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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 30, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone: 8800-101004. the call is free. it seems like something has changed? no, everything is as we like. tfc, now. but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, for your grandmother, for the navigator in the car, for the twist in the garage, it ’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, replenish only one, all others will be paid automatically, convenient, desherak feature in fermentation technology, so my choice is dosherak, and my chan ramen and my recipes, what kind of broth, dosherak is the secret of taste in the broth.
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and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the application, it’s delicious, period , one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what a wide coverage, where are we going, where no one else has seen your videos i saw, although the megaphone can pick up even there, the mobile operator is number one in terms of speed coverage. beyond
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the limit, she cannot sit normally, since her fifth point already weighs 7 kg and getting bigger every day. in our studio olga karas. olya, hello, hello, i see that it’s difficult for you to walk, you’re walking with difficulty, is it because of your voluminous hips, yes, for your voluminous hips, is it extra pounds or something else? this is not... neurofibratosis , this is a tumor, a tumor, yes, this is a tumor , probably heavy, heavy, it’s difficult for you to stand, it’s difficult to stand, your back hurts, then please take your place, the tumor hurts a lot, the tumor itself doesn’t hurt, but my back and legs start to hurt when i stand for a long time, what difficulties arise because of this, well, besides walking, there are everyday difficulties, i can’t wash the floors with my hands, it’s been a long time since your delicate problem has become of this magnitude. after
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giving birth, it began to grow strongly, but before that it was not so voluminous, it was not so strong, when you gave birth to a child, how long ago, in the fifteenth year, and this is a tumor, it was originally there, where did it come from? there was a small mole, brown, when i was 4 years old, i knocked it over, i went to my sister to get a piece of paper on the table, she pushed me, i fell, lay there until my mother saw blood, then she noticed that i had fallen from the mole, and what did my mother do next? , she lifted me up. she finished it, we went to the hospital , they didn’t stitch it up, they sent you straight home, and after that she didn’t bother you, didn’t bother you, and you were seen by a doctor every year, you were monitored, and what did the doctors say, just observation, that’s all, no medications, no treatment, that is until 2015, until the time when you were pregnant and began to give birth, there was no external defect, there was no such a strong defect, how old are you in this photo, 22, probably the photo is not full-length, but... everything anyway
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, i don’t see any defects here, it’s normal girl, pretty , cheerful, here she is 30 years old, how old are you now, 34, in 8 years after giving birth the tumor grew from this state into what we see now, yes, it grows every year, oh, can you imagine how it is? it could happen, i can’t imagine, the doctor’s recommendation that just observe, how to observe, the tumor grew, but turn to other doctors, was it really impossible, well, this is your body? olya, what doctors did you contact? i’m registered with a geneticist, we went to the professor, the professor said we can take it, but i won’t take it for such an operation. why? i was afraid. that is , you cannot find help anywhere. no, nowhere. olya, tell me, do you miss being like this? she could wear any clothes. the dress is beautiful.
