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tv   Versiya-2  NTV  February 1, 2024 3:25am-4:51am MSK

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well, little guy, move away, maybe it’s not necessary that you stuck in, but what if it doesn’t work out, but everything will be fine, oops, what are you doing, everything’s fine standing. guys, calm down, everything
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is fine, come here, guys, everything is fine, come here, i don’t trade my homeland for 3 rubles, i don’t trade, 15, now it’s closer, i’ll drop off the documents when on thursday, from 10 to 11, remember that you are not the only one applying for this development permit, there have already been awards from the children’s sports fund, these are for disabled people, thank you, viktor ivanovich, you will thank me when the permission is granted. let's vote, and i understand, goodbye, all the best, well, you see how well everything turned out, and you were afraid, yeah, that means it’s thursday, mommy, forgive me, please, i can’t talk now, i’m in the administration.
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viktor ivanovich has not come up yet, goodbye, reception of the head of the administration, viktor ivanovich has not come up yet, okay. hello, viktor ivanovich, it’s your turn here. is this all for me? yes, viktor ivanovich, everyone is coming to you. reception of the head of administration. yes, yes, viktor ivanovich is very busy. goodbye.
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so, my dear, some tea, some coffee, and first things first list, uh-huh, okay, come on in, i, yes, all the best. goodbye , goodbye, let's go, let's go, let's go, camera, let's go, so , what's the matter, everyone stand, albeb, bribe, why did you break the glass, you still don't know how to lie, so let's start with the truth.
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especially since all your heroic deeds were caught on video, there was a reason, yura, speak up, you’ll sit down, you’ll sit down stupidly, the criminals will walk free, and you’ll be cuckooing in nizhny tagil, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo , okay, whatever you want, everything is clear to me, in the third house... a bull comes to the girl alone in a nissan, he constantly parks on the lawn , the neighbors reprimanded him, so he started waving a gun, and we have an arsenal operation going on, the management demands indicators, well, we decided and you decided, if you break the glass nissan, he will run out to investigate and you come for the gun, so yes, who threw the stone, i, witnesses show that the second one, i
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who was with you, by the way, idris magomedov, where is he now on sick leave, yura, how long is he on the criminal wanted list , 2 months, coming soon. we studied together for the same amount of time, who gave you this diploma? okay, listen, i am the authorized representative of the criminal investigation department , police lieutenant yuri sergeevich, during an operational patrol of the territory on vyazovaya street, house 3. it was just a nightmare : i saw an elm tree on the street as a young man unknown to me broke the glass. nissan tires, i tried to detain him, but he began to resist, using fighting techniques unknown to me. citizens passing by intervened in our scuffle. without understanding the situation and being guided by misunderstandings in the words of the minister of internal affairs, they detained me while
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the young man i detained managed to escape. signs of a criminal. he looks 25 years old, has an oriental face, a scar on the right cheek, body build, strong hand. what will happen now? what will be will be. tell idris to get out of the way and stop doing bullshit. where did this recording come from? there was never any recording, yur! well, this is chaliapin, blah, i heard, blah, blah, as a souvenir, my mother gathered warm things for me here and some food, yur, sun glass container
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they don’t let you in, take it at home and use it, thank you, go ahead already. goodbye , thank you again, goodbye, go already, there’s a nightmare on the street, alexander fedorovich, petrokov urgently calls you, alexander fetrovich, he wants to give you a new case, for a bribe, i mean literally, well, i overheard , ah-ah-ah, it’s brilino’s, brilin’s, but this eduard stepanovich suddenly fell ill, well, congratulations. you, come on, brylin is sick, brylin just won’t get sick, zhelves, flysch, that’s it, i can still sing and tell
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show a skit as a joke, i don’t know why i still put up with you, i mean... i’m just conscientiously following your instructions, okay, you wanted to put goosebumps in jail, he’s yours, i don’t want to put anyone in jail on purpose, i’m just following the law , don’t be a bore, he’s waiting in brylin’s cell yesterday, he was arrested for 90, and it’s time to present it to you, so the flag is in your hands and the street is green, and why isn’t brylin further pursuing this case, he’s sick, i promise that my previous attitude towards mr. murashka will not affect the course of the investigation in any way. not i doubt it, or it was intended for this, what kind of person are you, let me go, wait, this is a thing, and this, and
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why did they seize the paintings, in order to increase the cultural level of the employees, they promised to pull up some additional episodes , it seems that some paintings appear there, before... mr. goosebumps, he only accepted kickbacks by bank transfer. if you don’t mind, i’ll come by later for the opening day, i’d like to look at the documents. everything is sanctioned from the very top. i mean, go ahead. oh, alexander fedorovich. there's an opera near the office waiting, opera, already hmm, yanochka, please bring me, from alek ivanovich, all the documents according to the inventory, hello, hello,
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hello, hello, hello! senior commissioner abeb, vyacheslav dzyuba, yeah, this is captain yashin, zhelvis, alexander fedorovich, very nice, that means, kovalev, you opened the door and went out. smoke with the murdered nikonov on the living area, so , but he left, then you closed the door, and returned back to the apartment, sat down at the table, so, well, he sat down, said, i quote, this nikonov was pestered and raked, so he won’t carry it away, but he said that after you, a neighbor, klyachkina, came out and found nikonov. sees rupa with a traumatic brain injury, right? well, i found out, comrade chief, you can drink some water, but it turns out,
