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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 31, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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in the evening, the husband went to herd the cows ; his wife never saw him alive; soon the man’s body was discovered with twenty stab wounds. in the studio, the widow of the murdered man, irina dagaeva. irin, please accept our most sincere condolences. how many years have you been together? 32 years. i understand what a blow this is for you. is the criminal detained? currently detained. who? this man, well, our village is very small, but they live 500 meters from us, well, like a neighbor, not a neighbor, well, a resident of our village, he said that he did it, he himself admitted, yes, and he explained why he he did this, according to his mother, that she did not let our cows in, and her husband came to fight her, and his son jumped out to intercede for her, that is, it seems like he was defending his mother, your husband could have done this, no, he is not
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aggressive, not at all was not aggressive, that is, you think that the matter is something else, we have a fence, but it’s already autumn and the cows have started to come out, there’s not enough grass in this fence, these cows have been coming out for about a week , they’re in our field, well, they went there, well, they started to herd them in, there are no cows, he tells me, i’ll go and get some rest now, it was 15 minutes past six, but it was already dark, and he went, then... i see the cows are coming, but he ’s not there, he brought his daughter just that day, she doesn’t live with us, i say, nastya, somehow, well, it couldn’t have happened that the cows came and he wasn’t there, because, well, it’s already time passed, we went with her, we walked with her for two hours, but we couldn’t get to their house, you’re talking about the neighbors’ house, yes, about the neighbors’ house.
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not far, well, we approached there, but didn’t approach the house itself, they only had dogs, they have a lot of dogs, no one goes to the village there, because they can let the dogs loose, which means that’s it, but they don’t let them into the territory , although the territory is not theirs, it is state land, but she believes that this is her land, well, you didn’t think that your husband would be there, i didn’t think, he shouldn't have gone to his house, you were looking for a husband. it was a long time, two hours, then we look, they spray, the ambulance is coming , the police are coming next, and since he used to work as a district police officer, there are at least a few there, but someone knows him, they slow down so much, they don’t stop asking if his father is home, and the daughter says, we are looking for him ourselves, well , we haven’t been able to find him for a long time, we say, what happened, they went, but if...... they are looking for him, it means
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something happened, since they asked about him , where they went, that's to the side, that's the neighbor's house that you didn't want to go to, yes, well, we didn’t want to either, we just, well... were afraid to go there, so they, the police ambulance drove up to that house, you followed them, followed them, so we got there, they all came out, and olya goes to meet you halfway, olya is the neighbor and mother of the guy who admitted to killing your husband, yes, and the police tell her where he is, she’s just like that, you know, just like that, he’s lying there, you heard that, she said that , how calm, calm, it ’s as if that’s how, well... well, that’s where i put my bag, where are the eight and the police already straight from aggression, where is he, where is he , she’s there, well there, she first led in the wrong direction, where he was lying, she led to
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where he could go, then she, oh, i’m taking you in the wrong direction i’m driving, she’s already turning towards her house, and they tell us: “call him, that means shout, dad, dad, she ran, but i don’t see that he’s lying there, irin, hold on, we’re all very grateful to you.” we sympathize very much. but the daughter runs up, and the police shout, girl, move away, and nastya, don’t talk, mom, he’s dead, she works for me as a nurse in
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surgical department, she immediately realized that dad was dead and did not let you see him. well , these policemen shout: catch your mother, don’t let your mother in there, so they said, vatyun, leave, so that you are not here, imatun, you listened, you left, well, i thought that my daughter was mistaken. that speed would save him, i didn’t think that this was true, what injuries did my husband have, what injuries did he receive, what did he die from in the end? from loss of blood, 20 stabs, his face was cut up, and more blunt
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blows. they are on his face, neck, chest, shoulder, side, back, but mostly here, well, before, here, well, like this, he has blows, and the version that the investigator told you about is that the young man, your neighbor, defended his mother from your husband, so you can imagine how... you can to deal with a person in this way, even if we assume that he, as a version, yes, was protecting his mother, but from what it was necessary to protect with twenty knife wounds, blows with a blunt object, and so on, mother is of course sacred, it is divine, to protect
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her, but murder is unacceptable to anyone, because life is a miracle, life is a gift, here murder simply cannot be justified in any words, but 20 strikes plus a blow. it seems to me that this is even an effect, it is the absence of an effect when we are talking about 20 or more blows, most often this is a deliberate crime, deliberate murder, when the necessary defense is usually one dash three blows in order to stop the enemy and then run, scream for help, and so on, when we are talking about twenty blows with a knife, there is already a clear option for a deliberate crime, if the son had been alone, he would not have coped with it, this is mom and dad, do you think that they killed your husband with the whole family, i’m sure of it, 3 years ago, it was during the day and i also went to return the cows so that they wouldn’t go there, they have a lot of dogs when they just start barking dogs, all three of them immediately
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jump out into the street, and this masha, she commands her son too, grab her, they directly grab me from both sides by the arms, and who are they? mother and son, they beat me in the same place where they found my husband killed, they beat you badly then, yes, all my legs were gone. in the prosecutor's office, well, we believe, but in general with how did your conflict with your neighbors begin?
