according to plan. i called, where would she go, stupid, why do you need him, good, close it, great, brother, you filter the client, great, since you're not kidding, pump it up until it's dirty, we'll remember our youth, thank you, we went for a ride, for that trip, the cops, i know, don't pay, i don't get involved in your business, and you're not a little girl with me, by god don't meddle with me, but what kind of mine are i'm doing well with you, brother, don't worry, ivan mikhailovich,
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somehow connected with all this, it’s four, but it’s a bank robbery, that’s it, half an hour later, at exactly five, i found out that a cash-in-transit vehicle was coming, they were planning a robbery, andryusha, a robbery, but what about the bus station and pavlov’s bus at five , is this for us? whether? do you understand? that's how it should be bring our guys back, no, no need, let him go for a ride, ilyonka prokhorov, let him think that we are under his lead, bring weapons with you, yes, well, come on! let's shake the old days, go ahead,
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damn it, it's not there, volodya, it's a setup. let's go, go, i'll find her alone, well, volodya. hello, sveta, hello, this is lyosha. listen, what are
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your plans for the evening? i see, okay, yes, i’ll call more. yeah, come on. sign. so, sign it. here, hi, jean, this is lyosha, well , you and i, remember, we met in crimea, okay, i won’t, you fool, goodbye, bye, hello, light, hello.
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calmly, without getting angry ahead of time, i find out that mazurova has always been cunning, we are even more cunning, deal with their car. oh, leonid gennadievich, you really scared me, yes, it’s me, it’s me.
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volodya, well, well, well, we’ve already looked at everything, minibuses and buses, well, she’s not there, dean, you go to the department, but go, i’ll take a look again, damn it, wow! volodya, and inna, inna, inochka, inochka, and she needs to be taken to the hospital, carefully. maxim sergeevich, are we having
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a serious conversation with you? i'm listening, there is information that your bank is being robbed. this it's a joke, isn't it? it could happen any minute. this can't be true. what are you saying, i have reliable security, an alarm system, trusted people. well, lyokha, you remember, we met at the beryozka boarding house. yes, yes, yes, hi, how are you, nothing , yes, listen, please tell me what are your plans for tonight, great, yes, yes, let's go, let's have a blast somewhere, of course, well, yes, yes, i ’ll pick you up in my car, no, it’s just some kind of mistake, you were simply misled, this can’t be, i’ll i’ll just write down your address, okay, fine. what kind of bullshit is this? signaling.
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what's happened? we have strangers all in the storage room. show me. hello, seryoga, it looks like we are being robbed.
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and here, straight to the right along the corridor.
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kolya, you, me, me, the money, where, and kolya, where , here, here is your kolya, there, who cares, ivan mikhailovich, accountant,
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larkspur, security guard, ambulance, so. andrey, now the main thing is not to miss, come on, come on, here he is, stand quickly behind them.
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strongly, this disease is inherited, on the paternal side, is there any salvation from get back on your feet, i am afraid for my sister of a very heavy burden, you are not afraid because you are essentially inactive, the worst can happen because of this, i worry about this, of course, a fairly high percentage of such tumors can degenerate to
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cancer, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. new season today at 20:00 on ntv. genferon light spray is a green light, green light to my goals and plans, red light to viruses that can. rinoplight. rinostop helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price. and the rhinostop - double help promotes gentle restoration of the mucous membrane. everyone has their own
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6:17 am
maxicolt lore not only helps relieve sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. about the weather for today. in the far east, sediments are in short supply, all because the region remains in an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure almost all winter. in principle, this is a common picture, but long , severe frosts also add to the dryness of the air. and in the coming days, the north wind will provide a new influx of very cold air into the amur region. at night, almost 40 degrees below zero. and during the day from khabarovsk to chita, so far no hints of an increase in temperature. the seas are of course softer, but there is also little precipitation. snowfalls will begin tomorrow... but only a day, the vast anticyclone can be called not only the far east, but also siberian, you can’t really ask for snow here either, interesting is the distribution of temperatures in the northern and southern
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regions almost equally, in narilsk and kemerovo -16, in solihard and novosibirsk -14. closer to the urals, there will still be snow in the urals, from the cyclone moving in the north, and here it will be milder, down to ten degrees below zero during the day. the frosts are even weaker european territory, the cold cannot penetrate through the shield of northern cyclones, but from the southwestern one. we experience little snowy weather. in general, all this is very reminiscent of spring, because there is a thaw from arkhangelsk and murmonsk to the central cities. for now, the black soil surprises with light frosts against this warm background. colder than expected , but there is more and more sun there, which means the heat will also soon increase, about the weather in the capitals: in st. petersburg today no precipitation and in the daytime around -1, in the evening up to -6, in moscow during the day +1 and light precipitation, i have that's all for now, look weather on ntv, we've arrived.
