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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  January 30, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today. thank you for your attention. today in our program. i: disappointed with german politics, ahtung, ahtung, zelensky complains and threatens europe, whether chancellor scholz can cope with kiev’s appetites without the participation of washington. germany will support ukraine as long as it is necessary. french revolution. peasants are blocking the roads and blocking the border, what will remain of the european garden. and the road to hell. on this
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day adolf hitler came to power in germany, could this have been avoided? why did the vaccination against nazism not work for everyone? look, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we work directly.
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such. i came across the idea several times there that all this could be done in order to create some kind of informational noise, and under this noise arrange something, well, in the form of sabotage, and as i understand it, they really tried to do this, because there are such flocks of drones, which flew towards us at night, well, it hasn’t been for a very long time, more than 20 pieces, well, thank god that they were all shot down or intercepted there, let ’s start first with the report of the ministry of defense, the numbers are as follows: during the night air defense systems shot down and intercepted 21 drone, 11 in crimea, five over the belgorod region, three...
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over bryansk, one more each over the kaluga and tula regions. the governor of sevastopol, mikhail razvazhaev, announced the destruction of a drone over the water area in the belbek area, as you know, there is a military airfield there. by according to preliminary data, the infrastructure was not damaged. so, now we move on to kaluga, here we will again rely on the words of the head of the region, vladislav shabshu. the debris of a drone shot down on the outskirts of the city fell on the roof of a non-residential building as a result of the incident. who was not injured, well, finally, in the tula and bryansk regions, according to local authorities, there were also no injuries or destruction, the drones were eliminated. in donetsk, they are now eliminating the consequences of the shelling, which the ukrainian armed forces took place the day before. the footage from the scene shows squeezed-out cars and broken windows, but these shots, unfortunately, did not happen without casualties. there were three dead, three more people were injured. the ssu attacked the kalininsky district. donetsk at the height
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of the working day. the footage from there shows that the shells hit a busy street, which is near a shopping center and an administrative building. the joint coordination control center states that at least eight strikes were carried out on the city, presumably from multiple rocket launch systems. fragments of the shells have already been sent for examination. but the ukrainian security service is now studying another photo, let’s look at it, it was taken after the drone flew around the city. zmeev, this is in the kharkov region, on tuesday night, this photo leaked to the network, all sorts of kharkov public pages write about it. in the photo, let's take a closer look at it. a glow and a huge column of black smoke in the city industrial zone. it is reported that a local oil depot came under attack, as well as, according to local residents, located close to the ukrainian air defense system. the ukrainian general staff does not officially confirm this information. in the summary for tuesday morning, they announced this: at night, the russian army...
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launched 35 kamikaze drones at targets in different regions of ukraine, only 15 of them were shot down, where did the 20 drones that were not shot down end up, and what were the consequences of the ukrainian military. .. does not disclose, some details are still clarified in ukrenergo, they reported that as a result of the attack, a substation in the central part of ukraine was damaged, which, as stated in this report , supplied industrial consumers. the company, however, says that they will try to fix everything as soon as possible, pull out spare parts and put them in place. ukrenergo does not disclose when this will be done. well, now, andrei vladimevich, we can go back to bublikov, where you started to return. by the way, about all sorts. we will also remember ukrenergia there a little later, they suddenly had some interesting energy plans that appeared there. so, first let's say a few words about this under-resignation, we’ll just remind you of the chronology of how all these messages appeared, and the reaction of the main people.
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first of all, of course, everyone was interested in zelensky’s reactions and comments, because again, at some point there were rumors that the ukrainian president would make some kind of special statement to the ukrainian nation. in general, he didn’t address anything there, just his usual ordinary appearance there, well, yes, yes, he recorded it, but didn’t say anything, everyone then concentrated on a large interview that he gave to german journalists, the tv channel ard came to him, well, in general , there was practically nothing about this incident itself, he complained a little about zaluzhny and then very much with some hints and attacked the german leadership, let's look at all this now. let's start discussing what it was. the first to spread rumors about the dismissal of general valery zaluzhny was ex-detat of the rada borislav bereza. then the news was picked up by ukrainian propagandist yuri butusov. according to his version, the decree on the removal of the head commander of the armed forces of ukraine has already signed but not published due to
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consultations with foreign partners. former ukrainian president poroshenko, commenting on this news, said that in brussels, quote, everyone is in shock. economist magazine correspondent oliver carroll. wrote on the social network x that, according to his information, zelensky and zaluzhny held a personal meeting, at which, as the publication mirror of the week claims, president ralis invited the commander-in-chief to leave voluntarily, but he refused. zelensky himself , in an interview with the german television company ard on monday, hinted that he was dissatisfied the work of glovkom. so, yes, there are cases when representatives of military registration and enlistment offices walked the streets and looked for guys who did not come to the military registration and enlistment offices.