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who killed nikonov? but how do i know, i didn’t kill, well, who should know who killed? how do i know, maybe someone was walking past, some kind of passerby, kostya, he’s generally lively, what kind, what kind of passerby, is this the ninth floor, the ninth floor? at home, maybe some homeless people went to the attic, the attic was closed, so i say, they went to the attic, but it was closed, they got angry, there's a little bone, why are they carrying it, kovalev, what homeless people, what an attic, ok, okay, how do you comment on the phrase , i got rid of the rowing so much that it won't carry it away, but i won't comment at all, i didn't say that at all, you just 5 minutes ago i confessed myself, i didn’t admit anything, i didn’t say anything, okay, witnesses? the witnesses, they were all drunk, in general, after vodka they were completely glitchy, and in general
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you can’t drink the current vodka, as soon as you drink it, the glitch starts immediately, uh-huh, uh-huh, you can have some more water, and once again, whoever killed nikonov is going to torture me there’s no need, i’ll complain, it’s arbitrary, i’ll go to this kambour court. complain from strasbourg , what's the difference, they recruited skinheads here, it's great, and why are you settling here, hi, brylin is sick, yeah, listen, i'm going fishing, maybe i'll find him myself, listen, lesh, and what is this nikolets, stupid, going to hamburg court, strasbourg. the difference, it’s clear that we’re dumb,
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we’ll sharpen everything, i understand everything, i understand, we’ll talk, you’ll write it yourself, or? i ’ll have to do it myself and remember, sincere confession is written through oh, climax, young man, were you sitting there? me, you, you,
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rushing from corner to corner like in a cell? i don’t understand, sit down and don’t interfere with the investigator getting acquainted with the materials. yes, there ’s not much to get acquainted with here. yes, everything is as simple as in a pharmacy, demands, transfer, detention, and there is one less servant of the people. don't like servants of the people. do you love it? and i have heard your love for them, in particular for murashka. it seems you tried to take him twice in the city. three times. well, you see. but it still won’t become a chain, congratulations, everything is just perfect with you it turned out, he usually didn’t take cash, impunity breeds imprudence, and now it’s clear why you don’t touch the rest of the officials, and you are even worse than they say about you, i hope the fact that we got goosebumps, and the neva will not ruin our relations, so it’s like we don’t have the olympics and murashka doesn’t have a gold medal, don’t tell me, murashka thinks differently. according to our information, quite a tidy sum was allocated for bribes to the investigation, so we asked you to entrust this case
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to you, avrelin was specifically asked to get sick, there were a couple of arguments for him to listen to us, but you’re just machiavellian, you ’re flattering me, i’m just a lieutenant colonel, our other machiavellians wear shoulder straps, so the victim came to me for questioning, all his colleagues, he also has a lawyer. truth, we will deliver the victim at any time, when you say, what else? i couldn’t find the limit of the audio recording, i have it in my safe, we thought that it would be more reliable, it would be more reliable for the document to be in a criminal case, i would like to get it immediately, on the second shelf under the gray weather, but according to the woman
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decide to go. “sorry, unfortunately, over time the level of employees does not get better, but this one is at least honest , i once lost my wallet with my salary, i took out my keys on the landing and dropped them, and what do you think, our plumber found it and brought it, the most honest man"? when he’s sober, i think he might be assigned to the police, but why paint over the paintings? there is a chance to do another episode, there was a bribe in the picture, now we are working on a potential applicant, and the potential is above average, but there is fear it’s interfering for now, goosebumps has great opportunities, and considerable funds, it would be nice to shake up his team, murzin, for example,
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his deputy, she’s with him in all topics, if you do something at her house, your victim says something... says nothing , but as soon as there are grounds, we’ll do it right away , i promise, it will be done, what else is required of us, high consciousness and professionalism, i’ll go to the detainee in the detention center, and give the recording to yana in the office, as you say,
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we’ll do it, i generally refuse anything - or as i understand it, we are not interrogated today sign and demand the replacement of this investigator, this is your right, i hope you are not participating in the concert, raise the public, contact the press,
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call elvira chervona, she already knows how our valiant cops are able to arrange provocations, and in 10 years will... in courage lessons tell you how you fought for freedom of bribery and corruption, but this still needs to be proven, we will prove it, although, to be honest, i do not approve of the behavior of my client, we will work on it, you know, what parents mortgaged, no the lawyer won’t fix it, sorry, your client didn’t even give us time to introduce ourselves, zhelovis, alexandrich, tyurin, sergei konstantinovich, my son told me a lot about you. although this is of course outside the protocol. this jelovis, of course, is still a little thing, but that’s good, it gives such results. i'm just a little nervous. i see that you are nervous, but i see no reason. how much sugar do you need? two, better than three. right.
