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tv   Zolotoe dno  NTV  February 1, 2024 12:00am-1:01am MSK

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i won’t make any mistakes, i answer, so you can ask for whatever you want, okay, get this flora out of here, it’s annoying, you know, and i haven’t apologized often in my life, you can count it on the fingers of your hand.
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my god, what a meeting, what destinies, alexander, your mother visited. and how is she, hello, i’m polina gradova, heir to the gradovs’ construction empire. sorry, sorry, i, i wanted to be spectacular. i get it, you did it. i'm sorry, that's it, i'm dead, i'm sorry, i
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'll finish it on the phone now, i'm sorry, really, wait, what did you say, i'm polina gradova, the daughter of the late oligarch gradov, i rented a hut and came up with a name so as not to get burned, i love sports cars, relaxing on...
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damn, it’s an ambush, i just don’t have any business ideas and no debts, but now i have one, i don’t even know how much a new poppy will cost, this is the most romantic thing i ’ve ever heard in my life, that’s it, no, damn it, not everything, i like you, and i drink during the day. bloody mary, please, without celery , please, i also drink one, maybe two, please, tell me, you don’t often consult with me, well, in general, my grandfather thinks that we have a mole, someone is everything.
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really, kudryavtsev is one step ahead all the time, who is this idea? well, who, larina? why are you chattering about all your steps in front of anton? and we’re not chatting, it’s just, thank you, thank you, grandfather wants to put anton and marin to a polygraph, and he also included me in the meeting. well, connect, what's the problem? the problem is that this will not be a meeting, but a confrontation, an interrogation of his brother and his wife, come on, no shitty theater, they don’t give a damn about your relationship with anton, what do you want, well, speaking frankly, it seems to me,
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that grandfather has gone a little crazy, he seems unsure, he suspects everyone, in the end it seems to me that he will put you in prison... playing me, zina, and you don’t want to be interrogated, why? zina is a necrotic, but she allowed controlled leaks in the struggle for my influence, she can say a lot of unnecessary things , what did you and the children decide, and what do the children have to do with it, we raised the question, and why, well, you brought it up, azina is not consciously putting pressure on you. “she wants to be useful in the company, she fights for you, no woman just hangs up the question of children, you can’t put her to a polygraph, you i have to protect her, mom, well, you understand that this raises questions, i’m doing it, you ’re a grown boy, think of something, i understand,
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thank you for the advice, brilliant, that terik , by the way, came on business, on some business, i want to sell his salon, understand?" " what didn’t you tell me, we could have resolved the issue in a day, well, it just had to be, he offered to help, uh-huh, are you training these interrogations on me, or what? no, no, just asked, just asked, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about events and people of the week, there was an attempt at a palace coup in kiev, who tried to dismiss commander-in-chief zaluzhny, what came of it, and if the general wanted to... resign in an amicable way, then how will he now be removed in a bad way? the blockade ring is tightening around paris, why did french farmers rebel, and will parisians really have to forget the crunch of a french roll, who is behind this great peasant revolution, why
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is the insidious hand of washington really looming behind the pitchforks of french farmers? this will be your central television, saturday at 19:00 on ntv. mask new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat , maxicolt lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. at an affordable price.
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of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. mask: new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. a unique country with a unique destiny, unique culture, unique people. original and full of mysteries. with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country
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that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel, dad, dad, he’s coming, he got drunk, now we’ll start hugging. great, who the hell are you, curly, didn’t find out what the hell curly is? your next-door neighbor, classmate, lyoshka gradova, sashki serejo, don’t you remember, curly hair, well, yes, great,
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you look respectable, what are you, an oligarch? brosh, what oligarch? so, a simple millionaire, but i’m not i see the difference, to be honest, i’m a simple alcoholic, the main thing is that the person is a good person, yes, and you are a good person. was at least 30 years ago, what should you drink? yes, all, listen, well, you, you haven’t changed at all, even this one, the tracksuit, is the same as it was in ninety-three, okay, trendy, but okay, i remember how you do?
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you’ll still have it later, so i can guess the scheme, it was a boy’s agreement, a boy’s agreement , yes, so the telkov over there has a lifelong mercedes?
