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tv   Meteorit  NTV  January 31, 2024 2:30am-3:26am MSK

2:30 am
for flowers, what should i do in response, let me think, i will feed you, you like cutlets, come to me, you know the address, thank you, don’t forget the flowers, i love that, oh, we’ve arrived. get out of here, not even a year has passed, stas, go away, come on, ready, grishin, i should have guessed that it was you.
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actually, we work, unlike some, where do the boy scouts go, well , follow the smell, you can’t go wrong, follow me, damn it, stas, 1:1, if you want more, i’m already full. very tasty, you want it, you want it, i see that you liked it, you are an amazing woman, a biochemist, and also a culinary talent, i simply have no words, by the way, about chemistry, i examined the alcohol-containing drink that you brought me, and even wrote a conclusion, really, wow, oh, how cool, i’ll definitely read it. but then, touch colonel, this, this
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is eliseev, the morgue orderly, whom we were looking for as a missing person, the bunker is full of his prints, this is the factual colonel already established by criminologists, i am sure that this is a hellish casino, it was he who arranged it, establish the identities of these four, alesey himself would be put on the wanted list and so that he the photograph was on display. he left me here, went to the city himself, then both of them came to my car, this is very, by the way, colonel, otherwise we have a night ambush today according to plan, well, we are working tirelessly.
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what did you want to tell me about the mayor’s son? i promise that this will remain between us, and i believe you, but you saw him, a moral monster, a lot of women suffered from him, and daddy covers for him. is there something wrong? thank you, everything was very tasty and educational. andrey, is something wrong? just, as they say, service. are you jealous of me? u there was nothing between us. i was simply asked to look after him. but to refuse
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, he’s the mayor, andrey, today we have the world day of the dead, smoothly turning into night, kolyan, tell me, well, do you really believe that these miners will appear here, well, i don’t know, so and i don’t know, well, moskvich appeared. oh, my god , it would be better if the miners showed up, okay, let ’s cover up that he’s brought us some kind of problem now, let’s go for two belorechinki, so the schoolchildren are arguing for one, two, colleagues, well, we’ll have to find tomorrow, a place where done your beloved, belorechskaya, and what’s wrong with it, yes, everything is so with it, oh, it seems
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that it is made without following any technology, all sorts of nasty things are added there, including wormwood, mixed with cius oils , you get the strongest glucinogen, that’s it. and then for the citizens it’s mere shchitka and aliens , i don’t know who’s talking about mere shchitka, but it ’s easy to drink, well, it costs humanely, well, in general, you’ll need to find and close this shop, and why are you shining like that here, have you eaten something? something, what is it? well, i ate a couple of cutlets, boukirs, or what? so, stop, we got ready, let's go out quietly. and no shooting, stand, police, both come to me, where, lost their hammers, well, i went forward,
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well, what, turan, are we having a carnival? you’ll tell the school principal about this carnival, yes grishin, wait for me, i’ll be there soon , yes, we have news at the morgue, well then let’s go, what should we do with these, well, what should we do with them, let the school sort it out, well tomorrow register, get out of here, andryukh, wait, did you know from the very beginning that this was all a setup? when the school principal showed the photographs, everything became clear, stat, maybe i’ll go to the morgue, at least go somehow, just tell me at the department what
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happened, nothing special, i just recognized these four who were brought from the damn mine, i’ve already seen them all, where, all of them recently buried, it turns out, it turns out like this, but what are you going to do? i thought at least four from our list could be excluded, but are these new ones? they asked me to identify him as quickly as possible, i did it. thank you very much, thank you. andrey arkadyevich, maybe i’ll give you a lift, i don’t care grishina's food is in the driver's seat. i'll take a walk, can you give me a lift? i'll give you a lift. well, that's good, that's good, we'll talk along the way. oh! yes affairs, hey, you, dear, decide
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to be curious, what are you doing here, who are you, and what do you need? answer when they ask you, are you deaf or what?
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who am i talyan, come in. why did you jump up? they don’t answer your phones, well, yes, i sat down, but i lost my watch yesterday at the mine when the miners were caught, is that right? is this why you just came? no, not only, the head of the zheludel, his son has disappeared, he has already i put the administration in place, the mayor called the old man personally, which boss, we wanted it, so what’s similar to our case? looks like ours, the car is near the hotel, backwater, yeah.