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good for the brain. thank you. our job is to think with our brains. well, it’s stupid for you to repeat everything that was discussed, listen, i’m not stupid, i’m just a little nervous, i wanted to say , repeat stubbornly, sorry, not stupidly, stubbornly, everything is as it was, goosebumps is a figure, he’ll give a command and they’ll eat me up, after that , the hell control yourself, you’re an adult , everything has already been done. what is this, did something happen? nothing, everything is fine, no one will touch you, but i answer, this,
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this is garbage, i repeat, nothing will happen to you, and otherwise we will regard this as a hit by a witness, and it’s scary, we’ll take revenge, or do you doubt that we can be scary , you can believe, goosebumps, that he is not a bribe-taker, bribe taker, took a lot, i think. did you deserve punishment? of course he deserved it, so what's the problem? but you, you promise that nothing will happen to me? we promise 100%. our cause is just, victory will be ours. so, i don't have to be afraid of jelvis. why on earth? he's on our side. hurry up and finish your coffee before it gets cold and we'll go for interrogation. listen, we are with you, relax and have fun. and yesterday, yesterday they said on tv that murashka is connected, tightly connected with vova kursky himself. what if his bulls come at me? what if they
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they will want me, they will not want me, if they are not completely stupid, bandits, they usually use corrupt officials and do not stand up for them. why would they kill you when it’s easier to bribe another official? are you, are you sure? yes, but this is not the first year we’ve been working, thank you, please, thank you, the fact that vitka murashka is under investigation, i know that, i know that without you, it’s okay, vitka the grated roll will somehow get out, oh, he won’t get out, volodya, i can’t get away with the fact that i don’t know my name, i can’t get out of it. they ordered it, you know, they substituted this penny bribe, come on, come on, come on, come on, stop, immediately, stop , come on, baking, some water with lemon, thank you, think about it yourself, who needs to order vichka, he
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’s not a minister, he’s not even an oligarch, let’s speak frankly, i know that you have things in common interests with my boss, bathhouse , fishing, uh-huh, yes, you were involved in acquiring large construction contracts, you caught such a bream, that there are things that are undesirable and even dangerous to say out loud, i can also say something out loud , i remember, ulenka, how you are our manager i worked in the station buffet , i sold beer from boxes, i offered my ass to anyone, so don’t meddle, little girl, don’t meddle, if i hadn’t meddled, volodenka, i would still be... selling beer , i offered my ass, so what do you want, don’t you realize that it wasn’t him who they ordered? and you, volodenka, you, oh, if they promote him for everything that you did at the new fair, i
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don’t envy you, yeah, but you have something specific, yes, i know a person who went to the obep and gave testimony, who such a certain yushchenko, here you go , who is in ukraine, i don’t laugh volodya, i don’t laugh, no, he doesn’t look like this, he’s a small developer, i found out, his turnover is meager and the object... i talked to him once or twice, but such a person is viktor i wouldn’t even let you into my office , you know, this whole thing is all tampered with , what can you say, paramosha, and what can you say, we need to meet, grind it out, if it’s true, we can blow it up, you know, yes, olenka, so you go ahead, huh paramon and i will sort it out here, and you’re going to spend a long time figuring it out, well, as long as it takes, i’ll do as long as i can, me this answer doesn’t suit me, and i don’t like it, this is the tone of our conversations with you, olenka, “it’s a shame, it’s a shame, it’s a shame, i’ll tell you this, i want victor to be free in the coming days, and if this won’t happen, i really want this too,
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so, see the guest off, dear, goodbye, dear, the thing is that the documentation.” paramon, goodbye.
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can you keep it? well, paromon, it looks like we have another problem, this extravagantly, self-confident female problem. hello, oleg ivanovich, are you there? alexander fedrovich, he’s at home, but he said not to let anyone in. infection, i missed you, it’s all because of you, alexander fedorovich, you’re always at my side. and what are you
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doing? but i’m catching a wasp, so i have to open the window, it will fly out, and so that new nets will fly in, i have an allergy to the blue bite, i don’t, i won’t go to work for a week, help, now we’ll open it, yanochka, let’s open it with you window, listen to what i'm telling you, hold on to me all the time, be careful , oh, come on, no, i myself, myself, i'm now, bastard, oh, hello, and i'm there, and you're here, hello, gavrila. howdy, uzentek! lerochka prepared some hot cutlets for you here, piping hot, piping hot, eat it, eat it! will you need strength for such and such work? all the best, my dear, goodbye, yeah, and sorry, madam, i’m not a madam, but lieutenant colonel eremina, retired, and then sorry twice, let me introduce myself, lieutenant colonel dzyuba,
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unfortunately, i’m working. yes, something is not visible, alexander fedorovich, i brought a little man there, we’ll wait at the office, i’m getting goosebumps, viktor ivanovich, they came to you, who else is there, there is kursk, play without me. come in, are you a first mover, don’t you know how to enter a hut, come on, you’re free, how can you
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do that, vitya? it turned out to be like this, if i knew the buy -in, hello, dear, well, for the thieves ' benefit, the bastards drink while standing, fuck you, that you, for freedom, okay, they would have been imprisoned for the cause, but this is a golimaya set-up, these are my exact words, who?