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damn i need this, and you have a gift from me there will be, well, a gift, what are you , damn it, santa claus, exactly, i’ll organize a christmas tree, i’ll set up a snow maiden, i don’t have a snow maiden in the summer , you have a 25-year-old daughter with her mother, she’s wandering around rented apartments, there’s no work, there’s no money, when are you i saw it - once about 10 years ago, i don’t remember, well, i’ll buy an apartment and give you money, 5 million, well, let’s go right now and register how he’ll kill
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me, but no, he won’t. you know him, it’s like telling him to go to hell, and if he kills the lady, well, you’ve lived in shit all your life, well, at least let your daughter live a normal life, and pete, well, you, bitch, and a snake, i’m not... a snake, i’m santa claus , i forgot, but let’s go, well, really, marina has nothing to do with it, what kind of a spy is she, did you suggest that marina cut costs in the company, hmm, children, yes, what does it have to do with who suggested it, it was he who started the audit of mine, i answered simply, okay, i’m sending you an sms
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from krasnodar, what’s wrong with gulakin, everything is okay , right away your curly haired boy gives evidence against him, i swear to you, i didn’t tell her anything, so am i a complete moron or what? maybe he didn’t say it intentionally, but don’t take it for granted, and stop talking about this bullshit, antosh, if they win, do you think you ’ll get something, the action will wash away, we’ll all be kicked out, and marina will divorce you, no, you haven’t communicated with me for damn years, for years, but my goddammit, how powerfully you understand, yours marriage, antosha, is an agreement, don’t worry, it’s not so. yes , at first, maybe it was an agreement, but damn, i know my wife, she’s a necrotic, yeah, it’s easy to check, like a telegraph, a lie detector, the horse just talks to him, asks a few questions, we ’ll find out everything, what are you talking about? completely crazy about what the problem is, for example, i don’t understand , if everything is as you say, we convince you that she’s not the mole, everyone’s question disappears,
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what’s the problem, let’s check your information on a polygraph, come on, by the way, it’s her he goes to see his orthodontists there, and they have taken care of it. and about everyone , listen to me carefully, if necessary , we’ll put you on a polygraph test, while there’s no one else under suspicion marin, well, of course, like this, you, what, you don’t, you really don’t understand that you’re humiliating me with this, wait, anton, anton, you just complained that we didn’t involve you in work, just now, well, here’s a reason to show you, to take part in family affairs, and that is , you still need to prove that you’re wrong for being a grad, so i told you, show you? i can’t prove it, i’m showing you, go to hell, this is my wife and no one will touch her,
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i didn’t throw it away. i didn’t quit, i’m injured, my soul hurts, i’ll leave my wife too. i won’t leave you, i won’t leave you, i read. your father is impressive on wikipedia, you were more impressed by what began after his death, a war for the company, like in
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american tv series, judges, a lawyer, everything things are worse, surprisingly, it seems like yesterday they were sitting at the same table, but today they have simply turned into some kind of freaks, with such crazy grandmothers, apparently it is impossible to save a human face. well, anything can happen, without money you can turn into shit, and he and his mother’s sister have been suing for a one-room apartment in matishchi for three years now, and just so you understand, but it’s not worth a yard, it’s tough, yeah, in general, a similar situation as yours fewer zeros. wait a second,
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this is for you, what is it? well, i ruined your computer, well... that's a lot of money, well, you know how much do beginning programmers earn, no, i don’t know at all, i’ll explain to you, it’s very little, and i, oh, that’s it, i’m in the shower, wait, give me a kiss, thank you, please,
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and i saw that i was there you dig around, and my money is gone, guess what, 50 kopecks , as i remember now, well, now there’s no one to show it to you, and then he cheated me many times, well, the main scam, of course, was done before his death, bitch, genna, why the hell are you now you’re trying to trick me into all this nostalgia, all these wonderful school years, i... i’ll vote for you, although if only in memory of lyoshka, we were buddies, he became kind of sentimental, san, well , you called me for this question, so i
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’m answering this question for you, i won’t, if you vote, you will, believe me, with what is this, but here’s the thing, remember , they killed the red-haired vygradov, and they asked him to take the stall for... everything , so, i found the stall, he will testify, so 30 years have already passed, the statute of limitations has expired, well, it’s up to the prosecutor to decide , whether he came out or not, he didn’t seem to come out of the murder, so why are you trying to blackmail me, calm down, damn it, it’s not difficult, i finished right there, quietly, quietly, you know, a penny. i always take a video camera with me, right there, there, there, the third balcony, from above, twenty-fold zoom,
