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tv   Za granyu  NTV  February 1, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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rather than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. spend save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits. beyond. due to the attacks of her lover's ex-wife, she lives under cctv cameras.
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i also assume that jealous elena would like to bring him back, perhaps punish him. you think she can cause you physical harm. i do not exclude this possibility. i take it that's why you installed cctv cameras? yes, to protect yourself? and at home, at work. where do you work? i have my own beauty studio, a small one. has this woman already come to your beauty studio or home? home, thank god. no, she came to the studio
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several times, for the first time elena came to us under the guise of a client, she didn’t find me, she turned around and left, about two weeks later, she came again, pulled me away from work, said: i need to talk, i left , brought her to the cameras that i had at that time, and we started a conversation, first she started asking me, what is your relationship with my husband, did she call your young man her husband? although they are already divorced, she tried to show me how bad he is, how dangerous he is, who i contacted, that he first ingratiates himself, then he can hit you, that she is a victim of domestic violence, that look, i have documents there, all that stuff, she tried to protect you , yes, at first, then when i said that ellen, well, i have nothing to talk to you about, she already said that imagine that something would happen to your daughter there, that is, she threatened your daughter?
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yes, how old is your daughter? 7 years. your entire conversation with your lover's ex-wife was caught on camera video surveillance. we have this footage. let's see. what is your relationship with my husband, max, right? where did you get the idea that i would answer your questions? because i'm still his wife. congratulations. the fact is that he beat me for almost a year, and if he tells you some fairy tales, then it’s not true. i am a victim of domestic violence against my husband, my relationship shouldn’t bother you at all, if it’s your husband, deal with him, read how he beat me, yulian, i’m not interested in that, take 2, 3, 5, this is very bad, it’s interesting , you have a daughter, and if this happens to your daughter, and then they tell her that this is not interesting, please leave, you are now
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behaving aggressively enough, i will call someone and if with this will happen to your daughter and she will be answered like this, i will put it as you say it, now your daughter is growing up, think about it in the evening, if i were our heroine, i would also be scared, because it was clear that the woman was in some kind of state of hysteria, and what she will do next moment is completely unknown, and this is very dangerous, it seemed to me that she really believed in what she was saying, but that she came to her, they told her that no, she was not interested, that is... i got the impression that an absolutely normal woman, i i didn’t see a conflict here , she came with her pain, that she
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had lived through very difficult moments of her life with this man, she came to warn like a woman, she didn’t see a conflict and didn’t see threats towards the child, she said that she warned that. .. what if something like this happens, that’s why i came to say about it. ekaterina, did your ex-wife’s words that she is a victim of domestic violence influence your attitude towards your boyfriend? of course not. you didn't believe her about anything? they didn’t look at the documents that she brought, it was not interesting, because maxim treats us with reverence, with care, this is not about him at all. how long have you been in a relationship with him? have you been living together for about a year? now yes. are you officially married? not yet. next to maxim, do you feel it? i feel safe, absolutely safe, i feel very comfortable with him, your child, she calls him daddy , he never raised his hand to you, under no circumstances, there was not even a hint of it, but you generally have conflicts, you know, i can’t even call it a conflict, because it
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’s very everything is fast, he somehow turns everything around, even i can’t even be in a bad mood, because he ’s very, so what, what, what, how? anna, can the same man be, roughly... an ideal family man with one woman and a tyrant with another, unfortunately, easily, the fact is that he can be really very a good man, he was slandered, but if violence did take place and the attention of law enforcement agencies has already been attracted, most likely this man can, can hide and he can behave exceptionally and give the impression of a very good, nice person for the time being, more than that he he may even sincerely believe in it himself and try. but now with a new woman, a new life, before the explosion, if a person raised his hand once, will he continue to do so ? almost always this is repeated with the extreme exception of some emotional breakdown, well, just a very good person, almost always, yes. ekaterina, in this situation, are you most worried about your
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daughter? yes, my child used to be able to walk safely in front of the salon, because the windows are large, the parking lot is closed, but now this is not the case. elena. perhaps the one who has suffered the most just wants to expose the tyrant, who is still saving face and so that other people do not suffer, it is clear that this looks like mania, but it is unknown to what degree of madness , the person is simply driven, but it seems to me, you know, also maxim, i probably should somehow make a contribution to talk, maxim tried to talk to his ex-wife, she doesn’t make contact, she doesn’t make contact, sergey, what to do in such a situation, i’m in your place,