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my husband worked as a local police officer, well, in 2000, in the sixth year, and this son of hers then shot at one, well, also a resident, but he didn’t hurt him there, because he also wounded this son, well, you’re talking about this, as if some a minor offense, but he shot at a man, the resident said that he injured me slightly, and they were looking for him at the age of 6 under article 22 for possession and use of an illegal weapon, he had an illegal gun and he was hiding when yes, this is his they searched all the time, she then looked all over the village, he was in america i have him in america and your husband was involved in this case as a participant because it was his station, so when my husband left the police, she said i’ll take revenge on him anyway, well then after this there will be some kind of conflicts? you were with this family, well, she would write something there , he insulted her, then to the police, and what she would write, she
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wrote complaints, yes, a lot, because of this meadow of hers, that cattle were coming in there, the administration came , doctors, police, rosselkhoznadzor, at least once inspections found violations, no, everyone just told me, be patient, she’s tired of writing, calm down, irin, you know, your neighbor also came to us today, she assures that if her son didn’t stand up for her, your husband would have killed her. in the studio olga permenova. hello hello. olga, you apologized to irina for your son’s actions. i regret, of course, that this happened, if he had not come that day and attacked me, if he had not knocked me down, of course, this would not have happened. tell your version of how it happened. we had dinner and i went to collect chickens, their cow always walks around unattended, i see that
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my intern is eating, but i rolled my cattle, i went to drive away the steep slope immediately in my direction, as i drove away the cows, you will forgive the expression, but he runs up to me, i gave you for my cows like that in the face, men, calmly, yes, yes, near my house , it was about 7:00 in the evening, it was dark , i fell, he leaned on me, began to strike , the blow was transferred, the blow was here, he broke me everywhere, then he hit me in the sternum, he pressed like that , then he started hitting me, you were already lying on ground, i was on the ground, and he was on top of me, then he began to choke me, i realized that he kills, i have a broken tooth, i have all the documents, you photographed the beatings, i removed everything, i was treated by a traumatologist, on december 6 i was just discharged, fractured, sternum, without displacement of the fragments. threats from them are constant, your son will be imprisoned, he will not return here, he will not get out of there, you say,
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the last time you saw me, there is constant, constant threat from them, and you saw traces of blows in general on her when she met us, her face was already blue, for an hour no bruises appeared on her, that’s right, but that is, do you think that she someone shot down before this happened, who knows how they live there, evgenia, based on what you heard. the bruises, they were fresh, they could have turned blue so quickly after the beating, how much time had passed, well, we distinguish several stages of the formation of hematomas in general, if the color is blue, then usually it’s several days, it’s one dash two there three days, well within an hour , red is usually formed, yes, then blue, only at the end it is brown, that is, we can determine by the damage at what moment they were inflicted and how they were inflicted. olga, then let's understand further, that moment when irina's husband beat you, according to you,
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when your son appeared, where from? i started screaming, i heard my son’s voice, it’s my mother, i open my eyes and see the dogai rushed to fight at my son, i started to get up, turned around, i didn’t even feel pain, turned my back, knelt on the tree, i got up, turned . i see my son’s back, he stood like that, i bent over him like that, apparently they were fighting there, i don’t know, i went home, i woke up my grandfather, i said, get up, dogayev was killing me, i took the phone, went there to see where, where is my son, how did your son stab you, did you see? no, i didn’t see it, i didn’t see anything on him, but where did he even get the knife? well, he was preparing vinaigrette at home, maybe he ran out with it, at that moment when your son was dealing with the neighbor, did you try to separate them? no
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, i came up like this, i just see dogaev lying, his legs and one are tucked in and his arms, and i went to... that’s how he lay, that’s how he lay, not like that, he didn’t lie like that, pay attention, especially it is important that the wife of the deceased shows the position of the hands of the deceased at the time of his discovery , most likely, that is, if we have the mother of the accused, at first, according to the heroine , she led the police in one direction, then she remembered that in the other, most likely there