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cool, yes, well, you carrion, where is it, sasha, let’s do without it, in general... you’ve got a day to think about it, or for you vote for me, or in stages, and by the way, i took the little one out of the country, if anything, let me introduce myself. wrote and kills people based on it,
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so what deadlines has he prepared for me? it all depends on what kind of execution he chose for you, your majesty, evgeniy tsyganov, if my idea is correct, you and i should be careful, kirill kyaro, how does he know that this guy was released, timofey tribuntsev, there’s a catch, alexey gorbatov, you idiot, i’ll cut out your eyes. dmitry ulyanov, here are poems for you, iambic mlamba, sergey marin, this genre is epistolary, so the more we read, the more we learn. cerberus, big premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. what is
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the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, can help on appet. naapept helps improve brain function, restore memory and concentrate . it's a good idea to get your head working. a new mayor is coming to us. is it okay, we have aliens here? why did you come here? change your life for the better. obvious, incredible. at the okka cinema. this video lasts 20 seconds. it would seem so little, but not for sars viruses. once in the body, they begin to multiply. time is working against us. but there is orbidol, it prevents fusion virus with cell. and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. orbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal
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remedy against different types of pain. let's do without pain. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. withdraw cash for free from any atm. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazol retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabozol. anxiety can and should be treated. and who is our fellow? i washed and wrung everything myself. all that remains is to separate. and the point is, it will dry it out. everything is fine. liran dryer for 49.990. liran, we make comfort accessible. maxicol trina - four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. and to treat a sore throat - maxicold lord spray. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. nordman rubber boots for 799. electric toothbrush for 1.499. genferon light spray is green light.
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acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. almagel fights heartburn and stomach pain, carefully coat its walls. almagel a knows its stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts on as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. it is recommended to use daily for 3 months. three courses per year. tuufon is now in new packaging designed specifically for course use. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms.
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a man who has lost all fear is operating under our noses. hijackers, i don’t give a damn to the police, the hijacker is clearly one of our own, i ’ll find him, who are you running after, sergey, look at yourself in the mirror, you are the one... the one hijacker, not today or tomorrow they will come to kill me, well, first of course with help, but time is still running out. death is not the worst thing, befu, guys, special battalion from monday at 22:15 on ntv. oh, now it will ring, otherwise it will start pouring.
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anton confirmed this about marina and refused to put marina on a polygraph. in response, he suggested interrogating zina. by the way, it’s not an empty idea, she has all sorts of interesting people grazing there in the torologists’ club, about interesting people, remember, dima said that polina heard about the tournament, she came to see drozdov there for some reason solve questions using the map, so i thought that she could tell everything to her boyfriend, what other guy? we don’t know, maybe it was the kudryavtsev who put him on her , what spy passions, and how do you know about the guy, she told me, polina, yes, yes, tender, gulakin,
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no, to be honest, gulakin, my joint, yes, yeah. i remembered that i wrote on the plane line, she asked me for something, and i promised to solve the issue when i flew back, yeah, yeah, who is her boyfriend, i have no idea, but she’s head over heels in love, i don’t know, on that he is promoting her there, i’m not losing anything, i just thought, talk to her , i’m not sure why i have a good relationship, a good relationship with my grandfather, forgive me, please, the same as a good relationship with the guy you sleep with, i’m so tired of everything, but i didn’t sign up for a job with smersha, i’m just tired of it now, i’ve been tired of it for a long time, so the plan came up recently, what kind of
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plan would it be? let's leave together, the plane is ready, we'll leave tomorrow, i have a house, i'll have enough money until the end of my days, i'm serious. it’s possible, but then first you have to find the mole, i’ve been putting it off all my life then, i’m tired, let’s leave now, kudryavtsev will take your company, i’m ready to live with this and not torment me, i’m ready. i feel sorry for polina, on the one hand, marina, my family, i have to tell her that she is under attack, on
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the other hand, she will immediately tell her father, it turns out that i am knocking for another part of the family, you understand, anton, you, forgive me, why, well, it was my idea, your marriage, it seemed to me that... well, great, if this is really all true, i’m very happy for you, really, i’m glad, the first city who is happy in marriage, before of course, we are far from the category of happiness, but there is progress, the question is, anton, marina is