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tell me, where is the professor from the fifteenth, the day he has been gone, he went to karakansk, he promised? come back in 2 days, do you need it, no, it’s a habit to control everything, don’t pour too much, great, guys, will you have a drink, emmanuel, stash? it’s very nice that you drink, we drink our own, not stolen, but where do you
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get this, they say that you can get it from the factory for free, well, just for yourself, fresh, well, don’t chew it, tell me, he’s your own man, though, he almost saved my life yesterday, emmanul, stas, very nice, before reaching the plant, a former industrial zone in a car depot warehouse, in general, you’ll see, you won’t miss, there’s security there, then that's it, you ask them, they will give it to you, thank you guys, maybe you'll miss it, hold on, okay, thanks guys, have a good day, have a good day.
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criminal investigation, hello, finally , what happened to you, a girl went to school and disappeared, you see, i always take dima to school, when i go to work, i go out a little before, i warm up the car, drive it out of the garage, he leaves the house, sits down and we drive away, but today... he left the house and didn’t even get to the garage. is school far away? the school is in the center next to work, and the garage, here it is, is two steps away. so, has anyone besides you seen him? i saw. tell me. i was walking with a dog. so, when i was returning, i was at the door, so we met. yes. i went in, he went out. did you notice anything strange? well, dimochka, a very good boy, very well-mannered, he even held the door for me. yes. while you. walked, tell me, are you did you see any strangers , suspicious or vice versa, maybe
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acquaintances, no, no, there was no one, we live on the first floor, there was no one at all in the entrance, well, there was no blood, don’t worry, this is just in case , now anatoly and you will look around your boy’s room, and we will go the way he walked to the garage, let’s go, let’s go. “here, please , come in, excuse me, he’s always in a mess here, i can’t force him to clean up, his laptop, yes, just an old one, that ’s all, dad asked me to buy a new one.” and you do you know the password? no, dimochka always only tells himself, not even his father, what are you going
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to do? let's ask the neighbors, it's rush hour, someone must have seen him, exactly, what is it? no, nothing, let's go home. we just need to check the email correspondence on social networks, i'll take it, okay. i’ll also need a couple of photos of him, i’m getting dizzy today from all this, now, here you go, here’s one of the last ones, i ’ll take a couple, yeah. tell me, did you get along with your son?
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what does this have to do with it? aren't you passing it on to me? dimka and i are normal relationship. well, yes, i keep him strict, but there is no other way. yes. dimka has no nonsense. so, you guys have been fighting lately, you or your mother? no, not even close to that. but this morning everything was fine. well, let's look. photos. took the laptop from me, let's go to the department, we'll hand out directions , goodbye, we'll call you, calm down,
2:47 am
stas, m, sit down, give me a ride, no, i'm on my own two feet, andryukh, well, i found it somewhere. hold the keys, drive, bezon, maybe together, otherwise oman will come, what to do then? yes aman won’t do anything to you, he needs to save his own skin, all his fighters are in the cops,
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so i’m sitting here, it’s okay, if anything happens, call me, i’m right here. what am i going to do there? should i clean the glasses? today the goods should be delivered, unload the car with vodka, you can be free, have you missed it? ok. hello, hello, he came to manage , aman, what am i, it’s okay, bezon told me to sit here, i’m sitting here, i’ll talk to him, then,
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a big plant, yes, it fed the whole city, platinum was mined at the mine, well yeah, it's not for you hukhry-mukhry, wait, but the ore was transported to the plant here, that’s where everyone worked, well , i mean... half the city worked at the mine, half at the plant, now where, now nowhere, now they drink, uh-huh, well, it seems here.
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what do you need? criminal investigation. we need to go into the territory, a private facility, i won’t let anyone in. they tell you the criminal code, let's open it. even interpol ordered me not to let you in and i won’t let you in. what are you making noise? we have a pass. which pass, come out, i’ll show you now. what a pass. ask!
