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tv   Shef  NTV  January 30, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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salam, salam alaikum, salam, salam, salam, salam, salam, back, why so long? there was a line at the bank , i sent money to the families, here are the receipts, sit down, eat, the owner came, he brought rice and meat, a lot of meat, and he said something about work, my family needs money, we ’ve been sitting here without work for a week, the owner said tomorrow, tomorrow we go to work, the owner said, a car is coming for us in the morning. ma, the food
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is poisoned, don't eat it.
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the official diagnosis is coronary heart disease with third degree circulatory failure, this is enough to release him from prison for health reasons, so it turns out, viktor sergeevich, everything is according to the law. mitrafanov
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has proven more than once that he can circumvent any laws, you think he was faking it, i’m sure, but now this is not the main thing, the main thing is why he returned to the city, i’m sure it’s for a reason, mitrofanov was at the airport with this killer, this is what connects them, this alone is enough to at least detain him, besides, everyone knows what kind of character this mitrofanov became famous throughout the country 2 years ago when he ordered governor, now he is official. i’m almost disabled, can you imagine what kind of noise his lawyers will make if we do this, yes, let mitrofanov better think that we have no idea about anything, then we will continue the surveillance, yes, around the clock, with communication tracking and phone tapping, any sudden movements are immediately reported to me, work, eat. you know, but i like it,
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you take a sedate walk, feed the pigeons, you don’t have to rush anywhere. where to run? this is all good, of course, alexander borisovich, but many people in the city know you, i would still, he recommended thinking about security. and i would recommend that you adhere to our agreements. excuse me, shall we sit down? or maybe long walks are contraindicated for me? and...
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he says, viktor sergeevich, here is a certificate on yesterday’s emergency with migrants, i was just at a meeting on this issue. what do we have about the killer, yur? we checked all the passengers; only mitrofanov and his lawyer pavlov were on the flight from krasnoyarsk. the killer was definitely not there. most likely he
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just met them. maybe, but you you know that mitrofanov was released for a reason. yes. his people in krasnoyarsk should have prepared everything, but this is unlikely. under the rubble, an old, virtually unusable gas stove with a gas cylinder was discovered, and of course multiple violations, that is, this is an accident, i should report it to the governor, we, together with the investigative committee, are still conducting inquiries,
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but first, yes, this is the main version, allow me, yes, viktor sergeevich, of course, i apologize, i just don’t understand this, a gas leak, an explosion, but judging by... how the bodies were located, none of them slept, they were awake, and the explosion did not occur at night, it is strange that none of them smelled gas, maybe they were all drunk, they are muslims, yegor matveevich, let me note that this was a modest household, which migrants turned into a hostel, 20 people, what can we talk about? i am sure that we all should not speculate when we are talking about elementary human laxity. and i would inform the governor and the press about the preliminary conclusions investigation, but also about the terrible living conditions, unsanitary conditions, etc. in the house where the dead lived. viktor sergeevich,
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welcome back, you are now the second person in management, congratulations, not without your help, by the way, if you remember the circumstances of our last meeting. by the way, since then we have significantly strengthened control over ethnic criminal groups and migrants, so that this has not happened again. is this about my remark at the meeting? viktor sergeevich, you haven’t changed at all. people generally rarely are changing. believe me, if this was some kind of showdown or mass execution, we would know about it. the dead were simple workers, state workers. this is the main thing for us. unhappy. and the city can sleep peacefully, right? alisa evgenievna, please, as always, you are dangerous, wonderful
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, thank you, thank you for finding the time to give me a minute when i needed to solve family problems, you found much more time for me, and for friends, as much as you want. it’s nice to hear this, so, by the way, about friendship, you’ve probably heard about this mass death of the setting, do you mean the case with state workers? yes, of course , by the way, today we will have material about this emergency. i am, of course, not a journalist, but they say that the main skill of a journalist is the ability to ask questions. yes. for example, was it really an accident? they say that an autopsy revealed suspicious details. these are, of course, just rumors, but if they were confirmed, this...