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it was the germans who suffered the most, who continued economic cooperation with moscow after the crimean spring. i am disappointed, i am not disappointed in the current german chancellor olaf scholz. i am disappointed by german policy, which did not play the role in the occupation of crimea that ukraine, europe and the whole world deserved. now zelensky is frightening the germans of the third world war war, literally requires chancellor olaf scholz to properly fork out money for ukraine.
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next, first about this noise, what happened in your opinion? well, in my opinion, poroshenko became the main character of this noise, why? because he was finally released to europe, yes, he wrote from somewhere, he from brussels reinforced the information that you
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absolutely correctly showed, ex-deputy bereza, he is exactly poroshenko’s protege, that is, the birch first appeared like a lace, then big dad with his forehead.
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that the americans do not agree with him or also, but because a president who has a rating several times less than a popular
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one cannot sign in such a situation himself, i simply proceed from the fact that margarit simonyan correctly assessed this, because she says, budanov or mudanov will come to us in general, absolutely, and maybe even worse, but there is frog-gazing going on there, which we can’t do , a bit of an acute political conflict, she said that it’s beneficial for us and, firstly, it’s beautiful, any, any conflict there, it’s beneficial for us, means, regarding collisions with germany, well, listen, this is not the first time in the last 2 years that zelensky has attacked someone there, this is the time. germany is holding on, despite the fact that germany is probably the biggest in europe , but i don’t think so right now, the uk is giving
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money, yes, germany is holding on, by and large , it hasn’t gone for such an escalation yet, so this is a public criticism.
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they plan to wait with him primarily on issues of support for ukraine; washington has had obvious problems with this support lately, and therefore, given the elections in it is easier for the united states to transfer these concerns to germany. there is intense debate in the us congress about whether the president's wishes to allocate money to support ukraine this year will be accepted. since last year , the american president has been actively trying to achieve this, i am sure he will achieve his goal, and we hope. the german chancellor announced that the german government has budgeted 7 billion euros to help kiev this year, this is more than half of the total contributions of european countries, but european members will pay the rest they are in no hurry and the chancellor, as zytdoy
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chitsaitung writes, has to lecture his colleagues in the eu; he is especially dissatisfied with france, which is helping ukraine. only pompous rhetoric, no matter how important germany's contribution may be, this alone will not be enough to permanently ensure the security of ukraine. the european union must demonstrate that it supports ukraine. in any case, we will support ukraine as long as it is necessary. while olaf scholz is running around looking for money for ukrainians, germany is not tractor protests stop. the peasants are outraged. the german authorities skimp on them and deprive them of benefits, sometimes even demanding them. scholz's resignation, the newspaper spiegel writes that the level of trust has decreased not only in the chancellor's party, in the personal popularity rating of german politicians, he is now in fourteenth place out of twenty, and supposedly scholz's place may soon be replaced by the current minister of defense boris pistorius, who has the same rating of almost that he heads, although his vision of the situation in ukraine is approximately similar. actually the situation
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reached a dead end, no territorial gains on either side, but the ukrainians continue to defend themselves very successfully. so alexey sergeevich, how do you like the theory that the united states would be happy to shift and bless germany so that it would lead this ukrainian support, again, the second question, which i don’t yet have an answer to, why does germany need all this? , well, it’s not the ground that’s burning under your feet, but the farmers are definitely spreading manure, there’s a lot of all sorts of problems, here you say, and i’ll be in charge of ukraine, just please, that’s how it goes explain to me differently than how, well, german politicians will continue this, because yes...
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now to confront russia without involving your own troops, the second is moral, you saw what they are doing there, how can you stand still, and this indeed two very strong whales, and zelensky, when he criticizes german policy, he puts pressure on this moral whale, because things have already begun to happen that, well , support for ukraine among ordinary people, it is popular, no one says: oh, come on let's give it up, let's not need it, everyone says: no, no, we are for ukraine and zelensky is putting pressure. ordinary people, some benefits were canceled for christians, other subsidies were canceled for christians, discounts on gasoline were taken away from peasants and they are told: peasants, well, you like ukraine, that’s all...
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no one does this under pressure, well, wait, i asked him to explain it to me differently, now the allies are ordinary europeans, he addresses them: put pressure on your politicians so that they wake up, stop counting these euros and give them to us, this is not the same so that a super effective policy, but he doesn’t have another, because you need to understand european citizens as a whole for their support, that’s it, now don’t attack...
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no, absolutely everything is logical, firstly stanislav olevich, let’s not exaggerate about him 100 years, but since you like this round number, wait , it means that if you support something
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not very clear for 100 years and then after 98 years you realize that you have spent a huge amount of money, health, time, and nothing in general no result for you brought, then probably in general you should understand to say that we are tired of this bullshit, well , it turns out that i...