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no joke, darling, sit quietly here with me, come on quickly, there are still buyers coming. what are we going to do? close this shop before everyone in belarus gets drunk, just close it like that, eh. it’s just a pity somehow, attention , everyone stay in their places, criminal investigation, where, we’re not in a hurry, oh, talyan beast,
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stas, you stay here with these winemakers, guard until the patrol arrives, and we and toli go to the department to deal with the computer a boy, u... okay, let's drive it, so, attention, gentlemen, please gather in the company cabin, i don't advise you to rock the boat, i'm not following you i’ll run like some people, i immediately shoot to kill, so two of you, go ahead, take the boxes back, come on, come on, come on, come on , run, run, hurry up, eh, i always dreamed of being the director of a wine products factory, and these underground, be careful , beat him, what about dima, your son is still alive , of course, well, of course, how could it be otherwise, of course
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he’s alive, you said he’s still alive, is he wounded or what’s wrong with him, i said he’s still alive, that’s in in the sense that we are still alive, alyonochka, where is he, i’ll try to see him. it's all useless anyway why? well, what do you think, the city administration doesn’t know about this garbage factory, it’s been standing and functioning for 100 years already, if your old man wanted, he would have covered up this wrongdoing long ago, and how can i now go back and apologize to him? no, you just need to enter from a completely different entrance, hello, touch general, this is zharov, i’m on a business trip to
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belorechesky, interesting details are revealed here, we need to talk, thank you, in 5 minutes, okay, that’s right, comrade, general, what do you have there's some kind of distillery there, underground production legalized? i'm here, that's what it's all about. so,
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are there any successes? well, mish, we have a computer genius, we looked at dima’s correspondence on the social network. so, yesterday he corresponded with a certain batman, and today they agreed to meet at the stadium. what kind of bat? quite a grown man, about forty years old. shiryaev konstantin. palych, we need to find this batman , the computer genius will help us, he’s already helping, i found the ip of his computer, write down the address with which he was online, this is a conversation, so lesnaya street, lesnaya street, house 16, apartment 5, listen, lesnaya 16, this is not where we were yesterday, yes, this is the house of the orderly eliseev, run to the address, well, do you hear, you’re a genius, you can’t go anywhere without me... do you understand?
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raze everything here to the ground, pack everyone up, let's go, let's go, go out, forward, lively, come on, come on, cool, unexpectedly cool, yeah, what did you think, let's go!
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i'm interested in your neighbor shiryaev from the fifth apartment, and konstantin pavlovich, he himself, he talked with arthur, well, of course, he is generally on good terms with all the boys, on weekends he even played football with them, they he even has his own team, and the coach means he’s a very decent person, and the boys respect him, but here he is, konstantin pavlovich, yes, they ask you, hello, what do you
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need? we from the police are approaching, stand, what is this, and what is this? standing wide, it’s painful, i ’ll also register resistance to arrest, but i didn’t do anything, but ran away, so here we have, yeah, all about love, little boys and vile, ugly guys, this is a magazine, do
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you like football or? the boy's father called, he and alena are doing something they found this one in the department, he also scooped up there, i understood, stand up. hands behind your back, no, what’s the matter, who, who will answer me for this? yes, there was no one to show it to, the enterprise
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was, to put it mildly. come on, listen , you, you will teach me how to do things, i was in the rvd, today all the employees will be released, but what do i care about these sheep, the main thing is who, who dared to stick their sting in, that’s the question, and they said, starovoytov’s personal order . agdam, start your tub, let's go find out. to the police, for disassembly. close your mouth. thank you, thank you very much for everything
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they responded, i’m ready, we can go, i wonder where, i gathered people for the search, we’re going to the river, we’ll comb the shore, where does this confidence come from? we have known alena for many years, everything she said always came true, my son is alive, well, if you find something, call immediately, but you are not with us, to save the boy we need people, we need strength, you refuse to go, you so you pose the question that it’s impossible to refuse, okay, let’s go, then off to the cars, just a minute, i ’ll be right back, so, i noticed you here a long time ago, why are you rubbing around this house, no your business. show your documents, why, i say, show your documents, moscow criminal investigation department, now we’ll go to the department until we find out, okay, get out of here, moscow
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groom, you fool, ex-husband. he can’t calm down, he’s trying to understand who i traded him for, but i didn’t trade him for anyone, i basically can’t live, let’s go, yeah, listen, maybe we should fence off this area , it’s too smart to put up a fence, i think for the first time two guards are enough to drive away the curious, huh, more? mayor, i have business with you, what are you doing? suva got off, you are in the office of the mayor, how dare you, it’s urgent, oleg vitalievich, well
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, let’s talk another time, yes, come on, come on, come on. have you completely ruined my office during the day? have you completely lost your fear? you and i had an agreement, which i strictly adhere to, do you have any complaints against me? well, no in this matter, then why the hell is your amon ruining my factory? and don’t yell, not at home, and don’t yell at home, a moscow detective found your plant and gave it to his moscow bosses, now i have a check, so excuse me, it wasn't exactly like that. what are you up to with the meteorite, they're running a bazaar around the city for tourism and so on, but
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what a tourist needs is bread and circuses, that is, clubs, bars, restaurants, this will be under me, the rest is for you, listen, maybe i can give you another advance give, lifting, no? but i ’m not in a hurry to answer, think, think, gena, come to me urgently, there’s nothing under the bridge.