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lyonka, oksana, oksana, bandages, peroxide, quickly, shut up, shut up, shut up, lunia, shut up, oh, lord, listen, he
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needs an ambulance, oh, damn it. he has a cache in the forest, he thinks, he doesn’t know, i ’m talking about him, but i, and i’ll tell you, where? at the forester's dobik, dugout, pistol, take it, pistol, take it, oksana, turn it over, lord, oh lord, my god, lord, trouble, oh my god, what is this, huh? what with her?
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i took a large dose of sleeping pills, but you brought her on time, she will live, well, well, i told you, everything is fine, let's go, yeah, let's go, she's here under supervision, come on, come on, vasya. vasya, he’s going to die, he needs to be taken to the hospital, vasya, what a fool you are, wow, don’t take your eyes off him in the middle of nowhere, vasya, where are you going, ah, ivan mikhailovich, come in, i continue.
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impose a plan to intercept the city, it didn’t give any results, and we ’re having a nice anniversary, but i think that they won’t stick their heads out of the city, and it’s stupid to do that if i were them, i’d hide, you’re not in their place, and what they're about to throw it out, only the devil knows, let's look at the facts again, okay, the bank building is
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postman, i was checking the department that serves pavlova’s house, here’s the riddle, you solved it, prokhorov worked at that main post office, he just quit a month ago, the regiment arrived, right? you were. here, well, where did they go? well , they rushed down this alley. wait, there’s a dead end here, well, they couldn’t go here, only here, that’s why there’s nowhere else to cross the road, where does this road lead? here, only
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the rainbow gardening community, that’s all, but why exactly there, they could have rushed anywhere? yes, because the road here is the closest, that's it the rest of the exits from the city, they are blocked, they are not fools, it turns out that they are nowhere else in the rainbow, yes, ivan mikhailovich, yes, alexey, come in. hello, here is the explanation that i promised, what is back pain? no, god grabbed something, you know, i should probably run in the morning, everything will pass, right? so you will brew celery, do you have celery? otherwise, at my dacha , how much do you want me to bring? in the country? well, yes. alexey, where is your dacha? in the gardening partnership, we have one, outside trigorsk, the nature there is like that. ivan mikhailovich, come sometime, huh? i believe, alexey, i believe! ignatov said, the taxi driver was deprived of his apartment, so what do you think, and so what happens, he lives there or something, but not on the street, ivan mikhailovich, they rushed to the rainbow gardening partnership, well, you see, everything
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fits, well well, let's go and check the house, let's go, ah... and hello kulya, don't be stupid, guy, put your weapons on the ground, quickly! take the money,
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let's go! so, well, let's go check the house, and andrey, dima, are you checking this street, yes, fronin, yes, let's go in this direction, well, i i'll look there. good afternoon, hello , can you tell me where the prokhorovs live, vaska, are you looking for something, well, yes, oh, him, i ’m his relative from the city, there’s his house near the forest, yeah, thank you very much, all the best, sit in
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the car, do you want to give us up, now they’ll be the first to grab us, think with your head, i said the car. you need money, so take it and give it to your brother, let him choke, so you give it to him, don’t make him sin, take the money in the car, quickly!
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owners, is anyone home? looks like he's here i was lying down, yes, it looked like that, stop, stop, i said, did you want to go into the cell, it’s better to be in the column than to fumble around with you, get out of the car, hear, or what? come on, stand!
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mihalich, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, drive it in, don’t shoot, the dogs are gone, we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we clarify the details of the emergency, leaf through the video recordings in the first
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program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio marat seddikov. blogger ekaterina ulanova's preventive measure was extended. ulanova told subscribers how to open their own business without investment and explained how to buy for little money using promotional codes. expensive perfumes , except for ekaterina, no one succeeded, and people began to write statements to the police, a beauty blogger appeared in court as if at a fashion show: attentive spectators examined a belt costing the average salary in the region and a bag from a world famous designer, the price of which starts at $3,000, apparently the desire to show off to the public, even if the indignant luxurious life outweighed everything reasonable arguments, once upon a time someone told these very people on the internet how profitable it was to buy from her...


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