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be healthy, so he began to extort a bribe , so right away he began, well, how can i tell you, but as it is, so tell me, he began, well, what did it look like, a direct demand, a hint, more like a hint, they say you yourself know how such questions are
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decide who the amount? voiced, i think i did, that is, it was your idea about the bribe, yes, no, no, no, but how can i tell you, he said that there are places to be built on... there are a lot of people willing to take this place, there are free spots under there is practically no development left and all that and he looks so thoughtfully, and i tell him that i am ready for additional expenses, he nods, then i tell him 15, he says, this is closer to the truth, wait, or or or it’s him later he said, when i already had microphones on, listen, sorry, i worry, not every day they are interrogating me, maybe some water, no thanks. then i’ll drink vodka, you think it’s easy to go against a representative of the administration, they’ll eat me up, if anything, if anything, what, otherwise you don’t know, i don’t know, i went against the system, you know,
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against the system in which hand washes hand, i this will never be forgiven, but i ’m not going to wash anyone’s hands, if goosebumps is guilty, he’ll go to trial, so calm down, mikhail pavlovich, uh-huh, uh-huh. sorry, let's do it one more time, and so, you received consent for the announced amount and immediately went to abep, so, so, it became insulting, you give to them, you give, but they still have little and little, so, who else did you give it to, when, where, under what circumstances, yes, yes, i just said that, by the way, well, by the way - by the way, and what’s going on, well, they accepted the statement, pinned it on me... the microphone was forced to go to murashka again and discuss the details, and then the number 15 was heard for the first time? yes, goosebumps also told me when to come and he would sign the documents. whose money was it? yours
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or given by the operatives? they gave them to me, they did something special with them, they marked them somehow these bills? like these, how can you tell money from money? only if it flourishes with ultraviolet light. it should say a bribe, well, yes, well, yes, there’s an interesting phone number written here, it wasn’t you who wrote it, i have no idea, they gave it to me, i took it, he was arrested, what else really, what else? so, goosebumps said that there were too many people interested in this development spot.
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mikhail petrovich, i invite you, yes, thank you, i have 5 minutes to the metro here, please! it’s great that what’s written with a pen is, as they say, hit on the head with an ax, and what next, now all that’s left is to wait for the trial, well, maybe they’ll call you in for additional interrogation, a confrontation, but this is more minor, the mechanism is running,
4:00 am
the soul is heavy, you know, the soul is a luxury, and business requires specifics, this is the dialectic of the universe, the denomination of the denomination 1. russian rubles, series p for the main thing in number 27 187 year of manufacture 1997 next bill wait not so fast i don’t have time banknote of 1 thousand russian rubles you can speak normally and in general it’s some kind of nonsense i still understand 1500 bucks but these are rubles generally some kind of spy money in the sense of being here , good afternoon, did you call me? hello, hello, and you called me to two, i hope you didn’t come too early, and your last name, and murzina, viktor ivanovich’s deputy, murashka, and olga vasilievna, olga vasilievna, please wait in the corridors, i’ll see you in 5 i’ll call you in a minute, but what
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did you say, i don’t understand why it’s spy, okay, here’s an american phone, code 701, it’s northern, but i just, no, it’s not for you, sit down and tell me. mm, i loved geography as a child, i thought the world see, but my right to self-disregard may not be infringed upon, please express yourself, just not so obscenely, otherwise you see, people are scared, i should continue, slow down, a bill worth 1,000 russian rubles, series o, north dakota, look, come on, dear , “it’s me, we need to talk
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urgently, i said urgently, call murzina, who, murzina, just came in, huh? murzina? murzina, she’s not there in the corridor, strange. olga vasilievna, this is investigator zhelvis speaking. have you gone far? so, today i... and tomorrow you can at 10:00? tomorrow at 10? yes, of course, good, i'm waiting
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for you tomorrow, i have a bad headache, everyone in this building has a headache, we have it for one reason, the rest for the opposite reason , there is no reason for the opposite, there is only another, at least some of the young people know russian , yes, i’ll go home, alexander fetrovich, that ’s it, goodbye, tell me, do you live with your parents, with your parents, so what? oh nothing. don’t get tired of it, see you tomorrow, sovereign, yes, olga vladimirovna, some tea, well, you, alexander fedorovich, are a master of surprising, i mean, well, i mean, a real man, a gentleman. i’m just not afraid of this word, as we decided