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am already trying to achieve something from the west, or at least not comply with the politeness that, well, so far he i have to comply, this spat with zaluzhny, with his supposed resignation, you know, like field tests of missiles, when they report that our missile has flown in and it will land there in kamchatka at the kura training ground, so you don’t worry, but nevertheless this is a ballistic missile, which is still flies, or maybe it flies in the wrong direction, as for ukraine, the collective west has indeed always supported this phenomenon that can be characterized as ukrainian separatism when it arose. here in the body of every person there is always a tuberculosis bacillus, a herpes virus, but the herpes virus, as a rule , manifests itself when a person weakens, gets sick, ukrainian separatism is
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about the same thing when a large state weakens, whether the russian empire, the soviet union, he wakes up this separatism, as well as many other separatisms, but tell me then, if zelensky really seriously intends to remove zaluzhny, this can also be considered a manifestation of some kind of separatism, well , because if we believe all sorts of poroshenko and other numerous commentators, they yesterday they wrote that the west was shocked by this decision of zelensky, they began, that is , to conduct some consultations, call, explain, that is, this is again a manifestation of ukrainian separatism, which the west traditionally supports, no, well, after all he has always been separatist in relation to moscow, just like... he is completely, yes, i am disobedient, since you don’t want me, then he rebelled, that’s right, it was a holiday then the barn burned down, burn then too, but what do i need
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then keep the poor guy, let me get him. from the collective west, everything was explained to him, naturally there was a seething inside, because i say again, zaluzhny and zelensky, in public opinion, zaluzhny is two heads taller, this is a symbol of the army. he was naturally crushed and zelensky is no longer here; it’s not so much that zelensky has become more independent how much zaluzhny has become more independent , a nuance about which is very important zelensky ran into the germans for a reason, he said the germans, you give me money, not to the people of ukraine, not to the ukrainians whom i want, but i am here, that is.
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how much, how to give, this is an important nuance , the budget, and i will redistribute, to whom , so the germans and the west will give money to zelensky, will they give money on february 1 for zelensky, for zelensky, i think, well, the budget of ukraine, i mean , yes, zelensky says, give money, but before that they gave it, not to zelensky, but before that they gave it zelensky, that’s the question, he says, keep giving to me, but the germans say no, we will, we will give to the ukrainians who live in germany.
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or you don’t give it, europe says: read , wait, the americans say, the germans, the germans are just putting it into the budget, they put it into the budget of germany, germany put it into their budget, i say something else, that they will give money for zelensky or not, that’s the root of the question today, you know, europeans cannot just go and give up ukraine, why, because firstly, it needs to be given zelensky has a chance to justify himself, so to speak, who cares which? and i’ll tell you, because europe doesn’t want to lose influence on the ukrainians, it doesn’t want to, it wants to continue to influence, it will still influence, because it will give, if in general an accusation, no, if in general an accusation against europe in relation to i don’t exclude the possibility that the defeat of ukraine is solely an option, it ’s possible, according to zaluzhny, according to zelensky , there is a fundamental difference in which, i think,
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zaluzhny would not mind if he...
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we don’t care about this frog-gazing anyway, because that there is no frog-gazing headquarters, and if budanov is installed, you have no idea, so you received 21 attacks this night, and you know, if budanov is the commander-in-chief, there will be 200 attacks on russia, that’s what, in plain language, if you install a military intelligence officer who the only thing he can do is to carry out sabotage and terrorist attacks, although it won’t affect it, of course it will.
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they promised, they brought their heavy equipment to paris, to the capital of france, it is reported that a thousand, well, approximately , tractors are participating in this action. the goal of the protesters is to block eight highways that lead to the capital, two airports and the largest market in europe. this is how you now see in the footage the highways on the outskirts of paris look, they are practically filled with tractors, in some places the equipment does not stand idle, even on... and they decided to block the border crossing between the sedan and bouillon garages. will be at least a day. it's heating up now it is reported that they are blocking the transition by the situation in the middle east, where, according to the british publication sky news, another conflict may begin in the near future. it is reported that within 24 hours the president of the united states. biden will decide to launch another military operation in the middle
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east, and the publication calls this one of biden’s key decisions during his entire presidency. it is reported to be in response to an attack on a us base on the jordan-syria border this weekend that killed three american troops, about 40 were injured. the us authorities blamed pro-iranian groups; iran itself stated that it was not involved in these attacks. the political publication reports , citing its unnamed sources, that the pentagon is considering different response options, an attack on iranian ships in the persian gulf or a strike on iranian military targets in syria or iraq. in the meantime, the biden team is intriguing the public and publishing photographs from the situation room of the white house. we can see the president on it biden, who is sitting at the table for the first time in a long time, is next to him the secretary of defense of the united states. loy dostin , who was on sick leave for a long time,
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noticed the signs, i think you can look at them, which are turned towards president biden, these are signs with the names of those who are in this situation room, although it is obvious that this is a long time ago and good people he knows who have been responsible for the security of the united states for a long time under his administration. the topic of the middle east caused a skirmish between white house spokesman and al jazeera correspondent, he is a very emotional spokesman. the white house responded to a journalist’s question about what biden is guided by when he provokes yet another tension in the middle east. isn't it time to ask the american people? “i suspect that the americans are not very happy about the attack on merchant ships in the red sea, i also suspect that they are not happy about the reports of the killing of american soldiers in jordan, the president has the authority to protect troops and he will do it. the question is, is he weighing all his options, this is an election year, does the president take
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popularity rating data into account when making a decision?