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we contacted a security agency, we, we had motion sensors installed and even alarm buttons, but you didn’t think about just breaking up with this person, you’re not married, you don’t have children together, no, no, you can really, well, sort of break off the relationship, save yourself from problems, or you love him so much and want a joint, serious future with him, even there was no thought of separation, and you are not afraid to repeat the fate of his ex-wife, absolutely not, i am in maxim... i am 100% sure that i will definitely not repeat such a fate, so you say that elena is pursuing you, she claims that she just wants to save you from the tyrant, in the studio elena is true, hello
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elena, you have your real name, is this your husband’s last name? we took this surname as a pseudonym; it was my idea, that is, we officially changed it in the passport. and next to your ex-husband, ekaterina is really in dangers in the future? yes , because before that, when we didn’t know each other yet, he beat up a disabled man on a bridge, robbed him, later he killed his ex-girlfriend’s cat, all these cases happened before me and before i met, people also warned me, that’s how i i wanted to warn ekaterina that everyone has the right to the past, and i now evaluate maxim by his actions today and argue that this is how cruel he is, we also have a cat, and you can’t imagine how she... meets him and how she contacts him, and you aren't you afraid that he will kill you too? absolutely
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not. elen, you say that you just want to warn, protect, save ekaterina from danger, but ekaterina said that you not only came to her salon, but also called her relatives, complaining about your ex-husband, why? i wrote once to her mother and sent her a document stating that... and he was charged with an administrative fine for beatings, beating someone, me, there were numerous beatings, eight beatings, well , bleeding, seven abrasions, there were several bites, well, in general more, yes, i have two bit my hand once, once i still have a scar, he bit my finger, so i sent this document, to which her mother simply wrote to me, why and what you want from me, i... wrote : well, the more people know, the more people are safe, this is where our dialogue will end,
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and then after some time i posted a post on my social networks, with photos, i started adding everyone, friends, well, on social networks it appears, you know each other, and where there are more mutual acquaintances, those are the ones i added, someone for me wrote and asked why you were adding me, i answered to other people, look at the post on my page, and tell me how... that your ex-husband bit you, one time i couldn’t get out of the apartment, i grabbed the keys, and here he is he bit me on the hand , so i wanted to run away from the apartment, because he was throwing ceramic dishes at me, that is, mugs, plates were flying, but he didn’t let me near the door, he bit me on the hand so that i would give the keys, that’s a lie, well, these bites, for example, are quite difficult to come up with, scars stayed, yes, because elena. closed the door, snatched the phone from him and didn’t let him out, and that is, do you
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believe the fact of the bite itself? i might just be physically pushed aside, if maxim really beat you, there’s a fist as big as your face, you wouldn’t have a face, it doesn’t bother you that he hits, beat a woman, he didn’t beat her, he even bit, well, he bit, i i don’t know if she gave him the phone, what difference does it make for what purpose he bit the woman, what do you mean? there was a situation, it was on the street, he started to choke me, and he beat me out for 3,000 rubles so that i
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i gave him the money, the next incident was, he was with his parents, he beat me, because i couldn’t bear his parents anymore, with his parents, i just came to my mother-in-law and said that i, well, i can’t stand this anymore, let him - well, how something had to be done with him, and i came to ask for support there, and he said right in front of her that... he said, yes, i strangled her before, i regret that i didn’t strangle her earlier, he said this in front of his mom, after that his assault continued, well, he beat me right there, just like he beat you on in the eyes of my mother, mother and father, he hit me in the face, blood flowed from my temple, choked me, and my parents reacted how and how, they did not take action, did not call the police, no, they did not call the police, they said how well, calm down for him, and quickly for me. get ready, leave , it turns out that he me, i put on a fur coat, he took me by the fur coat, lifted the air and
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threw me against the closet, i fell right on all fours, my leg was broken, well, all swollen, in general, i’m still i've been going to the doctors for a while now, i have a displacement in the pelvic area, there on the right side the muscles have atrophied, starting to atrophy there, but i am still limping, yes i am, because it happens to me that it shoots from the pelvis to the knee, due to this injury? did you contact the police? yes, i applied, the investigation has not yet ended, it is still ongoing. sergey, can a person be held accountable, to what kind? it’s possible if you prove that the event happened, so i understand that... the court has already brought him to administrative responsibility, but for beatings, that’s right, repeated beatings, this is, so to speak, a re-trial they are initiating a criminal case , maybe there were some other crimes, maybe there were others , i have skt on my head, he repeatedly strangled me, locked me in the apartment, and that is , even initially took away my phone so that