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, i’ve been with dumbbells for a long time, you know, oh well, no, i understand, this is a secret, this is a secret, but i wouldn’t make secrets about such things, you should be proud of it, because love is, it’s wonderful, the best thing that can be, it’s simple, olga vladimirovna, and you, what are you talking about, well, how about it? about your wedding in more detail, well, you proposed to me, it’s your own fault, don’t joke, who else knows, well, of course, i hope it hasn’t been announced on tv yet that where is she, and she left, choose a dress, or what? no, yeah, it seems her parents were supposed to come today, huh? but i hope he doesn’t meet me, how i hate you all
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, shakespeare was wrong, the world is not a theater, it’s a ward, you hear, no, i tried , i fried cutlets, you know, you’re a fool, you’re such a fool, he has more interesting cutlets there between . among other things, there are, mom, yeah, listen to me , please, mom, you just don’t know him, he ’s not like that, my dear, not like that, of course, like that, why don’t you turn off the light, not like that, but night shifts, and calls at night, you know, and you’re a fool, you believe everything, everything , uh, at least listen to your mother, i saw with my own eyes, he’s walking away from you, i realized, no, don’t croak, please, okay, i'm croaking, don't croak. i croak, that
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’s it, yes, look, daughter, then she doesn’t start it herself, i realized who’s there, who, ask, yes, okay, don’t tell mother, who’s there, it’s a friend of alexandra fedorovich. hello! i’m at home, and you’re quiet, hello, the child is sleeping, he showed up, there’s no dust, come on in,
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there’s a guest waiting for you, what other guest, now you will see, listen, this is what i want to tell you, if... he comes to us again, you will eat chinese noodles with me for a whole week, and this, what’s his name, melted cheese, friendship, i definitely promise you that, a lot you work, it’s bad for family relationships. or here’s another case, once i got stuck at the vladimir transfer station, yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes , the hut was completely muddy, the stages were back and forth, there were new people all the time, it was not clear from whom what to expect, and they drove me seva kirezhsky went there, he was then locked up with rubles for kidnapping, remember,
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we never got along with him, we even ordered each other, then i almost rushed to him as if he were my own brother, but i’m not really good with those brothers, yeah. why did you come? seek advice? after all, you and i, sasha, still respected each other, somehow, he was correct, he didn’t put dope in his pockets, he wasn’t even afraid to go against his own people when they planted a gun on me, remember? you know, i’m sorry, i’m not in the mood for nostalgic memories, it was a hard day, i’m tired, you’re in vain, this is not nostalgia, we’re just without memories, sasha, you can’t, but... how can you not, why? yes, because you and i are from there, from the past, the present time is already foreign to us, could you still be more specific, you know, it ’s late, i have to work tomorrow, i’m not a saint, i’ve collected a lot of money, well, it depends on what to compare, but this little guy is not his,
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it’s a fucking setup, either they’re trying to target him or me, it’s already interesting, what does this have to do with you , so he’s mine, he’s been creepy for a long time, i’m his from the city...
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everything is repeating itself, sasha, everything is repeating itself, now it’s as if the transfer is happening again, i feel like it’s like i’m being frank with you, but you and i haven’t ordered each other in the past, and as you know, i mean, good luck to you and be careful, let ’s see off the guests.
4:11 am
good morning, boss, firstly, i’m no longer your boss, and secondly,
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there’s never a good morning at work, something happened, i just had the honor of seeing your father, i wonder if he unexpectedly came to pay his respects to me, well so good, who asked you to discuss with him? topic i don’t need your recommendations, it’s clear, it’s not clear, i have good father, it’s better to work with him than with some rot, why can’t i express my opinion, hold your tea, but i don’t want you to discuss me with other participants in the process, that’s understandable, firstly, i discussed you are not with a participant in the process, with your own father, secondly, no one has the right to dictate to me with whom and what to talk about at home, thirdly, i did not reveal any official secrets, because i don’t know official secrets, fourthly , we were talking about your disgusting character and outrageous wickedness.
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i haven’t tried it, yeah, that’s right, yellow would suit you better, now morzine should be fine, look, it’s not in the corridor, you can’t see it, strange.