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jeans, my hands have let go, for the last 3 years i probably haven’t gone anywhere else, without i refuse, because, that is, you no longer believe that you can be helped. i don’t believe it, anfes, you understand olga’s despair, but i just have terrible compassion for her, because she is such a beautiful girl, what beautiful eyes she has, she has a beautiful figure, and i’m like a girl who loves to dress up, in fact, she once weighed 90 kg, i can’t say that i suffered from this, but of course the quality of life was strong, and it was hard to walk, i couldn’t find clothes, i understand olga perfectly, although... i have evenly the fat was distributed, but i know that it is very difficult, and my legs hurt, my back, i really want that, she’s very young, that there would be some kind of opportunity, i really want to help, really, len, please tell me what this is disease, let's
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define it, neurofibromatosis, yes, if i i correctly say why it frightens all the doctors to whom olga has consulted, these are diseases that are associated with the formation of some kind of neoplasm, let’s put it this way. this is primarily of the nervous system, because this implies neurofibromas, it does not mean at all that all these tumors, yes, they can be operated on immediately, removed, or somehow cauterized with a laser, if it is still only on the verge of a cosmetic defect, after all, they are really observed first, only if it represents some kind of life-threatening condition, then it arises question about the operation. natalya, olga told us that... she connects the appearance of this tumor with the fact that she damaged a mole in childhood, can this happen? if we are talking about this particular case, it is precisely the trauma of this small tumor, which was considered a mole, and a formation on the skin, as a rule, everyone calls moles, even some doctors use this term, which
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was correctly considered a mole, this is not a mole , no, these are not moles, these are microtumors, small tumors that are located like on the surface of the skin, but they are structured completely differently. their composition is not the same as that of traditional nevus moles, because these are really tumors of nervous tissue, which also contain connective tissue, but they are located a little differently, this is exactly the same trauma in early childhood, so this was the impetus that triggered the growth, the rapid growth of tumors, and indeed the girl did everything she could, she was observed, she went, she consulted about everything she could, many people have moles, if you happen to i tore off a mole, how...
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this tumor began to grow, although this is a physiological process of pregnancy and childbirth, but it is stress for the body and hormonal stress, and hormonal stress can cause, so to speak, further progression of any chronic processes, not really, here we see hereditary genetic disease, but any such factors that can cause distress in the patient's body can provoke long-term.
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attention, yes, it probably touched one of the neurofibromas, and you see a large the number of neurofibromas, for this variant of neurofibromatosis such spots are also characteristic , called coffee with milk, even when these children and adolescents go to the doctor, the doctor should pay attention to this, further observations in life actually go on, but if this is already interfering with life, quality of life, most often yes he operates. but then we see that part of the tumor remains, it recurs , further growth occurs, but the quality of life still improves after the operation, i can say about the following surgical features tumors, what is the problem with operating on them is that this tumor, firstly, does not have
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clear boundaries, and it is impossible to remove it, namely, being sure that all the tumor tissue has been removed, it does not have a capsule, does not have clear boundaries, it grows from... recurs again in a very short period of time will grow even larger. most likely, we are talking here about the plexiform form, neurofibromas, such fibromas are operated on only when they compress vital organs and already pose a threat to life, and such neurofibromas can become malignant, which is why it was observed over time, because a fairly high percentage of such tumors can degenerate. olya, here’s to you, if even walking is difficult, you probably don’t work, i’m not working at the moment
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, before that you worked, i work, i worked, i’ve been working in the same place for 15 years, as a salesperson, that is, you have a disability with your illness no, they don’t give such a diagnosis a disability. olga, have you ever tried to apply for disability? well, the commission doesn’t let me through, it’s the medical commission into the clinics, yes, because initially, of course, the patient goes to the clinic for this purpose. so that the medical commission of the clinic makes a referral for a medical and social examination, and here you need to deal with the medical organization, yes, that is, initially, so that they give a referral to us, this is a solvable issue, you need to contact the head doctor of your clinic in order for them to give you a referral to the ms, and there are already specialists in medical and social examination, purely visually, do you think, can you get a disability?
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it’s difficult for her, but so is it for you, your soul probably hurts because of the rain, of course, of course, but why do you think that the reason for the growth of the tumor is not a childhood trauma, well, this disease is inherited, on the paternal side. alexander, you have problems of this kind, yes , i also have a tumor , it came by inheritance, the tumor is from my parents, i see it on your face, yes, i can’t help but see it, but there’s a lot on your body, so let's call them, bumps, growths, a lot, most of them are on...
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myself, who has an obvious problem, but which is a neglected situation, a responsible child in a neglected situation, i thought that parents would not help in this matter, why a person neglects himself, they did not treat here...