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supreme". the threat of some, to put it mildly, bad application, use of nuclear energy. unfortunately, now there is quite a lot, although, for now, indirect evidence that the ukrainians are really thinking in this direction. let's take a look. minister of energy
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of ukraine, herman golushchenko, in an interview with reuters, suddenly announced that kiev wants to build four new nuclear ones.
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ukraine even transferred these missiles to russia along with the tu-22 at one time as debts for gas. it is almost impossible to shoot down kh-22 missiles flying in a ballistic trajectory using conventional ukrainian air defense systems. this five-ton rocket can.
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mi-6 is training ukrainian deception and reconnaissance groups, the plans include carrying out provocations at nuclear power plants of the russian federation, and today , in conditions when the west is being defeated on the territory of ukraine, the likelihood of carrying out a variety of provocations. very high, i am not going to question the words of sergei naryshkin, of course, the director of the foreign intelligence service of our country knows what he is talking about, but i want to remind you that he is absent today.
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ukrainian ones, they again seem to float to the surface, well, when the situation is pressing , if you remember what we just talked about here, about ukrainian separatism, about the independence and lack of independence of zelensky there, how high is the likelihood that this could really happen some extremely unpleasant story, well, we all understand that, in fact, the ukrainian defense now, the ukrainian military potential is entirely tied to the west, any provocation involving the use of nuclear - well , nuclear power plants or some kind of nuclear fuel or, god forbid, nuclear materials will lead to an explosive refusal to support
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ukraine and then ukraine will say no, they won’t say that it’s us because they will know that it’s ukraine when you have as your allies a person capable of nuclear provocation from it’s better for this ally to kind of refuse in this regard, it would be a catastrophic blow to kiev in general, i would pay attention, oh , i’m sorry, it was a nuclear provocation. at first they tried to say something about us, and then they shut down, well, because everything was clear to everyone, everyone saw the picture of how it happened, and why, the attacks stopped, the sabotage attacks on nuclear power plants controlled by our troops have now stopped, i would pay attention to something else, they say that they are preparing to build new nuclear power units over the years independence of these nuclear power units have already been built there, but the main thing is different, this is 2 years, that is, they expect that within 2 years they will calmly build these on their territory...
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then you think that everything will come under the control of russia , well, i don’t know, it’s unlikely that they would have made such plans if they understood that the end was soon, i think that the situation with ukraine has two stories, the first story they are constantly saying something, constantly announcing something, that’s literally every a week or even everyone says they have such a hyperloop was, which somewhere there must have been all their propaganda tactics, and this is not the main thing, is based on the fact that they constantly say something, promise something and in this way, and do not let them forget about ukraine on..
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.. this is not about the fact that everything is fine with them, but because they need it in practice, otherwise they have problems with electricity, how are they going to do this, as for the western ones, well, yes, indeed, here perhaps it’s just interesting - to get into this help , accordingly, to master the money, with from the russian point of view, they are trying to take it from bulgaria, accordingly, and as i understand it, the bulgarian deputies have already voted for this, so that they can transfer it to them, which means the unfinished nuclear power plant, respectively, to russia, they are trying from there.
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a working nuclear power plant, of course we won’t hit it, because no, it moves, it stops somewhere, it doesn’t immediately, it doesn’t immediately end up where it starts, let’s not give a reason to various conspiracy theorists, including in europe and on in the west to say that we are going to do some kind of sabotage there ourselves, antonich, i am not proposing to carry out sabotage at nuclear facilities, but understand me, my question is correct, we have spent a certain amount of time and military capabilities on neutralizing the ukrainian energy infrastructure so that we can calmly look.