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i could not call anyone if the phone was called even a child from school , he didn’t let me answer, he brought me to a state where i was lying on the floor, my legs were twitching, that is, there were ambulances, he didn’t call me, he didn’t call doctors, the beatings were so severe that yes beatings , yes, and as if, but as in this is the hell your child lived, this is not your common child with him, no, not common, how old is he, now 15, how did he treat a child, he didn’t beat him, no, he didn’t beat him, but for a long time i hid and he, accordingly , hid, but he knew how to very... change his state, that is, if he beat me later, let’s say a child could come home from school earlier, then he could simply change anger for mercy and immediately say, oh, maybe you warm up some tea, well, my mom and i just had a little fight, she’s crying, now she’ll go to another room, rest, lie down, let me prepare something for you, he’s so
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sweet, caring, he immediately turned into a completely different person, how long did your marriage last since 2008. i don’t understand, ekaterina trusts a man so blindly and killed me the phrase that every person has the right to his past, yes, of course, but there must be some kind of line, it’s true, i understand, love is blind, but to completely brush everything aside and say, this is all not true, this is impossible, anna, but you can explain why catherine is so protective my man in front of everyone, i willingly believe
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that our man, about whom we are all talking, behaves perfectly with catherine. great, she might, no, she listens to elena , she might, now she even has some doubts, but she doesn’t believe it, because it can’t be, she slandered, she’s jealous, she wants to take him back, well, yes, yes, and i, well , i actually know from experience, and from client experience, how certain people can behave, how charming, manipulative they can be and generally, i might add, generally pure swindlers who play for the long haul,
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with such a tyrant, what did she endure, our girl, wait, wait, the girl is very active, our girl, she raised all the networks, social networks, found all the mothers , came there, found out everyone’s addresses , warned everyone, raised everyone’s ears , she came on the program, and what is she like, but during all this time she couldn’t raise the same fuss to stop it all or somehow protect herself, and women are like, you know, she warned, he’s bad, ah-ah-ah , such a bastard kills cats. and the woman told her, yes, i listened, that’s it, thank you, why did she continued it to her mother there, in fact, leave her alone, well, well, she’s like this, excuse me, a fool who wants such a monster, yes, she’s been waiting for this prince for so long, he came, then the ex comes and wants one, and wants to destroy this fairy tale , it is possible to admit that a person has changed, but to be very careful, careful, what i heard during the filming when
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she came to her salon, is not a threat to life, the health of her and her child, but... why is he like this with one, with is he different? because she takes his word for it, and i need facts, and if i hear anything from others people, i will check. what will elena’s ex-husband say in response? the person has a very difficult character and it was very difficult for me. in her situation
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, i think he will succeed in bringing you to some kind of responsibility, so to speak, including criminal liability. we'll find out very soon. hello, i am with you, nadezhda babkina, and i apologize for this program. nadezhda babkina. let's talk frankly. who did you come to ask for forgiveness? always ready to have a heart-to-heart talk. did he propose to you? no, he didn’t propose to me, he didn’t, give me wise advice, you need to wait for the moment, and not put pressure, and not interfere, control a little, console , oh, i’m so afraid a little, don’t be afraid, i’m here to support, you have something to tell your father, i’m deeply offended by him, let’s call him now , come on, dial, hello, hello, dad, i'm sorry, the premiere of a new soulful show. with nadezhda babkina tomorrow at 16:50 on ntv. bonanza. the final. today at 22:15 on ntv.
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but pay attention to this, i have a daughter first class, very small, safety above all, she did not threaten, but only wanted to warn ekaterina , says thirty-five-year-old elena pravda, according to the woman, her ex-husband severely beat her , raised his hand, locked her in the apartment, did not allow her to leave, took away her phone, she pulled her head by the hair. moron, threw things at me with a knife, came into my room, wanted to stab me, i just don’t want anyone else to suffer at his hands. elena, why did you start quarreling? well, let’s say he liked that i was the leader i can be, but he had never been one at that time. did he work at all and support his family? yes, what was he doing? repair work, i turn out to be a contractor for him,
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i was for some time, and he was a worker, he said, he came here to start. i'm out of command , i don't need a wife like that, i need a wife, not a boss, i just want to understand the reason why he started beating you, he didn't have money, you can't complain to his parents, that's our problem, you can't take quarrels out of control , whose apartment you lived in, from your own, let me clarify right away, ekaterin, you live in someone’s apartment, in your own , he has a place to live, we’re just in a convenient area, i have a very close friend there, he has a place to live, elena, one simple question arises: why did you put up with this for so long? he threatened me, he simply said: “either we restore our relationship, or i will kill you, i will kill your whole family, and then you better move to another country. i believe that this can happen, because mm, i ’ll take taking into account my marriage there, my ex-husband, yes, he could also behave like..."