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he is, you will understand that you understand that you will fly, we came 70 years old, 72 years old, after surgery, he can’t lift anything, i can’t lift anything either, my husband was lying down, but you saw that your neighbor was lying, what did you do next, what did i i see his arms and legs, i went to the hill to call, i called, by the way, fair question, they didn’t see any blood, i approached at such a distance and i didn’t see it.
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did you say that the person died there or not? i said that he was lying there, yes , call the police, he beat me, call the police , you called to report that you were beaten, you didn’t report the fight, you realized that your neighbor was dead, well, he’s lying there, i didn’t i know he’s not dead, i told them that i was beaten and he ’s lying motionless, they called an ambulance, called the police, the ambulance... called me, how do you come, i went, i say, i’m coming to you towards you, an ambulance is coming, the police are coming, they are walking with their daughter, well, when they approached, here i saw that with dogaev, the police started, remove the dogs, let's search you , they climbed into the attic, looked everywhere, you are like a mother, in first of all, they didn’t think about their son, what was wrong with him at all, he just disappeared after this fight,
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she knew, she thought, i didn’t know, i knew, she called her daughter so that her daughter would call a taxi. her daughter called a taxi and her son left in a taxi, she knew perfectly well where her son was, but i called my daughter, asked her to come, their they saw him in tuley, he went home, and then where , i don’t know, i’m not hiding him, i was here in afanasyev, and after what happened , your son was detained, a month and a half, and where was your son all this time, i don’t i know, at home, but you yourself said that he went home with his sister, well, he was in vain, and where then in vain did they come to their daughter, was it at home? where they detained him, there he was, and they detained him in the house, yes, they detained him in the house, but when the police arrived that day, we had a search until 5 o’clock, they went around, opened the basements, opened wardrobes, opened everything, looked for him , looked for him, but how was he detained at home, if he was not at home, why did he come to you, did he have any plans to surrender or what, well, yes, do you
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think that it was just self-defense, that's right, yes, it's self-defense, because if he killed his son, he would have finished me off, and you know, irina's daughter believes that your whole family is to blame for the death of her dad, in the studio anastasia dagaeva, hello, hello, anastasia, we all sympathize with your grief, and please accept words of support, thank you, why don’t you believe that the criminal only one, one person, her son , he wouldn’t have been able to cope with his dad, in any case, but he’s not there... i have a big stature, that’s it, but he’s a stocky, wiry man, they were all there, and olga and her husband, all three of them, i’m more than sure, he... one son with his dad wouldn’t have coped with mine in any way, what version of what happened would the father of the accused murderer voice, i don’t know what would happen i would make a month from my son,
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will it coincide with his wife’s version? i didn’t say, you said, you’re already in harm’s way, when my husband came out, they’re there again inconsistency, we find out right after the advertisement , the bright taste of instant coffee jardin... i’m here to support, you have something to say to your father, i’m deeply offended by him, let ’s call him now, let’s dial him, hello,
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operators. they will answer all your questions in detail and help you place your order at the manufacturer’s price, bypassing all trade markups. chs: for your movement. dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. on october 24, 2023, the husband of fifty-year-old irina dagaeva,
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the suspect, was detained, now he has already been charged, but his mother, sixty-six-year-old olga perminova insists that her son defended her. according to the woman, alexander attacked her and began beating her. with the words, i give you for my cows, when he hit me in the face, i fell, he started to attack me beat me, hit me in the face, began to choke me, i realized that he would simply kill me. i’m my mother, i see he rushed at his son , she started screaming, i hear the words, my son ’s voice, fight, anastasia, your mother said that you were the first to see your father’s body, but your mother came home first, she says: nastya, the cows have come home, dad is gone , let's go see where he is, we went there, went to one place, went to another, went to the car where the employees were, and went with them towards pirmanov.
