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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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special forces in medical gowns, the israeli military raided a hospital on the west bank, and the international red cross expressed concern. impeachment on... not presidential, he willfully and systematically refused to comply with the laws passed by congress, undermined the confidence of the congress of the american people. who do the republicans want to deprive of office for what this time? the former prime minister of pakistan has received new convictions for corruption and disclosure of state secrets. and the page is unavailable, what caused one of the largest disruptions on the russian internet the day before. find out in business news. hello, you are watching the news
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on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so the international committee of the red cross is concerned. israeli military operation in a hospital on the west bank of the jordan river. medical institutions, in accordance with international law, must always be protected, this was emphasized by the organization’s press secretary. here is footage of this very raid in the city of jenin in the palestinian authority. armed men and women in civilian clothes and medical equipment. form these are the soldiers of the israeli defense forces, although the style is more similar to massat. three people were killed during this operation. israel calls them terrorists, members of hamas and the islamic jihad group. allegedly , one of these militants participated in organizing an attack on jewish settlements in early october last year. we don't want to turn hospitals into battlefields. but we are determined to prevent hospitals from becoming a breeding ground for terrorists.
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about the activities of bapor - this is an agency under the un, meanwhile the party is also collecting documents which is engaged in providing assistance to palestinian refugees, more than 30,000 people work in it, including branches in different countries, and as the media write, with reference to israeli intelligence, over a thousand employees are in one way or another connected with islamic groups. some allegedly participated in
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the october attacks, coordinated the actions of hamas militants and the purchase of weapons, and helped with the taking of israeli citizens hostage. according to some reports, one of the captives was even kept in the house of a bapor employee. more than ten countries have already declared that suspended funding for this organization, including the largest sponsors, which accounted for about half of vapor's funds. we're talking about billions of dollars. the us called for an immediate investigation. the department has suspended additional funding for the organization while we review these allegations and the steps the united nations will take to resolve the allegations. the united nations says that there is no backup plan for financing bopor, without sponsors in europe and the usa, this structure can cease to exist, however, in the states they also don’t want to take things to the extreme. we really appreciate the work this organization does. there is no other in the gas sector.
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it is wrong to punish all palestinians and palestinian refugees because of accusations against bapor; this is already the position of the russian foreign ministry. the ministry warned against hasty measures and called for checking information about the involvement of agency employees in terrorist attacks. in the northeastern military district zone in the krasnolimansk direction, a howitzer battery of the central military district. destroyed the command observation post and artillery in the ssu. the enemy took refuge in the serebryansky forestry, firing not only at russian positions, but also at peaceful settlements. our reconnaissance discovered them and transmitted the coordinates to the crews using the stabilization gun. a series of shots fired, ukrainian heavy artillery was destroyed. and to the north-west of artyomovsk , the ivanovo paratroopers stormed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and gained a foothold, improving the position along the front line. during aerial reconnaissance. managed to detect the main fire
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points and concentrations of enemy infantry, first airborne artillery hit the ukrainian positions, and then the paratroopers went into battle. after occupying the enemy stronghold. stormtroopers carried out a complete clearing of it. the first priority task of the government is to provide people in the northern and eastern regions with comfortable living conditions. mikhail mishustin stated this today at a meeting with the head of the state corporation for the development of the far east and arctic nikolai zapryagaev. first of all, it is necessary to create normal infrastructure: kindergartens, hospital schools. there are quite large-scale projects in key industries - these are the oil and mining industries in general and manufacturing and many, many
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others, tourism and agriculture are actively developing , there are a number of very interesting projects in the field of agriculture, we reported on them, and the amount of invested funds now in the facility... the creation of state support is almost 4 trillion rubles, these are quite serious funds, about 900 enterprises have been put into operation, this those figures that today indicate fairly effective work. the head of the far east and arctic development corporation reported to the prime minister that the volume of investments in these regions is increasing annually by a trillion rubles. key attention, in particular, is paid to the development of the kuril islands, including work on transport logistics. support, flights fly there almost every day, the aurora company is a single far eastern airline, which was created on behalf of the president, and is operating subsidizing tariffs, this means that you can fly from moscow via yuzhno-sakhalinsk to kuril for from 22 to 30,000 rubles , depending on the season, and on december 6
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, a new flight was opened from vladivostok to kurilsk, which is on this coastal region. in addition, construction of new investment parks has begun in primorye and the amur region. private business is ready to invest more than 200 billion rubles in creating infrastructure under them. at the end of last year, the level of gasification in the country was almost 74%, this year they plan to increase it by another 10. how an important social program being implemented was discussed today at vdnh at the russia exhibition site, where a meeting of the federal headquarters for gasification was held. before it began, the participants, via video link, gave the command to enter into...
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no less households, maybe even more, now our constituent entities of the russian federation will carry out additional work at the regional level related to informing citizens in order to ensure the possibility of a comprehensive submission applications and, accordingly, accelerated technical connections, connection infrastructure. this work will be given special attention this year. if we count by the year 2024, we will connect three to four settlements a day as part of a large gasification program for the country. the social gasification program has been implemented in the regions since 21; it provides for free delivery of gas
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communications to the site. the president also instructed the regions to provide subsidies for beneficiaries for the purchase of gas equipment of at least 100,000 rubles per family. the ministry of digital development reported that the problem is due to there was a large-scale glitch in the russian part of the internet, which has been fixed. the day before , users in many russian regions complained that they could not access sites located in further business news, denis talalaev, denis, i don’t know about you, but to be honest, i haven’t encountered such a problem, this is what business representatives say, what are the consequences of this failure for them? and i just ran into this problem yesterday. the russian internet experienced one of the largest disruptions the day before, around 3 p.m.