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there are also hemangeomas, a small number of how to launch yourself just neglect it’s painful to watch the truth, it’s natalya, what kind of formations are these and is it possible to cure them? these are tumors that grow from nervous tissue and unfortunately, medicine is still powerless to
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help such a patient, we can only really do it at the level of a psychologist at the level some kind of cosmetic. nothing can be done to help, unfortunately, there are diseases against which medicine is powerless, and the disease actually progresses when the tumor is removed again, with even greater, yes, even more aggression, with size, with growth, that is, this disease, how old are you alexander , today, 62 years old, over the course of 62 years, these formations have been gradually increasing, and what do these formations consist of, they consist of nerve cells, that is, they grow from... the nervous system, which also includes skin cells , and subcutaneous fatty tissue, vessels , this is what i saw now dermoscopically, they essentially do not have capsules of any boundaries, they grow and grow, increase in size day after day, as i understand it, there is a tumor in the brain or in the area visual apparatus, our hero has vision today
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, yes, this is also possible because of these formations, perhaps because it needs to be done.
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suppuration, phlegmon, sepsis, tissue necrosis, all this will lead to even greater serious problems not only with appearance, but will pose a direct threat to life itself. elena, please tell me, my father’s condition, of course, largely explains olga’s condition, but his growths are not so huge, not even close, but there are a lot of them. but look at the size, any disease , including hereditary, it can generally occur in different ways, in a mild form, in a more severe form, some symptoms may be present, some may be absent, including within one family, if we are talking about hereditary diseases, here this is just such an example, yes, that
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with dad, with age, this is expressed like this by a large number of relatively small neoplasms, for example, in a girl, maybe , so to speak, the rest of the formations are small, but one of them grew up like this, well, let's talk frankly of gigantic proportions, well, most likely, i think that it was just traumatization by these neurofibronic ones in childhood that may have led to growth, plus of course pregnancy, by the way, speaking of pregnancy in general about the continuation of the generation ol, you their child noticed some alarming symptoms... on the body, spots, coffee with milk, the same ones that alexander spoke about. alexander, how could this turn out in the future? i think there will be a similar development of the disease over the course of time.
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with milk, spots or knots on the body, this is not a treatment, it is simply the removal of a cosmetic defect, that’s all. why does the middle daughter of valentina and alexander harbor a grudge against her father in her heart? i can’t go out on the street again, if you had known about this from the beginning, you would have changed something right away, i wouldn’t have married him. it's over the edge. let's continue after a short pause. extremely. in st. petersburg, the murder of several people took place, who is behind all this , the work of a new criminal
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authority in the count’s cell, we have everything ready for the assault, we are waiting for the negotiations, these are the minutes of the leadership of the operation, i’m taking over myself, boss, new season, with your arrival everything went well ? unfortunately, you are not the first person to tell me about this, today at 20:00 on ntv, please forgive me, the premiere is on fridays at 16:50 on ntv. comfort at low and green prices on the yandex market. home goods from small items to meaningful things. order comfort. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? what kind of coverage? where your coverage speeds are, dad, you'll be home soon, no one has seen the video yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there, the number one mobile operator
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is coming soon, i won't be late now, there are many vacancies on avito, you'll find not just a job, but your place , tea richard, a real masterpiece worthy of a king, incomparable, me or richard, both of you, richard, royal tea. winter sale.
5:09 pm
calm, just calm, that’s it, we’re not going on vacation, but i won tickermany, it’s all for plus points. lisa, bought a chicken example in the tasty daughter, scanned the code in the application and won a million yandex plus points, believe it or not, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under stickers in the delicious application, period, boss, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv . hello, i’ve heard a lot about you, i’m glad i came to you for a consultation. hello, tell us a few words about yourself. how old are you? years when did this start? you know, i’m 65 , for any man this is a significant blow, only a small percentage of men seek
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qualified help from specialists, if you are a man and are faced with something that is not customary to talk about, you are embarrassed or for some other reason you cannot visit a specialist, right now dial the phone number of our toll-free line, just a poppy, where male power is powerless, you probably tried to do something on your own, of course i’m all sorts of things... its use is just a magician where male power force is powerless, therefore, if you are suddenly not satisfied with something, for example, the result, we will return your money, even so, yes, you have
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every right. return the device to us, but don’t worry, many women then call back with warm words, by the way, you might not have to travel so far, call our hotline, and they would connect you with me or any other specialist consultant, we send the device throughout russia, order just a magician right now, and if the result does not suit you, we will return your money when placing an order, you risk absolutely nothing, to order just a poppy you don’t need to come anywhere, just call from anywhere in russia, get a detailed... consultation, order delivery, payment occurs after receipt, just a magician, where male power is powerless. dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. it's beyond, it's beyond. 4 years old olga karas from ufa damaged a small mole on her back, which after 30 years turned into a huge tumor and grew to her buttocks. i am diagnosed with neurofibromatosis.