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if i have to decide everything myself, why do i need you? guntsev, you have a friend in the sudmet bureau, a former classmate. so, call urgently. need information about the autopsies of migrant workers who died in the fire. and if this is what i think, then today we will have a bomb. so, you need to go to the scene of the tragedy, take beautiful photos, and of course, talk to the locals. i can, can you? or maybe you can get an unofficial comment from
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the police, call the new head of the criminal investigation department, what’s his last name, i keep forgetting, but the deal is over. alisa evgenievna, i explained to you, we’re not very good, then sit and do official work, he’ll go, he’ll go, and gunegin will go, just quickly, in short, for me i need all the information about this. him, you were a consul and a foreman for the numbers people, you have more connections in this business, not a foreman but an intermediary, it’s not the same thing, but i don’t care, even about the arab, it doesn’t matter to me, the main thing is that you’re in the know , you still owe a debt, remember, you could have not reminded me, shiva you say, i’ll ask around, what do you think about the arrow with the graph? they invited you
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too, they invited everyone in general, there will be a big gathering, like the good old goldsmith, kesha, even inek from spain will join in, but somehow it’s clear, i know that he has half the grave business has been squeezed out, we need to somehow resolve the issue, this count is already in everyone’s pockets, are you going?
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we go out facing the wall, what again? don’t scribble, but if you decide to, call
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, oh, hello, what happened to you, but i can’t cope with the lock, it’s jammed, and today i’m especially going out with it, let me try, well, try, of course, but i’m afraid, that you won't succeed. well, let's see, who invented these heels, sadists, so, well, that's all for you.
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8:17 pm
the object came out, sat down, movement began, the third one pulled up, super. the battery also died.
8:18 pm
the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark, it’s a pleasure to feel, i ’m leaving the company, i’ll sell my share, we offended one shareholder and the project is suspended for two years, lord, why are you so greedy, fool, family company, in unity, our strength, you have some of the smartest men on your board of directors, i tell them around the clock, what ’s going on in your head, do you understand that this is my life? here is the decision to initiate the action in the head department, i have everything under control, i 100 steps ahead, devil, we are like that, a bonanza, premiere, but it’s too late for me to blame my family, i’ll live with this one, today at 22:15 on ntv, mask, new season, february 11
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at 20:20 on ntv. for pensioners, a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. almagel fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully coat its walls. almagel a knows its stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at one my friend can do anything. well, what can you do? and
8:20 pm
i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, with naked charisma. megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to twenty. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat , maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold, to stop with cold symptoms, an apartment in moscow counts five, only five purchases. from 1.0 rub. with any credit card from ber until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country, any business starts with a person , at first i cooked it myself, then the team began to expand, but when there are
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more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, with support development does not stop, we are expanding further, national project for small and medium-sized businesses the decision of the president, our job is to support yours, a bonanza, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy, yes i am today again all night, how i got to the hall, i don’t remember, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all , listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what’s the name of buying it? , prostatricum, remember , remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, i now
8:22 pm
have my wife, you know how, and what’s there , how to receive it, call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i let's go. keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think , call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients , which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women...
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new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv.
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and after the trial, all mitrofanov’s assets were seized and confiscated, now lives in the apartment of his late mother, in the last 24 hours he went out three times, a walk in the park, a store, a trip to the clinic, what kind of clinic, a private medical center, we checked, he is registered with a cardiologist there, undergoing treatment and physical procedures . with his diagnosis, this is a necessity, or a need to continue his game, calls, and the most ordinary ones, to uncle winds, distant relatives in...
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the experts looked at the printout of his calls, did not find any signs of encryption, yes, so what else, which means i requested his billing tubes, 3 a day ago, mitrofanov went to lapinsk, spent an hour and a half in the city center, i don’t know who he has in lapinsk yet, but if the trip is repeated, i think there will be something to report, so mitrofanov leads an ordinary life and is unremarkable. yes, if he had led an ordinary and unremarkable life, then upon returning to st. petersburg he would not have organized a murder, he was clearly planning something, you just need to understand that continue the surveillance, yes, pay for it, they want
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to talk to you. who are you guys, you got something mixed up, i don’t know anything, don’t complicate the trash bin, let’s go okay, take it easy, take it easy, man, i understood everything, i understood everything, that bitch, they were poisoned, you know, but what does that mean? this suggests that a mass murder may have been committed, this is an emergency for any city, why do you think the security services remain silent? well, that’s understandable, 2 years ago in st. petersburg there almost happened the terrorist act of the century, i’m not afraid of this word, our
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respected special services... where is the fool, alexander borisovich, but we have questions, and we as a society are obliged to ask them, so what you are hiding from us, gentlemen law enforcement officers, i'll leave you for a minute, yeah. there's a lot of outdoor traffic behind you
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, and you're sure they're working correctly, but anyone who knows the algorithms can see everything, lower it, i'm not going to shine, we'll meet with you as usual, i've done the work, i'm aware, everything's already in order course. special wishes that he not be found, so, are you ready? yes, then strip to the waist, yeah, okay.