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this is not entirely correct in relation to me, but here i have to endure for 5 years that i’m crazy or something, not 5 years, for 3 years of which he was in prison, so in the sense of what he was in prison for, how he got there, tell me, he stole a car at work and got into an accident, this already happened when you were married, we were dating at that time, and how did you react to it, i felt sorry for him at that moment and lent him money so that he paid. there was an investigation for the car he crashed, so he asked, he says, you have familiar connections, ask around what is legally allowed, we also discussed the fact that it’s better for us to get married, since we’re together, we’ll be married, that’s why you went for it, did you think that it would cut off his sentence, or something, a mitigating circumstance, i am like a little son, he was formally in his possession, the court , in accordance with the criminal code , takes into account as
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a mitigating circumstance when passing a sentence. marriage didn’t work out very well, he got a prison sentence, you went to see him in prison, yes, he said, stay with me, he also called his son on a date , my son and i even went there, that is, you hoped that you would have a normal family after that, i believed everything he said, and what he said, that he loves me madly, he wants family, children, there will be more children, children will be like him... he will see, in front of his son, has he ever beaten you? yes, the last case was when we were kicking him out together, he started to raise his hand on me, he pushed me, i fell on the floor, he ran up and the child started saying, well, don’t touch your mother, otherwise i i’ll hit you myself, to which my husband grabbed a leg of a chair or something like that was lying in our apartment, some kind of long stick, he said: hit me, your son
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didn’t hit him... the guy , yes, young, young, when first of all they beat their mother in front of their eyes, then they threaten that they will take him to an orphanage, yes, and all this does not pass without a trace, in general this whole situation is really beyond absolutely terrible, but i also wanted to say , that everyone at the studio has a question, this is how it could take so many years, so many years, it doesn’t matter if it’s 2 or 3 years, i just as a specialist this is enough , unfortunately it is understandable
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, recently the pdn came to me, that is , i pick up the phone, they tell me, i say, and for what reason did you come and leave the new child, he is not fed, he is not looked after, you are for don’t follow him, your ex wrote a statement against you, ekaterina, and why did he write to the guardianship authorities about the mother of a child who was not his own, he didn’t do it, he didn’t contact you even once for a single day, and the whole family crossed themselves, when you got divorced, why these next conflicts, that’s why he divorced, he fled beech. elen, when did the divorce from your husband finally take place? the divorce was only finalized in may; at first he did not agree to the divorce himself. you initiated the divorce, right? no, i received a letter that he filed a lawsuit against me, that is, he filed for divorce, yes,
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ekaterina, everything was wrong with the divorce? there was a conversation about the divorce in front of me, where he said, let’s divorce calmly, without anything, we have nothing to share, to which elena replied that no, you’re getting on my nerves here. spoiled, now i’ll also spoil your nerves, after which he said: well, in this way in case i will be forced to go to court, he did and after the first meeting elena said: i don’t want to get a divorce, give us time for reconciliation, during this period she, she came to me, i didn’t ask, i said, i need to come one day in yourself, you hoped to get him back, why did you ask the court for time, you loved him, well, initially yes, that is, you are a victim, and he is divorcing you, and when they divorced, they killed him, i see no other reason to ask the court to wait. i was afraid of him, i was afraid to leave the court with him after the divorce, i wrote on the same day a statement that they would divorce us without him , because the court said, we don’t let you think for a day, that means a month, he put something there, he freaked out and ran away, but what do you now
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want to achieve from your ex-husband, criminal liability and moral compensation, criminal liability for beatings, injuries for beatings, but i ’ve been on medication for more than a year, i take pills. and compensation in the region of a million rubles. you know ilene, your ex-husband thinks that you only do all this because you can’t come to terms with divorce. in our studio maxim is true. hello, maxim. hello. do you know what complaints your ex-wife has against you? well heard. how much of this is true? what did she tell us, that she wants to put you in jail, and also to collect a million rubles for the beatings caused and so on, she wants to take revenge on me, simply because i left, elena said that you raised your