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the tumor grows every year. more more, her mother, sixty-two-year-old valentina baskakova, is sure it’s a terrible diagnosis, her daughter inherited it from her father, a hereditary disease, genetic on the lower back, her husband has such a big lump, there’s such a big one on his spine. valentin, you still have children, yes, three daughters and two sons, they all have such problems, no, no sons, only daughters. elena, how can this be explained, well, this is what they call, who is lucky. this is exactly a lottery, valentin, you have a lot of children, when you planned them, you were not afraid that your husband’s illness would be passed on to them, i about this disease, i didn’t know that it was transmitted, wait, when did you have your first child, how old, how old was alexander, well, he was 25, there were no signs of this disease, there were signs, but his were not so strong, there were a few of these bumps, but they were big, that is, you
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didn’t suspect that it was... a disease, especially since it was a genetic disease, we didn’t know that it was a genetic disease, the doctors didn’t warn us, but on the other hand, if you had known about this from the beginning, you would have changed something, right? yes i would cheated, i wouldn’t marry him, seriously, seriously, elen, but what should you do if one of the spouses has a genetic disease, like this or similar, how can you prevent the transmission of this disease to children? of course, when our... heroes had their own children, then in general nothing could be done, but now , of course, genetic technologies, kinetic diagnostics, they are just on the rise, now the possibilities have increased significantly, there is now a traditional method, when in the early stages, that is pregnancy has already occurred and in the early stages, that is, somewhere around 10-11 weeks, and they take a biopsy of the chorionic, yes, that is, they do invasive diagnostics, the resulting
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chorionic cells. they send a genetic laboratory to see whether the fetus has inherited the parental mutation or not, and before 12 weeks of pregnancy, when some decision can still be made, we give an unambiguous prognosis: a child will be born with the disease, or not, but now there is also a more progressive method , this is a technique when those future parents who can to conceive and bear a child on their own, nevertheless they go for the procedure, extracorporeal. fertilization, but this is not just for the sake of icons, they combine it with the so-called pgd diagnostics, that is, pregravid diagnostics, that is, when they obtain embryos, in vitro, also children in vitro, from these embryos, usually on the fifth day of their development, several cells are separated , this is permissible, in these few cells they do such a specific, very, very subtle genetic diagnosis and select those embryos that are not ours.
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now they say nothing , they don’t say anything like that either, that is, you and the children are on good terms, it’s surprising, your middle daughter admitted to us that she cannot forgive you for giving her huge moles, our guest is natalya belarusova, hello, natalya, sit down next to your sister, you have as many moles as dad on your body, yes, i’m very embarrassed about my body, i can’t
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go outside again, even on the beach. what difficulties does this cause you in everyday life? cleaning the house ? i clean everything, but i have the hard thing is that there are chemicals , these irritations happen, and it happened that you... yes, children, yes, husband, daughter, when you and your husband just started dating, he knew about your illness, yes, how he reacted, he reacted normally, didn’t say anything , it does him honor, but you didn’t try to remove these moles, you didn’t try, you tried, you went to a dermatologist in this clinic, what did they say, well, he says, all of this needs to be treated, but some... then practical advice? there may be some kind of medication, there are no procedures , there were no procedures, only here i am i cauterized it, went to him all the time, but it doesn’t help you, no, are you offended by your father because these growths appear on your body?