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out of the car, quickly, quickly, out of the car, facing, facing the car, hands on the roof first, man, what are you doing, i live here, sorry, the check is his. oh, fuck, fuck, open up, you, shut up, shut up.
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call the police, press the panic button, come on quickly! arrived on the same day 4 hours earlier than mitrofanov, flying from krasnoyarsk via moscow to catch up next. kazhemyakin vadim vladimirovich, they hit him , well, it’s not that simple, viktor sergeevich, let me guess, such a person does not exist, yeah, the passport is drawn, but i looked at the recordings from the cctv camera from the krasnoyarsk airport, and he behaves there very freely in his own way . as a person who goes there often, you think he’s a local, well, we can quickly check this, i have a good friend at the krasnoyarsk headquarters, a couple of years ago we caught the murderers of a guest performer, he promised that he would quickly run through the photos in the database and call back, we caught
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at least whoever the murderer, but no, of course. darostor, keep working, there is, look, your group is coming from the river, from here, from here. uh-huh, the mosquito is cutting off the road, uh-huh, he's removing the guards from the building, got it, ammunition, equipment, they'll bring him up now, okay, i'm listening, totman gubarev, we
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have an unforeseen situation, we need to resolve it with him the question is urgent, he doesn’t know anything, how can he know nothing, he worked for the count for 2 years, besides, we promised him a share in gafur’s business, and who knows what sarmat managed to tell him before he died, he’s a meth, you understand, he can put two and two together, if he hits with his own, then, in short, we should not allow this, you yourself understand what is at stake, there may not be another chance, i understand, we know where he is, unfortunately, yes , there are great difficulties with this, very great, okay, my man with this... four notes, four murders, it remains to be seen who should be more feared, some mythical villain or me. cerberus, big premiere, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. bonanza,
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premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. i think it's pain. it seems like it's still a spasm. no, exactly. pain, and why does he then scream spasm? pain, spasm, what's the difference, double action spasmogon fights pain, relieves spasms, spasmalgon for pain and spasm, order medicine with discounts on, oh, where is your lined swallow? i won in new stickers, the owner of the rvs 729 bought a big special at a delicious point, scanned it.
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identified one of them, we are already wanted, it’s a pity, there is no machine gun in the trunk, igor stam, i will talk only with the main one, special battalion from monday at 22:15 on ntv. this is the floor plan of the store, the main entrance is here, the secondary entrance is here. citizens, disperse, this could be dangerous. put away your phones. you can’t film here, vik sergeevich, oh, kostya, hello, i didn’t expect to see you here, but what are you doing here? i now have my own studies, you probably don’t know, after the closure of the veterans fund for support of the ministry of internal affairs, i fell into the security business, this is our facility, my employee is there, i provided the building plan. don’t go anywhere, wait here, who’s the eldest, who’s the eldest? at the
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moment i, major palukhin sobor. report the situation. we, comrade general, are all ready for the assault. the main entrance is blocked by my soldiers. perhaps the villain barricaded the door to the utility room from the inside. we will solve this problem with the help of an explosive package, a heavy flash-noise shield. we're waiting for the negotiator for a minute, consider that he's already here, from now on i'll take charge of the operation, yes, kostya, you have a walkie-talkie for communication with your employee, car?
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hello lengaz, equipment check. kubarev, come on, this is the general, give me the walkie-talkie , you gave me the walkie-talkie, you tried to reach me , demanded that i come, i’m here, i had no way out, there’s always a way out. we can discuss it, it’s not like that, i want you to come in, tarich general, it’s a bad idea, but i won’t shoot you, comrade. we didn’t manage to work together, but i’ve heard a lot about you, you ’re principled, honest, and now only you can help me.
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guborev, attention, i come in, open the door, apparently, the main department is ready to come in, i will trend in private, this is bad, then all that remains is plan b. what is plan b? well, that's it, it's time to go home, go open the door. go ahead and open the door.
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guborev, i'm coming in, don't shoot. you wanted to talk? who shot? don’t shoot, dear, they were shooting from the house opposite, third floor, you, you’re with me, what did you want to say?