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on the outskirts of st. petersburg , several people were killed. who is behind all this ? the body of the hands of the new crime boss, count. we have everything ready for the assault, we are waiting for a negotiator. consider him already here. from this moment on, i
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meeting place on mtv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue. let's start now with the news, which, well, in general , we fit into the outline... it fits perfectly, this is the kind of anti-sport news, i can’t call it sports news, but anti-sport, in my opinion , is suitable, anti-sport is quite suitable, andrey vladimirovich , in fact, today russia was deprived of gold at the beijing olympics in 2022, first place in team figure skater tournament, we now have bronze, and the americans have a gold medal , why did this all happen because of disqualification, you see in the photo of our figure skater kamilla valeeva, the court of arbitration for sport on... decided to disqualify the russian figure skater for a period of 4 year due to doping, due to violation of anti-doping rules. the minimum concentration of the drug trimetizadine was found in the figure skater’s body in december
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of twenty-one; volieva’s lawyers tried to prove that the drug got into the body of the then fifteen-year -old figure skater accidentally, when she used the glass of her grandfather, who was taking this medicine, the swiss arbitration did not heed the defense argument, mitigating... the circumstances in the form of the fact that the figure skater was then a minor were also not taken into account, contrary to all expectations, it was the harshest possible punishment was imposed, now kamilla valieva will be able to return to flying only in december 2025, and all sports results that she has shown since december will also be canceled twenty-first year, thus the skater is deprived of about a dozen titles, these are gold, silver and bronze medals in... all kinds of championships in europe and russia. the russian olympic committee has already called what happened, i will quote here, a declaration of war on russian sports. honored coach of the soviet union tatyana tarasova called the representatives
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of the court of arbitration for sports, and i also quote: scoundrels and lawbreakers. russian coach and figure skater ilya averbukh says that valiev our team was completely deprived of medals not fair.
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and we notice everywhere, a very simple explanation, today is january 30, january 30 , 1933, hitler legally led germany, and then everything seemed to go from there. well let's get started. on january 30, 1933 , adolf hitler took over as reichs chancellor of germany, but a change of government was not unusual. the leader of the national socialists turned out to be the fourth official in this position in favor.
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strikes, and although the industrialists and bankers did not feel any sympathy for the rude jefriter hitler, the communists seemed to them still great evil. adolf hitler, the leader of the german national movement, becomes chancellor and berlin wildly celebrates his victory, and while the chancellor is often seen as a power- hungry hothead, some german observers believe he will be less dangerous in office than on the street commanding his stormtroopers. by the thirty-second year of hitler's. the nsdap became one of the leading political forces, but on the way to absolute power it was still hampered by the parliamentary opposition, then a fire suddenly broke out in the reichstag, then an emergency decree on the defense of the state appeared and there were no obstacles left to the nazi dictatorship. freedom of assembly, speech, and confidentiality of correspondence were abolished. the communists' seats in parliament were canceled and they themselves were arrested. a month later, there was only one party left in germany - the nsdp, in the spring of 30.
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then they were convinced that in 3 months hitler would discredit himself so much that he would turn all his advantages into disadvantages, so i think that this was the main thing. maybe someone thinks differently, please, i want we cannot remind you that the german workers' party arose in 1919, and we cannot say that it was the rise of some kind of lightning-fast nsdp. the development of the nsdp has been going on since
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1919, very slowly. hitler was not the undisputed leader of this party for some time, moreover, at the time hitler came to power. in the nsdp there was powerful opposition to him in the person of, for example, the strasser brothers, but they were alone, and they were one of many oppositionists to hitler. yes, hitler took advantage of the moment very well, that’s true, but the fact is that he did this, that the moment he it might not have happened, it might have happened, no, the fact is that development was just that, that’s why i ’m asking, that is, the nazis’ coming to power was inevitable. inevitable, that's why: the beginning of the 20th century in europe is a time of nationalism, this is a time of nationalist ideas, as a result of the first world war, the idea of ​​nationalism becomes universal for europe , there is no european country where they are not
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actually the main ones, well, with the possible exception be great britain, which. yes , to say that the germans, simply tired of the weimer republic, chose something like he then seemed less izzo, well, let him already be this one, but let him already do at least something, because the situation in which the country was, there for the last 10 years before hitler, it was no longer, this is not an economic factor, more precisely, not only the economic factor played a major role, but the german people, they were greatly, firstly, humiliated by the results of versailles, and secondly, the main thesis... we were stabbed in the back, our troops did not retreat, our troops did not lose, we stabbed in the back, social democrats and so on, they deprived us legitimate victory, they plunged us into poverty, they brought migrants here, who, yes, well , that whole crisis, destroyed the german spirit, brought them to
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the streets and all this western nigerian culture and so on, yeah, these sentiments, in fact, are conservative in ... the mood of the germans and workers, and , importantly, the german financial circles and the oligarchy, converged on one point, and this point was adolf hitler, who seemed to be the person who could restore order and who at that time seemed manageable, and can also curb the so-called leftists seething, i understand you correctly, leftist seething, because the red, well, conditionally revolutionary threats were feared by those very business circles, both the left and you know, and yes, that’s the same way... as we see now in the united states, yes, here is the arrival of migrants, a change in the basic culture, yes, the state , it all played a role, there is a very good visual image, the film is austrian deep home front, it shows the return of veterans to austria after the first world war, and he enters the cafe where she used to play normal
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german music, now they play jazz, yes, there it is very surprising that in tolerant modern europe they made this movie, where he says a phrase that any german veteran could also say. here they play the music of blacks, we forget that europe, the beginning of the 20th century, is in general very conservative towards blacks, towards blacks, in general to questions of the nation, we will come back, it’s just that vadnik just mentioned these leftist seethings, i would like, so that you can still comment on what i started with, here are the words of vladimir zhirinovsky, that there would not be lenin, if there had not been our revolution, there would have been no hitler and, by the way, came up with one of the largest marxists.