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well, they won’t let you work , there are a lot of people who like to go to the empty market, but i have a business, it requires attention, business is good, volodya, that’s why i’m calling, as i remember, you had a person in your regional government, here serious people are asking for land plots for a project, good land plots, elite, if we help, we will have a big piece of the pie, you know me, i’m talking about... so nothing to anyone i suggest, how can you help? well, how not to help , how not to help, especially since he doesn’t throw around good offers these days, you
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are valery ignatievich, call me next week, we’ll decide everything, next week it will be too late, vova, there are many hunters, but few ducks, i ’ll call you tomorrow, you already try , and tomorrow, okay, we agreed on what he wanted, and suggested the topic, the crimean himself, cool, cool, it’s cool, damn, this is all at the wrong time, have you settled the issue with the woman? settled, yeah, that's it, find this applicant, talk to yushchenko with him, understand? i understand, just talk calmly, there is no need to dig in right away, explain something to him, let him figure out all the consequences himself, otherwise it seems to me that he lives too calmly, i understand, i understand, i really want to believe. act steam, as if everything is not on time , well, now let’s go into more detail, what exactly
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goosebumps promised to do, resolve the issue in the transport committee so that the contract is extended, decided, no, they took a new carrier, van, van, van, van, come to i’m a little weak, we should have a recording, come on, who records such conversations, smart people they write down, yes, i understand , well, we’ll bring you the documents of the well-known applicant now , see you, his murzina has disappeared somewhere, what a clown, but they told him to immediately cover it up , who disappeared is none of your business, so let’s write a statement, let’s go they put me in the office. in short, we need to talk to him in a normal way, so that he understands everything properly, doesn’t give vovin a penalty at the regional government, well, bring them in for a couple of months, that’s understandable,
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well, like, yes, what? it’s not clear, but in a normal way, is it a knucklebone or a bat? philip, in a normal way, it’s with your mouth, what are you doing, i’m not this part is paraman, yes, i mean we need to talk to him, we need to talk in the literal sense of the word, in which, what do you think, i don’t think with our common brains, filin, i hit a bullet with my forehead, don’t worry , okay, get in the car, i’ll go with you. here is the resolution on murzina’s arrest. counter attack. guzman anatoly khimikovich,
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director of a motor transport company, who gave me goosebumps. to push through his office, and before that he took a bribe from him, supposedly for patronage, with a painting, okay, call your guzman for tomorrow, and take care of murzina yourself, we would like to be present at the interrogation, why, we will help, if necessary, it won’t be necessary, i know how to interrogate myself, and you take care of murzina, and how did the materials appear in the press, put goosebumps on, you went out of your way, alexander fedorovich, right? this is not my style, believe me, and keep the newspaper with you, i have one, good night, all the best, yes, mommy, i’m listening to you, no, it seemed to you, mom, it always seems to you that i’m not listening to you , i have a lot of work,
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no, i have no problems, i have a lot of work, that's it, mom! forgive me, goodbye, i love you , kiss you, that's all for now , yes, mikhail pavlovich, here the request came from the investigative committee, the investigator, zhelvis, what does he want, constituent documents, charter, order on the appointment of the general director, well, send it to him. okay, and there was another strange call, what call? the man, he didn’t give his name , he asked you, i didn’t connect, thank you, yes, and mikhail pavlovich, it’s already 6 o’clock, you don’t need me anymore, no, then goodbye, goodbye.
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haven't you left yet? no, wait, let's go out together, i’ll give you a ride to the metro, and thank you, since it’s like that. here, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, the house sucks , what kind of huckster is it that lives so crappyly, is it honest
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or local, in philly, funny, there is. i composed a poem, it’s cool, maybe i shouldn’t write it in for you , but i’ll think about it, it would be something, filich, why is he so calm, the client drove up, so that’s it, the barmaley is with me, then continue as agreed, yeah. hello, mikhail pavlovich, hello, do you know me? buries on the day, you you, do you understand that where did you
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go, what kind of konik is yours? then he took out a traumatic gun and sandaled the barmaley in the eye, now with these traumatic guns there is complete chaos, where the state is looking, any sucker feels like a cowboy , but as you started talking, and when you scared the cooperators with jokes, you didn’t think anything about the state, now what paramosha came in, came in, that’s it, stop, stop. why are you freaking out? you'll ruin my car, so where's the new street? you'll be driving around on your own, obviously not here, listen, maybe, maybe there, sit down
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already, there are cameras shining everywhere, the light has already happened. by the way, this is the first time i’ve come across such an unusual middle name, khimikovich, my grandfather was a pharmacist, he loved chemistry very much, well, my father suffered, but at least you can’t confuse him with anyone, well, in general, yes, i read your statement, let’s go into more detail, so, as you conveyed murashka painting, from hand to hand in his office. and murashka promised to resolve the issue with the contract, well, yes, it was like an advance, and then i had to transfer a certain amount to a certain account every month, and he helps with contracts from the administration,
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he told you about it directly, no, well, who talks about it directly, with hints, well, so transparent, well, very transparent, but why didn’t he fulfill the terms of your deal, did you meet with him, or maybe talked on the phone after that, no, he avoided meeting me in every possible way. of course, i won’t say anything, but it seems to me that they put pressure on him, very strongly, because the committee entered into an agreement with atp630 instead of me, and do you know who is in charge there? but they say that the controlling stake is in the hands of vova kursky, vladimir sergech vaganov, a terrible man can kill.
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nobody answers, the car is parked, igor, that igor.
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mistress. mistress, the light is on there, why is there light in it, look. mistress, this is the police, we're coming in, come on, mistress, is anyone home?