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she’s coming towards her, here they are, here’s their cattle, we’re coming, lord, i'm screaming, dad, i'm using my phone , a flashlight, dad, dad, the policeman says where he is, she's here and there, i'm looking in that direction, i see dad's legs, i'm running up, sanya is screaming, don't touch me, i run up, he is lying , his eyes are open, his hands are above his head, like this , and he is not breathing, i, i looked at his stomach for a very long time to understand whether he was breathing or not , but he was no longer breathing, we are from there, well, go away, go, not this one, we left, do you... have a version
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of what happened that evening? i think they were waiting specifically for my dad, they saw that he left with the cows, they ran out, as they did with his mother, the three of them caught and killed him, but on the other hand, anastasia, olga herself called the police, if the three of them were involved in the murder, wouldn’t they hide traces, hide the body , they hid the traces, all the things, knives, in...
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alexander, before you is the widow and daughter of your neighbor, the deceased neighbor, you have something to tell them, but what can i say, i wouldn’t know what if you were in my son’s place, if they were killing my wife, what would you do if if only your mother would have been killed, why, when you beat me, why didn’t my husband go to his friends, he didn’t go, i didn’t let him in, they didn’t beat you. did you hear your wife calling for help that evening? no, the first thing you remember about that evening is that after dinner she went
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outside. let's go, well, i also read a little there, well, dozed off a little, in the room without light, read a little, it's none of your business, i think, maybe i have eyes like a cat? then my wife comes to me and says dagaev beats me, my son stepped in, well, she went, i he says i’ll go call the local police now, but i went and looked, he says , where is he, he says somewhere near a stream , what they saw, well, he’s lying there, i look like he’s already cold, so he turned around and left , why look at him, what did they think about their son? and your son may have done the right thing, if your mother was killed, what would you do? what did your son do? i don't know what i would do myself? yes, don’t kill with a knife 20 times, here they just killed with extreme cruelty, i’ve already had this, i already started to stutter, well, this is tough, i just it’s scary to sit next to such people, they
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are so generally inhuman, cruel, soulless, i’m just terrified to live in such a world with such people, i thought that we live in a civilized society in the 21st century, that it’s always possible... we can agree on everything, but damn, to kill a person with such cruelty and sit and say: well, i probably would have done the same thing, you really, he can handle him, but what difference does it make who can handle whom, what difference does it make, he died, died through your fault man, if he had not come to us and attacked if you had not they protected us and didn’t think that the cows were eating someone else’s food there. but he came to you without a knife , with a knife, with a knife, yes, just a second, your son never went with a knife, he cut the knife, the vinaigrette, as your wife said, and came running with a knife, so the knife was left at home, he didn’t he was cutting on the street, take a second, lies upon lies,
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olga alexander, you did not discuss this moment, who brought the knife to the crime scene, alexander, your version, dogaev, that is, it was a knife. a calm person, he came with him, somehow, took away the knife , stabbed him, hid it, and daga hid it, olga, now your version, after all, the son was preparing dinner for himself, the dogs were tearing up, he came out and began to listen, heard my screams, and ran towards them, he saw that this one was sitting with a knife with which he was cutting the vinaigrette, i didn’t see the knife, i didn’t see the knife i saw, i was just all over, they just said before that he came running with a knife, i said that he had a knife.