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yes, but i once said what i say, he gave us these sores, but you are so offended by him that you don’t even communicate with him, or you just harbor a grudge somewhere in the depths of your soul, most likely yes, with one on your side... the father, on the other hand, your children were born, and you couldn’t help but assume that this disease would be passed on to them, my daughter already has birthmarks, they’re starting to come out, but what do you think? will your daughter blame you when she grows up? i think so too, alexander, did you know about your daughter’s offense? well, she once said there, that ’s how she said it, like he gave us sores to go, it hurts you, it causes pain, how can it not? it’s unpleasant for you, but can you understand your daughter? i can, anfis, but do you understand why the daughter has complaints against her father, or rather, for some reason it’s understandable, but the very essence of these complaints, she cannot forgive him? i don’t understand the word guilt at all, because
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no one is to blame for anything, but dad isn’t it’s his fault that he was born like this, in soviet times, in which they lived, certainly no one talked about genetics and genetic diseases, i only found out about some of my genetic diseases... when i took a modern test and it was not so long ago, well, they’re weak there , yes, i suppose, well, they’re kind of like that, not everyone even considers them diagnoses, but they exist, for example, i’ll tell my mother honestly, i was kind of overweight, that is, my classmates weighed somewhere around 45 kilograms, and i’m 72, and then i remember being very angry with my mother she screamed, but people like you shouldn’t give birth, and i really regretted it later, she gave me life, and life... the best thing she could give me. elena, please tell me, in this situation, is it worth blaming someone or should we somehow find the strength to say thank you to our parents for giving them life. you know, it is now very fashionable, modern to blame
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parents for all the injuries that they once received in childhood and so on. in fact, this is a child’s position, it’s time to take an adult position, take responsibility for yourself and do something with your life. we understand that you are grateful to your parents for life , to see the good in all the problems that we yes, yes, thank you, thank you, it’s hard for them too , they are so good, their family has something that is not found in a large number of beautiful ones on social networks that they show ideal families,
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there is no such deep , real love for each other, and this is such a rarity these days. natasha, i see that you sincerely love your sister and worry about her, remember how her problems began? "we were little, we were playing, i accidentally pushed, she fell under my table and tore off a mole, when you were a child, your mother helped you, they sewed up the mole, and then, when these problems began to worsen, you insisted that olga get treatment, yes, she said, her mother did the same for her, she started going to doctors, and you are afraid that all this may simply end badly, i am very afraid for my sister, if she is not,
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what you have to deal with, pain in the back, in the legs, i see that it’s hard for you to talk, we have a story about your difficult everyday life, let's take a look. and crucian carp - perfect order, keep it clean it’s not easy, olga shares, even to wipe off the dust, you need to get creative. i specially bought a stand so that it would be convenient to lock it on the stool and put it away. this is how i put it, i stand on the stand, then on the stool, without it i can’t climb up or down. i couldn’t wash with my hands, it’s hard to bend over, so we bought a mop for this. it takes a lot of effort for the housewife to prepare food for her beloved men. it's hard to stand at the stove. well, you have to stand hard, not hard, but you have to
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feed your men, the husband helps, but the husband often at work, dozens of dresses are neatly hung in the closet, the hostess admits that the purpose of the outfits is not to emphasize the beauty of her figure, to hide a delicate problem, the tumor has grown very much, lately i have only been wearing dresses, i keep these dresses, maybe someday i will wear them again, they are very beautiful, sometimes you pay to order, sometimes when i see wide ones i immediately take them, i’m wearing this dress. tailored to order. you have to buy jackets 10 sizes larger, and choosing beautiful underwear for a woman is a completely impossible task. to make my panties fit, i cut them so that the tumor has settled. and mostly just granny panties. i want to wear beautiful underwear. taking time for yourself to soak in the bath is also an impossible dream, olga laments. i still hunt as a girl.