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but you see, lenin, not lenin, there is such a thing as the balance of power in international relations, and advice, if without lenin, russia would have won the first world war and would have acquired what it acquired, what it wanted to acquire, but without lenin, we had some chance of winning the war, if we had won the first world war, if we had reached the moment when the first world war ended with the defeat of germany, and we we are there, there would be someone else there who would.
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during the first world war, germany and the soviet union, rejected by everyone, felt like allies for a long time, almost before hitler came to power, and we, unfortunately, helped the fact that then hitler, having come to power, already relied on a military force created semi-secretly, but with the help the soviet union, can the ussr also be reproached by the soviet union? we did not cooperate with the nazi regime then, we collaborated then.
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which was facilitated by the war in spain, and much more, here is the biggest fatal the mistake that they did not crush hitler in the bud lies with the western allies, because when german militarism was gradually revived, and also relying on the national socialist ideology, this bug could have been crushed many times. the french army, well, it was tens of times more powerful, would have crossed the border, nothing would have been left of this reiksfer and so on,
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despite the fact that they were creating something underground there, and what were the french authorities and the french government, i'll just remind you, then they we rested relaxed on our laurels, a popular front government was organized , from which they tried to kick out all sorts of leftist forces, they believed that hitler was not as big a threat as the leftists in the government, i am leaving the company, i will sell my share, we offended one shareholder and the project is on two erda
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western countries had guarantors of the versailles agreements, they would nip german nazism in the bud. they didn’t do this, let’s do it now, we’ll see how at that moment in progressive western states they treated what we now consider absolute evil. british. the political elite does not like to remember the times before the second world war. at that time london was quite loyal to the german nazis, at thirty the second, the british union of fascists appeared and its leader was not some efritor, but a full-fledged aristocrat, oswald mosley, who dreamed of a dictatorship. influential englishmen, newspaper editors, automobile magnates, and millionaires joined his union. the authorities did not interfere with this. british prime minister neville chamberlin in those years praised the very beautiful ss uniform. the british who barely abdicated the throne. king edward ii. wife, visits germany and meets with hitler. in the thirty-eighth there is a football match between the teams of england and germany. playing the german anthem and both teams dance to it.
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we must pay tribute to the british footballers. they resisted, but her majesty's ambassador asked to respect their german friends. the founder of the world olympic movement, french baron pierre de coubertin, whom we romantically remember, repeating the olympic movement faster, higher, stronger, said a lot more in the thirties. before the olympic games in berlin in '36, he praised the regime built by hitler as wonderful for sports and the olympic movement, and the olympic games of '36 years in berlin became one of the largest ideological victories of the reich. the fuhrer also had admirers overseas. american industrialist henry ford, for example, was even awarded the highest order of the third reich for foreigners. hitler appreciates. ford's approach to quickly assembling cars and even kept a portrait of an american in his munich residence, at the beginning of the 2000s, thanks to declassified american documents, the world was surprised
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to learn that even an american senator and the grandfather of the ex-president of the united states was involved in the rise of hitler presscott bush. according to declassified national archives documents, presscott bush was one of seven directors of the union banking corporation, a new york-based investment bank owned by the bank. at the same time, despite the terms of the treaty of versailles , the west actively invested in german industry; from thirty-three to thirty-nine, germany received, if translated into today’s money, about $700 billion, half of the money was from the united states. in thirty-three, as soon as hitler came to power, the banks of england and the united states forgave. berlin has several billion debts. by 1939, us companies owned 70% of the entire german automobile industry. shell and standard oil supplied them
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with oil, rubber and components for the production of jet fuel. the americans controlled the german steel trust, which provided metal for heavy weapons. the hitlers sponsored that they and stalin would exterminate each other, and america would use what was left. the victory of the ussr was not at all in the interests of the americans. they were counting. did not lose in the first world war in complete defeat, the only one of the leaders of the bloc
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was due to the fact that the central powers of the entente, who were going to invade the territory of germany, austria-hungary, it was nicholas ii, he believed that the war should be ended in berlin , and the allies, after russia’s withdrawal from the war, ended this war, very painfully for the germans, but in fact... left them with the feeling that indeed their war machine was not defeated, a very very big problem that gave birth to that very revanchism, which was later played upon, this revanchism was absolutely inevitable, the whole question is what it was, it was painted in germany in russian colors, non-nationalist, so i completely disagree that hitler is absolutely like that.