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hand against her more than once, this is not so, the photographs we saw, you took it, i did it, during the scandal i tried to leave the apartment, elena didn’t let me go, but fortunately... my physical health allows me to take the person and move him away, but she squeezed my phone very tightly, and in the heat of the scandal i couldn’t think of anything better, bite my finger so that she would unclench her hand, that’s all, there was another moment when i pulled her out of my parents’ apartment by the hood of her fur coat, you’re talking about this photograph, yes, yes, absolutely right, it was like that, she arrived and started making a scandal there, and in my... to to my parents, you took me by the fur coat and threw me into closet, i pulled it out by the hood of my fur coat, into the landing behind the door, that’s it, well , look at me, if i had thrown it into the closet, but probably this photograph
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would not have happened. maxim, tell us what happened with the cat you killed, with the disabled person who was beaten, elena told us all about it, i honestly still regret it, yes, i did. i mutilated the cat, what did he do to you, the cat just crap, well, constantly, that is, they couldn’t train it in any way, then at one fine moment i couldn’t stand it and just, well seams. threw it a couple of times and it so happened that the cat hit and could not withstand the blow, what happened to the disabled man? firstly, he is not disabled, let's start with that, secondly, there was just a fight on the bridge, during which i tore the chain off him, but what was the fight about, what was the conflict about? yes, just a drunken conflict, i was walking home drunk, he was walking towards me, i don’t even remember what happened. elen, then you remind maxim why you were beaten, he threw you on the bed, grabbed your hair, i had long hair,
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like that, he tripped me , he constantly hit me on the head with his fists like that, i didn’t inflict such beatings, after i already lived separately in kaluga, a minibus there, well, i got into a small accident, there were no serious injuries there, but there were people there with bruises, contusions and so on, why do you remember this incident, elena called me, well, she said that she was on this march like this. she is capable of simply inflicting
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some slight injury on herself, you want to say, maxim, that she is simply slandering you, embellishing you, and what happened is very strong exaggerating, you didn’t regularly beat her as hard as she says, she records everything on a tape recorder, she also filmed everything on camera, why are there no photographs of the beatings that i inflicted then, there is a neck, so to speak, with signs of suffocation, what can you even- then qualify as a threat to kill? in her situation, to bring you to any kind of responsibility, so to speak, including criminal, i think that she will succeed, elena, why are there only two photographs, because i did not do this for the investigation, and i did not know that they will be useful to me, but in order to answer my friend there, well , what kind of moments, you know, there were plenty of conflicts in our lives, she often provoked me into aggression, that is... there was aggression, the aggression was more of
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a verbal nature, but i could push her away, i often went out into the street in order to stop the scandal, in order to breathe , just to calm down, and it got to the point that she was running around the area looking for me, for example, yes, i went for a walk somewhere, she was running around looking for what was she looking for to just continue the showdown, then the person has a very difficult character. and it was very difficult for me, why did maxim endure the difficult character of his wife for so long and did not immediately file for divorce, she tried to persuade me to withdraw the application for divorce, that she likes to be in a state of victim, i think that elena is a very big provocateur and manipulator, for what reason did elena, according to her friend, not run away from her husband without looking back? i must help him, i must give him a chance, he is a good person. and he will correct himself, we will continue
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after the advertisement. timur eremeev announced himself at the whole country, as the illegitimate son of spartak mishulin. oh, i was so worried about you, i was so sick. but what does the actor and tv presenter know about his father? when we met, we kissed on the bangs; i always didn’t like the fact that my cheek was unshaven. now i see that you look very much like your father. why has his mother been on the sidelines all her life? i gave birth and he says: well, and she says, it’s a boy, and at birth he did not receive either a middle name or a surname from his father, if my friend or my colleague asks who your dad is, i want to have the right to say who my dad, how many dna tests did he do to prove to karina mishulina that they are brother and sister, your sister stole your chopsticks, sent through me through sweden to america for a dna examination, i was like, what and how much more in the world.