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due to the tumor, i can neither lie down nor relax in the bathroom, i can only stand. dim, how to lie down and do all sorts of scrubs, but because it’s hard for olga, now for the first time we saw how she lives, how she struggles every day, just with circumstances, what you and i do easily, she does with enormous difficulty , this is visible, but the main thing is that there are two men there, a husband and a child, a boy, an important, well, well, not a function, but a task. women, and as i understand it, from these words, that men need to be fed, and that olga is so, well, kind of active, everything is clean in her house, everything is so neat, i see a very full-fledged woman’s life and women’s history, and it’s clear that the child loves you madly, it’s, well, well, it ’s just that you look at how he approaches you, hugs you, besides happiness and joy, that everything is really good in your family life. folds up
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it doesn’t evoke any other emotions, and by the way, you leave the house, well, in the summer we have a private house, in the summer i try to be in the yard, i don’t go out anywhere, and if i need to go to the store, i can do it quickly, early in the morning, so as not to to catch the eye of anyone, uh-huh, you often catch yourself looking sideways, yes, angry grannies ask you to show us that we will pay, it offends you greatly, how do you throw out this grief? i wonder if the terrible tumor has affected not only olga’s quality of life, but also destroys her marriage, i don’t want him to have there was such a wife , when there are arguments about such moments flash by, she says, let’s say, we’ll get a divorce, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes, the ufa people are ready, ready to go down in history, ready to conquer the league, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder, ready to return from victory, you’re ready for the real thing .
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with a large tender chicken breast fillet in a crispy breading and signature sauce, also try the new big chicken mushroom burger, let's go, grandma matra's house should also be warm, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports.
5:26 pm
we are in our own country, we have no barriers. winter sale of clothing and beauty products at azo. jackets from sportsmaster up to 3499, two bad shields at a bargain price only at a tasty point. timur eremeev announced himself throughout the country as the illegitimate son of sportsman mishulin. oh, i was so worried about you, i was so sick. but what
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does the actor and tv presenter know about his father? when we met, we kissed on the cheek; i always didn’t like the fact that my cheek was unshaven. now i ’m looking, of course, you’re very much. he looks like his father, why has his mother been on the sidelines all her life ? i gave birth and he says: well, and she says: a boy, and at birth he did not receive either a middle name or a surname from his father, if my friend or my colleague asks: who is your dad, i want to have the right to say who my dad is, how many dna tests he did to prove to karina mishulina that they are siblings, brother and sister, your sister stole your chopsticks, sent them through me through... timur eremeev and his million-dollar secret on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. wrinkles. one day they appear and it seems that life will never be the same. you are
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full of energy, but it’s annoying. around eyes the so-called crow's feet became noticeable, and deep nasolabial folds ran from the nose to the corners of the mouth. when i saw these wrinkles, i was so upset, i thought, well, that’s it , old age is knocking on the door, self-esteem , of course, immediately dropped, how can it be, in my soul i’m a pioneer, but with my face, a pensioner, well , no, you’re 40, 45, 50 , yuna can easily cope with any wrinkles, a new two-step system for filling wrinkles, two fillers, instant restoration, acts immediately, you look younger right before your eyes, without resorting to radical measures, it’s just a cream, although no, not easy, because it can solve the problem of wrinkles in a matter of minutes. in the yuna system, spanish scientists combined instant action and a deep rejuvenating effect. large molecules of hyaluronic acid
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thirty-six-year-old natalya belousova from blagoveshchensk has been harboring a grudge against her father for many years because he gave her and her sister ugly bumps on their bodies. i have. there are big bumps all over our body, we inherited these bumps from our father, heredity, a genetic disease, natalya’s sister, aged olga karas, has one of the bumps on her buttocks that has grown to gigantic proportions, every year it gets bigger, her back hurts because of the tumor, my legs hurt, i can’t stand for a long time, i go out into the street, they whisper, point fingers, some granny... asks to show me, what's under the dress? ulya, you know, your brother is very afraid that your delicate problem will destroy your family. in the studio dmitry baskakov. dmitry, why are you afraid that