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with the flow, let's go, ignat petrovich, lukashov to the left, we to the right, yeah, yes. it worked out, we promised not to touch his plant, how could it be otherwise? no, that's it
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all muscovites, listen , maybe put it on a hook, but what to do with the carp, well , what to do with it, watch it, if it twitches, either close it yourself, or give it to a muscovite, but it’s true, people have become disappear in batches, maybe the carp had a hand in this fate? here's alena, we'll go there , look in that direction, okay, dima , give me your hand, dima, oh, why are you getting a divorce, you've seen borya, you've always been different, just at first i thought i
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'd get used to it, but then i won't be able to . yes, kir, no, i'm still busy. i don't know when i'll be free. yes, i understood. of course, of course, if the boy is still alive, you simply have to find him. okay, i'll wait for you tomorrow. there were fools planning dinner today. yes, you haven’t eaten anything like this yet, i’ll call you, but i feel sorry for you, you had some kind of vision again, but no, everything is obvious, you’re just another victim of kira, that’s all, it can’t be, is she really preparing her cutlets of men, but there’s nothing funny, i won’t stoop to telling nasty things about... but which one you like, you’ll see for yourself,
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so what do you have, in general, on that side of the shore can't get through at all, it's overgrown. it’s pointless to search, we didn’t find anything either, what can we do, but there are other bridges nearby, there have never been any other bridges, we have another bridge in our city, only it’s in the project, i mean, well, i used to work in the administration and we had a long-term plan for the development of the city, so while the mine and the plant were working, the city... did it really remain, now
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, here, there was a bridge planned, it was even designed, but it all ended with only one project, and then the mine was closed, the plant was also closed, so you can go there drive through the village of maslovka, i know the way. great, then let's go, let's go, stas, don't you understand that we'll come with everything, sure, but what is it, you think, nothing, yesterday i beat up a man in the gym, oh well, he's also a man, it's a bison, but why let go, then you got drunk again, who spent the night in the monkey house, you think, i don’t know, well... think about it, it doesn’t happen to anyone, it can happen to everyone, but with you it’s static,
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something too often, you’re already 10 times earned a complete service discrepancy, but not 10, 10 since i earned a complete lack of professional performance, i’m tired of covering for you, well , it’s my fault, i can’t handle it, okay. for the last time, yeah, but now for real, for the last time, that’s right, the last time, i’ll have to work it out, but i’m ready. wait for me, i'll be right back, andrey, we can't wait, well then go, i
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'll catch up with you, or the men in black again, you wait for me, i'll be quick. hello, hosts, oh, another one, come in, you’ll be a guest, but i ’m interested in the people who just left you, what’s your business, what are you doing too? you want to get rich, right? i'm from the police, i repeat the question, who are these people, what did they want? our benefactors are in the profiles on the wings, listen, pour him a drink, and let him drink. well, for what merit is the banquet? but nothing just happens. listen, what did you sign for them? what about the documents? which documents? yes, i don’t know, i haven’t read them, things can’t get any worse, but what kind of sadness are you, yes, let’s drink mother,
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but love! decide to go, go, go, stas, thank you, gennady boris, thank you, service weapons on the table and free, when you sign the bypass, you punched the license plate of that black toyota, the men in
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black? yes, sorry, i forgot to say, the car is registered. center on pavel stepanovich zalevalov , born in the fifty-first year, he is already 65 years old, he is driving, not him, not him. what happened, why aren’t we going? we are waiting for you! i know these places, there is an old fishing farm ahead, and this bridge was supposed to go right over it. well, let’s go quickly, there’s no need to rush, yes, ignat petrovich is right, the boy may be being held hostage, it wasn’t he himself who got here in such a hurry, maybe the police
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shall we call? so we are already here, i mean amon, they will laugh, and they simply won’t come, we will make do on our own, the women will remain. near the car, a man behind me, it’s reasonable, show the way, let’s go, this. the ship has been standing for a long time, it should have been taken to be melted down, but like this, you stay here, tolyan and i go to the ship, although there is only one here, only quietly, understandably.