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viktor sergeevich. and all this to get rid of the guy in the store? what has he done? tarizh general, may i address you? yes, the body of a woman was found in the apartment from which the shooting was made, the criminal disappeared. the called party's device
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is turned off or is out of network coverage. where the hell is this? are worn by the consul , we can’t be late, do you really think that i’m not in the know, i don’t know how everything will go there, i have to prepare for the worst, and if war starts, i have to insure myself in advance, and like your mother, i have to to do this if my son is unknown where something happened. “consul, i have bad news, and it was difficult to call on the phone, tell me, in general, ignat’s friends checked, they found one, they everyone is overdosed, but ignat is alive, alive, he’s a freak, we took him to the hospital, the doctors said
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his condition is critical, we’re going to the hospital, we’re going, we’re going, he’s a freak. it’s incomprehensible to the mind that he had accomplices, why did they open fire if he himself demanded us, this is another attempt, not on me, on him, but he just wanted to save himself, from whom? viktor sergeevich , when you arrived, i told you that the city is now calm, i asked that it stay that way, i didn’t organize this massacre, comrade general, i’m talking about something else, what do you have... i’m already silent about the murder workers, so think about it! maybe we should curtail netrofanov’s development and not provoke him? it is precisely because of the murder that this cannot be done at construction sites. i am sure that
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this is the work of mitrofanov. i have information that the workers were poisoned. if they simply wanted to be removed, they would have been removed in a different way. comrade general, allow me to address the general. viktor sergeevich, do you have any information? which? we talked to the security guard, he said that gubarev took his phone. he was the one who tried to call you through. chernyaev,
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hey, alive, so to speak, drunk, dog in style, let's...
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well, hello, mish, sit down, so we can open it together? well, i suggested to misha , but he always looks at the side of those in power , but don’t listen to him, after the head left, dana and i decided to concentrate on the salons, well, the family business, but because of this story with the acrobat, it didn’t work so bad, we even thought about closing, but fate brought me together with the mayor of lapinsko, he helped.
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i hope for a long time, but as they say, man proposes, god disposes, for the meeting. somehow everything is simpler, someone overestimated their strength, thought that all the rubbish was bought from him, and then one of his st. petersburg
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cops was killed in moscow, off we go, i hope that’s the case, the consul nomads are delayed for some reason, they promised come, lena died last year due to oncology. i'm sorry, but what about your son? well, pashka entered law school, he wanted to be a lawyer , then he changed his mind, the last time we saw him at lena’s in the hospital, he said that he transferred in absentia, you don’t communicate at all, but if we call each other once a year, then apparently yes, yes, i don’t blame him, i understand. he had to go through a lot, to be honest, we thought you would call me or kostya when you returned.
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“i thought so too, at first, and then, remember, when i invited you to work at the bank, how it all ended, you got shot and almost died, every time it’s like that, and you have a family, you have a child. i’m more i can't put you in danger, i just don't have the right to do that.
8:53 pm
cerberus premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. we have different noses, and we tolerate nasmos differently. doesn't breathe, for different requests, different
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need, gather a team and do it yourself, but sometimes development stops, it doesn’t stop with support, expanding further national project for small medium entrepreneurship by decision of the president, our job is to support yours. well, mish, now you can tell me why you were hired, just the last day, when the mayor and i were on the radio talking about your appointment, well, i mentioned that we knew each other, the next morning i was fired, where is the administration of the city of lapinsk, in in the center of the city, well, yes, in the center, opposite the park, are you there by chance mitrofanovo? i met what mitrofanov, that mitrofanov, are you serious, he’s in prison, in prison, if only, misha, if only, excuse me,
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yes, you can sort it out, we found chernyaev - in general, he was not in good condition, we took him to the hospital, gave him a bath, in general, got him back on his feet, now he is in the department, okay, what?
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bye, important information along the way, since you broke down for it at such a time, so i’m just not going to say anything, you won’t return to the authorities, if that’s what you want. i didn’t hear anything then, i don’t know anything. viktor sergeevich, allow me, i will clearly explain to him how to behave. yuri, let's not use violence. there is also a general. and why do you need it
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return service. i mean, why? well. you’ve already shown everyone what you’re capable of, no one will work with you, your colleagues won’t respect you, look what you ’ve become, your only chance is to start all over again, and not here, your first step is to give me information , for which your partner gave his life. to be honest, i didn’t understand
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a damn thing, he said that he needed to personally convey something to you, that he was preparing something, that he wanted to take over the city, what exactly he was preparing, he didn’t say anything else. what does he have to do with it? in the nineties, greeno did not share the business with his colleagues, and as a result, he killed everyone. i don't understand what the connection is. and the fact that the count is clearing his territory.
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turn around, hello, can you hear me, hello, turn around, you heard, it's a trap, let's go.
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i urgently need to track my cell phone number, yes, it will be sent right away.
9:05 pm
hello from the count, that’s just him, they’re calling you from krasnoyarsk on the killer, mm. come on, translate, yes, ah!


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