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beyond, it's beyond. she is a victim of domestic violence,” thirty-five-year-old elena said in our studio. truth from kaluga and listed: her ex-husband beat her mercilessly, bit and strangled her, now after the divorce the woman wants to put him in prison. i want him to be brought to justice, i want moral compensation in the region of a million rubles. but the fact that he now does not raise his hand against his woman and does not create any scandals there is a temporary phenomenon. thirty-seven-year-old himself maxim assures me the truth. the ex-wife just wants to take revenge on him; she wants to put me in prison because she wants to take revenge for the fact that i left, i left her without a dojo. because no matter how she never works, she is such a rather greedy person and very deceitful.
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maxim, if you felt so bad, why didn’t you leave, left, in the end, after a year, i don’t want to communicate with this person at all, i want to completely forget what it was like, when the moth is that she is a bad mother. take the child from her, you are like sherochka and masherochka, i i’ll be honest, i told her that i would ask her to pay attention to the pdn if she starts ruining my life , just to make me afraid so that she doesn’t ruin my life, you know, they contacted the police, i didn’t contact the police, the district police officer called me in order to carry out a survey on elena’s appeal to the police, during which you explained that she behaves badly as a mother, you questioned me correctly, answer my question, please. including about our life together, of course, the child was mentioned, that’s all, and what you said, well, for example, that one
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the fact that the son at one point decided to simply move to live with his grandfather, this was not after you forced him to kick himself from the chair, that happened, no, i didn’t force him to kick him, again a conflict, again elena screams that she is being beaten there, humiliated, he runs in, i say , come on, hit him, what did you then, well, take the leg , take it, hit him, he didn’t take it, you gave it to him, well , you see how our testimony differs, you know, how i see this situation, the whole thing, seriously, she likes to be in a state of victim, she likes to receive these emotions negative, maxim, and he, well, well, got fed up , it’s clear that he shouldn’t have beaten her like that, but again, he doesn’t believe the pit until the end, he’s fed up, he leaves, yes, when he’s had enough, he leaves, no it is necessary to use force there, but... i don’t believe it a little in the sense that there were a lot of beatings, family violence is always latent in nature, why
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does the state pay a lot of attention to this, because wives are not always out of love, out of pity, out of others, they endure violence for years, then it all ends in murder, and a huge number of women who those convicted of murder are wives who have tolerated their terran husbands for years, you see, in turn, many men are imprisoned for slander when a woman provokes yes. i didn’t offer you this, but i also have a voice recorder for this. elena, since you have a recording of everything, let us
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finally listen to these recordings. here is one of them. you understand that if i go to prison now because of you, i will get out of there, i will behave very well there. i will behave so well that i will be discharged, and i will find you, and i will find you. maxim, this is not your opinion threats, this is self-defense, in the sense of self-defense, i will slaughter your family, timur, timur, this is a complete crime, provided for in article 119 of the criminal code of the russian federation, threats to kill , maxim, what we just heard, explain to me what this is, this the result of elena’s hard work is a provocation. because she tells me that i will do everything to put you in prison, this is also a very
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important context, and i would really like to hear what preceded this phrase, because when threats are made against you that i will put you in prison, and this is also 119, and this is also a threat of certain actions, then in this case a person can defend himself. ekaterina, i want to hear how you like this recording, no way. i’ll explain now, i was serving, naturally, this is a very big moral burden, here the person whom i should trust completely and completely as myself, on the basis of a small domestic dispute , turns on this voice recorder without, well, without warning, of course. maxim, why didn’t you just leave elena then? i wanted to leave, she knelt in front of me and asked me not to leave, okay, i don’t...
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i say, even if you now give a period for reconciliation, i say, i will avoid meeting with this person, in any case, i want a divorce, which is why you filed for divorce? well, she often kicked me out of the house, and well , once again, when she kicked me out again , that’s enough, i think that’s enough, i just have my own place, we were renting it out at that time, that ’s how you reacted to how she came? ekaterina, i was shocked, elena is annoying you, i do music, i do tattoos, accordingly, all self-promotion takes place through social networks, and anti-advertising also occurs through social networks, that is, well, it really spoils my reputation and, accordingly , scares away the majority of clients.
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anton, who do you trust more? i believe in such tyrant men. who look very decent, because they exist, i also believe in half-crazed manic women who stalk, who manipulate, and so on and who knows what they want, because they also exist, now i’m honestly completely confused, because it seems like both of them speak adequately, somehow, everything has become very balanced, these two people have found each other.