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your wife, she is yours, what else, well, you don’t understand that by saying this you are speaking against the family, that’s how it ended. against which family? my family is you and polina, dima has his own family, and lyosha played this sicily, invited everyone for some reason, tried to gather them together. and here you are, are you kidding me? what if marina really is a mole? what if he takes the curly guy into the company? mom, you ’re talking now, but it’s not your thing at all. interests. what are my interests? you know what my interests are because i don't. you know that your sister left home, that she’s renting some kind of hole under someone else’s name, under someone else’s name, damn it, anton, she’s cooking scrambled eggs for her boyfriend. “i wasn’t the best mother
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, i’m not great, i wasn’t with you enough, but i always wanted her to cook him scrambled eggs, bitch, that’s it, i’m sorry, i didn’t know about pauline, hello everyone, i’m mom, mom, and who is this? zay, please go, it’s not time for you now.” sorry, dear, polina has a new boyfriend, i would like to know for sure, yuri sergeevich, nothing interesting, not a journalist, victor dronin, works under the pseudonyms alexander slavsky, runs telegram channels, promotion, blocks of information, partnerships, collaborations. so you knew, you didn’t tell me? well, it’s just that polina
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rented an apartment to meet him, and her mother asked me to find me, there is no crime here, it seems to me that this is insignificant, insignificant, shut up already , i missed the mole, i didn’t pull out druzov, who leaked our internal audit, you know, no, bye... what are you doing? no, no, i, it doesn’t matter,
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what is this urgent, sash? kudrya suspended me, for old cases, for those very same cases, after all , he uncovered the artillery, how will he prove it? i was there 30 years ago, everything there is reinforced concrete , he found larionov, he will testify against me, but we can’t help, we have people, the scumbags also have people, what are you thinking about doing, haven’t decided yet, for us any situation is bad , i wanted to warn you out of old friendship, but i came for advice, are you hanging me? just how? well, what can i
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do? and what remains for me? if you vote for kudryavtsev, i’ll lose the company, so refuse, go to the zone, we ’ll warm you up there or whatever they say? is this what you wanted to hear? i couldn’t help but tell, i couldn’t understand! bitch, did i say some kind of forest? you're accelerating, wait, my whole company will remain for you, no, your business, you need to show your character, so you're the same,
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in what sense, wait, you showed me these photos, yes, it's just some tricky thing on his iphone the program was there, it just took all the data from... galaxy sbm maybe they installed something, i don’t know, damn it, it actually merged somewhere, hasn’t been there for several days he answers, what are you doing, you came to tell me this, uh-huh, sorano, that it happened like that, i ’ll definitely think of something, you go away
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, you’re a minor. and don’t write to me anymore, but what can i do? very simple, mom , tell him not to bend under the curly man , we have... connections, we’ll get him off , he’ll get him off terekhov, it’s funny, if terekhov votes for the curly guy, we’ll lose the company, you’ll also lose your grandma who’s your luxurious i’ll pay for life, i’ll come for something, mom, mom, look, we can hush up the murder of years ago, just talk, why are you
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i took it that he would listen to me, oh, he fell in love. how do you know that? he came to me , he told me everything about you, turn on your head, how we are staggering, one blow and a knockout, he doesn’t vote for kutsev, we turn on the security services, all connections, the only one, the main thing is not to vote. “guys, you don’t know him well , you don’t seem to know people in general, you’re ready to lose yourself because of some romance, think about your family, about your family, yeah, why didn’t you tell your son when he left me, and yuri sergeevich, this is different, mom, well, really, this is your personal story,
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now it will just be a disaster, what do you know about the disaster, do you want me to tell you how i ate pills by the handful when your father dumped us, or how i am a psychiatrist?" "i rushed around and in general how i got out of everything, do you want? mom, okay, i was on your side in that situation, i’m always on your side, now there’s just no time for sentiment, but if i love him and in general, as you imagine it, i have to tell my loved one to go to prison saved your grandmothers, ours, that’s the point, mom, that our grandmothers are with you, yes, olya, yes, yes, you are, of course, a worthy son of your father, i have nothing to say, you are not interested in anything except money, just an animal, yes all animals, the question is who will eat whom, i don’t want you and me to be devoured, you can do anything , earn money, build companies, but what you do best is to crush other people’s happiness, right talent, squeeze it, found it,
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well... at least one good news for today, it’s time to call the line, new season, new suits, new stars, who are you, mask, mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chief new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it