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which was more understandable there, yes, and they did not want the soviet union to further strengthen due to the communists coming to power in germany, there, yes, they also followed this a little, and based on this, this collision was created, when most likely it is important for americans and british it was so that on the continent those forces that collided in the first world war and also exterminated each other would collide again,
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because by and large in the first world war... britain and the united states emerged victorious, having entered at the last stage commemorating the second world war, it turned out that the same story, well, the soviet union really took berlin, but to be honest, then we gave almost all the laurels to the gdr, okay, so alexander, he was one of our own, i’m talking about hitler, well , regarding our own, it is assumed that the dominant elite
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the british, partly the americans, tried to restore german potential, including turning a blind eye to the restoration of military potential. now further, no one literally saw anything bad in national socialism in what happened in germany until two events, the crystal night of november 1938, when, so to speak,
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hitler was sent to the east and so on. the munich agreements, in fact, like the andschluss of austria, were aimed at restoring the rights of national minorities, it was for the rejection of traditionally german regions, for the correction, if you like, of those vices that contained wilson’s 14 points, which formed the basis, that people loved people gathered in munich in
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the year thirty-eight. well, well, we got together, well , we joined, well, actually, what’s special about all of this? i just don’t remember now, you don’t agree with ivan or with alexander nikolai, like sharikov, you understand, firstly, about his hitler, not his own, that wasn’t really the point at all, well , firstly, yes he was charismatic leader and even loy george's daughter was crazy about him. although who is hitler, who is lloyd george, you understand, yes, these are different values, the point is different, the twenties, twenties, the global economic crisis, germany is. the country in which you can invest money, after hitler came , extra money, you know, extra money , after hitler came to power, he begins to build, raise the german economy, excuse me, please, this is
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a bottomless market, but it doesn’t matter who is there if there were communists in power, they would do exactly that the same, further, no, nevertheless, you see, the americans, excuse me, were, as much as you like, you can invest in germany, you know. you can’t invest internally in the state, this is the first , second, and also, which is very important, you know, we forget about this all the time, the point is that, again, the point is not that hitler is his own, not his own, someone else’s, not someone else’s , hitler is a person who is in the european trend, unlike the soviet union, you see, he is an absolute european, here is the soviet union, here are children digging in the sandbox with their mongolia and with their tuva, and let them dig further. europe lives by its own laws, develops according to its own laws. it does not need to be directed to the east. anti-communism is equal, if a person is anti-communist, he is against the soviet union.
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hitler came to power under the slogans of anti-communism, he will go to the east anyway, you know, don’t touch him, but what restores the military industry is how we restored it ourselves, please excuse me, in 1935.
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of physical fitness. call to order a compact home cardio exercise machine for only 2,999 rubles. but if you call us right now, you'll get two knee pads. move easily as a gift. liamax. shopping with a plus. this. the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, which means, for a jump, no one in national socialism, in general, saw anything bad until certain events, yes, that was the idea, and vadim kasimovich said that in general , no one gave a damn about it, because it was pure business, i said several times that this reminds me of something in one of the cases when mikhail boris said that it was profitable , so that on the territory of europe, that means... this mutual destruction of each other begins,
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which will be watched from across the atlantic ocean. why do i see many parallels here, because, well , firstly, after the second world war there was a huge number of nazi criminals escaped punishment and not only escaped punishment, they received all the conditions for continuing their lives, including work, well -paid prestigious jobs, political positions in certain cases, and so on, well, now from... excuse me, but there are only us and the nazis here lazy people don’t compare, on the other hand, on the contrary, they find some positive aspects in the actions of the nazis, we will now give you a few examples. last week, former nato representative in russia harry tabakh directly stated that for victory over our country, it is necessary to destroy half of its population, i remembered hitler. aggression can only be extinguished by more aggression. with hitler we had to level this country with with with'. with the earth, we
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had to destroy half of this population, there is no longer a german nation, this is a completely different nation than we had to drop two atomic bombs on japan in order to extinguish this aggression, that is, even greater aggression. british foreign secretary david cameron recently also began to draw parallels between the current political situation in the world and the 30s of the last century, he compared vladimir putin with hitler, cameron himself obviously imagined himself. berlin is a challenge for our generation, it's like being a foreign minister or a leader in europe in the 1930s. we must not appease putin, we must confront the evil that is his invasion. obvious followers of hitler in the west do not particularly bother anyone now. this is how stanford holds events with terrorists of the banned azov. i visited one of them american ex-ambassador to russia michael mcfaul. university of alberta in canada. he also soiled himself with connections with ukrainian nazis.