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your sister’s family might fall apart? well, i observe such a picture that olya started very strongly. do you really think so? uh-huh, is it just your thoughts, or is he letting you know it? these are just my thoughts. what kind of relationship do you have with your
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husband now? lately not so much, i don’t want him to touch me, touch me. is there intimacy in your relationship? long ago, don't you want to? i don't want to, right? are you constraining your body? why can you and your husband quarrel? some kind of sweat? well , just for everyday reasons or maybe he criticizes your appearance? no, he doesn’t... never, never says such things as you and your husband have been together for 9 years, you just stopped loving him, why do you want to get a divorce, i’m not a psychologist, but i have a feeling that it’s all in your head, are you coming up with all this yourself, or have you just really stopped loving him, but can i answer for our heroine, the question is that when a woman, in order for a woman to feel happy with a man, she needs to feel high from herself. even if a woman looks beautiful, but she is internally dissatisfied with herself, why does everyone go for these classic operations for all sorts of nonsense, because she needs to feel beautiful
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in order to love her man, that’s how we are built, and i understand olechka very much, because that i, too, at 90 kg, especially, you know, i was not drawn to intimate caresses, because you feel ugly for your partner you figure out what it’s like for him to be with you, then that’s what happens, so you start to push away your partner and he... unfortunately, sooner or later he’ll push away, he’ll hold on, at some point he’ll just get tired, you have a man who loves you and wants, despite what you don’t like about yourself, try to go towards closeness, on the contrary, let him in, and what would be bad if he comes very close, but while olya goes the other way around, for some reason, she goes to the side divorce, len, but do you think maybe olya is afraid that her husband leaves her, leaves her, so she wants to leave him herself. i see it as that olya doesn’t perceive herself, doesn’t accept, sees her shortcomings, she’s sure that her husband sees
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in the same way, that is, she paints this picture for him, she has a defensive reaction that i’d rather do it , then it won’t hurt me so much, and it will be so much easier for her, as if she had pushed him away, then i’m a victim, and they pity the victim, they pity ol, elena is right, right? wait, even then you initially got together
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with your husband out of hopelessness, fell in love i’m his, but you’re just saying things that are monstrous from my point of view, who else would take me like that, and it seems to me that he’s somehow behaving incorrectly in relation to her, that ’s why she has such thoughts, but if there’s a loving man nearby and says to behave as you please, if you are sacrificing inside, now. attention, i don’t know, but what do you think, if the doctors help you get rid of this burden, your relationship with your husband will improve, yes, dmitry, how do you feel about your husband olga? yes, great, in your opinion, her husband’s will is enough for her does, takes care of her, helps her, they were just starting, he looked after her very beautifully. he always came with flowers , that is, well, they had a very strong connection, why do you speak in the past tense, well
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, i think, now it’s like, well, it’s just hard for them from this moment, some kind of misunderstanding, as it seems to you , he is already tired, yes, perhaps the family may fall apart, olga’s husband declares that he loves her very much, more than anything in the world he is afraid that the disease will take away the most dear one from him. woman in our studio vladislav karas , hello vladislav, let's start with the main thing, you love your wife, love her very much, yes, i love her very much and appreciate her, you often tell her about this, yes , i often say, poly, i love you very much and i’m worried about you, it seems to me that it will be easier for her if you just hug her, because even in the outside world attention is always focused on her, we are sorting out her problem and... she needs your strong shoulder, believe me, this is me now i speak for olya. did you know about her illness when you first met? yes, she told me that there was
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such a problem, well, it didn’t bother me. i love her for who she is and appreciate her, the rest doesn’t seem to matter, but remember when the problem reached catastrophic proportions? it turns out that her tumor began to grow when she was born, but you tried to somehow support your wife, why am i asking a question, now your wife is sitting in our studio and says that perhaps you are on the verge of divorce, perhaps she stopped loving you, and such things can only appear in a woman’s head when she lacks support, i...