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is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pental, let's do without pain. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so short, but not for... sars, once in the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the virus from merging with the cell, and the mechanism virus reproduction is disrupted. orbidog is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. comfort at low and green prices on the yandex market. home goods from small things to significant things. order comfort. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. mastering a new profession, taking everything from education in yandex - this is yandex workshop. start learning for free and keep dreaming. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. necessary
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winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. discounts up to 60% on clothing and sports shoes. final sale of gloria jeans, discounts up to 70%. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the cause. its occurrence pentalgin, we will do without pain. almagel fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully coating its walls. almagel a knows its stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at maxicol trina - four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. and to treat a sore throat - maxicold spray. the more children in a family, the she's happier. in general , we had all the adopted children. 16. marina adopted alexander when he was 8 years old, told how difficult life was for him, he wanted to eat, sometimes he even
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stole, his mother asked a neighbor to look after the child, and then she simply disappeared, years later she decided to find his biological mother. the story is strange, of course, there are probably some questions about it, i wonder why? i was given one drawing for you, as well? the story of alexei, who is looking for his brothers and sisters. 6 months from birth i was left in the house child. do you know about your biological family? you can roughly navigate the documents. it is written that you are your mother’s sixth child. wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv. dim, what's going on? but it’s a miracle i didn’t sleep at all, well, i didn’t sleep, but i was waiting for someone, what happened, and see, what are you together?
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quiet, quiet, quiet, calm down, calm down, let's do it again, i'm not alexander slavsky. conveyed, sasha, take him, get up, let's go,
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if, forgive me, get out of here, so what, what is it called? quiet, quiet, attentive, pay attention, there is a war going on, my sate, you cannot have any friends on the side. you hear, and this can happen to anyone, you hear me, you hear, with each of us, once we found, i hope, well, load it into your bundle, hear, while the company is clear.
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plaster cast, i’ll see you again with polina, we’ll be in a group , i understand, let him get used to it, nagorodova , but we don’t have human life among the grads, well, it almost never happens, grandfather, yes, and you don’t want to apologize to me for marina, well, sorry, the forest is being cut down ,
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chips are flying. hello, hello, i'll call you back in half an hour, sasha, wait, did you say that i can ask
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for anything? agree with kudryavets, agree for our sake.
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oh, what are you doing here? yes, i go for a walk and meet childhood friends. san, san , san, san, you, there are cameras, san, no need, san, you sit down, san, wait, i agree to your proposal, send me the document, i will sign it, i understand, yes, i agree, this is correct, right, yes, the right decision, you’re right, you did everything, and this? thank you, san, in short, thank you, thank you, you won’t talk to me, rest, yeah,
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why took so long?
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urgent message experienced a state of horror, some thought that a man-made disaster had occurred, others that the ball that had begun to pass over the earth exploded in the sky, was illuminated by a flash of city lights and in the morning the earth would be bombarded. satellites of the cosmic body that the asteroid has called itself, there is no reason for concern, the orbit of the asteroid has been studied until it is shown in detail, then there is a flash, and behind it you hear , cellular communications instantly turned off, the houses were jammed, there were no accidents at either military or civilian facilities, is there a meteorite? meteor shower,
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help! bon appetit, kilo stepanovich, have a seat, what’s taking you so long? and how bezon went home, then his boys, in short , lost a bison, his boys disappeared, their ancestors are going to go to the cops, write a statement,
1:00 am
well, damn it, they lied to us, that’s a fact, and i warned bezon, let him he’s not counting on me, he’s probably buried himself in a hole somewhere. he's dumbfounded, he's sitting, what should i do? it means that aman understood that he can’t live here, give him my last word, if he gives me the cafe in an amicable way, let him he's getting out of town, but if he's in a bad way, i'll bury his whole family here, it'll be... done, will you eat? no, then free, eh!


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