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users began to complain en masse that they could not access sites located in the ru zone. most often, problems were reported by mobile internet users, and this is exactly the problem i encountered, but cellular operators. that the failure was not on their side, after about 3 hours the ministry of digital affairs announced that the technical problem that made sites in the zone inaccessible had been eliminated and was related to the infrastructure. sec, if described in very general terms, is a protocol that provides authentication website protects against scammers , for example, changing the address and directing the user to some malicious site, however, as the ministry of digital development clarified, problems on the russian internet, quote, may continue for some time until the updated data is distributed throughout domain name system, kommersant newspaper’s interlocutors in the banking market say that there are difficulties with the operation of banking applications...
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russian is now growing cautiously on global platforms, today the main event is, of course, the results of the meeting of the american federal reserve. the ruble has not yet seen any big news, it is balancing, the dollar is worth 89.79, the euro is 97.18. today, the state duma adopted in its second and third reading a bill on confiscation of property for so-called fakes about the russian army. almost 400 deputies, headed by vyacheslav, are listed among the authors of the document. the bill proposes to add punishment in the form of confiscation of property to
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articles of the criminal code on discrediting the army and on public calls for activities aimed against security state, if all this was done for selfish reasons. the first deputy head of the duma committee on state construction legislation, irina pankina , said the day before that property obtained as a result of the dissemination of fakes and public calls for anti-state activities, as well as property, will be confiscated.
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so far, he is not threatening joe biden, as the republicans promised, but one of the members of his government. the relevant committee of the lower
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house of congress voted for a resolution on a vote of no confidence in the minister of internal affairs security of the country to alejandra mayorkos. the official is accused of not taking measures to combat illegal migration. the decision of congress will undoubtedly lead to a new escalation of the conflict between the federal government and the texas authorities. and on the eve of the presidential elections it will cost. democrats have a lot of blood. alexey veselovsky reports from the states. impeachment is again the main topic on capitalist hill ; the republicans have not yet been able to reach president biden, but trouble awaits secretary of homeland security alejandra mayorkas. he is accused of artificially creating a migration crisis on the southern border of the united states. he willfully and systematically refused to comply with laws passed by congress and undermined the confidence of the congress of the american people. the result is catastrophic, it has threatened the lives and livelihoods of all americans.
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they want to announce impeachment under two articles: for refusal to comply with migration laws, in one of them, for example, it is written that every illegal immigrant must be detained, and at the same time they cross the border in millions, and he too accused of lying, testifying in congress, mayorkas stated that the border was securely closed, although it is obvious that this is not the case. we are losing our country there, and the man from... all this is being done to help re-elect trump. donald trump himself says he doesn't want congress to solve the crisis this year, and secretary mayorkas and president biden continue to offer solutions every day and are ready to talk about immigration and the border. however , apparently they are not quite ready. biden,
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for example, today said that it’s all his fault congress, which does not give him the means to defend the south. boundaries, and he himself did everything in his power. i did everything i could at the border. republicans do not hide the fact that they want biden to return the strict immigration rules that worked under trump. this will certainly quickly stop the catastrophe on the southern border of the united states, but it will also be a political disaster for the current president himself. it turns out that he lost the border to trump. so biden is trying to find another way out. right now minister mayorkas is negotiating.
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impeachment will not pass in the senate, the democrats already have a majority there, and if the major under pressure does not resign himself, the white house is unlikely to hand him over, otherwise he will receive it.
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speaking at a rally, he said that he had an encrypted message from a high-ranking american official who had entered into a conspiracy with his political opponents. the court found that the very public mention of a secret document was a violation of the law. another sentence was imposed on charges of concealing gifts from foreign persons, in particular a jewelry set that imran khan’s wife received from the crown prince of saudi arabia, but did not hand over to the state, as she believes. for this, the politician himself and his wife received 14 years in prison. this is khan’s third sentence; it all started after his visit to moscow at the end of february twenty-two. according to the intercept publication, the pakistani prime minister's position regarding the conflict in ukraine infuriated washington and the united states began to seek his removal from
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power. already in april twenty-second, khan was subject to a vote of no confidence, and then accused of money laundering.
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month. the peculiarity of dysherak in fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is dozhirak. a my chan ramen and my recipes. what a broth. doshirak is the secret of taste in the broth. on ntv program an emergency incident in the studio marat seddikov and we are live a primary school teacher from chebaksar was arrested for 4 months the woman lived like a zombie under the strict control of scammers, most likely they were ukrainian swindlers, this is evidenced by some statements of a teacher in a boarding school, a teacher under the guidance sold her apartment to her curators. attempted to steal gold, ran up debts, well, in the end she set fire to the classroom in which she taught children, even those accustomed to heated discussions; participants
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in the school parent chat were stunned when they saw a video message from primary school teacher galina smernova; no one expected such statements from a modest teacher with a quiet voice. if i find myself in a cage or a covered one, i can calmly sort out who i am in life according to my suit. after all, already with business in high esteem, a mixture of prison jargon and expressions far from high literature, galina aleksandrovna read from a piece of paper what was written to unknown authors, an essay on the topic of how i spent the winter and autumn. my journey as a samurai warrior lasts more than 4 months. during this time, i canceled loans from all banks, prevented the issuance of all microloans, filled up my apartment, i wish the ukrainian nation prosperity, all quilted jackets are ethnic. rot in the ukrainian black soil. after such words , there was no doubt about the nationality of her curators. ukrainian scammers called the woman for the first time six months ago.


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