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your wife shares her experiences with you, shares something, doesn’t share something, it’s like a trusting relationship, she often cries in front of you, it happens, but i try to do it, well, don’t put pressure on her , so that she doesn’t worry anymore, you let her cry, it’s better to cry so that it becomes easier, ol, you ’re pleased with such support, of course it’s nice, we love you too, elen, how... to overcome all your fears, complexes, thoughts that she she designs for herself to rely on her husband, who is nearby, who does everything, to help her, how can she break this point in her head? here they said an important thing, yes, that this thought is just that, ol, your thought about your appearance, or rather, about your features, and your appearance, this is your main task -
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to realize and accept this. accept that you are like this, allow your feelings to be , allow yourself to be upset, cry , allow yourself to look at those people the same way they look at you, yes, you are like that, you are different, but you are unique, maybe there are no more people like you, translate your shortcomings into dignity, you have a huge amount of them , increase your self-esteem, tell yourself what you have...
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i’m worried about this, of course, you don’t need to worry right away, you need to act here, let’s all take our hands and act, but why haven’t you forcefully taken your loved one to a specialist before? i somehow doubt that olga would protest strongly if you took her, put her in a car there conditionally, or went on a bus to see a doctor, maybe you are just afraid that you will go to the doctor, they will tell you that your loved one cannot be helped, you are afraid of that yes, i'm afraid you know, vladislav, i think you will be happy to hear, like everyone else.
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sent for a computed tomography scan with contrast. hold your breath, keep breathing. afterwards the woman goes for an ultrasound. first, the doctor examines the veins of the lower extremities to exclude the presence of thrombosis, then examines the neoplasm itself. how long have you had this education? from that moment it began to increase, that is , here you can see that this is skin, this is all fat, these are already liquid layers in this place. vladislav, are you ready to hear doctor's verdict? yes, olga, and you? yes. does olga have a chance to forever get rid of the burden because of which she suffered for many years? is this tumor
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even operable? krach had to turn. much sooner, we’ll find out after a short advertisement. resident of irkutsk. they drank tea, talked, so the father still has many children refuses his own or other people’s children, specifically the children said from someone passerby, then from a friend, and it got to the point
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sometimes it brings me to tears, i really want my tumor to be removed so i can live a full life. is it possible to relieve olga from a heavy burden, doctors who carefully examined her found out patient in a moscow clinic. and i invite oncologist surgeon marina neklyudova to our studio. marya, what can you say about olga’s condition? having such a large tumor. naturally, it worsens her quality of life, and of course, she should have consulted a doctor much earlier, because the smaller the tumor, the less traumatic the operation. let's take it in order, what is inside this tumor? neurofibromatosis is caused by the proliferation of tissue, yes, that is, it can affect bone tissue, skin, even bones, yes, nervous tissue, and even the eye. in this case we are dealing with defeat.
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skin, the growth of skin cells, skin cells, that is, without surgery, this tumor will continue to grow, will continue to grow, yes, this tumor is generally operable, operable, can you help olga get rid of this tumor? yes, and naturally, we will try to help her as much as possible, and remove this huge neurofibromatous tumor, replace the defect , and generally bring her to a normal state. thank you very much, len, it seems to me that olya cannot do without your help, is she ready to help? yes, i invite you personally, as a married couple, to undergo psychotherapy, i will gladly accept you. olya, you know, we believe that you will soon be the same as in the photographs that you like so much. and after that we will be very glad to see you again in our studio.
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fibromatosis directly descends to the area of ​​the buttocks itself, but in principle it is possible, yes, all this can be removed, after which the specialist tells olga how the operation itself and subsequent rehabilitation will proceed, the operation is quite long, yes, it can last about 3-4 hours, tissues affected by neurofebromatosis do not heal very well, they can heal for 3 weeks or 4 weeks, doctor...


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