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for many years he was sponsored by fugitive collaborator yaroslav gunka, the same one whom canadian prime minister trudeau called to parliament last year and there gunka, who served in the german ss division galicia, was given an avalanche, which caused a big international scandal. well, the latest such examples are also interviews. yushchenko, one of the previous presidents of ukraine, he said that it’s not about putin, the point is that there are 140 million little putins in russia, so we need to destroy these 140 million little putins, then it will be good. alexander vladimirovich, that is, it’s not that even the vaccination against nazism did not work, but it turns out that it was not even carried out at all, firstly, this did not happen, firstly, not one nation has any vaccination against nazism. memory, something like that, here is a vivid
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example of ukraine, many, grandfathers and great-grandfathers of those who are now fighting, who started, yes, the azov territorial battalion - the exit from kharkov is the exit from eastern ukraine, in kharkov, to face the truth, was one of the massive cells of collaboration during the great patriotic war, moreover, the completely incorrect ukrainization carried out, the incorrectly carried out policy of fighting the remnants of the aung upa after the fifty-third year led to the fact that everyday nationalism, which grew in ukraine since the sixties, turned into a new policy... germany, despite all those policies, and germany, by the way, of the european countries probably has the strongest anti-nazi legislation, but in in germany this is also being revived,
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a similar economic situation gives rise to similar methods, its solutions, german national socialism is just one of... the tools for solving a crisis situation in the world of a collapsing international division of labor, this is exactly the same thing that happened in the thirties , because that’s why that’s why you tell me then, that is, i asked a question about inevitability at the beginning, that is, if it’s happening now, wait, if the same thing is happening now, as you say, then this is an inevitable story, we have something somewhere again such and inevitably we will be drawn into a very serious confrontation with... the fact that they are pursuing the idea, it is fundamentally wrong, and the sooner western politicians free themselves from it, the better, that is
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, equating russia, today's hitler's germany, waiting for a solution russian problem through final victory, like this...
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that is, this is the simplest solution and not to understand the essence of anything, because this is the point, and we don’t know what ’s really happening, yes, that is, today’s conservatives in germany , this and afd, and green in essence, because now green is also, green conservatives,
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these are our new conservatives, yes, because they are absolute, of course, they are absolute.
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ideology , which can then be reborn, it will increase, the fact of the matter is that they haven’t read this, the question, the question is, will the plates turn over, the question is, will the right-wing ideology go to the ultra-right, look, vaccinations against nazism, one hundred percent, eternal certainly not a single people, not a single one, because nazism, as an ideology, is to a certain extent moment... history at a certain moment the state of society gives very simple solutions, it points out that it is not you who are to blame, other people are to blame, it exalts you, as those who
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suffer for some reason or consider themselves defective, over others ideologically, talking about the fact that you are people of the first class, and those are second, allowing you to honor such inner, i don’t know, greatness and so on, so once again nazism, sooner or later, when the state or society is in some kind of crisis, let’s say, nazism - where always within society located.
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as if there are processes, so far we have some restraining factors, and we are not in such a crisis that nazism has grown in such a way that it poses a serious threat to statehood, but in other countries, yes, this is happening and will happen , of course, let 's stop, maybe we'll have more time, but in the last part of the blitz, because of her huge buttocks, a woman can't walk, sleep or just sit normally, the tumor itself doesn't hurt, well , my back and legs start to hurt when i stand for a long time, my grannies ask show her to repay her, her
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faithful assistant. i also don’t see any prerequisites for a new hitler, but we must understand that the basis for some kind of nazi revival now may not be an economic crisis or a communist threat, but a migrant crisis, where for the first time migrants will be greeted not with loaves, but with machine guns, this is where a new hitler may emerge, well
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, joke aside,
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the combination of socialist radical ideas with russian ones, this is a nuclear bomb, i also social discrimination, that is , i’ll try to stitch together what alexander nikolaevich and maxim anatolyevich said, a big country, well, or a country that feels like a kind of imperial , or in its history considers itself an empire, in which now everything can be blamed on migrants, well, i’m completely in the past i’ll leave, because well, you and i will probably agree with me, i know that jokes have always existed. in different countries, in different conditions, including, of course, they were in hitler’s germany, although they were told, perhaps not so actively, because, firstly, it was dangerous, and secondly, it was a sin, not everyone thought so, but... the closer the end of the war was, the louder it was told. this anecdote claims that this is a german joke from 1944, the end of 4 years, i have seen it several times in different sources,
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everywhere, that it is 1944, which means a man comes to church and says that he needs to confess, and he approaches the pastor, and the pastor sees that the man has a radio in his hands, and he says: excuse me, but why did you bring this device to confession, do you see the saint? father, he needs to confess, he has been lying a lot lately. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. weekdays, ntv broadcast 14:00, goodbye. the russian olympic committee announced that it would appeal the decision of the international skating union to deprive our country of the team. beijing olympics gold in figure skating on land in water, we will do it at a time in a place of our choosing, what and where could be us targets?


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