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this room, well, everything, they bought the cabinets , assembled it himself, well, everything, assembled everything himself, because it’s still not for sale, now everything is in packages, everything, everything was done by him, the widow picks up the wedding photograph and cannot hold back her tears, they with
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husband supported each other in everything, when he passed away, her world collapsed, it’s difficult, very difficult, we’ve been with him for 32 years, like this, well, 32 years, i can’t, we don’t even have a black ribbon in the photo in the cemetery, i can’t, well, i don’t know, so i’ve been saying for 2 months that he ’s gone, i don’t know, i’m persuading myself, maybe, but it’s difficult, very difficult, after the death of my husband, all the worries about the household fell on irina’s shoulders, everyone day a woman cleans the pens, feeds, grazes and milks the cattle, well , the husband carried everything, i’ll stand here and call, and he will tell me will bring everything, i’ll just herd them myself, that’s when my husband did everything, my husband cleaned the manure, and my husband carried the bark, and my husband carried it, so i just
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milked it and now i’m driving it in, the cows are all dirty, and now i’m alone, i’m three myself i can’t carry the bag, i’m carrying it in a bucket, let’s go, coward, come here, i’m here for you right now... irina inherited from her husband a car and two tractors, on which the man worked in the field in the summer, and in the winter he cleared snow and carried food. now the equipment is idle. my husband used to drive, i don’t know how, now they’re wondering what to do with tractors, i don’t know, it’s a pity to sell, and i don’t know what to do next, the woman admits that the only thing that doesn’t allow her to give up and give up is the memory of how she and her husband created all this from scratch, i can leave, but just by leaving now from rubbish, this is how to give everything, this is what... what they did, this is how to betray everything, not only was he
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killed, and i have to kill everything that we had planned with him, we, i say, have so many plans it was, listen, well, i know that i can’t understand, olga, i’m sorry, i’m really trying, objectively treat you and both countries and sympathize with you, but how is this possible when we show a story about how hard it is for irina without the man who was killed by your son, most likely. you sit and make comments: oh, the cows are all dirty, this is generally cruel, this is cruel, how is this possible, where is the line of human sympathy, it’s hard for you too, you have problems with your son , it’s unclear what will happen to him, it’s unclear what his fate will be , but how can you be so caustic, caustic, cynical, in relation to grief man, tears, look, and you want to inject her, no, what do you get from this, well, does it make you feel better?
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well, it’s very hard, i just went every summer to visit my grandmother in the village, and i understand that this is very hard work, i don’t know how you can manage it yourself now , of course i’m sitting in shock and it’s very touching that she can’t leave because she doesn’t want to betray her, but it’s very touching, we are now all leaning, i feel, towards irina and anastasia, but on the other hand today. come to us to tell your truth. oleg, do you think
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that only olga’s son , alexander, is involved in the murder, that’s all, everything is the founder of this whole crime, it’s all olga, it’s all because of her, she stirred it all up, of course, i see that she’s lying, even when the husband came out, they again had some kind of inconsistency, olga alexandrovna, what would you answer to these words, i can bring documents to show, i can bring documents that i am a general.
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of the accused was established. now the fugitive has already been charged, but his parents have come to his defense. the seventy-two-year-old... did everything alone, i am inclined to believe that all three of them were there, the son, the mother, and the father, that they killed our father to prove that we were right, the father and mother of the accusation.