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constantly, it really was like that, he constantly wrote to his relatives, he wrote to me once a month there, she consistently reminded me of it, it looks like now that’s exactly what you ’re doing, why do you know, karin, you just said that you elena had some kind of dependence on maxim, but maybe it was sick love, so let’s call it, yes, elena’s friend agrees with you on this, who for a long, long time insisted on her divorce from her husband, found out. “hello, hello, iveya , how long have you known elena? 16 years old, this is a very fair, honest, decent person, it seems to me that there are very few of them now. and your friend always chose difficult, so to speak, men, the previous one, well, before maximum , yes, it was most likely a complex relationship
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, complex, complex in some ways, yes, there was a jealous person. in your opinion, why did this happen? perhaps all this is due to the upbringing of the family, lena’s parents are divorced, they divorced, i think it was 12 years, lena stayed with her father, brother and mother, len, in your family, mom and dad also had conflicts, yes, there was also domestic violence, yes, and you saw all this as a child, yes, anna, could this have affected lena’s future life? of course, it could have an impact, because for us in early childhood, parents are role models, there are two options for the development of events, either , on the contrary, a woman finds a man who is almost perfect and provokes something with his behavior that he becomes a monster, or finds a monster so that confirm your traumatic childhood experience, we imprint it in childhood, this is called imprinting, we saw a model, somehow even if we don’t
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want to reproduce it, but what... maxim went out into the street with these unfamiliar men, lena went to see what was happening, and they have a conflict there, and they have a conflict there, lena began to stand up for maxim, this man hit lena, and maxim did nothing, these three men basically started beating me because of elena and... i covered her with myself, iveya , she told you that maxim beats her, of course, i told her, this relationship needs to end, she said that i can’t end this relationship now, i have to help him, i have to give him a chance, he is a good person, and he will improve, i call it, well, co-dependent colleagues relationships, plus there
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is also this concept of emotional swing, dopamine, yes, we got into a fight. honor and dignity, look in a couple of minutes, a man cannot get married, register
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himself as a newborn daughter, we decided that we would turn to you to help us, so that our daughter has a father, all because the mother i lost his documents, we lived in tajikistan, and my father and mother divorced , my mother took us to russia, well... on the way , when we were traveling, our documents were stolen, now he has neither citizenship nor passport. i contacted the passport office, but they told me, you are not a citizen of russia, we cannot help you. will he be able to become a legal husband and father? he needs to get the status of a stateless person and get a temporary identity card here in russia. what if one of the relatives confirmed timur's identity, say, through a dna test, this would simplify the task, simplify it a lot. we will help him in any case, i am opening the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. chef, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. one of
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get tanka atali premium right now for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. chef, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond . this is beyond the bounds. thirty-five-year-old elena pravda from kaluga intends to imprison imprisonment of her ex-husband maxim pravda for bullying and beatings. and demands a million rubles in compensation for more than a year , he tortured me, i want to ensure that he goes to prison for everything he has done and to achieve justice and truth. elena is sure that a bitter fate awaits the man’s new chosen one, ekaterina mishina. but she doesn’t think so. everything elena writes is completely upside down. she created her own world, in which she firmly believes. we've been living together for a year. it never happened that
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he was somehow aggressive towards me - himself led ekaterina, is it really idi ileya in your relationship? yes, we have a real family, we are very close, friendly, maxim is very much your guest, let’s see. for six months now, maxim pravda and his beloved ekaterina mishina have been living in perfect harmony in her two-room apartment. the man immediately began repairs. so i installed a partition. i’ll lay the laminate myself, who else? in the room of his daughter catherine, a seven-year-old barbarian, he himself assembled a bed, bedside tables and a desk, at which the girl does her homework. naturally, according to opportunities, either katya or i help, we always give advice there. well done, you wrote everything correctly. in their free time, the whole family likes to go to the trampoline center, to the cinema and to the snow slide, says varya. she doesn’t let go of maxim’s embrace and lovingly calls him. i liked him right away, one
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wonderful moment, we were taking the trash, when we were walking back to mom’s car, i said, dad, the lady of the house is bragging, maxim managed to do the impossible, if before her daughter was picky about food, now she’s both cheeks devoured everything that was prepared for her, he brought a burner to cook the meat. warm up, which means he made the turkey a piece of butter, he then melted it, it was for the child, wow, show, in the kitchen ekaterina and maxim show a drawing of a barbarian, which depicts the whole family. varvara brings this drawing, it ’s mom, dad and me, well, of course, on the refrigerator in the most visible place, mom for some reason is bigger, and dad turned out smaller, you know, it’s their own trick, they will now.


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