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igor, it’s cold, nothing for the day. department of obp
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dzyuba. yes, vyacheslav dzyuba. describe the picture. hunting. kalangzh unknown artist, 16th century. this is approximately this size. there, in the picture, that is, in the corner, just a little bit. blurred, and the bunny, the dead birds, here on the side, you know, here are the birds that are not sing in a painting that will never hang again, i’m sorry that you didn’t understand why you decided that goosebumps would be interested in this painting, well, everyone knows that viktor ivanovich is a famous collector, before him there was ivan sanich, so only with money sorry, he's listening. where
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did she rock me, ugh, wait, you can’t go there, sergeant, calm down, it’s ours, come in , hello, one of our people hit her, asphexy. cranial, when? it looks like she’s been lying there for 3 days, looking at the ceiling, admiring, she lived alone, alone, but it looks like she was waiting for someone, i drank three cups of coffee and smoked a pack of cigarettes, and he grabbed her by the throat and against the wall, yeah, that’s how it turns out, she ran away from my interrogation, and you were going to close her , on what grounds, well, you should wait outside, she’s on business for now. sasha, it looks like her phone
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is missing, everything seems to be in place, the phone is gone. lyosha, we need billing, we’ll do it. if you don't need me, i'll take a walk around, maybe someone saw something, go. allow me. these are the things, alexander fedorovich. “here is a bird that doesn’t drink in a picture that will never hang again, that picture is from kuzmanov, yeah, it’s true that you and kursky are on friendly terms, i mean, i haven’t told the boss anything about this yet. i hope you appreciate
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it, hello, yes, i’m listening, i’m listening, yes, where, so, and what, i’ll be there soon, don’t go anywhere, alexandrovich, yushchenko has some problems, he says he was attacked, who , i don’t know, maybe the first call was a chill. igor and i will go and find out, well, we have nothing to do here, why bother with a killer, wait, who will attack, we’ve arrived, let’s go in, well, what’s in store for the coming day for us, i’m afraid it’s nothing joyful, viktor ivanovich. is this a new
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defense strategy? no, these are newly discovered circumstances. the fact is that the day before there was murzin. is this some kind of joke? yes, no, such things are not joked about, especially in this room. why are you looking at me like that? how? what do i have to do with it? if you want to know, by the way, i know that you had salt, and i also know, this is the most important thing, that she was your confidant, she is aware of all the nuances of the activities of your administration, so what does that have to do with you?
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and you must tell me only the truth, you have to be frank with me, then i will somehow be able to build a normal line of defense, because our positions, viktor ivanovich, are, to put it mildly, shaky, just some kind of nonsense, this is not nonsense, this is the bitter truth, i ask you , trust me , i’m an experienced person, i’ve been doing this all my life, i can help you, and... you came to accuse me of olga’s murder, so here’s the truth, i didn’t kill her, i didn’t order her murder, and i i don’t know anything about this, i’m shocked, that’s all, are you in one, are you in one?
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i need the phone, i'll come by later, come in,
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why did you decide that this was related to goosebumps? with whom else? i have no other enemies, lord , why would i deliberately drink borjomi with you , i remember that car number, no, come on, come here, look at the photos, maybe you’ll remember someone, well, no, then, look more carefully, this one, maybe this one, next , but this one, no, not him, this one, yes, here he is, i’m sure i remember him very well, such a face, paramon, who is this, you know him, the right hand of kursk,
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that’s all, that’s all, to me the end, listen, what the end, stop us like a woman, and write a statement, come on write, write, statement, statement, i ask you to protect and provide state protection, but i immediately say, if they press me, i’m not, i’m not a hero, listen, we know that i’m not a hero, let’s write, that’s how i wrote the defense. now an explanation, an explanation, uh-huh, in more detail, uh-huh, they attacked, so, threatened , led by a criminal authority, paramonov gennady vasilyevich, from the veils to me under the nickname paramon, paramon, yes, write, write, otherwise he won’t provide protection, then we’ll figure it out, that’s it you'll be
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fine, tomorrow we'll take you to one place, some place, a safe place, paramons there those. it will get you, it won’t get you, wait, i have a business, listen, what kind of business, if it ruins you, what kind of business, and put your signature, yeah, and don’t forget the date, please, yeah, everything will be okay, don’t be afraid. excuse me, what happened, what do you look like? murzhena was killed, of course.