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no, did you personally take part in transporting dogaev’s body from the murder scene? no, you saw with your own eyes, how does your husband take any part in the murder of dagaev? no. after olga , her husband, alexander, goes to the polygraph examiner for testing. imagine that someone from the family committed a crime. will you give it up or hide it? i would hide it. have you personally seen your son deal at least one blow to dogayev? no. did you personally take part in any way in the murder of dogaev? no. have you seen with your own eyes how your wife deals at least one blow to dogayev? no, you personally took part in carrying dogaev’s body from
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local murder? no. olga alexander. the test was passed, were you very worried? no, really, should i worry if i'm telling the truth? i invite polygraph examiner alexander budnitsky to the studio. hello, alexander. good afternoon. frank with you? for the most part no. who was easier to work with? it was easier to work with my mother, because she was more collected, she was not confused in her opinions and did not change her answers to questions. were there any questions that they refused to answer? no, they didn't refuse answer questions, but nevertheless , some questions caused difficulties in understanding, although the questions were formulated very clearly and for an adult this should not be the case, this is such an installation behavior to slightly delay the procedure. then we are all really looking forward to your verdict. the most important thing, i can say, is that olga does not remember that she was actually attacked first, she definitely remembers that her son had a knife in his hands, no, she definitely remembers that
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he delivered these blows, moreover, she saw blows from her husband, moreover, she has in her memory from alexander’s side, that is , alexander beat his neighbor, the question was formulated, you saw with your own eyes that your husband delivered at least one blow with a knife, the question the answer was no, but at the same time fictitious the reaction is characteristic of hiding information. that is, we can conclude that olga saw how alexander, her husband, beat a neighbor with a knife, as the polygraph showed , at least all three took part in hiding, moving the body, that i told you this without a polygraph, that they, that that's right, all three alexander, based on the study you conducted on a lie detector, what conclusion can you draw? irina’s husband was killed by only one person, or maybe...
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they were just like, well, on hand, and the provocateur of all this was obviously, it seems to me too this is obvious, because even if we consider all the psychological questions that were asked, they were called not by chance, i can say that they both have a flattened emotional effect, that is, roughly speaking, when we even talked about their symptoms, we talked about murder, it's evoked less emotion than stories about cows and goats, that is, as if it was, well, completely uninvolved, as if such detachment from what could be dangerous for them. oh, mother of god , i was attacked, i want your comments , now you have listened to the polygraph examiner’s verdict,
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based on this, what punishment can olga, alexander, their son face, it’s not true, i can tell you for sure, this, well, this is at least 10 years old, everyone, there is no need to talk about concealing a crime here, why because article 316 the criminal code implies liability for concealment that was not promised in advance.
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all three of them should be involved, svetlana, now in connection with these circumstances that have come to light, what should we do? you know , in general, of course, this is a shock for me, at the end of this, this is already beyond the bounds, when beyond the bounds, it finally worked out for me that it took 40 minutes to do, and 40 minutes is just moving the corpse and so on hiding all things, and some kind of version development,
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i now have an idea why they are confused in what has been said, because they do not understand how... the investigation will move forward and they do not have any specific tactics, and the most important thing is that now i am absolutely convinced that all three were in this situation in the role of participants, the investigation and the court will place , this is pure 105 with particular cruelty and so on, for my part, i am now simply forced to inform the investigative authorities that such facts were revealed today on the program, this is exactly what i will now do in support of our victims, immediately leaving this studio i i'll call to the relevant authorities, i will report that such a version was revealed today and i will insist that this version be investigated, and if suddenly this is not confirmed, yes, if this is confirmed, then accordingly everyone was brought to criminal responsibility, sorry, gentlemen, i went to do just that now , evgeniya,
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you were shocked by such results, i yes, i no, no, no, here from the very beginning it was clear that... not one person was involved in the death, but at least two were involved, the only question that arose for us was: two or three, now we come to the conclusion that these are three people, their roles, of course, will be distributed by the investigation, but the fact that this is not just a victim, that this is not just a witness, this woman, i think, is definitely a victim here a witness will never hide from a crime scene, hide a knife or a crime weapon. assistance, but to take out your son, an accomplice, a criminal, no, of course, all these actions clearly characterize only guilt, and today’s behavior shows us this - premeditation, we throughout the entire program, unfortunately, with you, they did not see a single element of remorse, that they realize what harm they caused to the family, so i