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wait, where are you going? you poured me to the right.
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uncle, can we not rely on it, it’s dirty here, we can, we can, we can, of course, there are adults, no, just me and vitka, and what are you doing here? we're getting ready, dimka , alive, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, dad, just don't swear, okay, my wife and i decided to sail to madagascar, you shouldn't have found us, so you left home yourself, your mother is crazy there, that means she's going , what are you doing, and you didn’t buy me a computer yourself, so vitka and i sailed to madagascar, so, children and fathers, let’s go out, that’s it, let’s go out. please tell me, madagascar, you shouldn’t have warned me, but if
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i had left, well, i would have gone home, you’re home now, yes, home, kraise, and i’ll stay as always here alone, waiting for my master, cyrus, don’t start, well, everything was fine, that’s it. all good things come to an end someday, marry me for real , no, well, i definitely can’t, because what will people say, people will say that i left the wife of a disabled person for a beautiful mistress, listen, well , in general, what are you missing? , well , i made you an apartment, the furnishings are there, things are there, if you want, we can change the car, i want a family, i want my husband to come home to me every evening. and not just once a week, that’s it, you won’t do it anymore, i’m leaving, where, like all
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fools in moscow, it doesn’t matter, but i don’t care where, as long as i’m away from this hole, okay, we’ll talk later, huh? thank you, i still have a lot of things to do, don’t wait for me. well, well, i’ll call, but you promise me
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not to do anything stupid, think about everything again, i ’ll think about it, well, okay, comrade major, what are you doing here at this time, i’m working with witnesses. and you? and i have irregular working hours, everything for the voters is taken into account, so to speak, into their needs, by the way, but what about the son of my subordinate? found, the boy is alive, well, already at home, congratulations, well done, well done, oh, excuse me, yes, yes, i’m listening, can you solve this issue without me?
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andrey, why are you here? you know, i went up only to not go down with him, well, that would have been completely ridiculous. wait. yes, i was the mayor’s mistress, i won’t pretend to be innocent, but you had other women before me, with ilya stepanovich, everything is in the past, we said goodbye, the forgiveness was heated, you didn’t even have time to get dressed, you know, i’ll go , i really have a lot of work, you're not going anywhere come on, no need to lie to me about your work. you know, i don’t like the situation when one comes and the other leaves, i don’t want to be either
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first or second on your list. good night.
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3:24 am
you’re doing art again, i catch a reflection in the pupil, the photomaster magazine announced a competition on the theme of reflection, the main prize is a branded tripod, listen, why did you become an expert, a creator, you seem to have studied in a fly, well, got married. what happened? does that mean you have a mother-in-law? no longer, how did you manage? lucky? who removed the corpse? there didn’t seem to be a doctor more? well, the neighbor who discovered him called the men from the top floor, it seemed to her that the warmth could still be saved, so they removed the corpse. uh-huh, here's another proof:
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the button of the dead man who is in the forest on... yes, i see, look at the computer, technological progress, and no amount of handwriting will help, alexander fetrovich, and there it is eduard stepanovich, who is interrogating the neighbor, she i think i saw murderers, murderers, i’m afraid no one will like this word, i’ll go and listen, and you... “go to the yard, to dovina, help, to dovin needs help in the yard, which means that these two noticed you and immediately ran away, yes, you remembered one, no, tell me, you haven’t seen him before, you didn’t go to ruslan much at all, he hasn’t been here for a while.


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