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for you, personal ambitions are more important than people, my personal ambitions are connected exclusively with the quality of work for which i am responsible, demagoguery, quality, what quality of work, when a bribe case gets bogged down in extraneous details, what makes you think that morzine murder is associated with goosebumps, banal wait a minute, robbery and other bullshit, baby , you just said that it was cleared, i ... told you that, you don’t think that i ’m going to say that to others, then the gvd
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will eat us whole, what did we miss? witness, robbery and period, nothing was missing from her except her mobile phone, well , another mobile phone is worth a lot, we didn’t have time to take the rest, neighbors or passers-by could have scared us off, and with regards to goosebumps, it’s all pure speculation, but not for me, that’s enough, i don’t want anything listen, give me the result of the main case and let vysotskaya deal with the murder, i’ll give her the case, go, stop, keep in mind that if further investigation materials also get into the press, it won’t be enough for us, neither me nor you, i won’t even understand where the information comes from, maybe someone is leaking it from yours, the darkness of low truths is dearer to us, everything is an elevating deception that is nothing. i already have such a newspaper, thank you, let me deviate, go, complain, or
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maybe family confusion is bothering you, i mean, well, i heard that you and our yana are, well, in the sense , it’s like you’re divorcing your wife and leaving the family. heard wrong, don't get divorced, i’m just taking a second wife, we decided to convert to islam, excuse me, work is waiting for me, i’m a muslim, i should report out of harm ’s way. i’m listening, but no, i’m listening to you,
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why did you hang it on me? which of us is which, and secondly, i don’t understand these things of yours now. no one is insured, besides, vityusha , freedom must be earned, my dear
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, earned, that's it, that's it, the conversation is over, that's it, there will be information, i'll let you know that the phone, that's it, is free, yeah, reception of the head of the administration, viktor ivanovich, unfortunately, i'm not at work right now. hello, i’m listening to you, i need samoilov, murashok’s deputy. and i don’t know when the funeral will be, when the prosecutor will allow it. but we must be prepared, and i don’t care how much it costs, i don’t
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bury my friends every day. have they come to arrest me now? are you ready to write an appearance? tell me, do investigators never torture their conscience? you know, this is the question i always wanted to ask the heads of district administrations as their deputy. don’t you understand that if it weren’t for your investigation, the little girl would be alive now? murzina, not the only one witness in the case, then others are also in danger. for example, are you afraid? it could.
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it’s unlikely that you will consider their testimony trustworthy, because we could come to an agreement, couldn’t it, then i went home, thank you, so when did you see her for the last time, the day before yesterday, when she left work, she came to you for questioning, then she called back and said that she had a headache and asked for a day off, you called me later, well, you probably already checked her phone, yes, we called on the phone, she dialed me immediately after the interrogation, do you remember the conversation? yes, there there's nothing to remember. she said that you have exhausted the soul from her, that she has a headache and she is going home, where she has an urgent meeting. with whom? did not say. hmm, interesting, washed my soul. why did she lie? did you lie? oh, she ran away from the interrogation. true, before that we managed
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to talk in the corridor. mmm. this doesn’t look like olya, she was, she was a very consistent person, maybe it was because of the meeting, someone called her while she was waiting, called for an urgent meeting, we are checking, who do you think it could be ? uli had a very close relationship with victor, both business and personal, but you understand, that’s why his arrest... she took all of us much closer. have you heard kursky? kursk is a long-time business partner of murashka. and olya knew him well. they didn’t let us get close, but there was very serious money floating around there. olya was aware of these topics, you know? i think that as soon as
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victor was arrested, she immediately rushed to kursky for help. and what did kursk say? according to rumors, korsky was very dissatisfied with the current situation; because of victor’s personal leaders, their joint projects, but of course i won’t say this on the record, there is no need for the records , the case of murzina’s murder is being handled by another investigator, he will contact you, but i came to interrogate you in the bribe case, i don’t know anything about the bribe case . with the exception of one thing, viktor ivanovich would not get dirty because of some 15 thousand, but for how much he would, do not cling to the words, i am an investigator, this is my job, viktor ivanovich is an honest man, a great professional in his field, about no i don't know anything about bribes, hello,
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duty officer, yes, mommy, i understand, duty officer. uh-huh, now you listen to me, i tell you, mom , it always seems to you that i don’t listen to you, lieutenant colonel dzyuba, yes dzyuba is my comrade, he’s sitting next to me, mom, i’m not drunk, what are you talking about, i’m actually not drinking, yashin didn’t show up, i won’t be home for 3 days, i’m on an important business trip, as soon as he shows up, you can be a little quieter, i ’m talking to my mom, mommy, you can go without me for 3 days, as soon as yashin shows up, he’ll call me right away, yes, i'll come, i'll decide everything, see before... food , i'll decide everything, that's it, mommy, kiss, bye, bye they spilled the beans, i, no, that’s right , no one should know where you are, not even your mother, listen, if information leaks,
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it will be from your wonderful office, and not from my family, you’re in vain, not everything is for sale here. not everything, not everything, though. why the hell shut it off half an hour before the locomotive, everything is organized like the papuans, damn it.
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tell me what it is.
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oh, every tuesday for goods, every wednesday back, no life, you think it’s easy for me, but what are you offering, i, by the way, may be enough, but boo-boo-boo, boo-buboo-boo, give me sleep, excuse me, please, excuse me, yeah, well, i can’t take it anymore, i’m a healthy man, why am i selling some bras, oh, what are you suggesting, well, the loan has to be repaid, huh?


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