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hope that law enforcement agencies will really review all the results now. here is radion, what do you say? i saw how they sat quietly and quietly cried throughout the entire program, that is, they did not stop, that is, it was not such a story, so i paid, they sit without disturbing anyone, but constantly the soul is torn to shreds like this, i was on olga's side, but with every minute this feeling melted away, that is, i i saw this woman's reaction. and i no longer knew how to justify all this , that is, inside me, that is, all this somehow , i have no words at all, and i say, this is not beyond the bounds, this is monstrous, everything that happened is monstrous. olga, alexander, i will ask you one important question again: are you sure that if the investigation once again reconsiders all
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the circumstances of that evening. your guilt will not be proven, are you sure of that? yes, i’m no longer sure of anything, you see, i’m no longer sure of anything. irina, anastasia, after the polygraph examiner’s verdict, you will seek the whole family will be punished, what kind of punishment do you think is fair, what is required by law, how can irina and anastasia continue to live? i ask you that... you do not make retribution the meaning and purpose of your life. we'll be back very soon. having learned that she was an adopted daughter, nadezhda began searching for a biological family and, as it seemed to her, found sisters. her name is alexandra and i met her. but a dna test verified their relationship. 0%. we
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conducted our own investigation and found the resident. kazakhstan, who claims that he knows the secret of nadezhda’s birth. tamara girl gave birth and the girl also ended up in the house. is it really possible for a 32-year-old woman to see her biological parents for the first time? who gave her life, if she wanted, she would have found , she cried and when she asked her if she could somehow find her, she said, i can’t, i don’t believe that i will find her, nadyushka and i ended up in a family dormitory , come on, i say, for now it’s temporary, i say, let’s give the little ones to the home, and then i say, i’ll take it away , as soon as i get it right, you and i only lived for a month and a half, according to the calculations it doesn’t fit, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. chef new season today at 20:00 on ntv. the peculiarity of dysherak in fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is doshirak. and my chon ramyeon and my recipes.
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season, today at 20:00 on ntv, beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, a neighbor brutally beat her, assures sixty-six-year-old olga permenova from the tula region. her son stood up for her, in the heat of a fight he stabbed the attacker, i feel that after some time they stopped beating me, i hear the voice of my son, this is my mother, let’s kill.
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the accused agreed to undergo a lie detector test, the results of the study were shocking, alexander and olga were tested today, according to the results of the study it turned out that after all, she personally took part in stabbing to the victim, and she personally took part in carrying the body and, of course , she saw with her own eyes how her son and her husband did it. alexander, the results turned out to be the same, but he personally saw with his own eyes the stabbing by his son. nikolay, can you, for your part, help rina anastasia achieve justice? yes, of course, i actually already have a number of questions for the investigative authorities, and i even understand, probably, why there was a concealment of traces of the crime and the knife, because there is such concept, these are traces of sweat, traces of dna, which cannot be confused with anything, if each of them was holding a knife, clothing...
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of course. olga, what advice would you give? you are very brave, very strong, that you came to the program and brought this matter into the open, and decided to look into this to the end. but i ask you that you do not make retribution the meaning and purpose of your life. and i will be very happy to help you get through your grief. i sincerely sympathize with you, i empathize and will do everything to ensure that you live through this nightmare.
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as quickly as possible, lawyer svetlana stonis leaves our studio and immediately calls law enforcement agencies to report the results of a lie detector test on the permenovs’ husband. the police arrive within 15 minutes and take olga and alexander to the department for interrogation, justice, woman, calm down, woman, calm down, come on, how can i calm down, here i am at home alone, my goats are hungry, how can i calm down? they killed me, you know, they killed me, and i’m guilty, followed them, accompanied by a lawyer, to the police irina and her daughter anastasia also went to give evidence; polymorphologist alexander budnitsky will provide law enforcement officers with test results for further study. i have just given my oral explanation of what happened in the studio, tomorrow i was asked to provide a written conclusion on olga’s research on alexandro’s research.


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